Medical Facts Your Doctor Wants You To Know (r/AskReddit)

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doctors and medical professionals over debt what one medical facts do you wish everybody knew your immune system is one of the greatest assets you haven't you never thank it in your life your body will autonomously eradicate between six ten cancers without your realizing it will fight your infections repair micro traumas and police the entire population of billions of cells in your body without your asking all it requests in return is a little bit of health to preserve it stop smoking lose weight maybe exercise a little don't drink so much your diet is so much more important that you realize if you want to keep hands fingers upper limbs intact do not punch a wall car door guy in the face brick etc you will end up with a boxer's fracture or a break of your fifth metacarpal bone most of the time everyone will know you were drunk when it happened and it's not comfortable or fun do not reach into the chute of the running snowblower even if it stopped because something is stuck in there do not attempt to fix your chain driven garage door opener by putting your fingers in the track and asking your wife to hit the button do not reach into an auger at work trying to retrieve your safety glove that just fell in there do not hold on to something at work that winches rope if you have a wound on your hand fingers arm and it is using something that looks green yellow white or pink go to the doctor and have it looked at you may save yourself from an amputation source I'm an RN at an orthopedic surgery center all of these things have happened numerous times and yes archaic as it seems sometimes people have to get fingers or even hands amputated in this day and age because they ignored an infection nurse here if you're an alcoholic that's admitted to the hospital don't lie about how much you drink there are drugs we can give you to take the edge off odd withdrawals it's safer for you and safer for us we're not judging you we have safety in mind when I was on my pharmacy rotations I remember a guy in the IQ for alcohol withdrawal he was having such strong tremors that even benzodiazepines couldn't stop he was there for a whole week at that point I promised myself not to have more than two beers at a time keep an eye on your weight rapid unintentional weight loss is often assigned something serious is up or gain was in the ER last night overheard guy in front of me that he gained around 30 pounds in two weeks and could no longer walk based off his swollen abdomen and wet lungs I thought he was in congestive heart failure he was room near me and it turns out that's exactly what he has if your kid has a fever and you give them tunnel or ibuprofen to bring it down they are still freaking sick you're only treating symptoms temporarily not curing anything for the love of everything holy do not give them tylenol and send them to school day care sports birthday parties et Cie to become patient zero and infect everyone else I think there's a phenomenon for this the 11 o clock spike which is when the meds where often the kid is feverish and then the mom is P when you call her to come get the kid doctor here most important role know your own history and drugs re Emma's are too inefficient to depend on especially if you've been to many different institutions yes yes yes it's in the computer is not enough and even if you are in the same town at a different health system and we can see some of your data from your usual doc EMRs are still pretty bad at talking to each other if you have tons of meds make a list also when you get asked about if you have any medical problems diabetes and high blood pressure counts not just cancer and heart attacks it's significantly more effective to prevent cancer than it is to treat it but the world isn't interested because most people just want a pill to fix their problems don't smoke wear sunscreen don't drink excessively get a bit of exercise and eat some goddamn vegetables do those and bam huge drop in cancer risk but nobody wants to hear it the pregnancy test you get in videos no different from the one at the store and equally accurate viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics but that placer bombers in though doctor here keep things out of your ears seriously safety professional here this does not apply to here plugs in loud in the wrong hands if exercise were a pill it would be the most prescribed drug in existence while elective brain surgery doesn't test that great it still tests better than dieting and exercise better off dead volunteer sauce ship crew member here when you suspect whoever is lying down is not breathing by themselves begin CPR in addition a and do not stop until medical professional arrives even if this means that you have to go on for several hours we do not perform CPR to have the patient miraculously wake up and make out with us we do this to sustain the most vital bodily function the circulation of oxygen to the brain until we can get that person to a hospital stay at home with norovirus call and ask for advice don't come in and infect a bunch of possibly already ill people mental illness can be as serious as a physical one get treated you wouldn't let a broken leg go ripple a disorder made me lose months of my life I do not remember and made me almost kill myself talk to your doctors if you are not feeling okay dentist here just because a toothache goes away doesn't mean it's all better many times it's the calm before the abscess it goes from dying to dead to abscessed in as fast as a day'll sooner drug allergies and side-effects are not the same thing it makes you look like a crazy person when you have 20 allergies and 19 of the reactions are nausea epinephrine makes my heart race Dart yes that's part of how it works one reverse cowgirl may be a fun position for you but please be careful girls too blood in your pee when not associated with pain and fever is something you need to get checked out 3 get that new ugly mole checked especially if it is painful or bleed spontaneously for noise if you notice some irregularity growth in your