Modeling, Texturing & Lighting a Pineapple fruit in Maya

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hi this is Nolan and you are watching melongena 3d tutorials in this video I'm going to model and texture a pineapple in Maya after the lazy modeling I got another request from a student for a pineapple I believe his name is avi sake so here it is so it would be a little longer so keep watching till the end and you'll be learning some good things this is the model I'm going to do and you can see I have to shut it and know that lips are dynamic if you move some lip you can see they're changing the save so they're dynamic I've set up the basic lighting if you render this we can see the look okay so we're going to learn this so keep watching till the end let's start so I'm going to start from a new scene so let's don't save this so it's a fresh new scene and let's go to the front view and I'm going to import and background image so let's go to the front view click on this little icon or go to view image plane import image and I'm going to import a pineapple image so let's see who I have kept those so I'm going to use this image so let's import it as background image and now I'm going to move this image towards this great line here let's maximize this view and now going to scale this image now it's a very small so I'm going to scale it and put this something like this okay align to the hop of this line here you can see the pineapple is a very complex save it as no lot of complex shapes and texture on it so we're going to use pattern modeling technique I call that pattern modeling technique means you need to do one pattern and then we are going to duplicate it and arrange in a way so that it looks no overall it looks like a shape so I'm going to do one pattern then I'm going to duplicate and let's see how I'm going to do this body part then we're going to do the leaf so I'm going to do one part from here so let's do this one any of this we just know somewhere in the center so I'm going to do one thing here and there you can see now there is a like kind of skin on top of every pattern there there's a on top of skin you can see this part so we're going to do that separately so let's do the back thing first so for that I'm going to take a spear so let's take a spear and I'm going to move that the location let's go to channel box and let's rotate the spear first so holds a on your keyboard then rotate from this angle so that this pole said to no front axis here so now I'm going to change this height to 10 I don't want so many polygons there so but I want to keep this axis 20 that's fine because I want to have some details there so let's move to this location I'm going to do this one I'm going to delete some part and let's move this image first backward even Jered axis let's move backward there somewhere and now I'm going to delete half so let's delete hop carefully select and delete from your keyboard now the profile is like hop spear I can just tell it one one row so delete it okay I think this is fine now I'm going to adjust it as that safe there so I'm going to turn on x-ray mode so that I can see through then I'm going to adjust it so let's select you can select vertices and move to negate that organic step behind there so here you can see there is kind of an angle like this SEP so I am keeping this no edge loop like that so that I can create that shape there let me scale a little bit it looks like two months rounded there so let's scale it okay so I got this shape now obviously there are so many details on the nobody there kind of no organic lines going on there like this so we're going to do that let's see how to do that before that I'm going to no duplicate this scheme part so I'm going to select some of the face from this this faces I'm going to duplicate these faces let's go edit mess and duplicate and now I'm going to move a little bit in Jade axis so that it offset from that original piece there okay so now this is matching piece but it little upset it okay now I'm going to smooth it in order to get all those no small organic details so let's smooth it so that I have no lot of polygons I need a lot of polygons there so let's put two divisions here so that I got some good amount of polygons there okay now I'm going to get those details so in this case I'm going to use my sculpting tools so let's go to sculpting here and let's go to this sculpting brush which is called tool you can use mouse I am using my pen tablet in this situation so it would be easier to do with pen tablet than Mouse but you can do that with Mouse a little bit no hard to do what it can be done so here if I know press and drag you can see it's like zebras if you have walked in G bus we can really sculpt on it what do you need polygons for this and if it's no it pulls the vertices too much then you need to go to this tool setting double click and decrease the strength if it's like maybe no it said to a higher number and when you try it it's can do something like this so come here and decrease this value which is the strength so I need a very light strength even lower than this so I can hold ctrl and drag as well from this box to decrease or increase low value so I want a very low value so that something like this maybe a little lower maybe I think this is fine I'm for the bra size you can hold B and drag your left mouse or the pen so I'm going to pull some I'm going to put some wrinkled kind of effect so in order to push the vertices you hold ctrl and then drag it pulls otherwise it will pull the vertices so I'm going to pull and pull and try to get something some kind of no wrinkled you or you can hold shift and smooth as well smooth the no tension there so then we are going to do the same thing with this one agile but let do this tail here so let's select this top part and let's scale them enjoyed access to flatten those on let's scale in this way and I'm going to extrude those let's go edit mess and extrude and move basically I'm trying to get this know this tail there with every pattern there's one tail and here I'm going to add some insert loop there so let's go to mesh tool