Ramattra for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500/#1 Player)

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ramatra overwatch's newest op omnic hero so P that I recently claimed a spot in top 10 playing rumama himself he has a lot of abilities so figuring out when to use what seems like it would be really complicated but actually it's not as bad as you think in this video I'm going to go down the list of the best ways to use his weapons and abilities and by time we're done we can connect it all together and have a general game plan on how to play him right getting right into it we have void accelerator AKA his primary fire it has a lot of ammo does great damage over time and has no fall off which by the way makes it fairly effective at pressuring snipers from across the map for the most part the staff is a where enemies down over time kind of weapon so don't expect to secure too many final blows with it now moving on to the first ability Vortex it slows grounds deals a little damage and it's as long as cooldown ability so you think you really have to hold on to it but not exactly there's three ways you'll want to use this ability the first is to slow enemy team rotations see a big group throw it at the big group wow who would have thought the second way you should use it is to pressure enemy squishies the damage and the slow is just enough to put them in a vulnerable position this forces them to move out in the open or briefly step out of the fight third and final you want to use it just in general to slow enemies it's a good pun finish or disengage tool enemy tank overstepped Vortex and punish I overstepped Vortex and disengage Shield the number one rule for shield is to mostly use it before Nemesis form the reason for this is simple you can't use it while in this form and by the time you exit Shield will just be a few seconds away besides that you'll want to use Shield to help your team rotate to freely deal poke damage to enemy rotates or to just serve as the first line of defense in a tank interaction or 1v1 some examples of those would be shielding honors and anticipation of the Sleep Dart shielding the block hook or javelins but also shielding behind the enemy tank to block off their heels Nemesis form as of right now is one of the best abilities in the game it's strong defensively because of the armor you gain and the amount of tanking block can do but now we toss in the movement bonus and not only does it become a good disengage but it also enables his offensive potential it's now safer to put pressure on enemy tanks threaten off angles and actually Chase kills if all that sounded overly technical to you here's a simplified version of how to use it one to save your skin two to keep pressure on the enemy tank or squishies and three to punish someone who gets too close or is out of position a big tip for Pummel is when dueling a squishy it's typically four shots for a kill but even faster is three shots than melee definitely don't underestimate this tip I've gotten so many kills that otherwise would have been healed bubbled or cleansed had it not been for the Quick Melee at the end block pretty much explains itself if you're taking too much damage then block and back until you're healed however I will explain some hero interactions where it's optimal to block for starters you'll want to predictably block against Heroes with high levels of burst damage to name some Zen 5 orb widow's scope shots souljorn with Max Rail and junkrat on first encounters since you'll likely want a 1-2 concussion mind you against Heroes with a slow rate of fire you'll want a shuffle block namely Heroes like Hanzo Sigma and roadhog you can also tank most ultimates in the game so it's not a bad idea to hard block something like Bob while your team takes him out and now for his ultimate Annihilation Annihilation is a really strong ultimate and not just because it can last literally forever but because it's basically Nemesis form with extra damage I found that the best way to use it is to First engage with Nemesis form to force out some cooldowns then as you start to lose your armor cancel Nemesis form and Pop That ultimate for a fresh set of armor and from there you can just hunt down those squishy Heroes if you're taking too much heat it's perfectly fine just to hold block and hold the enemy wants you dead or out of that alt as soon as possible so be annoying for as long as you can 5 players focusing you means that your team is free shooting Annihilation is also very useful for countering enemy pushes they'll usually want to walk in with a plan like okay let's kutsune or beat drop but then they have no plan for when Big visual clutter Hulk starts running at them so to recap we'll do a really quick play-by-play of how all this looks in game I start this round off by going for a cross map improv Vortex and I completely miss it I see that the enemy Sigma is too pushed up so I throw up a shield to potentially block off his heels but also to give my team an extra piece of cover he tries to hold his ground here at this car but seeing that he's discorded I keep the aggression up knowing that he wants to run back to that corner I throw a Vortex it slows him down and we get the kill unfortunately he gets instantly rezzed but that's okay because right now we have the aggression so I throw up a shield to potentially block heels but if nothing else it also provides cover for my team again the sigma still tries to hold his ground but seeing that we got another pick I'm keeping the aggression up here I turn around to check on the payload and my team's positioning we force out the Tracer behind us our Widow gets a pick so I throw up a shield so that we can aggressively poke once again and right here I throw another questionable Vortex right into sigma's grasp now we're just doing a bit of poking because things are starting to slow down and we kind of gotta wait for the payload to push so moment of silence I see what I assume the bees and yada's head here so I throw a Vortex to slow down the rotation assuming that that Vortex split Sigma from his team I just hold W on him at this point Nemesis form is about to expire and my armor is almost gone so I just pop my ultimate and clean it up that's gonna be it for this video I hope you guys like that if you did be sure to like And subscribe and um I might just keep making more videos like this as always thank you for watching and good luck on the grind
Channel: yeatle
Views: 131,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, advanced guide, overwatch, ow, yeatle, tips and tricks, tips & tricks, for dummies, overwatch for dummies, Ramattra for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500/#1 Player), ramattra, ram, ram overwatch guide, ram guide, ramattra guide, top500, grandmaster, how to play ramattra, ramattra tips, how 2 ramattra, junkerqueen for dummies, overwatch 2, ow2
Id: f8isCcgGfHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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