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[Music] hey y'all and welcome to my channel I'm Amy Darley and today's video is going to be a cleaning marathon with over three hours of cleaning motivation do you have lots of cleaning to do well this video is going to give you all the cleaning motivation you need to get it all done and you can even put it on and clean along with me so that way you're not bored and you feel like you're hanging out with a friend you'll be able to catch up on some of my most recent videos or if you're new you can get a feel of my channel and decide if you'd like to subscribe or not not only do I clean my whole house in this video but I also share recipes cleaning products decorating and lots more I really hope you enjoy the video and that you get some things checked off of your to-do list with me today now let's get some cleaning done [Music] all right you guys so for day one we are tackling the entire downstairs I'm starting in my bedroom first things first we gotta make the bed we're gonna tidy up in here we're gonna get some laundry started and then I'm also going to be cleaning the bathrooms and tidying up in like the main living and kitchen areas of the house for day one now I'm just curious to know for all of you watching today are you working outside of the home do you work from home or are you a stay-at-home mom let me know down in the comments but no matter what you are I know that you're busy and I feel like we're always looking for the perfect cleaning routine or even just an everyday morning routine evening routines that fit our schedules so hopefully when you come to my channel you'll get inspired and find some ideas that maybe you could apply to your routines or your cleaning schedules or maybe just tweaks and things to make it work for you but just know we're in this together and we're all all looking for ways to just kind of organize our chaos now I will say this summer my kids have been home and so you know I feel like I am really trying to figure out what works for us I did share my morning routine which has been really good I shared that and last my last video so if you haven't seen that video definitely go check it out I share kind of how we structure our mornings so we have somewhat of a routine during the summer but since my kids are home we're doing a lot of things together especially during the day so I try to take a couple of days of the week and do a lot of cleaning in a few hours so typically I will take one day of the week and I will try to clean the entire downstairs and then I will take another day of the week and clean the entire upstairs and usually this takes me a little more than an hour maybe two at the max but this gives me the rest of the week where I can get other things done I can play with my kids we can go you know out and do fun things together but then I can also do a little work on the computer some throughout the week as well and honestly I used to do a little bit of cleaning every single day and I would spread it out over the entire week and I would clean it literally Monday through Friday but I'm honestly really liking just cleaning the two days a week now of course you have your everyday cleaning stuff that you have to do but as far as like cleaning the entire house and getting the whole house cleaned and dusted for the week I really like spreading it out over just two days instead of the whole week because when I get cleaning I get motivated and I kind of want to just keep going I love having my whole house cleaned up once so I think that that helps so because I like it so much I might actually try to keep this routine when the kids go back to school just keep it to getting the whole house clean in the two days during the week and that way I can focus on some other things throughout the week but I would love to hear from you guys because you always have the best ideas um how do you do your routines do you have a cleaning routine or do you just kind of wing it each week or day by day let me know down in the comments [Music] foreign [Music] okay so I want you guys to look at my sink right now I'm washing the dishes getting any dishes that need to be washed by hand done but I want you to take a look at my sink and then let me know if you Spot the Difference at the end of the video let me know if you spot the difference with the sink and if you do let me know what you think [Music] broken heart waiting for you to come out and save me [Music] foreign okay you guys so I need your help like I said you always have the best ideas so I'm excited to read your comments about this so my daughter Gracie June is turning 10 on July 22nd so we're getting all the plans together for her birthday party and she wants to do just something simple like at the pool and then have a few of the girls come spend the night and last year she did a big sleepover party so we kind of told her we were like okay let's let's stick to just three friends for spending the night because that's plenty of girls and then so she wanted to do the other part of her party where she has the rest of her friends come would be at the pool so do you guys have any fun ideas for like a 10 year old birthday theme I've been trying to look on Pinterest and stuff but I haven't really found anything yet so I'm wondering if you guys have done anything fun also if you have any fun like pool party games that we could play I feel like we've done it all because my kids have several birthdays so we've done so many pool parties that I'm just like I feel like we've done everything you know so I would love to hear if you guys have any ideas for pool party games or a theme for a 10th birthday for her um she's like really excited and we're just trying to figure it all out because our schedule is kind of crazy so hopefully we can get it all together and it'll be a lot of fun I'm sure that no matter what we do she's gonna love it because she's so easy going but I would love to hear your ideas so as you can see we have moved on to cleaning the master bathroom and I am actually going to be cleaning my shower today I hate cleaning the shower is my least favorite cleaning chore I hate doing it so usually chance does it for me he usually cleans the showers but I'm gonna actually clean them today and I figured I would film it so you're gonna get to see a little bit of shower cleaning today it's really not that bad I don't know why I don't like it that much but I just if I could do anything else I would do it rather than clean the showers y'all let me know what is your most dreaded cleaning task [Music] oh you are making me so sure in a heartbeat [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but the Clorox wipes yet they smell amazing so these in particular are in the Tahitian I think that's how you say it grapefruit Splash scent they smell so good and that's one thing that I will say about me personally is I love a good smelling cleaning product because if I'm going to take the time to clean a space then when I walk back into that room I want it to smell clean you know like just a fresh scent after I've cleaned it so these are perfect for that and they're also easy to use my kids can just whip them out like that's one of my kids chores is wiping down their countertops and their sinks and stuff in their bathroom and so it's just easy to clean with it's quick and it smells great but if you're not into the scented cleaning products then you should definitely definitely check out the Jaws cleaning products because they work so good but they're really good especially if you're sensitive to smell oh and also if you have not gotten yourself an automatic trash can yet for your bathrooms these ones right here I got one for every single one of our bathrooms I started with our bathroom first and I loved it so much that I got one for each of the bathrooms because I love that it's just automatic I can wave my hand over it it opens and then it will close automatically and it's great for times like this when I'm cleaning the toilet and I don't have to touch it I don't touch the trash can I don't have to lift anything it's also great case Jason has the Disposable contacts so he has to literally open the container every single day with a new set of contacts and he can just wave his hand over and throw it in and not have to like open the trash can up I don't know it's just one of those things is just way easier than having to bend over and touch the trash can and lift the lid and all of that so I'll make sure to link the trash cans that I have for the bathrooms they're from Amazon I'll make sure to link them down in my description box along with any other cleaning products and tools that I use on a daily basis that I love and would highly recommend now I'm in the shower and I am actually using the pink stuff shower cleaner it works so good it keeps your shower so nice and white it's actually like a foam and it really does it doesn't really have a smell so I know I said I love cleaning products that have a smell but this one it really doesn't have a smell but I kind of like that because I know that it's working but but it's not overbearing when I'm in there in the shower trying to clean if that makes sense and I do have one of those long shower cleaning tools so you don't have to bend over to clean your shower or your bathtub but guess what it was dead I didn't have it charged and so here I am using a handheld little scrubber thing and I'm just scrubbing down my shower and bending over and everything even though I bought this great Gadget I just forgot to put it back on the charger the last time I used it so even though I'm not using it in this video I do recommend it especially if you have a bad back and you just don't like bending over or whatever it's great for cleaning the showers and for cleaning your bathtub [Music] foreign [Music] all right so I'm going to clean down my little shower caddy and this is also from Amazon I used to have a couple of shower caddies from Target but they kept falling down after we had them for a few years so I got this one we've now had this one for I don't know maybe a year and a half but it works so good it's super sturdy so I definitely recommend this one too and I think that they make different sized ones that are the same product if that makes sense they're just different sizes [Music] thank you I know I know I know it is [Music] yay the shower is all clean and y'all tell me if I'm weird or if you're like this too but I love taking showers at night on the nights that the shower has been cleaned during the day I don't know maybe I'm weird it's kind of like sheets like I get so excited about getting in the bed on the days that I've washed the sheets and we have fresh sheets on the bed it's just the best all right so I'm using the same cleaner here on the bathtub and just a little scrubber to clean this down [Music] okay now I'm gonna just do a really quick vacuum in here and also in the bedroom and this is the new Dyson VTEC 15 that I got from QVC it was gifted to me and it's just so funny I talked about this in one of my videos but I didn't ever think I would get another Dyson and when they reached out I was actually really excited is that weird I was really excited because I was like you know what I said I wasn't going to spend money on a Dyson again because our old one which was like the Dyson V7 it was like right when I started my YouTube channel or maybe right before I started my YouTube channel I had purchased one and I was obsessed with it I loved it it was pretty much I think it was my first cordless vacuum cleaner actually and I loved it so much but it died after only using it for a year and I tried contact in the company and for whatever reason we couldn't you know it didn't have a warranty or anything on it and so they wouldn't replace it they wouldn't replace whatever was not working on it so I was like you know what I'm not using it again I'm not gonna get another Dyson that was way too much money and so I have been ever since then trying all these different cordless vacuums I review them here on my channel and I have gotten I don't even know how many different cordless vacuums but I try to make sure that I get the most affordable ones because I want to make sure that I'm sharing affordable products and not just all these pricey ones so I will say that all of the cordless vacuums that I've had over the year they have all been so great and the prices have been great and every single year I feel like the vacuums just get better and better so when they reached out for me to try this Dyson I was actually really excited because I was like okay let's see the price is like way higher on this Dyson than on my Tenco cordless vacuum and so I was like I'm gonna see if it's actually worth it like if is it really that much better for that much of a price difference and I will honestly say that I was so shocked I was shocked when I tried this cordless vacuum out for the first time because it is so powerful it picks up so much dust and dirt and hair out of the carpets and the rugs I just have never had a cordless vacuum that was that powerful and I've pretty much been saying for years that there's not going to be a cordless vacuum that's as powerful as the corded vacuums but this vacuum definitely proved me wrong I I seriously I don't even know how to describe it like it is the most powerful cordless vacuum I've ever had and I definitely think it's worth the price I honestly think that it's more powerful than the Eureka the big Eureka vacuum that I have upstairs now before I ranted and raved about my Shark up light I still think that that one is the most powerful vacuum I've ever had but this one is definitely the close second is what I'm going to say and it's cordless so that's crazy to me now I know that not everybody wants to spend this kind of money but I was just looking and the Dyson v15 detect that I was talking about it's still on sale on the QVC website for 6.49 and it comes with several different attachments and all the things it's more expensive to just get