Master Bowser Jr.

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welcome aboard everyone it's a boy Jacob and we went to an Italian restaurant and accidentally got drunk so here we are and then jump eat himself didn't pee much so we're here with our friend Joan who pee myself not regularly on the channel but he is on the channel today and he drank no he did drink but he peed himself today didn't be myself there was a nice lady helicanus know in the comments of why I haven't a lot of dry bones that's so sad oh he along he cut so like he shows up in the plaza at random and the [ __ ] has not come to me yet so it ain't my fault but that's that's like my guy alright I'll be I'll be random I'll be whoever got into me there gonna be someone you hate b-brother hanger beep you are a junior oh yes wait let's go see if we get a locking locking today you want very hard Bowser jr. sure what you're doing oh I thought master how's our jr. all he's doing is gonna tax them I'm gonna high-five you Joe yeah yeah so Joey you've never played this get video game have not cool well these are just jumping so like around here dry bones would be here if we could play as him and you just talk to him and that's how you unlock him and he just comes randomly oh it's a very hard oh oh my god bones well you should have maybe next time dude I've tried unlock it for so long oh yeah no we finally got of alright so next time we played this game we can have dry bones on you know I'm not gonna be mean to John because you're a friend okay let's uh what's a peach Giotto trying to hit it okay change your shirt so how are you can't be drive home she's taking job okay so who do we want we wanted master Bowser jr. yeah I'm not with that yeah and then you can be dry bones I can changer care for two but I won't uh uh dude I'm just I've only played on Cooper once I'm just an edge Oh did not go well I all played Mario for the people I like Mario what long dry bones because it's like is just a dead Koopa have we played this game on the channel before yeah Ellie yeah it hasn't been up yet we've only played this point it's probably gonna go up Saturday goes up Saturday okay yeah uh you and I have played three times now yes but have we played on this [ __ ] no August you only watch let's play the simple stage those ten turns easy I just draw every time I see the stages so Joe talking to the microphone hello thank you so Joan tell the people a little bit about you what do you like in life I'm a funny little guy I'm uh I'm a bad boy I mean you're single yeah I'm single single bad boy single ready to mingle and like at that door laughs I always go on and the best Mario Party player of the world is so Joe you want to talk about how you peed yourself today again so white just ending story all right Joe I have a different question for you what is it so what you tell the story hey can you tell the story right now sure why you peed yourself justify yourself in front of people right now so hypothetically if you were to pee yourself what were your justification be okay just what would it be just feels like a trap no just right if you were gonna pee yourself why would you pee yourself well if I were to feed myself would be out of I think it'd be to prove a point okay so what point were you trying to prove really or whenever you did to yourself that I can't don't literally use this experience to slide through girls DMUs that I did not pee myself more respectable as hell yeah that's a good line the thing is I didn't know was I was showing her how I'm an innocent man and I really do like the concept like whenever most channels played Mario Party they're like they're like oh we have our guest Celine Dion but we're like now we got drunk and this is whoever was in the room yes that's I was in the room oh my god he just music for this exact same logic I told mu should just come on and jump on the couch whenever he's done editing oh cool you know as an editor we have at the office in the mood he edits for nairo yep he was a smash guy he's Neuros Tyler mucho mood met Tyler yeah can we talk about how people don't think Tyler exists that's kind of weird to me because you know why they would think that either of you would be like computer mascara yeah keep this big going Tyler see something through the good people right now oh crap boom Shakalaka I put some we did have we did go to a Rosco we got pasta you know had a server hitting on her or Joe had a server hitting on him no she's hitting on you the entire time I wasn't she wasn't hitting on me I mean she was talking to him I don't think that was hitting on yeah I don't think so either Joe you need to evaluate yourself hold your okay I wish I had dream right now the droidcon out of your joy condom how do I drop them out so see this little hole right there you just yeah yeah so you hold yet to hold so press the little button right here you see this press you got press that way to sync up pink up pink up quick shrink all right what I do you throw it stronger hard sitting on how far away it is by the just it's not throwing for me at all you have to hold one of the triggers oh you have to hold on the entirety yeah oh all right say that to the bumper yes what I'm holding either way I'm you have to press it again every single time you throw no