That They May All Be ONE (Oct 14, 2017)

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[Music] what are you doing singing David release in and Katherine Scott those are two of my favorites you know there was there's a whole genre of Christian music in their late 80s mid 90s the vineyard music it's it's second to none it's second to none and it was called touching the Father's heart series and they were they were going right for the father's heart you know is that there's a different orientation that that traditional Christianity has in traditional Judaism for me it's all about the father it's all about the father what I mean by that is it of course you she was part of the Godhead but Yeshua's the mediator the Bible says there's one mediator between God and men right and so he's the mediator he's the bridge he connects you but his whole purpose was coming so that you'd have a relationship with the father you know not not that you should not give him praise and worship him but you go through him because if you go to a door and you don't go through the door how do you get to the other side so he's the door right he said I'm the door into the kingdom so when I pray I pray like what the Bible says they said how do we praise then do you shoe or did you shoot say are you sure so the orientation is just a totally different orientation so when I first met the Lord I first met the Lord and then I heard this music I listened to it for years you know touching the father's heart it's just Katherine Scott I think she's in I think she's in Ireland I think her and her husband they they passed her a congregation and ruie seized up in Canada but those oh oh I get set up look it's just my humble opinion but those guys got it you hear the word you hear what they saying it's not like you know I got a dead did my friend there no offense but that's ridiculous I mean when you when you're ready to end it all that's not gonna do it for you okay that's not important so why did I say it I don't know yeah somebody needs to hear yeah for sure that's probably why all right so where were we before you guys rudely interrupted me let's see this um you know it's very hard for a lot of people to come out twice in a week and praise the Lord you ever noticed that like there's a midweek service or something it's always light on Shabbat I can't figure that out especially when people could spend like six hours before screen and watch things that don't mean anything what are you gonna do in the kingdom comes all you're gonna be doing is worshiping anyway the full feasts have come to a close haven't they yes they have in this past Thursday I think it was really beautiful and if you if you didn't see it yeah it was one of those things you had to be here you definitely had to be here there was something in the air and I just want you to know a lot of times you'll you'll you'll go to a church or house of worship or synagogue and you'll hear the the speaker say Lord we invite you here right I got news for you this is his house he invites us here I think they just had opposite this is his house right Beth you shew his house of you sure right so he invites us and and he definitely brought us in to his presence this past Thursday and so this past Thursday we celebrated the eighth day which basically represents a new beginning eight being a new beginning and and it marks a time prophetically if you will when the body of Messiah will experience their eternal rest at the end of the millennial reign of Yeshua okay so of course you know you have yeshua dying on Passover buried on hog mats or the feast of unleavened bread you have him rising at svet challah as our first fruits you have I'm sending the spirit to dwell on us on Shavuot and then of course you have the shofar blowing from heaven where he'll come and he'll gather and yom teruah or rosh hashanah Feast of Trumpets and then you have the Jewish people during the tribulation the time of jacob's great troubles the second half when the look upon him and mourn and God will open up a rivers of repentance and forgiveness over them and then he'll take his throne on Sukkot where he will physically Tabernacle in Jerusalem full 1000 years a millennial reign where things will start to spiral up and he'll start to teach us his ways it says so in Isaiah 2 2 through 4 that the word will go forth from Jerusalem so he will talk to teach us his ways and then that's still not good enough even though that's beautiful because it's the first time things start to spiral up but at the end of that that's that's the best part that's when we experience Shabbat on that eighth day that's when Shabbat starts meaning there's no more tears there's no more fears there's no more sadness sorrow suffering sickness and the best part is there's no more sin which means there's no more guilt which means we'll finally be glorified which is wonderful so that's that's our eternal rest and I could tell you from not I'm not that I'm the furthest thing from a notable it believe me but I talk to people all over the world all the time and I could tell you there is a spirit of just fatigue if you're feeling it you're not alone people are tired they can't even do their basic routines they're tired when they wake up in the morning they feel like they need a nap it 2 o'clock they want to you know remember how I used to stay up till 1:00 in the morning and then it became 12 and it was 11 and now you're looking to go to bed at 4:30 and no time you'll be wearing a lime-green leisure suit have an Afghan but uh but but on a serious note people are exhausted they're exhausted spiritually and young people they're exhausted and there's a pressure you know there's the heavenlies and and satan doesn't live in the third heavens that's God's domain and Satan's is the Prince the air he lives in the second heavens and God is pressing down there's a pressure and he feels it Satan so he's pressing down on the first heavens and we feel the pressure right so I think I think we could definitely use some some rest these days but I believe with all my heart that it has something to do with how we treat each other and the way we get along I'm here to tell you I know sociologists and I'm definitely no psychologist but when you're in ministry for twenty eight thirty years you get to study people you get to study the human Kingdom you study human beings because you deal with so many from so many different backgrounds especially having an international scope like we have here and I could tell you that we desperately need each other desperately a lot of us are doing this thing alone a lot of us are focused on our family which is good but we've almost cut people off it's almost like you know when somebody wants to befriend you your attitude ole Miss's I don't blame you is like it's okay I've had friends does anybody know what I'm talking about anybody okay so I will speak to to you to that know what I'm talking about I think somebody over there I think there was somebody over here the rest of you could just fall asleep if you want but allow me to explain let me take you back to Genesis Genesis 2:18 now it says way back this is the Lord speaking I I you know I use a lot of scripture at the beginning of my ministry I used a lot of scripture because I just didn't know what to say and that went on for years I just used hundreds of verses and then all of a sudden I still didn't know what to say and the Lord basically put on my heart that this is what I want you to give them my words not your words I don't want you to give a verse and talk for 45 minutes because today today we really do have a lot of clowns entertaining the goats in the pulpits we just have people that are very eloquent and they're very you know they're very good at what they do you know what I mean but that's that's not teaching the Word of God that's not what we call to do you know what I mean it started way back in this race day you know Ezra you know taught expository he taught the scriptures and he had Levites that were teaching the people what they meant they weren't saying hey this is the way you can