Welp, acid is melting through the world... | Noita

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[Music] hello what's going on everyone it's fury welcome to another noitaseed showcase this one starts off innocently enough there's no great treasure chest but uh this one's gonna be absolutely insane and just i was gonna say bonkers it just popped into my head and i'm just gonna roll with it it's gonna be bonkers so uh i just got really good news some in a very good mood right now so yeah i'm not gonna talk about that much though but i'm also in a good mood because there's a black hole wand in the mines that actually has enough mana to cast the black holes and we're gonna need that because this run we stand a very high chance of dying in this one very high chance of dying so this is gonna be kind of like a challenge run in a way i'm gonna grab this heart right here we missed that gold whatever uh i forgot how much gold i'm gonna need it's not gonna be that much but yeah definitely a challenging seed for sure this one uh we're just gonna get a little bit more gold there's another toxic cavern toxic cave right here and this okay so for this one uh i already kind of failed my challenge i suppose but just you know from now on i guess from this point on we're not allowed to use these wands we got to use our only weapon is gonna be what's in here and that is a uh runestone of metal pretty rare and the one wand we're gonna get we're allowed to use the black hole too whatever it's just kind of you know self-imposed you know if you didn't know what this does the runestone of metal it turns any metal in the vicinity even like metal powders turns them into poison so that's gonna be fun and poison also see we could kill things like that poison creates this poison gas which is gonna be uh pretty interesting and this is the wand we're allowed to use now for the rest of this run which creates flammable gas content so let me go this way whatever we don't need to conserve black holes or anything but what we do need to do is head this way we got 219 we got 79 hp i gotta remember like don't take more damage we need as much hp as possible at the moment leading into the devastation that's going to happen very soon hey buddy look at you nice well let's just do that and fail all right we're gonna just explode this i don't want anything to set on fire here that's what we do not want we've got 79 hp they're all dead it's all good all right grab that again get all this gold we got all this fungus i didn't wait give me my there we go let's eat some fungus and once again you know oh a lot of seed showcases a lot of crazy things happen and begin the craziness of the seed begins after triggering a fungal shift ah and this one oh my god [Laughter] we have 22 hp it's oh don't use that one don't have that one selected buddy so we're not gonna use this get in there hopefully i can not die we may have to go across this way i hope i don't have to i hope i can make it to the i'm scared there's land up here which is oh there's not land now yeah i can't okay well that was a good idea because now all right what we did guys the first fungal shift changed flammable gas and poison gas into acid so because acid generates more flammable gas you you know what's going on we got creepy acid it's going to envelop the entire world so acid produces more acid it's just gonna be this chain reaction uh that we're gonna go for right now we should be able to get underneath this oh all right well maybe i should oh yeah i'm definitely moving we gotta wait a little while because this any moment now is probably gonna start spreading and we don't have much hp we can't even even if i had full hp we can't survive taking a dip in in this green sauce apple juice no it's not apple juice guys we gotta get to the bottom of this game and we're gonna get back up to the top we gotta end this one at the mountain altar hopefully well once we can get down there once we can move a little bit without oh my god i saw that right underneath me was like look at that one pixel right there ah once we can hopefully exit this uh all of this is gonna be gone this is not good i think i missed my chance oh no come on oh dude okay please oh please allow me to introduce myself i'm not deaf i don't know what's above me i'm kind of all right all right all right all right all right let's do that again except this time we're gonna throw our wands down because we're not allowed to use them anyway that's why i died there guys i had to reset the run that's totally why uh but i mean this one it's gonna be crazy and yeah it's like an arbitrary rule set because it's my challenge run this particular seed is amazing for this because there's a fungal pit right over there and the very first shift is the shift that i wanted uh where is we gotta go this way right you guys gonna follow me into the death zone no we gotta go down there well let's where am i let's select that wand oh okay hey we got some gold i need to try to get a decent amount of gold here because we got to do two re-rolls i think i got to go back that way or i guess i could just black hole through but i want to try to save my black holes i guess since i'm going back for all of this gold i will use that right there all right now get this little gold powder right there okay this one's nice and tucked away so yeah we're only allowed to use this as a weapon and the uh slime ball wand as a weapon because they both make things more difficult for me yes i can kill enemies but they both you know it makes it more fun to watch for you guys too that i'm gonna have to deal with this craziness yes it's like arbitrary but uh the whole point of the challenge is for it to be challenging and for it to be more entertaining to watch right that's why i make videos i don't want to make stupid like boring videos whatever i mean i do sometimes anyway so if i have to kill anything we gotta kill them with blunt force trauma or with slime balls that both of these things produce aaa blunt force trauma only from this both of these items or whatever produce more acid or are going to produce more acid once that fungal shift is triggered so we gotta go