I just hold it all right I'm still just holding it in I'm not working well that sucked huh you're bad at video game I'm not I won I'm okay master Bowser jr. gave me a scare though I was supposed to hold these two buttons oh no the actual don't you take another thing yeah yeah because that's what the game said you have to press what are you but you didn't take it out yeah I did no it's Louise back in Jo okay so I was supposed to hold these two buttons then oh you were supposed to hold this what that one cuz I said the bumper it's like 4d welcome back ever Ellie's not here we should address that oh my god Ellie's not here she's on her way no she's not you can't lie to the people highlighter people all the time you're a very big lying I'm telling one time so are you you tried to tell you didn't pee your pants when you literally asked us to take you home so you could change pants it's very cold that's it that's my justification is very cold I don't want to feel mm-hmm my wet pens be cold yeah so Jo you're from not America that's true tell the people what it's like being in America from a non-american standpoint it's very funny because were you making fun of us yes um because everything everything here is like I don't like exaggerate it and everyone's really nice to you like I like go never I go to like a Waterbury girl just like hey can I get a burger and they're like oh hello I'm gonna cut Bowser jr. real quick what do you do that I think that's more of a southern thing by the way Joan that's not really an American thing oh yeah that's being in Oklahoma it's called called southern hospitality uh-huh it's a work everybody uses giggling they're being racist do people not get sick of it no I mean how would I get tired of people being nice to me I don't know like it's just like I wanted you I'm a burger you know well yeah but the person's taking time out there you know you're going all in okay although you almost got it in right I could have got to know I got special event yeah cute cute I work I'll run with it I don't know what I'm doing you just Mario oh you just kind of mash the button installing a game randomly assigns a we're at the Aryan that's not worse was your favorite Mario no you should go yippee Koopa not Mauryan market god damn it is yes sir time to collect the popcorn is it's just that one game for a memorial 45 yeah with the ice cream yeah honestly it is a phenomenal game it's also like the like the B game oh wait you don't want the big popcorn I guess it's more than it's a giant meteor actually no it's not that you'll master Bowser jr. is kind of sauce and all yeah I'm real I think I think I really helped Bowser jr. the CPU that we lose to and his parents don't love him and he's a mentor I dude he just what he's sabotage my whole plan I'm real-life mad right now dude he's feasted on peek warned up he'd be white like Putin do I lost seven little kernels come on cliff I ever met Bowser jr. I probably killed you know binky you would kill a little lad yes okay we need a tax Bowser jr. good look at DriveMode I need money dry bones be like rich I peed my pants I don't get out dried bones would even pee his pants but exactly but he would yeah he definitely would tribal would be like there you know it's wait how do I look at though Hado yeah it doesn't really matter bless you go further either way someone's probably gonna hit oh wait the event space is gone what speaking of the speak of it we have an English Channel it's just so easy to me for me as l'homme say Spanish a word he's telling us better just go over here it shows you in the red dot where you where you're gonna go home you have a YouTube channel can we put in the description we don't even have money yes you can't put it into this rule each other just I really hope you go to me I wouldn't like that I would like that brother Terra Koopa flee to your Cuba brethren that single inert like thing that just happened summarizes my entire Mario Party like yeah this bad luck yeah not a very lucky guy I forgot gentlemen I did party cast back in the day yeah we recorded one episode that never went live and that was the one episode John was the only one at one and every other episode was that that post Ronnie Radke episode yes remember you're extremely excited about that episode I really wanted to watch it and everyone else we have it downloaded I can just show it to you okay cool put it out I just wanted people to know that I wanted one we just want to upload to Alfred plus I don't mind sure yeah okay wait the stars are 10 yeah you didn't go to the star because I thought I'd like didn't have them now you can get in this game tomorrow free bonus sure economy is super low in this game lighting sucks whatever amount you think you're gonna need is half doom magically it's cost like five points yeah magic lamp friends can I think they're ten coins actually they're ten coins in this game they're older pipes why did they do that oh wait did John pull the right play all along oh [ __ ] that's one space behind where I am I'm a big it's okay I'm sad I'm happy okay I'm fine look good job Joe oh my god of a [ __ ] I please get the star we've never seen this if you actually get the star oh I felt that I felt at that time twelve coins he earned it he said 25 now he just bought a star alright