Best Kitchen Fails | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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let me guess smelts and chorizo no no chorizo in this really you're doing smelt Croquettes is that a Portuguese dish it usually is done with Cod I figured I'd try a little risk and switch it up you're pretty confident don't you absolutely Danny just threw all his fish into a blender pureed smells is a No-No what do you think of the big concerns here you know Danny's making a croquette I can see the smell it doesn't have a lot of flavor and being lost in the potato in the seasoning I'm in my zone they're all nervous have crap crap I'm coolest cucumber I cook what I know I keep it simple but I keep it elegant what are you making here I am making smelt and caramelized onion quiche quiche quiche you think that's gonna work um I mean quiches all the time frisky Megan is a hot mess I am trying to play cool as a cucumber but I am freaking out foreign I would have killed that fish you should be glad I'm up here uh she talks a lot she's pretty darn cocky Kayla's got a lot of garbage on her station man Kayla Kayla Kayla I'm curious to see if she's creative I don't think she is there's the heat of the Scotch bonnet what are you making here Thai curry holy [ __ ] that's hot how much pepper did you use in that I used half of my Scotch bonnet yeah how hot that is right I made a really stupid mistake it's way too spicy I don't know if I'm gonna be able to save this can I use a little bit of your whole milk I'm gonna add a crapload of cream to it some vegetable stock but at this point it's not looking good please come up here with your dish what's going on here you smelled Croquettes with chili lime sauce foreign I pureed them and then pureed them why why would you puree a beautiful fish like that and turn it into mush it's pretty bad Danny I saw you out there arms forwarded like this you're very cool always I say foreign I could be going home for croquettes [Music] I call it a spicy a red curry with Jasmine rice and panko fried smelt whoa you like very spicy food don't you yes I don't [Music] try that it's too spicy where is the star of the show this is it here yeah this lonely little smelt right now is probably thinking how to end up in this fire just go back to your station kind of made my day Megan can you please come up here with your dish this is a smelt caramelized onion quiche with mushrooms and asparagus first thing I would do get rid of this you know [Music] [Music] I'm puzzled by this entire dish the size the presentation just weird it's very fishy in an unpleasant way Eric tell me what's in the boat here I'm boring some duck and I haven't seasoned it yet so what is going to be your secret seasoning sort of like a Savory spicy I'm gonna top it with some sweetness so I'm gonna Grill some pineapple and I'm candying bacon right now Spicy Sweet Savory yeah interesting just the way they handle that knife it just makes me look at that oh God medic think medic oh my God right now just slipped right oh God oh God that looks serious both thumb and and index dripping blood everywhere that's just the most humiliating thing in a cooking competition can't finish now no I can't finish now Julie what are you making here today and I'm incorporating the beer [Music] beer isn't that what you did for the audition it is what I did for the audition okay but it's going to be completely different you change your name but it's still ultimately a donut right all right well we'll see we will hey Pinot Chef Claudio smells nice over here what are you making I'm gonna make a pork chop with lentils and an apple compote so what are you gonna do to stand out because there's a lot of pork happening right now the Apple compote I'm gonna make is really going to stand out and then I'm going to make like a beer reduction what do you think it needs some herbs and I start second guessing myself all right good luck thank you I started tasting things and the combination of flavors that I expected isn't there pork chop creamy lentil some pancetta and vegetables here some lemon and parsley and a little apple compound beside it this doesn't look like something you would do because the other dishes I've seen from you look very elegant I don't know what to say I'm speechless it doesn't taste very good and it looks worse on prison food sad you know you're like a roller coaster you go up you go down you go up this is down I may be on the chopping block today could you bring a dish up please this is an apple zeppole with beer in the batter and a mascarpone cream on glaze [Music] I find it very dull we could have done so much more with the Apple you know every time you come up here it's an opportunity for you to show what you can do suffering from a case of deja vu here I think you can win this competition cooking Donuts maybe I can but that's not my strategy you can't Danny would you please bring up your dish Danny's dish looks like an 80s throwback from like a really bad Diner beer marinated spicy pork with sour apple slaw beer honey mixed apple chutney so it's a little spicy and sweet together so it's a stewed pork dish with a mayonnaise based slower in the center