Maybe The Funniest Chris Distefano Compilation Ever

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were your dog your dog got injected with electrolytes oh my god yeah how crazy was that that was him that was him my dog was dying my mother's dog larry r.i.p larry um he's in uh he's in dark part of heaven right now gay dog part of heaven and he um he was a gay dog whatever dude even my mother and me was like yeah is it gay yeah when it's fine it's great it's beautiful yeah yeah we were gonna put him down you know we went to go put him down my mother's you know cry you know crying so upset and the doctor the vet comes in and she's like you know we're gonna give him a procedure right now he's gonna be gone in about 10 seconds we just injected into his pawn he's going to be gone and um you know it'll be all be over soon and my dog's just like blinking like looking at me you know my mom and i'm just rubbing my mom's back i'm just mom it's going to be okay and she saw oh bye larry you know holding a spawn and then like 10 seconds go by 20 seconds 30 seconds larry's just like blinking looking at us and she's like and then the the the doctor the vet's like sometimes this happens let me just up the dose here or just and there she goes you put some more in and then like larry's just like looking looking at it it's like a minute two minutes my mom's like what's happening why is he in any more paint just like i thought she's already painting i'm like mom it's all gonna be over too so then the doctor she's like i'll be right back so she comes back in she goes i am so sorry about that she goes i did go ahead and give your dog electrolytes um she's like you may see a short burst in energy but that doesn't mean anything he will he is dying so so she's like let me just go ahead so now my dog is just wrapped up he's like a young pup he's like running around and my mom's like but i don't understand whatever and then she's like i promise you i just made a certain mistake i just started working here it's fine let me give him this she was like you know he is dying and then they gave him the thing and then he died you know and then he died you know whatever 10 seconds later but the dog next to them was the one who needed the electrolytes and i was like did you kill the dog next door because i never thought about that i'm like could you imagine you killed the dog next door but whatever dude dude one time this is another thing i was like seven years old man i know this happened i was seven years old and we went to my cousin's recital so it's like all seven eight-year-old you know like it's a girl recital whatever it was families there packed out auditorium my dad my dad took me there it was just me and my dad you know he had to watch you know we had to watch my cousin whatever he didn't want to be there he was like [ __ ] you know whatever and the the instructor of the of the ballet school was like this really beautiful like 25 20 like she was a hot girl hot woman and um and like we're just sitting back and i can tell he's 10. he's like wow this girl's got some [ __ ] body and like saying [ __ ] like that and i don't know why he did this but like we were in like the very last round he's 10. no no no no no no the the lip the girls the the kids who were dancing around were like you know eight nine ten years old but the instructor okay the instructor is a grown woman all right and then the girls you know the you know the the curtains close and it's just the instructor on stage and she's like saying she's like you know it's like pin drop silence and she's about to say you know for the intermission she's like you know refreshers are in the intermission and my dad just yells show your bush come on yeah he'll show you bush i swear and and you know how many people would you like 400. yo and we were in the dead last row man rosie and he yelled show your bush and it was [ __ ] wild yeah and i remember like shut your bush and he didn't even like look at me or look around he just like said it to say it and then he was like come on i'll buy everybody candy you know yeah three what was your dad why was he in jail all the time he was in jail because um i think he was like organized he wasn't in the mafia but it was like organized crime related stuff where i think you know racketeering collecting money mafia mafia he was like those guys like they always sitting outside on the like the on the chairs in the movies like he's not in the cafe but he's sitting down be like whoa whoa what are you here for he was connected connected so he would get scooped up and go to prison you know every other year and then my mother uh graduated from columbia my mother has a ivy league graduate woman so she and they met at a walkathon um dad was a good looking guy no he wasn't my dad's disgusting his nickname is tony balls um my dad's on dialysis um i swear to god my dad's his nickname was tony balls no i swear to god he would write tony black if we would like sign in like the olive garden or something like that it'd be tony balls it would be b-a-l-l-z hello this video is brought to you by manscaped see the link in the description to get beautiful balls get 20 off and free shipping with the code yandang at that's 20 percent off with free shipping at and use code yin yan unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscaped now enjoy the rest of the video [Music] non-show business dads advice my the best 73 74 years old diabetic heart condition lives in you know new york now he just moved