the vacuum by itself on Amazon or Walmart than it is with the whole like set that comes on QVC and I know that that's a lot of money you guys but it is a great vacuum but if you're more on a budget or you want a vacuum that still does a really good job as a cordless vacuum I'm not gonna say it's as powerful but it's still a great cordless vacuum is the tinco that I have and it's priced at 289 on Amazon but then they also have a 70 coupon that you can apply right now as well so I know that these are two different price points both vacuums are amazing obviously I I think the Dyson is way more high-tech way more powerful but if you're just looking for a cordless vacuum to kind of use for quick messes and not necessarily for deep cleaning your rugs and your carpets and stuff then I definitely recommend getting the tin Co so I'll have both of those linked down in my description box for you foreign [Music] of cleaning so I am upstairs we're gonna do both kids bedrooms we're gonna do the playroom wait till you see that it's a complete disaster and I'm gonna start with actually taking off their bedding um or taking off Gracie June's bedding here in her room because I finally got new bedding for her bed they both of the kids picked out their own bedding and we went with Pottery Barn and these are the Betty's bedding sets that are here on their beds and they've had them for years they have held up amazing I still highly recommend them especially if you have kids and younger kids they are perfect because your kids can make up their beds in like two seconds and I really think even though you know it was super easy for them I think because my kids made their beds so much with these they were able to see what a nice neat bed looks like once it's made and so now that they have their new bedding on their beds they want it to look like that so I I do think it was great for them now the reason that we ended up going with Pottery Barn was just because a bunch of you guys were suggesting it and telling me how good of quality the Pottery Barn bedding is and so for both of the kids we got their comforters from Pottery Barn and the pillow shams they both we got all that stuff but then I did get their sheets off of Amazon because they were way cheaper they were they had really really good reviews so both of the sets that I got for their sheets are from Amazon so I'll make sure to link all this stuff in case you want to check them out but um like I said both kids picked out their own bedding and I think that they did a really good job and they were such like their personalities and um they look like you know tween bedding now instead of the little kid bedding which is what I feel like the Betty's on their beds look like before now I do want to get a new set of Betty's bedding for our office we have a day bed in there and I really feel like a Betty's bedding set would look so good on there so I'm looking into that now here I'm showing you I also got new mattress protectors the old ones that I had actually zipped all the way up around the entire mattress so they were such a pain to pull on and off to wash so I got new mattress protectors off of Amazon as well and these just slip over just like a regular fitted sheet and then these are the new sheets that I got for her bed and look how pretty this comforter is I love this pink it's actually pretty similar to her Betty's bedding color um but she picked this out so I guess she just likes pink and loves this color pink so it also has little pom-poms on the end which I think are so pretty now one thing I will say is I did not get any of the throw pillows off of Pottery Barn but now after the beds have been made and everything I definitely want to get some throw pillows I'm not sure if I'm going to go with the Pottery Barn ones or try to find some that looks similar on Amazon or Walmart or something but I definitely think they need a few throw pillows to just kind of bring all of their bedding together [Music] granted [Music] say a bunch of stuff you never meet yeah [Music] okay now we're moving into Cason's room and here you can see he's got the striped Betty's bedding on his bed right now so I'm gonna pull that off we're gonna dust in here and then we're gonna put all of his new bedding on CE now before I can dust or vacuum or do anything else in here I'm picking up the little balls that are all around the room but it's funny because I go into Cason's room and that's literally all I end up ever having to pick up he might have stuff on his desk sometimes but Gracie June plays with all the Legos and all the teeny tiny little toys still and so I'm always finding little toys all over the floor at her room or under the bed or beside the little bookshelf that she keeps them all in and I also vacuum up her toys quite a bit when I can't see them on the floor so it's just funny to me how different they are I mean you know Cason's always had very minimal amount of toys doesn't really you know never really played with much and Gracie June's been into everything you take my life for granted we keep on talking from body to body yeah [Music] I'm a sucker for your love [Music] okay so these are the Amazon sheets that I got for his bed and the reason I went with the checkered is because on the Pottery Barn website they had a checkered set with the comforter that we picked out and it's funny because I don't know if you saw me looking at the sheets just then but I was so confused because there was this little pocket on the side and I should have shown you guys a close-up of it but I totally forgot to film that but there's a little pocket on the side of that fitted sheet to where you could put like a remote control or a phone or something in there and so I thought that was so funny I have never seen that before but like I said these sheets had really good reviews on Amazon but I didn't even know that it had that so that's interesting but y'all will have to tell me what you think of their bedding if you think it looks good um and even if you don't go with like Pottery Barn bedding I know that it's super nice quality and everything but it is a little bit pricier um but from what you guys have told me it's worth the money and they last really a really long time which is what I wanted because the Betty's has been such good quality and lasted so long and so I wanted something similar um but even if you don't end up going with like if you're in the market for some new bedding for your room or for your kids then still check out the Pottery Barn website and at least you can look for some inspiration because they have a lot of like really good inspo pictures and you could probably find some sort of bedding that looks similar okay moving into the playroom and I was not lying when I said this room was a mess so we had had a sleepover and this is the little basket that I use for our sleepover bedding so that's our mattress our blow up mattress the comforter for it all the sheets are in that little basket that I just picked up and there were actually several girls over at our house during this but I really needed to vacuum and they had gone outside for a few minutes to jump on the trampoline and they were also playing around with some of our neighbors and so I decided while they were out there that I was gonna run inside and at least pick up really quick so I could get as much done as possible before we had to leave for cheer practice so yes I'm picking it all up but just keep this in mind I had a goal in mind that I was only going to spend two days cleaning my entire house and I wanted it all done by the end of this day and the only way to do that was to pick up the mess plus this really didn't take me that long because because I am literally just throwing everything in bins and baskets I am not organizing anything since they had all the toys out and stuff I figured they're just gonna pull them back out later and so if they need to look for something since I picked it up they'll just have to look through everything and find it for themselves so toxic wave [Music] is from a different place [Music] okay so now that the room is kind of tidied up I'm gonna go around and do a little dusting really quick and wipe down the glass on these bookshelves and I'll be honest I only do the playroom dusting every couple of weeks now I do vacuum up here every single week because the kids will bring like popcorn up here and things and I just don't want any bugs so I do vacuum often and the kids clean up here regularly as far as like picking up but dusting and everything I only clean I only do that every couple of weeks in here expected [Music] so when I first walked into the playroom and was showing you around this area was actually a lot Messier but I realized when I was cleaning that I forgot to hit the record button I thought I did but I guess I didn't hit the record button and so I cleaned up most of the mess in this area without actually filming it so sometimes that happens um but I'm just wiping this down this is our craft area and so me and Gracie June share a lot of the stuff over here in this area and we're always crafting especially Gracie June she loves to pull anything and everything out and make something out of it so the craft area is used frequently and it stays pretty messy and we have to clean up a lot in that area so that's done now I'm gonna do a quick vacuum and this is the corded vacuum that I was telling you about I do like it however it is huge it's so bulky um after using it or after using like the cordless back vacuums for so long and also from having that shark up light for so long I just feel like this one when you have a lot of furniture in a space like this area it's kind of hard to maneuver around um just because it is so big and I'm used to a lighter vacuum it does do a good job at like the deep cleaning part it has a really good suction and all of that but I kind of wish that it was smaller but I do think that if I Had A Little Less Furniture in here it wouldn't be so bad we ended up putting one of these pieces of furniture up here recently and I just feel like it takes up so much space and it's kind of hard to get around but y'all will have to let me know if you have a shark corded vacuum because I would love to hear your opinions on those if you have purchased one recently one of the newer versions with a cord because like I said I really like the Dyson um v15 so that's a great cordless vacuum but I'm curious about this shark corded vacuums since I was so obsessed with the shark up light y'all have to tell me do you have a new version that's lightweight and does a really good job of picking up and deep cleaning the carpets yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] getting closer to just being nothing else uh I'm a sucker for your love even though it's kind of toxic babe [Music] all right so now the entire upstairs is all cleaned I did not film cleaning the upstairs bathroom for this video but it did get cleaned um and then now I have to head back downstairs because I'm not done cleaning yet I need to still clean in the kitchen and wipe down the counters and the sink and all of that stuff and then I need to do the floors so I'm going to be using my 10co I Floor 2 which is a vacuum mop combo and we're gonna get the floors cleaned down there too [Music] nothing more to say let's just waste away [Music] okay so the kitchen has already been tidied up for the day I didn't want to show you me tidying the kitchen twice but it's been tidied up and now I'm just wiping down the countertops because they needed to be wiped down there were some crumbs on our stovetop which wasn't too bad so I'm just wiping it down with a multi-surface cleaner but typically like if our stove really needs to be cleaned and has like caked on food and stuff like that then I will use a Degreaser to clean that off but like I said it was just kind of crumbs and stuff so I wiped that down with a multi-surface cleaner and then for my wood countertop I'm going to use the method wood cleaner on that but now that we're back in the kitchen I wanted to remind you to let me know if you noticed anything different around my sink area let me know if you notice it and if you know what it is let let me know and let me know what you think of it [Music] okay last thing I need to do is the floors so I'm just pulling out my 10co i-42 this is an older version they do have some upgraded versions of this vacuum which have a lot of really good features so if you're looking for a newer version definitely recommend those I haven't had one myself but if tinko ever wants to work with me I would gladly review a vacuum for them um now I did get the Bissell crosswave the other day that was something that was also sent from QVC for me to test out and review and I will say I love the Bissell crosswave I feel like it's a great vacuum but it is corded so a lot of you were asking me to let you know the difference now so I will say the tenko i-42 I love the fact that there's not a cord um but I do love the cleaners that come with the Bissell crosswave I love the scents of them they have several different cleaners they also have several different brush rolls so they're actually made a few of the brush rolls are made to go on the rugs and carpets where I go over my tin cut or with my Tenco I go over my rugs and stuff even though it doesn't tell you that it's supposed to do that so you're gonna see me cleaning my rugs with this thing even though it doesn't say in the manual that it's could be used on rugs or anything so if you decide to use it on a rug just know that I'm not telling you that you can I'm just telling you that I do it and it hasn't messed up my vacuum yet so we shall see um but the Bissell crosswave like I said it has a particular brush roll that you can use for the actual rugs and it's meant for that so if you're trying to choose between the two I feel like it just kind of depends on what you prefer do you want something that you are able to do over all the rugs and is actually made for that um or would you rather have like a cordless vacuum