apply this verse to your life to make your life better because we know that when God spoke it was all about you this is what we have today and it's not working obviously it's not working depression is up suicide is up it's not working I can assure you that's not the way it works you can't just use application you have to know what is god oh my god you know you're the king in this kingdom so I'm subject to your reign and rule what do you expect of me what do you want from me so so this is what we do and it says I don't know why God said so this is the Lord speaking it isn't good that the person sometimes look is this because it's very Hebraic I used the complete Jewish Bible it's it's not my perfect one I use a lot of different versions you know he's same person it's man Abdallah means man but that's who he's referring to it's not good that the person should be alone this is God's opinion obviously he manufactured us so you check the manufacturers label right whether it's a product you check how do I care for this for this garment let's say so how do we care for ourselves and he's saying it's not good for man to be alone that's what he said I will make for him a companion suit not not just for pleasuring him or not just for doing for him helping they'd be a team the Bible clearly speaks you know Solomon clearly speaks the to a better the more we know this he's any he makes it very simple he said if one goes to bed alone and they're cold how are they going to stay warm if one falls down and they can't get how they gonna get up if one is fighting how are they gonna protect them their rear you know I mean it makes sense and then of course he says a quart of three because he's saying look without God it's not gonna work but but two of better than one there's no ifs ands or buts I mean try moving to count yourself so let's let's take a look at these words alone it's bod that's it's Bob it's that's the Hebrew word Bob wow there's a tough crowd feel like one of those comedians at the Comedy Store you know 3:30 in the morning everybody's either drunk or dead the Hebrew word for a loan is bog and that's what God's saying it means by itself so obviously because God made us because God formed then with his own hands he thought it wasn't good for a man to be alone now the next word companion is has their and it means helper or this is what it means what's that word you would think it's succour check Webster's it's sucker and I gotta believe this at least I gotta believe this at least one lady in this sanctuary is going yep but it does not this is the word in the heat in the Hebrew Hazare house there in English is helpful or succor and it basically doesn't mean a sucker like you think it means an aid somebody who would who would aid and help a companion okay so this is this is God's opinion and we see this carry through Genesis 2:24 it says this is why I managed to leave his mother and father and I can't stress this enough all I could say is thank God my mother and Bernadette's mother our fathers had already passed away long gone but my mother in Bernadette's mother would never think of having anything to do in our relationship never she felt I raised you I did my best you're an adult it's on you she really never treated me after that like a child nor would I do that to my kids I don't know if there's any of you here but you've got to cut the cord man and you've got to stop that now your job they they are not your children I know you think they are but they're not your children God needed them in the womb so they're his they're not even on loan to you you're raising them on his behalf and you're teaching them had to fly like a mother Eagle she stirs up the nest to get them out of the nest and then once they start flying you you can't keep training him let them go if they ask you for a favor something that's fine there's at least one of you having a hard time with this I'm really I'm really not being difficult this is what the Lord says to leave and cleave leave and cleave and grow up okay that's not what we're talking about here but it's right there so how can you and it says stick with your wife stick with her you know my mom was my favorite girl but when burna they came along she was my second favorite and she was okay with that my mom respected that because my mom was very Jewish and she knew that's the way it works and they ought to become one flesh this is posad Akkad and it just means it doesn't it doesn't mean that you wouldn't have your own identity some people lose their identity in a marriage they don't they oh I'm his wife I'm their mother that's a mistake too you're gonna become unhappy even if you don't show it because you're a Christian woman so you can't show it but you're miserable but you can't show it right rabbi why do you talk about these things nobody talks about these things that's the problem nobody talks to him so if you don't talk about him you can't fix it you don't bring it to the surface if you don't stir the pot and bring these things to the surface they'll never be skimmed off they'll a latent but they're not really late and they're like an angry dog they'll bite you from the beginning of time the Lord wanted for his children to be one from the beginning of time Satan wanted for God's children to be two we would maintain individual qualities meaning you can have unity without uniformity I'm I'm look I'm Who I am I I did not hide anything I asked my children the way I am here although it's it's a little sometimes it's crass sometimes I don't doubt all my eyes I don't cross all my T's I say things that I just had a Baptist pastor call me and he said I watched three year videos I would be fired if I spoke like you and all I said was that's why I'm not about this Minister but with that being said look this is important for you to know this the way I am on vacation the way I am in my house the way I am here is the same I really feel for people who feel like they've got to go a thousand miles away to be themselves that is so sad I mean people do that they called actors and they get paid a lot of money in Hollywood you don't need to do that unless you want to go to Hollywood right what call to be imitators not impersonators but we all have our stuff we all have our distinct personalities we'll other issues we all struggle with patience some more than others but we all some of your strengths of my weaknesses and vice-versa it's okay that's part of being a family you got to be yourself though at least and Bernadette is totally ourselves you see it all the time some people love it some people can't stand it that's why we'll never be a megachurch because some people can't stand it because it's too transparent they can't handle that because when you're transparent with somebody it causes them to be transparent and they don't want to be transparent like I'm not comfortable with with you we understand look Bernadette was herself when we started dating I knew when I when I was marrying how I was getting the worst of it but I went through it there's always three kinds of people in an audience you know the guy who laughs that's the guy who pretty much as in control of his family the guy who doesn't laugh and we know who's in control of that family and the woman who never laughs no you can laugh Berna that night we kid around we have a great relationship thank God a great relationship we are to have individual qualities do you do you realize that there's no two snowflakes alike in a snowstorm there's trillions and trillions of snowflakes and there's not two the same do you know there's no two fingerprints the same do you know that identical twins although it's a split egg and they had the exact same DNA their fingerprints are different you who you are God needed you in the womb exactly the way he wanted you to be so I think it's important to maintain those individual qualities yet by the same token when I see people getting married I only I've done I think I've done a dozen marriages in like 28 years I do very few first of all I have to know the people really really well and then they got to go through you