New Bosses, Biomes, Secrets and More! | Noita Mods ep1

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hello and welcome to the beginning of what I hope to turn into a regular series on this channel welcome to episode 1 of my nota modded playthrough series as we all know NOLA games recently added official Workshop support so I think it's a perfect time to start something like this we're gonna start by focusing on three mods all by the same author Horned key those mods are the new bosses and enemies mod the new biomes and secrets mod and the rare scene come in a fire anyway that's enough of an intro let's just jump right in and get started boom alright so I did end up playing wait a minute there's music now that's amazing so I claimed that's surprising to me because I did this on stream for a very very brief amount of time we got humans over here and there was no music playing anyway so yeah like I said a very brief amount of time I'm mostly going into this blind and there's a bunch of new bosses I know where the bosses are pretty much I I know where most of the biomes are as well anyway we don't have to go this way I'm just gonna I guess we'll pick up this egg maybe I'm not using any mod to tell me my alchemy recipes we're not gonna worry about that if we get really really lucky and stumble into any kind of alchemy taking place then cool otherwise whoops I forgot there's humans down here did I just crush a bunch of them that would be pretty interesting okay whatever yeah you better hide in that corner we look so much bigger than them but like it's just our rubes is we're not we're like the same size pretty much what if I did this though we have to what if I did that oh it's just a little one eating the humans Oh No there goes Ted oh man well sweet they have no weapons so we might as well wow you just when jumping off the cliff yeah they're all running screaming for their lives I don't know if I'm on their side or well right now we're really not on their side are we whoops whoopsie might as well okay there we go mm-hmm if we need any here we got some some warm blood as long as it doesn't start raining or anything this is cool so yeah I don't know any of the content really all I know is what you can find on the description page for these mods let's just ride this down a little bit oh wow so yeah rare scenes are gonna be common so things like this potentially powerful wands and or deadly wands 2.82 second recharge time well then we're not really gonna be making a use of that one maybe I guess I could we could fight our first boss with it I'll take that just in case all right let's go and immediately fight the first boss that's all I know about like I know the location the first boss and they're basically there in all of the orb rooms scattered around the world ow we took a 1-point of radiation damage there there's another one that's crazy but doesn't there's no chests over here sometime gonna bother going in there look at that are you kidding me hmm is an entire dad of Ambrosia and then there's a one of honey which I guess here let's do this empty this out over here it may not be large enough with a basin it's not I don't want this stuff to leak all over the place here look around here we got our first new enemy I think those are called the ax men Vikings all right so we're gonna have to do a lot of exploration in this a lot we have to go everywhere I want to see I think over on that side of the world and the snowy wasteland there's Wow cement we got a liquid vat of cement or is it hardening as we look on that's crazy so I'm gonna use a little bit of water on you probably or you're gonna nope don't think so hey stop that jump in the cement do it I dare you look at what you're doing Oh No well we're gonna cement ah they're destroying it all the ambrosia it's fine and here's another new enemy oh good job good job thank you very much mr. shotgun man here take this no no no you were helping me alright so let me this should be good enough right here still not man trying to get rid of this stuff in a barely safe area cuz we're gonna be backtracking a lot ya know yeah this will be easy enough to dodge oh look at that all the cement hardened oh well I was gonna try to get a flask of it but then there's really that's the one unfortunate thing with this game is it's amazing we all know it's amazing right my favorite game currently and it's just unfortunate that you can't once you pick up a flask it's not safe to put it down anywhere I mean they're not even safe there they're safer on their little pedestals than they are after you pick them up and put them down someplace else though maybe you know you can put them in a pool a little pool of water kind of like right here but they still because the game shakes and everything and sometimes the physics just cause them to pop up you know and it's unfortunate hopefully eventually we get the ability to carry more or maybe a bag a flask bag I don't know there's a lot of things and and of course hopefully eventually we get the ability to transport powders for easy easier alchemy creation mixing well I'm hoping that the entire alchemy system is like completely not redone but expanded upon I'll say I kinda I don't know I kind of fall into the camp of the alchemy the current alchemy a Midas and lively concoction anyway mm-hmm kind of fall into the camp that they're basically cheat codes you know I'm sorry I'm kind of losing my voice I have really bad allergies