Quiplash - Getting INAPPROPRIATE with You!

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your prompt is the worst slogan for an erectile dysfunction pill go Bigg or go home what yes really yeah that was yours that was mine oh good for you I did see that one coming all right that's a good slogan for an retile dysfunction pill I didn't see that one I just thought hello Internet welcome to [Music] [Applause] game Matthews had a tragic accident tragic he is now completely blind takes video games to a whole new level of challenge doesn't it it does it is really hard hey guys and welcome to GT live where uh today you I hope I hope you like my stylish new sunglasses I think they're pretty cool hot Duds there they're like the they're like the Google cardboard equivalent of like sunglasses instead of Google cardboard it's optometrist plastic yes optometrist PL look at this uh but anyway hey so we literally just got back from uh all sorts of eye appointments today yeah uh I learned that I am the 6% of people who have stretched retinas and are more prone to getting holes my retinas yay so anyway that's that's the story behind thank you yes and that and they you just look like a cool Spaceman that and it makes me look hardcore and badass obviously bad a yeah bad definitely what these are doing Beast of Burden so anyway hey enough about my weird eyesight let's let's actually talk about some video games shall we so today we are back 5 days a week again hope hopefully you know barring stuff that happens but we are back GT live every weekday woohoo woohoo wooho and we thought we'd wanted to start it we wanted to start it off by playing a game with you guys and and just having something that's a bit fun because my eyes are still a bit dilated and so playing like a hardcore game like Mega Man I don't know how precise my jumping would be since everything's still a little bit fuzzy in my eyes he went outside it was like a vampire he was like the sun no it was a little bit less that and more like Stephanie please guide me Stephanie please please please carry me I will be a seeing eye dog please help me let us go and then I ran him into like a couple of things so she's like oh watch out for that shopping cart oh sorry but anyway so today what we're doing is we're playing a game called quiplash which Jason introduced me to uh I was not aware of it prior to this but it's it's part of like uh the You Don't Know Jack family of games which is I Love You Don't Know Jack trivia we've always been a fan of those yeah and so this is just something different and funny pretty much everyone out there who has a cell phone or a tablet can play along with the stream in some capacity whether you're submitting answers or voting on answers which is pretty cool hopefully it works Jason says it works if it doesn't work hashtag blame Jason hashtag you you know what hashtag to use you know who to blame this guy Jason and the point of this game Jason is just to be funny right like this is basically funniest answers win the point is to win win Matthew the point is to be the quii quipster of them all all right well when it comes to puns I've got the puns on lock down so I am the pun pun Master well let's put those punin skills to the test shall we okay so you guys ready here's room code number one ready o x Jr all right so if you guys submit in we'll see you pop in and then from there we'll all be able to play Jr and nobody plays then it's just going to be a brutal head-to-head battle between me and Matthew pun punas pun to pun see we got Ben Ben Jr hey Ben oh there we go oh there we go okay perfect okay so we have we have Matt Pat We Stephanie we have Jack oh Ben we have Usman Usman we have sisa we have okay jpeg j. jpeg we have Ryan and Jack jackbox Matt wow Sor to try to say that three times fast jackbox SMC pack jackbox Mac Pack yeah that's a tough one great so anyway I like that you're the only one with like actually like normal looking hair Usman has a tough Usman has like a little cow lick which is cool I've got quite the qua though all right so hash blame Jason yes blame me on that one so he's working on it spectator mode will be a thing if everything goes according to plan Jason's figuring it out in the meantime though let's start round one round let's do this all right let's let's be let's be punny here so everybody's in I'm here we go everybody in the old breast wagon here we go winner winner gets the cool set of eyeglasses yes we'll send them to you let hand deliver them to your house that's not true about that all right I I fancy myself uh I'm feeling a lot of pressure this is jpeg looks like he would be pretty punny he or she one eye it's hard to tell promp appear on your device to be gender neutral actually choose between your answer and someone else's and decide who wins you score based on the percentage of players who like there are instructions going on that we can't hear at cool points are based on the percentage players all right cool whatever how to win whatever okay so Ben's wayen jackbox Matt pack has waiting you us man SAA we're waiting on waiting on you we're waiting on who else have we got we're waiting on two got it oh man they only have 15 seconds left what are they going to do I'm guaranteed to win oh my gosh everyone is rooting for B by the way oh no okay. jpeg is feeling the pressure okay. jpeg still waiting to the absolute last second okay dot let's go let's go okay D J Peg show had a randomly generated answer where in the World is Carmen San Diego oh oh okay everyone vote for your favorite San Diego Mars I'm going Mars okay no I'm going I'm going San Diego going San Diego I find neither of those answers particularly quck yeah guys come even though San Diego was my wa that was yours a I voted for you as you should have see it's funny because that's her name San Diego and so she's in San it's restaurant and slightly change its name to something inappropriate that sounds like a good one Bert Bert ber tiches which is that one supposed to be Texas love house is a play on Texas Road House I would have said instead of Wendy's it would be I don't know I need time to think about these things okay oh my gosh yeah this is hard this is heart okay do the line do the line make up a word make up a word that means to make up a word okay imagi wordiness imagine wordiness it's got imagi wordy imag word no it's aagi wordiness it's it's totally upward uhuh because it's aagi wordiness don't worry okay. jpeg I'm with you there a TI No sisa it's all you imagine next sign you wouldn't want to see at a seafood restaurant okay time to vote employees must not wash hands winner that's great I love it hunt your own shark good employees must not not man I really can't talk to me God you didn't even vote for me jeez but I did win must not wash hands hunt your own shark man hunt it hunt your own shark that was I feel like headline from five years in the future oh butt voted ah yeah I swept that round Kim Kardashian's butt voted for President up from your I'm afraid you have blank oh I'm afraid you have uh no retin degeneration thanks thanks doct wait wait after on this hold on theing itis thetis theing itis I like theing SAA SAA knows what's up I'm into I'm kind of into rabies see jackbox mat pack and I we're on the same page because Ben and I are kind of a team over here way to go Ben you really want to impress the Olympic diving judges try a dive that involves blank chainsaws is my answer vote on your devices oh totally fire eating all the way juggling chainsaws always making things more exciting yeah you went fire eating I did okay