Doctors, What Makes Your Skin Crawl?

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doctors have read it even after learning and seeing the gross and gory aspects of medicine what still makes your skin crawl i can handle skin sloughing diseases gore and in head tweakers just fine but dang i hate parasites bed bugs scabies tapeworms fun fact you can end up with tapeworm eggs in your brain if you have tapeworms and your hygiene is rank enough how rank is rank enough large parasites that live in the skin i can deal with worms in the organs or microscopic spiders living in my face pores but when it comes to scabies or butterflies i want to claw my own skin off all the creepy crawlies living where they shouldn't be the more slivery the worse it is a kid is awoken by intense pain and a scratching sound in the ear usually a cockroach not so bad but a hassle to remove piecemeal leg by leg if it comes to that some guy is complaining of nasal congestion and some bleeding months after a vacation yup leeches in the nasal cavity i'm never going swimming in any rivers ever diabetic patient complaining of a non-healing wound behind his ear i scoop out dozens of maggots from underneath the skin flaps and they're falling on the patient stretcher a pregnant patient admitted for delivery is complaining of itching down there after maybe straining a bit too much and a scaris roundworm is poking its head out the butt and saying hello always makes me gag when i have to be the one to remove them i'm a trauma surgeon so blood and mangled bodies doesn't really faze me but full body skin conditions do things like eczema herpeticum and norwegian scabies make me itch all over and really uncomfortable eczema herpeticum i can tell just from the amount of time it took me to pronounce that that it isn't pleasant very little does i can see blood guts death and very little faces me but watching any video of somebody breaking a bone gets a big nope out of me the freaking louisville basketball player who had his tibia break through his skin during the game is the worst thing i've ever watched on live tv how cruel people can be dealing with disease is one thing but dealing with victims of any kind of assault domestic violence or mass tragedy is chilling to the bone yeah i can only imagine how hard that must be i've seen all sorts of disgusting and gory things which uniface me but for some reason chopped or dismembered fingers still get me kinda the same here crazy injuries gore infections etc fascinate me did anything to do with clean deep cuts i can't handle scabies definitely scabies don't want it don't want to be near it try not to touch people i'm diagnosing with it makes my skin itch just thinking about it patient as mr skip the gown because we all have it it's fine whatevs a patient has scabies bed bugs jesus freaking christ where the frick is my third ppe gunter i need six gloves and four shoe covers and if they even so much as touch me i'm taking a bath in bleach i left my phone in the break room because if it fell out of my pocket it will stay there till the end of time obligatory not a doctor but work at a vet abscesses dead living hit by car fine with all that and a little fascinated maggot cat though shudder for me it's nasty teeth there are very few things that move me in any way medicine or otherwise but damn nasty teeth i could never ever be a dentist my friend works in emergency medicine and can't stand hand wounds she's the toughest most bad butt lady i know but hand wounds make us wound like a medieval maiden among other doctors i know it's usually skin conditions and burns the common thing we all hate is abuse for me it's nasty teeth do not try to google images of rotten gums they are nasty and maggot filled and just sad and i'm going to brush like 10x more than normal when i get home now i don't mind pus blood poop urine but for the love of god i can't stand saliva it grosses me out when anesthesia suctions out saliva arty here love me some sputum all day long night shift actually there's nothing quite as satisfying as sucking a huge goober out of the back of someone's throat or a trash when you really clear them for the first time since they arrived and it's so thick it won't even get down the catheter for me vomit is the line if i smell vomit it makes me vomit not a doctor bitter former funeral professional i've seen and smelled and handled the goriest of gore in my day but i still can't stand cleaning out someone's nostrils and getting crusty boogers out hook you should just hold the tissue up to their nose and say blow not a doctor but i was a combat medic in the army infantry with several deployments to iraq during the war interestingly enough i dealt with a lot less gunshot wounds than i thought i would all things considered i guess the body armor the issue really works there was a lot of trauma from explosives though anyway i was fairly immune to most injuries i encountered including a pretty bad head injury with exposed brain matter he lived by the way but one thing that will always make my skin crawl just to think about it is burns especially full body burns i'm always grateful that i never had to be on scene when treating severe burns but i did work in several aid stations and a hospital stateside that received and treated people with third-degree burns covering most of their bodies thank god or whatever whoever that these injuries were far less common than others but if you ever meet someone who said they were a fueler in iraq or afghanistan they had what was