down this way that's why i'm forcing myself hey stop forcing myself to only use these things as weaponry if i have to attack things this guy i think this is the one who caused my death so you're gonna get out of here we don't hit that though i don't want to start a fire oh wait is the fungus right below no it's right here all right no problem 77 hp let's actually yeah get down there that was amazing i'm going to whoo spicy spicy can you like what come on oh yeah bite this thing get down there little hammy little ham sandwich go you're supposed to do it fight oh no i mean not here go down there boom that's exactly what's up and now all of this is on fire so let's hurry up and eat it before it all burns i guess then i have to restart if that happens man come on hurry up oh we got it we got that's enough right there but i'll eat a little bit more you got to get 180 seconds so hurry up we got 72 hp and all right oh god 14 hp it was like perfect spot for that to happen like right at the end i don't want to wait too long we got a 499 gold that's good so all right that's fine um please no no no no no no no no no no no okay change of plans let's get up here kind of tap levitate king get up here there's some acid right here that might kill me so we gotta go all right i didn't even see that pixel pixel to pixel we got single well not single pixel bridges but i think i could land on that too if we need to there's more acid right above us all right and we gotta hurry though because is that a pixel that i can land on no it's not okay don't assume that it is oh crap okay yeah we have to go because this is no bueno look at this oh my god hopefully there is a oh no okay we're in oh there's a bunch of acid above us just go just go just go just go okay now the gods are gonna end up being angered pretty soon i'm sure let's get this more black holes if i select this wand we're immediately going to have more acid around us so i think i want to re-roll here uh oh yes exactly boom is there a teleport because if there is i would allow myself a teleport just so i don't end up dying like by getting cut off by like lava falls oh my lava holy crap that getting cut off by that oh my god it's already everywhere down here okay i'm here like yeah it's not too bad we don't see any oh my god that's insanity okay so just don't assume that it's oh no don't assume that it's safe always assume that there is acid literally everywhere so just keep going if you don't see it it's probably in the wall it doesn't matter and i'm surprised that the gods weren't angered but that's cool very cool so we gotta go use this we're gonna definitely need that all right now we have all the tools we're gonna need for this entire run i'm scared of okay there's no that was insane all that acid there let's just go i think we're gonna be fairly safe here unless there's an acid tank someplace which i acid tank someplace which i there might [Music] okay thank you monk stone for doing that unless there's an acid tank acid trail yeah let's use that uh yeah don't want that all right of course now that god's been angered is that oh that was from me of course it was from me so [Music] okay hey you cut that out we may get that propulsion as well double repulsion bunch of gold which i uh okay i'm not sure i really need good so it seems as if we outran wow just go we are on the acid for now for the moment can you stop which is perfect however there's definitely going to be more soon and if i accidentally select that wand then it's gonna be a lot all right get explosion immunity maybe and get out of here hey go you know what you know what punk yeah i got double repulsion what do you got stop i don't care i'm just like come on come back here yeah you're running away now are you like i don't like statues all right that was like super jank took forever wait is there acid over here i think we outran it for now next the the vault is gonna get oh my god we didn't outrun it because they shoot poison which is gonna turn into more acid and now we're in the best place to be in the fungal caverns where there's even more and we have 32 hp and we're not gonna die because i refuse let's go oh my god okay it's fine it's just fine let's get this too why not just cuz i don't know um so we found the acid again and now there's gonna be acid in the vault anything that poisons yes those poison he see uh what do we got stainless armor yeah breathless can you come over here please you know what man what else i don't have my if i had my runestone i would kill you with that but i don't oh my god well here we are guys there we go we're not going we got to go this way i'll see you later no perks for us oh my god no no no here we are all right in the land of pain and suffering just go we don't have time no time to sit around waiting and watching we have got to go oh yes we do it's a fast run but we it needs to be a fast run too bad i don't have that and that means there's acid over here someplace cause i didn't i don't think i angered the gods just then triggered that hey what are you why are you so dumb come on pick a pick a direction i'm over here now go or go down this way there's acid coming dude i would like to get something i don't know i gotta re-roll whatever we have explosion immunity here let's get this maybe we can buy more ow at the end i'm unsure if uh if acid is gonna be an issue here probably not where i think we're home free as as far as going down is concerned to the bottom here as long as you know like lava can't turn into acid if it could things would be a little spicy but i think we're safe in here all right we're at the end anyway okay we're at the end master teleportation now now let's see we don't have time to really wait around oh yeah and we got you so we're gonna do this do this i'm gonna get that so why not and see ya and then where do i want to use this i don't know like there's gonna be more acid on the way up so what i might do right now unless the acid starts [Music] chasing us down or like coming down here we uh i think i think what i'm gonna do is just drain this this way yeah and you know what i'll do another one one of these come on there we go all