peach they were getting sauce right a little bit you know I want to get a four because I want to get a friend I want to call him on the cell phone either do you use there we go I have a friend in me what give me I'm trying I like shy guy I really want boo shy guy it's a Goomba you must be like I ain't got no hands by still [ __ ] I don't think goombas [ __ ] I think how would this look it up I don't worry how do they reproduce Jones just ask your so you just kiss each other in their Lodge don't say I cut off my arms do I saw the ability to [ __ ] well yeah exactly I'm Bobby they're just a whole dick yeah you got one dick no arms I can work with that all right look I respect I may be a Goomba but I can still hit that put that what we come on cutter I didn't like where I was going with that no no please keep going what other people know where you could hit so I guess we're about to play timing as money passes a lot faster than I thought its enemies monkey and that would have been funny so this is an a gambling game you just keep doing it until you get coins and if you get bombs you lose all your coins so what if you like ten coins just phone a day for you yeah well yeah but that's for [ __ ] exactly I got 94.5 Bowser jr. y'all d'ascoyne Kelly's at 52 now oh dude he's going off we need to tax him I hate think he was I did not realize masterful Bowser jr. he is going off we better not lose him but we can but we shouldn't I I'm okay with losing the Bowser jr. do you guys want to propose an allegiance against Bowser jr. I'm a little bit further away from Bowser jr. right now no but we can steal a star from him yeah gambling the steel stars no I was thinking about that yeah I think that's the best way to steal stars I agree but he's the only one who has to start right now Oh gold pipe get it get it no it's to go to finish gold my hope I've sent the other one yeah you right or the uh no yeah this three shop all right wait like the lake it to have separate yeah I forgot clouds not not calcula no welcome Joe hey throw me your go Bowser jr. I hope you burned help me - I think Bowser jr. deserves no right Bowser jr. house III wasn't a big Bowser jr. sin but now are you like a hamster space he wants to play a battle Rumble minigame face-off and Rumble wave OH choose how many coins to wager I'm just long all the coins 7 good number I think it just rumbles and then whoever reacts the fastest okay gets the coin I said the strongest Rumble [Music] I don't understand this at all I don't know what oh you try to be this drunk okay Welsh remember you get it why did this say remember I remember threw me off yeah they like all three were different they didn't know it doesn't like that one minigame where this is a three different rumbles yeah no that's not how it works I was like that felt like the exact same thing I thought it was the plus two nice that's a fat six well now it's one god damn it - like I would just take the red dude but that but like if I go this way I can steal a star no cuz you're gonna go back yes gonna do that then I can still come back back but it's gonna cost two turns yeah and two trains you can just go get the golden pipe for a bro I could steal a star and that's a net swing of - yeah it doesn't matter yes it does cuz it's still money and that's still time I don't think that was the right play actually Jo I just agree with you heavily it won't like you give it all right that's just how I play the game and you're wrong to think that where are you right now Jo I get a partner damn you right the thing I swear to Christ I just love booth that's only one shot guys like my favorite outside of peach no you got the bad purple man god hates me you got the funny purple guy all right ate everything yellow Loney plays waluigi in this game of course he does such a mile on character I'm sorry in my lawn so when in a field finale everybody our Pokemon shield finale Tyler edited in my lawn beating why oh why it was semi relevant and as we talked about how he lost - you know why I edited this I would try to make my own looked like as bad as possible like I'm not however Tyler does thinks my loans a cool dude yeah I know they're good friends what am I looking at here's the thing this is actually my strategy now I have to say how many totes had lemons and you guys had to give us the right and the correct answers three yeah Bowser jr. doesn't know though no dope don't push him Joan don't push him you try to push you out so I think you guys were right I wanted to push them okay so now we can just do swing 50/50 what do you okay yeah there's just two more rounds oh so as long as we all picked something different each time now then they usually aren't 50/50 there are four options ah I want to disrupt your concentration I believe is a lemon it was red yellow yellow I'm pretty sure yeah I think Bowser dreams gonna be right 100% of the time and I don't like that I don't I don't trust that because like I know the original Mario Party there's not one game where you have to like ground pound the stakes it's a 50/50 shot if you're gonna get it they're gonna get it right or wrong it's regardless of AI level I don't remember that okay just count the fruit all right watch try to distract you guys I was gonna home screen all right guys you see Charlotte