Mauga for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500 Player)

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what is up my fellow gaming goblins yle here coming at you with a brand spanking new hot out the oven malga guide I've been playing our favorite Samoan a ton since his release racking up those hours and as of right now I landed rank 14 tank with him as my most played so in this video I'll be sharing what I learned and that starts with how to get the most out of his abilities ultimate some tech matchups counters and heroes that I think are good with him let's get right into it start in with his guns if you don't already have show accuracy on I highly recommend you turn it on at least for a couple hours just so you can get used to the spread because as you can see the spread on mala's guns are really bad once you get a good idea of that feel free to swap it back to your regular Crosshair of preference next thing with this gun is how crits work left gun flames right gun crits left gun can crit if you head shot but otherwise only right gun crits okay so should you just just go for head shot every time no most of the time going for head shot is a waste if you're single firing it's more consistent to just light them on fire and then get the free body shot crits exceptions being scoped Heroes with a movement penalty and tanks like Winston where you almost can't miss the head if you're shooting a tank with both guns the general rule is to aim at the upper torso or neck like we learned earlier the spread on Dual shooting is really bad so aiming for the head will result in missing most of your damage now let's talk about overrun it's very easy to see this ability and fall into the Trap of thinking I'm going to use this to run through the crowd and curb stomp the [ __ ] out of someone while you can use it like that it's a lot more flexible the potential for disengage and repositioning make up about 2/3 of how you should use it thanks to the damage reduction in combination with the CC immunity this ability is insane for bailing yourself out of a bad spot not only that but if there's a pesky DPS controlling an angle you can usually challenge it or maybe even take a high ground before the enemy team has time to react so in short you want to use this ability to engage disengage or reposition moving on to cardiac overdrive this ability heals malga and allies a percent for damage dealt to enemies and it's best used as an engage or sustain meaning if you're going to go in or if the enemy team is going in on you then that's the best time to use it since that's when the most damage is going to be dished out try not to get it forced out while your team is in the poking phase but if it does get forced out it's best to wait patiently for the cool down to come back otherwise it's going to feel like you're fighting without a Healer finally his ultimate cage fight as of right now I'd say this ultimate is the best tank ultimate in the game if you're not winning most of your fights with it you're probably using it wrong one mistake people often make with it is trying to catch as many players in the cage fight as possible in reality less is more for example if you catch just the enemy tank in there then the supports can't heal him without walking in themselves and often times that's too late usually gting a kill on a tank is a free Fight Win but that's not to say only old tanks just make sure whoever you catch in there you can confidently solo them don't rely on the help of your team otherwise you're just setting yourself up for disappointment if you can wrap your head around that then the only other thing to look out for with your ultimate is the counters are they saving EMP for you does the enemy team have Nano for the tank do you have Nano to match it once you start pressing Tab and thinking a step ahead it becomes really easy to win fights with cage fight let's talk Tech there's some cool interactions with mala's abilities that can give him a slight Edge in game starting with his jump cancel using overrun can get you places quicker but what if I told you there was a way to get even quicker than that if you play out the full ability he Stomps and stops in place and if you cancel too early he also stops in place but if you cancel the jump right as you see the jump animation then you'll get just a little more distance than you would if you commit to the stop another little fun Tech with overrun is the gap jump there's a lot of air you can cover with the extra jump on override although learning every malga roll out won't make you go from plat to top 500 getting a general feel for the distance and height of the jump can definitely clutch up some games to perform this Tech all you need to do is jump early in accordance to where you want to land for the last override Tech we have a variation of the multi boot basically if malga charges into a wall or if an enemy spaces thems far enough it resets the Boop making them boopable again my favorite way to use this is to just charge the enemy spawn doors they pretty much have no choice but to wait it out making it a clutch denye against recontest a more advanced way of using this multi- Boop is directional changes