so we're just gonna have to put up with that for now all right so this is gonna be pretty dangerous well let's do it first boss the Phoenix basically all right let me not kill myself with my own weapon whoa okay you know what we did enough damage to you with that I think for now who's gonna stick with the spark bolt the Phoenix shall not rise from the ashes after this well hopefully hopefully we don't get splattered I kind of wanna I need more room here you're getting a little too close here let me land again get some of my levitation energy back and hopefully not get oh my god we almost did all right he's got a little bit more space here please and then let's dead take a dip all right give me more crits please almost gotcha we gotcha whoa what is that a scythe artifact picked up site the artifact Wow um okay I don't know what that gave me Oh gave me lots of gold that's really cool sweet so first boss down this is amazing so I've seen this boss before but that's about it so basically from this point on everything's going to be pretty much blind I dunno some things just from reading the description of both mods so now we just got a I don't know I'm just gonna probably take it slow and I'm gonna upload this as a series not as like one run so this is will not be a three hour long video I'm gonna make this one longer let me know in the comments down below what you what you think I should do I want to I want your opinions I'm not gonna do like one giant run I mean hopefully we don't die but you know with all these new things that we're gonna be encountering there's no trap we've run the risk of dying much much more easily than if we were just playing vanilla you know but this one will be like an hour long I think just to give us a good start hello there you know what yeah let me drip some of this down on top of you I'm for a little baby take shower okay that was weird and so yeah this won't be an hour long and the next one I'm considering making them you know a half hour like an actual let's play series I need to sober up please thank you so you I've seen these guys before too these little skulls they homed in on you yeah it's gotta be careful here they're basically like the oh no that's not cool I don't want to take a bunch of damage here obviously this might be a bad idea going this way I don't know if I could did we get one of them no we didn't all right so we do have this if I can lure you over here yes both you perfect oh we got punched but it's all right 87 HP that's fine it's just fine there's something about playing with mods that you know makes it it just feels like I'm not playing no what is this salt we got salt nice I can make some some pickles some pickled what are you called I don't know I'm just gonna call you a horned magician horned mage skull mage I think they actually are called skull mages but it just feels so different you know already love it there you know what just do that ah again come on 75 HP it's fine whatever whatever I might actually do the whole dark cave thing oh hi it's Robin Hood Prince of Thieves out I do have quite a bit of money alright thank you for yours we were joking about that when I briefly I think I streamed this for the other day or the other night maybe for an hour tops but I was playing really slowly we didn't really see anything I saw that boss the one thing and some of these enemies here basically all right so I want to make brine but I don't know a good way to mix this I don't know if it mixes overtime brine there we go so we're gonna see a lot of things like that and that means we might get lucky and actually find our lively concoction and precursor recipes out in the wild potentially we stand a much higher chance of doing that than just playing vanilla anyway all right so collapse mines okay yeah so man you shoot fast too fast think fast and you you're not a weakened one you we are going to that we're gonna use the same Stratus freeze you a little bit thick you kill myself in that ended up taking a lot more oh that's all frozen we're stuck in here now fantastic how did this get frozen over here 38 HP we're gonna go to the dark cave again way more damage than I want I mean we do have almost a thousand you know what trying to think let's just go down and then we could always come back here when I have better wands and more more of a plan cuz I dunno like we can go to the pyramid and everything but I don't think it's a good idea to go there right now I want to see what this flask is gonna drip some water around I'm gonna kick this you're not gonna take the bait at all alright come here stand re come here alright you know what nope all right good we almost got ambushed by you whoo hang on all right so this is gunpowder I don't know I'll take it for now we're killing you with gunpowder how about that [Music] take that you're not dead I could just drop a bomb we're gonna go replenish everything anyway all right 35 HP let's just go we're gonna be able to buy whatever we want I don't know if I want these at all yet so this fires one two three four five six all of them at once every 3 seconds pretty much pretty much three seconds hang on here now what do I have what does this wand like points 17 point 43 okay it's a shuffle wand so I think instead of this we're not gonna use that right now I'm gonna buy that we're gonna buy that put this on there for now and there are many triggers or anything I'm just gonna keep this like so for the moment I'm