up okay my brain Joe watch out okay he goes for you go [ __ ] you go find no go five go five go by go by go five just trust me just [ __ ] trust me what if it was seven cuz now as long as one of us wins we went damnit job one I'm so good at you should've gone to seven eight it's still saving - that's the thing that's what's bugging me it's still going I wonder you know you were gonna go to Ford right before the number showed up in my mind I was like I'm pretty sure it was three then it was oh no an option that's what I would have gone we just got extra coins which means that we should not have done the high-five actually cuz I'm yeah are you just screaming record Jacob no why is it still saving mmm well I guess that's just not gonna go away I want to upload her let's play through Nintendo swish we should yeah don't say that we might do that sometime what did both of you have 71 71 big money this is like I'm wearing a pretty too game for him my god didn't someone pls play the game that's toast right until you use the item because your stupid item gold sure oh gosh I'm dying really all right I just want to get a 10 I got a 6 then I'm going thank you no I I think it's impossible for you to not get it now the chance for your stars yes Joey you got a star yes I'm in second place I could have stolen it for me if I listen to myself and not Joe because he's stupid yeah but you could have also stolen it from Bowser jr. and that would would get a good friend hmm so you were the one that called for the Bowser jr. alliance I did and I wouldn't steal from Joe but you just said that you would have still to sign for Joe I gotta keep the humanity in him I was just joshing he knows that ok yeah I did Joe have I ever lied to you yeah why why do people say a light of them I never lie to him I don't remember when but exactly that sounds like you're making it up I'm gas lighting you I think it's good to announce that - yeah I am gas lighting you buy all the jaegers gonna get this one job you should have gotten that start should've waited I really think that we've already just lost a bastard in here because we're on turn O'Reily I think you got said ya know this is an assault game he whips - oh yeah Bowser jr. whip real good Sarge I think he's our team ooh ok now you can win the that sorry French guy you can win the French start my friend star where the friends we made along the way you're right no no the girlfriend starts whichever one the game Rayleigh decides this pom-pom its girl boom boom yeah what is she from she's a mad lad she's from the Mario Bros the new Mario Bros u game she spins she ninja she is a ninja actually she streams a mixer does she know dude the Oklahoma eSports leaks Eastern Conference Stream smash ultimate bracket on mixer because that's what ninja and zero use Wow zero uses we can that that league wanted to be as professional as zero in ninja no not special event oh no that's good for me okay well I didn't ask you I just wanted to get three points dude I'm so scared that we might lose Bowser jr. man I'm I have my own personal mission right now I just want to get boo I hope you get rid of waluigi if you collect enough friends you can get rid of him really wait really yeah but i think you can only have like a max of five friends chinese can use this on myself yeah do you think while the Ouija has ever felt love no no why would he i want to gamble with that I'm gonna put that on me if next turn I wonder if like if murder was legal how many people would kill you over that opinion me yeah a good amount actually I really wonder like if we had no laws you would see people's true side because so many people murder because it's a people so many people don't murder because it's against the law but I feel like a lot know a lot of people murder because it's against the law and they just I think that's a minority well I feel like like okay so this game is actually cool it goes into the whole government murder thing I was just talk I feel like I can only pick one direction on when we go to it if you bought with someone else so I'm gonna go up I run to the left I'm going in the middle John don't go up I'm not going up and not go up probably juniors gonna get three okay but I feel like a lot of people wouldn't murder so just because of the fact that uh like if you murder someone yeah people are gonna come after you then yeah it's gonna be like that Native American oh oh it's gonna be like literally any [ __ ] village anymore tonight and get three years and years ago I'll keep doing it I'm going sinner thank you there we go Oh actually Press Center it just didn't come out I'm gonna keep going Center actually no don't I'm sure I'm going I already hit left all right then I'm going I have hit left every single time man that I'm going sinners are you left or I should have gone down damn good at this game I'm going to send it okay oh yeah I'm probably going right this time since last time it said I'm not the right way like 1% of the time 25 percent I'm actually I just spun the stick left right I'm real life angry I'm very happy Jacob on a scale of 1 to dreamin okay you go better that actually has answered my question that's the hell is the perfect answer that is the best thing you could have said there's already talked about bananas all good I