mop combo so I love both of them I think they both do a great job they both have great features it just kind of depends on what you're looking for thank you [Music] okay the entire house is clean it feels so good it smells so good I just love a clean house especially when it's all clean at the same time I hope you guys enjoyed today's video and hanging out with me and hopefully you got some things done or at least you're motivated to go get a few things done today too if you enjoyed today's video will you please do me a favor and give this video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe if you're new here and say hey down in the comments I hope you guys have an amazing week and I will see you in my next video bye [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] hey friends and welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you're new here my name is Amy Darley and I am sharing lots of cleaning motivation for you in today's video I'll be doing some everyday cleaning as well as some deep cleaning so hopefully this gives you all the motivation that you need to tackle your to-do list today as well if you're new to my channel be sure to subscribe I share videos every single week and I share cleaning motivation organization grocery hauls recipes and all kinds of homemaking content on my channel alright so y'all go ahead and get your to-do list ready or grab your cup of coffee and watch while you get motivated and let's get some cleaning done All of Me okay you guys I'm gonna do a quick introduction for all of you who are new to my channel while I tidy up my bedroom and get my bed made so I'm Amy a stay-at-home mom to two kids Cason my son is 12 and my daughter Gracie June actually has a birthday this week and will be 10 on July 22nd I'm married to my amazing husband chance and we've been married for 15 years and he is in medical sales we live in a small town right outside of Savannah Georgia and I was actually an elementary school teacher for nine and a half years and then after we paid off almost a hundred thousand dollars in debt I was finally able to stay at home we did the whole Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University for those of you that are curious on how we paid off our debt and it was totally worth it when I first became a stay-at-home mom I actually ran a little Etsy shop selling teacher t-shirts which is another way that I was able to help contribute to paying off our debt and being able to stay at home and we had just moved into our newly built house else and this was six years ago not long after we moved into our house I started this YouTube channel as a hobby and a way to share DIYs home decorating and Mom life tips and tricks then shortly after starting my YouTube channel I really got into the cleaning motivation videos and I found a passion for sharing those everyday mundane tasks that we do as busy moms and so over the last six years I have been able to connect with so many women all around the world and I'm just blown away by this amazing community that we've built here so if you're looking for a place to connect with other women or find great tips and tricks for cleaning and all things homemaking then you're in the right place we use the comment section of these videos to be able to connect with each other and share all of our ideas so just be sure to go ahead and subscribe and then also introduce yourself down in the comment section so that way we can get to know you if you're new all right so I got the pre-cleaning cleaning done so this is just something that I do it's like my normal morning routine before I can get started on all the other things is I tidy up my bedroom make my bed get a load of laundry started and now I'm moving on to the next part of the routine which is tidying up around the rest of the house so I'll start in the kitchen I am going to clean the kitchen today I need to do some deep cleaning in here and then I will tidy up the rest of the house now if you're ever curious about my favorite cleaning products or tools that I use I do have them all linked on my like to know it which is linked in the description box um so if you go there there's a whole cleaning section that will show you all of my favorite products and tools also if you love shopping on Amazon I have a whole Amazon storefront too and so anything that I can purchase from Amazon that's a cleaning tool or product that I love I have those linked there too but I also have all kinds of other things linked on both like to know it and Amazon from clothes to kid products to Everyday home items all the things pretty much everything that I love and buy and want to share with you guys will be linked on those two places all that we have is each other now I promise [Music] love [Music] tell me what what you wanna do I'll do anything okay so we're gonna clean the stove top really quick and first I'm just vacuuming the top of it off getting all the crumbs and things off of there and then I'm going to be using the Jaws kitchen cleaner to clean this today I do love this product however on my stovetop if I have a lot of stuff caked on I really love the method Degreaser but I was out of the method Degreaser so I'm using this today it does do a good job but I do think the method Degreaser um just kind of breaks up the gunk and everything on your stovetop a lot easier and I just use a wet sponge and scrub scrub scrub and then I will wipe it all up with the microfiber cloth here with you everything's all right [Music] right here swear that I'll stay here with you [Music] I promise [Music] and now that all of that is wiped up I'm just gonna spray it down with this Sprayway glass cleaner and this is the foaming one I like the one in the can better but this one works great too [Music] each other and I promise [Music] okay so as I continue cleaning here in the kitchen I was gonna tell you guys thank you for all your help and all of your suggestions for a birthday party theme for my daughter um you guys had such cute ideas and if you if you need a good birthday party theme idea y'all go check out the comments in my last video there are so many cute ones and one of my favorites was the Barbie themed one but we did end up going I talked to Gracie June about it and we ended up going with peace out double digits because she's turning 10. so I got her a really cute shirt off of etsy it shipped so fast too and then I got some other stuff that I ordered on Teemu and so we'll be doing that we're not gonna go crazy um I did buy like a little kit that comes with a balloon arch and all that stuff to put together I'm trying to decide if I want to use it at our house or at the pool because we're going to start with the pool party and then a few of the girls are gonna come back and spend the night um so yeah thank you for all of your suggestions I saw that one several times and I thought it was really really cute and Gracie June's all into that groovy theme kind of stuff right now but her birthday party is gonna be this week and I will try to film some of it and show you guys how it all turns out I'll probably share in Instagram stories and Facebook Stories as well um but it will for sure be in a video in the next couple of weeks I don't know if it'll be in next week's video or the one after that but I'll definitely show you guys how the party and the decorations and everything turn out because I think it's gonna be so cute I'll lose my breath whenever I see you you stole my heart what is it that you do great till you added colors like the moon needs to some we don't care about the others you set my world on fire you're my heart's decide I just wanna love you Just Wanna Hold You just wanna be with you all right you guys so I'm curious when do your kids start back school um mine only have a few weeks of Summer left they actually start back on August 11th so and mine actually go to private school so we did go and I had to go get a few new pairs of shorts for Cason for his uniform shorts and then Gracie June got a couple new shirts but other than that we didn't have to get a whole lot of stuff this year we still need to go school supply shopping and I really want to do that this week because I feel like I always wait too late and everything gets picked over so I kind of want to go ahead and go this week and get all that stuff taken care of so we can just enjoy enjoy the last few weeks of Summer and really do a lot of stuff outside or go to a couple of places and have a lot of fun before they have to go back to school but every year I do a back to school video and I can't believe it's already almost time for me to do another back to school video I feel like we were just doing one not too long ago this year has flown by so fast so I will be doing the back to school video y'all will have to let me know if you enjoy seeing those but basically I'll share all of the back to school supplies and the labeling and like I said my kids do uniforms so I don't really have to get them any new clothes or anything for that um but I will share all the things that we do to prep for back to school and our back to school routine and all that kind of stuff so I'm really excited about that I am not excited about my kids going back to school yet because I feel like this summer has flown by but I think you know they thrive on being in a routine we do have some sort of routine during the summer but it's definitely not nearly as you know structured as the school year but we're they're going to be excited um they have some new friends that are going to their school this year or old friends that are going to be going to their school for the first time this year so that'll be fun but anyways we've got lots of stuff to do before they go back [Music] every single day okay I'm gonna clean out our refrigerator and it is just packed full you guys so we've got a lot of leftovers in here from Fourth of July and also just that week not necessarily the Fourth of July but that week and so I'm gonna go through and pull everything out it was kind of gross um I was surprised there wasn't like a bunch of food caked on all over on the inside of our refrigerator but it really didn't look too bad but the food in the containers was definitely gross and needed to be thrown out so I'm gonna clean this out really quick and then I'm going to show you guys a grocery haul and just a little bit from Walmart [Music] said my word on fire I don't know what I do without you you make me smile what is it that you do my life was great so you added colors [Music] like the Moon is the snow we don't care about the others on fire I just wanna love you Just Wanna Hold You just wanna be with you till we grow old take me away I want you for myself every single day [Music] five I just want you I just need you I don't know what it is you do I just want you I just need you I know what it is you do I just wanna love you okay now that the fridge is all cleaned out I actually went through off camera and threw away all those leftovers that had been sitting in our fridge for a while and anything else that need to be thrown away that was expired or whatever and now I'm just putting all of the stuff back into our refrigerator and organizing it and even though I went grocery shopping I feel like my fridge looks so empty um but we do have a lot of stuff in our outdoor freezer and a few meals out there as well so we got a stand-up freezer last summer or was it last summer I don't know not too too long ago and it was the best decision ever I love the stand-up freezer we used to have a box freezer and we just could never see everything at one time and we were always having to pull other stuff out to get to the things on the bottom so with the stand-up freezer I feel like we have done such a good job about getting meals or making meals and freezing them and it just makes it so much easier throughout the week whenever we want to like if I decide I don't feel like cooking something that we had on the meal plan for that night then I can just go pull something out of the freezer that we already have made and we're not just constantly eating out just because I don't feel like cooking if that makes sense so anyways I highly recommend a stand-up freezer if you can have one I just wanna love you I just wanna hold you just wanna be with you till we grow old just tell me you'll stay or take me away I want you for myself every single day [Music] all right the fridge is all nice and clean and organized so now I'm gonna wash these dirty dishes and you guys I had this pasta it was a street corn pasta that I made I completely forgot that I filmed it um but I will share it as a YouTube shorts video because I did share it for like or I filmed it for Instagram reels but I will definitely share it here on YouTube too as a shorts video in case you want that recipe it was so good I never made it before but it was delicious so we took that for Fourth of July and we ate on that for a few days it was so good but I am just washing these dirty dishes really quick and then the kitchen all the stuff from the refrigerator will be all cleaned up We Are Who We Are [Music] spreading color around us we're lighting up the skies [Music] [Music] what you doing okay so speaking of freezer meals earlier I am curious what are some of your favorite freezer meals if you have any um I would love for you to share them down in the comments and also links if you can um some of our family favorite meals are chicken broccoli rice casserole spaghetti enchiladas I feel like those are the things that we attend poppy seed chicken so those are some of the things that we tend to make a lot for freezer meals but I would love any new meals to try if you guys have any suggestions too much [Music] [Music] ain't no one's stopping you try to express yourself in your way and we could have some fun have some fun no problems [Music] what are you doing what are you doing I'm playing with that are you playing with that why don't you go ahead and sweep the floor for me Ozzy you gonna sweep the floor you push week before so that was our cat