know a ridiculous amount of classes it's because I know this is a very tough Union and when they go you know when they come to me we both liked country music both all vegetarians well you're good to go you're gonna make it I mean what do you love how only vegetables I mean is that what the same country music about vegetables but the point is when you get married you're going on a journey of oneness marriage is a crucible God set it up to teach you how to die to yourself and if you each die to yourself and live on to the Lord you'll have a beautiful marriage as you become one and it takes a long time so you don't give up after three or five or seven years and it's never about you just being happy it's about you glorifying the Lord in your relationship now if you can get that mindset and actually live that mindset I could preach look sermons don't change anybody they will never change anybody communion with the Lord changes people and so you have to hear it from the Lord and believe it and then I mean I can give you I can give you the greatest teaching on marriage what the good of it if you don't apply it we could talk about exercise all day long but if you don't do a push-up you get no result right so this was God's plan that we would be individuals but we would we would become one heart in one mind spiritually speaking I mean you know you could be an exercise nut and your wife couldn't like can't stand it it it that's okay that's not gonna make your relationship great we got to do things together yeah like pray and worship and be on the same page when it comes to God that's how you make it if you ask me what do I know okay so you see from the very beginning God was looking for oneness of God right David spoke about it we read it in Psalm 133 there's only two verses but we only have one verse verse 1 it says so how good how pleasant is for brothers now he's talking about him ah he's not talking about physical brethren although that you can use this word for physical brethren he's talking about a kinship not necessarily from the same tribe offer you from the tribe of Judah or you don't have to be a Reuben ight we are from the same tribe because we wear the same garment of salvation when God looks at us he doesn't see us the way you see me or the way I see you he sees us wearing the robe of righteousness and that makes us identical twins and that's that's the union that we have in him I don't even know what my blood type is I've had so many surgeries who think I know but I always tell them when they asked me it's blood type Y or J for you not to pray or folk but King David was declaring in the Psalms he was saying unity without unanimity in other words you're not going to get there listen there are no two theologies in this sanctuary identical there are no two believers in the world I've been to Africa an Indian South America and Central America and you name it Australia preaching the gospel and I could tell you there are no two theologies identical it never happened gee you'll never have you'll never have unanimity ill net it will never be unanimous but we would be able to be unified if we can focus on important fundamental issues fundamental and not be so dogmatic about less important issues do you really think you're going to get everybody to agree on when the rapture is so why do you spend so much time arguing about it has it served you well you just have so much energy you're exhausted why not use that energy to preach the gospel to the Lost what to help the poor the widow when the often as opposed to banging heads and wrestling with another believer over the rapture I mean when I see somebody take out their sword than I feel spiritually they're going to me on God I just walk away I like I got better things to do than to fight you your brother I'm not fighting it I did it I did it for years way back I'm done I'm not going there if you still if you see fruiting that I never see fruit in that now the key is what what what is really fundamental and what is subordinate that's that's the $64,000 question but I choose to focus on some very fundamental things okay like subordinate to me is where the Ark is it doesn't matter where it is to me I'm the art I've got God's love written on my heart so I'm the Ark I'm the New York you're the new Ark and if you didn't know where the auch was would it change anything if you knew when the rapture was would it change anything how is that gonna change today they won't write it definitely won't logically speaking it won't so ye well I fight over those things I was like somewhat of an eschatological expert that's what people used to call me to teach on all the time Zechariah 10 to 12 and Daniel 9 to 11 and Matthew 24 in revelry I just you know I've started focusing more on sharing the gospel and helping the poor the widow with me often and it's been so much more fruitful I mean tremendously more fruitful and I think it gives God a lot more glory so in other words we can maintain unity by majoring on the majors and desiring more than anything else that God's great name would be glorified look I just want to tell you some of you you mean well I love you you know you know that Gentile Christian and I don't say that derogatory who comes into that Shack movements such learning things go wow I've learned more in six months I've learned in 20 years look and then you're somewhere and you're trying to teach this person in 15 minutes about the feasts I don't even know if they're saved what are the feasts gonna do for them how about starting a spy hey you know just for the record I love God how about you and they go yeah I believe in God yeah so you're going to heaven right based on what how about like starting there you're not gonna sit down and go over some esoteric thing like the feasts that's taken me 28 years to understand in a passerby for 15 minutes I don't even know why you're doing it I sometimes I think are you trying to show your prowess like look at my knowledge I'm not being derogatory but sometimes that's there you know what I mean there's this pride issue but that's not what they first of all do you know what's going on in their life maybe their husband just told them after 20 years hey we're done and they didn't see it coming maybe they just bury their child last week just nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care and guess what people know and you can't fake it so this is what we have according to King David who had a pretty good relationship with God in fact in the book of Acts he was called a man after my own heart nobody else was called that so he was saying that David has a heart like his you have God speaking from the beginning of time you have Paul teaching it all throughout his epistles look at look at 1 Ephesus which is all about the body Colossians is all about the head of the body Ephesus is all about the body of Messiah all about the body talks about marriage looks about the Jew and the Gentile it's all about unity the whole letter is about unity look at Ephesians 2:14 it says for he himself that he is Yeshua of course is our peace he has made us both one one his say in the Greek one and has broken down the wall which divided us literally there was a wall in the temple and there was a court of the Gentiles punishable punishable in jail or maybe death to come into the court of the Jews and Paul was referred to this because he's talking to first century believers he's saying God broke that wall down if you were a first century believer you would have went nuts but see how far removed you are so far removed from where this thing started and things change you know things really changing a lot has changed over 21 centuries Paul taught this he was there in Ephesus for three years and he wanted so badly because Paul had a heart for God and Paul was all about glorifying God's heart and he knew how important it is for people to get along they would call themselves believers now people always ask me do you call yourself a Christian I I don't call myself anything I let my walk tell people who I am I just don't I just don't have a name for me but