MasterChef Season 5 Most Heated Moments part 2

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up thank you uh next up let's go danwoo and cutter please thank you dan woo and cutter's plate is empty and it's not very pretty uh what in the is that i am so embarrassed that pantry is stopped there are professional restaurants and kitchens that don't match what we've set up in there for you and that's what i get somebody some somebody give it to me will you tell me what's that exactly what i have please go in the pantry please he has an idea i listened to him yeah i told him i didn't like it he just starts grabbing and this is what you get ran out of time in the pantry then i have nothing to work with went in there i gave my idea he gave his idea we grabbed the proteins and we started from there we went back i simply told you that neither one they're both lean and they don't go together we didn't get enough ingredients to really make anything work because you didn't know have an idea you didn't have anything real damn what you wanted to do you were just grabbing some of your new cheptown we'll get it as we go we'll get it as we go so both you pick up a basket fill it up and then bring it back at least you've got something tangible to work with by the time we hit our station there was nothing we could do in terms of ingredients we had what we had so the way this dish tastes i will take responsibility for it i think i think it actually came out decent through all the stuff i think it actually came out tasting decent describe the dish it's a seared venison loin on a bed of cauliflower and parsnips on the other side is a seared tuna marinated in some ponzu yuzu soy on a three radish salad even separate identities it still doesn't work that is possibly one of the worst dishes in this competition so far [Music] man yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't have to eat it really you don't i'm a judge here so why don't you let me figure out what i have to do and what i don't have to do i know how to do my job [Music] [Music] do the honors hey look over here what's up guys how's everything taste uh delicious good morning guys coming in welcome everyone the diners family restaurant one of the most iconic and busiest all-american diners in los angeles this diner serves over 1 000 delicious plates every single day and today u14 home cooks are going to be the ones making all the food tough one totally putting these contestants in the diner really will show us a lot about their ability because it's a lot of pressure and it's the same things we're looking for we're looking for flavor consistency speed and technique i need everybody focused do you understand yes sure my big worry is the exploding expedition you've got to drive the team there's three tickets in the air any one time i want to see everything before it goes out okay i don't think they've ever worked on this kind of pressure with that kind of speed guys unless you have something to say to me do not speak here we go we are open for business guys let's go i need those two sandwiches worth the time two i thought you wanted three and then one and then there's two more coming first i need two clubs two more clubs two more clubs no just those two he got just oh just those two he's only got one well then you're reading out the orders are not being read out correctly food is dying in the window blue team let's go i need this table come on why is table three taking so long okay give me those give me those uh uh [Music] i need one i've never expedited before i've never worked in the professional kitchen start meals and i'm like this so it's like that with a scrambled egg is gonna be a ticket yeah then you got two fried chickens with a scrambled egg and a club okay i need big fried chicken one pancake heart chef 15 seconds on pancakes okay do you have this do you want me to take over for you something right okay i got it okay order up table eight elizabeth why is that hanging in the window i know we're waiting on the gloves we're waiting on clubs she's smooshing the bread she's got to stop doing that real careful on the bread smooshing okay take a deep breath fire it off another one all right let me let me throw this out listen to me you gotta get the cup better yes yes come on we can we can't afford to get this christy that's the fifth time i know elise we need those sandwiches let's go you're taking too long okay no no no no no elise i can't serve this okay i i'm i'm i'm yes yes yes well someone needs to help her but you're blocking the service can you just go back and yes and help right now leslie these eggs look different every time i see them you gotta keep that plating consistent okay they're they're sunny-side up that's the way they make them that's not going out look at this oil let's all leslie let's all do not let it make it out here without it being perfect are you kidding me i'm busting my ass here working three different areas and i gotta worry about burning my freaking hands and he's yelling at me we need to communicate leslie i need those eggs they're coming willie that coming i can't make them cook any faster i ordered the blue team egg breakfast i don't think i'm going to tip leslie what listen to me after those two i want you to get on toast victoria can you get on those eggs need the change got it chef how many eggs do you need one scrambled one sunny side up her that's it yeah let's see how better they can do it than me i have one minute for those over easy eggs and they're walking we're working them in the pan right now have you been waiting a long time you're hungry i think the blue team's a little backed up i'm gonna go check on the kitchen and make sure that food's coming all right hang in there listen to me table two is leaving unless i get the food in one minute okay one minute it's unacceptable toast is burning yeah what's going on they're leaving guys table two is walking out table one is walking out eight boats down the two because you couldn't get the food out damn it's just there isn't it no i'm sorry christine raw chicken christian no we just served raw chicken you see it it's raw it's raw christian customers have