think I get it now oh you are you up in the air so level yeah Joe I have a question that you don't want to know okay what's up let's give her a fair chance you joma joma it's me have banana soul that's a no alright flamin in the comments people have a what okay just do you would've hand the phone over to him so he you know you can do the job no okay what are you talking about it's too late now John does she not answer make sure that uh you hang on dude he literally pulled rolled up open up and look it is the sign [ __ ] oh my god boys he has hey Ellie Ellie we're doing a let's play jo hey Ellie do I have banana soul Thanks wait do I have yeah Kelly I'm trying to talk and then keep talking and that's rude thanks I you do - I knew it we can tomorrow all right or Saturday Saturday I cannot Saturday either Ellie we can record our day without Jo want to say F Jo ha ha f jo f jo all right oh my god Ellie and I will record without you - okay why he just got a star oh my god we lost about the junior we got we so lost of Belgium Junior if I have the code to get out yeah the whole my joy Khan doesn't have a home button at any point we want to get out see I don't have a whole body postures in the league thanks game thank you how many stories did he get he is a game with five stars right potentially uh-huh I meant to do my normal die but I got this one again damn it alright and you can get two you could get a 2 star swing off this turn though cuz you have to go down anyways oh my god yeah oh wow I didn't realize the star mining you still we're still all absolutely losing no questions asked but this is good for my team in me what do we steal then that's a two star swing but that's off the table for me specifically the only way that Jacob can win is if the start next spawns in on top of laka - yeah that because that way he can get a star next turn and give it to you starts hey guys I am the luckiest boy so that it is possible that is correct absolutely alright so think of that turn where I got restarting one turn on this board don't remember that oh I remember ace you got a star that was the one where I send my mom a text saying I'm one Mario that was the first video you recorded down here that was like how was your first day at work and you go I won Mario Party yeah oh this is the wrong profession do you I told like all my classmates about that oh my god is going up it's going up not that the right one though no no no that does it's all committed to a path yet oh wait yes yes yes yes it is okay I thought it was up because you see a little dot authority he's gonna go there I saw the pedestal the ayah and see the pencil I got a friend wait wait it's genius cuz I can warp to that star and then I can get another star yeah hammer gang hey so what our stars made out of stars stars you [ __ ] fool no there has to be something in there they're made of stars and I don't think so hydrogen is that the answer you love oxygen I don't think so no that what's your answer that you're looking for no I need someone to tell me that's why I'm asking comments let us know if Jones smart Jones it's Joan do you want me to use a poison mushroom on you like dead wouldn't I like it actually yeah okay there you go yeah thanks very good like God he almost fell oh boy I like dry bones girls you're gonna get hit you're gonna hit a tin I know well I felt I started that round oh I love him why I usually hate him but done heaven knows funny that was funny but I'm siding with Joe cuz he's my friend yeah teaming with the meat I just look you're teaming with me just I had no choice not here Joe I got I'm cheating with you so I'll team with you oh I feel like we haven't got any 2v2 games like ever to be tubes are hard cuz you got to kind of throw for the culture all right here I didn't even know yeah this is like the hand warmer now it's kind of sick yo Ellen are there just tennis house hand worming me whose hello that's a big record yeah what a racket yeah what a record you could say you know master Bowser jr. kind of kind of going in yeah I've actually grow if I wasn't you oh my god I hit on like a it's his fault it was not mine what the hell yeah what's up so far down Bowser's you understand you're [ __ ] lame dude without Jesus yeah he's going in yeah he's not feigning where he no gotta be hated he is the worst teammate ever I I'm fully convinced bro Joey you didn't win that Isles are lost that dude I realized something whenever the wreck is just in a static position it will still hit stuff back cool yours is very big yeah [ __ ] that right Laurie's Ellie we just called her so well then she is she's gone I'm pretty sure she had work today yes over there she might be at work right now but her we she sounded like she was busy that entire phone call yeah we are still recording tomorrow though without you Joe we don't need you okay Saturday two days from now it is Thursday oh please yeah today's joan day that's me thursday more like jones day no wait no it's not a friend all the girlfriend here you were close to getting a friend yeah you still get a no chance of getting a friend next turn so it's true it's a one-in-six chance but I'm willing to hey look at your dry bones dice you might have something good you know I feel like I really yeah you have a dry bones dice you have