the word Christian was used only in an acts 11:26 prior to that they will believe as they never used that word not that it's a bad word but understand it was totally derogatory calling somebody in the first century a Christian would like be calling a Muslim a Mohammed Ike totally derogatory you're saying you follow that and if you called yourself a Christian in the first century guess what you will persecute it today when we lost those Christians people applauded them oh great not so much anymore it's changing well you know what I'm talking about like 50 years ago oh you're a Christian we'll give you a job but in the first century view of Christian you were persecuted so I don't I don't like to call myself that because I don't even know what that term means anymore a Christian means somebody goes to church doesn't actually mean you're born again so I'd rather call myself a believer and I leave it at that okay but there's nothing wrong if that's what you call yourself because there are you know a lot of true Christians of course but they will call believers and they identified with being followers of the way in the first century was called the way because he was the way he was the way to the Father and the truth he was the source of all truth and the life the justification the sanctification in the glorification of the soul tripartite and then of course if that's not enough if it's not enough for God to speak this from the beginning King David who was called the man after God's own heart to speak it the great Apostle Paul who was the apostle to the Gentiles who took the gospel to the nation's Yeshua says it John 17 now you know well you may not know but probably if you've been here fairly at the time you know Yeshua prayed many times but we only have three recorded instances of public prayer that's unbelievable right we only get three glimpses and in Matthew 11 when he's kind of cursing tourism and Bethsaida and Capernaum he all he says is thank you God that you did not reveal this to the sophisticated and educated that was his whole prayer I'm not saying it wasn't impressive because it comes from his lips but there's not a lot to glean from and then when he's ready to resurrect Lazarus in John 11 43 he says thank you God not much to glean but then there is one prayer right before he's murdered and it's 26 sentences long one prayer and I would think that you know on your deathbed when you're speaking it's very important to listen individual and it's all about oneness first he says I pray not for these but also for those who will trust do you realize that Yeshua was praying for you 2,000 years ago but also for those who will trust in me because of their word that they may all be one they're different that was the whole point listen when he was saying one he was not talking no offense I know you're gonna get offended please try not to he was not talking about the Baptist and the Methodists he wasn't talking about the Pentecostal and the nondenominational list he wasn't talking about the Presbyterian and the Episcopalian because that was not in the cards it didn't exist then do you think that's what he wanted as much as you might think that it helps to kind of make a cohesion in the body it puts at walls plus there's people that will say oh as soon as they meet somebody you know oh you're Presbyterian oh you're Catholic so you couldn't be saved I know some Catholics that will dance circles around you sweetie my point is that the denomination means nothing the affiliation means nothing God looks at the heart he knows who you are he knows if you're his but I don't believe these denominations because denominations comes from a word Latin which means to divide I think it's I think it could be more device if I don't think it helps now some people are gonna have a hard time as we have pastors watching I'm just saying yeah well Messianic Judaism isn't that a denomination no it's a movement that God rebirth in 1967 from the first century in the first century it was called the way and you had believers in Yeshua believers in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob through the blood atoning sacrifice of Yeshua filled with the rock in one Accord to go out and preach the gospel that's what you hadn't they didn't say oh I'm Peter I'm Jewish I'm Cornelius I'm Gentile they will believers today now you're like I'm Baptists I'm nondenominational look you keep searching right you know you start out Catholic and you know it's it's it's there's a lot of ritual there's a lot of ritual but then there's certain things like merry ology and things you like okay this wrong then you become a Baptist and you get into the word now you got the word but that's not enough so then you go to Pentecostal and you start speaking in tongues and now you got the spirit and that's not nothing you kind of Messianic Judaism get all this knowledge and boom you're there sounds like anybody's journey well I'm saying is that's not what it's about it's about communing and being one with the Lord and one with each other I can tell you that I've been in a town this town called Macon for 15 years and I thank God that I've raised my kids and I thank God the guard pulled me here and I thank God that we answered the call because it's been astounding but I'm in I'm in Christian central there are more churches here than anywhere in the universe and most of them most of them I would say more than half if you look at the history were born out of spiritual divorce they weren't planted by God so knowing that that should scare though and I've been here everybody knows we're here everybody knows who I am you can't be a New York Jew who loves Jesus and I'd stand out in Macon Georgia but yet I can't get a friend my best friend is a Baptist pastor in Tennessee that I talk to every day I sent him words of encouragement I pray from Sunday morning while he's in his congregation he's probably watching now and he's been a Baptist minister for 46 years you know southern boy's father was a Baptist minister for 46 years I mean I'm not that bad am I just as you follow are united with me and I with you I pray that they may be united with us you hear this this is his prayer this is his whole I mean his one of his big reasons for were coming for of course was to seek and save the Lost you see that in Luke 19:10 seek and save the Lost but he wanted once they were found he wanted so bad for oneness and if you go back to the book of Acts you see that oneness it is clear that they're unified it might not be uniform but they unified and listen this is crucial this is your shoe is speaking here okay I pray that they may be united with us meaning father you and I are one right he and the father are one he said that right John 10 I think verse 30 not sure but you could find out I think it's 10:30 where he said I am the father of one so he's saying I am the father one my prayer is that you would be one with us so that the world may know or believe that you sent me that's how the world is gonna know that's you know and then he's taken away John 18:1 and he's killed hey resurrects he teaches for forty days in his sense he puts them on the mission but that those are his words and I believe those words I I can tell you gang that I've sat with Masai tribe in in in Africa and watch them put a needle inside a cow and drink blood right in front of me i i sat with the Lambada tried the oldest tribe in the history of tribes in Southeast Asia I've sat with Orthodox Jews in Israel Aziz in Australia people in Chiapas Argentina you name it and I could tell you I could always smell a believer I don't even see see you didn't understand something the way I was raised in Orthodox Judaism I can't speak about all offer to all Orthodox Jews but I can speak about my mom and dad we were taught not to treat anybody differently because of their race creed or color and it was pushed why because that's what it says in the Torah and the Torah is like everything to the Jewish people the first five books because God said you will once an alien in Egypt remember he said when you go into Canaan don't ever