Eating all your veggies makes you STRONG in Noita

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[Music] hey what's going on everyone welcome back to another no to seed showcase this time around we're gonna be messing with some iron stomach and eat your vegetables there's no creepy liquid there's no monstrous powder oh hey there's no sampo in a great chest but it's gonna be insane nonetheless this is a good seed very interesting things in the seed oh hello including you right here uh so yeah alchemy station right here as well we just got to clear you out of the way real quick we have a potion of healthium right here let's grab that let's grab that all right and since we're gonna be coming back let's just leave everything else for now coming back twice so right now we're just basically gonna speed run to the bottom i only needed like 70 gold to get what i need after this so what is this pheromone all right we got acid and unstable kelly over there and let's grab some of this gold but uh bombs that's nice i'm like oh what was that bombs don't worry we're gonna get tons of gold it's fine but if i can get a bunch right now then yeah no it'll help us so allow us to get through the beginning remember that hearts there we're probably gonna drink all of this i'm so sorry fishies so sorry so get rid of that get rid of that i needed 70 gold for these and since this is our only non-shuffle wand yes we'll do that and then that all right so we're gonna do that we're not really gonna be attacking right now so it's all good but let's also might as well drink this while we can not too much i think that's good for now just get a little bit of that buff going all right uh let's get our 93 that's perfect all right 215 seconds of this we're not picking up eat your vegetables yet let's teleport out here we need to go to the second holy mountain first and uh grab some more gold in here and then this is what i need right here so let me actually see if i can all right perfect and see if we can get that without breaking it i mean if it breaks it breaks but all right 93 hp again i'm not going to pick up any heals there's some decent wands here some chainsaws we don't need to teleport them again but we needed to come here for perk lottery first and foremost and now this is mostly gold look at that explosion that was awesome looking but there's some gum powder in here we may take a little bit more damage i don't know if all of it exploded all right sweet so now we have almost 1400 gold but we're not finished yet because right here there's another gold pouch this one i'm actually gonna spray out completely all right now we're gonna have almost 2400 uh oh there's still some gold in here get out yeah i was like wait a minute we have 2 400 exactly nice get some more water just in case and let's get out of here we'll be back we're just gonna teleport through this as fast as we can pretty much uh which you know obviously long distance cast on a short teleport bolt is amazing for getting through walls just teleport right through them in fact let's visit good old carl hey buddy what's going on let's take a a lap let's see if we can beat ourselves with carl nah no cheating a nice little lap with carl i haven't seen you in a little while all right now you get back up there in your little hidey hole for your safe all right and i figure i'll showcase several interesting things in the beginning here including the bridge like loading in after we pass it so as we all know we trigger a boss over here the wand connoisseur very difficult boss but the trigger is here goes all the way down to the altar now so you can't pick up that orb without triggering the first uh trigger and then there's a second trigger here that goes all the way up but you can teleport past it you can either teleport past it or use invisibliem or the invisibility perk to pick that up without triggering wand connoisseur all right let's drop that let's pick up some of this and we're gonna make we're gonna fill up this pouch with some mystery fungus while we're here though we might as well grab this why not all right so there's a little chasm on the other side of this or whatever a pit did we kick that far enough yes no no oh god all right let's try it one more time we had that thanks physics mushroom cap physics whoops that was one more time we can i mean we don't have to do it like this here what is going on um well that time we did it all right good good except perfect perfect yeah let's do a little this down there and then i guess that there we go except more there we go mystery fungus it's not spreading that quickly but i guess it doesn't matter uh here let's get a little bit in here because mystery fungus just spreads or like creates more mystery fungus when it touches sand so we can just help it along like that and i'm actually let's trigger our first shift now the sooner i do that the better all right and then i guess let's try to get a full pouch of uh mystery fungus here acid very nice so acid has actually become worm blood acid to worm blood very nice very nice you get out of here i want you breaking any of my flasks you too you know what you get this stop it all right ow we're just gonna chill out here for a bit before i start filling my stomach my satiation i don't wanna throw it all up so we're gonna wait a bit to trigger another fungal shift here and now it is time for us to hold the healthy m potion in our hands and partake in a little bit of mystery fungus now healthium so what we ended up doing basically right there was uh oh hey thanks for the heal the reason why i made the mystery fungus in the first place was uh because we just changed all fungus all normal fungus into healthium not the best shift but now we if we needed to shift more we could just use the mystery fungus that's why i turned the entire desert