to florida the next epicenter he's just following oh yeah he goes never smoked or drank a day in his life you know pandemic hits march it's like april 1st you know nobody's supposed to see their elderly grandparents he's like i want to come see the baby you know my daughter he's like i got to come see the baby i can't [ __ ] sit here anymore i'm like yeah but you got to understand like you can't like you're you know old age you know like you're every condition that they say is going to kill you you have them all he's like don't worry about it i'm coming i'm gonna get on the bus i was like dad let me at least yeah i was like let me at least come get you he's like i'm getting on the [ __ ] bus so he gets on the bus shows up he's got a mask on around his ear right around i'll never forget it was around his left ear he just got it hanging i'm like did you take the bus like that is again you got a mask on your person that's what de blasio said the mayor i go i go but it has to cross your face i have to i was like dad it has to be across your face yeah and then he goes to me he goes oh i'm sorry i thought june was pride month i don't know i had a gay son and then i'm like okay and then he goes into my backyard and lights up a cigar and i was like what are you doing like you haven't drank or smoked anything and he was like let me [ __ ] tell you one thing here chrissy he goes nothing chinese is ever going to take me down he goes my veins are red white and blue and he lights up these cigarettes yeah it just starts coughing like an idiot and i'm like dad whatever he's not even a smoker he doesn't care brandon yeah what do you mean isn't the team capable of it he just doesn't seem no like he's the type of guy like if i'm gonna fight with him i'd be nervous but i'm like oh if i could just tickle him in the right spot he'll fall down but it won't the truth is he'll rip my head off and [ __ ] down my neck okay that's the truth like i got more jokes lined up for brandon but i'm scared to do them most likely to use the bathroom before the fight don't you guys use the bathroom before i pee like crazy yeah yeah you got to pee dude nobody broke your neck in there yeah you ever get knocked down oh [ __ ] you ever get knocked out and wake up as a different person like do your personalities get knocked around yeah you knocked out so much did you start did you actually get the idea to become a comedian after a knockout or was that something way before he just woke up from a fight and he just takes bruce buffer's mind starts doing five minutes it starts to do it we're like damn that guy knocked brendan into a new career he woke up he's dave vettel i'm gonna stand up live next week and i'm out [ __ ] hilarious dude i was with great opie from the opium anthony show and um sherrod had given opie edibles in a chocolate bar right and i didn't i've never taken edibles before i'm not a drug guy i don't know opie just gives me the chocolate bar i know you're supposed to take half of a half of the square of the chocolate bar of course okay so oh i'm and i love sweets i mean i got high color you know my collection was 250 up there yeah sweet too so i love sweets you know so i literally oh we're on the train going to the islanders game new york islanders game and uh opie just gives me the chocolate bar and just starts looking at his phone so i didn't know you're supposed to take half of half a square i ate the entire chocolate bar just to the head charade smalls weed chocolate pole oh my god okay i forget that it even happened because opie just for opie was like not doing the weed so opi he just gave me the chalkboard didn't even think about it i just [ __ ] crushed this thing right having a good time all of a sudden we're at the islanders game first period buzzer goes off i thought somebody threw a spear from the top of the jumbotron through my right through the right side of my head cutting off the left side of my body i pop up out of the seat i go i'm having a stroke i'm having a stroke so i'm yelling and i'm having a stroke right i forgot that i was even on edibles i'm convinced i'm having a [ __ ] stroke yeah so i go up the stairs and i'm just walking around i'm like i'm having a stroke opie i'm having a stroke he's like you're not having stroke i'm like dude i'm having a [ __ ] stroke i'm the left side of my arm is doesn't work and i'm like flinging my arm and it's not working so then i'm like i have to be so terrifying dude so i'm in a packed islanders game and this is new york city i'm a big islanders fan opie's a big islanders fan so people know who we are of course they know opie and they're like so they'll stop at sea open and they're like oh they that guy's always on the show so they're talking to me and i'm trying to have these dude the actual just as luck would have it the islanders broadcast team interviewed opie and brought me on the interview oh yeah and i cursed on [ __ ] sny what did you say i yelled [ __ ] the rangers because they were playing the rangers so they're like you know camera down see ya you know so i literally i had gotten tickets i had gotten tickets from the islanders the ticket connect was mine from the island just so they found out that they yelled [ __ ] the rangers lose the tickets i leave i leave barclay center i walk up to a police officer who's in full swat riot gear because i mean it's new york city these guys have real jobs to do this terrorist activity i woke up to him i said officer i'm going to be 100 percent honest with you i