treat anybody like an alien a foreign or weird you might not know this but get are you familiar with the NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People guess who started that the Jews y-yeah and guess who Martin Luther King adored and why did they adore the Jews because in 1950 it was the Jewish attorneys from Pennsylvania and New York and New Jersey who came down here and fought pro bono for the black civil rights why because they know you don't treat people like that you don't treat them like an alien so I when I when I dated different girls of different ethnicities I've never said to somebody oh I'm dating that black girl Adrian all that that Spanish girl it was never that I never saw it that way because it's the way I was raised you're not born with it it's acquired and if it's acquired then you can unintelligible flagrant now than ever it's worse than it was in the 50s what's in the 50s it wasn't as insidious now everybody's carrying around but they make him believe they're not they got that that fake prejudice smile how you doing I don't know if you notice but this is somewhat of an anomaly for making Georgia I mean when people say oh no no we are Church is mixed yeah you got that white church with the one black doctor and you got the black church with the one white girl who just thinks it's really cool to where she's got a black church anybody know what I'm talking about come on lighten up it's it's okay it's if you're being offended maybe the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you something maybe you can kill the messenger that's what they tried to do with Yeshua but it didn't work did it okay so he your shoe is praying for it now it will happen when he comes back but why don't we help answer his prayer at least here I can't I'm not a voice for making I'm not a voice for Messianic Judaism I'm just a voice but I am the gatekeeper here and this is very important for me hear people say you just can't talk about this and they don't just it's just unspoken well you schewe talked about it and he wasn't talking about external church union he was talking about a unity based on common moral character so the world would know based on common moral character not traditions and not culture I could care less I care less if you have a choir loft and you sing old hymns I can care less if you bang some drums just make it about him that's all the word one Accord occurs 12 times in the New Testament 10 times in the book of Acts and I hear people going we're gonna go past acts you know what I'll settle for Acts I'll settle for silver or gold I don't have but what I do have is you know walk I mean I'll settle for Acts well you gonna how you gonna go past acts that was when it was original that was when it was most powerful it's been dying since then let's go back to that and so you have this one Accord twelve times ten times in the book of Acts and let's take a look at the word whole mouth ooh Madonn and the Greek it means one mind or one passion okay one mind of one passion it's a compound of two words let me show you the two words it's home ooh where we get homo sapien persons assembled together and through most the word in greek is passion so basically when you put these words together you get one Accord the word means people fired up in unison I Got News for you hash it when you see passionate people about the Lord they're not an anomaly it's an anomaly today but when you see somebody right up crazed about God all they want to just talk about God and do God's will that's called nominal first century Christianity today because there's such a lukewarm spirit in the body of Messiah especially in the make America and Europe because it's so lukewarm when you see somebody who's nominal they look phenomenal but if you're forty pounds overweight and you're hanging out with a bunch of people of the three pounds 300 pounds overweight you look like Jack LaLanne but you still 40 pounds overweight my point is you don't compare yourself to a lukewarm believer you can pay yourself to yoshua that's the standard so the image of this word for you musicians its musical it really is musical when you when you look at the Accord like a chord that's where they get a chord from right makes sense it's a number of notes that that are sounded while different they harmonize in pitch and tone so picture God is the great maestro he's the conductor of this whole thing right and where the instruments and the Holy Spirit blends the music together perfectly this is the watchword of Israel Deuteronomy 6:4 this is where it begins of unity Chimayo Illinois Ohio Illinois Ahad hear Israel and annoy our God Ivano is one God there is only one God but it is a unified plurality or if you like better a plural unity it is unified but there is only one the word unity is where we get the word unit from which is defined as a body an assembly or a crew so we're kind of called to be God's gang really we should have more of a gang mentality where we're looking out for each other and protecting each other not for the glory of Satan but for the glory of God we don't do a good job with that we really don't most of the time we look to beat each other up and that's the last thing you need with the and I tell people all the time look the enemy is a target on my back the enemy's looking to beat me up sometimes the church is looking to beat me up the Jewish people are looking to beat me up the last thing I need is you guys to beat me up so we're called to be God's his posse if you will one heart one mind you know one heart one mind the real enemy to unity is not culture it's pride it's it's a high opinion of one's own importance when I was in the world I was very prideful when I met the Lord my pride was shattered and it's been shattering ever since you might think you seem pretty sure of yourself you're missing it it's it's I'm sure the Lord I'm totally sure the Lord I am so unsure myself you have no idea is Shores you think I am of the Lord that's is unsure I am of myself it's pride that's the enemy to unity another enemy is jealousy there's a lot of that resentment against someone because that person has success or advantages I mean some of you are trying to keep up with the Joneses I'm just glad that Rhonda Jones lives next door to me she does she watches sometimes I mean what is it to you if somebody buys a new car they ask you to make those payments I don't understand you get something it's a blessing they get something it's not how does that work how do you see people through the eyes of the law and ask God to see you through the eyes of grace so we've got pride we've got jealousy how about gossip idle talk or rumors about the personal or private affairs of others Annie listen to me nobody comes to me anymore because they know my mo it's Matthew 18 if you come to me and say rabbi somebody said I go I have no reason to not believe you I have no reason to believe you did you talk to so-and-so no I can't even I can't even talk to you we can't bring elders in yeah you didn't even try to talk to somebody but if you go with the wrong attitude don't go if you're going to prove yourself right don't go you missed it if you're going to reconcile with a brother you got it so you have to check your motive and only you know that the motivation of your heart I don't know that what about backbiting attacking the character or reputation of a person who is even present when I commented about the Eddie long situation I never talked about anything long so I said I don't know the man in fact I met him but I don't know him I commented about what they did but not about who they are don't make what somebody does sometimes what somebody does is not who they are it's what they did and you can't let one thing one line or one paragraph or one chapter in the book of life abrogate all the good they've done human beings my mother taught me this is a very very young child five years old she said son you can do a hundred nice things for somebody but the one thing you do wrong is that which they will remember and I wish I had a penny for every time she told me that