Helldivers 2 is about to get even BIGGER

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hell divers 2 continues to impress with consistent updates adding new weapons strategems and enemies that keep me and my friends coming back day after day the automatan Army has now been completely eradicated leaving us guessing what might be coming next and the much larger AAA Studios better start taking notes because while they're all failing for the most part hell divers 2 is absolutely thriving and this is what a true life service game looks like oh artillery yeah we can get rid of those uh watch out for that to jack a Hulk behind me c are right yeah you can dog there's a Walker Walker Walker no way Walker right there North directly north in the middle of the field oh my God yeah I actually found one oh my God yeah yeah yeah yeah directly north I see it he just killed me out of nowhere all right let me just finish this turret what the heck turret's dead nice uh yeah don't work okay it's in the middle of a field we found it we found the Walker dude finally it's that walk is coming Thomas oh God it is coming oh my God look at it it is literally coming dude oh my God so am I how do we take it out um you shoot the turret off the top first copy that so it can't use its um it big guns hit it's on fire it's on fire my God it's beaming absolutely beaming one more shot on turret dude it looks so sick yeah it's massive isn't it see if you can see a vent look for the on it I'm getting the turret on the top yes nice tret he got turrets on the bottom as well V I'm looking for vents it's pooping out Devastators yes it's pooping out Devastators yeah oh God it's a walking Factory so it is you think there's a vent on it I well that's what I've been told I've been told there's a vent I'm looking for it though I don't see nothing oh maybe oh I was trying to shoot the front cannons maybe maybe when it's dropping off a bot you throw the nade through the vent it drops the yeah maybe it killed me in one shot there this is insane land on it re so maybe yeah maybe when it drops out the BX you can land you can throw oh yeah look at that inside it look it's got opening now when it dropped the B out careful oh careful careful care oh God landed on it Tom's on it okay Jesus Christ it on it on it no they shot me off come throw into the vent into the vent if it opens up if it opens up when it opens up and drops a BX it's not open yet throw it throw a grenade into the vent there's a down here I'll shoot the other guys it's going to stamp on me no mommy there's a hul right there yeah I think it's pooped out too much right now is so cool okay it's time is it time it's time for Orit laser all right it's time to cook I like it I'm going I'm going to put a 500 Kg on as well and let's you guys you got it yes oh my God the beaming so cool that's an awesome enemy to fight I love that I thought we were going to literally waste all our lives on that oh yeah that's pretty good that first bot drop I'll get this one nice nice nice 5 there three there's three yeah only one made in when they run forward you can drop them off but not let him Escape oh yeah guys beautiful got it as a left wow one just came out yep quing watch out shot it down help help you can't damage them with no more bullets no you can't ma are better against the Bots now they take more of a hit I hope so oh yes there you go nice Jack just fall out the sky bunch of Bot drops by the tower we have to destroy that building there we need a h to get rid of it defend it careful the enemies don't destroy it okay here we go help coming in help coming in defend me in a sec defend me in a sec trying it's a big lad on you killed him okay it's armed yes it's AR rocket guy rocket guy covering in a spot where I don't think they can shoot it trying they are trying dead no did it come on come on that didn't sound good anymore before it yes yes he s himself nice all right head to extract oh no no I've just run into the whole crew no one told me about charging I'm leaving I'm Hulk dead Hulk dead I'm leaving I'm leaving not dead IAT not dead Northwest Northwest or Southeast yeah either one Whatever doesn't get you killed I think your way your way is getting you more kills do yeah probably don't come my way qu quaz quaz your life away oh my God I'm just going H it's the new quaz Jesus look at this don't don't don't fire why did you spam your rocket so much dude there was like 10 enemies okay well you died anyway so it's probably for the best I'm ready I'm ready I can CL you can climb up here Tom come to me it's fine I got a jet pack I got a jet pack okay I'll do I'll do the calling if you need I'll come when I'm ready okay Tomo just let me know with a with a word Tomo you need to come I'm coming just land next to theck leaving nice [Music] heavy lmg Squad let's go are we all doing the about 80 away from getting where I just came down imagine look at this next to a hole what oh wow was one foot to the right crazy I die Tom goes for the melee I know he went for I know he went for it he already knew he got read like a book Tom I'm not going to lie I did I really did all right we got long cins though too so look at the size of this mg dude look at this magazine alone isane it's the size of your helmet which one actually is that a bot drop oh boy oh boy I got an eagle on that never SL pull back I'm going to reload ow one grenade nice St I'm being sorted actually see now God it takes so long to precisely aim that's crazy yeah it's so slow to move around will not catch so heavy you have to un ads like aim where you want to scope in then scope in and you're stationary when you reload I don't want to climb the rock dud ouch please finish the reload yeah I'm I'm using this thing like a DMR might as well it seems like it does good damage when it hits you just got a hit yeah okay objectives complete here yes sir all right on to the next one no play I don't if you can oh wait we can't we don't have time okay we're under attack your rock paper scissors some other time W okay requesting air I'm going to try and 110 The Brute defend the position uh I can stop dying for a second I'll call you in how shot me there it is oh I'm already ahead of you I've already died I'm already dead inside you going me don't come to me Roger