Best 2022 MasterChef Canada Moments From MasterChef World | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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home Cooks have gathered everything they need to make Michael bonaccini's signature scalloped moose but Jennifer has forgotten a crucial ingredient forgot my eggs I can't even breathe right now without eggs my moose cannot bind together this is the worst case scenario Jennifer what's going on oh I'm just having a panic attack I'll be okay this is not a time now to give up hope nerves pressure can get the best of anyone [Music] coming up thank you that's it there you go keep an eye on the clock absolutely and put out the absolutely best dish you could possibly put together okay that's all you can ask of yourself thanks chef what's going on Michael oh boy Jennifer has forgotten her eggs Jennifer she's probably gonna end up with scallop soup you will have 45 minutes to replicate Michael's stunning sea scallop moose your time Starts Now so David chose my sea scallop moose to challenge the rest of the home Cooks I think that was a wise choice because it is a very tricky and technically difficult thing to do it is about taking a beautiful sea scallop still respecting the flavors of it but transforming it into this delightful delectable delicious soft mousse you see the scallop there you can't overwork it once you overwork and get too warm your mousse is gone it's going to just fall as you bake it this is not really my style of cooking I don't know I've never done a mousse before right let's get an egg white in there now they're starting to add their egg whites to the mousse which will not only help bind but it also helps lighten the mousse now Michael Jennifer doesn't have any eggs is it possible to recover from that misstep that's a tough one to recover from so she's got to be able to find that sweet point and do the absolute best she can I need to figure out some sort of way that I'm going to bind together this sea scallop mousse so we're going to get I happen to have flour that I grabbed from the pantry and butter so I'm going to make a roux and just pray it dissolves enough so that the judges cannot taste flour in my sea scalamus I'm truly being surprised with Jennifer she had a total meltdown and then she's still persevering [Music] I see you've got some wonderful fish stock on here and my will be ready in about three minutes no overcooked lobster for me yes sir who do you think is going to have a really difficult challenge with this cook IE cream socks did you give him any advice there's only seven of us left so I just as soon not be the most helpful person right now I'll let you carry on thank you thank you the Moose is coming together then I start inserting my Lobster and I make sure that the pieces are small enough that it'll be delicate cut into it I want nice Hefty chunks of lobster that you can really sink your teeth into go big or go home again everything is going perfectly to plan I got my timing right hopefully the Moose cook some time thing that you've done often but it is very French uses a lot of cream and it's right in my wheelhouse you put David up there I did and he did this to you he did are you happy I'm thinking I might thank him later I have a lot of confidence in you do not disappoint me thank you chef so the sauce is as important as any component on this particular dish what I'm looking for is obviously taste thickness the shine and the overall amount of sauce on the dish if they over reduce the fish stock it can make the sauce turn a little yellowy in color I want a nice white white sauce I hope and pray that that mousse Cooks properly down there Sabrina has just put her Ramekin into the oven now and there's less than 11 minutes left on the clock that is too tight for Comfort Michael is trying to take The Lobster Claw out of the shell but he seems to be struggling with it five minutes you have five minutes left when I look in the oven and there's no plastic wrap on the ramekins I guess it burnt off I didn't get that steam trap to cook the mousse properly and it's a big deal so I just have to go with it John's making me really nervous right now this is a really refined dish and I'm not sure he can make it through this one my biggest concern is the doneness of my mousse I might be a minute off one minute yeah one minute left come on one minute a lobster's cooked okay they're not plating now they're in trouble they are yeah perfect yes Moment of Truth so I checked my mousse it looks right to me hopefully it tastes okay I'm down to the wire my mousse comes out of the Ramekin blobs all over the plate the only thing I could do is put this Lobster on top of it a couple of chives and hope for the best eight seven six five four three two one my dish is finished I'm really happy with the way it turned out we're now going to taste all seven of your dishes Lynn please bring up your scalloped mousse [Music] first time doing a moose yes chef at first glance I think it's a great replication I see the Lobster in the moose and you've done a great job with respecting the ingredients but the color of the sauce is a little more off-white than I had asked for whilst it has a nice smooth consistency to it I do find it just a little more firm than I would have liked and that may be because you didn't add enough cream to it or maybe it was just overcooked a hair but from a taste perspective spot on great job thank you chef John please bring up your dish and tell her that it didn't set long enough in the Ramekin but I took it out the plastic that was around the Ramekin was burnt off so right there it just didn't steam it I think you over whipped it I think that was a mistake and then when you have the friction of the blades hitting the delicate meat of the scallop you add heat to it and the scallops don't really relate to that yeah very nice the shelling of The Lobster Claw unfortunately I can't see any bits of Lobster in there did you add the Lobster in yes I did the hotel in the mixture well I can hardly taste it did you remove the cartilage I thought I got part of it out how do you know what you got out you want me to eat it most definitely so that's another air I'm surprised because you know I see you improving I see you getting away from the beef but unfortunately for this dish it's not your best work Jennifer please bring up your sea scallop moose at the beginning of this cook you were in pieces how are you feeling now a lot better and thank you for calming me down I honestly didn't think I'd be able to recover from it so you forgot your eggs yes I did what did you do to turn this around I kind of made a bit of a roux I tried to incorporate that into the scallops when I was whipping it I think it was a very ingenious idea but will it deliver the lighter texture [Music] Jennifer it did work it is surprisingly light moist I really don't get the taste of any of that starchiness from the room it is a tad more dense than I would have liked but the seasoning is spot on the lobster is delicious a lesson to everyone in resourcefulness and creativity because this as a replication that's amazing thank you please go back to your station I don't think Jennifer's a threat to me in this competition I do believe however that some people don't take her as seriously as they should it's me and Barry at the end and I'm not shocked at all for whatever reason they seem to think because my team lost the previous challenge that I'm now tainted me to something like that it's going to be very thanks baby Miranda I don't like to be around her we are definitely gonna go head to head she's proven to everyone that she's not a team player I don't underestimate little sweet Justine and I think the sweet and innocent thing is just an act as the cooks move on to their fries things are starting to break down on the Green Team I'm trying do you want me to do it communicate I can do it Justine and Miranda don't get along this is not working