Best Dishes on MasterChef Part 1

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wow it's pretty it's a milfoy what's in there each layer consists of a different layer of nuts on top is a zabayon with marsala and vanilla [Music] that's not only delicious for what it is but i think you've achieved in kind of capturing the essence of what is on the plate the lightness the airiness the flavor a real triumph this is unbelievable thank you chef [Music] yeah listen to that i love that the crunch you know it's one of the senses that even professional chefs in a restaurant forget to think about that is delicious really good job you can hear it it is absolutely on the money oh wow they loved it they absolutely loved it they thought it was bam straight on bam delicious and now i'm not in a position where i go home what a great start yeah absolutely amazing start you could lift that dish now and stick that in any restaurant in this country next is monty i know that monty is a single mother and she does raise her kid all this stuff but this isn't like the best budget cooking moms show you know she's not a master chef how do you make soup on a pizza stone i roasted carrots on a pizza stone and i pureed them i made soda bread on the pizza stone as well i thought about what i would cook for my son and i on a rainy day and i would cook soda bread with a soup [Music] i love the soda bread thank you sir it has a depth of flavor every ingredient makes sense and i would like to on a rainy day eat that whole bowl [Music] congratulations soup delicious but the bread is phenomenal great job thank you i mean are you really doing this because you know it or is it a fluke i'm not a fluke sir well done thank you sir pretty well done thank you guys we've now chosen three dishes that stood out really stood out the first person would like to invite down felix let's go felix whatever i know that i'm better than her okay explain to us what is it please it's a uni risotto a little bit of ginger some pearl onions sake and snow peas so visually the uni's gone it's disappeared why nothing on top of the end i did a uni cream sauce what else is in there uh use you to give it a little bit of citrus uh citrus brightness i mean it's breathtaking i mean absolutely bloody delicious tough just doing a risotto let alone a siege in risotto bold move but well done thank you i love the fresh grating of citrus over the top with the zest you know it makes it you get those essential oils it's just a really really complex technique driven dish that showcases the uni great dish thank you you haven't seen you up here since the first mystery box right welcome back thank you this is amazing thank you joe this is really taking it to another level this is what we want to see you're back in this competition big time because you're kind of pulling on it from all levels now and then nailing it good job congratulations courtney tell me what we have here a honey cake topped with toasted pecans and a honey caramel on top of a mixed berry coulee with a vanilla whip i mean it looks like a restaurant dish [Music] did you use salt in anything yes i i actually put um a little bit of salt in everything including the whip it's really smart the honey can sometimes be so overpowering and sweet and when you get those together it's very harmonious thank you chef good job thank you [Music] love the crunch thank you sir honey can be too much money overkill sometimes you've got that balance absolutely right we would easily put that in any of our restaurants if that is a sign of what's to come good luck to the people standing behind you great job thank you chef [Applause] seven six five [Music] well done guys good job great job cannot wait to start tasting them first up francis i took a big risk doing something i've never done before and i'm looking down on my dish and it looks amazing let's grab the dish please it's a berrata stuffed beet loaf using short ribbon lamb chard bok choy oyster mushroom caps on top of romesco when was the last time you tried meatloaf from barata together um today wow seriously yes chef i saw it earlier i thought um brata why would you take that and stick that inside and meatloaf uh bold move and it worked it's the dish that you just want to eat more and more and more great job well done [Music] that's great you know this is something that i'd be screaming like you know at home mom meatloaf come on mom meatloaf now great job thank you thanks tell me about this so it's a romesco sauce now that is a masterchef idea taking a staple out of spanish food culture making a meatloaf stuffing it with burrata you're playing the game at a high level thank you chef keep an eye on this one guys [Music] explain to me exactly what your pie is i did an orange scented blueberry filling it has an orange juice orange liqueur and then a little bit of cinnamon allspice and ginger you have a slice of blueberry pie in your neck and bake written on your hands this had better be like the most life-changing pie of all time i hope it is the latticework is beautiful [Music] the overall flavor is awesome the floral component makes so much sense and the crust is nice and flaky and pretty much lived up to the tattoos good job oh thank god [Music] that's impressive the orange aspect really lifts it up your crust is perfect you certainly earned your ink today good job jamie thank you very much the combination the blossom water blueberries bloody delicious you've done yourself the tattoo the pie justice thank you you are now the most famous blueberry tart in new jersey thank you and stop the judges will name the top three dishes we give you each a net tonight of the freshest seafood available it's almost like a chef's dream the first station we'd like to take a much closer