MasterChef Season 5 Heated Moments Part 1

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guys just over 15 minutes left look at astrid station did she cook like that at home this is not gonna fly this is disgusting this is not how you work in restaurants everyone listen up a second we're not gonna tolerate disgusting working conditions this is a kitchen we have sanitary standards this is dangerous you're going to fall you're going to hurt yourself you're going to hurt me and i'm just not going to tolerate it here we go i'm going home back to my four children the new orleans take this as a warning because if you were in my kitchen you'd be taking a taxi home wow i'm embarrassed but all i know is that right now astrid you've got to focus i thought they had people that cleaned corey let's go here we have fried chicken with sauteed spinach with a potato souffle and a parmesan crisp it's a play on the souffle there's a golden rule in cooking you never play with a souffle yes chef wow how did you cook the chicken deep fried it at about 350 for 10 minutes or so a little bit over probably man here's the thing i mean there's one staple across the country it's fried chicken yeah but your son so this stuff should be done with your eyes closed um i broke the plate my apologies um the dish was broken way before that thank you man chandis please bring us your dish what's this dish called this is a rusty stack with spinach shrimp and mint a rusty stack it's potato pancakes essentially [Music] you know the shrimp they're cooked fine but you know one of the worst offenses in the masterchef kitchen no service raw potatoes have a bite is it raw it is wrong [Music] and what wow you've got a mixer on your thigh that's dedication right there thank you 45 minutes to go elizabeth what are you making um i'm making a strawberry balsamic cake with a honey mascarpone icing in between i'm calling the strawberry tall cake who's going to screw up tonight why leslie because he's because he he he likes to flap his jaws and and not cook so much so he talks too much good luck thank you so much perfect 60 minutes gone you've now got 30 minutes to go i've never said anything to you elizabeth never once you want to get ugly let's get ugly you don't know where the hell i've been you live in malibu oh you want to know why i live in malibu sweetheart it's because i worked my ass off do you know what work is okay no no i got where i got because i work oh wow i know oh i work so hard to get where i am obviously your wife works and you don't go on you to me about where i live figure out how i got there earmuffs i work you want drama i'll give it to you you ain't seen yet leslie yes what's going on i've never even spoke to this girl and they say all i do is talk talk talk because i talk to other people and i don't talk to them they're jealous here's the thing the oldest one of the most mature start showing it i apologize i'm sorry i'm sorry apology accepted the two worst dishes belong to time to taste them both and then decide which one will be going home qatar you're shaking your head i ain't got a lot of chef the first time i've ever tried something like this man i thought i did damn good on it step up show me what you got i did a play on a cappuccino with a coffee pudding and a vanilla whipped cream and some caramel and cinnamon on top do you know what hurts me like proper kicking you stuck a masterchef logo i was trying to honor the show sir serious yeah chef so you got the pastry cream there whipped cream whipped cream on top underneath that you've got what and then i've got caramel and cinnamon come on honestly to anyone it doesn't look like a dessert roger that man [Music] do you know what biscotti stands for no idea sir beast means twice koti means cooked so i flipped it no you would normally you would cut these and then individually bake them again the whole concept of biscotti and that brings me to my point for the entire room this is the masterchef kitchen dishes have standards we're here to distinguish who has a future in this kitchen and who doesn't yes sir thanks carter astrid let's go please describe your dish lemon tart with lavender [Music] that's raw right i imagine so you imagine so if something's not cooked what do you do you don't serve it leave it in the oven i'm struggling to understand where we can go with you because i don't think there's much potential i've never seen it like that this tiny little corner looks cooked so i know that pastry might not be your strength but to win the competition you need to be able to come in and understand whether it's dessert or fish how to still step up and make it happen absolutely a magical meatloaf there's an art to it right exactly i mean it can't be a giant meatball it can't be a hamburger formed into a square it's got to be its own thing what would you do so i would do something modern i would line my mould with the bacon uh the actual mixture of the meatloaf pork beef veal i love adding roasted mushrooms and also some garlic that's been uh toasted off and bread crumbs but just enough to bind it i don't want a super heavy dense meatloaf what do you think the biggest mistake that these home cooks will make with a meatloaf tonight if they don't taste the seasoning of the pate before they start cooking i.e make your blend get your seasoning in there and then fry off a small amount before you bake then adjust the corn no just the corn because you cannot season the meatloaf after it's been corrected okay stephanie how's it coming you excited yeah everything's going on who's learning couscous wow that's interesting we've never seen that with meatloaf that's um a blue cheese cream sauce what are you doing with that putting it on top of my lamb meatloaf wait that's that's that's very non-traditional have you ever made this before no are you out of your mind i might be but you know i'm i'm trying to win so