okay come on get started on the burgers I have to just give them very specific tasks and not have them interact did someone lower the oil heat yet to 275 no I didn't charge you the price okay yeah I just don't know how to I just want to make sure because that way we won't step on each other's toe this is my nightmare now on time right now to be frustrated I just have to be the silent warrior in the background to help us win a burger challenge foreign [Music] what's on your Burgers they look very uh very simple I wanna I want the meat to be the meat let me get this straight so there's no seasoning in here right now nothing there's nothing no salt no salt tell me about your toppings because your toppings are going to need to be absolutely killer in order for this to work we're doing a southern style pimento cheese Chef what we've got is butter sour cream mayonnaise chopped cheese chopped fire roasted peppers do you like it I don't like it I love it oh you gotta scare me like that chat that's awesome all right thank you for stopping by stay focused Got a Boy Aaron I have two big trays full blanched already okay perfect Miranda keep going May how's things going things are going good I think my team is doing excellent everyone is pulling their weight Miranda you're doing the fries it's what I was assigned to do so I'll do whatever I'm told how are you gonna season this we're putting some blue cheese some bacon fat they're gonna be nice and Ooey and gooey so I'm confident they'll love our dish you're a pick class I almost picked last yep now you become the underdog is that where you want to be uh I don't think I am the underdog The Art of War is when you're strong and pure weak so it'll work for me deadly Warriors I like the confidence I'm gonna let you get back to work thank you Chef Alvin [Music] foreign what is happening here we're just starting and we have a lot of fat in these Burgers because we're doing pork in them so we want to give a nice sear and then finish on the grill what is this right here this we have the cheddar cheese in the burger let's take a little look here yes [Music] that's not the color that we're looking for you know why that's happening right cheese cheese will burn did you already mixed your cheese with your all your burger meat yes yes so you're at the point of no return we can't afford to have any Burgers burn or we're gonna be looking at a problem Matt watch out make sure they're not overdone please I'm gonna put a sesame line going you've got enough prep let's go guys I want to start assembling okay yeah just let me get these done and then I'll come help you know this is about sales that's what's going to count in the end in winning the more Burgers you can pump out in that one hour the greater chance of driving your sales to the top oh by the time service begins We're Gonna Roll Restaurant style and put quality before quantity I don't want to pile up 30 40 Burgers I want every customer to get a hot Burger made to order Aaron and the red team they're way behind time they don't know what's coming the worst thing that can happen is all three of us gold and flip out these I don't want to throw patties today the bikers will now choose between the red team's Chuck and short rib burger with pimento cheese and garlic butter fries all right thank you so much the blue team's bacon and cheddar burger with Cajun spiced fries enjoy guys and the green team's beef and pork burger with bacon onion jam and blue cheese fries [Music] you guys I need more people up here all of a sudden we've got this lineup 100 people get that line going I'm going I'm freaking out we gotta get these burgers out where's the Thomas cake but it's really really difficult so we need to get more efficient with this you do what you got to do I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do there's a huge lineup at our station but we're cranking Out Burgers and we're doing it pretty quickly here you go thank you the red team also has a long line but it's barely moving a little still cooking like three minutes out thank you for being so patient guys Services snowballing into chaos okay we should have gotten these Burgers way ahead of time yeah hungry people waiting no good if you don't want to wait in line I was waiting in the red line for a really long time and it just wasn't moving we're gonna lose customers if we don't Hustle how are you guys doing great great what do you think of the Green Team Burger Green Team Burger was awesome I'd go back for another one thanks for coming to burger babe would you like two yeah okay I'll get it for you right now I love the caramelized onions going on there um I look like the blue cheese fries I really liked it how was the burger from the green tea it was very Bland very bloody yes do you enjoy the taste I see you're eating a burger from The Blue Team how's the taste it's fantastic what really stands out is the flavor of the burger and the caramelized onions what kind of bike you're at Great bite so what did you like about the blue Burger they clean my sinuses right out here so spicy right it has a little bit of spice yeah I chose the blue team the burger had Spice in it and the prize also had spice on them and I felt like I kind of got double spiced I chose the red tea the bacon was good in it the pimento cheese I liked the sauce rocked it was really really tasty good flavor thank you so much the red team it was worth the wait I think their burger is amazing how are you enjoying the burger it's looking a little pinky that is totally unacceptable which team was that from the red team let me take that back I'll have it replaced right away all right we have an issue here buddy that is too underdone yes sir that is totally unacceptable yes I need a replacement right away now not everybody likes their burger medium rack another red Burger they're coming back that's insane come on guys let's go sorry about that I need one on the fly right now I'm starting to think that I've misjudged the challenge [Music] bikers are getting angry each minute that passes where we're not serving Burgers we're just getting further and further away from winning now that the crowd has started to dwindle it's time for the teams to turn up the charm ERS are by far the best is really working the crowd we're releasing Miranda reading herself she showed us that she was a team player representing the ladies you're back I love you I love you towards the end of the service we have happy creepy customers she's back for a second and third second and third hell yeah we feel amazing Marissa we're crushing us right now all right guys it's the final push I am just trying to keep everyone in my lineup entertained Taya is saving our asses anyone want some more Burgers is over [Applause] winning the day by just eight orders oh my God what's I'm just praying that we pull through for a win I'm so proud of my team we sold so much I think we secured away [Music] foreign [Music] comes down to a sweet finale [Music] a delicious creme caramel under a delicate Dome of sugar [Music] thank God I'm not down there the whole dish has to have an enticing golden color and you're perfectly set caramel needs to have a silky smooth consistency if it falls apart so will your dreams desserts are not my forte I'm I'm really worried creme caramel is very similar to creme brulee and creme brulee is one of my wife's favorite desserts so I should nail this everything you need to make this intricate dessert is at your stations Marissa and I are going to go in for one more battle a little tired but I gotta stay focused because I want to win are you ready to make the most delectable cram caramel we've ever tasted yes yes Jonathan's a great cook so I'm up against some stiff competition but I've been to military boot camp so full throttle [Music] first thing I got to do is the base for the creme caramel which is just melted sugar Prem caramel is a layer of caramel at the base Custard in the middle and then you