gonna fill up our water flask we have a horrible horrible perks pretty good pretty good slime blood is one of the best Sto perk in my opinion because it doesn't say this but it also gives you a 40 percent damage reduction against projectiles which is obviously huge and it can be stacked as well all right let's go I had to walk my dog real quick look a little bit of a break and something I was thinking about when I was walking the dog I I'm still gonna be making all of the noise videos that you've come come to expect from me those other types of noida videos I'm actually about 90% finished with another one right now okay which should be coming out within the next few days or so but I juggle my noida content with terraria videos as well hey so probably within the next few days those videos take me a really long time to make both of those my other types of noida videos that I do and also the turret most of the terraria videos I do as well multiple days of work for all of that for each one and why not do that see what this is I want a better wand I mean I like this triple kit bolt a lot but it's really good for getting blood to what we're gonna need it like I need a digging lawn die also I'll take that um I think it's about time we got rid of the Giga we're not gonna use that right now we're not really gonna use this yet actually I will probably yeah let's do that critical on Doyle I think I'm gonna just go down to the next area down to the snowy deaths and then come back up although I think I'm pretty sure that we're gonna have to go through a new biome in order to get back up like that whole area with the chasm I think that's all replaced now maybe but I mean this is a pretty good wand as long as we don't trigger this very often I mean it's not bad to trigger it but oh hello are you dead okay um don't want to take too much damage okay it was my main weapon for now oh hi I have my ear oh well that was cool I think this yeah you summon nice you dead okay my tablet we got you here Hey well see you later what is the negative 1 degree spread has a nice wand this was just out on you know yeah underneath the oil container hey pretty cool good find good find for how early we are you know we don't care about sludge really we also don't care about here you know what burn never mind there you go well take as much money as we can get this you know there's a 99.9% chance we're not gonna get Mitas or anything in this run but then again we wrap we have all these bosses we're gonna be fighting I forgot how many there are but I think like six or eight I think like the new new bosses and enemies mod obviously adds bosses but then the the biomes mod I think adds at least one also new biomes and secrets so yeah I'm really uh hey Robocop really excited about this oops I knew that was going to happen there we go boom the best use for bombs taking care of the Robocop's I'm not gonna even bother with your chunk that's a great spot for the stew of landed huh alright don't there we go we almost messed that up let's see [Music] you can stay up there that please don't break I don't know if I want to hang out in here really we have a good wand no you know what if I see anything all crap what is that never mind we're not going up there I want to conserve my HP all right please don't Electrify me what is that there's an invisible chicken Niemann what are you you dead that's what you are okay lots of blood go away Kermit the Frog stop it we need plague rats trying to think also we got to stay away from certain perks but I do not want for a long run multi-episode 'ok experience do not want electricity oh no don't want that you don't want to go over there yeah that's why I don't want electricity because I don't want the flasks just Auto breaking when I get too close so that was a regular frog right yeah the big one right there stay away from me squid baby there you go the only good drone is a bet a dead drone and I'm sorry shield man or in does the invisibility once nevermind oh stop it a long tongue didn't even see you or you for that matter I saw you at the last second you know what we got this - we're gonna be gigas anymore which is cool Giga saws are great but I mean I know where I dumped it all right let's see fungus I wonder if any of the secrets added have anything to do with any alchemy all right you know what let's be smart about this maybe this might not not be smart yet it was perfectly smart see we would be so slow in here without slime blood and also the projectile here you know what is huge let's get rid of that don't break this might get in there nice and we might as well use this to get in here we kind of have our makeshift digging wand triplicate bolt works also for digging in softer materials that's a pretty nice wand Wow well we're getting rid of our newbie wand there we go I want to go back out to the surface and jam out with that bandha though that was really cool oh my god it's a nice wand look at that and the mana we could just spam the entire I mean no I'll never mind don't get stuck on the pixels 123 it's fine I think some of the biomes add health increases as well or full heels hopefully that would be nice I'm gonna try to play fairly slowly and carefully out which I'm not doing right now I mean we could you're dead good I could just tablet things did you have the tablet Wow I want that wand what is that hang on I didn't brush it - and there's another one right here oh yes so let's keep water right