look at please step forward francis b well done let's go having my name called again as one of the top dishes is awesome i'm feeling really proud and i am really proud of my dish so i'm showing the other competitors they they got to watch out thanks chefs [Music] talk me through the dish so i have a spicy seafood broth that i cook down with the blue crab mussels and clams i use chorizo oil to sear the scallops visually it looks like it's come out of one of the top bistros in the country talk to me about the base of the broth i tossed the blue crab in a tandoori spice turmeric and i cooked the shellfish down in sake here's the thing you've nailed the temperature on the scallops clam's beauty done then you've got the saki which is japanese with the tandoori spiced influence at the beginning middle east creeping in normally i'd call this fusion confusion but this is fusion at its best wow does it punch a flavor pretty good job thank you chef so this is the most certainly the most restauranty dish that we saw today and this ability to season so aggressively where'd you learn how to do that my dad loves to use a lot of spices he used to live in morocco and my mom lived in italy rome for eight years so i feel like i grew up with a lot of good foods you hit the nail on the head this is like morocco meets rome in a plate great you use the crabs smart i think that you're really firing on all cylinders with this francis is one to watch guys good job cheers [Applause] delicious good job young man okay what's the secret behind the steak fruit a lot of love and um the secret butter sauce on top why are the raw herbs on the plate just for design no with no reason so great color on the steak medium rare right medium rare we'll look away no why should i you confident oh yeah [Music] nailed you tell me they could be a little crispier come on another soft and limp you know that so steak is done beautiful okay but unfortunately your fries are dreadful thank you thank you how about the fruits uh dreadful really how good is the steak though this thing is it tastes like yeah it's it's it's absolutely money [Music] i'm literally praying oh please be good enough that i don't get my ass too it's time to taste your chocolates and find out who will be leaving the masterchef kitchen tonight cutter we'll be honest with each other right the last few weeks have not been going too well before i open it what's your assessment would you say one to ten in all honesty i'd say about a seven or eight i hope really here we go [Music] wow is that a good while or a bad well visually these are a 10. wow thank you you guys see that from up there yeah they look great who's surprised that cutter made these [Laughter] tell me the flavors okay so i have mint infused dark chocolate with a peppermint coating and then i have two milk chocolate infused with orange liqueur one's got white chocolate shavings with orange zest and then i did a toasted coconut so what should i try first i like truffles for after dinner and so i would go with the mint to freshen my breast so i can kiss the girls [Music] just please be good on the inside it's like a christmas ornament nice and fudgy it's perfectly balanced the peppermint candy on the outside is a great foil for that creaminess of the actual ganache i don't think you could have done it any better good job appreciate it thank you so is this like the new cutter we're going to see here going forward or is this just a one-time deal even though y'all have been hard on me i've tried to pay attention to what y'all say i'm hoping this uh is my rebound rebounding in a box of chocolates who would ever thought cutter right great flavor the orange infusion is very sophisticated tastes like something you get from a real chocolatier good job thank you [Music] personally i think joe and graham are full of crap i mean they look like you clumsy sir just kidding color they look great you want me to die right here finally man uh delicious great texture smooth and the only thing i want to do now is eat another one thank you chef this is an amateur competition and you just created a box of chocolates at a professional level thank you very great job thank you [Applause] [Music] good job man [Music] okay cutter step forward so i've made no secret of the fact that i've doubted your ability to create quality food but when i am wrong i will admit it and tonight you proved me wrong thank you sir take your box of chocolates go up to the balcony and have your fellow contestants have a taste of success yes sir please head to the bathroom good [Applause] job the shock of the season i wanna try buddy courtney courtney can sometimes just nail it in crucial moments and i have a lot of respect for that visually it looks beautiful it's the only one with the spun sugar the spun sugar just should tear away that's the idea roll that round when we serve these in the restaurants for celebration the sponge sugar sits on top and then bang you have there a beautiful croco bush caramel's lightly dipped and then for the crunch crisp light beautiful hmm delicious thank you absolutely delicious finishing gorgeous pastry cream light good job thank you thank you at that nice have you ever made one of these before no but my mom always told me she would love to make me one so i just thought of her when i was making it with that spun sugar it's not just a garnish to make it look pretty like it adds something and like that one that i just tried you could hear it crunching it it adds a completely different dimension but the greatest thing in there is that that pasture cream this is what we asked for this is top-notch good job thank you chef christian [Music] all right well now on to better news three home cooks in particular really impressed us the first