flip it over so the caramel is actually on top with that 30 minutes they have to multitask they need to get the caramel cooking cooked another batch of sugar in order to make their cages plus your egg custard so three things simultaneously making this crowned caramel is an enormous task because you only have 30 minutes and most of the time that creme caramel should be in the oven [Applause] the caramel that I have at the bottom of my Ramekin is perfect my caramel it's beautiful golden brown I'd put it in a nice bath I need that to set now I work on my custard this is a crucial step you need to add the hot milk and cream to the egg yolk base very slowly so that you don't overcook those eggs in the bowl Marissa is already adding her scalded milk and cream to her egg yolk base Marissa is laser focused I'm noticing no daughter I'm trying to be methodical and careful because I only get one chance at this if the crime caramel doesn't set you gloss the battle [Music] I see Marissa is actually in the league the most crucial element to this dish is the custard I'm feeling pretty good about the timing she just put her base in the oven in that hot water bath you guys are doing great good job guys good job good job good job while the custard's in the oven I now have 16 minutes to sort out that Sugar Dome on top I see Marissa is oiling the underside of a Ramekin that's where she's going to throw her spun sugar in order to create the cage she is attacking this challenge with military precision [Music] gotta get this creme caramel in the oven and hope that it Cooks in time Marissa had her cram caramel in the oven three minutes before Jonathan I'm really worried about Jonathan right now I think I've seen Jonathan toil the inside of his Ramekin not the outside he's making a massive mistake that's gonna be so hard to get out I can tell you I've never seen that done before it will not that won't work [Music] they're both on to their sugar for the SpongeBob cage Jonathan looked down at Marissa's and see what she's doing [Music] Marissa is trying to churn out her cage right now [Music] pulled it off [Music] [Applause] Jonathan's trying to take his cage from the inside and out right now he's gonna have such a hard time getting out of there it's not like something you can punch out from the bottom and remove this there's no way to get it out I'm taking a knife and I'm trying to cut along the edges to see if there's a possibility that it's just being held because of some extra sugar on the outside uh but it still doesn't come out I think this is the Moment of Truth he'll realize he's done it the wrong way around five minutes he is now doing it the correct way looks like Jonathan might pull through this mustard at least two minutes in that blast chiller so I Usain Bolton behind you I feel like I'm really running out of time I I wasn't expecting to be this close to the edge he's got to dig deep and he's got to start moving it'll be a miracle if he's able to pull this off let's hustle guys she's going for it two minutes you have two minutes left I've done every step I've got my Sugar Dome my elements are there I just need this custard to be cool demoting time guys let's go come on guys come on come on guys come on my hands are shaking so much I run a knife around the Ramekin put a plate over top and close my eyes and flip it over it comes out perfect yeah wow beautiful beautiful but it's not over yet one minute you have one more minute left come on one minute I'm just gonna have to accept my fate [Music] foreign caramel sauce [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my heart congratulations I didn't succeed I didn't get to where I wanted to be I came here as a Savory home cook but just because something's unfamiliar to me doesn't mean I can't do it hello Marissa Chef Michael you just went for it drive drive get the job done and look at it it's impressive yeah I'm stunned it glistens it's crisp it's amazing [Music] the cook is wonderful on it it is warm has a good long flavor to it it's absolutely delicious I cry because I didn't think I could do this I really really really doubted myself on this one I'm just overwhelmed by what I've just achieved this is not a success we know it right I'm not going to kick you when you're down but I have to give you props for not giving up thank you that's what being a chef is all about foreign looks are deceiving because this creme caramel is a wonderful depth of flavor creamy very very clean finish we fought a good fight thank you [Applause] means a lot to me I don't ever give up when things are going tough you gotta just keep going It's the final round of the amount Master Chef Canada Finale Taya is constructing her coffee dessert I need to make sure my plating is absolutely beautiful but Trevor's ice cream is far from Frozen the ice cream is the star I need to get this ice cream really cold he's only got four minutes left my only option is liquid nitrogen crazy gamble I've never is really thinking like a chef and adapting to the situation using liquid nitrogen is always risky but it's either try it or service soup brilliant two minutes you only have two more minutes left two minutes oh my God that looks amazing that ice cream in that liquid nitrogen it's got to come out right about now otherwise it will be like a rock one problem turns into another the mold is so Frozen that it's actually Rock Solid I can't get the ice cream out of the mold but I gotta keep pushing hard to get this desserted Trevor's just come back from the equipment room with a torch so now he's heating the bottom of that silicone mold which should release the ice cream he is not giving up and needing shape has just put an ice cream from the blast freezer and she has one minute to make canals and get it on the plates this is so much pressure but I gotta shake it off because I need to make the best damn dessert these judges have ever tasted [Music] wow he's doing it [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] now it's time to taste your third and final course please follow us into the banquet room to present your dishes [Applause] I put my heart on this plate good or bad I stand by my place today I never in a million years would have imagined I could do the things that I've done here it's mind-blowing before we taste your desserts we'd like to tell you how your culinary stories have unfolded this Earth Trevor we loved your fish and chips and how you elevated it the octopus was perfectly cooked and beautifully flavored thank you Sean now Taya your Mexican street corn appetizer it was incredible that plate looked beautiful not just your best plate but one of the best stocking plates we've seen in this competition and now for the entrees Trevor your lamb two ways was plated flawlessly your lamb Chung was perfectly cooked the sauce was excellent but we certainly could have done without touch more of it and Taya your pork belly and pork tamale dish featured those big old South American flavors that I love thank you chef but the tamale Bowl was a little bit undercooked and was just a tad on the dry side so there you have it two culinary stories and we can't wait to find out how they end Trevor made a better competitor out of me because I had to push myself really hard to compete with him hearing taya's feedback on her dishes it makes me really nervous her flavors are in your face and bold and I had more subtle flavors it could go either way Trevor please describe your dessert what you have in front of you is a chocolate mint gelato with a Dutch cocoa pizzelli cone and a creme fresh whip let's try this dessert [Music] you know this dish really resonates with me the ice cream is obviously a bit hard it's a bit too Frozen that's a common mistake when you're working with liquid nitrogen however having said that the flavor that you have is divine great balance of chocolate and mint really playful I love it thank you very much great flavors that big bold bitter chocolate with