Ozzy we actually have three cats and funny story I am not a cat person at all but two Octobers ago my daughter who is obsessed with cats um begged and begged and begged us to get these kittens which were from my in-laws cat and so um we finally agreed we would get one cat and then we were like they were like well the cat needs someone to play with when we're at school and I'm like okay so we got this we were gonna get two cats but then there were only three so when we went to take the two cats I felt so bad because we were gonna leave one cat by itself and it wasn't gonna have like another baby to play with so we ended up with all three cats and we ended up naming them all after the Braves players so we have Ozzy Riley and Freddie Freddie Freeman is not with the Braves anymore but he was with them at that time um but we named them all before we ever took them to the vet and before we knew that they were all girls so they were all girls we tried to change their names after that but we just couldn't call them anything else so they got stuck with these names Ozzy Riley and Freddie now I'm still more of a dog person but I will say the cats have grown on me they are indoor outdoor and so every single morning we go open the door they come running in and they get all the Lovin and then they take naps inside but then they go back outside like all their food is in the garage and they go outside to use the bathroom all that kind of stuff but I just think it's so funny because I always told my kids that we would never have cats that they could get cats whenever they moved out when they were older and that would be when they could have their cats but they wouldn't have them under my roof but now look at where we're at and we have three cats okay so as you can see we had a lot of laundry to catch up on I'm actually folding two loads of laundry here and then I'm gonna fold another load of laundry a little bit later in the video but I am always behind on laundry and I feel like I can never catch up [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we just got back from Walmart let me give you guys a really quick grocery haul we've got some chips um we have kids over all the time so we like to have lots of these on hand we've got some Tostitos for we're gonna do some chicken nachos one night so we've got Tostitos we've got chicken it's already cooked this is the best chicken from Walmart and then I also got some jalapenos and some queso to go on top um more popcorn more chips these Pringles taco shells for tacos one night this week um and the chicken the chicken nachos are going to be a lunch later this week but the tacos are gonna be for dinner then we've got some spaghetti noodles for spaghetti we got a few different Lunchables these are basically snacks for the kids because they don't usually eat these for lunch but they'll eat them as snacks some more milk grape jelly because we were out Pop-Tarts we've got some chicken nuggets Pizza Bagel Bites um casein tried ramen noodles the other day the chicken flavor and loved them so I got those um we've also got these little fig bars which are great for breakfast always Gotta Have The Cosmic Brownies on hand a couple things of bread for turkey sandwiches which we already have like all of our turkey meats and things like that in the fridge Cheez-Its and then we've got a couple things of ground beef for tacos and spaghetti all right so those are all the groceries that we needed for this week we do have like some fruit and things like that in the fridge but this is all we needed from Walmart okay so now we're moving into the living room I'm going to tidy up in here really quick the kids are actually upstairs working on their rooms and cleaning the playroom while I was downstairs doing all of this um and then after I tidy up in here I actually have a bunch of boxes at the front door so I'm gonna pull out the stuff from the boxes and take the boxes out to the garage so that way chance can break those boxes down for me and we can put them in the recycling since that will come the next day and we'll get the rest of the house tidy up okay so because of the cats I do have to vacuum my couches a whole lot more um and it's funny because when I first got these couches the cats wanted nothing to do with them like they used to sleep on our old couches all the time but when we first got these couches they were like I don't know if they just didn't think they were comfortable or what but they never got on the couches until recently so now they're on these couches and these are white or old couches we're like a like a tan color so the hair didn't show up as bad but now that we have white couches everything shows up on these so I'm constantly vacuuming my couches and pillows and all the things so I'm gonna do that really quick and then I'll be done here in the living room we shouldn't care about anyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] Wide Awake is the way that you left me all right it is actually a little bit later in the day I took a break from cleaning to take the kids to the pool we got back and now I'm gonna finish up some cleaning so first I'm getting this load of laundry folded and then we will get to those packages at the front door now it's clear we are here back in your house and I keep Fading Into the background I'm wide awake now you keep missing out for sure [Music] [Music] all right so let's take care of some of these packages I have a few things from Amazon Walmart I also have Saint which is my makeup that I use and talk about all the time um and yeah I have a bunch of stuff to just kind of go through but I'm curious do you guys prefer shopping online or in stores I am definitely more of an online Shopper now and I think it's because every time I go in store I can never really find what I want um unless it's like Walmart I can find what I want at Walmart but like if I go to the outlets and I shop at the stores that I used to shop at before 2020 I can never find anything especially if I'm shopping for the kids now I do kind of prefer taking the kids with me and going shopping in store but like I said I could never find anything now there's never anything really in their sizes and so it's just easier for me to shop online because I know what size they are and I just hope that the stuff will fit because that's another thing is I guess sometimes you get things in and kids sizes can be very different but I do prefer shopping online and I guess in a way it does kind of help me save money though because I can see exactly how much much money I'm spending in my cart before I check out and it does make me kind of think about my purchase a little bit longer and sometimes I'll even like put something in my car especially on Amazon I'll put something in my cart and wait a few days and then a lot of times I'll be like I don't need that anymore and I'll just delete it out of my cart or I'll be like okay I really need this now so I'll go ahead and check out but definitely more of an online Shopper but I'm curious what you guys like to do okay and now as you can see I'm doing a quick vacuum and obviously I really needed to vacuum with all those crumbs on the floor earlier you saw when my cat Ozzy was laying on the floor like there were crumbs everywhere but if you're just seeing it from like this angle it's so hard to tell but when I get close up you can definitely see there are crumbs everywhere and my floor really needed to be vacuumed so I'm going to do that really quick and then um that'll be all for the first day of cleaning but the next day of cleaning I'm gonna be cleaning in the laundry room I planned on cleaning that in this day too but I just ran out of time I didn't have time to do it all so we're gonna get the laundry room cleaned up it's a huge mess and it's gonna feel so good to have it done [Music] foreign [Music] Okay so we've got the downstairs tidied up I'm gonna go to bed and then get back up and start cleaning the next morning now I am curious do you guys prefer cleaning at night I know a lot of people love cleaning at night like after their kids go to bed or do you prefer cleaning during the day I always find that I have more energy in the morning and I never feel like cleaning in the evenings but I guess I am home you know a stay-at-home mom so I am able to clean during the day and get that done in the morning um but I'm just curious do you guys prefer cleaning at night or during the day okay so I got this little dryer lint attachment thing off of Amazon and so I'm using it for the first time here to clean out all the lint in our dryer and it worked really really good so first it comes with this long piece that you just stick down in there and it pulls out a bunch of the lint but when I took the other attachment and hooked it up to my vacuum I was so shocked at how much lint was stuck like on the bottom that I could not get to it was kind of crazy so I definitely recommend this little tool for cleaning out your lint and your dryer [Music] won't you be mine [Music] okay look at all that lint that was in there this thing was empty before I vacuumed all that lint out and it is slap full so I was shocked at how much was in there that I didn't realize [Music] oh [Music] won't you be mine won't you be mine won't you be mine [Music] okay so now I need to clean up this little area here in the laundry room so I'm gonna put this attachment up in the cabinets and then I have some stuff from Fourth of July that just needs to be put away and then all of these clothes that are sitting in the sink are actually clean they came out of the dryer we just threw them in the sink really quick so that we could put the clothes that were in the washing machine into the dryer but I'm gonna fold those up really quick and put them away [Music] Tick Tock the clock is sinking I don't know what I should do and I wish you would be right here with me [Music] my mind is filled with pictures [Music] I missed you so bad won't you come back to me I've got you in my head you're all that I see I've lost all my chances I know that I am too late I'm thinking of you I'm thinking of you I'm thinking of you wondering if you're thinking about me too now it's too late now it's too late [Music] okay yay just putting those things away actually made the laundry room look so much better um these are the gain pods that I use and I get them from Sam's Club and so I'm just refilling our little pod holder right here a little jar of PODS and then I can throw this box away um and then I'm gonna wipe down the counter and also wipe down the washing machine and the dryer do some vacuuming and then this laundry room will be so much better and I'll have one more thing checked off of my to-do list which is gonna feel great [Music] it's my fault I messed it up and I should have treated you much better so much better I miss you so bad won't you come back to me I've got you in my head you're all that I see I've lost all my chances I know that I am too late I'm thinking of you I'm thinking of you thinking of you I'm wondering if you're thinking about me too now it's too late I know it's too late [Music] Tick Tock the clock and just when that laundry basket was getting low I had to go pick up all the towels and bathing suits and everything and bring in some more laundry that needs to be done but take a look at our laundry room it looks so much better than before um it feels good to have this done and I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe if you're new here and hopefully now you're motivated to go tackle some things on your to-do list [Music] hey y'all today I'm sharing a full day of realistic cleaning as I get my house back in order I've got lots of tidying to do laundry and just everyday cleaning so I hope you're ready to get motivated come hang out with me as I share my daily cleaning routine [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so the first thing I'm showing you is our real life mess you can see we've just got clothes everywhere shoes everywhere towels we've been going to the pool a lot and lots of laundry to fold and we just have a huge mess and we were actually having friends over so I needed to get this tidied up as quick as possible so today I actually started a new book on Audible it's called survive the night it was actually recommended to me and it is so good so far I'm about halfway through now I started it on this day and literally listened to it the entire day while I was cleaning it is so good I'm so into it so if you're into suspense books then definitely check this one out and I will let you know my full review after I've listened to the whole thing [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign so the first thing I do every single morning is make my bed now I have not tidied my bedroom in a few days which you can tell but I am tidying the bedroom this morning and then making my bed and putting all the other things away these this is just a couple baskets of laundry that were already folded but needed to be taken upstairs and put away and then here in my bathroom I'm just picking up all of our bathing suits and towels this is what we do when we get back from the pool is we just throw them over the bathtub to air dry so that way they're not sitting in a wet Pile in a hamper somewhere or on a floor or whatever so now I'm gonna go ahead and get a load of laundry started and I'm gonna be washing lots of towels I feel like we have been washing so many towels over the summer y'all will have to let me know if it's the same way at your house but I definitely feel like there's more laundry during the summer than any other time of the year and I think it's because one we go through lots of towels and bathing suits from going to the pool and the beach a lot but also the kids we'll still have sports and stuff and so they end up going through a couple of outfits during the day just from like getting hot and sweaty at Sports and then coming home and changing or maybe going to the pool and then coming back and they'll put a different outfit on when they get back