overwatch comps EXPLAINED

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what is up guys yito here with another educational video you guys have been asking for it and here it is in today's class I'm going to be covering the topic of hero compositions the amount of compositions you can make in OverWatch is probably a very big number and I'm not gonna google it or do the math but it's probably a big number let's be honest however you don't need to know all those compositions all you really need to know are three play Styles and how you win with them those three play styles are dive brawl and poke now there's probably a super technical nerd definition for each of those three things but I'm just gonna explain to you the way I understand it because that's what wins me games and hopefully you'll win you games too Oak is typically when you shoot at the enemy team and try to whittle down their resources via poking or you poke at them until they die now the brawl play style as you might have guessed is a little bit more Brawley you're not trying to take those long drawn out poke battles from across the map basically you want to close in the distance on the opposing team and beat them with your your abilities or just raw muscle power a lot of the times you might be able to just pick a Target and run them over as a team if you're familiar with these play Styles you're probably wondering what's the difference between running someone over and brawl and Diving them and that's where I explained dive so just like brawl you're not usually going to win from poking at your opponents the whole game at one point or another you need an engagement unlike brawl you're not usually attacking in the straight line it's more of a everybody fends for themselves kind of play style but at one point or another most of them are collapsing on the same Target so for the most part dive is very precise now if you saw the thumbnail you're probably wondering which of these play Styles counter which and truthfully it depends on a couple things are the sight lines long enough to poke can we force fights on point and are the flank routes good generally aside from that a good bra has a tankiness to outlive a dive a good dive has the mobility to avoid poke and take out their backline and a good poke has a damage to walk backwards and melt the brawl as they approach alright now that I've gotten you guys past the tutorial I can finally start teaching you some stuff that you might not know and that is what I believe to be the heart of compositions which role do you think is the most important when deciding the optimal playstyle I'll give you guys a second if you said DPS you are absolutely wrong it's actually tank is what I'd say if it was actually tank but it's not its support yep you heard me right support is the most important when trying to build the team playstyle the reason for that is you pretty much only have one tank and all the utility is basically block damage in one shaper form they also have different levels of damage but for the most part what they offer the entire team doesn't have much variance whereas supports there's two of them they all have the ability to heal different amounts depending on which healer you get they also have varying damage but the big one is all the different utilities they offer I mean you have damage multipliers you have anti speed immortality cleanse now with the new hero repositioning and to top it all off they arguably have the best ultimates in the game now I'm not trying to argue that support is the best role in the game or anything like that but I am trying to say that as far as what's offered to the team supports offer the most and when when it's put like that it kind of makes sense why you're making a play style around your support so that's the big one right there if you're trying to figure out what the strength of your team is just look at what your support lineup is and if you don't really know what you're looking at that's where this part of the video comes in I'll try to explain what supports make what kind of play style good so let's actually start at the bottom of the list let's start with Zenyatta Zenyatta is not a very Mobile support and quite frankly he's a glass Cannon he's got a lot of damage with his primary fire and Discord is great however he's not gonna be throwing kicks in the front line I mean he can but you know that's not really what you want so usually if you have a Zenyatta that's a pretty big sign that hey we just might be building some poke comp here he can be good in the dive composition because Discord on the dive Target obviously means they die sooner but the problem is he's a bit of a liability because you don't really want to be protecting your back line and dive so usually not the most optimal pick and dive compositions you can also have Zenyatta in a bra composition but again not really optimal because having a Zenyatta means your brawl either has low heels or you lose the ability to engage which honestly at that point it's kind of weird to call it brawl it's more like poking with melee Heroes next on a support list we're gonna jump right over to Baptiste just like Zenyatta he does a lot of damage which means he is fantastic for pokecomp one of the Staples even but unlike Zenyatta he has great survivability and even better healing which makes him a lot less limited and what