fresh poppy mint which is a perfect combination you have the balance just right in the ice cream it tastes a bit of salt and that's a very good idea that little bit of salt brings out that chocolate even better I like it I like it very much thank you Cheval [Music] all right Taya tell us about your dessert my dessert is a play on a Cafe De Olla so I did a orange cake with a sponge toffee dark chocolate mousse and a cinnamon ice cream watching the judges is like the worst and the best all wrapped together because you really don't know what they're thinking it's like an emotional roller coaster so yeah first thing I gotta compliment you on your plating thank you chef you've been able to create a great sense of balance proportion color to create this one dessert and that's that's not easy the flavors that are classic they're big they're bold there's a lot of flavor happening on one plate there you got a lot of lovely elements on this dish ice cream cinnamony smooth creamy the caramel is buttery but what's the name of the dessert Cafe De Oya I did not get the cafe but overall great job but I would have preferred a little bit more coffee in my coffee dessert hair Trevor you did an extraordinary job tonight thank you Chef thank you very much we need some time to discuss your culinary Journey this is never easy you have to take so much into account when you're making big wavy decisions like this it has to be a culmination of the entire journey of the three course meal and this one is tough I poured my heart into this my soul I want to win so bad the question is which out of the two home Cooks told a cohesive story I am so close to my food dream and I'm just dying to find out we have to choose somebody and I think that somebody had a better culinary story we're going to start with this hot rock Bowl we're gonna oil it you wanna make sure it gets all the way around so the rice doesn't stick and so that you create this nice crust that everybody loves to bimbap and then rice and then all the veg The Chop Suey and the bibimbap have so much ingredients sauteed shiitake mushrooms some fresh kimchi all right we will fry a soft shell crab it's gonna be really hard to replicate everything everything has to be absolutely perfect you can see all the juiciest you know it's not overcooked once you start hearing a crackle you can add your egg yolk and then soft shell crab the final dish is the most popular dish in this restaurant it's also Eric's winning dish for MasterChef Canada season one it is a lobster ciao Mian so we're making Eric Chong's winning dish from season one no pressure so the key to using the wok is having it very very hot oil once you start seeing a touch of smoke this is what we call walking which is like walk smoke Walk Air that what gives it the wok flavor then you have the noodles want to always keep it moving you don't want to leave it in one spot or it'll burn Eric is making Manning a walk Look So Easy at the lobster but the wok dish the chow mein is the hardest dish on tonight's menu now we can add the lobster sauce this is where all the flavor is you have 10 seconds to stir fry you don't want to overcook it running the wok is really crazy it looks like you have to use a ton of muscle and I'm just really hoping that Jeremy doesn't ask me to run the wok the noodles on the bottom then you garnish with some green onions don't forget while you're cooking Alvin will be at the pass watching your every move are you ready yes sir let the games begin [Music] the red and blue teams now have just 20 minutes to prepare and practice the three dishes they'll be serving to the alumni for dinner well go for it Matthew's working on the bibimbap the bibimbap has the most components and it's the trickiest to play Sean do you need any help on prep good for now man Dr Sean is on the Chop Suey station I know he's gonna kill it because it's a lot of presentation on that one Jeremy how's it going over there man pretty tough man I feel like the walk station is going to be the hardest because it's very technical so I'm gonna do it but I feel like I may not be able to communicate with my team as much how you doing Jeremy I think I'm doing a bit better all right keep it up man you good guys we're good job I'm on the Chop Suey Veronica's going to be working on the bibimbap I hear the crackle oh she knows what she's doing you're doing a really good job thank you doing good aprily well the walk is a lot harder than Eric made it looks that's for sure I've never made food similar to this before ever how did I end up on the walk use one hand okay because all you have to do is fine like that okay that's all okay Alvin's giving him a few pointers on how to use that walk because that's gonna be a really tough piece of equipment to use my right hand okay what can you use okay that's a right hand walk if you turn it around to left hand walk okay well I can tell you mastering walk is not something you're learning hours it's something you learned in months and years I understand how fast I really picked it up are you okay you're gonna do great I get it I get it right get it right there aprily is strong and determined and she is not gonna give up good luck Jeremy good luck okay everything's looking great I got this okay girl you know what I like to see is Mary she is up front there right in the middle of it watching every dish go out I want two more yes chef aprily two tummy get married there is so much pressure being team captain you're doing amazing okay yeah I'm just trying to keep it clear in my head what needs to go out and that none of our dishes are going out poorly table five red team do it now hey what do you say yeah I hear Alvin talking to us and whenever he's saying anything I would always say yes chef blue team I want three people and I don't hear anything from Jeremy because he's just so zoned out at the walk how you doing Jeremy Jeremy how are you doing in terms of leadership right now I gotta tell you in the blue team seem to be quiet well Jeremy's on the walk so he's got his back to the entire kitchen and he has no idea what's going in and out of his station I don't get it Blue Team One Lobster say yes chef yes great team I want one more chow mein [Music] look at these women they're strong they're confident they're giving the guys a run for their money I can tell you that much doing okay Veronica doing great get the Chow meins out get the charmings out Mary number 12. guys we're doing so well okay come on let's go come on come on here you go Chef Reach Out me did you taste I did good service please season 2 Master Chef winner David George is in the middle of sampling both teams ciao main dishes when Claudio Pays His table a visit how you doing good Chef good so what do you think of the food so far I pulled a giant piece of uh cartilage out of my mouth so that's never appetizing so other than that it flavors are on point well listen we're gonna get you a fresh plate okay and redo this thank you it's actually really bad news for the red team David George found a piece of cartilage in his dish Mary yes chef this is absolutely unacceptable I'm so sorry I know and I'm so sorry aprily deserves David George season two winner Lobster with cartilage in it I'm very very disappointed come on get it right make sure you check it free fire yeah another refire come on red team you're behind come on behind come on one minute Chef if a lobster gets sent back again it's all over okay this lobster looks great got two up that's the replay service please number three you're doing amazing David I hope you enjoy this thank you Jeff can you understand how this can happen being in that kitchen again we know what they're going through you're just trying to do your best and as fast as possible no disrespect to doing an amazing job all right I hope you enjoy this take care the most popular dish at r d Eric's famous Lobster chow mein they look pretty similar so we'll try the red teams first [Music] the lobster is cooked