so lots more laundry than the normal school year alright so the next thing I'm doing is going ahead and dusting here in the bedroom and I don't do this every single day this is a once a week task but I am going to go ahead and clean my bedroom and also my master bathroom I've been kind of putting those together those two tasks together just because it's basically like one space like if my bedroom is clean then I want to go ahead and clean that bathroom too so they're both clean and I've been loving using these little Swiffer dusters lately instead of using a microfiber cloth and spray everywhere I go I used to use like a Mrs Myers multi-surface spray every single time I dusted but now I use these lot more often and every now and then I will use the multi-surface spray especially if I have something that you know has spilled on um like the dresser or wherever then I will use a spray and a microfiber cloth to clean it up but now lately just for dusting I've just been using these little swiffers and it's a lot faster and I don't feel like you always have to have a cleaning product as far as like a wet cleaning product every single time you dust and I think the main reason that I used to use a multi-surface spray all the time is because whenever I'm cleaning I really want to have that clean smell when I'm done but they make these swiffers now that have like the Febreze Swiffer combo and so they actually are scented they smell so good they have a few different scents but definitely look into those and then now I'm just on my glass on all my glass and all my windows I use the Sprayway glass cleaner it is my all-time favorite glass cleaner it works so well and honestly because the foam is so thick it's so satisfying to clean windows and mirrors and things because you get to actually watch it come off I don't know there's just something so satisfying about cleaning with the Sprayway glass cleaner all right now we're moving into the master bathroom and we're going to clean in here and you'll notice I brought my cleaning caddy with me if you don't have a cleaning caddy I highly suggest using one because it just makes it so much easier when you're cleaning from room to room and you're bringing those same cleaning products with you everywhere um I do have some cleaning products that I keep in all the bathrooms like wipes um like Clorox wipes and a few other like disinfectant cleaners but that's because I use the cleaning wipes pretty much every single day on the countertops and in the sinks and also on the toilet so some of those things I like to just have in each bathroom because it makes it easy but whenever I'm cleaning like all around the house and I'm doing some dusting and all that kind of thing I love having my cleaning caddy so it just makes it easy to carry those products around with me [Music] I was at the wrong place at the right time suddenly there you are with those bright blue eyes we were conversing into the night sky when you took my hands to Leslie so in this cabinet here is where I keep some of our bathroom cleaning products and we have these scented clogs wipes they smell so good I think this is the grapefruit um scent and I just love the way that these smell and I feel like because of the smell it makes me want to wipe my counters down more often so definitely recommend trying these out [Music] don't wanna be shy I will let my God down talk a little deeper so throughout my videos I talk a lot about my favorite cleaning products my favorite tools and hopefully you find that helpful and if you are ever looking for anything that I talk about if you're looking for links I do have all of these things Linked In My description box but I also have my like to know it shop and my Amazon storefront link down there too and I link all the things so I'll link cleaning products I link the cleaning tools outfits any kind of home decor or anything that you would find in my house just everything that I have purchased that I would give a good review for I link all that stuff there so that way it's easy for you to find and I know a lot of you have bought several things based off of my recommendations and hopefully you've fallen in love with those items as much as I have because if I talk about it that means I love it so hopefully you guys have found some great things from my channel but if you have I would love to know what are your favorite finds that I have shared in the past oh this little trash can right here it's a must-have I have one in every single bathroom I bought one to start with and we used it in this bathroom first and it's off of Amazon and then I ended up I loved it so much that I went ahead and bought two more for our other two bathrooms and it's so great it's um you can see it has like a sensor so it automatically opens and it's just one of those things that I came across and now I don't think I could live without but anyways if you have ever purchased anything from my recommendation that you absolutely love and you could not live without let me know what it is down in the comments so that way we can all see the things that you love as well okay this is another product that I always talk about and it's my Clorox toilet bowl wand I am still using this I still love it it makes cleaning the toilet so easy I don't have to worry about putting another product in here and scrub like a scrub brush that just sits out out I just keep the little wand there you get rid of the attachment that goes on the cleaning attachment that goes on the end when you're done and that's it super quick super easy and it smells great the last thing I'm going to do in here is vacuum really quick and I am using a newer vacuum it is my Dyson v15 detect vacuum and it is a little bit pricier I have not had a Dyson in so many years and I honestly never thought I would get another one because I was very upset when my old one died and I had paid so much money for it but holy moly dysons have come a long way since I have had one and this is a cordless vacuum it is the most powerful cordless vacuum I've ever had before and I absolutely love it it works so great and it also has that anti-tangle brush roll which is great if you have pets or if you have long hair like me so if you're looking for a great cordless vacuum that you can use use on rugs you can use on hardwood floors all over your house this is a great one I highly recommend it but it is a little bit pricier the other cordless vacuum I recommend if you are on a budget is the tinco I actually have that one um I can't remember the exact price but it is definitely hundreds of dollars cheaper than this vacuum but it still works really good it also has an anti-tangle brush roll which is a feature that's a must-have for me in a vacuum um but the Tenco is not nearly as powerful as this Dyson is but for a cordless vacuum it's still such a great vacuum if you have a corded vacuum already and you just want like a cordless vacuum for that everyday vacuuming and you could use your cordless or your corded vacuum for the deep cleaning then I do definitely recommend getting the Tenco and saving a little bit of money but if you're looking for a vacuum a cordless vacuum that you want to do everything and you want it to really pick up a lot of stuff then I definitely recommend this Dyson all right we've got the bedroom clean and the bathroom clean and now it's time to move into the kitchen and living room area [Music] just a little bit [Music] all right you can see we just have mess everywhere we have obviously just been throwing our stuff down as we come in the door not putting anything away um but I am starting with tidying up first and if you're wondering why I'm always pulling this little chair back is it's because my kids play indoor handball and so they'll move that little chair over to the corner and that is considered third base and yes I let them do that and that's why the vase was on the floor as well is because they put the vase down to make sure that they're not knocking anything over they'll actually lay the picture frames flat like all the things whenever they're playing indoor handball and it's so funny because anytime my friends come over and the kids are in there playing they always think I'm so crazy to let them do that in the house but if y'all don't know we live in Georgia and it is a hundred degrees outside and so I love the fact that they can come in and do that and still be active and have fun and you know not be passing out from heat exhaustion but it's funny they do have lots of rules and they actually follow the rules and it's great so like they have to walk and so if anybody runs then they're out and so it's just funny because they have so much fun playing that game in the house and a bunch of Cason's friends my son is 12 and a bunch of his friends will come over and they automatically know they're going to be playing handball at some point and they just all think it's so funny that I don't care that they're doing that in the house but I love it we went to with neon lights talked about everything that was on our mind talking to you give me butterflies then you took my hands and let's leave now [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't wanna be shy so this past week was so busy for us we actually had Gracie June's birthday so we had a party for her then we had a birthday party for a friend the next day and then that the following day after that Gracie June had a cheer sleepover at her school and then that weekend we ended up having a baseball tournament for two days so it has just been super crazy busy around here and now we're gearing up for back to school and so the kids have both had Sports practices every single day of the week so we're doing a lot of driving and back and forth but we're also still trying to get in all those fun summer activities before school starts back so I feel like I have been a little behind in the cleaning and even the cooking I've been cooking like super easy meals that don't take long and then We'll have leftovers the next night which I guess that's typically how I do it anyways even during the school year but I feel like we have been eating a lot of the same things over and over again because I just have no brain power to plan anything anything else it's just been you know just so busy but I love this stage of life I love like getting to watch my kids flourish and every single activity that they do and I know that like we're constantly in the car driving everywhere but it also is a time where we get to talk and just connect with each other so I look at that as a blessing is the fact that you know we are in the car together so much and we are able to talk about things whether it's you know the kids interest or what happened at practice today or what happened at this camp or whatever so I love it I love this stage of life and I know that I'm gonna miss it so much when it's gone [Music] a little deeper [Music] you know I'm always so shocked at how quickly your house can look clean just by putting away the Clutter and putting things where they actually belong and so here you can see this honestly didn't take me too long to do and my house already looks so much more put together also does anybody spy the sleeping kitty in the basket that's Riley and she absolutely loves sleeping in that little basket right there I feel like every time she comes in here she runs around and plays for a few minutes with Ozzy and then she ends up in that basket and taking a nap and I realize I talk about them like you guys have watched all my videos but I know that some of you are probably new here but if you didn't know we have three cats and that's Riley we have a black cat named Ozzy and then we also have another cat that looks kind of like Riley and her name is Freddy and they're all indoor outdoor cats so they just come in and basically nap during the day and play around and then they go outside the rest of the time and Freddy is our one that doesn't really like to be inside she comes in in the mornings every now and then or if she thinks she's gonna get like a little treat but other than that she likes to stay outside but the other two they love coming in and playing around and napping but I would love to know if you guys have any pets and what kind of pets you have it isn't hard to tell what you were thinking now that we have The Breakfast Table wiped down I'm gonna actually wipe down all the countertops too and I'm just using the groveco multi-surface cleaner to wipe down my granite countertops and I also used it on the breakfast area and then for my wood countertop I will use the method wood cleaner [Music] I sit here by myself [Music] gonna spill the truth don't waste your life away sitting on your fingertips [Music] so I know I was talking about it almost being back to school time and we have already ordered all of our um school supplies I actually did it different this year my kids have very basic school supplies and so I just ended up ordering them on Walmart and having them delivered to my house and then my kids actually had some school supplies left over from last year that we were able to use which is nice but then a few of the things I am going to take the kids to the store and let them pick out Gracie June always loves to pick out a different pencil pouch or you know just the cutesy stuff so I'm going to let her do that and then I don't know if Cason will want anything special or not but we'll see but we're set on school supplies we're set on back to school clothes my kids both are in private school so they wear uniforms and um they only needed a few new things this year pretty much the rest of the stuff still fit them so that's nice and um I guess once their school supplies get in we'll just label those and I think we'll be pretty much ready now I do like to do a little back to school gifts for the teachers but I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do this year um Cason has like eight different teachers I think maybe more than that I'm gonna have to look at his schedule but he has a lot of teachers and then Gracie