How to play Mauga in Overwatch 2: Basics and advanced tips

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after waiting for years the new Tank Hero MAA finally joined the roster this way but how do you get good at this Hero Let's have a look hey guys and Di from the omnic post it has been a very long wait but this week MAA the Tank Hero that puts reinhardt's hair game to shape and it is shaped like a Transformer that is stuck in mid transformation is joining the roster and as it goes with new Heroes players are queing up enthusiastically in quick playay to test if they potentially have a new main hero to add to the list thing is that most of those players have no idea how to actually play and you notice that pretty quickly as they start testing their abilities in the spawn R oh Dam and you might be one of those players but do not worry I got you covered by the end of this video you'll know all the dos and don'ts of MAA first let's run over his kit I think that is a pretty good place to start his main abilities are his guns and I'm not talking about his muscles that he likes flexing I'm talking about those car-shaped chain guns that he's logging around everywhere see those have a trick to them the left one the incendiary gun AKA gunny yeah he names his guns well all men do well all men that have guns I don't have guns I Nam my car I named it Bruce because I'm Batman it's a thing gny shoots rounds that will ignite the enemy players like uh Ash's Dynamite or turban's lava does it's a nice debuff but it gets even better his other gun chaa the volatile gun will do critical damage on targets that have the fire debuff see where we're going with this you lay on the debuff with the left gun and you burn him down with the right one no pun intended and there's actually more to all of this but I'll get back to that later his e is cardiac arrest it is a above for anybody within a 10 m radius which is slightly smaller than lucius's radius any Alo within that radius and you can see it on the ground it's a huge circle will take less damage and on top of that they'll heal themselves by dealing damage hey not bad lasts for about 5 seconds and it has a 10-second cool down once it ends his shift is a tricky one it's called overrun and it basically is an Unstoppable Bull Run charge that ends with a storm that will launch up anybody in a radius do damage to them and stun them for a really short time as they Li it's what the hell you can either let it run out its course at which point he'll stop but if you end up walking into a wall for 1.5 seconds well that is time that you could be shooting so the best way to enter charge is by hitting the jump button at which point he'll Stomp and there's also the option to cancel the charge by just hitting the ability again and then there's his ultimate called cage fight and it does just as advertised it just puts everybody that is close enough in this huge cage with MAA who at that point gets unlimited ammo oh damn that ultimate is a danger to everyone including MAA himself but again more about that in a second the passive for this walking Colgate adver man is Berserker I just like the sound of that Berserker he gains temporary health when dealing critical damage which he does with the gun combo remember in other words his basic kit is rather straightforward use the gun combination to get those crits and temporary health from those crits and every 10 seconds you can make the life of your support teammates a little easier by popping cardiac arrest and uh they will need it because while this kid definitely helps him to stay alive your supports are going to have a lot of work see he doesn't have a shield or any kind of bubble whatever that is mitigating any damage nor does he have the mobility that other non-shield tanks have like doomfest all he basically does is eat bullets kind of like a feeding Road Hog would do but those guys can heal themselves and feed even more at that point dumb asses in my opinion a good roadhog player uses the blockout the obstacles everything on the map to his Advantage more than any other t and again in my opinion so should MAA which is a difficult task for a hero that has a charge ability it's just kind of yelling at you the button you just want to use it but much like with rehard it's not because it's of cool down that you have to use it trust me there's going to be plenty of opportunities and this is why I want to go into the more slightly Advanced nuances of uh this kit which is based on the little game time I got with him up to this point I mean he just got released so bear with me and if you have any comments let me know below I prefer to use this overun in a few limited scenarios in order of importance one to save my own supports two to chase down enemy supports and three to get myself to safety of course there will be other instances where I feel Brave and I charge in but I try to be careful I never just charge in to start shooting around like I'm Tony monaya on a boatload of uh of sugar well there is one other scenario where I use it almost always and that's when I'm about to pop his ultimate just to make sure nobody gets away but more about the ultimate than a second because the second slightly more advanced thing I want you to know is uh is about his gun combo as I said you use the primary to put on the debuff and the secondary to get the crits but you can also shoot both of them at the same time which is very effective but the thing is it has a huge impact on your accuracy if they are standing right in front of you go all it just knowe that depending on the uh the size of the enemy hero you'll need to get a little closer in to make it effective to be honest with the smallest Heroes I don't even bother I just use one single gun and burn him down with the other because it kind of starts feeling like I'm using a pressure washer to water the plants it looks very spectacular but it's not helping so in conclusion just use the separate guns on longer distances and as you get closer where you need to be actually you burn them down with both guns at the same time just make sure you don't overextend now the third tip I'm going to give you is going back to the ultimate cage F and my tip is be very careful when you use it for instance do not use it when you know there's a big alt coming from from the enemy team because you are not only locking these people in with you you're also locking yourself in with those people which brings me to my other point don't overdo it I mean get to maybe three people in there but if you lock five people in there with yourself yeah they're all going to turn on you even the supports are going to whip out their weapon at that point on the other hand little cheeky but if you can lock in a whole team and have one of your teammates drop in a big alt well maybe your sacrifice is worth it at that point all depends on the circumstances my suggestion would be communicate plan ahead a little bit don't just pop it all by yourself and hope that the rest of the team jumps in cuz uh yeah that's going to end very bad oh by the way keep in mind that you're a chunky boy I personally CAG two support players on the first capture point of surasa you know the little Plateau the little stage yeah I killed the first support but the second support found this little bit of space where they could escaped to the lower floor I tried to follow them and I got stuck because the space was too tiny and I am a chunky boy at which point she started knifing my ding-dong not a good way to die live and learn or get knifed and learned but tell me what other tips do you have for new manga players let me know in the comments a big thank you to my paats for their support you guys are legends and you two can join the omnic poost family over on [Music]
Channel: The Omnic Post
Views: 5,999
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Keywords: activision blizzard, gaming news, overwatch, overwatch 2, Overwatch news, overwatch content, overwatch 2 update, overwatch 2 news, overwatch gameplay, overwatch funny moments, overwatch rumours, overwatch 2 leaks, overwatch 2 gameplay, blizzard, overwatch 2 for beginners, overwatch 2 game mode, overwatch 2 leak, overwatch season 8, overwatch 2 season 8, overwatch 2 mauga, overwatch mauga, overwatch winter wonderland theme, overwatch flats, overwatch xqc, mauga is op
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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