against the wall so if you boop someone forward then turn One Direction then turn towards them just like that you'll be hitting a couple more boops than you would normally all righty let's talk malga matchups what's he good against what does he struggle against and what is good with him running through this tier list really quickly we got s tier and the first tank that malga can completely demolish is Winston you honestly can't even call it a matchup because Winston just doesn't really do anything against malga other than dive his team and malga is basically the tank equivalent of Bastion so yeah not not a very good matchup for him the second tank on the list is doomfist doomfist kind of gets destroyed by malga as well magga often times will just shoot Doom through his block he can stomp doom on the slams he can charge Doom to block punches he can charge Doom out of his ult and stomp him so there's just a lot of um Maga rolling doomfist potential overall I would not recommend playing either of these two tanks against Malo moving on to a tier we got wrecking ball another dive tank that doesn't really like to take tank battles per se but he has a way better time of just avoiding the magga altogether he can even use Minefield in cage fight which honestly that's trading like like the worst tankle for the best tled so kind of value but yeah there's still the problem of malga just shooting Wrecking Ball and erasing his health next up is Bastion people like to play Bastion against malga a lot but generally I feel like bastion's not a good pick against malga since his hitbox is so big it's really easy to light him on fire and just poke him from a distance the best chance Bastion has is to go turret mode and shoot the magga but if the bastion's unsupported malga can win this 1 V one easy a smarter malga would just altogether avoid the turret form and then just kill the Bastion afterwards for the most part Bastion is a very fragile DPS versus malga moving on to B tier these are some of the heroes that I feel like can potentially win the match up versus malga starting off with zarya normally zaras do not want to take a fight with malga however if she has both Bubbles and 100 charge she has a pretty solid chance of winning but I think the strength in zarya versus malga matchup isn't so much of just running down the malga but just getting high charge and willing him down because because he can't heal off of the bubbles or the zarya so he kind of just gets starved of heals however this is mostly play style and comp dependent because if the zarya just holds W with only one bubble the malga can burn her through that one bubble or sometimes even two bubbles so zarya players got to be very careful for this matchup next up is roadhog you'd think roadhog would be more farmable but no once again it's a bit comp dependent maybe even map dependent because roadhog can displace malga pretty well like the hooks aren't hard hard to hit on this big wide Target with a movement penalty the problem is a lot of times the roadhog can't solo the magga he needs help from his supports whether that be a Discord or an Anna throwing an anti nade but if he ever has hhog he can just win the 1 V one with hhog so long story short road hog can go from being a health pack for malga to being a counter next up is Zenyatta I figured I'd put him here even though I don't feel like he's a complete counter to malga the thing with Zenyatta is you have to respect Discord he discords you as malga you have to break line of sight and once you do that then it's not that big of a problem but if you don't respect the Discord you will very easily be countered by Zenyatta his Transcendence also somewhat counters cage fight but not entirely because there is about a 2 second difference in the duration next up is junker Queen she has a skinnier hit box so it's a bit harder for malga to hit in combination with throwing knives being free and her ult being an anti also toss in that she uses a shotgun for damage meaning she doesn't have to like hard Peak the Mal to do damage but all those things combined don't make her a counter it just kind of makes her decent against malga let's talk about ratra when played right he's not as much of a liability versus magga as you might think between throwing up shield and just holding block he does a pretty good job of not feeding the heels his only fault is that he's not great for actually pressuring malga very team dependent for those reasons this matchup is an okay out of 10 a lot of people don't believe in this one but Reinhardt does have a potentially favorable match up versus magga if you think about it it he can Shield to block heals his charge could very easily win the trade if it's from close range he could charge malga out of Stomp and his ultimate is pretty free against malga overall he doesn't win the face- to- face brawl with malga but he has the potential to win just about everything else moving on to C tier these are heroes I feel give malga a bit of a tougher matchup starting with the first one we have Reaper as it is right now it's really difficult to win the life steal battle versus Reaper even if you're hitting your shots he's definitely one of those Heroes that