cuz that was mine well done hey take your hand well done oh look look it was unanimous Ryan it's okay it's it's cool Ryan it's hard to fight against Stephanie it's hard to fight fire eating Stephanie is is pretty Beast next one just in general the most embarrassing to get committing o stealing your your mother's underwear oh my gosh that's it's stealing your mother's underwear it's so specific it that's so good who's I know it wasn't yours most embarrassing crime to get caught committing what would I have said to that Ben Ben and I man I appreciate Ben this is this is moving fast all right like wasting no time with quips being lashed that's round one let's take so many so many quips have been today guys okay where' we on that out M M M oh yes yes it's time for one and two that's pretty good are we we're formidable we're cheating we are like Batman not it's not really fair so thoughtful just just thinking it over pondering little stupid stupidest answer ever I had a pretty dumb one in too we'll see how it Go genitalia on a toia on a to okay voting time pick your favorite oh it's so good it that's really good I I appreciate that one a lot to vesle oh nice yes nice that M pack come on clearly theong to festical out a blank dress O A blank dress okay time to vote uranium dress I like uranium she just glows and all of her teeth are like falling out a human skin dress that's Silence of the Lany great great uranium here we go Master of the page worst name for Tall store the small and short store shorties I feel like shorties would work if it was just like I'm going to go to the small and short store oh no it's dwarf Kingdom that would fool me every time cuz I aim for the small and short stores jackbox mat tag good that was that was tough that was tough that was close me and us man just for you guys uh who know like we're just coming to the stream Jason is working on spectator mod yeah he's working on it right now I think he's gotten figured out oh speaking of Jason something fun to screen when you win a game of bingo other than Bingo pinata or Jason oh I just like shouting Jason in general Jason there we go yeah unanimous again you she knows the audience I shake your head I shake your hand the most creative thing you can make entirely out of bog the most o this one sounds fun candle who didn't answer what no that was me was that yours that was me someone explain the rules to M and and in a and in a strange twist I also said really yes actually that's so weird come up with a name for fast food chain that only serves rabbit meat the rabbits or rabid rabbit topis I think the rabbits I definitely submitted candle in the final second oh no now Stephanie's going to like take darn it darn it Stephanie yeah now she's going I was going to take it anyway man next in line just say no to Stephanie just say no no say yes yes to dangerous things do while driving driving juggling chain sace someone was paying attention to round one someone learned someone learned someone was paying attention to round one damn it it was you it was me don't crinkle your glasses and next how dare you use my own answer against me I know the on your devices would you try to sell door to door door busters Girl Scout cookies if you're not a child that's very true that's just when it becomes creepy see someone else knows the audience girl SC I know I know oh shoot I didn't vote a wow sorry I'm sorry wow I was going to pick door busters with Ben cuz Ben and I are like this what is it about boogers that just screams make candles out of me that's what I want to know cuz both of us had the answer candle that is very strange I mean I think back to like Shrek with the ear wax you have like a perfect score right now no only three people voted for the last okay last the fin Stakes are triple there's just one prompt and all the point values are triple see I see someone else could very easily win at this point is everything is Tri if we use only 10% of our brains what's the other 90% doing and here's what you did vot now you get three musical theater any you like or theming oh jeez blaming Jason all really good ANS are really good taking a really long nap that's me watching GT live watching GT live yeah ladies ladies ladies with like kind of a smiley face it's like it's like ladies in half parenthesis here I like this watching GT live that's what it's about like this like this all right okay what did you vote for Steph you gotot watching GT vote for three vote for three step shoot shoot shoot there we go okay she's trying to no no no no no I voted for three I voted for three I'm dirty Matthew it's most normal people's answer to this question I'm Matthew Come On Come On Now ladies Ben I I like that Ben voted for both sex and leaves like we know where Ben's Minds at watching GG live yeah wait to Pander to us too what I like GT Liv no just the fact that we both voted for that one o Ben also voted for paping Ben Ben why are you doing all right cuz I found it funny yes musical theater I appreciated the musical theater reference you didn't vote for musical theater I I appreciated it no I thought I voted for thinking about cat of course you thought you voted for yeah Ben and I are all about it taking a really long nap oh I I tried to vote for that one figuring out what's the other 90% of your brain doing trying to figure out how to vote this oh no there I voted for blaming Jason and blaming Jason overwheling Jason wins that one oh man yeah the true winner of that round was Jason I feel like it was I'm like in dead last at this point okay okay how we deal oh solid third yeah woohoo wow ciest yeah you you the quii one of all well done I quipped with the best of well done I I bow to your to your quippy quippy skills so well done well we'll see we'll see if the r the championship rain holds up when other people vote from the audience so I think that's what we should try next so what did we learn from this last pass I think we learned from this last pass that uh Jason and cats are pretty fun juggling chainsaws always a winner and uh that you can make candle like that the collective Consciousness thinks that making candles out of boogers is a good idea probably is why why is that I I think it's because the first thing that popped in my head was Shrek I was about to say the exact same thing with the ear wax right I think it was one of those like hey we all think of making ear wax candles and so booger candles I also almost did uh a I couldn't think of a funny way to put it but like a replica of a nose cuz like a nose made of boogers struck me as funny and ironic it was witty irony there so okay Stephanie's got it ready okay so we'll give people a second to join we'll read off some of the twits from last time all right the code here we we van white it it's j k o j ooh oo j caj j c j join now so jackbox.tv and then long J kaj oh man we got some guys okay who do we have we have omega we have logs Pete and we have people logging in to be the peanut gallery for as we speak yeah 40 we have okay we have Dallas we have mat boox asterisk TV we have crazy tan crazy oh crazy taco man I was like crazy tacoman taco man crazy taco man we have Nicholas and we have myself I'm looking I'm I'm doing a bit of a Cubist impression this time tiny mircat at a tiny mircat says when you're sick but GT live is here to heal you hey tiny mirat tiny mircat feel better yeah feel better and thank you at uh Sean X how halter um I made this for you guys hope you like it it's like awesome oh my gosh this fan art is incredible so cool skips even in it it's a little bit anime style it's it's really