17 Types of Students During Presentations

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[Music] hey general um there's actually something that i've been wanting to ask you but i've been thinking about it maybe this is not the right place maybe we can meet after school or you could just tell me now i mean we're free there's no teachers oh the time all the [Music] do you think time gonna come back are we just gonna sit here vincent you've been crying over this for the past week just deal with it all right if miss shirley doesn't want to come then there's nothing we can do about it [Music] listen up fellow classmates since there's no teacher around i'm not going to let what happened to the other class to us so let us be productive yes i agree kevin we should be productive [Music] monitor who made you class monitor yeah kevin who made you the class monitor i think i'm in the wrong class [Music] sit back down kevin especially miss charlie you're back yeah me shirley michelle what's going on me shelly well it's something that you students don't need to be involved in perhaps one day you'll understand but for now it's time for presentation as i've mentioned i have actually asked you all to provide something to share right so who wants to go first [Music] [Applause] [Music] ben come on up hi guys so i'll be showing you what i've done over the last few months i play basketball yeah basketball is a team sport in which two teams most commonly are four four four to five player each opposing one another on a regular rectangular complete with the primary objective of shooting a basketball man i don't think you're supposed to read off the slides you know but i didn't memorize just try to face the audience maybe okay okay so yeah what was i saying ah raining when playing basketball is something that we want to avoid yes and when it rains it creates puddles and it doesn't make me very happy yeah and i play with paddle when i was younger and i play basketball also it doesn't go out together one goes well together would be we used sitting back now i have more preparation next time okay [Music] [Applause] initially my planetary did not come today so i don't think i'm ready to present but you have to work without you have to eat i guess i could do that thanks [Music] hi guys i'm juhi [Music] and today we'll be presenting on well i'm glad you mentioned that terry because we actually go through that in our everyday lives how about you elaborate on it uh-huh precisely that's right wow what a shocking fact i bet you guys didn't know that alright guys now it's my turn to tell you [Music] oh what terry you want to mention that too uh-huh so now if there's one thing to learn from today is to make sure to water your plants every day oh and that too thanks terry don't you make a great team [Music] well thanks for that he and terry let's give them a clear yeah thanks thanks yeah okay so uh who's next today i want to talk to all of you about a story that happened i think some of you already know the story about broken life uh vicky could you please speak a little louder we can't hear you in the back i'm already speaking very loudly [Music] the reason why she was so strict is because she wants the best from you vicki we really need you to speak up case stop interrupting me i'm not going to stay again okay now i do realize even though she's not my teacher she's still my mother vicky you're done yeah great thank you so much you can go back to your seats [Applause] hi everyone this is charlie and this is julie and together we are today we prepared something about our do it so today i'll be doing a presentation about our favorite purchases during the holidays so we actually run them oh wait we forgot to breathe [Music] no no i brought it [Music] okay okay how about you guys just go back to your seats okay try not to forget next [Music] time okay so [Applause] [Music] good afternoon fellow classmates good afternoon miss shirley today i have something very special to present to you all it is called 10 types of students presented by myself so first up we have the not so cool student which is kevin as you all know he's not so cool just look at the way he's sitting i'm not cool really uncool however since he helped me with the photos for this presentation i guess he's all right he's kind of cool just kind of next we have the wannabe which is young um he's going through some sort of identity crisis he's not too sure what he is who he is maybe he got heartbroken by someone but that is not an excuse for him to act the way he's acting and all i know is somebody needs to knock some sense into him next is the helpful student debbie but don't be deceived by her looks even though she looks kind of nerdy there was that one time she let me copy all her answers and i got everything wrong but lovely girl lovely girl you know wife material whoever marries her is probably a lucky guy maybe in another universe maybe next is cheryly oh my god oh my god oh my god i think i'll be part of this yeah i can't wait to hear what he has to say she's she's okay i guess [Music] next is the stranger vignesh who is he what is he is he even in our class is he even from the other class is he even from this school who knows what's up with him he's not even here today next so i told you not to bro i got you bro by the way [Music] [Music] there we go trev the broke student now as you all know trev invested all his money into stones and now he's kind of broke kinda desperate but they asked me to buy the doggy coins next ah vicky nikki is the um honestly i just added this in so vicky you could tell madam subway to just kindly return my phone it's been over a year and i really really need it for mlbb because i'm messing up next ah vincent the funny guy and the funny thing about vincent is that he thinks he has a chance with denise oh yes you're laughing yeah i see it how it is now you guys wait you guys just wait and last but not least we have the perfect student denise she's smart she's intelligent she's unique and most importantly she's not afraid to be herself and finally we have the student with the best presentation and that would be me thank you everybody thank you thank you if you guys like it uh please subscribe and i'll see you all next week [Applause] wow today is really interesting to know have you ever thought about being a youtuber youtuber maybe it's not the right career path for me but i'll think about it surely do you really mean all of that oh i see how it is surely i want