with right now i've ingested drugs and he goes up and he goes and he goes what do you mean he goes up i said i'm having a stroke and he goes and he goes okay what kind of drugs did you ingest i said i i can't tell you the type of marijuana strain that i've ingested but i have consumed an illegal amount of drugs i was trying to use all these professional words dude he started laughing at me so hard i thought he was going to shoot his gun in the air so he goes i swear to god he goes kid get the [ __ ] out of here that's what he says to me like in a movie and i was like you know so he goes k get the [ __ ] out of here so i get in a cab it's on 4th avenue and 8th street i get in a cab i'm like take me to where i live 4th avenue and 93rd street so the by the way it was so i it was freezing it was january but i had my jacket on i was so [ __ ] hot i asked this cab driver to open up all the windows this guy opened up all the windows and he was like shivering and freezing and i was like guy i'm sorry i'm having a [ __ ] stroke right now i'm on drugs you got to keep these windows down and he was like i'm so cold i'm so cold i was like if you could show me a val us passport i'll put the windows up obviously he's a cab driver he said they're staying down [Laughter] and the royal oak theater in detroit michigan march 4th and 5th we're doing pretty good on those are about 50 to 60 sold to the room about a month out those probably might go those are when it gets dicey again though there we go is um we're getting pretty hairy at the wind in las vegas katy perry's next door because we were going up against a little woman named adele but she can't cancel thank god christy comedy i'm putting out content there that i'm the most proud of so go check that out in my podcast chrissy chaos and hey babe tuesdays and thursdays comes out god you're staying busy man i got to do it baby i mean i got [ __ ] my kid and i got a second kid on the way due date july 4th the only two options for that name you know it dude my baby's born july 4th what's the name theodora [ __ ] donald [Laughter] yo i mean dude if i got a puerto rican daughter named donald trump and you still don't want to subscribe to my patreon that's your fault yeah so [ __ ] it so so richard lewis i'm opening for oh yeah yeah it was an opening for richard lewis and the first two shows go good and then saturday it was at eight o'clock it was a seven o'clock in a nine o'clock show and it was like clockwork on friday and the first show saturday like clockwork i do 10 minutes get the light that means bring richard up in 15 seconds just even if you're in the middle of a joke just stop and be like ladies and gentlemen are we here for richard lewis shalom shalom shalom boom so there's a chair being passed around in the audience yeah so i do my clothes i i you know i saturday night show the late show starts to you know kick off i'm doing the things and i had a time like i'm gonna do my closure about you know eight minutes you know start you know ramp it down so i do my closure thinking the light's gonna come on at the same moment it's coming the last three shows and you know i'm looking for the light and i'm doing the closer and do the closer no light no light at all so i like look over and i'm like okay so i panicked i'm like okay so i look and then i see the owner in the back louis ferrando great you know the book legendary booker of uh caroline's comic club going like this mean like keep it going keep it going and i'm going to stretch i'm like yikes so again i have 13 minutes i've just done 10 minutes with my closure like the best joke i thought i had i closed with it's done so now i'm like okay let me i worked on something on the train right over here let me try this so i do it it's like yeah you know kind of bombing whatever but you know when you're a new comic like you think like if you just get a chuck you're like okay right so but you know i'm bombing probably every probably the entire set was a bomb you know but i didn't but this was even worse of a bomb bad this was nuclear this is nuclear sold out show saturday night middle of times square so now like 15 minutes have went by and i'm like oh my god what's [ __ ] happening dude so then i start to go into the crowd a little bit and start to ask right people i'm like hey where are you from you know what do you do what do you do birthday is your birthday and everything and yeah and everything like that somebody would say because again i'm just so new i'd be like ah you [ __ ] jerk off like you know i was just doing that and they were like what this guy's in a wheelchair but you kiss your brother yeah yeah he's paralyzed oh no yeah he was like he just lost his legs in iraq i'm like yeah you're far good you know just yelling just bombing and now it's starting to get bad dude 55 minutes impossible how did you do 55 minutes i'm gonna tell you exactly what i started to do dude it got so bad about 30 minutes in the staff stopped what they were doing and were dying laughing in the back because of the [ __ ] not because of any of my material of course just because of how bad i was bombing dude i brought two people up and let them try a joke i brought two people on stage and i let them try like anybody out here everybody do stand up two people came up like i'll give it a shot get a joke one guy actually crushed yeah he's killing yeah it's a bit they start booking him they're like chris you're done do it then i asked i dude andrew i swear to god if there were 400 people