cool oh my gosh yes and my shirt says game over try Christopher at Derpy Kirby tweet says open it to the audience we'll get ready done look at you there are 3,000 of you watching right now yep oh man uh Parker Caven missing out on GT live to go prom dress shopping happy pie day guys and there's a crying GIF GIF GIF GIF on Twitter as well Kaylin mozzarella celebrates your Victory yay Stephanie Ender Shard says Jason join the fun join them play with Matt pad I bet you win fun fact Jason would not win because I've played these games with Jason before and he's like too clever for his own good yeah he's like three steps removed when it comes to the answers he's like oh well but this connected to this and that's a spoof on on this other obscure thing yes Jason you have something to say these are my people they would vote for me you don't get jok doesn't mean they don't well maybe next round Jason I have to oh yeah I have to operate sure that's a good excuse okay I think we're good everybody's in Gold breast wag let's do it remember guys watch your phones to vote uh cuz the stream is on the 20 second delay so your phone will be your guide yeah let your phone be your guide SL other mobile devices here welcome oh D Coke and if you want to join the the game a little bit later you still can J kaj just whenever you type it in see there's an upper right hand thing in the corner that's reminding you of that exact thing hopefully this time I suck less coming being funny on the were very funny you came in third I feel like Kim Kardashian's butt elected president was uh strong also a strong comment on the political system of the US you score based on the percent of okay ready I'm so ready he needs to explain everything here we go okay guys round one fight okay okay so now we're we're answering okay good done oh no vote for me guys Matt Pat 2016 quip lash a candidate you can trust and believe in I need to do the finger point cuz you have to have the light the thumb you have to point the thumb or if you're watching House of carts the the guy does the knuckle point the whole time he he does the thumb no he does the knuckle point no he are you are you I am finished you got 1 second go got it let's start this show you're just you're just trying to be dramatic aren't you what really happens if you tear off that mattress tag turn on your FBI tag it BEC vote for Donald Trump I like that one it becomes a vote for Donald Trump thank you for for announcing your I did I did it the entire time last time too if you notice so now audience it's your chance to vote 1,729 of you understood that the other there you go okay cool o oh ooh the audience is is fairly split there oh yeah 79% though yeah way to go Omega Omega well done it's those two tfts of hair I think Whoever has those two tfts of hair will win makes you totally op it does best best thing to blurt out in to ruin a beautiful sun but that's just a set a sunset thanks for thanks for watching but hey just that'll ruin it I'm voting for that one I do that all the time I see every time I see a sunset actually do you every time but hey yeah oh nice good job that was mine good job that was nice I I included watching but apparently it was too long for the game you didn't need it it was maybe better without it thanks for an inventive way to get headl than for what inventive way to get rid of headlights time to theiner flamethrower flamethrower it's all about the flamethrower are you are you trying to like skew my I'm enjoying the answer I think you're trying to skew the audience's vote oh it's the flamethrower isn't it the flamethrower is clearly the funnier answer they are voting on their own phones they won't see this on the live stream for a 20 second delay I can't influence them so there and definitely flamethrower way to go Nicholas Stephanie's just playing mind games with all of us at this point it's on a delay words a new state mot for Texas forever like that it's using only two words first you don't see is rebellious right the fact that you chose to make 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n nine words in your answer right hey I followed the rules man you know what I follow the rules I also appreciate that that came from Dallas what yeah that's nice I'm sry Dallas that was that was a good play was a good play it was good barbecue forever though how can you tell it's a doctor's first day on the job I'm pretty sure Dallas is a reference to Pizza girl Dallas they tell you you're retina's going bad oh God I hope it wasn't her first day on the job that's your answer isn't it Steph they tell you your rea's going bad totally your Rea is that your answer no that's going to be your answer isn't it I don't know it is isn't it no of course it's not God I don't know it's mat box TV I voted for it though apparently no one else who played that round wanted to vote for I they're like that's why you have Nifty glasses like this guys yeah maybe they weren't here for the beginning of the stream where you talked about how your re Reas are falling off don't blame me I voted for Trump trump just wins no answer it's just Trump Omega in line that funny if you could choose the other that's what blank with the election this year you don't vote Trump wins went to a SW oh that's fun oh you won default I know I want to win on Merit I like the swiggers party though that was clever that no wonder you were feeling so good about that I felt strong about my pun great big hole Big R what I know that biggish rut is your answer I know how you know that cuz I know your sens I know Bish rut is yours and I voted for it anyway I thought it was a strong answer I knew it I knew it was mine I know you look the audience didn't vote for you [Applause] st fine fine crazy taco man fine the vote went to Crazy taco man the come on God I thought it was I thought that was winner oh oh man Nicholas nice Coming For You Nicholas actually he's coming for you you and me man I'm going to be the Dark Horse coming out of third bigest rut I like to big big rut oh answer uh oh hey oh hey oh hey there we go uh um okay oh this is terrible this is terrible yeah oh this is terrible that's all right oh this is I I have no good answer here okay I think we're doing good the great uh okay so Nicholas is in Nicholas is in Nicholas is focus I'm just saying Nicholas feels confident in his ANS so does log's feate Dallas Matt boox TV crazy tacomen and omega five good done I these are bad these are legitimately bad especially thing to sign on the cast of your friend's broken leg okay good luck on musical theater break leg leg oh wait I like that both of them are kind of on the same both of them are like the same here I'm losing this jacket it is toasty warm you're just feeling the pressure I am you're feeling the pressure of all this wit in the room there's too much wit on this live stream oh crazy tacom man is strong crazy tacoman that's who um that's who beat mine last time you got to watch out for crazy tacoman biggish rut yeah bigest rut was so you guys you guys thing you never do on a first date ooh bro it's voting time so you watch Game Theory oh say you watch Game Theory what that is like the best opening line say you watch game uh wow you must be a smart intelligent person with a great sense of humor and who doesn't who likes to think outside the box OB come on the audience went that way too come on guys say you watch G Dallas stood with you best thing see any famous workout literature so that it is ruined by the word but 20,000 Lees in the butt it's under the butt under the butt know I know the butt see I would have voted