surface to mystery fungus all right now i'm gonna grab the slime potion and i'll meet you guys down in the first holy mountain down here and let's get this thing started but first i needed to take that all right so we got that health it's all good let me fill this up and we threw up a lot so i can drink more until like right before actually let's drink right before 200 we got to be careful we're gonna take a little bit of damage but it's fine there we go that's it i'm not gonna take this heart yet i may end up taking it let's fill this up again over here all right and that's why we have our flask of ambrosia because we're gonna stand probably right in the middle here spray ourselves down with ambrosia and then drink as much of this as we possibly can without exploding ourselves wait give us another spray down and then some more okay now because unfortunately we can't uh drinking concentrated mana after picking up eat your vegetables it does not increase your fullness so yeah i guess we'll take that now all right then get this then before we eat anything else take iron's stomach and uh smash that flask it's fine i'm going to drink all of this because why not i needed healing anyway and then even though this isn't gonna increase our fullness i'm gonna drink all of this right now drink all that we got almost 1400 seconds that's fine and slime slime is absolutely amazing for increasing our fullness so we're gonna use that i don't know if i need another here we'll do that so i have something to attack with it's okay not the best uh bombs materialized amazing nah so we need 1600 gold now let me get that and also oh you know what there's also there is a wand over here someplace this is it yes always cast large firebolt uh sure why not i know i just bought that but it's all good anyway yeah let's uh combination of drinking concentrated mana and drinking slime until our fullness and this buff are like super high come here you want some of this right into my yes okay nice give me all the slime if we can get the more blood perk in this run that would be amazing anyway we're at over 600 choking and bloated but no we're not because we have an iron stomach and we have almost 4 000 seconds of mana regen so far so far there will be more okay guys here's the strap right here come on bring it give me more i'm gonna sit here for a while doing this we're gonna fill the entire world with slime or the entire cold pits with slime maybe ah maybe not anyway that's enough for now i think we just need more gold now oh and we gotta go to the fungal cavern and take a peek in there to heal up a little bit yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum and that's right oh yeah um it's a buffet look at all that down there that's insane okay it's gonna take me like 20 minutes to eat all this we need slime blood and more blood so that i can just take a little bit of damage and then like eat my own blood also i just uh we don't have explosion immunity so we gotta be really careful that we don't one shot ourselves with our own wands so i'm gonna mostly until we get a different weapon or explosion immunity i'm going to probably use the chainsaw and then just heal afterwards let me just finish this snack right here oh look at you healing up you get out of here i'm gonna get rid of you nice look at this it's insane we're gonna get it much higher than that too uh you guys get out of here look at that i don't even know how much damage that was 1500 per shot i think look oh we got helium gas nice uh so i am gonna grab no i don't know look at all this though get out of here everything's healing from here we got a oh look at this look how nice this place looks right now with healthium spilling all over the place what is this oh i'm gonna eat it though i don't know what oh okay wait ow all right we can drink this we gotta be careful though here take care of you that's what you get all right now yeah this is regular poly we can drink this regular poly unless they did like a ninja update we're gonna try drinking some poly and then i don't think there was any kind of a ninja update but just want to be careful here all right so yes look boom i drank poly therefore i am immune to polly for a short while it's a really good way to uh don't throw up though we don't want to throw up from anything i want to be real careful about it i want to be real careful all right yeah let's just drink more poly eat more corpses over here no problem snacks we could drink flammoxium to become immune to it all right yeah as long as you drink it first same as poly but you have to drink the different types of poly to become immune to those types of poly like normal drinking normal polymorphine makes you immune to becoming a sheep basically drinking chaotic polymorphine makes you immune to chaotic poly stain and then drinking hey hey hey hey hey drinking uh unstable poly same thing with that well i wish there was a heart here that hmm there may have been wait oh is that just blood i think that's just blood no we have what we have precursor oh no it's unstable telly no that's precursor up there right come here die yes we have precursor what i did not even know so that means we're gonna have a little bit of i don't know what it is what made it interesting any midas down here at all what is this a kia skivy this is amazing i love this so much all right anyway uh we're gonna fill up to about three thousand i would like at least three thousand i'm gonna head back up and we're gonna go take out the alchemist boss and we have 1900 gold so i could go in here and let's see exploding gold i don't want that we'll be back 3200 fine exploding gold it is yes i will take lightning bolts look at this wand though that is insane we gotta keep that look at all this tasty blood everywhere blood blood blood yummy okay and now warm blood too let's