I struggle with the two coming together on one plate it tastes marginally better than it looks we really need to see that you're not a one-trick pony I don't think you've done that for us I don't taste apple or beer in that this is the worst dish I've had so far no two minutes things will be coming out of this kitchen in two minutes come on go with mere moments to spare blue team servers are out the door with their Colts canape tuna tartare on a crispy wonton Julie Stop Those Tomatoes come on over Rover come on red team you have one minute left come on we go to grab our trays but they've got them on like Hotel shaping dishes guys we don't have service trays we have no serving trays we're extremely late Alvin is saying hurry up you are not serving them on those trays he is flipping out hey come on red team come on we gotta tradies on the racer Chef serving tray oh [ __ ] come on I've been screaming at us right now to get this food up and give me a stack of napkins Hey Ron I will load ten nine eight it's hashtag chaos five four three your legs come on time to get your first canopy out Josh smash to be perfectly honest I'm not a baker and I've never cooked a cheesecake but I've been on a pressure test before and I've battled my way out of it and that's exactly what I'm gonna do today we're at the 15 minute Mark you need to have those cheesecakes in the oven now straight in around a pan on a sheet pan no that extra metal is conducive no put it on the sheet pan that cheesecake's were worth a hundred thousand dollars you have that much extra metal to heat up are you kidding me thank you Josh listen I'm making a passion for topping it's going to be unbelievable you know I'm interested in is Josh's approach he has mangoes he has passion fruit I think it's going to be interesting what he does but you know what I'm worried about Dale I think Dale's toppings are gonna look messy he's got all these different purees let's go look like a mistake rum or bourbon from rum stay tropical man heads up so fancy Josh listen listen well he seems to be very relaxed he's talking to Gallery he's talking to everyone yeah why not cook with fire oh that's the flame yeah Josh how are you I'm great more importantly how are you doing pretty well actually I got my passion for going for my topping it smells amazing kind of been wafting it towards the gallery I think they appreciate that so I'm feeling pretty good with this right now well good luck appreciate that Jeff the moment I take my cake at my heart sinks my whole entire cheesecake Has Fallen I go to pull the springform and sure enough it is stuck to that bad boy 45 seconds remaining you need a hustle hustle hustle I gotta get my cake on this plate but it's stuck I mean the thing is basically Frozen to the cake pan I push with all my strength five four three two one hands up oh God that was crazy I'm really worried I've got a pit in my stomach Josh's looks amazing half of his cake is still on his plate I don't know what to think as I'm walking up I know my cake tastes good I know it may not look good are you happy with the way your cheesecake turned out I'm very disappointed I make cheesecake all the time it's pretty much my favorite dessert [Music] it's a generous portion of topping to crust very smooth very creamy the cream cheese is coming through very nicely and the contrast of that crust it eats very well but doesn't present as well I thought you made this hundreds of times I have chef [Music] you know I expected so much more from you based on how confident you were going into this competition and out strawberries are very typical everything I've seen from you so far is creative I think my cake looks the worst hands down Josh would you please bring a cheesecake up I'm just hoping that the flavors are going to speak for themselves the judges are going to see that I was trying to be Innovative creative and take risks look obviously from its immediate presentation it's disappointing the cracks the way it's slumped damaged Edge but it holds well very good have you made cheesecake before no I have not that passion fruit it's quite magical thank you chef but it still looks disastrous I agree the plating wasn't there but I wanted to be Innovative and used flavors it hadn't been done before and I'm hoping you're going to see that and taste that with my cake today I can understand that you're hoping that you think that's Innovative it's inspired by the art we saw yesterday it's a little post-modern you know aside from that the flavors are where the Innovation is Flavor what was it tropical tropical tropical absolutely I think all of my food has been Innovative creative and delicious I certainly think this is the same I think the plating uh just got away from me in the last minute there food hit it the only thing that can save you right now is how this thing tastes [Music] Eric gives me the Tomahawk Steak I think it's a gift I grew up on a farm and grew up cooking steaks so it's kind of in my blood Dale's probably gonna overthink this I don't think I'm going home on this today for sure and I would be very embarrassed if I did so Eric gave you the plum cut tell me how you're cooking it I made my own spice mixture