for 20,000 leavs but it's in the butt it's it should have been under the butt it should have been under the butt so I'm going s and sensil but that's your I like 20,000 Leagues person it is [Applause] your I like 20,000 we I would have voted for 20,000 pleas person but I appreciate it that's really nice I I felt you needed some points this round than I appreciate that you did such a good job of like cting me around as my P so it's voting done looking away from explosions wrestling a bear um you got to go wrestling a bear man telling you I'm going to it's bear it is bear I like the bear Dallas there were several people in the chat who voted brus way we're so different you and I what from the rest of the crowd we're like oh wrestling a bear yeah you me and Dallas right yeah Dallas we support you new invention that starts with automatic automatic oh time to vote automatic human Annihilator and anater or automatic cheese slier oh cheese slicer I dream of that kind of thing right if only the world had more automatic cheese slicers I can have a slice of cheese anytime I would even have to touch the knife what wow I you automatic cheese slicer it's so great it's like automatic human annihilate come on anator the name of a sex new dance move sexy new dance move sexy new dance move oh yeah it's clearly the mat pth it's the mat pth what can you can you demonstrate a couple of moves of the mat pth I could but this is a this is this isn't a mature stream so this is too family friendly for the mat Pat I mean I could show you but then all chaos would break Lo and you'd have to put your pants back on it would be crazy right we might yeah look at all that support the mat the Matt hat got crazy tooman not what didn't have as good a play with that one so car crazy to man Shake It Off in the words of Taylor Swift Shake It Off how do you like it how how do you like it vote on your devices like we were saying familyfriendly stream family friendly stream okay okay some Some Like It Hot Some Like It Hot others don't no some like it elsewhere yeah log once again we're with Dallas right oh come on you guys the majority prefer Dory guys guys I am disappointed it's about it's about being clever being clal J bad name yeah that kind of thing time to vote let's see franbo Memorial this is yours isn't it what only you're the only person who remembers the franbo scam me you're the only person a yeah maybe that one's mine you knew it you're going to vote for it aren't you I voted for Arkham I thought Arkham Asylum was actually pretty good what come on evenly split oh but but the audience decided it I got more from the audience wow sorry Nicholas I was there for you buddy I was there for you we got to take down Nicholas he was the one who was like right up your butt on the last round 20,000 Leagues in the butt actually it's true 20,000 leag Nicholas was 20,000 Lees in the butt oh my gosh I'm so far behind o Omega is Omega jeez and I have once again taken my place in a solid third solid third place all be the same time here we go this is so serious right now I got this your promt is the worst slogan for an erectile dysfunction pill oh no someone didn't answer here's what you did who want who didn't answer vote now you get three votes for when it won't I like how I like how matter of fact for when it won't go up is never soft again that's terrifying we know you need it so just buy buy anyways Mr softies is a good name all right I have to remember to vote for these okay okay I like that for when it won't go up right just so matter of fact that's so these are bad answers okay okay there we go okay I wonder how placement on the screen affects voting right I would say top left was is going to get and bottom left are going to get most attention you think so I think you skip over and I think you go straight to the the middle really o Viagra Viagra okay all right fine never sawce again Dallas cleaned up on that one I appreciated that one Dallas that I thought that was funny I like this one go up crazy tacoman yeah crazy tacoman you you pulled it out there you get what you what you paid for right uh crazy tacoman is the only one who like M I like Mr softies it's not a slogan it's a name see that was why I didn't vote for it I know all right cool I like how I like how it combined the answers of of previous ones I thought that was clever you need it so buy it anyway yeah Omega Omega Man right finish strong go bigger go home what yes really yeah that was yours that was mine oh good for you I didn't see that one coming all right that's a good slogan for an reptile dysfunction pill I didn't see that one th I just thought I said it okay Omega Omega well done congratulations well done clap in a half to you Omega yeah that was awesome tip of the cap oh my gosh I thought I was I was going big at the end there to catch up but uh I did not come big enough phasing phrasing phasing oh my God what when one tries to to yep there it is go big or don't go big there was also a suggestion from Juliet so snazzy on Twitter from floppy to Hoppy from floppy to Hoppy I was trying to think of like from something to something and I couldn't really come up with anything I was trying to do like a play on flaccid yeah I feel like flaccid is a funny word oh also yeah I was trying to come up with something for floppy Miranda is a theorist at for at Forever Mi i1d has has done a pictorial representation of the matte Pat uhuh I believe it's you dancing in your underwear you do have an eight pack though which is pretty exciting I do have an eight pack which is great I also look like my underwear has like a theorist logo right on the crotch which is exciting that is exciting um no I'm sorry Miranda is a theorist that's not how I look when I dance that's how I look when I do construction projects around the house yeah our friend Michael is the eight pack our friend Michael Bergen says how dare you play an Apples to Apples game without me # DT Michael Bergen this is this is not an Apples to Apples game this is quiplash this is quiplash although when you're in town maybe we can play Like Cards Against Humanity or something that F all right okay I like oh someone has also captured our thinking faces I look like I've just eaten a lime Ginger 779 says you're distracting me from anime I want to watch anime but I love GT more why you hey anime is for later GT live is for now yeah anime later GT live now what are you watching by the way let us know I want let me know on Twitter we'll see if we can catch it yeah let us know we're currently watching Full Metal Alchemist yeah for just for fun and research you know and research cuz we've had a theory on it for a while but watching it's good at Cleo morzac I voted for you Cy Patrick thank you thank you Cleo right your votes matter friends okay so we're next up here okay yeah we're doing a we're doing a new round okay let me get into we're resetting the room yeah I am logging in now okay um so since we're between rounds once again just to remind you guys if you want to play along uh we're going to show you the room code here in a second um we just have to log in first to make sure that there's spots for us okay I'm in all right here we go and where is is the marker it's over here all right we got it yep do you want to re here grab a couple things from Twitter okay or from the chats what what do you it looks like you're making a masturbation gesture Jason Jason all of a sudden like he's not saying anything and all he's like this that's stabbing I thought we we no stab stabbing is is more definitive like there's a clear stopping point you