to go next [Music] you know guys i actually already have a presentation on how we can improve the quality of our tea lessons i mean the last time we had a peel lesson all we did was move this dance stuff out of his car but now i have something more important it is about the one and only denise and why she should be my girlfriend you see denise is what i would call the perfect one she is so smart she is super intelligent and most of all she is not afraid to be herself a self herself everything is from the bottom of my heart there is you are the e to my mc5 you mean square yeah whatever that is i'm done can you believe this guy well i think it's kind of sweet that's right [Music] i bet she's going to talk about science or something like that no i know everyone thinks that i'm gonna talk about a science experiment or even a math equation but i wanted to be a little unpredictable so i'm actually going to present this poem that i've written about how i feel recently that's great i mean it's good to see you try something new whenever you're ready i want to tell you a story and it's about trigonometry so there were two angles and it is really hard to see i'm adjacent to the first angle and he is rather acute but i'm still calculating really unsure if i should then that's the second angle and he is vastly obtuse there is tension on the tangent and i am rather confused so many formulas but so little clues when it comes to emotion arithmetic proves no use two roads diverged into the yellow wood but this decision is not as easy as 2704 square root a triangle with no configuration oh by tigers what is the solution e equals the mc squared an equation that brings destruction and despair and now my emotions are lying everywhere [Music] it's so beautiful it's about a love triangle isn't it love triangle are you even listening yellow wood he obviously wants to go hiking do you think she wants me to ask her [Music] [Applause] who would have thought the day would come where jasmine and i timon bonded by favorite game mobile legends bang bang the game that we've been playing during quarantine all night long sending emotes to each other laning side by side farming creeps and attacking towers one at a time wow you guys actually came in outfits impressed of course these are the outfits of the character from our favorite game mobile legends bang bang that's right so mobile legends bang bang is actually a 5b5 moba showdown game where you can actually choose your favorite heroes and create the perfect team together with your friends so i'm sure most of you here have already downloaded the game onto your phones right there are plenty of events that run throughout the whole year in mlbb however right now they are having their most popular annual event and it's called the oh sounds interesting what is the 515 event about so the ui design of the game will actually change during the 515 event period to actually go along with the post cyberpunk elements that were specifically designed for the 515 event itself and there will also be other in-game rewards and events that were made for the event so if you haven't already downloaded the game you all should do so now so that you guys don't miss out on any of them in addition to that for this year's 515 event mobile legends batman have debuted a new group called stu and stun consisting of cho selena and broly and they are also the virtual group of mobile agents bang bang guys what the heck you guys told me to be stun cho i thought you were gonna be stun selena and start brooding what what's this what outfit is this guys what what skin is this and alucard really i can't believe i'm saying this kevin but you look better as all that what's up with the outfit guys well we had a change of plans okay you know what you know what you guys are on your own but i'm keeping the skateboard okay and to end it up if you guys wanna rank up hit me up it's bbk77 and hers baby james alright they don't need to know that so if you guys haven't already downloaded the game dude so now and we can participate in the event together all right thank you so much have a nice day actually miss shirley i prepared a little bonus presentation that goes a bit more in depth than what kevin had thought of so if i may how could you sorry baby k77 so this year's 515e party slogan is together we achieve more and it's a celebration of camaraderie and overcoming all challenges with your team i also feel that it's a celebration of you know this strong bond that you have as a player with your team members and mobile legends and how you can actually achieve these goals that would have otherwise been impossible without the help of the others during the 515e party waves of rewards will be given did you also know that they are releasing three exclusive 515 skins from may 13 all the way to may 31. diamonds will be rewarded during this 515e event and players can win up to 9999 diamonds by inviting their friends to join 55 of in-game items from may 12th to may 16 guys discount coupons will be given until may 16 and all players can win all heroes and skins on the midfield that was my line oh you thought you could outsmart me are you trying to kiss me what why would i kiss you i thought you wanted to kiss me how would i know okay no one's kissing nobody in my class go back sit down sit down sit down hey guys over the past week i've taken out magic so today i'll be performing some magic for you guys so this is my first treat it's okay i have another day so right now i'm gonna pick a card so remember the card and i'm gonna shuffle it and jasmine is this your card that's not even a card debbie it is a bell it's okay i have another trick for this trick i'm gonna pull a rabbit out of my hand [Music] [Applause] fluffy fluffy fluffy hey everyone i think i think my rabbit ran out can you check if he's under your table [Music] why i'm so scared of bunnies it's okay i have one more trick i have one more trick um for this trick i need a volunteer oh me me me mommy with this cloth i'm gonna make you disappear all right [Music] abra [Music] wow that was really impressive debbie thank you so much shelly and then aren't you supposed to bring her back oh um i haven't learned that part of the trick yet thank you i know you guys think i'm here to talk about what i've been doing before we came back to school but no everyone needs to know the truth what are you talking about the truth about the academy okay now listen the academy was founded in 1993 by mr and mrs tan as part of