here you did what's in the spice mix salt black pepper white pepper garlic powder uh Rosemary and Thyme fairly generic uh it's it's very generic but I don't like to mess with meat so I like to actually taste the flavor of meat and just enhance it a little bit and the cooked degree I am hoping for medium rare you're hoping for medium rare I'm hoping for medium rare and what's in the pan um it's going to be red wine raised leeks good luck with it and watch the time thank you so much keep an eye on that chop the dish today is spiced Tomahawk Steak with parsnip stuffed leeks and tri-color french fries [Music] Dale you told me you were going to cook this medium rare [Music] is raw it is blue Raw it registered 127 in three different places I don't care what it registered there's nothing magical here there's no sauce to dip the steak in there's no Jew it's it's uninspiring first of all [ __ ] you yeah nobody eats rib eye this fake rare [Music] emotionally and mentally this is the lowest I've been so far I went so badly to get in the top ten you don't want to be number 11. liver and onions on a bed of cauliflower puree had you sliced the liver thin and then pan fried it it would have held up much better but I find the cauliflower puree very underseasoned and wet thank you Mike it looks um oh my God look at that yeah why does it turn that color chef because you're not supposed to Fan it out it oxidizes I don't even want to dry it I know what it's going to taste like sorry chef please go back to your station you're up next getting on the top 10 ain't easy no one said it was crowd today oh I didn't know really what to do with cheeks so usually what I do with tough cuts of meat is I make stew I want to like it just looks like barf well it comes apart nicely [Music] there's no flavor in the meat I've never cooked with shake before disappointing it's hard to disappoint Chef the color it's so unappetizing yeah foreign it is surprising how much seasoning you need when you are braising or stewing this won't cut it it actually looked like somebody ate it already and spat it out preparing steak dinner for 151 troops when Cleo discovers a major problem with the red team's barbecue sauce that tastes Raw Danielle comments please be honest with me I need you it's not how I would have cooked a barbecue sauce and I said that the whole way through can we fix this yes or no or are we botching it I don't know if we can fix it but we'll try work with each other [Music] true along with the sauce each team is prepping two sides to serve with their steaks after I blanch brussels sprouts throw them in a bin that is soaking it oh my God and I'm thinking oh boy so it turns out our bin had to soap in it that's what half of my brussels sprouts are now in soapy water can't believe we lost those [ __ ] brussels sprouts [ __ ] I'm so worried that we just prepped all these brussels sprouts and there's not enough brussels sprouts there's a whole thing of potato still over there I need to get those potatoes out we have enough potatoes Julie okay Kayla has made the choice to no longer prep potatoes I'm gonna keep doing them no done on potatoes you're done on potatoes and I know this is a mistake with a clock running down both teams are scrambling to get their food out in time for service how are your potatoes good are these all the potatoes we have okay I hope it's enough 30 seconds you only have 30 seconds left ladies we need one more person up here to help us serve ASAP Pinot I need you up here quick check portions there's this lineup that doesn't seem to end and I was nervous I'm like are we gonna have enough to serve all these people come here you got it it's part way through service and the red team has gotten their speed under control thank you Kayla yeah I'm worried this is all we have left you have three more plates my stomach is sinking because I know that every single troop member that does not get brussels sprouts on their plate is an automatic vote to The Blue Team if you're not a Brussels sprout eater we won't be offended brussels sprouts out brussels sprouts are out I know that this is going to cost us the challenge Mr potatoes I'm Kayla that's not a great idea I knew we weren't going to have enough potatoes and we told Kayla that we're almost out of potato soup by the way said just keep smiling that extra pen would have been perfect Julie portioned them so Julie was completely 100 responsible for the potatoes Kayla when I wanted to do the extra potatoes this is why the last of the potatoes Kayla were done I'm very sorry sir I don't have any more sides to give you I apologize come on through guys don't be shy come on through oh they're finished all their size oh they ran out I really hope you guys enjoy our sides yeah they're lovely oh what the [ __ ] they run out of sides choose the team who has some sides Kevin tell me what you're making for us I am making some filo wraps and the inside will be candied walnuts and sebayon just egg yolks and sugar trying to whip it into almost like a custard like sauce and I'm gonna fold into the cream cheese I like the ambition and I wish you luck thank you Kevin is torching his Savion right now that's not only pastry but that is