in there i probably asked 300 people what uh where they were from uh and and how many birthdays i asked are there birthdays in here like 10 times and people are like no we said the birthdays then dude i started i got to the point like 40 minutes in where i started just saying hey guys yell out of state and i'll name the capital and they would just yell out of state you know they would be like they would be like iowa i'd be like des moines that's easy next like i was just trying to do it they were like california i was like sacramento you know like they're like people i was like i bet you can't get me like i wasn't like it was people coming to play tag yeah it was crazy [ __ ] dude 55 minutes in i finally get the [ __ ] light i finally get the light richard lewis comes on to stage doesn't even address anything he goes give it up for jeff and i was just like yeah as i'm walking off he goes give it up for jeff i'm like the main white kid who stole your little sting this is michael from mesa arizona the voice like the state park yeah the reason that the guy doesn't obviously this guy is first team all [ __ ] okay he doesn't need anything else that's why he's not there's no there's no jewelry yeah his vibe is there's no nose ring there's no diplomas guy doesn't need dude anything he has probably 22s with actually i bet he has rockford fosgate 22s in his nuts this guy he sounds he sounds fully like satan dude like if the satan could talk in that little nausea video it sounds like this guy dude or sting it for you and it's about organ donor [ __ ] i think i will reach into your body if he wants an organ i'm gonna tell you this if this guy is once an organ it's gonna be more [ __ ] bro i am 100 certain this man has throat cancer for sure dude he's suffering this guy's like he's he's got a detachable voice box 100 dude yeah this guy smoking marvelous who is dead i personally considered it but i figured i've abused most of my organs the last 10 15 years or so i'll tell you stop real quick this guy is tired because he has been basically underground railroading his own penis people are [ __ ] no decades they're still carrying this thing back and forth this dude's tired because he's on active chemo right now he's not if you panned out dude he's just got ivs everywhere in a haitian wet nurse [Laughter] dick move to try and try and act like it might help somebody so what hold on does he want our organs what does he want yeah what is he talking about how many [ __ ] old black dudes is this [Laughter] frederick douglass will roll out of his tongue samuel jackson i don't really i booze a little bit i have a few brews you know like what you know all my boys like you you grow up chicago i grew up in new york it's the same type of thing just different accents different teams we grew up the same way i i if i have if i have one more like half of these and you gave me a claritin d if i have alcohol and an antihistamine i swear to god dude i'll suck your dick right now yeah you go gay with me you if you gave me a [ __ ] benadryl and another glass of whiskey i swear to god you're going to be knocking your [ __ ] off my uvula by the end of this podcast and i'm that's 100 a truth the day my daughter was born may 19th the day my daughter's born you know she's in there you know my you know my kid's mom is like in labor like legs up and everything and it's just my mom her mom and me you know whatever my dad just comes busting in i'll never forget i swear to god dude comes busting in the new york post and he goes yankees got [ __ ] rocked last night we got to trade sabathia i swear to god and i'm like what like literally she's crowd crowning and i know my kid's mom was like get out like she was like screaming at my dad rightfully so he's like whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] and then i'm like dad what the hell like you know and then the baby i swear baby comes out you know i have my beautiful daughter or whatever i you know take a moment go outside to my dad we didn't have a gender reveal or anything like that so we just we wanted to be surprised and whatever so i'm like it's a girl and he goes [ __ ] and i was like that was his first word after his son told him the greatest news of his life he goes [ __ ] and i was like what happened and he goes i i owe your uncle 250 bucks now and i said what do you what do you mean why would you owe money because we gambled on your kid's gender and i'm like great so already this is this is what my daughter's born into you're gambling on the gender he was like i was sure was going to be a boy the way she was carrying i'm like you're an idiot you got an eighth grade education you think you can guess gender what are you [ __ ] an amateur yeah what are you in the [ __ ] mayan to the situation here we got a man right here doing something right here this is the ain't never hear a fart hit third gear as the couch okay take a look and they're going to blame it somehow on white people i'm sure dude that's insane i'm insane right tokyo drift huh dude i was watching that thing for an hour yesterday crying my beautiful four-year-old daughter was doing ballet and doing some of the finest moves she's ever done and get into new heights in her life and i was head buried in the phone crying laughing because of this dude's third gear fart and her mom was like this is why we can't be together her mom was just she was like this is why i'm just always going to be called parents because i was just like yo crying she thought i was crying