you got to be a little out of you i wanted you to taste my food i didn't want to be up there looking pretty i'm not just a pretty face i am here to win this competition and show america what i'm about which is cooking this is kind of new this particular combo but higher risk higher the reward stephanie please so describe the dish please it's an herbed lamb meatloaf it has couscous pepper ribbons and a blue cheese cream sauce blue cheese and couscous that classic combo wow yep oh sorry there's no way on earth uh i can swallow that very dry combination i've got lots of chili flakes blue cheese and chili couscous and lamb where you going on this well i took a risk and um no you don't like it but h o m e that's where you should be heading don't put cheese sauce with a meatloaf you don't serve couscous with meatloaf and you've got this one so wrong i cannot tell you enough seriously disappointing thank you next up please whitney i glance over at whitney's dish and it looks pretty pedestrian honestly didn't look like there was a whole lot going on with her plate so tell me exactly what we have here caribbean asian fusion style meatloaf i use some lemongrass soy some garlic and ginger and also i have a sweet potato mash and green beans the issue i'm having is the meatloaf itself has the mushrooms going through it and these other things but it doesn't really taste like anything and i'm getting the sweet potato and then that sweet glaze and it's just like honey and the mango it's that's all i really get it could be like a weird meat dessert creation somehow [Music] i can't think of anything worse to go in a meatloaf lemongrass and mango with a sauce the meat is dry it's way overcooked it's bland you know you brought it up the first thing that came to mind for me was a tv dinner but unfortunately you've taken a tv dinner and turn it into a tv disaster my apologies to the meatloaf next up dan wu please thank you i think the plate looks beautiful there are some great colors on it i'm actually pretty confident so describe that please it's round veal pork and short ribs some carrots onions shiitakes and then i've got a quick kimchi of brussels sprouts swiss chard and bok choy that is absolutely disgusting the blend is way too wet not a big fan of raw brussels sprouts that is one of the worst meatloafs i've ever eaten [Music] well the red team's food you can see that it's raw and not even cooked i don't know what else to say that's not cooked that is not cooked victoria they're not done they're not no i can't vote for the red team look at the meat it's wrong hey reggie get your ass over here all of you look they're raw this is like my worst nightmare and as team captain i know i'm screwed team captain my ass raw pork to these guys are you kidding me we are in big trouble as far as i'm concerned if we serve these troops raw pork we should all go home look at the respect you've got for the soldiers get your together hey guys i'm going to stop you here get a grip butterfly the pork yes look at cutter great idea butterfly that's a faster cook over time [Music] daniel chose to stay to cook could you imagine if he goes home oh it doesn't look too comfortable right now stephanie how you feeling i'm feeling good right now what's your twist on this one i'm throwing some pecans in the crust have you done that before i've never even made a blueberry pie they take minimum 50 minutes to cook that means you have to get this in the oven in the next 10. i got it under control stephanie please describe the pie it's a blueberry pie with brandy and cinnamon and it's pecan crusted at the bottom and then it's regular lettuce and pecan crust on the top why so many pecans but i know you're gonna taste a lot of blueberry pie today so i wanted to make it different and for it to stand out pastry's crumbling like mad i'm struggling it's almost falling apart i've never made a blueberry pie before the place is under cooked so it's doughy on the bottom but the big issue for me is that it is so sweet i wouldn't go near a second mouthful i think the only person in here tonight that would like that pie would be elise you think this is better than elisa's considering that elise is a baker i think it is thank you thanks is anybody i'm screwed i just start over i'm remaking my dough because i forgot to add eggs to it i have to start over all over right now and i don't have any yeast elise did you grab any extra yeast no i'm sorry i only got the two francis biandi did you grab any extra yeast no do you have any extra yeast one packet two packets i'm seeing i'm basically shouting down the line to anybody that might have yeast and no one will give me anything did you grab any extra yeast nope even if i had yeast it's highly unlikely that i'd give it to courtney do you have any extra yeast no no more yeast i see courtney running around like a fool and all i can really think is my plan's working goodbye courtney do you have any extra yeast sorry honey um i'm okay francis what you have the whole kitchen in here do you have any excuse i love you thank you honestly francis what the hell you just messed with my plan right now no kissing scottish francis i'm so grateful you better rise courtney let's go if you forget the most important ingredient for donuts then you're kind of stupid and you should go home i want to get that girl out of here first of all no heels i had to do a lot of running today right so look wow so what we've got in there a raspberry frosted donut and a chai glaze on the other the dough aerated nice and crispy outside they're salty that's seriously salty ah please tell me you didn't put salt in in place of sugar that is a mistake i did not purposely put more salt in there i can tell you it tastes weird yes it's like you lost your heels you lost your mojo you've peaked you won the last dessert challenge is that you now on the descent no i did hit a large bump i