she told me that all the time and I I did not understand it when I was five because when you're five you know you walk into a park oh I'm Greg you want to be my best friend and no matter what they do they forgive you but as I've gotten older I've lived that that's been my life you could pay somebody's mortgage you can cry over their marriage you can do so much for them and the one thing that you do that they think you didn't do right that's what they highlight magnify that's the way their brain it's called spotlighting it's actually something scientific and I'm like seriously you don't remember when but I I don't defend it because you can because you see who they are and they show themselves they show the character division creating factions and schisms listen the first division was between the Gentile believers and the Jewish believers in the first century and until they fix that the church will never be the same is the first church split when they've acting about everything Jewish and the Gentiles are pouring and they said we don't want this stuff and all of a sudden it was your Saturday your Sunday your Hanukah your Christmas your the Lord's feast where Christmas and Easter your the brisket where the bacon and they just split it up and the enemy rebuilt the wall that Paul spoke about coming down in Ephesians 2:14 and the most important probably even though pride is the father of all sins just lovelessness just operating without the foundation of love it's poison so let me let me tell you how it it usually goes down okay when we are wrong and notice I said when not if right there's plenty of people that watch not because there's no messianic congregation by them they just don't want to be a part of a company of believers because they've been parts of companies of believers and they've been hurt so much that they just like I'm done I love the Lord but guess what if you love the Lord and you're not part of a body you're not doing it according to the way God wants you to that's easy see get along with yourself I mean some of you can't even do that but but really that's not what God wants it's not what he's calling us to be and that the world will never know if you just sit home and then what are you gonna say you gonna tell everybody how bad the churches see you talking you know what you're doing you're assaulting your shoe his body and he doesn't like that and then believers will know well what I want to join if they say ever you hear this all the time especially in the south well it's full of hypocrites just go we can use another we're a little low on hypocrites actually and you look pretty hypocritical so we can use you we can use you with somebody with your hypocrisy skills come on okay when we are wrong not if but when we have two options only two options I'm gonna make this really simple for you I just spoke this to a pastor friend of mine and he said you're crazy nobody's gonna want to do this nobody can do this I disagree I love him but I disagree option one when we're offended we have to ask ourselves is this offense one I should let go of should I should let go of and just cover it with love if the answer is yes hallelujah how old are you really acting like a believer was our job is to overlook as much as we can remember God said I don't treat you like your sins deserve so if we're gonna be God like if you really think about it it's awful what goes on it's awful I could never conduct my family like that they love each other they're there for each other I couldn't live in that house so if the answer is yes hallelujah right but if you just can't let go of it right it's okay then option two is then you have to confront your brother or sister in love and grace and talk about let me tell you why this second option is so difficult for of all by nature and totally non-confrontational but I think there's something else and I'm not no psychologist but we want to prove that we're a strong believer so if we go and tell the person they offended us we look weak right anybody know what I'm talking about so let me tell you how it goes down sadly enough we think we're practicing the first option we're letting it go when in reality we're not letting it go but we don't want to look weak or be confrontational so we hold grudges against the individual and pour miracle-gro on the bitterness that has taken root in our heart there are people here that something happened they didn't ask him out for lunch when they asked the other couple something happened and you are absolutely holding a grudge and you're really not talking you're seeing them and going hey you know that person you see at Walmart and you wave and it's like they had you going oh my god I can't believe I have to now this doesn't work all the time listen to me listen to me this doesn't work all the time there are some fantastic plastic surgeons they give you cheek implants breast implants calf implants but they can't fix stupid there are some people out there there are some people out there they're just incredibly difficult they're just difficult they just will that's all they know how to be I don't know it's like the spirit of jerkiness or something and and just not everybody is everybody's cup of tea we understand that that's why we have you not everybody and some people's personality don't lend themselves to really socialize too well but you have to just try to love them anyway you might not want to bring them on vacation with you but you just gotta do you understand what I'm saying this is just the reality of it I'm being real with you you know my personality doesn't lend itself to certain people they're like I wouldn't want to hang out with him I understand I don't even like hanging out myself so this is the problem though you see because most of us don't let it go and then we get an anchor literally a root you know what a root is a root anchors into the ground take it gives all the know it gets all the nourishment from the root and then bears what fruit the nourishment is coming from these things have to be uprooted it's not just destroy the fruit destroy the root kill the seed don't let this seed take root and don't plant that stuff in your heart does the problem is it affects everybody let me show you what I mean you got a few minutes Hebrews 12:15 look at look at the scripture now he's talking to Messianic Jews obviously Hebrews is kind of a dead giveaway and he's saying see to it that no one misses out on God's grace we have we've received so much grace just us being here so many of us have sins including myself that we don't even know as sins some of us are operating in sin we're just operating in a sinful way and we're just thinking God's going to cover that that's a danger zone trust me that's called grace abuse read the letter of Jude it's only 24 sentences and they only have 19 sentences of teaching one's an introduction and the other one has had benediction 19 sentences you'll see he is clamping down on grace abuse don't abuse the grace of God don't think he's got to be married to have a girlfriend God's gonna forgive you it's he's not don't you know you know you know I know there's a I had a bad day I was driving home this guy cut me off and I gave him the finger okay but you're not like I had a bad day I was driving home and I ended up in a hotel with a girl that's not the way it works I don't happen I tripped and then you know what people look and the next thing I knew I said to burn of the viel day you're not gonna leave me are you she goes not yet see to it that no one misses out on God's grace if you're gonna take grace you got to give grace and that no root of bitterness springs up causing trouble and that's contempt see what he's saying it doesn't just contaminate you it spreads like wildfire guys that's that's why I'm so so willing to talk about this most people will talk about in church just smile play some music let's give a nice sermon a nice clean sermon everybody go so it was a good sermon pastor and but you got to talk about these things because this is where the rubber meets the road because the most important thing is that