there hang on oh my god I mean the wand whatever especially that like we don't want that but we want this we definitely do I think I'm gonna get rid of the triplicate bolts for now bombs I'll hold on to for the moment yeah we don't want to get electrocuted or polymorphed yeah especially with you right there so let's get out of here I think tactical retreat seems like the best course of action right now this is a really good wand for this area Oh No what are you gonna do okay via spider sueda get some lava some poly morphine down there that I do not want anything to do with oops okay some worm worm juice yeah I don't think there are any new flasks or anything otherwise it might here you know what let's not go over there I saw that Robocop let's get out of here it would probably be called to the new biomes new enemies new bosses new everything new flasks it's not it's just just just new bosses new biomes new enemies cool new enemies are always cool but the exciting thing fighting bosses like that's really really exciting but just that one we've thought already I'm just hoping that we don't get absolutely destroyed we got another ambrosia flask right here that's probably gonna break but whatever burned that into your memory base we need it for later so probably don't want that uh let's see here this is an amazing wand and then we have this now that's huge like this Ronna already like I'm trying to treat this as a playthrough as a let's play wait and it's non shuffle that's crazy that is a phenomenal wand whatever we'll keep that there I don't like fireball anyway I'm trying to treat this as like a full playthrough and not as like just a run where you know we're probably gonna die blah blah blah no I'm trying to play this like a hardcore survival game which I haven't been doing very well at so far so hopefully we improve now um maybe shouldn't have done that yet but it's fine now I will buy acid just in case because acid you know the we don't need all these if that's just in case we'll keep all of this just in case especially bouncing bursts the the vanilla boss loves acid so much that feel like we're probably gonna get rid of this I'll keep one of these just in case so and then with this three point seven recharge that this one we're gonna get rid of pretty quickly do I want this delayed I haven't really messed around with the lead spell cast much we're gonna keep all that right there for now this is insanity that's gonna be fantastic and we'll keep everything else the way it is at the moment all right where we have shield I'll definitely take shield let's go okay am I ready I suppose we have no way to get out of here currently so we got to trigger all the collapses but it's fine it's fine right yeah let's just go I mean there's we're stuck here no matter what now let's see freeze charge incredible that we have that absolutely incredible I'm gonna work my way directly to what I think Oh actually I think there's one up here too let's go top left first is I think there's like up here in the top left someplace I don't know exactly where is Horned Keys first mod biome the first one he ever made and okay I know hang on here you know what let's take that and look at that only 20 recharge speed though or charge speed we're just gonna dump that and let's see all right oh my god is a bad spot it's fine just fine and then try to blow you up alright look at those crits perfect 178 HP no big deal still doing just fine I can't get through this man we need it once everywhere need that let's try to dig underneath this alright so man you guys jump pretty high mr. axe man try to make the environment as friendly as possible here man come on get out of here [Music] was that warmblood got some warm blood over here got a gold nugget look all right see what this wand is if we can get in there yeah we can get in here uh so I like using these early on it's good to have a little minion you know oh hey speaking of minions there's a summoner in here well now there's not I'm glad I didn't get attacked because I was stuck so we got another digging long sort of I could I want teleportation however and this is a pretty pretty nice wand shuffle though I guess for the moment we're gonna take this as our make sure like it's a better digging wand than what we have sort of less inclined to run out of mana all right continue this way see if we could find this new biome and then I don't know how big this one is I don't it didn't look and there was like a screenshot of it on the description of the mod in the workshop and I don't think it's that big and then after this we'll hopefully oh okay not crash as weird we'll go that way and there's a new biome on that side I think - and hopefully get up to the top it would be great now this looks weird this must be a new biome Wow interesting aha Oh soil let's uh I guess let's look this way first okay I don't know what's gonna spawn in here just kind of map out the entire thing get that fog of war alright dissipated we could dig in here let me go down the actual one of these entrances and I don't know if there's gonna be any kind of like traps there could be like a boss in here maybe a Minotaur this is like a labyrinth I don't know if anything is gonna be inside of the soil what is the steel interesting um let's take care of you maybe here you know what come here I'm gonna shoot you you're gonna come over here there you go and then we're gonna crush ya or are you just gonna go up this way