your own dice in this game how do I use that no you Tim right before you start your turn Bowser jr. more like clutter diaper baby stupid I wonder what well Luigi's ice is actually dumb stupid I just really want another partner you can use his dice remember yeah I'm saying yeah but I don't know what it is like that it's probably just been enough to not help me out yeah a lot of the lackeys in this game don't have good dice all right I'm cool with a reshuffle hold position I would like a single Steeler star I'm not gonna use the peach die because I could just get zero when I have friends I can't get you know yeah just I'm gonna use the scuba die cuz what if I just get more money that's cool yeah but I actually do want more money oh well because I couldn't get the thing next yeah I needed that that was the right play for me there yeah and I have a estar tell you not to win the mini game yeah woohoo each is on a hot streak you really said her calling tore that hitting on me mm well I like her bow well bowtie oh yes she's dead passionate yeah I love bow ties it's like that's her job sure I think she's good at it she gave me the star she's not giving Joe a star so I don't know how good she is at her job yeah pretty bad meanwhile Bowser jr. has 62 coins or were she going who's your Taksim please we really needed oh dude that's perfect you get a fat hit next turn or something pretty bad for me no no cuz here this out you get the golden pipe and you get the star now that's not how it works you got to commit but I can't get both I got to get one or the other have used one the mini-game if you run the minigame you'll have enough coins no no no like I'm saying you have to go down yeah I know the scar was down no it's middle no that's just top or bottom Joe no it's not you can see it look did you see the shop it's you have to go home I got that went all the way down I thought I went to that one no see to choke I also thought it went down they Joe and that's why I'm the more your party master what am I Joe that's true this turn I I 101 I know it to be true you gotta stop saying that man all right I'm not gonna say anything next heard it and then he's gonna get it ever get my full blessing next time I'm going this way Shawn do you want or Joe do you play the game God I just show them that's confusing it really is no that's why yeah Luke Luke specifically for those that don't know Luke's the guy that's handling like all the merchants my alpha Red Cross yeah we give that to these peons we let teespring deal with our [ __ ] yeah people have asked me they're like are you gonna make alpha red plus merch and I go [ __ ] no we're just gonna give it to teespring and have them deal with the copyright infringement that we produce but at least they're funny honestly Jacob I do now my thinking about I think the best play is you go ahead and go for the golden pipe suggest that way does it reset the start position yeah that's what I'm saying cuz then it couldn't be closer to Bowser jr. oh my god but see I looka the very first day John was in town he said hey Joe just so you know if I ever say [ __ ] you Jim I was actually saying [ __ ] you Joe because just mean Luke's relationship we yeah you say that a lot yeah we're not really that close to friends either a lot of tension yeah I mean the - I mean we just we've been friends since frostbite in like February hung out that's the first once and it was it was such an experience it really was yeah you should you felt the tension between yeah well yes just need a [ __ ] on his life I'm down he said Luke so he was doing yeah you know dinner you guys always try like upon each other and then when you said oh I wasn't looking at your face Luke anything he goes what were you looking at oh and bro you blushed he got me that you guys Mikey he absolutely got me so when you blush is that just like blood going to your face yes yeah it's kind of like your your little rosy cheeks we do that in America a lot when you go he gonna do bad luck spaces turn into extra pounds oh so the bad things get better yes just like me I'm a battle that's that's my bad boy fellas if you ever want a lady to like you just tell her I'm a bad boy or you're a lady and you want a boy like you say I'm a bad girl good say I'm a bad boy still I like bad boy just double down that's the universe will pick up well I don't care what gender you you are just say I'm a back no no you got a special the John thing to happen that wasn't pretty yeah oh wait essentially pretty good no it's pretty horrible you might never get off this for the rest of the game no that's okay I have another chance at a friend know better that is true you know they you can't get a friend okay so what the customer dice block does does a Bowser jr. still waluigi does he still roll I think yeah yeah yeah he does such a no so that items he slits for me now then what items I got a custom dice block for being dead last oh no he does not roll if you use that oh he doesn't I like minute if you use waluigi die okay no no he does not roll if you use the slow go die okay cool wait for me god pom-pom be like a boy no no all right now I just got to pay three coins why is he have 82 coins oh my god we need tax Bowser jr. 609 let us know in the comments if you got that joke yeah she probably