you're going to need help taking care of of next on the list is Widowmaker Another Hero that you can't really deal with like from certain ranges you can you can poke at her and maybe light her on fire but outside of that rain you can't do anything you don't have a shield and she's just popping free shots that's honestly the story for most tanks versus Widow last in C tier we have Sombra she's a super mobile hero with a tiny hitbox and a lot of damage which is annoying for malga but it's even worse for his team especially since malga can't really help them throw that in with the fact that EMP straight up counters malo's ultimate and yeah she deserves a spa on the counter list and lastly we have F tier these are heroes that Malo will often get checked by or just struggle to play against first up is malga himself who would have thought I mean he does a lot of damage his cage fight Cuts him off from heels charge counters charge I mean I don't think I really need to explain why malga counters malga next on the list is a surprising one symmetra symmetra is a pain to play against having to shoot her Deployable turret means that magga will not be healing himself on top of that she has a very skinny hit boox so it's extremely difficult to kill a symmetra especially if they're getting pocketed her teleporter also teleports herself or anyone else inside of your cage fight out of the cage fight if the Sim isn't inside of the ult she also just gets level three beam off the shield and speaking of shields her ult is the better Shield so there's just a lot of things stacked in the favor of sim players moving on to the next one we have Diva as you guys might have guessed D.A Matrix es a lot of mala's damage meaning that malga can't really heal himself the Diva on her own usually isn't going to kill the magga but that Matrix really comes in clutch for when her team shoots at malga if you're the malga player all you can really do is just hide until she drops Matrix and hope she doesn't use it again next up is Sigma who's pretty much on this list for kind of the same reason as Diva his shield in combination with Kinetic grasp just has a lot of damage eating up time the only way for Maga to really win this match up is to just hold W on the sigma or spam for so long that all those coold Downs are forced but if the sigma has a somewhat competent team that's not going to go too well let's talk about Arisa between fortify Javelin Spin and her spear toss she has a lot of tools for denying malga from running over a team or getting heals off of her so just like the other tanks on this tier she's a decent malga counter and last but not least on the list we have Anna the absolute best counter to malga why because sleep is easy to hit and so is nade if malga does not have a KERO on his team to cleanse him this is a brutal matchup it's just it's a Flatout counter what can I say anti just means you can't heal yourself there's not much to it the best thing you can do as magga is try to avoid using cardiac overdrive until you see that n gets forced out so you'll have to take a fight and basically wait till the N gets thrown then come back and go in overall very difficult and annoying match up because again if the just chooses not to throw an a then it's going to be pretty hard to take space if I had to say which Heroes were good with him I would start by saying that Anna is a top tier pick because having an anti nade for an enemy malga is incredible as well as sleep Dart nanom malga is just a really good combo he heals a lot and Deals a lot of damage almost equally as important is KIRO because cleanse enemy team has AA cleanse Kitsune with malga is also a crazy fight winner on the DPS side of things I would say Sombra is a really good pick for her ability to EMP enemy malgas but also because she can set up Dives with the malga which is pretty useful and she can also fend for herself pretty well and then a good old three in one is May Reaper and Bastion all three of these guys benefit from malo's cardiac overdrive by a lot they just kind of get in there and brawl and Maga does that pretty well the healing they get out of it is kind of game-breaking in my opinion just like that you've now completed the crash course on how to play malga like a top 500 tank I hope you guys found this video helpful or entertaining and if you did be sure to show it by backflip body slamming that like subscribe and notifications Bell icon thank you guys for watching and as always good luck on the grind
Channel: yeatle
Views: 58,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Junker Queen for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500 Player), junkerqueen, junkerqueen for dummies, junkerqueen advanced guide, guide, advanced guide, overwatch, ow, jq ow, yeatle, tips and tricks, tips & tricks, for dummies, overwatch for dummies, ramattra for dummies, mauga for dummies, Mauga for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500 Player), cardiac overdrive, overrun, cage fight, mauga ultimate, mauga guide, mauga advanced guide, mauga tips, mauga tech, tech, tier list, tierlist
Id: SA-nQ1uN-UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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