like a more intelligent enemy you know the enemy's in Noida a very very intelligent pathfinding they like to flank you you know see there are little tricky things but obviously not intelligent enough picking on me so is this yeah this is the magical temple so there is nothing in here it seems I gotta go back in just in case huh we're gonna dig around in there a little bit see if we can find anything maybe there's like a hidden room you know what where's my yeah here's the magical temple oh there's gonna be a boss here oh man am i up for this I don't know what its gonna be I guess I guess we have to let me I'm gonna continue to play Dig Dug real quick though and just dig around in here to see if there's anything cuz oh wait is there now that was just fog of war so I could have sworn I saw on the screenshot there was a health maybe it just didn't spawn I we lucked out we got one without any heart I think there was supposed to be a heart there or something oh well fine I guess we have ambrosia so unless whatever is over here there's a new enemy is a book the good book oh and it shoots third it's a tentacle thing alright let's just it's dead I'm just gonna keep spraying this out good amazing wand it's the snow machine that I want them to flank us it's gonna come after me so let's kill it there we go perfect and they try to take out all the enemies before fighting a boss please I'm scared this is cool it's really cool I think Vennela I mean obviously there's tons of development left to be done I would think you know noida is still early access but man wouldn't it be great if they added like official bosses more official bosses and buffed the boss we do have I mean we have the Dragon and then the the pyramid boss leg of three I but it's just not the same all right so there's lava here that's a little worrying you know what we're gonna do we're gonna do a little bit of that action now hang on I just want to make sure nothing comes in here all right you dead okay so I'm gonna put some ambrosia over here just in case and let's go oh hi we're running out of mana owl you do a lot of damage you know what I'm just gonna stand here real quick empty out some of that all right where are you okay you shoot out fireballs you're in the lava are you gonna heal in the lava can we trap you in there no we can't okay 121 hp Oh 67 HP oh my god that was fantastic I mean it's just shooting fireballs that well they're ice balls actually just be very careful here about this we're killing you I doubt it's gonna drop a health a heal though which is the problem so I'm gonna do that real quick okay hang on man you are freaking out now I'm glad you're not chasing me this is crazy I don't really have anything for long-range I'm glad that we ok now you're coming over here we should just spam this we're not running out of mana to spam it we're making our own barricade to sort of you know our own defenses our snow fort while we fight the where do you say that is I think it's actually been the Nagas boss it's a serpent or serpent the lady reminds me of like from D&D I don't know why I remember this but like a type 5 demon or something like that I'm not even played BMD in a really long time but I just remember that okay and please don't kill me oh yeah and you drop the wand and oh okay golden bow artifact so sweet and Wow okay look at that of course we can't use it black holes that's cool earthquake that's not cool pentacle is cool tentacle would be really nice with that right there we got a lightning bolt try for Cait information which I don't use very often but that wand is also really great except for the mana charge speed I'm not picking that up right now though is I'll accidentally earthquake myself or something we'll just we'll pick it up okay so now we have to work our way very carefully oh my god how are we gonna do this though I wasn't thinking about this we have to go through a new biome I think to get up to the surface again we're gonna try to do it and then I need to go to the dark cave unless there's a heal anywhere we'll see if we can make this we only have 67 HP that's pretty unfortunate but hmm we don't really have any kind of digging wand yet to get back up if we go down you know so we have to go back up I need that heal and we need to be really careful let's dig in into here and then we're just gonna work our way along the top man I wish I did not get hit by that boss there's really no reason why we should have she was going crazy after a while but we have two flasks of ambrosia so if I die big noob big noob mistake all right stop it that anything that gets in my way we're just gonna freeze we gotta take this nice and slow well not too slow but I could also use ambrosia you know to run through things there is another one up you know so here let's just that be very careful I'm happy about this though very happy it's in normal noida this wouldn't have happened you know and look at all that money we got that's great good stuff alright yeah dear maybe if i want to pick those up again we shouldn't well I don't know if there's anything difficult in the like the collapsed ruin or collapsed mines we're not not gonna worry about this or should we let's yeah let's take a peek real quick see what this is it could you know what if it's healing with oh nice whatever with boomerang we just magically find the healing projectile with boomerang there'll be great and piercing so we could just instantly completely heal ourselves