you can play him in the consistent damage and heals make him a top tier poke pick those heels also make him great for keeping his tank alive in bra comps and dive comps he's not the best because he's lacking a bit of synergy but he's not a terrible option either third on the list we got Mercy now I bet a lot of you guys are wondering where Mercy fits in all this well be caught on to the trend I was picking all the heroes that are good at poke and mercy is surprisingly good at poke no no not because of the pistol but because of the other two things damage amp and Resurrection Mercy pocketing the DPS makes it a lot easier for them to win duels in poke and in case they lose that duel they can also get rezzed so they have another chance to lose the duel she can also be good in the dive comp if she has a pharah or Echo to pocket thanks to her maneuverability she's also pretty hard to dive herself now the team playstyle you don't want to have with the mercy is brawl her healing's mediocre and she's kind of just a Sitting Duck unless she's pocketing in the DPS on the flank and if she's doing that you're not really playing the brawl you're playing to win duels in poke now I'll move on to a hero that is good at brawl your favorite frog Lucio if the whole team wants to hold W Lucio's the guy to make it happen he's got speed to get in survivability to get out and he has short range burst healing if it was a hero made for brawl it was Lucio that being said something that he's not made for is poking this guy is terrible at poking if you're ever having a cross map clicking competition you do not want to have a Lucio on your team for the same reason he's good at brawl he is terrible at poke everything he does requires him to be close but on the bright side he's pretty decent in dive he himself can dive pretty well and he's also a pretty solid bodyguard for his other support next we got Moira another great healer for just healing your tanks through a brawl great survivability so she can survive a dive and help with the dive but not too much to poke with especially considering her healing is on a resource chances are if you have a Moira you're not poking next let's move on to my favorite healer in the game Anna she's got more than enough heels to keep a tank up in Brawl her ultimate synergizes really well with dive and even though she doesn't have the best poke anti-nades are just so good she's definitely not the most optimal pick for this one but she's not terrible either next up is kiriko she's really good at Dives and she's pretty good at taking care of herself she's a scary 1v1 he's not much of a brawler herself but the heels and the cleanse are pretty useful in that comp and her ultimate might as well just be a free Fight Win kiriko is kind of whatever in poke because yeah she might get a head shot here and there but she doesn't pump out the consistent damage that Zenyatta and Baptiste do next up we got Brig which is a really weird one so when it comes to the three playstyles she's not really a top pick in any of them she's more of like a weird situational pick like for starters she's the anti-dive hero if you're playing any flanker against a break you're gonna have a hard time unless it's a very well coordinated dive you'd think brawling with Brig is good but it still kind of weird because if you try to hold W on a Reinhardt as Brig you're gonna die but if you play it kind of Pokey where you hit whip shots and maybe get a swing in back up just to proc Inspire she's a decent healer and finally the newest support added to the roster as of this video life Weaver honestly I'm not going to say too much about life Weaver because he just came out and he's kind of underpowered and I don't really know what direction they're gonna buff him but as of right now I believe he's really good for dive and brawl I say die because he can pull out his flankers if they're not winning their duel or if the engagement was poor same thing with brawl you can pull out his front line if the engagement was bad win too deep Etc he can also set up his tanks in positions they wouldn't be able to get to normally by using the pedal platform as for poke he doesn't really do anything the most he can do is set up a pedal platform for his snipers so that they can get snipe at the Skybox and just like that you now learned the foundation for building a optimal composition funny how this accidentally turned into like a mini support guide huh so now that we figured out which supports create which play style we can now figure out how to execute it on each tank and which might be the best at it starting with top of the list we have Diva her name starts with d and you know what else starts with the dive her mobility and shotguns make her great for running down the enemy backline stopping them from getting healed with Matrix and matrixing her fellow divers depending who she's up again she can get by in a bra but poke is a no-go you do not want to be poking people with shotguns much like Diva we have doomfist his name starts with a d and he's great at diving he's got the mobility to get in and get out and the damage to get a kill unfortunately he's a little bit too much like diva in the sense that his gun is pretty much a shotgun and he just doesn't offer much as a poker now we got junker Queen she's not much of a diver herself but her commanding shout does enable dive