come here for 35 years keep your standards up yes we had not a single table walk out i hope that means something yeah right leslie you're being quiet i try and keep my mouth shut during challenges [Laughter] when would you apply that to the rest of your life no i'm not gonna acknowledge you i'm just as far as i'm concerned you don't exist so i'm gonna leave it at that the team with the most amount of tips was red team welcome congratulations christine and the red team please head up to the balcony thank you thank you blue team you guys will be needing these blue team you will now face the dreaded pressure test where at least one of you will be walking out of those doors at the end big willie as captain your choice is you can now save three members of your team or you can save yourself ah chef be smart there is a very serious pressure test coming up i'm saving three people chef why i am a man of integrity i led the team it's my fault i'm willing to take it very admirable tell me the first name please young man [Music] and i choose to pick daniel daniel you've been saved twice now from pressure tests yeah something we don't know um i don't think i've heard anybody or made any enemies and i think that's working for me except for leslie who's cackling right here because he doesn't know how to be a grown-up even though he's the oldest man here he's a child otherwise i think i have the respect of everybody else in this kitchen okay head up congratulations you're through the next round well done uh good job what did daniel do besides stand up front and do nothing when we needed him in the back one of you four home cooks are about to make their last dish in the master chef kitchen are you guys ready to find out what you will be cooking in order to survive yes yes chef beautiful moist delicious red velvet cake i cake to die for we want at least three delectable layers of stunning cake [Music] leslie how do you feel about baking i'm loving it there's no pressure here i'm just i'm just there's another walk in the park for me shut up and cook what are you gonna do with the pistachios i don't know i'm like dust you know it's just an idea what happened between you and daniel now you know daniel's quick to criticize but he's not quick to help you know i put him on my team and instead of supporting me like i supported him he puts a knife in my back and that's fine i have plenty of knives in my back oh my god over 20 minutes remaining or use your hands all right guys this is leslie's third pressure test every time he bounces back it's like an old dog that you cannot put down a good looking cake what's the green stuff on top pistachio just to add a little salt to the sweetness it's very good it's moist i like the addition of the pistachios i thought i wouldn't construction is good you know in your mind are you starting to believe that you could actually win this if i don't believe who else will certainly not dance oh no none of them up there what are you kidding me why is it that there's antagonism towards you leslie you want to know what i don't know what's so funny i just love how he doesn't even see his own mistakes and why everybody doesn't like him he's a one-trick pony i i have to say cutter i disagree you don't know me so don't even know everyone that's fine it is a good cake thank you we're not here to moderate or judge wars between contestants that's not what we do we taste the food and they don't decide for the next masterchef i we don't bother me i know that and that's why i'm here to impress you i don't care it's a little hard too compared to the other ones it's a little tougher to cut through yeah i overcooked it a tad as well you overcooked it there you have it this is a red velvet cake yours is like a boiled wool cake yours has a definite homemade texture to it but you know if yours is homemade his looks like it might be child made so what is that on top it's american flag okay whilst admire how much you love your country i've never quite seen a flag like that yeah i know i ran out of time and the outside of the cake looks like a hairy back what is that yeah i shouldn't added it that's a generous portion of frosting holy mackerel however i'm all about taste is so sweet i mean take a little bite and just get a little gist of what i'm saying it's sticking to the roof of my mouth on my first mouthful it's about that ratio and you've got to get that balance right cutter so just visually the frosting looks really heavy i think it's a good cake i don't think it's too sweet uh i have to disagree with chef ramsay i think it actually tastes pretty good to me i think just everybody has a different palette it's one thing if somebody gives you their feedback for you to be humble enough to say right that's what i'm trying to figure out where the balance is because let me finish and you don't want to just sit there and say i stand by it it's good because it's like why does that mean sorry that's not what i meant for it to come out like i just want to understand what is considered too sweet compared with now you know that this is considered oversweet i'm not following what's what's the discussion here what don't you agree with it's not that i don't agree okay let's change that okay let's get that straight i'm trying to learn here what i'm trying to understand is what's considered more sweet are you the kind of guy who lives in in a delusion like if any time we tell you something you're going to become so defensive look i'm on the edge of going home i'll be honest with you i'm on the edge of going home baking sucks for me i do need to get defensive because i do feel like i put my passion and my heart into everything i put in if you think gordon's pal is terrible you're allowed to think about what i said at all don't put words in my mouth i'm trying my damnedest all i do is get hammered all you do is interrupt me when i'm talking to you and you sound ignorant cutter in your opinion who should we send home in my opinion for what you're looking for in a true master chef i think you should send lizzie home [Laughter] it's all a big circle leslie you laugh but it's all a big circle i'm not even talking to you are you