God's glorified and the saved and the lost become saved and this is how it's done the problem is in the body this is what's going on I'm telling you this is a contaminant look at the word bitterness it's of course a Greek word because we're looking at Hebrews 12:15 so let's look at that word its goal which is something incredibly bitter but it's metaphorical and it's bitter hatred or bitter resentment so basically a bitter root produces only bit of fruit okay we're supposed to have fruits of the spirit not virtual prunes and so the Bible the Bible actually calls it extreme wickedness a root of bitterness the Bible calls God calls extreme wickedness you would think oh come on holding grudges is extremely wicked maybe not according to you maybe not according to me but it doesn't matter what my opinion of your opinion is that's what the Bible says okay and look at the word roots it means roots right of course it means root but metaphorically offspring so what the Lord is telling us here in Hebrews is that it just it just produces it breeds resentment breeds resentment bitterness breeds bitterness so you have more and more the Bitterroot refers to a source of evil or wickedness affecting all and not only great greatly troubles the individual but defiles many that's why this verse is directed to all believers aka the church I call it the body of Messiah because when people hear Church they think what church do you go to you are the church you are the body of Messiah you don't go to a church if you ask me where I fellowship at I fellowship at Beth yushua but don't ask me what church I got it cuz I'll always answer it I am the church I'm the body of Messiah so Messiah goes with me wherever I go I don't need to have an evangelistic meeting I have an evangelistic meeting wherever I go so it affects many it affects the whole Bible and where does it come from what is Hebrews 12 what is this root of bitterness guess what it comes from the Torah which is the foundational books of the Bible look at Deuteronomy 29 18 it says let there not be among you now right now they just got the blessings and the curses in Deuteronomy 28 they're ready to go in the land and God is in Phatak he's like let there not be a root bearing such bitter poison they've just walked through the wilderness they've been sanctified they've been delivered from Egypt they've been justified now they're going into glory land the promised land and he's saying don't you let a root of bitter poison look look at the word in the in the Hebrew it's the same word basically it's goal a poison of venom in the Hebrew culture I'm just giving you Hebrew culture and this is what it was written by Jews to Jews way back when 3400 years ago in the Hebrew culture any poisonous plant was called a bit of plant poison destroys and the result of ingesting a poisonous plant would would be detrimental of course the author of Hebrews is using a bitter root from from the Torah as a metaphor for that which would bring harm to the body or harm to the church a root can be very small and slow in its growth but it carries poison it carries malignancy and it's quite dangerous sin like this like unforgiveness in the church has to be rooted out or the result will defile many as we come to the end of these fall feasts allow me to remind you something that I would like you to remember ok first John - one through two it picked us this courtroom setting my little children I am writing you these things so that you won't sin okay it does not say so that you won't send as little as you can we got to go back to this first century mindset we're in a mindset where hey I'm not that bad because we compare ourselves to Jack the Ripper we need to compare ourselves to Jesus the Christ we got to go back to a first century mindset we can't take these scriptures and utilize them to make our life better we've got to ask God what are you saying here at this time what was John saying to these people and what is he saying to us my little children I'm writing you these things so you won't sin that just goes over like a lead balloon today in church like are you kidding me I'm supposed to not sin but if anyone does notice it says if not when you follow see the grammar it would change everything you said but when you do we'll get to in a minute you'll get it if anyone does sin we have Yeshua the Messiah that Siddiq the righteous one that's his title the righteous one because he was completely righteous who pleads our cause with the father also he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins not only for ours but also for the whole world because he's writing to this group of people here but he's saying it's not just for you guys and it's not just a Jewish thing it's gonna go out to the whole world so this pictures a courtroom setting where God the Father is definitely presiding his judge the prosecutor is Satan of course the defendants are you and I the charge is lawlessness guilty as charged our defense attorney aka our advocate is none of them Yeshua his defense the finished work at Golgotha love speaks and says charge me now you have to remember this so that when you're new dealing with somebody else you're not too quick on the draw you follow what I'm saying again you cannot ask God to look at you through the of grace and love and look at everybody else for the light the eyes of law and judgment no matter how many times you cut a person's legs out from under them it's not gonna make you any taller two things I want to pick up on from this verse and we're out look at little children Technion in the Greek it means one dearly loved figuratively my darlings what what John is saying is you can't break the bond of relationship but you can break the bond of fellowship once you're in you're in but you can lose fellowship from the Lord and it could be very very very painful that's why it's very very very important to repent not confess that's not repentance not say you're sorry that's not repentance you've heard it in the Christian world I mean there's a lot of people talk Christianese let me just alert you to the fact that loss people don't understand Christianese and most Christians don't understand Christianese so they said turn around right turn around go a different turn around what does that mean I'll tell you what it means if you're a bank robber and you get out of jail and some guy calls you up and says hey do you want to run a rob a bank and you say no you've repented repenting isn't robbing the bank then saying god I'm sorry we're being flagrant we're being flagrant and I'm telling you it's it's dangerous for the glory of God and his great name now darlings is figurative of course but synonyms in our common vernacular would be baby dearest dearest by the way I don't meet with any lady ever alone ever I'm sorry sometimes they want to when I say there's no problem my wife could be there my two administrators could be there then they go I don't want them to know what I'm gonna say then we can't meet but I can I can hook you up with a lady counselor every time I don't do it not because I'm worried about me I'm not worried about me I'm protecting your virtue and I'm protecting God's great name now if I write you an email just some husband's know if your wife writes me an email I'd rather I'd rather then I'd rather you know that she's writing it sometimes it's a single mom or divorced mom so they write it to the synagogue then I get it but I will always write back to Dearest I had one guy fifteen years ago just slam me for running dearest and my wife got on the phone says he writes dearest to every man every woman every child that's what he says dearest that's how he that's that's what I how am i right here's to whoever doesn't matter so please don't take it the wrong way because I definitely don't mean it that way without a doubt but this is God calling us his baby his sweetheart right let me call you sweetheart I mean come on some of you 80 I'm in love with you let me hear you whisper that you love nobody wants to admit their age okay anyway I used to hear that when my dad used to play records but