perfectly the noodles on the other hand seem to be overcooked all right blue one this Lobster album looks Raw it's a little under I mean that is raw Lobster the Japanese translucent there wall off sir overcooked noodles what's worse both unacceptable neither makes a perfect dish coming up on the red team's pass good very nicely done thank you Chef Matthew how many more busy Maps we have I have one more and then I'm done yo did you sesame seed these guys not yet service as service winds down Claudio Takes One Last Tour of the dining room to get the alumni's final thoughts it's got excellent flavor nice texture to it they're doing really well good evening ladies how are you enjoying everything um Lobster chow mein okay it was really chewy Ane like this was a leftover dish I was not going to be happy about this one Chef Alvin this is a complete and utter disaster they found a lobster shell the lobster was beyond overcooked that's bad what team was that please please please please don't beat the red team I just went to the blue team blue team Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Lobster chow mein look laughter overcome noodles on the cup come on I want everything has to be perfect do it again right now let's do it you know what they said what describe it as leftovers bad that's right really bad you gotta get that guest a new blade of chow mein it's gonna be down to the wire come on you're behind come on last order of chow mein look better than the last one nice one nice one service please number 12. all right we're done thank you Chef we just took over one of the busiest restaurants in Toronto what an amazing experience I can't believe we pulled it off we took over r d deciding on the winner was not easy both teams experienced big highs and lows but there was one team that took the lead the team that is now safe from elimination is [Music] the red team yes girls beat the boys this is the best win ever thank you Mary congratulations thank you Chef please head up to the gallery congratulations congratulations I love walking up to the gallery it feels so good knowing that I don't have to do whatever crazy thing the judges are gonna make the blue team do the top four home cooks are facing their toughest challenge yet battling to impress guest judge Joe bastiana in a surprise twist the home cook with the weakest Mystery Box dish will be eliminated we're going home today 10 minutes remaining so some very interesting things happening out there at this point I think Calif she can pull off the stuff feel and if it's still pink and moist in the middle that would be very impressive but very very ambitious I'm really interested in trying Marita's Roti she's frying it off in a little Skillet pan right there and by the look on her face she seemed to be quite pleased with it so far Eric who's gone the traditional route I think he's a little bit confused with what an Italian simple Italian pasta means like I've seen a lot of raw garlic [Music] you have just one minute left worried about overcooking the calamari my biggest concern I need to make sure that that calamari is cooked perfectly because if I don't I may be leaving the Master Chef can in the kitchen last touches want to see good-looking plates nine eight seven six five four three two one stop hands in the air everybody good job there's always a chance at top four to go home and I took a risk I hope it paid off I kept it simple today I don't want to seem very frantic in front of Joe he doesn't know I'm like crazy yet so I don't usually cook Italian we'll see how it goes I'm hoping that it was cooked well you never know the first dish we would like to try is you Marita please bring your dish up everything's riding on the calamari I'm so nervous okay Maria tell me about the dish I did a Mediterranean calamari stew a little bit of Capers and a roti with olives and fresh parsley [Music] the calamari is cooked perfectly still very very moist very delicate the tomato stew has very nice fresh flavors and tasty olives you taste the onions you taste garlic a lot of garlic for me it's a very very good expression of ingredients and I think quite frankly it comes together really really strong good job thank you well it just looks beautiful thank you chef [Music] I think you've honored Italian ingredients really well here I like the fact that you added something that's from you which is the Roti very strong dish thank you thank you I am so relieved that it's cooked right Eric please bring your dish up thousand tomato sauce could seem too simple and underwhelming and it could definitely send me home tell me about the dish it's homemade fettuccine sausage hand crushed tomato sauce topped with basil it's pretty simple though did you want to stay simple or are you trying to impress I usually over complicate things today I thought I'd stick with clean flavors it does kind of come together as a pasta dish it has good flavor try it what do you think so you're in my restaurant what would you pay for that 15 15. 20 dollars are you overvaluing yourself see what they say I'm really happy this time you kept it simple but you're gonna charge 20 bucks for that pasta that pass up better be right on and I mean from the sauce to the Noodle texture consistency you hit it right on I would say it's a very nice fish thank you Kayla could you please come with your dish stuffed veal loin with cheese olive tapenade crispy fried Capers very tricky to get a stuffed field loin perfect how did you want to cook it medium rare medium uh medium medium medium yeah see not bad it's a medium true medium so you nailed the temperature you were able to get a nice season crust on the outside the filling I take it or leave it the pinkness of the veal in the center is spot on and it's moist and tender and really quite flavorful [Music] I think you made any mistakes here the fact there's no starch anywhere to be found I think that it was a risk and I think if you conceptualize a dish correctly you don't always need starch you've nailed the cooking here the color is perfect it's rested basted it properly you think this dish is going to take you to the next level I hope so chef I don't want to be too confident but I think I have impressed will you please bring your dish up Tamara tell me about it yellowing boiled and pan-fried some spatzel tomato reduction and a tomato salad so what'd you think of this challenge I think it was a really tough challenge I'm gonna be creative and I like to kind of go outside the box and today I had to stay within the Box this is a very very ambitious dish showing off a little bit here right uh no I wanted you're not showing off no if you're not going to show off now when are you going to show up I'm a bit of a poker player I wanted to do something that is going to set me apart from the rest of them you have a perfectly cooked veal loin thank you what is that with the Canadians we know how to cook our meat you know how to cook your meat what did you season it with just some salt and pepper I think that this dish shows your ambition but also at the same time shows a bit of your inexperience thank you you're welcome [Music] I see the tomato salad super simple super straightforward and super safe which is a little unlike you and then on the other side it is far more gutsy and adventurous [Music] feel nicely cooked I think you could have put considerably more white wine with that tomato base that you had there more olive oil and had a much more luscious sauce it's not perfect but it's a decent dish thank you please join the others [Music] we've tasted all your dishes and now we need a moment to discuss [Music] everyone has a really good dish I do not see a clear front runner I think overall they honored Italian ingredients really really well absolutely I definitely wasn't expecting top 40 to become top three I'm super worried about going home the level was high overall very impressive everyone had high points and low points and I think this one