were just kind of like woo so I look up and I'm like what am I supposed to do with this what are you telling me Jason I don't know the the the erectile dysfunction question already happened really got really got you Jason 10% of the brain is spend thinking the other 90% stabbing and happing uh so so anyway uh just so you guys know we're going to flash up the room code for six of you who join in on your mobile device tablet or cell phone can play along with the game uh the other infinite number of you who want to play along can uh just use the room code and then you become the voting audience and help sway kind of the popular vote actually it's made a big difference in in the last game like that's the reason why Stephanie didn't win cuz uh I can I can beat two people or whatever but when it comes time to you can win over a couple people but when it comes time to winning over the masses Steph no I can't do it all right all right ready here we go so room code ready go to jackbox.tv and type in type in this code code d j x m d as a dog J as in jet udus X as Inay xylophone xenophobia Xerox M as in xylitol is also an X word and mat P an M as in Massacre murder marry me monstrosity mischievous muuk Magikarp okay all right you got the picture mag Magikarp sometimes you just need some magicar in your life all right so uh you guys are logging in now we've got about uh coming up on 4,000 audience members are going to be playing along keep it coming 38o all I don't know where the cut off is let's get it to the cut off guys or 4,000 whichever comes first it's fine either way okay so we have PL PL ZZ theorist for the win theorist for the win um helta Delta helta Delta helta Delta Matt Pat is fake mat Pat is fake the skin just rips right off it's true maybe they mean this one's face I'm a I'm a Doppel G I am a reploid oh also not Pat not Pat and # blame me is is your name Jason is your name Jason blocky is I think it's Jason it's not Jason Jason you're secretly playing back there aren't you all right I would have been logged in way before that if that was the case everybody's in the oldr wagon woo and whenever you guys feel like joining in the audience you just type in the code simp do it it's right up here just do it it's also in the probably easier to read in the upper right hand corner of the screen okay I'm funny how that works you are about to play FL to you there it is slap your uncle and get on a cam cuz here we go so was I still holding down a solid third place at the end of that oh and remember just a reminder for people playing and voting watch your screen cuz the chat and the live stream run on at least a 20 second delay so watch your phone this is Super Fun by the way I I like playing okay so now we're answering okay okay okay okay so I just submitted mine # blame me Jason has submitted his theorist for the win helta Delta and Matt Pat is fake have all submitted as well as plxy zzy plxy also not Pat is in it's down to you this is so hard you got it you got it dude I I don't get what the joke is here jul [Music] how do you join the game go to jackbox.tv and type in the code and join the audience to vote DJ you're really drunk you know you're really drunk when you know you're really drunk when mad is human M oh oh I love how they both go in the same direction uh no one is questioning my oh it's status fun it's totally fun the other one is questioning my sense of humor there are two very different answers oh there's so there's so matad is fake says mat pad is not apparently Matt pad is fake he's just on a vendetta to prove that I'm some sort of like robot or something that was mine by the way M Pat's plans are funny thanks thanks Ste I love what's the US government really hiding in Area 51 let ooh it's voting done aliens duh or sand or sand I don't like either of these Cho choices really wa hey judgy mcjudgerson wow wude yeah way to insult other people just just because not everyone is pun Master like you I guess guess what Steph not every question can make fun of me for an easy answer okay I I still pick that that's true it should have been matat sense of humor huh Matt Pat's Humanity whatever a word that the bo CLE but [Applause] isn't and next something you should not put in your kid sandbox Lo on your devices wow wow the collective Universe says that funk and wagnel or sorry Miriam Webster make it happen make # an official entry in the dictionary oh my god oh but by the way cat poop totally takes us easy way to go oh we' got ourselves a barn burner here oh yeah oh man H to Del your dildo not my dildo my dildo didn't take it next is in the same good place to hide boogers oh time to vote uh hm right it's uh yeah go shove them up there okay uh okay # blame Jason for a bad question yeah o Matt Pat versus Matt pad is fake your nose I voted for you oh the audience voted for me yeah audience favorite in the Epic struggle of Matt pad versus Matt pad is fake you may have won the player vote but I won the popular vote terrible name for a clown that was a really hard one by the way vote on your terrible name for a clown stabby sad face stab and a stab you mcstabberson right man I like that both of these were darn it I voted for you oh yeah mad is fake mad may be fake but you and I were on the same page for voting for Stephanie yeah well done thanks well done I didn't win it's all right you won in my heart I appreciate that a better name for the game duck duck goose better name for duck duck goose Matt the goose the goose is like the desirable one you don't want to be a duck that's true right okay I like I like Matt Pat Stephanie I always wanted to be no one ever picked me as goose I very rarely got picked as goose maybe everyone feels that way how did that not win not Pat and I both understood why that was funny hit and run man I think that's just funny really I like mat Stephanie right cuz it's it is a hit run right it's always in an ice cube it's like something at like a like a a church Rally or something like ghost be healed that would be so funny if you like like you just go up to the refrigerator you got like your ice cubes you're like H hander th that sounds great not Pat I like this not Pat character I I voted for an ant because I thought it was just funny and its understated are you playing on multiple devices so that you have a better chance of winning yeah that's what he's doing I am simultaneous Matt Pat Matt Pat is fake and not Pat anything that has to do with Matt Pat ooh I am in six oh no second not Pat is running away with it no what killed me with that one was the fact that it was killed me tough you know and you know who I have to blame for that Jason it's true I have no one to blame but Jason for my sixth place right now ooh ah oh my gosh jeez oh oh no I literally had to get it in like the last no it didn't submit I know no submit I know I had to get my the last second and B bad hot singles these oh jeez these are both really funny I like both of these oh it's so good it's it's I'm doing youtube.com/ GT live because that's yours I got I got to go youtube.com/ GT live yeah I vir I virused you well done that was that was good not Pat not Pat is those were really good answers not pad is really taking it guess who doesn't have good answers this round me next one no it's me the name of a new colog inspired by celebrity chef guy yeah vote on your devices OD the pig fet OD the pig fet it's like the most absurd spelling I don't even know that was you yeah that was me oh the pig feet I made sure I didn't vote for that oh come on now # blame me oh is EA it's EA e Oh I thought it was just EU I put the d