drink all that why not yummy all right and we we're not eating any of that uh is there anything else here i can eat for sustenance uh levitatium let's uh might as well drink all this whatever for a little bit more of that uh gunpowd gunpowder let's not drink the gunpowder we got chaotic poly and normal poly and blood blood yummy don't break the rest of these please fury got pheromone got water give me all that all right now let's go if we can not explode that all right now let's see oh we exploded it it's fine let's see if we can drink it now yeah let's drink some of this stuff am i still immune i don't know don't push your luck with exploding gold yeah look at that we're immune we can't become a sheep good stuff yummy i love eating all this stuff it tastes like bubble gum right i guess i don't know pepto-bismol oh whoops whoops were you a friend i'm sorry oh my god you see that damage that's nice are you immune to damage ow oh yeah whoops let's uh let's not get too hasty there gotta wait some time don't wanna explode ourselves i'm probably gonna heal before this well yeah we'll use some of our you get out of here and then you get out of here all right now i will we'll fill that up when we get back down all right so let's see oh my god one shot that's right get this give me that alpha give me that omega give me that laundry fresh let's drink all this stuff we're gonna keep the key here because i'm not gonna do that quest but if you guys wanna do it you can do it let's drink all this now we can see in here so i can actually here let's uh teleport up here grab that and because we're not coming back up here i might as well grab this too all right see you later punk almost forgot i need some things up here so let's get rid of that we don't need that anymore let me i need this on stable tele and then let's just i don't know let's drink all of this because why not how often you get a chance to drink polymorphine and chaotic poly and then become immune to it for a little while all right onward let's do this let's continue this run actually get down to it now uh what was that sand we don't need sand boom all right get this and what i'm gonna do just to illustrate a point we're gonna use a spark bolt as our main attack uh so yeah we're not gonna use these let's get rid of those let's put chainsaw here this is not really gonna be too good for now there are chainsaws there's more chainsaws down uh i'm gonna throw this out too don't yell at me if you guys play the seed you can use this wand it is a nice always cast over there but oh let's take that for sure do that all right whoo onward oh hey and i'm so tempted to drink all of this i mean what do we got let's see if we can get three thousand ow well we're gonna heal anyway don't cry about it it's not like ooh a little bit of toxic sludge damage no big deal i want to get to the bottom before this gets too low we'll probably end up eating more stuff anything that bleeds slime basically is going to be our main diet our main source of sustenance in this run it's i love it so much it's amazing uh you here oh hey so whatever this is it's chaotic poly i'm trying to like kill you so your body creates midas please there yeah get wrecked now we gotta wait uh i'm not gonna collect the gold because we can either get 30 gold from these nuggets and explode his corpse or we could get oh it's gonna explode anyway fury because it explodes when it despawns all right so it's like chaotic poly water probably and something else let's drink it whatever we may see some precursor later on uh let me just yeah let's go in here and get whoops let's go in here yes all right blood healthy i'm transformed that's fine no big deal let's get out of here kia skivy don't want it let's go there's a million things we could do in this run including teleporting ourselves all over the place but i'm gonna get down to it if you play the seed just know like you can do so many crazy things obviously uh so we're gonna do that that this and that and then we don't need that and we have this let's put this on there just as a backup not gonna use that not gonna use that let's just keep these yeah and let's see oh my god we killed it we killed the statue too much damage too much dps that's right let's go downward let's check this side see how fast we kill things boom 13 000 crit are you serious i'm gonna eat your body [Laughter] you dead oops oh i can kill things just by teleporting into them yeah i'm gonna eat your body wait what's this oh it's like warm therma i'm going to eat it i'm going to eat your body i'm going to teleport into you and then i'm going to eat your body blop and then i'm going to eat your body okay anyway i'm having a way too much fun doing oh look at that i'm gonna eat your body we have to we must we must eat the worm wait i can't can't too chunky too chunky you need to chop it into smaller pieces what is that maxium ah yeah we have to we're gonna like one shot call me we got two orbs but i mean does it really matter gonna dig with this nice boom your dad boom boom and what do we have here all right i'll switch to that in case don't want to get electrocuted in fact we're going to put that as our first item interesting unstable poly up there i love that i can just like teleport into things like boom look at that we teleported into you and did 4 500 damage get out of here everything go away all right let's go that's enough i'm gonna eat your body all right yes so um don't want any of that stuff that's all right we got explosion immunity i'm just gonna take that and let's go let's uh let's head up here first ow remember we can still die fury just kill things don't don't let them kill you we we do have heels which is nice to have obviously just state the obvious look at that spark bolt hell yes i mean i'm not opposed to switching to a different weapon if we