was close it was a little simplistic right you get that restaurant be very happy absolutely that was fantastic so yeah let's go break the news Joe Bastianich will announce the winner of the Mystery Box challenge but it will be up to the judges to announce who is going home overall I was extremely impressed the way that you Canadian home Cooks handled my favorite Italian ingredients the person who made the best dish in this last Mystery Box challenge who is about to become a top three finalist in MasterChef Canada is [Music] Kayla congratulations so very much Joe on behalf of everyone here at MasterChef Canada we want to thank you for coming up here thank you and helping us make this incredibly important decision thank you good luck to you home Cooks thank you so much for having me next time my pleasure May the best home cook win good night thank you the home cooks are in the heat of their first elimination test I don't know how to use this 60 minutes to cook an Exquisite dish with smells I am making quiche Megan is a hot mess I think I have schmeltz in my hair I do at the end of this challenge at least one home cook will be asked to leave the MasterChef Canada kitchen coconut oil by eye I got a big bag of tiny little fish good man and hi there hello chefs are you feeling comfortable with smelts never cook with smelt but I have made a fish cake so you're removing all the bones are you yeah I'm trying to do my best these are such tiny delicate little fish though do you think that's the right thing to do [Music] I think the right thing to do is to keep it simple who do you think is going to go home not me somebody else I'm sticking around man I got more bad jokes to make in front of you guys I want to try to make you laugh especially [Music] today I'm making a fish soup with over noodles topped with some braised smell and some crispy felt I'm gonna try to fry it I'm extremely worried it smells putrid it's slimy it's gross I really don't want to work with it Tamara tell me what your dish is I'm doing a take on a Vietnamese spring roll I'm marinating some milk and sake and I'm also crisping some up in cornstarch I'm going to try some and see which one turns out better you think that was a wise decision I'm going to probably impress today I'm not playing it safe that's for sure good luck thank you very much Danny how those Croquettes doing uh almost there I would have killed that fish you should be glad I'm up here uh she talks a lot she's pretty darn cocky Kayla's got a lot of garbage on her station there Kayla Kayla Kayla I'm curious to see if she's creative I don't think she is there's the heat of the Scotch bonnet what are you making here Thai curry oh that's hot how much pepper did you use enough I used half of half of how hot that is right I made a really stupid mistake it's way too spicy I don't know if I'm gonna be able to save this a little bit of your whole milk I'm gonna add a crapload of cream to it some vegetable stock but at this point it's not looking good very interesting dishes coming out very creative don't you think I'm absolutely surprised very much so Dale's doing the courgette looks like a Choux pastry he's trying to stand out that's his strategy it's going to be cut open and it's going to be stuffed with the smell you have 10 minutes left that'd be cool be cool man I'm really worried about Megan making a quiche out of smelts I just can't see that working it's gonna be all steamed mushy big mistake these quiche gods one minute here we go you should be plating finishing touches on those plates please don't even care ten nine eight seven six five four three two one heads up good job we gave you a beautiful ingredient from the Canadian oceans and lakes let's see how you did Eric come on up what is this smell crawl let's open noodles topped with a braised smell and deep-fried smell [Music] my favorite is the braised smell because I find it very Innovative and even I would not think of something like that thank you chef delicious lemony a little bit of heat [Music] took a massive risk here smelts three ways and every way is good [Music] please come up what do we have here I did my take on a Vietnamese salad roll with soba noodles Sesame oils chili paste marinated fish and some sake and fried them I notice you keep pulling the Asian card yeah first sighted Indian Asian then I did Chinese Asian and then I did Vietnamese Asian again I'm trying to go around the world maybe skip age next time they're delicious thank you I wish there were more the smelts though thank you [Music] tomorrow I like the presentation it looks very nice I was trying to go big and not go home sounds like a good strategy foreign I really like the flavors I think it's a very smart dish well done thank you very much I am not just a one-trick pony I can do other things other than Asian and I'm definitely going to bring it Penny please come up here with your dish what's going on here smelled Croquettes with chili lime sauce [Music] foreign them and then pureed them why why would you puree a beautiful fish like that and turn it into mush it's pretty bad Danny saw you out there arms forwarded like this you're very cool always let's see is this a joke I mean this is MasterChef Canada and you give me this it's Chrissy versus Josh in a chocolate sphere Showdown for the last remaining spot in the top three oh come on but at the halfway point Chrissy is at a chilly Crossroads my chocolate has cooled down too much why I have so so much at stake right now oh they've given up so much at this point that going home oh it would just be heartbreaking it's okay Chrissy it's okay it's okay bud but I have never given up in my life and now is not the time Shake It Off bed come on I'm gonna keep fighting I'm gonna finish this challenge yes Chrissy Chrissy has pulled a balloon out as her second option for the chocolate sphere at this point man I gotta try anything that's something we've seen in Chrissy over and over again she does not give up she will not throw the towel in she wants that title bad I know it's not going to be pretty but I'm not going down without a fight 25 minutes you only have 25 minutes left you're doing awesome you guys remember it's not just about the sphere they still have to make the sponge toffee and brulee that fig and the hot caramel sauce that's going to melt that chocolate sphere come on damn you I've already uh you know done my cake did my troposphere so now I'm just working on all the garnishes I think he's doing his coffee sponge right now with that baking powder and sugar it's a little pill yeah Josh's sponge that he's made is not working out it's too light I don't have to do that one over again you did not allow it to actually get caramelized and get that beautiful depth of flavor with 15 minutes left I combine all the ingredients again and start from scratch all right let's do this [Music] I'm cutting it very close at this point way to keep hanging in there I'm basically trying to get 10 things done at once I need to move come on guys come on guys these home Cooks barely have time to think my cake out of the oven and it worked Chrissy's cake looks spectacular not ready to go home I've given up too much and I've fought too hard 10 minutes only 10 more minutes left it is the final 10 minutes for one of these home Cooks tonight [Music] just his second batch of sponge toffee is out that looks great good bud looking at my second batch of sponge toffee it looks way better than the first time now I'm starting to assemble everything on this plate okay you got this Josh yes Bud shaking like a leaf right now all right it's ugly but it's a dome five minutes you only have five minutes left I have to get those chocolates out now yeah five minutes left and now I'm messing around with my Globe I'm starting to turn it I'm trying to pry it open very nicely and gently you have to have very steady hands now I'm kind of holding my breath oh look at that look but he still has one half to release