on there on purpose thing you put your mou $18 it's voting time cuz they're all becoming So Meta anything owned by Matt Pat trust me there are some not anything owned by Matt Pat there are some things that I own that you don't want put in your mouth for $18 skip for instance not something that you would want to put in your mouth for $18 could just bite his face a little bit see I I I had no idea there nothing nothing qu bar garbage answer you chose right by not oh kondik that was you yes it was there was it's okay I was place to go while wearing a strange play the bang the bang 100% really I think it's a Lon cuz you can't take your hair out Bank especially with my mom being a banker who has gotten robbed on multiple occasions totally the bank a strange well yeah that seems pretty common though right that's not strange that just means you're robbing the bank that's actually that's actually it's very clear what your intention is there a I voted for you Jason not this Jason mind you # blame me it's Jason it's it's a person named Jason not we don't actually not theable jult yoga POS known to mankind o the centipede seizure don't blame J don't blame Jason is is impossible okay wait come with the name for the most the centipede seizure like the most difficult the centipede seizure just reminds me of just reminds me of a human centipede which is oh no terrifying mat pth is fake mat pth is is fake you have my vote mhm well done yeah wow the audience was super slick h no way wa don't blame Jason took it by a couple votes wow even though everyone voted wow the audience is sing what is the Abraham Lincoln Statue thinking while he's sitting there in the Lincoln Memorial oh that's funny I like this one bird poop no of them I was going to make fun of should have been no I was going to say uh for me it's I was going to make fun of tourists had I gotten that prompt it would have been like oh here's another Fanny P that would have been a good one except I had 3 seconds to write it so it was like bird poop no well yeah okay I'll snap here from the PCT you you you were on the right track not p man it's just cleaning up yes my third account is sweeping and next the celebrity You' eat first if you were accountable you eat there waskins with bu bees oh that was good I like it's okay fo would have beaten you anything no mine was markiplier with the side of Jack sepai or no mine was markiplier with the side of sepai wor thing to put on a pizza worst thing to put on a pizza fine Band-Aids worst thing to put on catat would be worse than Band-Aids oh 100 yeah the thing about cat Pat on a pizza though he would eat the pizza first that's true there would be no pizza he would he would eat the P he would what he wouldn't stay he'd take part of the pizza and leave Pepperoni's favorite he would drag the pizza all the way you you've seen he's done it with Jason's sandwiches just he'll just drag the thing across the floor yeah cat trust us we know from experience don't put cat don't put on a pizza bad bad news for everyone and the pizza so I'm clearly in last place oh no I think it's me no one voted for mine solidly last place Matt Pat or not Pat oh oh I am in last place wow that's sad it's okay man have pity on the guy who's retinas are getting detached round this is the face of I need to hide my face at this point hide my face and shame with my sweet Ray bands as you can tell they're your Stevie wonders bad name for a pet goldish oh jeez can I redive myself by not coming in last place I know I just don't want to come in last on this one away dinner doggy flushy little we have literally every variant of flushing uh I'm going with okay wait all right literally every variant plus flushy and little flushy # blame Jason doggy and dinner I vote for no answer that's a weird name flush o flush get okay there are a lot of flushes to choose from the the flush vote was spread out doggy Okay okay here we go plushy plushy which is yours that was mine oh I voted for you yeah I voted for you 7% of Po vote little flushy there it [Applause] is great minds think alike but also for themselves dinner dinner got a strong showing I'm surprised over my shoulder weren't you oh come on now wow waa Jason I also voted Jason it's like anything that you touch is a winner it's true oh you Sushi speaking of all you can E Sushi that sounds good that sounds like the best name for dinner dinner so who won not me see the final scoreboard did I come out of eight I think notat I think not Pat took it all the way no wow wa H to Delta out of nowhere wow Delta wow five and a half for Delta yeah and for not pad yeah both of them great job top answer of the game though was Stephanie mat pad's puns are funny hey nice out of context that's a very nice answer I think your # blame Jason was top answer cuz it was 100% hashtag oh that's true that's true that was rough that was a hard one that was tough should we play one more round solidly in eighth place there guys yeah you got you got to redeem yourself have R myself I need to move up in the world yeah and then and then we'll probably be at a good time cuz the stream will have gone for like an hour and a half at that point okay so this is the definitive round of quickl maybe or maybe we H to a different game oh we do like a fibbage or something we should save fibbage for we should do fibbage but we should save it for another day and that will be that will actually be super hard trying to get other people playing the delay it actually messes things up quite a bit well then sorry well then maybe not that I like when I turn my head the like light just kind of scans across my eyes zoom zoom all right okay here all right let's let's load up one more round here okay let's do this this is great by I've been disconnected okay good good all right all right is that the new one it is eight come on come on there we go all right all right I'm in okay so let's one last time just to remind you how to do this take your phone or tablet device go to jackbox your preferred mobile instrument jackbox.tv j a c k bx. TV not to be confused with te V that's like Mike TV from Willy Wonka and then type in it is it's not we're not talking about a petulant little boy we're talking about a Gaming website indeed okay great and then then once you're there type in the room code which we are going to give you in a second first six people get to participate uh get to actually play the game with us everyone else who joins in uh hopefully a lot of you get to vote and have your voice heard the the popular votes have been overthrowing like everyone's opinions in the game so lot is uh is very important so ET what what was that what was that are you previewing what the what it is it starts with ET uhoh get your get your fingers ready it starts with ET phone [Music] homeone that movie Reese's pces did you know that Eminem so fun fact in ET how how Elliot or how ET like makes the candy hover it was originally down so Reese Reese's Reese's I call it Reese's we call it Reese's we realize that the word is actually Reese Ree and it should be Reese's but it's Reese I think it's a regional thing I think that's one of those Regional things like until I met you I called it Reese's well then I'm just a terrible inlu it's now reesei and I now call it reesei no matter what a single reesei is still a reesei and then re's are okay oh people are making it in so anyway Reese's Pieces this is it it's how did surf France a lot good one sir France someone has like an like an RNG or something okay wait wait so etcb etcb guys okay there we go we got tell you what sir France a lot good