also extremely Innovative if he pulls this off then he is the one to watch walk me through what you have done here it's a take on Sabayon and fresh fruit filo pastry inside is Walnut Crunch and praline and that's in the center it's very difficult to make beautiful dessert like this [Music] [Applause] I have to get through could be the sugar that's in with the walnuts [Music] the paper's in there of all the things to do I swear if I was a cat with nine lives I just lost eight and a half okay let's try this could use butter some type of fruit component inside focus on flavor because this dish looks really looks pretty [Music] Kevin I know someone who wants cooked a chicken with a gizzard still in the plastic bag that was me oh I've been there trust me creamy not too sweet and you torch the Savion got a wonderful gold caramelization to the top you know what you've managed to do is create a dish that has some very interesting elements to it I think you have it all up here is it a perfect dish no no it's not no but you learn from those mistakes indeed how you doing Michael doing okay I'm not really a fried chicken type of guy I know I look like one today but you got the kernel look on you got the kernel look going yeah what's the hardest part of this challenge for you I really don't cook fried chicken at home the hardest part of this challenge is just making sure every component of the dish is properly cooked good luck watch your time thank you this looks amazing it sounds amazing it's very crispy now for the true test is this dish cooked properly I hope it is [Music] look at that it's moist I squeeze a little bit and see some of the juices kind of collecting there that's perfection [Music] Michael that's amazing that chicken breast it doesn't get much better let's taste this piece of chicken leg [Music] it's raw it's bloody raw I want gonna eat that twenty minutes Matthew do you want me to go on these no no do not open these I'm telling you you should look at them no we're not looking at them Sean hickey wants to open up those smokers do it just do it no I can't I can't so even though Sean is really trying to muscle in Matthew is not letting him do it I'm dying to get over to that barbecue did you open that smoker you're gonna Rob the smoker of all the Heat shut the lid just shut it oh my God our smokers have just dropped a good 15 to 20 degrees our ribs won't be as tender as they should be we could lose this hey man we're following instructions too right you know what I mean yeah yeah while Matthew may have lost control in the red kitchen Michelle's now dealing with the fact that the blue team doesn't have enough Peppers to stuff change of plans okay we don't have enough Peppers I'm thinking we're gonna take the cornbread and make a hash out of it instead this way we can ensure everyone gets fed and everyone gets equal portions let's go let's go guys Vince you're working on that slaw right if I made a radical Red Onion slaw with olive oil and red wine vinegar it's too bitter you decide man I gotta shut Vince's coleslaw down I know this coleslaw isn't going to go well with the ribs We're not gonna do the slide yet we only need two sides we got the cornbread we got the squash we're gonna do a vegetable medley with sweet potatoes green beans and squash Vince is a good team player and he's gonna do the sweet potatoes the red team side dishes may be under control but they're still the matter of their undercooked ribs there's nothing I can do about that lost heat get that sauce caramelized onto the meat ASAP so we just have to improvise we have to make sure that those ribs are gonna taste as beautiful as possible because they're not going to be as tender as we can make them now five minutes left you should be plating now the stations are set up the servers are there so I suddenly remember the ribs haven't been checked oh wow I burnt the ribs what happened here look at this what the hell look at that guys you can't even serve that oh God Michelle who was in charge of watching The Smokers here it was my fault this is on the brink of disaster on the ribs it's all hands on deck we're pulling them out we're picking which ones aren't burnt I just went into the blue kitchen and the ribs are burnt how many are bird guys eight nine rocks We're not gonna have enough it could cost us the entire challenge super crazy there's so much going on in my head right now I'm feeling panicked having to do two dishes I'm cooking off my pork I'm pressing my tortillas I've got my pastry cream done I just need to get it in the blast chiller for about 10 minutes so that it can set [Music] I'm working on getting everything done for my coconut tart you have 10 more minutes left I look at the clock and realize right away that my pastry cream has been in the blast freezer for a good 35 to 40 minutes shoot my pastry cream is almost completely Frozen hey bro Lee how are you oh I'm a little frantic semi-fredo right now you are feeling the heat aren't you I sure got a feeling about you that you might pull this out you know what I got it I just a beautiful flavors my texture might not be there yet but I'm gonna do this I got this well that's what we all love about you you always