ZBrush to Maya to ZBrush - Retopology and UVing with Quad Draw

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hey guys in this episode I want to go over the process of Rita pologize in your zebra sculpt in Maya and bring you back to ZBrush so I have a quick sketch I made of a just a dragon head in ZBrush and it started from a sphere so the apology is not very good you can see Faiz them in like where the little spikes come in the topology is not great so I'm going to just go down in resolution you can see what happens when I go down really low basically it disappears so what I want to do is I want to make some good topology that I can then bring into ZBrush should continue my sculpt and add more detail and I also want to have UV so if I want to texture I'll be ready for that as well so and the process is pretty simple and pretty straightforward so I'm going to have selected the sub tool when you before you export you want to go into the export section of the tool drop down here and then turn off group export subgroups otherwise if you have any poly groups which we don't have here but if you did they would export separately a separate object or separate shells so we can just click export and want to go into to my projects folder and I'll put it inside data look that so Beckham I am willing to go and import and obj and you can see it's pretty large 217 megabytes it's going to be pretty heavy but there's a way to speed this up okay so there is slow it down but my gonna fix that but you can see it's really dense and it's a little slow so what I want to do is I want to make it kind of a little easier to use in Maya so what we're going to do is going to go to cache GPU cache and export selection make sure you set this the current frame and I'm going to put this in dragon cache Olympic I'm going to call this dragon head GPU and that just stands for graphic processing unit and this will export this geometry as a GPU cache so I want to make a new scene go back to cache GPU cache import and we have our dragon head GPU and then import it back in and now you can see by this little icon here this is a GPU cache so it goes directly into your video card it's a video card memory and should be much faster to work with you can see I'm getting 125 frames per second down here and then I selected it's still really really fast even though it's displaying all these polygons and now we're ready to Ruth apologize and the process is super simple in Maya and that's what's great about this by the way make sure you get Maya 2016 extension - it's now available as a student download as well and what's great about this is that they have symmetry for the tool that we're going to use which is Quadra so I'm going to make this live I'm going to open the toolbox here and in the tool box I'm going to turn on Quadra and symmetry now works so when I start clicking you can see I have symmetry that can now use which we couldn't use before with my 2016 and the process here is super simple in mind compared to other packages and the way you do it is you just basically click to make points like this if I hold shift it will and left click this will make a face now with symmetry on you really can't see the center line so you just have to find it like this and then for this kind of stuff this is pretty simple I'm not going to make a lot of detail here because if I do it's gonna be really hard so instead I'm just going to click here here that that down like this like that I'm just going to make eight points and you can middle click and drag and you can move the points around like that looks good and then we'll make one on the inside same way and then I want to put a point in the middle and just make a square like this so if you messed up just undo now we can also add loops so if I hold ctrl I can just mouse over and drag and then click and I'll make a loop and I'll stick to the surface now the other thing you can do is you can select this object and add it to layer so I'm going to just come back in here make a layer and that way I can hide and unhide this that way I can see what I'm making and you can see there it is can bring this back now to enter Quadro again all you have to do select the new geometry I'm just going to clear history but you don't have to and then come back into the modeling toolkit and click Quadro again and now it becomes a Quadra object as well now just make sure you have live set on the GPU cache so we can add a loop here and there and then you can also drag so I can move these points and you know make geometry that I want it okay so you can see the process is pretty simple it's pretty quick I think it's much quicker than doing in ZBrush using the GCC or apology method so I'm going to go through and read apologize this head and then I'll show you how to bring them back into ZBrush and have to reproject our detail you you you you you you you you you you you okay guys so the next thing to do is to just create some movies and the simplest way to start is just to create a planar map so you can go into UV and here you can find the planar map or it's also this icon here in your shelf so I'm going to click it it's going to just make a projection we open up our UV texture editor down here you can see what it's going to look like we zoom out you can see that it's a overlapping because it's just a single projection so right is backwards and blue is forward and what I did was I press this button to activate shaded view so next thing going to do is just to create some cuts so I'm gonna select this edge loop here and then when I go in to select and click contiguous edges like that and this will go through and find all the edges that are lined up in the direction that you set in the contiguous edges option so there so that looks pretty good that's around the mouth and we'll we'll split the top and bottom in half that should be a pretty good UV map for this and then back in here by default this is hidden if you open this up this little section here there's a button here or icon called separate u-visa long select edges you can click that