you thank you for exploding now don't fall or anything please please do not fall I'm gonna be greedy and we're gonna grab this gold right here alright let's go at least I can dig through the snow easily enough we're just gonna stick to the very top but I think we have to go through a new biome I'm scared oh crap hang on I'm not ready yet good thing we have a shield stop it alright so no stop you hit so fast so fast what if we find like a look of that of health iam or something because I am using that rare rare scenes common uh-huh oh my god stop oh my new sniper you know get out of here Punk if we don't have to go through a new biome right now we're not gonna we have to go up to the top first I just hope I don't fall into like a vat of acid because as suddenly the floors acid no oh look at that it's right here that's the new biome okay so this part didn't get overwritten and here's this if you haven't seen this as we play through I'll show off some things all right so we're home free we're home free I think good let me just get up there real quick all right so now we're gonna head to the collapsed mines and the dark cave where I can heal up there's got to be really really careful there are gonna be new enemies here there have any fire I do not now I wish that I well we don't have edit wands so it's fine let's just take a dip in blood me actually well filled this up with blood Matt that's what that's good we can use that to teleport you know open up the portal at the lake oh I think the lake has a boss to every there's bosses everywhere oh my god that was I'm glad we didn't get hit by that obviously yeah we got to be very altra careful here so why don't we kill that skeleton let's not even trigger the trap please so perfect we're gonna drop this right here for now cuz I got black holes that'll be we have three of them at least you know but we'll come back up for this we just need a way to get through holy mountains and that's our best way so far I mean I know I could use this until we run out of earthquake but I would rather not even use earthquake to be honest especially right now being so squishy let me just dig through that wall I don't know what I'm doing here [ __ ] obviously I want to conserve the mmm yeah as a lightning bolt on it too we just kill ourselves if we used it you know best course of action I gotta remember that that's there it's in a good spot very memorable spot it's not like we're gonna lose that brine no I didn't mix what if I mix it with this one brine yeah let's dig down into the middle of this we could dig our way back out to want to make pickles Brian look at that nice I don't know what if we can do anything with that but it's cool pretty cool okay fire bolt I'm not gonna worry about that yet I know this is slow come on get those all right without all the fires I don't want fire I didn't even see you 49 HP dude so many of them was busy looking at the blood alright so we're here just gonna hopefully we don't run into up all right you got killed get that out of here we shouldn't freeze that actually yeah you know what we're doing you know there's a arch of the archers attack very quickly so do you just kill them all right I don't know how much damage these things do it's gonna mine this away real fast we could drain the water down into here perfect let me I would use one of our I was aimed like sort of down sweet and now let me uh I'm gonna speed this up - this is gonna take a little while all right pretty much drained the entire place now he's got a head up stay away from me or you're slowly dying anyway if the HP over here and keep shooting all right and then where are we there we go I want to freeze myself up here though and then we just need to get this heal I could just dig through but it's fine come on where am I there we go all right 245 max HP not bad not good but not bad anyway I'm gonna end it right here with the destruction of this enemy right here stand ari you must perish all right next time we're gonna pick it up right here and I think next time I'm gonna explore all of the mines or you know see if we can find any flasks hopefully find a pheromone flask so I can get some consistent healing I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to look up any of the alchemy recipes we may just because like if it's possible to make them that would probably really contribute to the longevity of this as a series as I'd rather not die we're gonna have to fight bosses who I'm gonna be fighting blind they're gonna be a lot more difficult because their actual bosses there's gonna be new enemies too that are a lot more more difficult so there's a lot more of a chance to get completely destroyed very quickly like we almost did fighting the Nagas boss let me know everything down below I want to know all of your opinions about everything all right how long you think I should make these our half hour 20 minutes 10 minutes anyway thank you and I hope you have a fantastic day thank you very much for watching you
Channel: FuryForged
Views: 87,932
Rating: 4.9241519 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FuryForge, Noita, Lets Play, Lets Play Noita, Noita mods, Modded Noita, Noita Gameplay, Noita Bosses, Noita New Biomes, Noita New Secrets, Noita New Bosses, Noita New Enemies, Noita episode 1, Noita Early Access, Rogue-lite, Rogue-like
Id: IfDV5stfej8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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