Dodger copy over that does not do much damage big three kills okay give me the mg again there it is oh look at this guy is this a oh no okay how do you uh reload from it's five or something right yeah press five to refill yeah I don't know if this is similar to the autoc cannon but if you reload before you empty it it should have a faster reload all right I got to I'm going to I'm going to turn the RPM up see how it goes oh you know I'm going to close distance on oh he's already dead good shots it's only like four shots he dies okay don't do it don't don't even waste your time dude you need the arm to yeah you need the armor for it to reduce 30% it just goes straight to the sky you miss everything oh my got taken out by a flying Devastator and another one all right we doing an extra or you want to just leave you do the extra stuff as well if you want oh my gosh you on your stuff reinforcing blew up if we can find the Sam site objective if that's on this map as well it will shoot down the bot drops for us okay that sounds cool I have sour as well call a fire Kg on that destroy oh yeah I can do that otherwise we got get in there and do a hell bomb has to be perfectly the base oh I hope this doesn't kill me that's good that's really good nice oh that's that's perfect I hope that is that is that is perfect you've got it oh God a flare went up on the left you've done it you've done it no I missed what it hit the wall it hit the wall oh no oh it's a hell bom tank just landed on me time to test the mg on it it's got to be a specific spot of two tanks I forgot it's got to be like over here or something run run run run run oh there's a tank up here boys there's two down here so that means there's three coming I got 11 10 I can hit it one tank dead did you get it there's another one though it's still very much alive up here I got one down low I got a 11 on the down low one okay nice remember you can kill it with your mg now what the why is the tower dead drop um no idea they destroyed themselves the fabricator blew up next to it I might have killed it thought I just died I think when the tank blew up it blew up that or something maybe it was right next to it it might have done oh yeah still tank up for god sakes let me live oh fist fights with robots out here right now oh I didn't go high enough last one zigzag oh that's money this game really is a movie I'm going to get this research oh jeez what the hell was that there's a nuke over there so where he's trying to Splash damage it oh I got itose another tank here yes I hit it let's go so foggy I was spamming where I thought I saw the nuke earlier and managed to hit it this work boys no deaths after all that guess that area is done all right I found the S site let's go we actually have that as a side objective o okay I never get get it when I want it but I asked for it and I got it that's a rare rare occasion is that the terminal that you just activated yeah yeah yeah we need to finish that objective just waiting for the Devastators the fire is load oh my God I'm so dead there's no way I live this he's a mile away far rockets in the fog yeah I seem to stand still a lot with this mg and then that leads to problems yeah you don't even you can't even see it the fog is so thick nope he's definitely out there though that looks insane dude what the hell I got the terminal oh my what just killed me rocket Devastator uhoh Grenade on you Tom someone just needs to press the button once I think oh did you get knocked off while you were in burn it I got the terminal I got it literally one button oh okay this is insane oh you already got it it's already done yeah we can go over here now I think sniped it oh Beauty boys this is an onslaught now oh that's bad to open his big mouth yep I I uh saw that coming can't even see these guys you did go that's bad as soon as I stopped the ads on it four Rockets I just watched obliterate me the freaking Trooper Bot Shot a random nuke behind me and killed me oh was that with a big explosion yeah a bot just shot it oh boy what's that the freaking rocket Devastators the range that these guys have right now I've never seen it this bad oh there was another nuke there 1200 RPM the turet yeah shoot the turret vent oh no some SS up North I'm going to go for him you can shoot it from the side there you go wow that does not take much at all even while prone not worth it yeah it I was I was watching from my side it took so long for your bullets to reach up there oh no B drop oh they're calling it Dam yeah you can um maybe you just aim at the ground and then start shooting oh there's another nuke here cor careful Northeast uh you can shoot those things in the in the sides as well you don't have to shoot them in the vent ow man that one no why did it Target The Strider underneath very nice you got cluster I've got an eagle there mine's more horizontal so you might want to watch out ooh big Patrol over there I could get you keep running nice very nice all right let's keep moving to this objective all right shall we leave uh there should be some samples below that turret but yeah oh wait okay got an eagle on it standing in anag this is the main objective here uh-huh we made it okay just need to do a scany I've gone prone yeah Devastators first there we go finished them off both hands oh we have a cannon looking at us where where where oh sh I can do my uh layer on it calling in oral strike where the hell was that oh there you go nice I don't know where this thing came from got it beautiful I'm going to mow down this Patrol just for a bit of fun just to feel something yeah mag oh yeah I hear sandles oh yeah I had uh died right over here earlier sending in an eagle that must be what I'm hearing then sending in an eagle not a good eagle coming in high oh maybe it was ooh okay we got some B trops boys we got incoming they're mad about this focusing that objective oh it's going to be a good one I think spill oil Brothers oh that was beautiful that was a beauty oh my God oh my God should have 110 by him so many bot drops dude uh why' you do this to me no Hulk please leave me alone he try and Tra me towards the Hulk and I'll land on him uh okay I'm just throwing you over here I don't know where to run away from the Hulk going in for the kill I missed oh there's