their creative vision to start a school to have a safe environment to study in and for students to find out their passions now since the school was founded titan academy has become one of the most prestigious institutions i don't know guys i just feel like something has changed drastically in the landscape of the school ever since the pandemic what do you mean well miss shirley ever since the pandemic everything at titan academy seems to be going wrong more and more teachers are disappearing which makes no sense at all on top of that we have to start paying more school fees what's that about all these new rules just to maintain the prestige of our school i don't get it but i did some digging with the help of another student from the other class and we found out that there's an organization a higher power that's controlling our school okay they are the ones in charge of all these new rules between those who left there's only one that can restore the balance and that ladies and gentlemen leads me to believe that madame souping will return okay nobody really there's something so many unanswered questions like who is leanne who is that no such person okay just go back to your seat okay let's not spread any fake news please lights on thank you nobody's returning okay so who's next [Music] hi class i'm trev and this is my lovely assistant partner i mean my partner abby you want to say a few words let's just get this over with trap okay so today guys i'm going to present to you guys something important something revolutionary something that will change your life so please just give me your fullest attention for the next 60 seconds and i guarantee you you will walk out of this room a different person okay okay sounds great correct so have you guys ever had problems with holding your water bottle you know like whoops your keys or even your phone like oops fret not because we have the brand new maxim holder 9000 s you no longer have to worry about holding stuff you know look at me you can just pick this up easily you know like yeah you can't even pick up the phone you know like yeah you get you get a point starting beat at a low low price of six hundred dollars huh six hundred dollars only anyone perhaps i didn't expect myself well enough can i get a volunteer to come here to demonstrate the true power of this maxim holder 9000s i guess i'll do it ah vincent here you go you still want this i'm kind of thirsty i'm just going to take this enemy tough crowd today i told you this was stupid just trust me evie whenever i feel you okay no worries i got something else okay have you guys ever encountered issues with your glasses blocking your view you know obstructing your vision irritating your face that's because glasses belongs on your forehead ah the more you know right introducing the brand new the h01d 2000s no no i did not agree to that okay with this you no longer have to worry about your glasses blocking your vision any takers [Music] anyone no one it's okay i got something else guys [Music] it's okay we'll go back to the lab and figure out more inventions oh yeah the liquid suction 9000 you mean the straw the what it works it works [Music] hi so today we have prepared a presentation on the crisis of our planet earth something that we need to address and tackle immediately it is global warming now global warming is caused by the increase of carbon dioxide in the air due to human pollution and it has caused severe damage to our environment we need to do something now we need to do something immediately so that our future generation will have something to look forward to if you agree with me let's reduce reuse and recycle so that we can reduce the effect of global warming thank you oh fish it is really impressive thank you so much how about you hamza uh i conquer what do you mean by you i mean i conquer me shirley so do you conquer i guess that's great [Music] okay yeah i'm next me isn't it debbie stern i already went up huffine oh then i get his vicky's turn right okay it's not vicky's turn stop making excuses make excuses me shirley i want you to know that i would never do that don't come on up you are 100 right me shirley but never mind just stay where you are [Music] today's presentation is about feelings the feeling of disappointment you see without expectations there will not be disappointment and without disappointment there will not be expectations so thank you for coming to my ted talk wait rey is young that's all i mean i can greet you based on just a few sentences you know yeah sure yeah that's not enough you guys might be thinking what am i talking about but the true question is what are we talking about you see where do we stand in this conversation with expectations and disappointment see if you let today just go by it will never come back that's kind of disappointing but yesterday can be disappointing tomorrow can be disappointing today would it be disappointing where do we stand in this conversation about disappointment and expectations where do we put our expectations to end this appointment together in a day where do we put today yesterday and tomorrow to sum it up a day without expectations it's a day without disappointment and the discipline over the day is a day of our expectations [Music] so do you guys have any quick questions [Applause] so no questions [Music] uh so denise you wanted to talk what's up denise heard you wanted to go hiking you know we can go and talk about my presentation and all that equals to mc5 you down let's go [Music] maybe another time [Music] where am i is this part of the tree okay hey guys hope you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to download mobile legends bang bang with the link in the description box down below join the e party now to make more friends have more fun and also gain more benefits for the game more details can be found below as well click here to subscribe and watch our latest videos and we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 12,595,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, miss sherly, sherry, Kevin, jianhao Denise, Cherylene, magic, Trev abbey, organization, presentation, presentations, ben, basketball, types of students, student, exams, exam, returns, Madam Soot Beng, break up, Vicky, Debbie magic, class t1t5, muthu raja, Denise reject, Denise poem, poem, trigonometry, mlbb, present, Titan Academy, episode 32, ep 32
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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