find like something amazing but i mean this is basically all we need and it again it's a nice way to illustrate a point here take that we don't have a chainsaw and we could just attack things with this though to generate blood and i don't think that eating oil is going to uh make us throw up but i don't really want to take the chance of like losing all of that because it took me a while to get there you know so we're gonna try not to eat oil but or drink oil all right it's on the other side the hourglass room let's not accidentally break it please or explode ourselves even though we're immune to explosions which is really nice to have with how that is gonna happen a lot no fire immunity though hey what is this nope don't want it oh hey all right now back down here where we can eat their bodies bead in their blood ah yummy yes all right look at that we're gonna heal right now there we go should we heal us it's a percentage-based heal excellent now let's just go up here let's do the smart thing please and uh we're not even going to look in there i do have double trigger now sparkled with double trigger very nice very nice and we should eat everything though all these snacks got all these snacks you can't let them go to waste i don't like wasting food even when that ah even when that food is stanky looking little he see stanky meat well it's not really stinky meat but you know you know this wand is all we need guys i mean i'll probably if we can put find mana banana on it and we'll see look we're just gonna get that just for the heck of it right all right be careful don't break it don't even kick just spray this stuff in here then we have a spare item slot which will be nice to have just in case we find something else i don't know some more concentrated mana or slime flask i'm just gonna spray all of this in here i'm not gonna actually use it for anything else oh my god yes yes uh i mean sure i'll take that too why not explosion of thunder do i want any of these things we have meteor sate i mean meteor assad nice very nice i don't know i could take that too but i i like the idea of just illustrating how powerful we are just by using a spark bolt we could do a rapid fire spark bolt but i'd like to just use spark bolt pretty much you know just do that right let's go now so uh phase don't want that let's see let's put this on there now we'll keep a regular spark bolt first we do have ball lightning as well we got this insanity i'm gonna put this on here there we go just for i don't know to be a little extra and we got this we got this we got this and we got meteor side sweet don't want any of that okay i am actually why not let's do it concentrated spells guys now how much damage do we do a lot slows us down a little bit but that's fine i mean we're still basically like going to kill everything oh hey look at that nice hey keep going up but never mind whoops whoops so my damage seems to increase based on oh i gotta eat your body whoops we made soup with it first well a little soup yum yum yum yum yum hey you gonna die all right whatever yeah fungus blood now let's just look at all this look at that it's so nice so nice having healthium all over the place anywhere where there would be fungus hey i must eat your body where is your body it's gone slime blood and more blood would make this like just completely over the top amazing i don't know we'll see we'll see uh nah don't want it we don't need it it's fine there's a lot of mana but it's not really our prop not really our problem right now it's mana you die hey get me out of the plants please all right now i don't really have a way to dig but do we want to do that i mean we're not going to be able to do this well yeah okay we can now wakey wakey oh you're already dead whoops okay now we gotta eat your body i'm sorry but it's i've said it a few times and a crappy wand from the dragon seriously all right we're almost at oh yeah i'm gonna eat all this i'm gonna eat all that snacks although i don't really want more worm blood actually that's enough 200 something seconds it's fine here i need your body oh wow it's telling us the game is like hey please use spells to power after uh after triggering the square barrier and then move through it because it will one-shot you too i'll tell you what if we get repulsion field well we'll we'll use that we gotta check out how much damage it does i just first i need to eat all this slime it's so tasty all right 4 000 boom get out of here don't even don't even get lippy with me here i'm just gonna go let's go all right now more health look at that we got we got piercing we got speed up things are exploding all over the place down there i don't even know what's up with that that's crazy you guys are crazy down there um so i can do that i don't need this anymore well if we get here you know what what do we have here let's get fire immunity oh my god and crits i think that'll be just fine fine and dandy i feel like i have to get this but we're not really gonna use it guys it's not gonna be good here what we are gonna do is okay and then let's cast this check out that damage that was insanity sauce all right sounds good now we if we had a moo as well that would be so good so good i'm gonna take this off just because i don't trust myself right now with it on there all right let's go lots of worm blood all over the place excellent and you get out of here punk get out of here i'm gonna eat your body if there's any left i can't boom you get out of here hey you go we have electricity immunity we do not all right nice oh look at this yes it's a huge vat of deliciousness yum yum yum except i don't want like so much time uh here we're gonna eat you guys if i can we healed from a little bit of uh healthium fungal blood no i need the sign uh what's this get out of here punk all right fungal blood a