still here please excuse us we need a moment to discuss thank you that's great i like the pecans leslie's tasted delicious yeah i thought it was the best i've been doing this a lot longer than you before you were even born the amount of icing in the center of the cutter is way too sweet got to be able to lead and take criticism yes okay you're doing a terrific job damn wooz is way too dry like a big big red cookie scandalous well done thank you chef amazing leslie your red velvet cake tasted as good if not better than big willie's please join everyone else up on the balcony thank you chef dan and qatar unfortunately one of you will be leaving this competition shortly one of you has a humble approach one of you has a boisterous somewhat disrespectful approach but ultimately it's about what you put on a plate how you cook across this pressure test [Music] down the counter let's be honest both cakes had their ups and downs however there was one that has the edge the person that will be safe from elimination and not leaving the biggest cunnery competition anywhere in the world tonight [Music] cutter [Music] you are safe head up to the balcony i'm so lost right now i've never fellate a fish before [Music] you know i'm just hoping to muscle through it [Music] it's amazing they're getting a free lesson from probably the most famous chef in the world and no one's watching four minutes gone that i hacked up [Music] done that first five minutes might have been better served watching him fillet the fish than whatever you were doing but you make your choices chef ramsay's down front and he fillets his fish like that all done and then chef elliot's in he's starting to cook to then this is second nature [Music] holy what happened to this i know it looks like a shark ate it i know what did you do to it i was washing it what did you just filleting it noise it ended up like breaking down wow this is like a disaster done done wow please describe the dish crispy skin wild king salmon with some red beet threads crispy golden beet watercress that's finished with lemon yogurt as well as a vanilla bean pistachio vinaigrette very good looks delicious thank you enjoy 28 minutes gone 32 minutes remaining what's the matter i need it are we done please you okay chair please the water please medic chair please quick grab some water please somebody you okay i look over she's passing now the pressure is so intense and i think that elise is just not able to keep up she'll take yourself taking some hair there you go stay nice and calm all of you very quickly sadly elise has left the masterchef kitchen [Music] how was it it was perfect the creamy richness of the yogurt salmon perfectly cooked light summerfall delicious perfect you have a future in this kid ah i hope so thank you sir [Music] elise is coming back wow just 20 minutes left to cook hello keisha are you sure yes chef yeah i'm sure you've lost quite a bit of time yeah you don't have to cook i want to come back i'll at least get okay something on the front okay that's how we go you got it elise you can do it i'm embarrassed but ready to cook next up qatar please thank you [Applause] wow is that it that's it chef that's it holy mackerel christian gave courtney 30 minutes did you give cutter 10 minutes describe the dish please it's an artisan pizza with a basil oregano hold on just let me drop you there an artisan pizza that's what the menu says when i go to the pizza restaurant that i like and it's they call them artisan pizzas and they list all the different pizzas artisan pizza huh no no but i i don't know what else to name my name's gordon ramsay not stevie wonder right well first of all i feel like i'm a kids party and some mini pizzas come out maybe describe it again and i'll try and hear it okay so i have a pizza here with a tomato basil oregano sauce prosciutto and mushroom and artichoke topping why a pizza i didn't want to just throw the spaghetti in the pot and boil the spaghetti and i wasn't that comfortable in making the pasta so i made a dough it's just not good enough it's not masterchef wow enjoy your mini pizza all kidding aside the ingredients i picked out were meaningful to me important ingredients in every kitchen do you know where the ground and padano cheese comes from what milk it's made out of no sir do you know what a caper is i don't know what they taste like but i don't know what that do you know what balsamic vinegar is it's this black salad dressing this is the difference between excelling in this competition and being sent home why did you put sauce underneath it as well i mean if it had any chance of being a pizza be crispy i was just trying to get some color on the plate this is a waste of our time and your time in this kitchen it pissed joe off it pissed gordon off but i thought it tasted good it'd definitely be a pizza or i would order [Music] top ten just around the corner who don't you see in the top ten oh i don't know maybe lastly all right leslie fancy pants did you even consider the everyday box no what are you kidding me so what are you making i'm just making kobe beef pork chop and the ahi tuna a trio of proteins and i got a yes i'm working on it and he's everything and yes including love what's there parsnips with truffle are the truffles in there already oh yeah now you're talking my legs great truffles the problem with your food is you have not seasoned anything you guys cannot even decide what truffle flavor tastes like unless you put softening i i did put salt in it you see there's any salt in it you can't tell me you're making it there is no salt in here all in there i'm not it's not seasoned [Music] you
Channel: ftv
Views: 19,545,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay, masterchef, masterchef season 5, masterchef usa, masterchef heated moments, masterchef season 5 heated moments, masterchef foodie tv, foodie tv, ftv, masterchef heated moments part 2, when the judges get angry, when the judges get upset, masterchef angry moment, masterchef angry joe, joe bastianich, worst dishes on masterchef
Id: 4Mx1lypOvhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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