it's a beautiful song but that's basically what God is saying you're my sweetheart you're my baby and that beautiful maybe you've never heard it but I hear it and you know what's more important I just choose to believe it I know sometimes it's hard to believe but I choose to believe it but the key is it's not little children he says my little children which denotes possession God is saying you're my babies see I know that I'm like a grown up but I don't see it that way I see myself as a little child I see myself as a little child desperate I don't see myself as a grown up making big decisions and I'm able to make big decisions and I have this wisdom I don't I pray about everything and they ask the Lord for his direction I don't trust myself now the last word is if if anyone sends Eon in the Greek and it means in case in case you say not when you said don't take this defeatist attitude guys I want to encourage you the Lord's Spirit is better than that it's stronger than that it's all powerful don't throw in the towel too easy don't you can't don't how do you start your day you know I hopefully you starting your day with prayer hopefully I like to pray in bed I don't even like to get out of bed before I pray I'm not trying to make this about me but I just find it's it's very good thing to do to pray when I wake up and and so what a terrible well I think what a mistake forgive me not terrible what a mistake would be to pray Lord I'm gonna mess up today how do you start a race like that I mean you don't talk that with your kids look you're never gonna get an A look let's face it you suck at sports don't expect too much you're a mediocre and I'm complimenting you sweetheart you come from a long line of mediocrity your whole family line is accomplished nothing but you you want so bad for your kids to do well in school and do well in dance and do own soccer why don't you take that attitude from your father why don't you hear your father saying that to you I think it's a good thing the city of children but why don't we heed what the Lord is trying to say to us we're so busy training our children that we're not being trained by our Heavenly Father it's a defeatist attitude is it it look is it easy to be perfect is easy never sinned come on guys let's not be do we need to go back to kindergarten do I got to teach you about baptism that's what Hebrews 6 says about you want to go back to the elementary things you've been believing longer than me but the power of the Holy Spirit is phenomenal I know a guy whose friends would he become a pest he was a hit man he killed people for the mob he wouldn't lose a minute sleep killing somebody's wife killing somebody's kid and he truly got born again he true he understands forgiveness that's powerful don't treat the holy spirit any less it's powerful the Lord said you'll receive power on high don't leave to receive this power not power to do summersaults are talking in unknown language power to look like yushua walked he was anointed he didn't do somersaults did he ever hear you she were talking tongues I'm not belittling tongues but did you ever hear him his power was in his obedience in his righteousness in his abilities say no to Satan that's power the greatest sermon ever spoke was the Sermon on the Mount that's the kingdom manifesto that's the way we're supposed to live but let me tell you the second best sermon the second best sermon is an obedient life so we celebrated yom teruah we gathered before the lord then we celebrated young people with tran repentance then we experienced a coat as we will reconcile back to intimate fellowship with the Lord now what we've all been the hurdy we've all been the hurdy but we've also all been the herder in my travels I've met so many spiritually gifted people I met spiritually gifted people in Wales and in Australia spiritually gifted people but you know what sometimes spiritually gifted people are very loud do you know what I mean they're very loud they like to let everybody know how gifted they are remember the high priest rolled the blue robe what did he have on the bottom of it bells remember God said you need to put pomegranates between the bells if it was all bells they'd be very loud but the fruit see if you asked me when I was a new believer I was attracted to spiritually gifted people now I'm attracted to fruitful people and let me give you one of Greg hirschberg's famous sayings don't let your gifts take you where your fruits can't keep you I'll take love and peace and kindness over somebody talking in tongues any day I say learn how to tame your tongue before you talk in tongues so as we move forward in newness of life my personal recommendation is ready we should over repent under accuse and over forgive over repent under accuse and over forgive what I'm suggesting family is by no means an easy task not for me not for you however with God all things are possible let's stand together I want you to know that first I love you very much secondly that the Lord sets the bar very high here he does he sets the bar very high he sets it high for me and my walk he sets it high for you in your walk but it's a good thing because we never we never reached the bar so if the bar is low you know but if the bar is high knee sets the bar high it doesn't I don't want you to leave a go I can never live up this this is crazy I don't feel so good nobody can nobody can be perfect your shoe is perfect do you realize he never not a moment of his life had unbroken fellowship with the father I'm just saying that if we do maybe a little bit more I'll give a little bit more to God then that's a little bit better right I'm just saying let's move in the right direction if you read Paul's letters he said things like for Joyce in the Lord always return and people read that and go we're supposed to rejoice in the Lord always then why did he say in Corinthians I have daily anxiety guys he was trying to encourage he wasn't a false sure he wasn't a phony he was trying to encourage a group of believers who are being killed for their faith it's what I try to do in southeast India I'm trying to encourage them because they're being persecuted for their faith it's not like I'm being a phony I know I don't have to encourage you the same way because you're not being persecuted for your faith but these are standards that God's saying he's saying go for it if we don't even go for it are we ever gonna get there so we press on the key is we're gonna have we're gonna have Falls we're gonna lose a few battles but we're not gonna lose the war the key is don't lay on the ground longer than you have to get up repent and get back in the fight as quick as you can that's what I'm talking about because what you want to do is you want to glorify the Lord I know you do you want to protect his great name and you want to protect yourselves and your families right and that's what it's all about so please don't don't come and say man this is too hard it's not too hard it's basic Bible we're not saying anything that's not basic Bible but yes is it is it hard to always get along is it hard to overlook I mean some people just make it really hard to pay it's almost like this subsidized by the government to make it hard but with that being said don't compete with your brothers don't make it a competition I'm the better believe you we've all been saved by grace if not for the grace of God we'd all go to hell Bar None now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious onto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the principle peace you want give a rest on annoy the East morass your errand open over letter they who knew ha yes sir I don't know poor novela ha the assembly hall Oh I love you guys so much alone there'll be people up here praying you
Channel: Getzel
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Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel
Id: cwLfSvWqj2U
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Length: 74min 24sec (4464 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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