insert edgeloop so I'm going to add some loops there to get that save okay let's add some more edge loop here to make it a little bit paint kind of arc there so let's add some loop here and here so there are so many ages here at the borders I'm going to merge these two vertices let's go to edit mesh and mods vertices mark to Center and same with this to press G to repeat that same action then I'm going to delete this inside it so let's go to edit mesh and delete AIDS and vertex make it more pointy and now I'm going to do the same thing with this one so let's smooth it let's put some good divisions let's put two and I'm going to do the same thing with the sculpting tools here you can see there are two no main kind of wing you can say so let's use this brush you so one pattern is done out to not texture it so before we duplicate it let's texture it so for texturing I'm going to use this same image here and we need some kind of UVs let's go to UV menu here and open the UV editor and now we have some more by default degrees going on there now you can see my movies are meshed up so let's go to this create here let's click on planner yeah and let's go to the UV and select every V then go to unfold and click on unfold to unfold it make sure you first click on the planner and then unfold now you can see that's unfolded movie do the same thing with this one select it in object mode then click on planner here and it's inside this create menu and go to unfold and click on 4 ok so just very simple evie to click and it's done now I'm going to actually give a material and assign the texture so let's select both of them and I'm going to right click on those and then go to assign favorite material then assign a plain material here a Masonic Blin because I want some sort of no specularity so bling as specularity so here let's move this and I'm going to right click here and go to Blinn material and I'm inside this attribute editor right now on this tab let's go to this color checker and click on it and go to file here and bring the texture here so I'm going to again really important extra so I'm going to import this same texture here ok now if you check if you select the model you can see the texture is here now we need to just select the CV double click to select the UV move it and you can see the texture here if you press 6 on the viewport you can see the texture on the model then scale the CV you can again use the scale tool move tool rotate tool here now I'm going to scale and move now move the UV said the UV according the texture so we are basically doing the opposite workflow here so first texture then Eevee so now I'm going to know let's make sure it's said there and make sure the UV also matching with that piece now you can see it's not exactly matching so I'm selecting this area and press B to turn on soft selection then you can move softly you can hold B and left mouse drag to change the radius and here I'm going to add just this basically trying to no bring the texture at the exact area like the model but this area is no is not being visible here so I'm not worried that much and for this one let's bring the Eevee you something like this roughly and you can see the one pattern texture is done let's close this UV thing and now I'm going to duplicate this thing so let's first combine both of them so let's go to mesh and combine and the private is at the center that's good now let's group it let's go to top view first and let's move this somewhere here let's say this is the pineapple Center and now it's very close to here so let's move this somewhere maybe here and let's hold X and snap to the center center line here I'm inside top you know and now let's group it press ctrl G or go to edit and group now the pie what comes here and now this model is inside a groove so now I'm going to duplicate it in around the circle so let's go to edit duplicate special and let's reset it here I want to put 11 here I want 12 actual patterns around the circle and I have already one so I'm putting we live in here and I'm going to put 30 degree in the y-axis so because I want 12 increases to degree so I'm getting 30 degree in between no too so put 30 11 here and I'm going to choose instance rather than copy so that when you choose instance when you are just the original one the other ones automatically are Chester so when it's copy they are individual if they are not going to change because of this so let's put instance and duplicate special now it's perfectly no set and now I'm going to duplicate the groups so I select everything press up arrow key to select the groups okay and don't just select like this it's going to select everything individually so let's select the up arrow key and group now I'm going to duplicate it so let's go to front view so let's duplicate let's press control D and move and then press E to bring the rotate tool and then rotate kind of rotating and moving and rotating then press shift D sip D it's going to automatically move rotate and duplicate for you so I'm going to know press shift D which is actually this no duplicate with transform option so press safety so I'm going to put a little bit more than what I need here so that I can adjust this by bending or adjusting this so this is a material issue sometimes it no sometimes it comes in Maya just a bug so go to existing and assign the material again okay so now it's perfect now we are going to get this round safe now that's not there so we are going to get that round set so we have to do this manually so I'm going to know show you a little bit then I'm going to fast forward the video a little bit so we can do this by just lets start from this one and if you select the front one which is this one I believe then if you rotate it you can see everything is like rotating automatically because of that instance option so let's rotate and move inside of it like this and let's do the same thing here move and rotate I'm moving one piece but all are behaving reacting because of that instance something like this maybe a little bit more okay something like this do the same thing I'm fast-forwarding the video here okay I just