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what is up gaming goblins yito here your favorite top 500 YouTuber coming at you with a map guide today we'll be covering what I believe to be one of the most misunderstood maps in the game hopefully by the end of this video I will have taught you how to Solo Carry This map or lead your team in the right direction so immediately as the game starts your goal should be to get the payload from this first corner to under the bridge if the enemy team is not running a dive comp you'll usually get this first corner without too much of a fight in either case it's going to be really important to take control of this bridge High Ground because whoever's up here is going to be terrorizing your squishies the entire time so how do we take control of that when I'm playing tank as soon as the game starts my first play is to go to this Coast side all the way up to the mega and I take control of that High Ground by just being a tank usually I'll catch them off guard and get a free kill or they'll try to challenge me but in doing so they lose a lot of resources because they're turning their back to my team basically ideally this play is made by a tank so it's safer but if you're a hero that can win 1v1 go for it and if you don't feel feel confident in your ability to win that 1v1 you can call for help and have one or two other people come and clear it with you once you clear this High ground it's a lot easier to poke out the enemies on the buildings and the people on point have an easier time pushing the point if you're playing dive there's a chance you might be able to just immediately poke these guys off the buildings but if it's not working you're better off just diving any of the other high grounds so now you got the payload past the Press corner under bridge but not quite past it your goal should now be to get the payload completely past this Archway once again pathing becomes important here let's assume the worst case scenario where the enemy team retakes High grounds no matter what hero or comp you're on the easy play to make is to just go under them and force the objective this will make the enemy team either send one person a contest or give up their High Ground if you can't push the point anymore solo this is the part where you either ask for help to 2V1 whoever is on point or you have the whole team pushed to High Ground you can communicate that by simply saying let's go bottom to High Ground once you have control this area it then becomes easier to push the payload and have angles on the enemy team after getting the payload far enough past the Arches it just becomes a game of controlling this green Taco Stand angles playing tier comps wind conditions and using your Olds better after capping first point your immediate Instinct should be go to High Ground just make sure to leave one person on point if you're not a mobile hero the best way to go to High Ground is go to this right side up to The High Ground getting pressure on this High Ground early not only gives your team the chance to snowball but it also gets the payload past the second corner but if you couldn't get it past the second corner now you have to do that you can do that by either going under and pushing the payload or distracting them while somebody else pushes the payload from here the payload should be tiptoed to about under the bridge once it gets there this is where teams usually struggle to adapt since your whole team will probably be on low ground you can try to brute force it for this one attack or if you're competent you can win the Battle Above Bank you can have one person push Point while everybody else takes top but if you get wiped and the payload still at that corner it's time for a change in plans ideally most of the team goes High Ground while maybe one or two people Force the objective from my experience if you go right and spam group up people will usually follow you from here you'll want to mostly take control of this Coast Side High Ground that way it's harder for them to shoot at your payload pushers but once again depending on what you're working with you can invest some resources into pushing that bank Side High Ground if the payload was about to get capped but your team gets wiped don't get lazy and walk main go High Ground do it again now if the enemy team is doing a really good job of shutting down this Coast side then you'll have to push main or take the bank Side High Ground third Point Dorado is one of the simplest points if you just capped you should immediately be walking The High Ground but let's assume you lost the fight and now the enemy team has control High Ground the team's goals should now be to get the payload under the bridge there are three ways to do this the best options depend on your team comp strength if you have a dive comp you can dive top while somebody else pushes point if you have a shield you can probably just sit on point and shoot whoever touches but if neither of those options seem viable you can have one or two people push Point while the rest of the team pushes top let's assume you got the payload under the bridge but once again the enemy team has High Ground Control you basically have all the same options you had before except now you can just play Under and push the payload eventually someone's gonna have to drop and you can choose to focus that one person or go to High ground and from there you basically just shoot point use some molds and offenses over now let's talk about defense if you watch the first part of this video You're gonna start to notice that this is kind of like a recap for offense if you have very mobile heroes you're going to want to take control of yellow house and red house when the payload gets to the corner that's when you want to drop down and start clicking on people if you don't get a kill no problem all you need to do is go back up wait for cooldowns and do it again sometimes you can look for engagements further but generally you want to keep it at this corner that way