job sir francelot you're already a winner in my book right sir Franc aot's clearly too smart for this game sir francelot is going to crush all of us in this game okay so to join as an audience member and vote use e t e c b e as in electrocuted t as in tundra c as in CA and b as in bom wow what wow where's where's where's your head at you went Cera and you went Buxom yeah as in like breasty bosomy bosomy full of bosom yeah yes well if you're full of well if you're not and you can join you can continue to join using the code so right now audience we have is not required okay let's do this this is the this is the crowning this is the crowning round this is where I come back this is where we all lose to Sir France a lot who has like a random key generator and is able to cycle through all the password yep book some huh the B word and we're on Earth wow along with barbecue yeah along with literally anything but you're fixing I'm more than just a chest Stephanie my eyes are up here okay is round one beard score percentage of people who prefer your answer here we go we got this we got this here it is I don't know what I mean by that really but oh oh okay oh come on this is kind of a silly question all right we'll try that go send all right 3 seconds step it was so bad it's so bad this is not going to help me not going to help me here we go let's do it the least popular item in the Secret catalog eatable beard for women Victorious granny pantties size X I don't know that eatable beer that was eatable that's that's nice that's tasty I knew that was yours I knew that was yours hey one well I got I had to vote forat I I would have gone for eatable beard too corillian corillian way to go eatable beard I forgot to announce everybody the name of new perfume by Betty White hair lady the white the whitest hair I think get an old lady yeah as an old lady I know old lady I know it's too many for its own good isn't it I knew it it's okay it's I think it's really clever I called that one it didn't prevent you from and it doesn't really sound right unless you have like a list ooh it is a Matt Pet's fake Matt Pet's fake is back or is still fake it could be a different M fake it could be M it could be a it could be mad is fake face red dog poop Clipper the big red dog poop real I got eaten by a fictional giant red dog that's just absurd that's just absurd that's just silliness there the answer is clearly catpat yeah it's got to be catpat that would be tragic by the way if catpat got e eaten by C the Big Red Dog a bariz dog and then pooped out he would lose all his dignity wa penino way to go Peno who s francelot wow s francelot pulled it out see s francelot is using his bot net mhm next mag become the new governor ofas a blank has won the election and become the new o governor of Texas giant giant robot chinchilla I like giant robot chinchilla I like shotgun I think it's pretty clever giant robot chinchilla no shotgun I think so Tex I think the shotgun is funny in its Simplicity sometimes the simple answer is the funny it's simple but I find I find it a bit cliche to be honest I think giant robot chinchilla takes it well it's another draw no the chat agrees with me GM gimo F Trad Skelly sand Sky Skelly sand takes it all right here we go okay all right what makes hot dogs taste so good it's voting done the tender buns tender buns that's a winner I like that a lot yeah okay but going back to my brilliant answer old lady get it lady yeah I get it see fine it's the witty answer there that's a Jason level answer Jason doesn't look like he agrees with that statement the the tender buns the tender buns I thought the hot dog seller sweat is is a pretty decent answer tender buns are always going to win kilan I think is okay next one the most bitching thing you can airbrush bitching thing the most bitching thing time to vote blame Jason somebody should have put my wife keep coming blame Jason I get it take my wife please get it I had I had 3 seconds there was nothing I could do Ser beware there nothing I could do okay wow only 300 okay okay fine you you guys jeez you just got quip lash by extra points for that coming up next a fun thing to do with a bowl of fun thing to do with a bowl of pudding bathe in it or eat I think I'm going eat fun thing to do with a bowl of pudding eat eat eat sometimes movies what that's fine you're so weird Jason Jason dating a bowl of pudding is not fun you're so strange depends on the kind of pudding a nice banana pudding you might want to take that on a date bathe I would bathe in Pudding can that can that be can that be a new YouTube challenge how you have the cond challenge and stuff area White House is the blank room well done well done GI robot chinchilla room yep keep selling that joke smart keep selling a giant robot chinchilla joke that was that was on point that was on point SK nice I'm sorry there's nothing I could do to to beat the repetition of that that was hard I both said rough only 32% rough Game Room the game room wow it's no 10% I'll have you know that I may have an attached retina in 50 years okay in 50 years jeez man I'm I I started so see s Fran lot in his bot neck yeah we're on to you you and your hacker Network bonuses are doubl the drama this is this is tough we've really we' really pled we started off so strong and it's just been downhill oh here we go oh shoot this maybe this is why we're doing badly okay okay so me sir Franc lot skele Sans Matt pattis fake Killian and Peno are all in waiting for you waiting for Matt Pat and who's the last one shoot oh foul trads of course 5 Seconds shoot not my strongest all right it's okay I feel good about I feel real good about me first come up with a new dessert that contains the name of a US new dessert that contains the name of a US state okay okay oh high Oreos oh that's great wiscons I got to go oh high Oreos is that yours good job what Wiscon Sunday Stephanie oh oh Oro it's your home state I was voting for your home state except that Wiscon Sunday sorry I liked oh oros oh the popular vot no yeah it's really good wiscons Wisconsin Wisconsin day wiscons sunay I know it wase I know oh Oreos combination ite comination of three items that you can buy in a store pepper chainsaw du oh that I could do with chainsaw duct tape and a banana Bo what what the thing I could chainsaw duct tape there's some I like how these both kind of went in the same direction yeah all right Chaw oh come on there's nothing funnier than a banana it's true we should we should do this on a live stream the banana challenge we doing on a live stream got bad most impressive boys got bad it's so crass I have to vote for it it's so crass and yet I have to though I must go see I think if it was St collecting might have been different you and I were the only ones who voted for it what the [ __ ] yeah the popular boat went with us fantastic yeah oh hi Oreos come on oh hi Oreos were really good I I know you're little whis Sunday is a bit better never a place Kentucky Fried oh what they got wise after that one Kentucky FR get that I'm going I'm going no parenthesis what are you going with I'm going with parentheses you're going with P Kentucky Fried cat cat no p i with parenthesis also why because we had the foresight to know that the other person might say the same thing no that's not why they did that I think that's why no it's it's to parallel Kentucky Fried Chicken Kentucky Fried cat okay next one p a bad substitute for subtitute for toothbrush anything else H needle I think a chainsaw is a funnier image think I chainsaw I was see if this were mine I would have said shark