at first my kid's mom thought i was crying because how beautiful my daughter nailed the pirouette i was listening to that my headphones on you know miracle crying at the ballet adrian and ahmad here from cincinnati ohio we got engaged over the weekend and we decided to go out and celebrate with some friends so the first question that the boys had was if there would be strippers at the bachelor party so we decided it would be a good king or sting it for you so kinder sing it strippers at the bachelor party and i have given him my blessing as long as i can have theo as my stripper for my nashville bachelorette party let us know what you guys think theo gets the cheeks out for you i would like to have gotten a video because this is just a white girl with blonde hair from ohio when she's like hey dad here's my boyfriend his name's ahmad [Laughter] you break it up babe you're right did you say aaron yeah do you have a cold is he jewish no no no no [Laughter] oh she probably probably [ __ ] flipped but look at it yeah no that was her face you see how he's that was her dad's face he was like he was not yeah i hope he treats you well yeah um i uh i was so what is she saying that she's allowing uh i'm not so she's safer yeah she's saying strippers yeah bachelor parties yeah when she gets theo to strip that's i mean fine dude yeah now he might be crying theo honor off his meds what are we talking about what's theo feel office meds might be a better time what do you think i would do that'd be [ __ ] up an honest crime you could see me doing let me take the hat honest real [ __ ] that i could see you doing a real crime and i'm gonna tell you a couple about you yeah okay so like a guy like you well first of all you look like you're on crystal meth like you know what i mean like i know you're not but like you look like like like it would be it would be shocking to me that a guy that looks like you isn't using crystal meth like i'd be i'm in shock that you're not why because there's not a t-shirt under the sweater what because it's just sweater-to-skin sweater to skin yeah and really like and just like the hair and the beard it's like it's like you just look like kind of beard well yeah whatever like you know he's got like a civil war head you know what i mean it just looks like like you use drugs to like get through your pain you know what i mean so i would think so i so definitely like rob in a liquor store is what you love you have that rob in a liquor store look you also look like you could be like you're you're a suspect you look like you're in any making a murderer [ __ ] like you're on the list for sure you're on the shortlist look at [ __ ] nick dude nick's the only guy i've ever met that's not [ __ ] but also wears velcro sneakers are those velcro yeah dude he's got a vent how are you allowed dude how do you goddamn peanut butter fountain why do you got velcro on dude because my girl is sick of my truth i do it every really brendan from now on every time you post your kicks of the day i need nick to post this picture i need to see what pieces of [ __ ] he has on his feet your girl your girl bought you velcro just because she was sick of you uh having your shoes hunt died yeah yeah are they always untied what are you for i don't know i don't know but it was a problem when i was a child too and my grandma got me velcro shoes and now my girlfriend did it for me and i [ __ ] love him you know what man it fits the show though dude because you know half of theo's fans wear velcro shoes it fits the show perfectly i'm on the phone my father and my stepmother and my stepmother says we got good uh good news chris your dad finally get this your tab finally got the second shot and i was like oh great dad how do you feel he was like yeah he was like your stepmother said i couldn't see you unless they lit me up with the homo juice so i got some and i was like and then my daughter's like what did he say i'm like nothing honey let's go watch puppy dog pals you know like let's go and and you know i know it's one of those things where like the world we live in where like people could say like oh your father's like a homophobe he's actually not my dad i believe you it's so supportive of it's just the way he expresses how he talks and it's how people around him have talked for years yeah so he doesn't see anything wrong with he's like if i was gay i'm telling you like if i was gay he'd be at the wedding with me and my husband yeah but he would just make all the gay jokes yeah you just have to accept like he thinks even me doing a podcast is gay he's like get a little closer to the mic you know you're like he'll call me and say things like that you're one of those guys who yeah if you were born in like the 1920s and you would be a not you'd be a first round draft pick from mr hitler he would say come play with us you are a big guy and you are hitler hitler would say yes yes they dye your hair blonde they give you blue eyes a little crystal meth a little they called it ponzer chocolate that's right i would say we'll march in the snow yeah and you would have to go kill those polish people dude you'd be a nightmare dude i'll do it imagine me like with my [ __ ] us uniform on and then you this [ __ ] crazy just mma nazi running on me on meth just with [ __ ] skinny jeans on just [ __ ] tickling balls i don't know what's happening just eating everybody's ass on the battlefield did you would you move out here i you know i would only if if i could bring my daughter i i