yes Joshy you got it good job Josh this is risky now she's gotta try and get that balloon unstuck from the edge of the chocolate and then remove it from that sphere without damaging it there you go awesome Christy let's go Mercy uh I made a hole there you go Chrissy if everything else on the plate is great maybe just maybe I can get away with my lumpy ugly sphere one minute remember everything has to be out in one minute come on one minute come on don't forget the combo sauce one minute guys you make sure you get every component on the plate here goes Josh he's motoring through it come on paintbrush title is so close they can taste it right now come on guys [Applause] hello Josh Chef that was an amazing challenge to watch how did you feel when you finally had those molds release from the chocolate definitely happy that it came out one piece well the tempering of the chocolate I think was pretty decent because it has that nice lustrous shine to it now the Moment of Truth this dessert needs to reveal What Lies Beneath it it has to be that perfect thickness in order for that magic to happen yes right on cue a real showpiece I want to try a little of that sponge toffee [Music] in my mind nothing wrong with The Taste I would just like to have seen it a little bit more fluffed up but I appreciate the fact that you did it twice to try and perfect it good luck [Music] hey Josh Chef the outside it's important but that's only the face the inside that's also very important right so uh how's your inside the cake just a little bit dry but I love figs you did a great job cooking them the butter the seasoning it just adds an extra goodness into this dessert were you surprised you're able to pull this off yes chef you know being a big guy not used to little dainty things like that I was a little worried I'd manhandle it too much but I was super happy to to get it all together for you well very nicely done thanks chef Chrissy hello Chef you wear your emotions on your sleeve I can see it a little bit so Chrissy you did not hit the mark because this was a replication challenge yes it's not perfect but this was not easy what we asked you to do let's see what happens there are a lot of opportunities within this Sphere for you to really shine look at that Chrissy that's beautiful very inviting [Music] that cake is perfection it is perfectly made you hit all of those notes beautiful hi there Chrissy hello Chef obviously the chocolate Dome you've got it done not without its floors the tempering wasn't quite right but you never gave up nope let's try the sponge toffee [Music] it's a great structure taste is very good in my opinion textbook thank you chef figs cut through the richness of the sweetness of this dessert it certainly wasn't perfect on the outside but it was pretty on the inside well done thank you [Music] what a challenge the decision is tough I know I didn't replicate properly but the other elements they might be my Saving Grace take notes I'm coming for you next chose to do this so I I can't come out in the bottom because otherwise I look like a fool it's hard work baby I see Eugene he is taking much more time chopping up his mushrooms for a nice even consistent fine dice those look nice Eugene thank you it's all about position that's awesome keep it going 30 minutes [Music] it's got to be one of the fanciest things that I cooked every single layer is distinct and all the flavors married together to make this dish what it is there's a lot of precision involved in this [Music] the length of cook on the overall dish can change if you have too thick a layer of the various garnishes or tooth in a land I'm feeling good I got this it's already ready to go I need to get this in the oven pretty mold right now Michael B is in a lot of trouble first of all okay he's the latest to roll his pastry that is going to go in the oven really late and it's not gonna cook [Music] the steps is giving that pastry crust a really good egg wash with a touch of cream beaten into it so it has a wonderful nice rich shiny crust 20 minutes come on guys 20 minutes left say your prayers everyone your salmon should be in the oven by now look at Michael these hands they are really shaky the clock is getting to me a little bit he's running out of time right now I'm working slower than I should be right now come on I gotta get in that oven and it has to go in right now this is insane [Music] come on mate come on mate the pressure it's it's hot 10 minutes left it's important to keep an eye on your cooler biak in the oven in order to ensure a good golden even cook it is anyone's game right now one minute [Applause] four three two one wow [Music] it's now time to try your salmon cool BX how are you feeling about things feeling great no regrets at virtually volunteering to be in this pressure test more chance for me to present food to the three of you happy with the outcome yeah I'm very happy with the outcome not only do I want to see perfectly cooked salmon but I want to see six distinctive layers do you think you've been able to achieve that I think so sure you ready to take a look what do you think awesome I like it awesome is not the word that I would probably use I would have liked the pastry just more tightly wrapped around that salmon so there's less of a space between where the salmon ends and the pastry starts and did you season every layer Michael I did [Music] you know it's not perfect that's for sure pastry tied undercooked salmon just a little over you have to give this a lot of thought thank you Michael thanks chef [Music] hey Jan how's it look for you I think it looks beautiful I'm very proud of it to me it looked kind of great because I can tell you about all the ones I've seen this one gotta be the closest thank you so when they cut into this what am I going to see Perfection perfection I see those layers very nice thank you [Music] what was in my mind I think you love it no doubt oh yeah that's right I have no doubt this tastes fantastic thank you okay so everything combined together you got all the distinctive flavor this is something that your husband would love to taste right absolutely so you want him to taste it oh he will be when do you want him to taste it when I win this I like that thank you this is it I'm worried about what it's going to look like inside Michael V Chef Claudio your pastry feels very thick that fish you perfectly cooked the salmon you weren't even able to look at the Salmon it was wrapped and encased in this puff pastry and you still nailed it that's a huge achievement and very tricky to do how does it taste [Music] from salt do you not season your fish I didn't season the fish no what's happened here [Music] boy supposed to be chopped parsley that's a whole Leaf of parsley yes it is that's a mistake that I have to own up to it's not chopped enough it's not chopped at all what happened missteps I hope you live to see another day in this kitchen thank you Chuck [Music] Eugene the moment of truth slice it very very slow I would say it's not too bad I can see all the different components so that's salmon actually looks nice thank you sir did you season it I forgot to season it when I was layering so I did season it on top of the egg yolk [Music] the salmon is nicely cooked but it's not seasoned The Taste is there the pastry is slightly hard and that's because you probably overroded over handle it I know you try to add extra salt to the egg yolk but unfortunately just wasn't enough yeah [Music] that was a very tough challenge there were a wide range of Errors there were home cooks that were flying through preparation production possibly making compromises the decision is based on who replicated that dish the closest this could come down to simple seasoning [Music] this pressure test pitted some of the strongest home Cooks in this kitchen against one another you were all so confident but in every instance that confidence was misplaced except for one [Music] your dish was perfect