just cuz it's so absurd I like I would have voted for shark I would have voted for that see yeah well let's see I would have said chainsaw one well that's not fun that's too practical it's too close to down to earth here we go okay next one the secret to to being oh man taser tongue learn from mat wo now what what I don't know why you're looking at me I did not write that answer I mean there's only one of us in the room right now who would know how to jump that [Music] it's some the right answer W no it did not I almost did uh I almost double rbow doesn't instead it has blank inste it has you gold she Pizza a double rainbow I hope it's Pizza I would have said a double rainbow doesn't have gold at the end of it instead it has YouTube views or like that's that's rev too close too close man what do you mean too close too close Pino I like peno's answer Jason man Jason is like the Unstoppable answer I know if you want to win just answer everything Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Kentucky Fried Jason Kentucky Fried Jason that would be good monkeys is too many monkeys I just like that question you can never have voting done one Matt how many monkeys is too many monkeys you can never have too many monkeys fact it has been scientifically proven you can never have too many monkeys I think let it be known I like skele hands me and Pino have good taste but it's scientifically proven you can never have too many oh come on now you can have too many monkeys by having one there we go everyone's gotten your name spelled right as well I've been really impressed in this game right the mat p a right that's because they're loyal theorists how am I still in six oh Stephanie on Seventh welcome to the bottom step welcome welcome to the bottom Andy down here can't accept your answers you tell me that my burad is too spot on look at the numbers Jason I think Jason needs to play around and see surprising crit card statement Jason get out of town yeah you answering over there you answering friend maybe you're maybe you're the one who got in before the code got answered all right it's pressing purchase on willly W credit card statement I feel like there's an OA Loompa joke in here somewh I know I'm making it but it's I feel like there's I want to try and make one too okay two seconds I'm done I'm done okay everybody's in hand out your votes child labor permit Loa lube and always giggling grandma with diar as you do what that's on your credit card statement 7 Ooma you think they'd have some shorthand or something for that thousands of Hershey bars Oompa Loompa pump see lot of Oompa lo I knew the where was yours I can't tell you that stuff okay fine oh wait shoot we need shoot shoot shoot where's yours yours is 70 Oompa Loompa funerals isn't it I know it is I I know I know your humor do you do you know it is I guarantee it's yours how much you want to bet uh I will bet a trip to McDonald's trip to McDonald's what do I get there how's that zerbo I want to MC flurry okay MC flurry okay Oompa Loompa pumper you voted for that that sounded funny I was also running out of time you're so weird Jason you're so weird chainsaws that would have taken too much thought in the moment now always giggling grandma with diarrhea because of reasons that got 13% man that's winning so far wait it wasn't you are you the person with flurry is mine are you the person with no answer mix lurry is mine thousands of Hershey bars I got I voted for you thank you as for thank you thank you guys thank you that was mine OA loao yeah cuz it sounds funny o you're you're that's so crass I know it's so crass you that is so crass for you I are you final scor who are you I don't even know anymore I still get a MC flurry though I'm really excited about that moved up to fifth a Sur francelot we called it from Moment One Sur francelot in the bot net Sur francelot clap and a half you that was really good well earned clap and a half that was actually a clap in 7/8 for me ready there that was that was a solid clap in a half lands in a half okay wow well done exciting I tipped my cap to you you you have truly won today that was really fun this was great we got less funny as we went on or something we know what used up all our good answers in like the first two rounds yeah that was it everyone else though you guys came out strong yeah you guys did great I'm so impressed we also we also know know the secret to this yeah Jason jokes just put Jason everywhere Jason we have to we're going to have to like ban Jason the next time we play this man no Jason answers no Jason answers # Jason # Jason forg get blame Jason # ban Jason oh God that's great so is so is that is that I guess that's it for now I think so it's been an hour 45 I that's pretty good it's been a we're certainly not getting any better well and also it's been a lot so just so you guys know it's been it's been a long day we've been like stuck in doctor's offices all day getting retina's chest as I've been getting checked out for my eyes don't worry I'm going to be okay I think it's fine got look like you got your like and I came out of I came out of it with super glasses anyway cool new sunglasses My Little My when you show up at con like at conventions with these this summer you know where we where they came from you saw them here first when you see me walk in the halls of VidCon wearing these Shades you'll be like yeah I know that guy actually You' be like oh I don't know that this is what this is what the YouTube earnings have been able to purchase me bling bling bling bling swag swag I'm swagging it so anyway uh I need to go by Stephanie a MC flurry since she decided to go crass in the final round I know it was so shocking right it was so shocking so thank you so much for playing with us by the way thank you for so many people voting we had almost 5,000 people voting in the last like in the last game was great awesome you guys rock uh if you like this let us know and we'll do it again cuz this was a lot of fun yeah tell us what you think was this fun was it boring was it just tell us what you think and we can adjust appropriately and anytime like and really like we're always on the lookout for games that we can play with you guys watching at home cuz that's what makes it cool to do a live stream right like it's fun for us to talk and and play games but like whenever we can play along with you that's even cooler yeah um so if you have any suggestions let us know and remember guys that's just the stream a live stream thanks for blank get it it's like quip lash thanks for what what fill it in Mr fill it in thanks for brillopad what would say who would say that thanks for blank Jason what's fill it in come on be quippy thanks for all the fish wow a way to rip that off of Bo go home Ash go # blame Jason let's say goodbye to everyone uh um Asher springler bye uh Maddie schmidtz yay Ali bye oh so long yummy cookie just made inter interact we did what what sir crafter bye Jesus Romero otherwise known as potentially Jesus uh back at it closing the live stream sorry
Channel: GTLive
Views: 879,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiplash, Jackbox, Jackbox Games, Jackbox Quiplash, You Don't Know Jack, party games, funny, walkthrough, lets play, playthrough, humor, silly, weird, Weirdest Game Ever, gtlive, gt live, game theory, game theory live, matpat, matthew patrick, matthewpatrick13, video games
Id: a_IM8oUZmag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 34sec (4894 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2016
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