another Hulk there's two I got a laser I got Las dude get him I'm going to laser the close one here oh I got me but I got my laser out holy crap how we doing with that objective cuz I I think we clear the area and come back we're on the last couple STS it should only be one or two more clear the area and come back trust ow man they don't miss run out get far enough away to where they spread out and then we'll come back just use the maximum amount of you stamina and block line of sight go prone copy that go I'm probably going to die up here I don't think there's any leaving yeah you got uh more stuff to call story here I can call you a heavy mg I called in stuff for you guys re I got my own uh I'll give you both right we be the whole load out there's one tank that's nearly dead back there and like four different hulks yeah we'll just do the full loop around and then they would have dispersed by then okay we're going to try and stealth in and hit the code my guard dog bag is in there somewhere too there is a Hulk on the point but we are dealing with significantly less enemies just make sure to kill any smaller Bots that might reinforce and then we'll Target the Hulk so kill the little guys first yeah we'll look down together off this Ravine into the objective and kill the little ones I think there's two Devastators one Hulk and the Tank's still over there from earlier but it's on fire yeah that I can eag strike yeah uh Eagle the tank I'll ra Canon the big guy and then shoot the Salos Salvo clear should be dead from that nice huge right start of the terminal perfect then just hold again good stuff B drop detected yeah it's one of you inter with a terminal there but should be easier for us now yeah no flares went up but just the uh just the terminal bot drop yeah here it comes we created the breathing room we're in a better spot to hold us a group now so just focus the bot drops yes I'm going to laser the tank y copy oh my God mission complete we're done we can just leave so many Devastators there get out of here we are leaving oh my god oh we're got to go way up there yeah yeah yeah just run north everything's crashing down on top of us a freaking Walker's body land next to me we only got 5 minutes I think we go cuz we're going to need a couple minutes to with our Strat oh I had a time oh my that work hard no I just got hit by a huge volley of rockets dude this is last revive that's rough I have a heavy mg now you can probably get your stuff here oh [ __ ] another Patrol ahead it's all right all right clear the wave oh my goodness we l guys first need to prevent any more of these bot drops coming in cuz this is too much now you know there's a lot up ahead it's it's going to be better for us to bleed the timer so the last xra comes in trust n there it calls in an auto xill at 5 minutes on zero it calls in an automatic xill yeah and then we stealth onto it and it's going to be safer than interacting with the terminal and calling more to that position okay yeah we just don't get strategems for it right yeah also you can't um so when you dial it in there's a vicinity where if you leave it then it it will obviously count down and cancel it but that's not a thing when with the final extract you can just play as far out as you want and then run in in that last like few seconds and get on board you want wa four minutes yes I mean we if you want to dial it then dial it but we're going to have to fight harder and we've not got the resources we don't have any more reses exactly if anything we should go back to that last camp we were just at and see if we can get the play the camp yeah or there's another one right here right next to us here top right we've done everything else on the map we might as well finish it why does the laser sound like it's coming from me I can hear that hear I thought someone was shooting at me the range nobody's near me at all and it sounds like I'm shooting a laser yeah see 4 minute timer now yep no more reses but we got to wait for the final 4 minute oh my God what n [ __ ] throw it away no can't even call you back it was cooked dude what a launch you're dunzo Washington what a launch he must have thrown that at like Max cook range cuz I went to pick it up and throw it and it was just cooked now so am I so now the difference is going to be the Bots are like in the open areas instead of on thead yeah should I kill these ones no no no just use the maximum amount of your stamina and run catch up to Connor yeah just keep going they'll lose you if you break line of sight these ones are keeping up though sorry s right just use the maximum amount of your stamina and then when you run out use a stem oh you taking any damage yeah P up we still got a buy time for a minute you got two guys behind you Chason though you can take out two there is like technically the guns work like they're suppressed yeah still the Bots have a very small hearing cone versus their sight line range can't even air strike or anything anyways no no sun's coming up yeah we've seen this Mission through to the very end 20 seconds 20 seconds you got this it's a beautiful day for democracy 10 refilling zone no I'm full we'd just be transferring back and forth oh body oh oh oh oh probably Mele that guy this is pelic one I have visual on the extraction Zone okay the Pelican's probably going to shoot a few stragglers but you guys should Sprint in now and try and get in as soon as it lands we're coming pel one LZ is clear hey why why is he facing this way see how clear this is now cuz we did that beautiful easy easy game that was Elite level play in the last sort of 50 minutes until I went to pick up a grenade that was fully cooked and died [Music] oh
Channel: Tomographic
Views: 219,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, new games 2024, shooter game, coop games, best coop games, new steam games, game of the year, helldivers, tomographic, helldive difficulty, max difficulty helldivers 2, max difficulty, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 tomo, squad helldivers 2, new vehicle helldivers, mech, strategems, helldivers 2 best loadout, best weapons helldivers 2, illuminate, automaton, automatons defeated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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