surprise us make sure you surprise yourself thank you Chef two minutes it may be your last two minutes in the Master Chef Canada kitchen oh Lord no not me I can still pull off a dessert and make it look like a beach I can make the coconut crumble look like sand top four top four changing my life ten nine eight seven six five four three two one it's turning into a puddle on the plate and it's not gonna look pretty at all [Music] it's now time to taste your dishes aprily this is not good enough I'm just I'm full of regrets my Savory dish is a rum marinated pork Taco with a tropical salsa finished with the flambeid and rum grilled pineapple Slice on my sweet dish is a pina colada semifredo with a coconut crumble and a rum sauce what do you think went wrong with this dessert here I had to come up with another plan and think really quick and think like a chef it's a taste you know what aprily it tastes like a really great tropical ice cream great big Punchy flavors the rum the coconut the pineapple that's all coming through the only problem is is that you can't serve a dish like this the way it looks don't forget there's other Cooks behind you that may have dishes that look nicer than yours but the taste may not be there I was driving a zoom boom at my construction job now I'm cooking in the Master Chef Canada kitchen I am doing a seared chicken breast a cauliflower puree roasted carrots and a blue cheese Mornay sauce my mom means a lot to me I'm dedicating this dish to her I love you Mom this was the first thing I used to eat with these Chopsticks are really important to me it takes me back to my childhood the very first dish that I cooked was dumplings I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world and I'm so happy to be here 30 minutes you have 30 minutes left come on come on the energy in this kitchen right now is incredibly intense our light is at stake the huge advantage that they get that they produce the best mystery box I smash my heavy cast iron plate right into the front of my glass oven are you okay it is completely shattered I literally destroyed my oven how am I gonna cook chicken there's no way I can recover from this I've never seen this happen in this kitchen these ovens are state-of-the-art quality pieces I don't know if he's being Reckless or just careless you cannot cook without equipment Alice can I borrow your oven Go For It Go Alice really helped me out I went from feeling totally crushed to now motivated I can do this I mean I know it's a competition and everything but uh it just shows what kind of person she has and I'm very thankful silly oxtail spices spices spices I'm excited to have the salt shaker I feel very comfortable working with Savory Foods duck no I don't want duck legs maybe a lamb this is so heavy I need eggs I like to eat baking I just suck at it oh my dear Lord this is just ridiculous I'm just not a baker I'm just not a baker Trevor why'd you do this to me man I gave tear sugar because I know she's a contender I wish I had way more baking experience I've decided to make a nectarine sponge cake with a caramelized Peach thing I'm making way too much I screwed up my measurements I've never made a cake I'm totally taking a risk right now this dress is totally getting to me I'm really scared for Tish just needs to stay focused this does not work I'm going home I still have to cook my lamb and Grill my fruit and my Tomatoes May is like laser focused right now it's crazy this dish needs to be perfect because I know what I'm capable of and when I can't produce that I get really upset hi there may I Chef Michael so you got given the salt shaker yes I actually prefer to cook Savory I'm making a marinated lamb and then I'm going to be doing some grilled stone fruits on the side so the lamb you're going to be cooking to which color I will be going for a medium rare pretty much I'm just kissing it onto the pan and then straight to the oven I'll let you focus thank you thanks me sounds awesome man 15 minutes you have 15 minutes left 15 minutes okay that's done but guys I made a cake nice job tan way to go Taylor I am so proud of my cake it is cooked perfectly it's good guys I turned you into a baker may still hasn't started cooking our lab I'm looking at the clock and I'm running really low on time I really need to get my lamb on I see May has just put a lamb into the pan I'm concerned that she's not going to get that cooked in time may you have seven minutes started on my llama a lot earlier my fruit could have waited you need to pop it back in better be thinking about beautiful plating but maze has just taken her lamb out of the oven she hasn't let it relax and now it is being cut oh my that's completely raw I'm so desperate to get this lamb cooked start searing it on the pan I don't think May's gonna make it may is not gonna make it Claudio didn't I just say that one minute you have one minute left start cleaning now my peaches are too hot it's just gonna melt you got this girl ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hands up good job guys I made a cake it just doesn't look pretty this plate does not represent Foley what I can do in the kitchen I feel so disappointed in myself I did