balls please get it checked early if you ball is the size of a grapefruit ignoring it will not make it go away it will just increase the risk of worse news than that you are fearing it is much better to be labeled a worried well than the alternative if we are stressed or rushed for time it's not personal it's the system we may not always say it but we are grateful for those who take responsibility for their health the human rectum is nightmarishly elastic go on don't care if you suspect a heart attack take an aspirin or two not ibuprofen not paracetamol not some other Dunbar's analgesic painkiller an actual aspirin also get yourself to a hospital done but that aspirin might save your life vaccines are safe and save lives no you're just trying to make us autistic you should not stop an antibiotic treatment because you feel better already seriously this is how we get superbugs people avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice if you are taking some kind of medication about 50% of pharmaceuticals on the market are metabolized at least in part by sit 3 a 4 which is inhibited by compounds found in grapefruit a doc here medical facts emergency means potential loss of life limb or eyesight it does not mean inconvenience irritation or chronic condition your sore throat evaluation in the IDI is gonna cost you $1,000 go to an urgent care just don't lie to us we don't judge you because your poop is smelly or you like to put things up there remember always we've seen something far far worse than the gerbil up your butt oh and don't frickin drink and drive some new updates because no one learns I work in a burn unit don't put accelerants on a camp bonfire don't go back into a burning house vehicle airplane don't put accelerants on bonfires this includes aerosol cans of stuff those blow up don't make game unless you have an advanced degree in the field don't put accelerants on bonfires even if it just went light don't let your pot handles hang over the edge of the stove where your kid can reach don't put accelerant on bonfires even if you've been doing it for yours don't pick up containers of flaming grease and oil don't put accelerants on bonfires diesel is an accelerant don't keep electric cigarettes in your pocket if you wear oxygen don't smoke with it on in your lap don't burn trash you don't know what the friction they're probably accelerants stop opening your radiator cap unless the car is cold carburetor injuries are common I don't know how it happens help me out car people don't put accelerants on your gadem fire no the signs of a heart attack and stroke and don't tough it out these are time sensitive and potentially deadly events paramedic Lera super frustrating when I get a patient who didn't call early enough and because of that they can't get life-saving treatment or the damage is already done it sucks when you have anxiety the symptoms of a panic attack are awfully similar to a heart attack I don't have the money to visit the Oh every time so I admit to ignoring it some of my symptoms last for days not a medical fact as much as it's just something I wish all patients would do I'd love it if patients could bring a sheet of paper with all the meds they're on past medical history past surgical history allergies and family doctor contact info it's a small thing but it can be so helpful nurse and Midwife here I wish people understood that if they are receiving treatment for a condition they still have that condition case in point if you're taking medication for something you aren't suddenly free of that disease your blood pressure meds are maintaining a normal blood pressure because you have the condition of high blood pressure your insulin is maintaining your blood sugars because you have diabetes sounds simple but amazing how much people tell us they have no conditions but around 1,000 medications that tell a different story I had one lady come into the IDI with complaints of headaches stated that she'd been diagnosed with HIV nine years prior hasn't taken any meds in the past three years because I'm undetectable and that means the virus is barely there anymore ended up having giant abscesses in her brain that required neurosurgical intervention not a doctor but something a doctor told me when the incident occurred girls if you get excruciating cramps at the time of your period and it feels much worse than it actually is go to a doctor when I was 13 I had already been confirmed to having ovarian cysts and it made it very painful for me during my periods to the point where I had passed out from the pain of it once however at one point it felt much worse than it typically did and I blew it off as being because of my period it turned out my appendix was bursting the doctor told me a lot of woman blow-off period cramps because doctors tend to do the same don't it almost meant life or death for me I used to get such bad PMS that I would be vomiting cramps where I was curled up crying bad mood swings the works the doctor told me the pain was normal and I would grow out of it freak you doctor turns out what I was going through was not normal and my new doctor is great vet tech your cat is probably obese so many people free choice their cats because it's easier or just way over feed their cats because cats whine a lot you're not doing your cat any favors he is going to get diabetes I'd guess that about 10% of cats I've seen are actually at a healthy weight get a good one toy and play with your cat everyday and for God's sake limit how much they eat also treats are supposed to be less than 10% of your pets caloric intake cool it with the treats sadly a lot of children get the same treatment doctor here don't stop your medications by yourself just don't no matter how good you feel patients stop antibiotics and relapse so many resistant TB cases here stop taking insulin and come with DKA stop taking antihypertensives and get a stroke don't stop any drug and less cleared prior with your doctor most of the diseases can only be managed they can't really be cured if you have diabetes get sugar levels tested at least once a month don't ignore it don't mix alcohol and antidepressants also no matter