existed now I want to have a little bit core from the body now it's almost straight here so I'm going to use lattice for that so let's select everything and go to deform and choose lattice we have a lot of polygons so it can be a little bit slower so let know how persons and go to lattice point by right-clicking on the lattice and here I'm going to select the no center segments here I'm going to scale a little bit little bit to get the curve there you can see the core body curve to get rid of the lattice select every piece and go to edit delete by history okay now I got the body shape there and these areas are no open you can again duplicate and pour those here I'm going to again put in a pillar object so I'm going to take a spear so let's take a spear so it's kind of a filler object I'm going to do you smooth one do something like this yeah so we got the body there and let's put the same material and same texture here so right click go to existing material and go to the Blaine one so inside existing the Blaine one which has this texture so now you can see the UV is not matching so let's go to UV for this and again we can do the same thing here we have the Eevee already there and let's select the Eevee it's hard to see but it's there you can see is the V let's move this scale and put there these does a pillar objects are not that not worried so it's never gonna because the leaf are going to be here and here but if it's gonna be Sybil then you need to be little careful putting this texture there so then let's see how to do the lips for the leave I'm going to do one leaf then let's see how to duplicate and use the promise to do the curve curve of this leaf so let's take as plain polygon plane here and let's let's rotate this like this 90 degree in the x axis and let's scale it you can see that smaller one and bigger one I'm going to do one medium here then we are going to duplicate and do the bigger and smaller pieces very essence so this is my leaf again you can do it in any way but I'm going to use deformers and subselection so I'm going to do the non narrowing thing first so I'm going to do that by so let's put something in the height better height rather than this okay then I'm going to going to select this top water throws with soft selects and press B scale it a little bit then I'm going to decrease the radius scale again basically it's narrowing towards the end little bit then turning off and to this I think over a little bit narrower okay to get the feel of that leaf now this is a very flat leaf we are going to negate that body shape there you can see it's kind of rounded like this it's not flat in this way and it's curving like in vertical way so I'm going to do that body roundness there by using the deform are called bends let's go to deform nonlinear and paint let's close this one so here I'm going to this inputs and increase the curvature now the curvature is not lined up so let's rotate this curve to like 90 degree like this okay so it's done I think I need a little bit more curve so let's go and increase the curvature here now if you scale this model if you want more curvature you can scale this model and it's gonna know automatically adjusted with that shape I think a little bit curve is better then I'm going to delete the history to get rid of that so then I'm going to use some deform or again that bend deformer but this time to bend this in this vertical way so let's take the bendy form again and this time again I'm going to check the curvature now I'm going to rotate in this way and now it's rotating this way I don't want that so I'm going to rotate the curve 90 degree like this so you need to rotate the bend deformer and see with this curvature so now I'm going to rotate like this but I don't want this bottom part so I'm going to check zero this high bound here now if you check this curvature it's only affecting the hop there and you can move this deform or if you want the no bend start from somewhere else you can move it and it's going to start from there and from that bottom part of the deform a it's not gonna affect because the high bound is zero there so this is one one leaf I'm going to texture it again so let's go Evi if you editor and again I'm going to I don't need to take any thing here just unfold it it's gonna unfold because the map is already there now I'm going to put the same material because the texture is there so let's go existing and put Lambert uh sorry Blaine one and now let's make sure the leaf is inside no safely so in the texture they're like this so one leaf is done now we're going to duplicate the leaf and to get this kind of look so now I'm going to duplicate it with this deformer so that I can change any leaf no anytime so let's first group this these two so let's press ctrl-g to group it and now the group is there now I'm going to move it to a location here somewhere okay and let's set the Paiva to the center again so let's press D to get the pilot mode and turn on this snap to grid and move to snap to this grid here to this Center grade one of this press D again to go back to the move tool now I'm going to duplicate this groove let's go to edit duplicate special because if you do just duplicate by a control D it's not gonna know if you duplicate it like this and if you try to change this leaf shape it's not gonna usable anymore you cannot just duplicate a deform Orange it's not gonna work so we need to use duplicate special because we have some option inside that which allows us to do that so go to duplicate special reset it and torn on this duplicate input graph and then duplicate it so make sure this is set to input graph and duplicate special now I'm going to duplicate before i duplicate let's do thus being the pie pot somewhere here which is easy to use okay then let's control safety to duplicate special so let's duplicate special so I'm going to bring this menu here somewhere to myself to know read duplicate so let's go to whole control shift and click on duplicate special to bring this whether I cannot use the shortcut because of my recurring that I said to other thing so now I'm going to duplicate special