and that will cut two V's or you can also go to polygons and click cut UV edges I'm sorry I think its split movies there we go one of those now next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to right click click on UV and just select one of the UVs and then hold ctrl right click to shell so hold ctrl right click and then drag to shell that will select one of the shells that you've selected and then you can just move it over and you see this one is red because it's flipped so I'm going to press this button flip like that and that's about it and next thing we need to do is just lay this out and I'm going to go into unfold open the options for unfold I'm going to reset show you the default settings which are just this now if you don't see this unfold 3d it might be because one of the plugins forward is turned off so go to windows settings preferences plugin manager and then scroll down to unfold 3d make sure this plugin is turned on and set to auto load and that's about it I'm going to click apply you can set a pixel size basically this will give you how many pixels you want outside of the UV space for texturing 1024 is fine click apply there we go you can see it's spread this out nicely and if we turn this button on this will show us any stretching and the only stretching is around the nose and inside little horn holes and that's perfect that's it doesn't really matter because they're going to be hidden so that's good the eyes are okay so this looks pretty good and yeah all we have to do now is just align it now what I'm going to do is I'm going to align it on two shells or sorry two tiles so like this and I'm scaling it so that the largest one you want to scale both together so the largest one fills in the tile like that and then this goes here then just place it in the middle dad so that's the bottom and that's the top there and then we can also flip and flip like that just so that it's facing the same direction there that's good turn that off okay so that's ready and the other thing I'm going to do is just the Czech checkerboard so in here you can turn this on and this will show you a checkered pattern now sometimes for me at least when I see the wireframe it gets in the way so just go into show and turn off selection highlighting now you'll be able to see and press Q to get rid of manipulator you'll be able to see you're the checker pattern without your lines obstructing it you can see that looks pretty good okay so let's turn this back on close this and then I'm going to clear history shift all D and that's good now we can export file export selection to data you can set everything off for obj export you don't need it and we'll call this I already have a version pre-saved so let's do that again okay now we can go into ZBrush now the thing with ZBrush if I import the tool back in what's going to happen it is going to get the scale is going to be wrong so there's a couple of different there's a different way you have to do this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to export the tools so the way I've been saving before is using file and save as and saving the ZBrush project but when I import this back in it's not going to be lined up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to export or save this tool so save as and in the dragon data and save it as a ztl yep I'm going to close and then reopen ZBrush and then I'm going to click import and go into here and import the yugi'd head dad and then I'm going to load the tool and then in here I'm going to go to sub tools and click append and then append the you vide head which is right here and now you can see it's lined up so let's go select this head down here I'm going to use this button just to move it up above the sculpted head and then I want the head that's the get head above that I'm going to turn off the horns here and the next thing I'm going to do is just to double check we have our UVs are still working so UV map morph you can see there it is and just because it's overlapping don't worry about that is because this section here doesn't support you then but ZBrush does support you them or multi tile UV layout all right now back in sub tools I'm going to click ctrl D just to subdivide bring this back and then when I go into project let's set this I think point four point zero four or point zero five should work okay and click project and if I hide this you can see it's projecting pretty well so I'm going to go into subdivide again control D and then project again subdivide again project again now you can of course subdivide all the way to what you want and project but sometimes you get flipping issues because the detail when your detail is too low on the low res and you start projecting right away it's going to project like things like this around I can flip over so that's fine and then maybe one more time and then project all okay so let's take a look you can see looks pretty good we have a lot of detail here I think we have little more on this one that one yeah so I can do one more subdivision and then one more projection okay there it is we look at the wireframe you can see looks pretty good around there and we can always go down in resolution and see our low-res okay all right so this is ready for texturing and more sculpting detail you can keep this previous zero or you can just delete it so click in here click delete yep and continue working so I hope you guys enjoyed this video please subscribe and hit that like button thanks for watching
Channel: Alex Cheparev
Views: 250,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, 3d printing, ninja, character, modeling, alex, cheparev, maya, tutorial, 2015, polygon, nurbs, curves, animation, layout, camera, vfx, visual effects, 3d animation, image planes, extrude, split, boolean, uv, uv layout, texturing, textures, hypershade, demo, reel, cartoon, design, dragon, retopo, retopology, quad draw, quadraw, zbrush, 4r7, obj, tool, export, import
Id: I7YqK-E1l6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2016
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