June this year will have four different teachers she will actually switch classes she's going into fifth grade Cason is going into seventh and so I'm trying to figure out something cute that doesn't break the bank for the teachers for a back to school gift so if you guys have any ideas or if you've seen anything on Pinterest let me know I need to to get this stuff together fast because you guys know I love to share this in our back to school prep video that I do every year that's one of my favorite videos to make every single year so I'll definitely be sharing whatever I come up with in that video which I think will be super helpful because I know a lot of you are probably in the same boat with having either lots of kids and having to have lots of teachers because of that reason or your kids have several different teachers to buy for so it I know that back to school gifts are not even a necessity I just like to do it because it's so much fun but um and I feel like it just starts the year off great and lets the teacher know how much I appreciate them before the year even gets started so here I was just cleaning out my sink and if you guys didn't catch this a few videos ago the faucet that we have is actually new and it's one of those touch faucets so every time you touch it if the handle is open obviously nicely then your faucet will turn on and it's so funny because every time I go into like our laundry room and I start using that faucet I always start tapping it like it's supposed to just turn on and I've also done it at other friends houses I'll just tap the faucet like it's just supposed to turn on it's I don't know but I love it also last week if you didn't see last week's video I did a Teemu haul in that video and this is one of the things that I found on Teemu and it just basically holds my scrub my scrub mommy's sponge and I love it so much it just makes it easy to keep the sponge in the sink but it's not like just sitting in the sink if that makes sense so I love this little tool but also if you did not see last week's video it was a little bit different I did more of like a day in the life type video where I took you along for the entire day I ran errands I cleaned out my car I did a Teemu haul in there and then I also did birthday party prep for my daughter's birthday party and it turned out really cute all the stuff that I got for the birthday party was from temu as well um so if you watched that video you'll have to let me know if you like that style of video if you like seeing all the other things going on in my day and not just the cleaning stuff um but on the other hand I would love to hear if you prefer just the cleaning are you here just for cleaning and you just want cleaning tips and hacks and all those kind of things or are you here for other things too like do you want to see the cooking do you want to see like the daily schedule the routines all that kind of stuff because that really helps me if you let me know so that way I can plan for those future videos [Music] foreign [Music] basket number two we've got lots of clothes in this one I always love folding the towels because I feel like it's super fast and easy but then when it comes to clothes uh it takes so much longer now as I'm folding this laundry I am still listening to my audiobook um there have been a few breaks between cleaning I did have to run to the store at one point I had to go pick up Gracie June from cheer practice at one point and then I got right back to cleaning as soon as I got back home but this book is so good and it's funny because whenever I find a good book that I'm listening to then it makes it worth it for me to clean because I'm like oh I get to listen to my book while I'm going around and cleaning my house you know I'm getting to do something that I enjoy which is listening to the book but I'm being productive at the same time so y'all will have to let me know if you're this way too and if you like to listen to audiobooks or if you prefer music when you're cleaning what what are you into and if you do listen to audiobooks I'd love to hear like what genre if you have any favorite book recommendations I am on Goodreads but I don't get on there and um update it as much as I should I always forget about it and so I need to get on there because I have a ton of books I could add reviews on there for but I just haven't done it recently but if I'm not listening to a good book then whenever I'm folding laundry I will use that time to watch like a TV show or something and recently I have not watched any TV shows I know big brother comes back on I think this week actually so that might be a TV show that I'm gonna have to watch for a little while but if you have any TV shows that you've watched any series that you've watched recently that you are into let me know because like I said I have not watched any shows or anything in such a long time and I really miss it I miss like that time of just like zoning out and watching a show I don't ever feel like I can binge anything but I will get stuck on a show and it'll take me like months to finish it but it is so much fun to have something that is just it takes you away from like your busy schedule and it just lets you relax and not think about anything so definitely let me know if you have any good TV show recommendations I don't know what you did but it's all right with me it doesn't matter any longer I will forgive [Applause] um [Music] okay we are in the home stretch and the last thing I'm gonna do for today because I am all out of time for cleaning today is I'm gonna run my 10co I Floor 2 and this is a vacuum and a mop there are some updated versions of this vacuum which I feel like probably have even better features and I would love to test one out sometime soon just to see how it compares to the tenko i-42 because I know that they have the original eye floor tenko eye floor vacuum for like 99 at Walmart and for some reason the other day it popped up and I thought it was the i-42 so I went and shared it and was like oh my gosh my vacuum is on sale for 99 bucks but it ended up being just the original eye floor and then I have the eye floor too so I'm not sure what the difference is between those two vacuums but I will say I love my eye floor too I've had it for like a year and a half now maybe even longer than that and it has worked great I do use mine on my area rugs but it does not say to do that so if you use yours on your area rugs just be sure to really clean that brush roll and clean all those parts good because you know there's probably a lot more hair in your area rugs things like that but I do use mine on there even though it does not say in the manual that you can do that now if you guys want me to test out a new wet dry vacuum which one would you want me to test out I know that there's so many different brands I feel like they're probably all very similar and um depending on like how new the vacuum is the features will probably be similar too you know what I mean so I know that there's Robo Rock there's tenko there's Bissell so there's all these different brands and they have these wet dry vacuum mops and and I do think that no matter what you get it's going to save you so much time because you vacuum and mop at the same time and so I think it's totally worth it even if you started with a small you know like an older version like the original eye floor I think it's still going to save you so much time you just have to take care of it and you have to make sure that you're cleaning those parts because that's what's that's what is um going to keep your vacuum lasting is cleaning those parts and making sure that you are taking care of it so you're gonna see whenever I get done I actually take out all the little pieces and that go with the like dirty tank and I take those apart and I will put them in Dawn dish soap like soapy water hot soapy water and let them soak in there and then later in the day or possibly even the next morning sometimes I forget about it and let it soak overnight and then I will pull it out and just rinse them off and let them dry on a drying mat and then at least once a week I will actually take the brush roll out and I will clean that out and Dawn dish soap too so definitely do that at least once a week but I clean the other parts every single time I use this vacuum [Music] [Applause] don't bother s [Music] and here's the dirty water I was told a while back that if you pour this down your drain like with the hair and everything in it it could definitely clog up your pipes so I don't do that anymore I don't flush it down my toilet anymore I just pour it out here and it works out great so um you can see it was pretty gross and all I did was the downstairs so now I'm just gonna set this stuff here in this hot soapy water and let it sit and then I'll come back to it later and just clean these little Parts out and let it dry [Music] [Applause] all right you guys so my entire downstairs is now clean we're not even going to talk about the upstairs because I did not get to that today but it is probably a mess and we will deal with that later luckily my friends will mainly be downstairs so I'm just gonna light a candle and pretend that upstairs doesn't exist right now and when the kids all come over they're gonna make a mess up there anyways so we'll let them just continue to make that mess upstairs and hopefully they can clean it up before they leave but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me today and just getting to see a normal realistic day of cleaning I didn't do a ton of deep cleaning today because that's not what I do on a typical day but I still feel like I got a lot accomplished my house went from a teetotal disaster down downstairs to now looking nice and clean and it smells good in here so I do still feel feel very accomplished I hope you all got motivated from watching and get lots of things checked off of your to-do list today as well and if you're new here be sure to subscribe before you leave and also introduce yourself down in the comments so that way we can get to know you but y'all have an amazing week and I will see you in my next video bye that is often now that it's over we used to talk about getting older hey y'all it's me Amy Darley welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you're new here today's video is all about getting set for back to school and trust me it is jam-packed we're talking tidying up those kids closets getting their school clothes together for the first week of school sorting and labeling school supplies crafting up some gifts for their their amazing teachers throwing together an easy peasy crock pot meal fixing up school snacks and of course our classic back to school breakfast that is a yearly tradition for us I hope you're as pumped as I am so let's get this back to school prep done together okay so my list of things to do before back to school was super long there was so much I wanted to get done so many things I wanted to share with you guys so like I said this video is going to be a long one it's got a lot of really good stuff in it and I hope you're ready so we're gonna actually start with the very first thing that I needed to get done which was tackling the kids rooms and especially their closets Gracie June's was way worse than caysons so this was the first room I wanted to get done and I'm actually going to clean while I'm in here today and so the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and get their bedding started and I'm just gonna wash both of their sheets at the same time get that in the washing machine so that way by the end of the day I'll be able to put the stuff back on their beds before they go to sleep and it was funny because when I came up here to clean I also wanted Gracie June to come help me go through some things and she actually wanted to be on camera today and one of to do some of the filming herself so I let her do a little bit of it so she's going to be cleaning up organizing she's going to be helping me organize her closet she said she wanted to do it her way which was totally fine I gave her some suggestions throughout the process but most of it she kind of did on her own now this is Cason's room my son is 12. I'm going through here and I'm actually just gonna do his bedding and then he came in here while we were in Gracie June's room and he cleaned up the closet and all you know all the other stuff in his room so he actually cleaned all of that up before I came in here and organized the clothes but you can see his bed or his closet doesn't look nearly as cluttered and you know he does he just doesn't have as many things but he also doesn't pull out as many things so his closet looks way better it definitely took him a lot less time to go through his stuff than it did for me and Gracie June to go through hers and I know that I said all these things but now when you're with her I could see that you miss me all right I'm getting the sheets here in the washing machine and I'm actually using a little bit just just a tiny amount you'll see I'm not using a ton but a little bit of Dawn dish soap this helps whiten your clothes or get any stains out or whatever but I also had there was a little blood spot from I guess Gracie June she gets like scabs and every now and then she will like pick them and so she'll get blood on her sheets so she um definitely got blood on the sheets and so I'm gonna get this out with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide and a little bit of Dawn dish soap so you'll see I put just a tad of each and I'm going to keep going back and soaking it with the hydrogen peroxide because that's what really pulls it out and then the Dawn dish soap helps whiten it and then I'm just scrubbing it with my little scrubber tool this is mechanical it's got like battery operated it is awesome I use it on so many different things and so I'm using it here just scrub the blood stain out and you can see it already came out and then I'm just throwing all the sheets in the washing machine and I'm going to use white