can't i just and i know parents who want to you know who say you know what i need to go out there and it's about my career and it'll better my child to be away from them fine no problems but i just i wouldn't be happy if my daughter was on the other side of the country so if i could if i got an opportunity out here yeah so like right now in new york i have you know my hour special and then i sign like an overall deal with comedy central so i'm developing a cartoon about my life with them and it's all in new york so if those things get on and and take off then i could stay in new york but if if it misses again um yeah i mean i got i want this career to work so i would i would i wouldn't mind raising my daughter in la i think would you move the mom out too i would move my yeah her her mom's career is very flexible right now she's a she's like you know personal trainer she teaches zumba it's like the most stereotypical puerto rican thing to do i'll be doing zumba and [ __ ] that's what i do and she has a tattoo in her tit it's so [ __ ] great she's such like you would see her and be like that girl's so hot but like obviously don't get her pregnant and i just obviously got her pregnant just immediately obviously it's like my boy's like well obviously you pull out she has a tattoo on her tent when i was like nope she signed me up for life did you come inside her yes the first time i just pounded her and then i blasted my whole load inside her and i was like was that bad and she's like well dude i [ __ ] blasted my whole nut inside her i'm out of my mind i didn't even know her i knew it for an hour she was just so hot she was so hot i just couldn't i love puerto rican girls i [ __ ] love spanish women and she was just my type of she was beautiful and we were just making out she was riding me and i just let it fly baby i just let it fly they say it's hard to get people pregnant right yeah yeah i was like well you're not pregnant ryan and she was like i mean it all went inside me dude this that's like [ __ ] giannis told me when you know a great youngest papas he got shot in his early 20s he got shot and the guy who shot him did 12 years in prison and then came out and started doing a one-man show about that yeah he's like sent them tickets to the show go to right here there's a link i shot right down below dude and i when he told me that i was dying laughing because it's hysterical i was like dude you should go to the show and he was like i can't go to this you have to go to that show the guy who shoots you put on a show go what do you respect dude i was i was like dude that's so funny you lived cause he probably you know i'm sure the show sucked i mean this guy was [ __ ] doing it in prison how amazing it would be if he got a netflix special before yanni about shooting him netflix presents yeah that's just dude that's it was april 12th he would have the broom never tell you about my dad's broom uh he would have a broom up because my dad's whole thing was like you need to you need to mimic shooting over seven footers like you need to arc shots so this is i'm talking about like in a public park in ridgewood queens which is a very culturally diverse neighborhood you had people from all over the room stick up he had a broomstick up and on the broomstick written in tape was the word leroy he named the broom leroy because he was like let's be honest it's going to be a seven-foot black guy though and then so we just call it elite so i would shoot over leroy and that's what he said to me when i was in the windshield like a dead serious conversation he's like what about all the times me you and leroy had in the park you disrespected us all you know that leroy's pissed dude he made leroy i've said this too on on a podcast too but like my dad like in ridgewood this was like what was called like a ridgewood coffee like my dad and his friends would go into bodegas or coffee shops or whatever and like let me get a coffee leroy that was a coffee black with no milk they would say like let me get a coffee leroy and then that would just be handed the coffee like that and i just thought like i was like oh i didn't you know cause growing up with the type of father trying that at starbucks right yeah can i get a coffee what it's totally black yeah a leroy no ice you know you thought that was like order coffee because my dad would just go with like the thing is and nobody in those days would be like excuse me sir that is not the appropriate way to order coffee september 11 2014 i was doing a show at side splitters in tampa shout out tampa the owner the owner of that comedy club i remember that night had told me i just punched a woman in the face in the parking lot the night before and he was proud of that they do that yeah so i remember i remember that's what i was tampa dude that's a tampa national anthem he goes you want to see the footage i knocked some woman out in the parking lot the other night i was like yeah yeah i was like great then he goes i bet your whole paycheck you can't make me laugh on the saturday late john was like what the [ __ ] i was like you're a dirtbag criminal
Views: 208,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris distefano, yinyang monkey, chris distefano funniest podcast moments, chris distefano compilation, comedy, stand up comedian, your moms house, tfatk, joe rogan, this past weekend, theo von, whiskey ginger
Id: eJdJNyvm4zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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