potentially one of the most dangerous jobs in the war fuel trucks don't mount armor i probably shouldn't tell you this but well i feel like you should know you have eyeballs i'm so so sorry my wife dislocated her kneecap several years ago the nurse told us that she can handle cuts blood all manner of bodily fluids but things out of place still make her queasy oh geez i did that at work a few years ago the sight of that made my stomach drop i still cringe thinking about it i can't even see or hear the phrase fernie's gangrene without cringing don't google image search that at work unless you also work at a hospital also i really don't like going into patients rooms when they have bed bugs even if i gown and glove before heading in and only touch them to do an exam i will have phantom matching for hours and then change clothes in my garage when i get home because nope made a mistake googled it nearly vomited i work at a maxillofacial surgeon's department and i've seen a lot of procedures which don't phase me teeth extractions upper and lower jaw realignment traumas of all types broken jaws broken orbital sockets oncological procedures explorations and a lot but there's one procedure that makes my gut wrench rhinoplasties there's something about that open nose and people cutting and prodding around that makes me so uncomfortable i don't know why the knowledge of how often filing is used in plastic surgery is what does it for me jaw filing etc doctor nothing visual physical really gets to me these days smells can be absolutely ghastly but people's suffering can be profoundly affecting both patients and families upvote for doctor any injuries to nails just make me go weak fine with eyes and all the other crap that usually freaks people up big nails work when i was a student i was watching something have finger surgery under local anesthetic the finger was numb surgeon was prepping it to cut and had this little tool in his hand suddenly rams it under the fingernail and hoix it off wretch anesthesiologist here blood gore and people trying to die on me don't really faze me much but when i'm in the eye room and the surgeon sticks a needle into someone's eyeball i have to suppress a shudder i work with vulnerable adults and people with dementia in old age psychiatry the number of people financially exploited by their family is very disheartening people need to learn some humanity my wife has been a family practitioner for 10 years she says the only thing that really still grosses her out is nasty unclean nose issues i'm nurse i can handle pretty much anything like mangled arm in half head blown off by a shotgun you name it but if someone has a runny nose green boogers hanging out of their nose it takes an act of god for me not to gag vomit answering for my wife since she's on a dock she's been studying medicine since her teens both her parents were doctors but she still can't bring herself to go into the morgue if there's a child there dead children are very very difficult for her to deal with it prediction not a doctor but also not a doctor but my brother is and he always says the way a lot of elderly people are treated really gets to him sometimes by their carers sometimes by children and other relatives often he talks about people hanging around like vultures waiting for them to die so they can get their inheritance obviously this isn't the case with all elderly people but it's common enough my mom is a nurse that specializes in palliative care and has often told me the same things feckle vomiting basically vomiting here from the mouth i guess constipation has to be resolved somehow sometimes just not from where you think i've done that christmas night 2006 i was in surgery a few hours later god bless the nhs it didn't taste very nice but to be honest you're so chucking or you don't care my buddy who isn't a doctor really hates volunteers who come to the hospital to play music like losers is crap insane he moved to a local hospital because it only allowed one instrument to be played by volunteers and he thought he would really never hear it again they had a harp only policy and now once a week a woman plays the harp and i freaking love it nails when someone's been in some form of minor trauma and their nail has been peeled off worse than any vomit feces or sputum my daughter is a physician assistant she said the morbidly obese patients who come in with maggots crawling out of their vagina or from between the folds of their flesh does it for her nope nope and a double nope student nursina plussy i've seen some crap but generally anything to do with hurt kids i'm far too soft for their tears usually you have to go through your gastro rotation before you've seen some crap not a doctor but a wound ostomy nurse i see all the gnarly diabetic feet mummified limbs trauma wounds failed surgery incisions colostomys fistulas pressure injuries etc but the idea of starting an iv makes me want to cry i've only ever started one and was lucky to find a passion in nursing that has nothing to do with pokes omg i absolutely cannot do ivs or blood draws somehow i made it through school and through various clinic and research jobs without having to do it i eventually became a psych np so there was absolutely no chance that i'd ever have to do anything with veins and i bow down to you wound us to me nurse you truly are an angel that walks among us prion diseases i don't love blood veins arteries but i can deal with them poop pus gore i can handle it all for the most part but i thought