distilled vinegar as my fabric softener and a lot of people ask me all the time about this and no it does not make your sheets smell like vinegar it actually takes odors out of your sheets or your towels I love using this for towels I actually use it for everything now because it's way cheaper than actual fabric softener and it still softens your clothes so I use it as a fabric softener but you can also use it to like get odors and things out of your clothes whether it's Sports towels all the things it works as a deodorizer as well okay now Gracie June is actually helping me at this point we are just tidying up her room actually she's just hiding up her room and picking up all the things that are just loose and need to be put back up and then we will start on the closet and we started by literally pulling out all the things that were on the floor because there was so much of it all the clothes that were just kind of piled in there some of these things were too small for her and we had just been piling them up and then some of the other stuff was new and just hadn't been folded or put away yet so and then we also have several book bags purses she kind of went through all the things and decided whether she wanted to keep it or donate it and then we started doing a little organization so first we're starting with this drawer down here at the bottom this is her shoe drawer she has some cheer shoes that are too big for her so we are gonna put those to the side for now until she can grow into them and then we also have a bunch of shoes in this drawer that were too big and we had put them to the side so she's gonna try on a few pair and see if they fit her yet and then there also some that she was going to try on she hasn't worn in a while so she wanted to see if they were too small for her and those are the ones that we're going to get rid of if they're too small and then we're just gonna reorganize this drawer [Music] stay with me now till the morning [Music] now that we have the shoe drawer all organized we're gonna actually take all the things off of this bookshelf and Gracie June is gonna do the dusting here herself and she was just cracking me up because she was like no I want to dust it and I was like okay so she wanted me to film her doing the cleaning y'all have to let her know if she did a good job now off camera a little bit behind the scenes we did all the organizing and everything we went through her books she wanted to do these transitions y'all she picked this all out herself so I was cracking up but we went through every single thing that we pulled out of this closet and we started organizing them and she wanted them in particular baskets so we've got all the accessories um we've got nail polish here in this basket we've got Disney ears that we just cannot part with and some other fun little prop type items in this basket and then we've got all of her cheer metals and little banners and things like that in this basket I do have I showed you guys a while back I ordered something to put on her wall but I just have not been wanting to put the holes in the wall so I've had them in this basket but we do need to display them I have something to hang them up on we'll get to that eventually one day and then on the next shelf she's got like all of her makeup and her caboodle which also has more makeup and accessories she said it was time to take a little nap and told me to film her you guys she was the director of this video that's all I can say um but then more makeup in that little bag I don't know why she has so much makeup but she does and she gets to play with it every now and then and then some other random accessories and things on the bottom now I did this part we had some Easter eggs and things like that I went through and went through those couple of baskets and got rid of a ton of stuff and we're just putting her book bags her both of her cheer book bags here on this top shelf and then I'm reorganizing just the hang up she doesn't have a ton of Hang-Ups a while back I redid her closet and added these um shelves that we have in here and so that helped with having some more storage to put some things that were just kind of not necessary to hang up I guess um and gave us a little bit more room room here in her closet so now I'm hanging up all the things that do need to still be hung up and I need to get some more pink hangers so I was out so I just had to use some of our white ones but these are all of her cheer uniforms and jackets and sweatshirts [Music] oh I know that you feel it too I know that I told you now this organizer I made several years ago we've been using it I want to say like four or five years now and we absolutely love this organizer which is why we are still using it and I just put some vinyl on it and put like the Monday through Friday Cubbies and we just put their clothes in their Cubbies for each day of the week they also go through and they'll put like their socks and accessories like if Gracie June has jewelry that she wants to wear or a headband she'll put that in there as well we'll also put like their sports clothes in there and get those ready she didn't have anything for this week after school um so I didn't have to put any of her cheer stuff in there but she will most weeks have her cheer in the specific drawers when on the days that she has practice and then on the very bottom I put all the extra uniform clothes so now this closet looks so much better it's nice and organized and we can actually walk in here now [Music] okay before I walk out of her room I wanted to go ahead and do a quick cleaning in here this is not a deep clean or anything I'm just doing a quick dusting and I'm gonna wipe down her mirror as well now because this is a back to school prep video y'all will have to let me know if your kids have started school yet or when they start school if they have not already started and what are some things that are must Do's for your back to school to-do list like what are some things that you have to prep for every single year I know some of these things that are in my video you may not necessarily do but I would love to hear your to-do list for back to school [Music] all right we're moving into Cason's room and you can see he has tidied up his bedroom I don't have to do anything in here um I'm not even gonna clean in here today all I'm gonna do is basically prep his clothes for back to school like look at this closet I love it I didn't even have to touch it sometimes I do like having my kids be a little bit older and able to like clean up and do a good job so anyways I'm gonna go ahead and get his school clothes ready for the first week of school yes this is something that he could do on his own but since I'm filming I figured I would go ahead and just organize it for him and that way on the first couple of days of school all he has to do is literally wake up and pull his clothes out of his organizer now I will say my kids have gotten pretty good about putting their clothes away and Cason's been folding his own clothes which has been nice it's definitely cut down on on a little bit of laundry now throughout the year I don't know how that's gonna work I'll probably still fold his laundry for him and maybe just put it in a basket on his bed and he can at least put it away so he'll be able to do this on his own obviously throughout the school year and Gracie June will be too all right so later in the day we had gotten back from church we've been doing evening services on Sundays because that's when the big youth group is so that's great for casein and then so anyways I am changed but it is the same day and I'm going to be putting the sheets back on their beds and then their bedrooms will be all cleaned and organized for the first week of school okay do you guys remember when I used to do this or that questions in all of my videos they were so much fun and I loved reading all of your answers so I'm gonna do some this or that questions for this video and since it's back to school theme we'll do some back to school this or that question so just leave your answers in the comments you can leave as many comments as you want to it doesn't all have to be in one comment so you can just answer while you're listening and it's totally just for fun and you can actually go through and read other people's comments and see what they picked for this or that questions okay so first question is if you had to pick which one would you pick recess or lunch I know this is a hard one to choose between but you have to choose you can only pick one which would you pick recess or lunch now stay tuned I will have more this or that questions fun back to school themed ones throughout the video [Music] would you follow me or would you let it be if I leave tonight we could do this all right now that Cason's room is all done we're gonna move into Gracie June's room and I'm gonna put her bedding on her bed but I wanted to quickly remind you guys that this video is gonna have so much more I've got teacher gift ideas I did some super simple ones Gracie June has four teachers so we made some fun but simple gift ideas for back to school just to say that we appreciate them and we're looking forward to an amazing school year I know they do so much for our babies and honestly it's been probably more time with my kids during the day than I do during the school year I'll also be doing some labels for some school supplies and showing you guys what I got for them a grocery haul for the first week of school and also the easiest crock pot meal and it was so good it's actually a chicken spaghetti crock pot meal oh my gosh it was the best chicken spaghetti we've ever had so I can't wait to share that with you so be sure to stick around so you don't miss any of it [Music] all right so this has been over a few days we've been getting in school supplies from Walmart and Amazon I got some cutesy stuff from Amazon I got all the basics from Walmart and I just kind of have everything laid out here so I'm going to show you what we got really quick before I start labeling stuff so on this little area this is all of Gracie June's school supplies um we got all of the basics like I said from Walmart so we've got some already sharpened pencils we've got several different composition books a couple of these we already had from last year actually um and then some wide rolled paper apparently they need a lot and then she's got all the other like Necessities some Expo markers Sharpie or highlighters crayons markers a little two pocket folder and a three ring binder and then we've also got glue sticks and we got the headphones from Walmart as well Gracie June actually saw this when we went in store the other day and it's another pencil pouch but um I think she's planning to keep this one in her book bag so that she can do homework in the car and have all of her extras in here and then this little pencil pouch I'm gonna just put her name on it but this one will go I think in her binder with all the basics for school and then we also got the Highlight or the erasers from Walmart and then from Amazon we got her these cute little stick erasers I thought they were cute and they were like the pastel colors and then also some fun highlighters and then some fun pastel mechanical pencils so almost everything of hers came from Walmart except for the few cutesy things all right and then all of Cason's stuff came from Walmart he's pretty basic so we got him a new pencil pouch I'll probably put his name on there um and then same thing we've got some Expo markers lots of pins they had to have blue red and black pens highlighters he had to have some note cards um crayons colored pencils markers and then I got him these already pre-sharpened blue pencils I don't even remember adding this to my cart but apparently I did and then he's got the college ruled paper all right and then I did get some stuff to do some teacher gifts um I decided to do something a little bit smaller this year so we're gonna do cups and I'm Gonna Fill them with some of these items I got um the flare pins from Walmart I got these little miniature Post-it notes from Walmart and then from Amazon I got the same erasers that I got for Gracie June the pastel colors and then we've got some hand sanitizer packs I'm going to let Gracie June keep one of these um but that's gonna go in their little teacher gift which I'll show y'all in a little bit and then I also got case in some new socks from Amazon these are Nike dry fit just a pair of black and a pair of white in the crew socks and then I got because school supplies are always the cheapest at during back to school season so I got some extra crayons highlighters pencils for the house and then I also got some balloons for our back to school breakfast so that is all the stuff that I got in from Amazon and Walmart all right so the first thing I'm going to do is just label some of these school supplies I'm not going all out this year I feel like in the past I have done so many really fun things but my kids are getting older and I'm getting sad because I feel like a lot of this stuff they're just like I don't really want that anymore um so I'm doing very basic minimal school supply labeling so I'm going to pull out my Cricut I've got some permanent vinyl so you can see I have a bunch of rolls here so this is the color I'm going to use for Gracie June's letters all of her name labels and then I pulled out some red at first I pulled out I have some scraps here and at first I pulled out this red scrap of paper of vinyl but it wasn't big enough so I did end up pulling out some another roll in cutting off some more red just to have enough for his stuff now in case you're wondering I have the Cricut maker and I do have a lot of the Cricut supplies I have been using my Cricut first so many years now before I had a Cricut I actually had a silhouette and I used that for so many years I actually ran an Etsy shop I made t-shirts with my Silhouette and I did the heat press vinyl and sold t-shirts so I have been using these machines forever