didn't okay so racing my hand bro here's the question go down I think that's absolutely the smart that's the [ __ ] smart play to deal so gonna get just warp true whenever but here's the thing someone's gonna get to it and it's likely Bowser jr. no because there's two turns left he has to go at least like 18 spaces that mathematically won't happen yeah the right play is for me to just get this and then wait until the last round but it will have the same stars and then it's up to bonus stars I just pray at that point yeah and you do run the risk of somehow losing Lemoine's no well like hurry something extra bad luck space for example yeah that could happen I swear if this does a item shuffling pissed pieces stop the roulette wheel don't let me lose one star Oh Oh well I'm fine given money my boy Joe you you're you're doing a charitable donation of six coins yeah you know what boy the Builder Junior's done for me it is yeah I thought you needed that Joe I'm happy that have nothing I'm happy in heaven to you you ready go for your all-or-nothing die again no oh you're getting a friend yeah I really want boo okay like I really want be with a partner in your shoes yeah like the guy you get yeah you literally just choose it you know powdered cheese in the space still in the background he's just supporting your bro yeah okay thank God I wouldn't throw this joke on at the TV don't you get boo now how do you kids will you you pray I always get money instead of boo you should have pressed aya frame later no all right smelt like one more chance to get he's even shorter than you there that like very slight chance like if I get really good rng multi balls now you're a lie dude Joe I hate letting your team sucks who do you have on your team Joe I don't know it's better than waluigi in money I have money mole and Jacob on my team Jacob we're teaming right now wait okay take it out of the joy cone now okay Jacob here's the Strad I'm gonna do I'm gonna keep mine like that and you can do the rest when okay Oh Joe Joe you might not okay yeah just yeah just turn it you want me to take yours no argue that drinky no no I got this I'm really good at this mini game Joe Joe press the slur in [ __ ] smellin arse herb don't press this lower button yeah they tell you press the slower button all right we did it you did it okay on to the next well I get it there we go good job master Bowser jr. ain't got [ __ ] on us or maybe it's Joan who doesn't have [ __ ] on us please please please I'm just holding it right here Jacob it's hard Joe oh my god Jacob oh it's actually really straight up it was hard make it face down and the computer was like don't act like you're doing anything I face it down Joe I sigh sorry that's okay cranky binky Wyatt if I was a baby I'd be drunk okay you're not a baby people you are drunk are you sure just how do you eat we can unless the video I thought of something crazy recently what hear me out that's showbiz baby my god I'm show up is baby grave on just only sixes and one were you up on here head I'll wait press left or right Joe you Joe yeah I see those have you had more free 1 1 1 or sick sick sick so you you have a 50/50 shot goners bro he's like the devil oh he's dead yes if you're dead you go to hell is that what Mario believes how you manage that what if Mario doesn't believe in heaven but only he'll bail are you got a medal I pray you either go to hell are you going to the void nothing or you reincarnate as a Goomba I would just want to go to hell that me too I would absolutely much rather just go to hell oh my god he has nine [Music] yeah any more money's one mean I would have okay I didn't ask you I'm talking myself I was gonna say maybe go for the event space but I'm pretty sure I have that one on long ya know I'm gonna try and take that from you like I'm not got anyways I am NOT going for space so guys if you want me to beat Bowser jr. I gotta win this next minigame you got it you know I'm just gonna let whatever happen to happen at this point ya know I don't want to use that dice too late yeah give me seven Jack and Kelly I can't okay big job if you rolled a little fatter that was possible yeah I like the play yeah I'm just gonna throw it on marine them and see what God has in store for us Joe you're the last turn yeah no we got one more turn after this no oh yeah so it doesn't impact anything oh okay smashing crab and you win I'll get it poppin two three I think I win this yeah we will just genuinely try on this one well I just have to point them yeah just a few seats near Fallujah near me the known go for action yeah I'm gonna punch that ball cuz I'm gaming oh my god I choked I've lost guys know better you guys careful reaction times Oh No get it Joe where would you over there I was right next time I'm drinking baby you supposed to be away from a high five I have no friends that's okay I'm pissed off because I had my side then you ran over no I stayed in that one spot the entire game now Bowser jr. as a hundred coins well I understand they just can't know he got two coins for just getting laughing I'm pretty sure the cops like here it is don't give up there's always bonus stars there's always things toes there's always RNG this is the final turn I have 50/50 to get a friend yep I like it I like the portable go it's