dish that really caught our eye this dish had great finesse around it showcasing those ingredients and more importantly masterchef worthy please come down yoshika yeah mama the first day called is yashika yay hallelujah thank you jesus i spent my childhood making business with my grandmother so i know i am making grammy proud right describe the dish please it is biscuits and gravy with a homemade chicken and apple sausage homemade buttermilk pepper biscuit crispy home fries underneath and a soft scrambled egg on top so you do all that and then three minutes ago you decided to make scrambled egg on the side is this what you like in general absolutely because sometimes i have to preach the sermons sing the songs and be the janitor so we gotta put it all in there let's talk about the biscuits yeah we couldn't believe how light and exciting they were well cold butter is my key and then i had i didn't have buttermilk so i had to make it and added buttermilk to it really high temperature for a short amount of time wow i mean it's delicious it tastes expensive yeah it's made with the staple ingredients biscuits uh incredible the potatoes underneath cooked beautifully yeah what would i change it's a touchless cream sausage okay it's very rich but the flavor's there and if that's what you do for breakfast god knows what you do for dinner great job [Music] hallelujah right well well done a lot of big flavor there but none of those spices are overpowering one another i think your idea of baking butter milk and enriching that dough for the biscuits is really exceptional if there's such a thing tasting like 60 minutes that's what it tastes like excellent job thanks chef [Music] i mean we didn't give you chicken apple sausage talked me through that sausage i took the chicken breast and ground it up with some spices fresh dill apples and flavored it up with a little bit of cayenne give a little kick a little heat that dish is delicious the eggs add a great light fluffy richness to an otherwise rather dense sausage gravy there but you took the most basic grocery store ingredients and you literally churched them up yes you knocked it out of the park thank you nice job thank you detail guys come on come on get it all on the plate focus on finishing strong come on guys here we go it's time to see who is able to turn this knight around and to find out of course who is heading home for good first up ebony let's go please i really feel like i let my husband and my kids down the way i butchered this lamb so i really hope that i redeemed myself with the cook on it especially but in this competition you never know okay first off across those 60 minutes you look down you okay okay i was concentrating trying to put everything in order to make sure i don't forget anything here's the thing ebony ten minutes ago the way you were cooking i thought you had one foot out the door so i'm amazed you've got something looking this good [Music] visually it looks beautiful the lamb is not hacked sliced beautifully love that nice dark green crust it's almost like the sort of field of grass that the sheep's come out on it's beautifully done slicing that lamb is like slicing through butter and look when you slice through there pink and then the crust nice and crispy uh the dish is delicious let's get that rice thank you chef lamb is cooked to perfection carrots beauty glaze sauce not too thick what would i change cooked potatoes a bit longer but here's the thing you just cook like a chef's dream i need you just sounding more confident just start believing yourself a little bit more great job thank you chef now ebony what did you season this lamb with i used some thyme garlic and how much of that mustard did you brush down on that lamb two three tablespoons it's delicious it's well seasoned your vegetables are beautifully cooked you've never made this dish before and yet your replication of gordon's dish is almost exact thank you chef nice job good job ebony trey for 30 esteemed guests you know it comes after the entree course right dessert shirt what's inside this box is a treasured italian classic they're the perfect ending to any meal cannoli rich perfectly cooked and rolled pastry fried to perfection then filled with that flawless creamy filling and finished with the most beautiful delicate garnishes it's cannoli oh my god it's cannoli i didn't have a pacifier growing up as a baby i had a cannoli dino this is a pressure test usually people come into this environment and are dreading it and you seem to almost want to just go out there and tackle this challenge yeah sure to be able to present something that my grandmother brought to me to you like i had her spirit behind me let's take a look wow that looks like an italian grandma made that so which one am i having here first uh that is my uh manona's classic she did a pistachio cream with mascarpone and blood orange zest she either had blood orange or oranges uh whatever was cheaper at the market that week [Music] man i love the blood orange zest because it perfumes that cream it gives a nice relief from something that's just so rich so what's this one i had the cognac in there with the roasted hazelnuts and a little bit of peanut butter the bridge uh chocolate and hazelnut makes total sense dino this is how you honor somebody this is how you keep their spirit alive with great food like that thank you shout out textbook you
Channel: ftv
Views: 1,070,534
Rating: 4.9358511 out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, masterchef usa, best dishes on masterchef, best dishes, gordon ramsay, ftv, foodie tv, best moments masterchef, masterchef cookbook, #masterchef
Id: q2HLamQo0i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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