from here and rotate from here or something like this and now if you check it should work if you go to this binary form on now it should work correctly so that we can keep some variation there let's do the same thing you so here you can see I just duplicated some dough pieces i need to duplicate more you can see there are smaller pieces here at the base and they're longer here so i going to do something like that we're going to scare all these things at the snow side here so let's duplicate some more so let's duplicate this scale the groove there so let's groove scale the groove here put somewhere here do the same thing here so select the group with the de forma and then scale it and now I want to change give various and so I can do it easily with this deformer so let's select let's say I want to change this so go to it Stefano let's select which is the pink one select that then go to the deform or unchanged the curvature so you can easily change the planes anytime you can sense the angle of this we can change the nose size up there by just scaling scaling them to scale those basically scale and even you can move them and they are going to you know be a becau ring to the deform of their this is the beauty of this technique you can change any time here and let's rotate this even you can move the d for module so it's hard to select here sometimes you can just click on this polygons masking icon here which is I think collapsed here you can click on this to not only select the deform or there you can move it thing like this you okay so here this is your no pineapple model you can just take no give some more time to perfect this no leaf area so now we're going to render it so let's take and I'm going to start from my backdrop so let's take a poly plane here and let's take this scale this and I'm going to select this edge loop here and let's extrude it move it press G extrude again something like that let's simple basic backdrop then I'm going to take it light an ultra light so I'm going to use our null so I'm going to take this our knoll area light which is the first light here and let's scale this area light and let's know this this would be our key light no coming from this right side here and let's let's make it a little bit op down angle and now if you click on this little icon here it's going to show you the render area just set the view according to that now let's click on the second icon here I can see it looks black so let's turn off this it's because of the light intensity go to attribute editor and the light is selected increase the intensity so in this case it needs lot of intensity let's put 5,000 and see as you can see this is looking very shiny and the backdrop is hardest so let's press three for this and for this let's go to material attribute of this so go to this material decrease the specular role of here to decrease the specularity and then the color is a little bit darker so let's increase this diffuse to one just to adjustment decrease the specular roll-off increase the diffuse so let's render it again now the specular is went down and the backdrop looks smooth and the light is still no overall it looks dark and let's increase the light intensity so let's select the light from here you can select the light from outliner increase the intensity which so let's put maybe ten thousand instead of five thousand and I'm going to turn on this color temperature by turning on this you can put color values so now it's 6500 Kelvin let's put maybe somewhere four thousand five hundred because I want a little bit yellowish color so the less value the more yellow to what's red six thousand five hundred is night like white now I can see a little bit yellowish color so you don't have to give yellow color this is my personal preference you can see now it's looking great but from this angle it looks dark so we are going to put some fill light so let's duplicate this light press control D and duplicate this area light so we're going to put this as fill light but this time from a little bit front angle is coming this way like this and I'm going to decrease the intensity because I don't want no the key light and the fill light is same intense so I'm going to put maybe half half of that and then I'm going to put some bluest so I'm going to increase the value from no more than 6500 so 6500 is white more than 6500 is like blue is so let's say maybe 10,000 and you can see it's kind of bluish light now again the yellow and blue combination look cool because the warm on a blue tone so but it's up to you you can no keep quite light as well if you want white light you don't have to not turn on this because you have the white light here you can see now still looking kind of no downside a bit I believe so I can increase this intensity bit so let's say maybe 15,000 so lighting is like this you need to put some value and see if it's working okay so here it is this is that no end of this tutorial the key takeaways are modeling complex save using pattern modeling technique using duplicate special to duplicate and create the pattern using instance duplicate using soft selection and using de forma if you want me to make tutorials on you request please subscribe and give me a request I also teach on udemy and I have some great courses there the course links are in the descriptions you can check those out so this is Mellon you were watching the limbs you know 3d tutorials so thank you for watching again see you in the next video till then take care and bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 81,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, modeling, tutorial, texturing tutorial, lighting tutorial, arnold rendering tuorial, 3d modeling, beginner, maya 2018 tutorial, fruits 3d modeling, complex modeling in maya, using deformer in maya, maya new tutorial, beginner maya tutorial, nalin jena, nalin jena 3d tutorials, pineapple modeling in maya, 3d pineapple, modeling texturing a pineapple in maya, pineapple texturing in maya, pineapple rendering
Id: Zwl5-ve4U7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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