about prion diseases and what they do to you too much the other day and almost passed out at my desk i don't know why but they thought of them just makes me queasy and lightheaded just typing this is starting to have that effect i'm not a doctor but seeing those videos of a knee replacement where they are removing the anchor from the tibia and they have the literally whack it out with a hammer i work at a children's hospital and snap or suspected non-accidental trauma aka child abuse still really gets to me especially when the suspected abuser is the one bringing the child in also scabies bed bugs lice and neonatal newborn herpes not a doctor but i've worked in medical education and policy for 12 years so there's very little that grosses me out anymore but a while back i sat in on a wound care educational activity that was case study based the second case study was a post-surgical patient where a combination of refusing follow-up care and super morbid obesity had caused wound separation underneath a fold of fat on the abdomen this person was like two years post-surgery and had an open wound festering in a massive wet bacteria-ridden crevice of their body just typing that out almost has me dry heaving it was the most disgusting thing i have ever seen the doctor teaching the course waited until everyone had made uncomfortable noises and then said now imagine the smell no thank you the photos are enough to haunt my nightmares until the day i die hopefully not from a festering wound not a doctor but i had an emergency room doctor look in my throat after an allergic reaction and say oh my god needless to say it didn't help me calm down at all i'm there thinking this is an emergency room these people see some crazy crap this is probably kinda bad emt i can handle blood gore vomit fesses urine and all the emotions that come with it but for some reason i can't do boogers or mucus it makes me gag to no end facial fractures that involve teeth i can clean up open fractures close close-up gashes and lacerations assist during amputations or even examine festering sores without batting an eyelash but there's something about traumatic loss of teeth that really unnerves me loose teeth broken teeth open jaw fractures basically anything that might need a maxillar facial surgeon makes me gag a little bit med school teaches you one heck of a poker face though i'd like to be a doctor and this thread is making me reconsider maybe i'll just be a vet instead oh maggot kittens my weakness isn't one specific injury but the kind of panic that comes with an obviously deadly injury like someone that has their throat cut in the look in their eyes that says i know i'm going to die please help me that crap makes me freak out i have pretty dang good crisis handling skills and i can do cpr like a champ but if the person that was injured starts begging to save them or something i will panic like a frightened child not a doctor but i work in pharmacy we won't judge you on nearly anything but i admit i get the heebie jeebies when people have our excess for scabies something about whole body parasites is just so unsettling dentures especially gunked up dentures that aunt in the mouth the other day i was talking to an elderly lady on ward round i was holding her hand as i am one to do with my frail elderly patients especially those with dementia or delirium for some reason she suddenly decided to remove her top dentures with her other hand and plonk them on the table in front of her i spent the rest of that discussion with my hand in some kind of vice like grip being slowly but surely inched towards the dentures while i tried desperately to resist every now and then she would stroke my arm with her still damp right hand anyone working in geriatrics knows the horror of the unexpectedly moist examination bit urine feces vomit blood snot sputum saliva etc i can easily take in my stride however dentures definitely turn my stomach i think we all want to run away screaming when someone is infested with lice or bed bugs you just feel like things are crawling on you for days i worked in the ed for a bit and one time we had an entire family come in with scabies going into their exam room was unnerving patients with serious infections i've dealt with only a few in my practice but god dang during medical school i saw some of the grossest infections ever also diseases of the skin i would have went into dermatology if i could handle them not a human doctor but a vet tech i can't take anything but parasites and eye injuries my surgeon wound care friend claims phlegm she says you have no idea how crazy you can get i counter that with bloody past filled swollen body parts that you need to take a huge needle to a suck out but one of the worst smells ever but the prize goes to cancer tears in my eyes the worst part of someone you love dying the saddest and worst was a 10 hour greyhound ride with a woman on board i'm sure was dying of cancer skin fatty esp the kind off of old people's feet you just peel off a sock and that crap gets airborne makes me wanna exhale till i pass out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] do bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 41
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: doctors, doctor stories, medical stories, medical, skin crawling, skin crawl, makes you sick, grossest, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: HTz_wqORMbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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