right i'm just gonna sit here for a bit all right you know what i'm actually gonna do let's put this let's i'm just gonna use this right around over here i what oh my god that's amazing i'm gonna stay right here and we're gonna be fine and now we have 104 hp there's acid everywhere we gotta go all right that was amazing man i've been staring at the eye glyphs and other glyphs in this game for so long that i'm actually looking at the lava fall right now and seeing glyphs in it and wondering if there are glyphs in the falling liquids in this game like especially this lava right now i just keep seeing things i've gone completely insane and i wish that the lava would end soon geez come on oh my god what oh i was standing right underneath where that's amazing oh stop please stop when's the lava please i hope there okay there was there's some here too right when i point at it what is going on rng can you like not do that is it gonna go up it might go up one of the other legs all right good it stopped jeez let's make a little bit of a bridge on the water down there i mean on the lava just in case and um all right we're going to keep this just in case i forgot about the circle of acid i was like when i bought that i was like let's let's pick up this and then cast it and then run away from the lav i'm from the acid but we would die i don't if i had acceleration or faster movement perk then we'd be able to get away um but yeah as it is no three two one bone now the goal is to get all the way to the top obviously end the game at the mountain altar but i have uh damage field because i'm we got to get up there without killing colemy if if at all possible without killing comey with the uh damage field so the longer comey decides to just hang out and dance down at the bottom the better and we gotta recover our staff i mean not our stamina whatever what the heck is that oh my god we got a tikka swab attacking us all right time to die me did it die i think it did so did that i almost died with it no it didn't die would you hurt hp i don't even know if that thing died but we could be in for a surprise man please not at the end of this run like this come on we got to get all the way up you know what i'm going to throw that right there yep here's call me yeah we have to get out of here like this and fall all the way back down thank you so much for timing your your dash attack at me like that so good thank you so much all right well this is going to be a little slow pace but i don't want to kill you all right good uh you gotta just go back and forth what the hell no get away from me how did you get all the way up there i hope there's not another one death by wands i mean you know that's pretty pretty average of a way to die in this game can you not do that please all right we're almost home free all right also yeah we could get stuck because if the bridge is in the way if he dies before he can destroy the bridge i need to use my black hole to destroy the bridge so let's hope that that doesn't happen he's like hey play with me i'm gonna dissolve the ground you're standing on all right you can dissolve this ground if you would like cool me thank you now i'm gonna go across we gotta make it back this way hopefully you let me don't come on call me maybe we should spawn cazzy as well call me and cazzy hey just wanted to fill up my flask now we're gonna go through the mines hopefully well if there's acid in the mine still which it probably all went like through the ground it probably dissolved the ground and then okay uh just as long as comey plays nice and doesn't dissolve my bridge oh my god just don't touch any more of that stuff please seven hp there's the acid we gotta make it up to this oh my god that was i'm gonna go this way there's acid right there please don't explode i'm gonna go down here not that that would save me if that decided to explode right when i was going past let's not fill our water flask with oil please let's get some blood in here we need to fill up our flask okay and okay 96 full there's some more water right here we'll get that we can't get hit by anything obviously we have seven hp just want to get up you fill this up thing is full all right get that water stain on us just in case he's probably attacking stuff or just like hanging out for a bit so we have some time i'm going to air swim up first over here and then whoops line this up perfectly come on we i missed it we messed up all right hang on we might have to all right that time we got it better all right just gotta time it just gotta time it although we have almost none left so we gotta just get up here i have repulsion field remember that furio get up here i'm just gonna tap levitate without using anything go like that all right we did it now i gotta wait for call me oh hey let's do it call me we've done it the work has been solved and we have some toxic gold for you right here uh i'm gonna die there we go i wanted to see coleman die but it's fine we were successful the end there could have been better but i was it's definitely a fun seed to mess around on with acid everywhere i was hoping there would be more acid at the end obviously like that was that was my reason for wanting to go back up i was like we're gonna have to go all the way back up but we may have died because i only had 56 hp at the end but or whatever and then the wands that was amazing we did it though i was hoping there would be more acid at the end but that run i don't even know i gotta watch that back i'm uploading this no matter what but yeah maybe not the best but pretty awesome like that fungal shift is it's a lot of fun it puts the fun in fungal shift all right anyway thanks everyone i hope you have an amazing rest of your day and i will see you next time [Music] peace
Channel: FuryForged
Views: 105,887
Rating: 4.9222279 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FuryForge, Noita, Lets Play, Gameplay, Playthrough, Full Noita Run, Rogue-lite, Rogue-like, Crazy Noita Seed, Interesting Noita Seeds, Noita Seed Showcase, Noita Acid World
Id: snyceQZZQbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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