whoops and you're drunk nice drunk gucko drunko drucko what all right now i'm gonna look around a little bit because we can't get through the ball that quickly right not that quickly uh don't get one shot stop we need more bodies to eat can't eat echo good give me that warm blood that i'm not gonna eat either we got 3 500 nugget thick and tasty nuggets what do we have over here can you not we gotta get over four thousand i gotta drink all this blood let's just reduce the brain to whoa i thought i electrocuted myself or something at first i think we almost did but the game was thinking for a second like are we gonna electrocute him or are we gonna let everyone watch the rest of this amazing run and it decided the rn jesus was like and let's not electrocute him this time right because he just made that perk tier list talking about how electricity immunity wasn't as good as these other immunities which i already changed my mind about i did i did look at this temple of the art will be able to uh hey stop find some nice snacks let's go oh wait first we got to do this yes don't kick me i don't want to go in there yet stop all right perfect perfect you die oh whoops you died immediately it was fine and [Music] now that we have some soup let's eat it's all nice and toasty all right good stuff now um all right now we have this i'm gonna buy that and use that to trigger spells to power instead of the barrier i think that'll be nicer and now look we have electricity immunity which we're gonna take and why not do i'm on gas blood not really well let's take it oh my god well i'm not taking bouncing spells not with this loadout let's go can i kill you it only did didn't do much damage the heck man now that one did ha ha yes you we're gonna wait until you die good it's a nice toasty nuggets all right i'm gonna eat everything that's left over get out of here crystal stop it ow and i've angered the gods somehow i don't know how probably from they're angering the gods i didn't do it these enemies are look at this what did i block getting getting healed um i'm gonna just hang out right here for a second guys don't worry all right get out of here what is this uh well we're gonna take that just in case just in case i'm gonna take this as well and i mean let's let's drink a little bit good stuff good stuff oh did you die i'm sorry their bodies are just like melting away though i want to check this chest just because i see it oh hey it's a cammy give me that thank you i just love the healthium everywhere it's great it's like not too much just a little bit just to be able to play kind of not extremely carefully but still maintain my hp you know and all these hearts that i'm finding i can just full up full heal it's great all right and then just one shot the ghosts good oh you're not a mimic wow stop no crystal over here fine just gotta make sure that doesn't happen get out of here toasty and let's eat this body over here put it out i'm eating me eating your mother uh never mind oh geez what's going on it's crazy all right let's just go guys this video is long enough this video is long enough let's see what we're missing we got 46. oh we got you perfect steven versus spark bolt actually uh whoops i was trying to just not kill you uh we still have a thousand seconds of that left so let's just get like double hp why not might as well grab some of these nugs as well here we could use this why not just laugh at explosions everywhere let's go oh yeah you have two orbs boom almost almost almost a one shot man not quite a one shot if we had that 5000 i'm sure we would have all right well guess what we got to do now i mean come on guys how well do you know me right you better know me by now you better know that i got to eat your body oh god oh i know i know i'm so sorry i know it's so bad but it's so good at the same time that green slimy meat i'm gonna drown in your body this has become very romantic oh no i want the rest of it oh no stop cut it out here you know what we need to get as much as we can here i'm just gonna drink the rest of this okay so we have like 50 seconds to be able to possibly out heal lava melting our body but it's not we could eat the lava we could eat it it's okay guys it's fine look we're just eating lava we're not drinking it lava is i mean well it's not really a solid is it but i don't know technically what is lava solid like real lava is kind of oh my god okay that does a little bit more damage than we could tank now we have to uh it's the end guys it's just about the end but however first things wait no no it needs to go in the middle perfect perfect it's good enough excellent excellent now everyone thank you very much for watching try the seed out for yourselves it's pretty crazy look at that almost 5 000 from eating colemy's body thank you very much let's go nice oh yeah excellent excellent let's check out our stats over here see how long that run was an hour and a half not that bad i it took a lot of prep in the beginning spent a lot of time doing that anyway thank you again for watching that's just one of the crazy things i tried to showcase a bunch of different things in this run just like that chain gun run i did so seed showcase but also just like a showcase run of like eat your vegetables and iron stomach and all the crazy insanity you can get into with them enjoy playing the game guys happy noidten i'll see you next time you
Channel: FuryForged
Views: 89,320
Rating: 4.9327617 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FuryForge, Noita, Noita Secrets, Noita Tips and Tricks, Noita run, Noita 2021, Full Noita Run, Noita tutorial, Noita Guide, Noita Eat Your Vegetables, Noita Iron Stomach, How to be overpowered in Noita, Noita Bosses
Id: HZg0G8ZfvHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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