how bad it is we have seen worse don't be ashamed pull out doesn't mean she won't get pregnant Prem has sperm to lust if you see anyone vomiting and lost conscious turn them to their side less chances of entering lungs are pH hair do not keep your medicine in your medicine cabinet in your bathroom the steam from a shower and the temperature fluctuations will degrade your medication keep them in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight also look through your OTC items in your house and clean out the expired drugs and restock your basics ibuprofen acetaminophen pepto eyedrops et Cie I may be alone in this but I want my patients to know that there is no possible way I can keep up with all the medical advances and new studies that are out there and I also want them to know that there are thousands of conditions that I learned about in medical school that I've forgotten because I've never seen or recognized them in practice this is important because my patients frequently apologize for looking up things on the Internet no don't apologize I want you to research your condition I want you to look things up I want you to know about new treatments new research and alternative medications because often I don't I may not agree with the things you've read and that's fine to ask me about thinks you've read in the picture you found that looks like your ash I can't tell you how many times a patient has come to me with a suggestion about a possible explanation for symptoms because they read about it on the internet that turned out to be a correct or at least reasonable guess please educate yourselves about yourselves some good websites are the CDC website and a AFP org the American Academy of Family Practice and if your doctor is offended that you're trying to be educated get a different doctor source I'm a doctor smoking not only causes cancer but also a serious chlorosis COPD and multiple other problems you're much more likely to encounter when smoking keep an up-to-date list of all the medication you take including doses and bring it with you whenever you are seeking health care if you say that you take two white pills and an orange one that's so vague as to be useless being involved in your own care by making sure to have specific and accurate information is very helpful in a situation where first aid is required it is better to do something than to be scared and not do anything you might save someone's life doctors are there to help you stop lying to them they have to protect your privacy so if you're doing drugs tell them they have to keep it secret and it could kill you if you don't doctors might not snitch but the insurance company gets to see their records clinical psychologist here if you need mental health treatment try your local college campuses or fin times there are training clinics supervised by some of the best clinicians around most will provide a generous sliding fee scale treatment works especially for sleep problems depression anxiety PTSD etc also do not ignore mental health problems in your children or adolescents including when you are concerned about substance use early intervention works best and if you wait until they are 18 they may not get treatment for another decade because they refuse to go in until they mature in their late 20s so if your child or adolescent is showing signs of a mood or anxiety disorder cutting struggling with ADHD and is using drugs regularly weekly or more and you are concerned consider an intake assessment with a licensed psychologist former ends here don't get angry when that quiet person gets taken out of the awaiting room before you you have a headache and are raging and I can't help you but that person who just got taken back is quiet for a reason you're not dying death is quiet I can't tell you how many times I took someone to the yelling and kicking and screaming and when we roll up and they get looked at it's often minor I've seen people who I had a feeling would not make it they don't rave like idiots they lay still and quiet and it's almost eerie speaking from my own personal experience the few times I've been in severe pain I was not making any noise all of my concentration and focus was on the pain I could barely talk let alone wail and moan don't lie to us it never works out and if your pee is a different color don't ignore it seek help except after you eat beetroot stop frickin smoking I know it's hard I know you're addicted just stop frickin smoking P after sex any sex just do it all kinds of bacteria get pushed up your urethra you teas suck if you get in an accident as a biker don't take your helmet off your head under any circumstances you can unhook the strap if you really need to to not suffocate but that's it stop reading here if you laugh faint of heart many times your head will break like an egg in the helmet is basically the only thing preventing your skull from being skewered by your cranium shards or spilling out not necessarily a medical fact but please carry an up-to-date list of medications in your wallet or take a picture of your various pill bottles at home and keep it on your phone despite what everyone thinks everything about you isn't in the system if you're sexually active go for STI testing once or twice a year HIV can take up to six months to show and it's possible to have an STI with no symptoms well endocrinologist here and I have to let off steam last month I lost a 24 year old patient to diabetes seriously people visceral fat is frickin serious sometimes I see people mocking their pot-bellied years of it not a big deal but it is you have no idea how many silent illnesses you may be developing in your body by not monitoring your weight you have been visited by the safety Stuart little upvote in 16 seconds for 16 years of safe grinds if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 77,763
Rating: 4.9485068 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, doctors of reddit, doctors, doctor, medical, hospital, nurse, medical school, patient, patients, emergency room, diagnose
Id: 7-lInBT9cQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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