a 50/50 John get your friend yeah don't know if you get who you were sleeping outside tonight they don't get shy guy you're also dead okay you can have that why you're gonna would have a baby yeah I got a GF baby whoo yeah he's a little girl he's a bad boy that's he slender heard uses an yo I peed myself today yeah yo why would I pee myself it's a bad boy move to act like you don't even care that you pissed yourself I just pissed Joe you should DM that girl again and just say never mind I did piss haha I'll do it right after this just say that you undid it I honest I unknown fist okay I you have to steal some last second a he got another friend that's not good what if he doesn't what if what if it's bill oh it almost was it's Luigi poor back I'd be okay with Bowser jr. getting good like just uh neither of you guys why I feel that because it's like would you rather want your homie dating your ex girl or just saw oh yeah yeah that's exactly it actually yeah yeah make sense don't forget to use the item don't forget to use a I don't know finger shoes I don't know forget to use item there you go oh yeah you got a gold mine was an item there you go press the button how to make sure yeah gotcha capture take it just in case okay what have I said no wait I should know if you say no it says are you sure and yeah that it gives it to me anyways yeah blade really yeah we've tried that before schemes son we had a very elaborate bit where we're just gonna stand back in a just bully a computer and Jacob just had to say no and he said no but then she said are you sure and then I mashed a yes why would yeah like completely Val you can't say no twice probably and but then it says it a third time oh gee yeah the guy really does know when I walk into it to teach give what to be star yeah yeah Bowser jr. it's a hundo a lot of he's got money man one more corner but I'm turning up the heat this could be on Joe's path and then it's a good time line nope alright see now I should have used it there that would have been optimal but yeah that's the that's the perfect spot to use it mmm-hmm I'm trying to think you can probably get more stars off that actually if you get like a fat - yeah I know it's definitely possible like if it yeah coke goes all the way down low cuz you get the bill and pipes you'll start no it's pause you'd have to have doh yo Joe let's hit this you got a hit hey if I can get a 1 and then both of them get ones yes they Tynan just somehow hey do you have a zero one okay oh oh shoot I forgot to use my item dang it well God's dead yeah I mean the the mushroom would have helped you anyways to be fair wait are you can check you go on the very unlucky space and just spin the wheel [ __ ] it yeah whatever nothing well I actually have nothing good work here you could spin the wheel and see where that takes you oh no no why-why-why that one don't pay Mercer you mean there yeah why is it don't pay at the top it makes so much sense I haven't be pay oh I just had a flashback that happened so much PTSD I understand when you moved down here I appreciate that was deeper give 10 points at random player please be me don't let it be don't call me don't let it be it's okay come on back to you yeah small loan of 40% interest yeah 40 percentage was no think I did not compound mm-hmm okay it's us three versus Joe Joe Koopa don't do play okay so hear me out yeah let me win this one so that way Bowser jr. King I think you should win this unless you're stupid so I'm just gonna play the game no I am stupid that's the thing Jacob but I wanna see how stupid very I want to try Joe you look stupid right now yes I told you I was stupid but you shouldn't be pretty on smart oh yeah justice to stop you can stop Bowser jr. from winning okay I think he's still one Joe oh oh oh my god oh so clutch you're lucky I stopped playing entirely okay yeah please stop playing you almost lost anyway hey man whatever it keeps Bowser jr. from winning less games okay so it is completely up to oranjee I have to win like I have to win one bonus star and yes it wind zero yeah I have to wait - he's like GF with me I have to be plus one is all I'm saying yeah Kidder you guys go even he destroys in clean cow yeah but I'm pretty sure he'd guarantee wins Quinn town no no it's it's oranjee Ally bonus wait no this is our G yeah it's Arjun you're gonna pick a random one now you go come on go come on it's hammer bro gotta go to me okay okay I have to win this next one I have to win this [ __ ] computer oh there's only two in this game yes there's only two please please baby has returned to form well bananas soul and all at least I didn't get last Lane no no goddamn money magical I never know that's what I thought do you want a money match in a mini game okay what a money match from Twitter followers damn yeah damn it okay I'm playing this game for a living for years now something really dumb say it I just offer a quest all about saying stuff down you wanna want a money match and sex brother [Laughter] again
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 553,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, josniffy, jome, mario, mario party, super mario party, luigi
Id: q7HkXG9-qvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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