a lamb marinated in garlic Thyme and Dill a plum guest streak and a celery root puree the overall height presentation I think looks terrific let's see how that land looks the moment of truth in my gut I know this lamb is not Cocina I feel like I want to turn around and run out of this kitchen is that what you'd expected me I would like it to be a little less I have to agree with you have a taste taste wise it's great well seasoned and the bright flavors on the gastric emphasizes the plum this has come down to time management on your behalf I think so too it was a mistake but was it a tragic flaw I really don't know [Music] yeah please bring up your dish I know it tastes good but it's not pretty at all I am even having a hard time looking at it I did a lemon sponge cake with a caramelized peach in amaretto and mint oh man it's a hot mess just like me you know that expression my dog ate my homework that's what that looks like no it looks like your dog attacked it thank you well the good thing is can make this look any worse [Music] you know what it's good it tastes really good good flavors good acidity but it's this master chef quality do you have that technique to be in this kitchen I do Chef I do well it's not on this plate [Music] foreign is this your Curry right here yes it is wow Miranda this is so watery are you making a soup or an actual Curry I wanted to trust heya's Curry ability but I'm getting really worried who's gonna take the heat if it doesn't work out we win as a team we think as a team this isn't right this could cost us the win I am pretty nervous the curry is quite liquidy you know what I would do with this take some potatoes and use potatoes as a thickening agent because there's a lot of starch the potatoes Chef Claudio has a great idea that if I boil potatoes in the curry it will definitely thicken in time for a service you don't have much time and use it wisely I will Chef Taya potatoes chopped now I need to clear a space pick it up Taya do this do that get your craft together go hurry I feel like I'm a child and my parents are scolding me let's not lose or cool here guys you're in charge of the chow mein how's it going it's all going good uh with oil and our water team you need to get that water on for the noodles in smaller pots ready for the chow mein I had little pots of water on the boil why did anyone take them off bad idea the water was boiling next time I turn around where's all the freaking pots okay Chop Chop yes chefs Matt get the stock off and get the water pot on there that's what I'm doing 15 minutes left final push I need you concentrated very there we are now I need three minutes otherwise we're gonna run out [Music] get those burners on high get them on high both these teams are falling apart ah [ __ ] you okay [Music] Matt help me carry this over all of a sudden I'm getting light-headed and seeing Stars I'm kind of starting to have a little bit of blurred vision I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed Matt is essential if we lose him we're down for the count there is no time to stop there is no time to think and everything catches up to me but I'm not going to give up okay guys I'm gonna jump in and help I'm just pushing through because I know that we need to get this food in come on guys we can do this we're gonna bring this back let's do this thank God Matt is doing okay [Music] diversity five minutes the new Canadians are on the move they are hungry pasta's coming [Music] oh my goodness I just cut my nail off I am freaking out it's a disaster you think that'll be ready in time I don't think so I mean I don't know how they're going to pull it off worried we won't have served these people on a very special day where are the freaking peppers and onions guys I think we're gonna have to jump in and get these guys I would agree let's get those shrimp going let's go Miranda get this in a chafing dish let's go all right careful where is the pasta right here it doesn't look appetizing put it in the food processor so it becomes a lot smoother okay okay get the cashew in there you want to thicken it right get it in now now the chefs are having to help us how much noodle do you have we have two that's enough okay go I am so embarrassed Miranda Lee I'm doing it let's go guys this is so watery my goodness this is the disaster Miranda I'm not giving up yet Chef it's not over till the fat lady sings I went into the red team to check out their pasta sauce my suggestion was throw it in the blender because right now it's very very coarse I just don't think it'll present well within the white team I came out but Claudio is still there he is he's helping out on the chow mein how does it look it's a little undergone these cakes are still looking a bit jiggly to me Barry looks stunned well Alicia we're either gonna have soup or we're going to have a really tall cake get them out of the oven okay take it out take it out go so one of the moments of truth right now is being able to get those cakes perfectly out of those pans without having any damage to the cake see if we can get at least one thin layer out of the chocolate yeah we're good yeah it's it's just it's garbage it looks like it had been only