thank you and your attention to detail won the day please take off your apron and head up to the gallery this is the best feeling ever I know I have earned my spot here now home cooks are racing to finish a classic Bistro dish steak free with bearnaise sauce the person with the weakest dish will be going home two minutes you should be cleaning there's only three components on the plate they all have to be perfect everything has to kind of come together in harmony in order to be a delicious experience otherwise you're going to have cold fruits hot steak Béarnaise sauce which is thick and gloopy you don't want that foreign [Music] 's up and I'm like yes got it all down it was really close to get those fries down but I'm actually feeling pretty good about it I have no idea how my steak is cooked on the inside it could be raw it could be overcooked I'm not overly confident right now I don't know if I've done enough to make it to the top floor I finished everything my sauce tastes great my fries are perfect and I believe my steak's perfect medium rare I can't go I really can't it's time to taste your steak fruit and find out who will be leaving the MasterChef Canada kitchen please bring your plates to the front [Music] foreign we asked for a steak to be cooked perfect medium rare what am I going to see when I cut your steak open um nice and crisp on the outside and a beautiful medium rare on the inside you're confident of that never too confident it certainly is a little darker on the outside than I might expect okay that is a nicely cooked medium rare steak yes see it quite nicely it's a little dark in some areas which would lead me to believe maybe the pan was a little too hot yeah sure but the cook is perfect medium rare the difference of color from the searing from the outside edge to a richer deeper Pink as it moves to the center beautiful thank you it's very very good the seasoning is spot on also thank you Chef I was very concerned that you were putting too much on Kayla hi chef you happy um I'm very happy with my steak and my Bernays these uh french fries try one [Music] what do you think I think they're cooked I think they need more color on the outside though I definitely agree with you that it needs a lot more sun I think looking at my fries all I'm thinking is where is my purse I need my bronzer right now these fries are Pasty foreign it's well balanced great acidity how did you master a Bernays in one hour you made it before uh third time's a charm this is my my third time but I I eat a lot of it so I know what it's supposed to taste like it took me hundreds of times to master the basic humble hollandaise sauce which is the mother of the sauce and you've done that three times thank you chef had you nailed the fries you'd probably have one of the best steak fruits with bearnaise that I've ever had so close yeah chef [Music] so Eric what am I going to see when I cut your steak open perfect medium rare chef that's pretty confident listening beautiful very nice thank you chef and I see you on the stake on the outside and all the way around see the color differences around the edge as it comes to the center it is much darker and richer pink perfect thank you chef [Music] and very nicely seasoned that's about as good as it gets on a steak Eric looks very impressive that came to me in the restaurant I would be a happy man thank you Chef french fries that's nice that's consistency that's uniform but then we are the crispy expert right yeah I can basically almost you know hear the crunch I would give this a very good pass thank you maybe a bit more you know when this dish is made properly it has complete Harmony there's nowhere to hide though here I'm talking about fries steak and a sauce what happened here I don't know chef it's very thick you could even pour the bearnaise sauce out it's not bearnaise sauce it's bernay's mayonnaise it really suck if I just went home and disappointed with my family I hope it tastes better than it looks me too chef I am taking the biggest breath I think I have a good chance to win this challenge yeah foreign I'm thinking my sauce could definitely send me home hey chef we asked for steak to be cooked perfect medium rare is that what I'm going to find when I cut into the steak I sure hope so yeah [Music] it's blue as soon as Michael cut into that I'm like I'm going home for sure that is not medium rare enough my steak is still moving it's really tough but Mike could be going home on a blue steak I just didn't get the sear I needed on it before I got in the oven there you were the only one that took it to the oven yeah do you think it was in the oven and out of uh out of your mind no usually like if I get a good sear in a skillet and five minutes in the oven at 325 I'll usually do it right for me but I just didn't have the residual Heat going into the oven nicely seasoned though thank you very nicely seasoned are you happy with the results I'm really kicking myself over that steak I would be too yeah hi Mike Alicia french fries what do you think about them uh there's a bit of a couple uneven Cuts there chef it would have been nice if I had a moment to definitely pick out some of the couple larger scragglers got in there with french fries tastes pretty good crispy soft right consistency nice size Chef how are you I had better afternoons for sure that blue steak there's no excuse that cow's still Milling wow yeah you know it's not a perfect medium rare but it is a perfect rare which is not a bad thing for some people who like rare meat béarnaise now nice consistency [Music] I like the shine to it it's beautiful this looks pretty textbook I've made a few Bernie says in my time well I like the way it coats the back of the spoon which is one of the tests for all apprentices when they make a bearnaise and It Coats it beautifully how does it taste [Music] it's delicious thank you chef everyone worked hard to deliver in this challenge unfortunately we have to send at least one of you home we need a moment to discuss there's definitely some high points but it was unfortunately a few low points there you go one really bad steak and one really bad french fry and one really bad sauce so everyone had two out of three elements perfectly done right now I feel so sick it's anyone's game at this point it really is Bernays is the most difficult component yeah on that dish it was like wallpaper-based yeah this is going to be very tricky guys so we know what we have to do this classic Bistro dish had three challenging elements we were looking for a Flawless medium rare steak perfect crispy fries and a velvety bernaise all of you nailed at least one component of the dish and one of you nailed most of it that person was Kayla congratulations thank you so much your steak and perfect Bernays gave you the edge please take off your apron and join the other top four finalists in The Gallery Mike and Eric your plates were a little less consistent Mike your steak was undercooked but your fries were decent and your Beignets beautiful glossy and perfectly balanced Eric your fries were the best of the bunch your sauce was the worst and your steak was cooked perfectly to order while every element of steak free is important steak is the jewel in the crown and I think you both know what that means Mike you're going home today because of your steak and for sure [Music] your top four finalists of MasterChef Canada congratulations thank you chefs feels good to make it this far but top four still is enough
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,762,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef Canada compilation, Best MasterChef Canada moments, Masterchef beccy stables, masterchef alvin leung, Masterchef compilation, masterchef team challenge, blue team vs red team, steak recipe, elimination challenge, cooking videos, alving leung angry
Id: CfJOiYSl2V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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