Wrecking Ball for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500/#1 Player)

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let's start this video off with wrecking Ball's primary fire quad cannons good damage bad weapon spread even worse falloff damage and a very slow reload speed moving on to his first ability transform AKA ball mode and crab mode ball mode gives him increased movement speed and hides the hamster head meaning there's no way to headshot the Hammond while in ball mode you automatically reload after a certain amount of time going in and out of ball mode while mid reload will restart the whole reload process so make sure to learn that timing or you could just watch his ammo for the numbers going up it's also worth noting that you reload slightly faster in Crab mode however you also become easier to shoot at so only go for the crab reload when you're not being shot at that way you become a harder Target while rolling around now that we covered that let's skip on over to the ability pile driver to make it work we just need to input Crouch while having a certain amount of distance between ball and the floor Landing the pile driver knocks up enemies in an arc towards ball the damage starts at 100 and falls off the further you are from the target here's an important tip you can roll off a ledge and pile driver back on it's also faster to hold the pile driver input instead of spam pressing it now for the ability that makes Wrecking Ball a wrecking ball grappling hook unfortunately grapple does not work on Floors or enemies however it still has plenty of uses grapple high for height and grapple at ball level for Speed once ball reaches a certain speed he gets this Fireball animation which deals damage and knockback you can hold on to Grapple to do this multiple times with one cooldown but be careful because there's a six second timer before it detaches his last ability is adaptive Shield upon use wrecking ball gets 100 temporary health he gets 100 extra health for every enemy within range also if you didn't know this indicator tells you how many enemies are within range the best uses for this ability are during engagement that means when you roll through the enemy team or when you go for a pile driver Pro tip it's better to use the adaptive shields before the pile driver that way any damage you take is on your temporary health it's also worth using sometimes in 1v1s because you get a 200 hp bonus but also because it gives the enemy Less Old charge finally we can move on to Wrecking Ball's ultimate Minefield as the name might suggest for Wrecking Ball poops out tiny balls that collectively make up a Minefield upon using the ultimate the Mind shoot out the top of ball in a sprout or umbrella shaped formation Minefield is also one of the few ultimates that you can immediately Farm after using the higher ball is when activated the further the mines will spread very spread minds are are harder for the enemy to destroy and avoid but they also become less lethal since enemies are less likely to get knocked from one mine to the other on the opposite end close mines are very deadly but easy to destroy and avoid in most situations you'll want the spread you get from a minimal height Minefield pile driver what's Minefield power driver you might ask well it's a combo as old as time where basically you use Minefield and then you pile driver who would have guessed the idea is you get high enough for the mines to spread a bit and then the follow-up pile driver basically makes it harder for enemies to get away before the mines activate and just like that you now know how to play Wrecking Ball better than most people in quick play what's that you want to play him in competitive huh Slow Down slow down I taught you how to play Wrecking Ball not how to play tank I mean sure technically he's in a tank Roll But if you're just playing him without a brain you're basically just playing DPS but worry not this next part of the video will teach you how to play ball like an intellectual how to ball in OverWatch too the general idea can be summed up by the three s's Scout set up and strike I previously made a video on this in OverWatch 1 but here's the gist of it step one you want to start every fight by scouting what the enemy team is playing and where they are pathing step two with the information you get from scouting you then want to get set up this is just a simple way of saying to discreetly position yourself behind at an angle or just on high ground to engage the enemy and last but not least step 3 strike the enemy you can strike by rolling through them or flying in with a power driver congratulations you now know a very condensed version of how to ball in OverWatch 2. Scout set up and strike think you're ready to hit Grandmaster think again that was just a simplified version of how to ball if you really want to be a top baller you're going to want to stick around for this next part when playing wrecking ball you're either an attacker or a Defender let me explain starting with Defender when you win a team fight and your team has control over the objective you have what's called defender's Advantage which simply put just means the enemy has to come to your part of the map as wrecking ball it's very easy to use third person Peak to scout where the enemy team is passing you'll want to then get set up near a place where that team has to squeeze through and as they do bam that's when you strike the reason you strike here and not over there is because here your teammates can actually shoot at them hey look at that we just made a full circle back to the three-step thingy I guess we're done right no no that was the easy part now how do you do this as an attacker whether it be a push map an escort a hybrid a two seat having a push map you're going to want to remember one thing don't run it down Main there's a time and place for running it down Main but ninety percent of the time you're gonna want a path from the sides the reason you do this is you need a setup to get value going main every player on the enemy team is gonna see you and click on you whereas if you come from the sides maybe one or zero players click on you and boom you Scout for your Target and then you strike them so when you think about it attacking is almost like four steps set up Scout set up strike congratulations you now mastered the three S's and you have a good grasp of both attacker and Defender play Styles so now let's speed run some special rules when setting up if you run into an enemy ask yourself this can I kill this person if the answer is yes then kill them if the answer is no then immediately run past them and grab Health packs as needed which reminds me Health packs learn where they all are these guys will probably heal you more than your actual Healers so when should you go back to your healers to get healed mostly when fights are over or all the health packs are on cooldown um you know the scoped Heroes they're killing my whole team how do I deal with that you deal with it dive the snipers as often as possible to give them as few easy shots as you can they might get helped which is okay you're making space when you dive them just don't die for it okay one last thing before you come to my stream and say it you know there's only one tank now my team just dies and asked me to swap Shield what do I do and to that my friend I say the skill issue wrecking ball is fast enough to do everything I mentioned before someone dies so just pick up the slack but in the event that you do lose someone early that's where you have to make a judgment call to strike anyways or stay set up and wait for the regroup and there you have it ladies and gentlemen wrecking ball in a nutshell if you enjoyed this video you can show your thanks by striking that like subscribe and Bell icon be sure to comment what you think and if there's any videos you'd like to see me do let me know in the comments and um if you want to see me Scout setup and strike live be sure to catch me when I'm live at twitch.tv forward slash edel Link in the description that's gonna be it for this video thank you guys for hanging and as always good luck on the grind [Music] foreign
Channel: yeatle
Views: 313,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: junkerqueen, junkerqueen for dummies, guide, advanced guide, overwatch, ow, jq ow, yeatle, tips and tricks, tips & tricks, for dummies, overwatch for dummies, Wrecking Ball for Dummies (Guide & Tips from a GM/T500/#1 Player), how 2 ball, wrecking ball for dummies, ball guide, wrecking ball guide, hammond, abilities, 3 step guide, piledriver, adaptive shield, adaptive shields, roll, grapple, minefield, ultimate, wreckingball, reckingball, baller, ballers university, roll out, roll outs
Id: gTqxhGG6bms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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