baked for 15 minutes chocolate's garbage and I'm thinking it's over that looks like pudding that's not good I don't know how they can recover from that we can't do anything about it now this chocolate cake is not going into our final product screw it we're doing a three layer cake one one a minute left get all the icing on Spread spread okay leave it don't touch it ten nine eight seven six five four four three two one hands up oh my God not being a baker I am super stoked on the cake that we just made it is what it is sweetie chocolate cake fell Barry and Alicia please bring up your birthday cake this is so ugly and I'm so embarrassed that I have to show this to the judges [Music] in terms of a replication looks like you've come up a little short tell me what happened guys the chocolate didn't turn into cake it turned into soup even though that chocolate layer may not have come through hopefully your palettes came through for you [Music] a good amount of icing on the top and the sides that is the orange sponge here I believe so Chef I got a little frazzled in the assembly and the next layer it appears that I may have switched the Maple and the lemon well let's see how it tastes [Music] it seems to me that the multiple layers and the details of this challenge may have gotten the better of you you didn't give up and I appreciate it Alicia and I are both really bummed but what are you gonna do okay what do you want me to do now you know all that instruction coming from the gallery might just be confusing her do you want me to do more more than two or just two two three just in case Don't Panic guys don't panic people need to sear your tofu she seems to have a total lack of focus they're distracting her Justine Justine see you guys stop screaming at me Justine the shrimp out look the noodle around Justine shrimp just exploded when it hit the oil and I tell you why because it's not wrap tight pretty much we're in panic mode at this point we gotta start plating too just then we gotta get something on that plate yeah yeah I know I know I know I know I'm really nervous about how our Bento Box looks you know you're only as good as your last dish and I'm hoping this isn't my last dish so I got to tell you if this tastes the way it looks you're in trouble what happened to the shrimp in particular here I mean they look like a sea monster yeah definitely I take full responsibility for that are you comfortable with Justine taking the heat for this nope I was the one who dropped them in the oil she was the one who wrapped them and deveined them and she did a great job of that you're aware this is an elimination challenge right someone's going home I don't want Matt or Justine to be going home I tried my best to help them but I may have distracted them instead [Music] oh that's actually pretty good look them around and look at her she's absolutely in her element she obviously has the big Advantage here her ingredients did not change my mom influences my cooking so I know how to make really good flank steak I have way more confidence than I ever have before she's gonna blow through this quite easily hello Miranda hi Chef Michael so what is the dish that you're going to be cooking so I'm gonna do smoky grilled flank steak over top grilled red pepper sauce topped with a grilled corn salsa is this dish today something you might cook back home in Edmonton absolutely I'm finally cooking something that I would cook at home so I'm excited for this Challenge and what's the cook on the steak uh I'm gonna get a nice medium rare today look forward to it thank you chef green runs this way cut against the grains Miranda's already sliced to a flank steak it looks a bit on the rear side the first few pieces are still looking slightly rare but I think overcooking it would be worse than undercooking it I hope she's cut it against the grain [Music] and her grilled flank steak with a red pepper sauce over top of a grilled corn salad you know you had less of a disadvantage you got to keep your ingredients every time I've had to cook in this kitchen I've been the one that's been out of my element have you ever worked with flank steak before a couple times what color were you going for a medium rare what do you think you achieved I think I achieved a rare closer to Blue there's another problem here you cut the flank steak with the grain cut it again this is one of the biggest mistakes I've made in this kitchen I'm in trouble foreign does take effort this is tough on the other hand the corn is actually quite delicious nice pop what happened to you in this challenge I thought I was doing good chef and I honestly thought I cut it against the grain you've come so far you've done amazing things but this meat is a mistake you cut it incorrectly you undercooked it I hope you'll have a chance to recover from something like this I feel really good about baking right now I'm calm I'm in my zone I feel like I have a good handle on things right now I realize that I'm in a good spot and I should start getting my cake ready to assemble my cake tastes like stale bread I forgot the sugar in the cake you didn't put sugar in his cake oh an unsweetened cake is not good keep going Kagan take