picked everything up and kept going and i didn't give up you're sliding down the aerial faster than you got up there what a shame i'm sorry chef [Music] the actual donut the dough itself i think is a little firm it's not that light fluffy kind of donut the technique is just not what it needs to be [Music] what's this topping a raspberry and blood orange icing how did you let the salt slip it had to have happened when i was just rushing to get the second batch of dough it's hard for me to love these donuts it's hard for me to even like them misaisha clearly her little miss perfect streak has been broken because her donuts taste like [Music] the next donuts we'd like to taste please step forward cutter all right cutter let's take a look what are they i made a chocolate peanut butter doughnut and a white chocolate and strawberry donut small and uneven and your chocolate glazing is broke what's the filling uh dark chocolate peanut butter dark chocolate and peanut butter all right let's see oh no filling what happened i don't know i thought i had it all the way in there i squeezed the bag is that like uh was that part of your imagination the filling or did it actually happen no filling again i mean wow i have no excuses you certainly don't i mean especially for the fact that you come here you tell me you're going to give me a full doughnut i don't even know what what this is [Music] so a bunch of technical errors on the flavor they're not you know they're not terrible not the worst ones peanut butter was pretty awesome sucks yeah does suck desserts man i might be worried i hear you i am okay i do not want to be on leslie's team and he does not know how to communicate with people byron ron iran i'm sorry i apologize i apologize i'm sorry and of course i get picked beyond leslie's uh francis l right uh captain where are you yes sir explain the menu um we're doing scallops on a a pea uh puree avocado with an avocado avocado puree and we're gonna do a little uh fennel on the side on top on top on top and sounds like stuff uh francis speak do you know the menu board yeah he knows who's the captain i'm the captain okay on track talking about the entree sea bass uh the sea bass we're gonna uh we got uh uh does the red team know what they're doing no we don't well wait we're still trying to get our group i mean seriously can you have a meeting and get your together now okay this is embarrassing talk to me everybody's walking away talk to me leslie's panicking he's all over the place he's going talk to me talk to me talk to me anybody need anything we're finished with the ginger no more ginger what talk to me you supposed to be telling us what to do why do we gotta talk to you talk to me i don't know what the [ __ ] is happening right now put the strainer in the pot no put the strainer in that leslie you need to stop yelling okay you're not helping our team at all right now you're wasting a lot of time no i'm not nobody seems to be listening i'm trying my best i've never done this before i've never led people who didn't want to be led let's go we are getting lost leslie get it together let's go back in the kitchen the red team is finishing up their final table of entrees but christian is concerned by teammate tyler's appetite come on guys keep it going keep it going let's go tyler yes chef we'll eat after we serve the wedding let's go we're here to work not eat i need beautifully cut fish i have eight coming up one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so we're short two portions we don't have any more fish a red team what's wrong we were a short film would you mean we short fish how many portions are we short two portions were short two portions only thing that can go through my mind tyler like where is my fish i saw you eating it and it was in his damn stomach so we're gonna have to send out two guests with half portions of fish because the big portions there you have to cut in half i'm not serving them nothing geyser we're doomed we're going down and it was like the titanic we were seeking service please tensions are high right now on the red team because now we got to go through a pressure test and i did feel some responsibility for a certain amount of of what happened here but for starters i'm sorry i didn't turn out to be what you guys wanted i'm not perfect okay this is a learning curve for me you have no communication like skills at all can i say something are you just going to jump in every time because you're an 18 year old and that's what you do hey you know what i just you know what you can disrespect me all you want okay because that's what teenagers do okay so grow up and grow some balls leslie you're 56 she's 18. don't compare with her and from the moment i picked her she gave me this look of i don't want to be on your team no why it's because you mispronounced my name well i'm sorry i apologize i don't know how else to put sorry s-o-r-r-y that's sorry you're not sorry at all you're being really condescending right now and it's of course i'm condescending because i'm tired of getting beat up by everybody here and be abused okay enough is enough she had no respect for me from day one and if you want respect you have to earn it and if i give it to you i damn better get it back that's how the real world works please may i thank you that's how i was brought up not crying and running [Music] you
Channel: ftv
Views: 2,661,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay, masterchef, masterchef season 5, masterchef usa, masterchef heated moments, masterchef season 5 heated moments, masterchef foodie tv, foodie tv, ftv, masterchef heated moments part 1, when the judges get angry, when the judges get upset, masterchef angry moment, masterchef angry joe, joe bastianich, worst dishes on masterchef
Id: C5OjGWlQqF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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