pretty well shotgun knife ax her whole kid's Pretty Good At Close Quarters so she is a top tier brawl pick when it comes to poking she's not that great just like the last two tanks but her throwing knife does enable her to do something next up we have battle cattle AKA orisa if you find yourself locking the others you'll be happy to know that she's a pretty good all-arounder she's not the best at anything other than countering roadhog but she's got the mobility to get into most situations and the Damage mitigation to get out of them and what do you know her weapon actually has some range to it so that makes her pretty alright at poke here's one of my favorite tanks ramatra he's kind of an average pick when it comes to diving because he doesn't have Mobility that gets him across the map but he does have some mobility and the slow on Vortex is really good for isolating the target he's the only tank that has the best of both worlds where he has pretty much a shotgun and a shield and once again the slow is really good for isolating the target he's also one of the few tanks that can poke well thanks to his long-range primary fire his shield also helps a lot enabling his team to poke or rotate Reinhardt this guy sucks at everything nah I'm just messing with you I'm sure you guys can figure out why he's good in Brawl funny enough if you have him on the right map pin actually gives him a pretty good option in dive he's not too good at poking for obvious reasons but I won't count him out entirely because his shield does offer the utility of rotating his team into positions to poke better roadhog can I just skip this guy did they say they were going to rework him or something well for starters you might be flanking with roadhog but you're definitely not diving with him I mean he's kind of got some brawl potential because he's got a shotgun and then he can hook people but like if the enemy team goes Ona and he doesn't have a kiriko you basically don't have a tank but you know what he does have he's the one shotgun tank that's pretty solid at poke he's got the right click to dish out pretty big damage from medium range and most of his play style is poking with hooks so yeah but if we're gonna talk about the goat of poke we gotta talk about the sigma male he might be old but he can still snipe he's got good Shield to rotate team and poke he also has good damage mitigation with a hand sucky thing and then his primary fire actually has range which is pretty rare among the tanks now let's move on to Monkey OverWatch Winston's got the mobility and the bubble for Dives he's just a good option for dive I mean I think anybody that's played OverWatch for more than two seconds knows this but I'm telling you it anyways his bra potential is terrible since most tanks beat him in the straight face to face and his poke potential is just as bad if not worse because he doesn't poke at best he's a distraction next up is the one the only the hamster in a ball Wrecking Ball he's got the highest mobility in the game and pretty solid damage on initial engagement making him one of the best divers in my opinion he loses out in most 1v1s versus enemy tanks so once again not a very good brawler but his ability to get around the map and just be faster overall makes him a better distraction Factor than Winston same thing with poke he doesn't exactly have a shield for his team and his Kit's not really made for poking but he can definitely tie some hands up and live longer than most tanks would and finally last on a tank list we have zarya if you can get her charged enough there's definitely an argument for having her in all three play Styles she's definitely one of the best tanks when it comes to brawling if you can get her charged she's not the best when it comes to diving because she just doesn't have the mobility to keep up but her ability to Bubble divers definitely makes her a viable option zaryan to poke however is kind of a mixed bag because on one hand she has a lot of damage so she'll be poking but it's also really hard to get charged against Hit scan Heroes especially snipers and then one mistake you're dead you lose your charge and all of a sudden you're playing probably the worst hero possible in poke so yeah definitely a hit or miss hero in all three and that is it for tanks we are done here can I get a yippee in the comment section or how about a hip hip hooray or if you're feeling a bit of Mario how about a wahoo and for those of you who stuck around hoping I'd cover DPS you're out of luck my friend because I'm not gonna make this video 10 minutes longer to say pretty much the same things but I believe if you were here the entire time you have the ability to connect the dots that's gonna be it for this video I hope you guys liked it let me know what you think and um I'll see you in the next one peace peace take it easy
Channel: yeatle
Views: 635,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch, overwatch2, ow, ow2, yeatle, top500, pro play, wrecking ball, overwatch 2, hammond, ball, ow2 ranked, overwatch comps, overwatch compositions, overwatch playstyles, educational, overwatch educational, poke comp, brawl comp, dive comp, comps explained, overwatch comps EXPLAINED, swaps, counter swaps, when to swap, what to swap
Id: 93nrrdo-w0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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