your team can shoot and heal now if you don't have any mobile heroes you'll most likely be playing both ends of this bridge High Ground usually most of the team will be on the right side and it might be like one DPS on the left side but what usually happens is that one DPS will get Dove pushed or poked out by like one or two people what I like to do is both tank and healer is play the same High Ground as the DPS that way it's a little bit harder for somebody to solo push him so until they start sending more people up here you'll have high ground dominance and it's going to be hard for them to push if you're the support top right you mostly just have to not get sniped back up if you see a dive coming and basically just keep people healed and if you could do all those things without a problem then you can just dish out damage alright that's all fine and dandy but let's say you lose that high ground and all you have is this Main High Ground when the games evolved to this point usually the payload is a protein Bridge or passing it and this is where a lot of teams get into trouble if the enemy team pushes it far enough they can choose to go point and flip map which basically means that now you have to attack while all they need to do is push the payload so usually before that happens you'll want to have like a tracer contest the payload at arches but if you don't have a mobile DPS that can do that or they end up needing help then chances are the whole team's gonna have to move them in rolling back for a second if you don't lose either of the high grounds and the enemy team is struggling to push main they might go for the underpass that I talked about on offense if you see it coming this is pretty easy to defend against but make sure you have an old plan because this is usually when olds get thrown left and right and if you don't have any olds and they start pressing Q just give up The High Ground once the attacking team has Taco Stand angles and payload cover you as a Defender will mostly be winning fights off of compdiff alt and the power of friendship now we're moving on to Second Point first things first if you died you need to make it a habit to immediately go to playground or depending on where the payload's at you might want to go Coast Side High Ground for the most part you're going to be holding this High ground but when payload gets to the second Corner you're going to want to have a mobile DPS or a tank contest the reason we try to get a contest here is because if your team gets wiped it'll be an easy Recon test whereas if the payload is under the bridge and you get wiped you probably will have a really tough Recon test or it won't happen but if you do start to lose people at the second corner see if you can keep control of high ground because that'll make it a lot easier for your team when you're on the Recon test once the payload gets under bridge it's a lot easier to abuse High Ground since you can poke them from both sides ideally you'll have somebody with Mobility can test a payload so that doesn't get too far past the bridge one thing I forgot to mention is how to play against dive comps on this High Ground for the most part they shouldn't be able to kill you unless they catch you off guard or if you overstay your welcome so when you see the dive coming make sure you have one foot out the door but also you gotta track ultimates because if they're coming in with like nanoblade or Primal you might want a position to make that a little bit harder for them if the enemy team decides to go Bank you can usually catch somebody in rotation but if you don't you can also challenge them at their staircase or back up an abused a crossfire let's say you wipe the enemy team and you see them regrouping and you know they're gonna go co-side this is where you call it out for your team and if you're quick enough you can completely deny them from taking this High ground but if they manage to take this opposite High Ground then the playing field is a little bit more leveled so all you can really do is poke and shoot at whoever's on point so your team got wiped and third Point rolls in your immediate thought should be I'm going to High Ground as you learned on the offense controlling this High Ground controls this third Point ideally you just abuse High grounds here and you have somebody contest the payload before it gets under the bridge that way if your team gets wiped you're guaranteed a recontest if the enemy team goes High ground and they start popping alts that you can't fight don't die for it just give up the high round if your team's dying anyways at the very least contest the point if you're recontesting and your team doesn't have time to go to High Ground you have a couple options you can go main straight to point for the fastest way to point if the enemy team has dive going to this far side is pretty good it makes it harder for them to get to you or you can go to this High Ground side which gives you an angle on the enemy backline but it might put you under pressure too and there you have it an in-depth guide for Dorado if you enjoyed this video make sure to secure The High Ground and collapse on that like button and leave a comment down below for what you think is the most misunderstood map in OverWatch who knows I might just make a video on it that's gonna be it for this video as always thank you for watching and good luck on the grind
Channel: yeatle
Views: 43,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch, overwatch2, ow, ow2, yeatle, top500, pro play, wrecking ball, overwatch 2, hammond, ball, ow2 ranked, overwatch comps, overwatch compositions, overwatch playstyles, educational, overwatch educational, poke comp, brawl comp, dive comp, comps explained, overwatch comps EXPLAINED, swaps, counter swaps, when to swap, what to swap, THE MOST MISUNDERSTOOD MAP, map guide, dorado guide, dorado explained, overwatch dorado, dorado, kiriko
Id: RqUt_fO5eAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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