a breath I'm gonna soak it in cream and sugar and throw it in the oven to try to toughen it up not a bad idea right I can make a simple syrup and try to infuse some of that into the cake itself like he's soaking his soaking his cakes oh he just dropped he just dropped right now I'm not handling the pressure well and I am no longer going to be able to make a four layer cake but I'm not ready to go home I never thought I would be here it's a dream come true I have three layers left buttercream is sweet the ganache is sweet let's make something tasty for the judges I'm glad to see that you're pushing on tell me what happened I didn't put any sugar in my cake how have you tried to remedy I tried to add a little sugar to the cake as a sugar syrup it's not a bad idea as long as it's not too wet it could hold together is the cake itself nice and cold because your pastry cream is starting to soften already this cake is too hot so I put them in the chiller my cake just crumbled into a bunch of chunks those two sponge cakes it was so wet with syrup just started to fall apart I kind of feel like throwing in the towel just don't give up [Music] please don't give up she's right they didn't come here to give up I have one layer of cake left but I feel pretty confident I'm gonna be able to get the flavors right on this cake you know flavor is King it could save me [Music] Alyssa's not following the same order as the other Home Cooks the julienne I have done before so I leave my vegetables for last and I start on my dressing delaying the vegetables feels a little risky to me but go with us to go Alyssa is making her vinaigrette right now mincing her garlic adding the fish sauce grape seed oil chili lime juice in there and that palm sugar [Music] all of us in the gallery are just waiting for that medic call [Music] I'm scared that Tony's in a knife battle he always finds a way to Nick himself okay if I get all pumped up that's when things go wrong oh no injury already this cut is gonna slow me down and I need every second I have thank you I see this is put the noodles in but she hasn't cut anything yet except for herself all I want to do is yell Alyssa stop the noodles and get on those vegetables she needs to get back on task five minutes five minutes left I only have five minutes why didn't I cut these vegetables at this point I don't have time for precise Cuts I just want to get them on the plate man Alyssa does not have like anything done I'm panicking right now I just don't know if I can do this I'm sending all of my Good Vibes to Alyssa right now I just want her to pull through this Focus one minute one more minute left come on come on show us what you've got she's not she's not a psychological torture come on everything on the plate don't miss anything plating technique is throwing it on the bowl and hoping it's all there nine eight seven six five four three two one [Music] what's up guys whoa obviously quintessential for any sushi roll can go without sushi rice the rice is actually the most important part if it's too wet it'll fall apart become inedible I watched the clock quite carefully to know when the rice should be done but the pot has stopped steaming so I'm thinking the rice is done take the lid off it's not done oh no oh no kind of looks like soup that was a mistake I have no time to start over I have to try and Salvage this my thought process is as it cools it will absorb more water it will become more tender Barry that's not yourself station Berry come on Barry three minutes three more minutes let's go guys oh God where's my mat the real trick is the last step laying out the rice and rolling and remember this is a backwards upside down macular which means the race is on the outside [Music] my rice still has a little bit of excess moisture so I try putting a second Nori sheet on the other side that way when you roll it up that will help keep it together one minute you only have one more minute left get the toppings on at the Barry the chef tell me about your Mackie please this is fish and chips Mackie it's got tempura crab tempura asparagus and the chips are crispy leek but it does look beautiful thank you chef but it doesn't meet the brief the rice should be on the outside I did two layers of nori I'm not sure that still meets the brief there was just a lot of residual moisture in the rice I see so in order to take care of some of that a second layer of nori on the outside let's see how it all tastes [Music] it's a little on the dry side for me but it presents really well I think you turned this dish around as best you possibly could I think that this isn't my best effort but I still don't think that this is the worst dish on the on the counter
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,775,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef canada, masterchef canada compilation, masterchef canada kitchen, kitchen fails, kitchen fails compilation, kitchen fails funny, masterchef kitchen fails, masterchef canada alvin leung, smelts croquettes, alving leung, alvin leung angry, alvin leung is this a joke
Id: t0acSsS5A0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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