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you know what winon time I think MAA still net better than what he was like before the mid-season and I remember like just still pulling it out against certain Winston comps it actually is not even that bad still in my opinion uh yeah I mean he kept his overrun but yeah the overrun damage oh my goodness my gosh a your guys are in the bubble yeah jump out enemy here Rel no recall no recall Trey t one on the bubble enem us us Winston Wiston going to bubble H yeah you and Tracer need to go uh [ __ ] him up me I'll play with no I forced him out but he's like hiding in their spawn now like deep in the spawn yeah he's deep now now now big p right here what got the good yeah got jump up jump there's a c Chase okay I'll defend KP somewhere she's low right here Lucio but I think our Lucio away I supports are dead for a sec can we help our so and our spawn our spawn good I come back you no more Widow by the way Echo now echo echo flying enemy they pushing me pretty hard angles and then Pop Rush here on point here here oh I'm dead use that L got stay outside the bubble so I can he you in our she might be actually over here I see an enemy here enemy here carry for he's going to pop Prim Echo half echo's half right now she's one HP over here I'm getting rolled out here I got the echo there Rush after this I can Rush this from top down sounds [Music] good yeah I'm dead to at the beginning of the fight oh good going Echo next echo's underneath uh k no TP the corner the [Music] corner big to get fored out already which is good want to change angles to where SE is no I didn't get the Ajax they're really low here I'm going to get Prim I'm just going to oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] up I'm going car ene over here huge stay out here stay out here stoping now now not stop but just stop oh the is kind of low blink inside I wait a little bit still wable I can Rush counter Rush M here need help then need some serious help here jum jum jum jum jum you're going to walk at me oh oh you back for second yeah someone needs to touch I can't touch it's go time bu point one one only two people alive only one more Winston carry only Winston carry no that's suu no the carry is [ __ ] low [Music] damn junk torp at all I have to go diva yeah I'm going to go diva I'm not playing that oh you jump me might kill me no jump right now as well course B enemy oh up I going to TP up the soldier what knock knock knocked knocked knocked in right now I going to die got one the enemy here enemy over there here ma you got you got I most of it thanks for this I'm dead one in between us right now you're alone you're alone you're alone you're alone keep Mech got I rush now oh in the bubbley what is in deep what is in really deep there tires top left tires top left have remac go fast maybe here oh my health bar is oh all let's go let's go speed guide you not going away take a new angle right here here oh behind youy boy the here I'm sh I can't move oh no oh I'm back time to crush unluckies Sombra I see an enemy R is alone to left walking out walking out alone if they come Tom I'm actually just going to leave just going to space SM oh my God enemy Spott is Metro setting up out here enemy believe you got to get out you got to get out y you one one one en I got I go they're real titty yeah they're trying to come up on you guys right now TP tp's gone okay wa the Sim under by underneath right here get her get her nice you want me Point Break coming deep good stuff okay they're coming top I'm just going to let them have it they're S Walker let him have it might it's fine it's fine even if I TP that might one shot you through that window back back one one I don't see you one Reco okay no no more mind no more no more no more brick Bri die Bri die can you go where is she where is she oh never mind she I'm fine leave leave we popped a lot they what bomb yeah they only have Ry that's if they come top same thing I'm just going to leave them they're probably going to go I'm going to focus for here [Music] there hey y can you hear me break break fre right now oh back one def for for no he's he's I'm going to die for this I can try to get Mech back if you think he can touch no we can it's okay all the way behind us now [ __ ] are you oh guys you guys are all chasing Tracer there's only me go back go back go back go back go back go back I got it uh Ser one all right you guys stay I'm going to go [ __ ] de we're doing great she need this for somebody starting to main tank yeah change that immediately save yourself while you still can holy [ __ ] can you go for not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet I need 3 seconds okay 3 2 Oney low nice Mony getting Mony get game Megan Fox down SW Queen SW wow okay go [ __ ] yourselves what the hell is that yeah basically look at that dude Queen Reaper torb that's literally like a [ __ ] hate crime dude what hello one here you left left I'm dead I'm dead got one here nice you can sa dead no need dead push around this corner now keep pressing W press press up we know o I'm on is there bre inside this room coming enemy here that was certainly a game of OverWatch GG's guys G's GG's GG's it's go time interesting victory [Music]
Channel: More Flats
Views: 32,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flats, Flats, more flats, More Flats, flats overwatch, overwatch flats, overwatch, Overwatch, Overwatch 2, overwatch 2, flats ow, florida mayhem flats, flats 2, flats gameplay, rammattra, Ramattra, rammatra
Id: DrD6-k7Jx2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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