but the Cricut is definitely my favorite and I have the Cricut maker which is the highest version you can cut so many different things on this but if you're doing like everyday vinyl crafts like most of the crafts that you're going to be doing you could easily do with the Cricut Explore and um so both of them are very very good machines I also have the Cricut Joy machine which is the small tiny one so if you're just planning on making small labels and things like that the Cricut Joy is perfect for that it's even great for making your own little cards like birthday cards or holiday cards things like that but like I said I'm doing the very basic right now which is just literally cutting their names out with vinyl and cutting it to the size that I want them on all of their different items so this particular project could be done on any qriket machine it could be done on the joy the maker the Explorer any of them so if you've been thinking about getting a qriket machine and your very intimidated by it and you're just nervous or don't know where to start or maybe you already have one I know I've heard from people that have been like I ordered my Cricut like months ago and still haven't pulled it out because I'm just so nervous to get started this is a project for you pull out your vinyl get out your machine just literally make a name label to label onto something and try it out you can even look up a basic Cricut tutorial on YouTube because there are definitely tons of channels that do nothing but qriket tutorials and they will start from the basics all the way up to the most advanced projects you can think of now if you want to see some of the projects I've done in the past especially for back to school season I have a back to school playlist so a back to school prep playlist where you can go see all of my previous back to school videos and there are so many fun projects that I've done I think last year was one of my favorites last two years actually last year I really loved all the back to school breakfast stuff that I did I did a lot of print and cut items and they turned out really really good I also have done some print and cut stickers and then the year before that I actually did some print and cut stick on papers where I labeled their composition books and I created the whole background of their composition books it was just really fun so if you want some other fun odd project ideas for back to school definitely go check out all those videos and you can see all the different fun things that I've done but for the tutorials and all that kind of thing I definitely suggest looking up some YouTube videos so that way you can get a good teacher to teach you how to use your Cricut [Music] yeah I know that yeah I know okay while I am finishing cutting this stuff out and then about to label their school supplies let's do another this or that question let's do would you rather um eat school lunch or pack your lunch every single day of the school year you can only choose one so school lunch every single day you have to buy school lunch every single day or you have to pack your lunch every single day what would you choose [Music] it's a known effect [Music] once you've seen all the things all the places I hope it means that you'll come home to me once you travel the world all the spaces inside your heart changing sensation [Music] now Cason got a pair of air pods for his birthday from his grandparents and so I told him we definitely had to label these if he was going to be taking these to school with him and some of his teachers will let them wear their air pods for certain things um different activities so we definitely had to get those labeled before back to school so now we have all the supplies labeled like I said I didn't go all out like I have in the past but I still think that they have some cute stuff that's labeled and organized and they look cute so anyways I'm going to go ahead and put all their school supplies together now and put them in their backpacks so they'll be ready for the first day of school now at my kid's school they actually let you walk them in the first day of school I don't necessarily walk Cason into school but I do walk him onto campus and take pictures and do all the things but Gracie June since she's in lower school or Elementary School I still get to walk her in so this will be the last year because she's going into fifth grade shade this will be the last year that I am able to walk her in to class which is so sad but I'm using this bag here to put all the big school supplies stuff in and then I'm just putting her binder and pencil pouch here in her book bag and then I will actually help her carry all that stuff in the first day of school and then Cason's is very light they actually provide a binder that's already organized and everything for middle schoolers so that's nice but these are their same book bags from last year which are LL Bean and they have held up so great perfect they're ready for another year of school okay now we're gonna make a quick teacher gift idea and I'm gonna actually use these little Frappuccino cups so I got on and I wanted to make a little tag for the first day of school so I found this tag in the images section of the Cricut design space I think it's a design studio whatever it's called and so I'm just taking that little image I thought it was so cute and it would look perfect on a little card so I'm gonna actually make it a print and cut file so I'm actually putting a square and then I'm putting the image on the Square I'm going to attach those together flatten it so it's one image and then that way it'll be a print and cut file and I'll just send it to the printer and then it's gonna I'm also going to add like a little circle so that it'll go ahead and cut the little circle for me in the Middle where I can attach it with ribbon or twine or whatever and so once I have this attached it's going to print it out for me and then it's only going to cut around the square part and then around that little circle piece right there so it'll be like a little label a little tag now like I said earlier Gracie June has four teachers so I was making four of these but I did print just a couple of extras because I could fit six to a page so I was like might as well go ahead and print two more and go ahead and cut those out in case I want to use them for anything else or save them for next year so this is what it's going to look like when it's printed on the paper so I'm going to send it to the printer I'm going to make two copies cheese just to make some extras and then I'm turning off the bleed feature which just kind of makes it thicker and Bolder I don't want it to be any thicker or Bolder so here I am sending it to the printer and then I'm actually going to use a light grip mat it's different than the standard grip it's a little less sticky so it's perfect for card stock or paper so that way it's not hard to pull off of your mat you don't want it to like rip as you're pulling it off so I'm using the light grip mat for any card stock stuff so now I just load it into my Cricut and it does all the cutting for me and yes I could easily cut this out into squares but why do that if I can have perfectly cut out tags with a little hole already perfectly cut out as well and all I have to do is add a little ribbon I love it it's so simple so easy perfect okay let's do another this or that question so would you rather ride the bus to school every single day or have your mom take you to school every single day so car rider or bus rider okay my tags are done so now I'm going to start putting together my teacher gift I got these clear Frappuccino cups off of Amazon some flare pins some of the hand sanitizer I showed you this earlier um and then I'm gonna put a little eraser in there so each of the teachers get a little eraser and then some lip balm and then I also did a little Starbucks gift card hopefully they can find something that they love to drink at Starbucks but then I'm gonna put a straw in there and the top on and put my tag on with a little ribbon and we are good to go and we have little gifts for the first day of school for all four of Gracie June's teachers now I don't do back to school gifts for cayson's teachers he is in middle school and he has a ton of teachers but we do as a bunch of parents we do go in together and do like a back to school type breakfast or um we'll do snacks for the concession room and or their bike room or whatever so we do stuff for them it's just you know middle schoolers I guess it's not cool to bring little gifts to school with them for the first day and since I don't walk him in I can't bring them for him so anyways they do get stuff it's just not necessarily cutesy stuff like this now if you need more fun teacher gift ideas definitely go check out my back to school prep videos from the previous years check out that playlist I have so many fun things that I've made for teachers over the years we just love our teachers so much and appreciate them and want to spoil them as much as we can all right you guys we have a little back to school Walmart haul we have most of the stuff for our dinners for this week but we have lots of stuff for like fresh fruit snacks breakfast all those kind of things so I'm going to show you guys what we got really quick all right so starting over here we've got some cheeses we've got provolone for sandwiches we've got some Fiesta blend cheese and some mozzarella cheese for a few recipes we're doing we've got fruit we've got blueberry strawberries grapes and apples all right and then we've got a big thing of chicken breasts here we're actually doing a crock pot chicken spaghetti recipe so I've never made it in the crock pot before but I'm gonna do that and it's gonna be in the video in just a little while so stay tuned for that I've also got some traditional pulled rotisserie chicken I love getting this from Walmart because we can use this on salads or in a recipe if we just didn't have time to cook the chicken we just want to throw this this in there sandwiches all kinds of things so I love getting that um I am planning to do a back to school breakfast I was back and forth I was kind of thinking about doing a an after school snack board instead of a back to school breakfast but I don't know I think I'm still going to do the back to school breakfast you'll just have to wait and see later in the video but I got a bunch of stuff because I was not sure um so like I said I got the fruit for that but I did get some cookies I got donut holes muffins and then I got these little Wafers have you guys seen like the little pencils that you make out of Wafers so I plan on doing that so stay tuned for that and then the icing for it I just got some white white icing and then some pink icing and then I'm also going to be making some snacks later in the video I'm prepping some snacks for the week so I'm making these um energy balls and I needed some mini M M's for that I've already got all the other stuff I got the other day from Walmart um for those so I'll show you guys those we've also got some granola bars some Goldfish two different kinds of pretzels skinny pop popcorn those are for some snacks that we're going to be doing and then a Caesar salad kit to go with our chicken spaghetti more stuff to go the chicken spaghetti we got our spaghetti noodles we've got sour cream the Rotel diced tomatoes and green chilies a couple things of cream of chicken soup and then some stewed tomatoes we also got this five cheese breadstick or garlic bread like big breadsticks this was a substitution I usually get the Kohl's cheesy breadsticks that has the cheese on the inside but this was a substitution but it looks good we're gonna try it then we were out of mayonnaise so I got that got some more ramen noodles we were out of that and then I got some Hawaiian rolls to make turkey sandwiches for lunches and then some chicken cordon Bleu's for a quick and easy dinner just in case we need them one night all right so that's my little grocery haul and I can't wait to show you guys the back to school breakfast and all the snack prep and everything that we do for back to school all right so Gracie June typically likes to take her lunch to school but Cason likes to buy school lunch so I think that's so funny I asked you guys that earlier would you rather take your lunch to school every single day or buy lunch every single day um because mine are very opposite so what I'm doing is making my life so much easier and I'm gonna make some turkey sliders so that way we can just grab these the night before stick them in her lunch box and prep her lunch box all the night before without having to do a ton of prep because the prep's already done so I basically just took a bunch of Hawaiian rolls also I will eat these for lunch too they're so good and we love making these I feel like I make these all the time we make them for baseball we make them for for going to the pool or the beach or whatever turkey sliders are just the easiest you can also do ham sliders or whatever kind of sandwiches you want but this week we're doing turkey and provolone so basically I just covered the bottoms and turkey and then the tops with provolone and and then I will put the other slices back on top and then cut them all out into little slider sandwiches now once you're done you could just slide it back into the packaging that it came in and zip it up and put it in your fridge but I have these huge Tupperware pieces that I like to use for these so I'm just going to take them out and put them in the Tupperware and put them in our refrigerator you're far away yeah I feel that if you feel okay now we're gonna do some snack prep for the first couple of weeks of school and so the first thing I'm doing is making a little trail mix and I'm just dumping a bunch of my kids favorite things into one bowl mixing it all together and then I'm gonna go ahead and put them into little Ziploc baggies so they're easy to just grab and go they can actually pick out their own snacks the night before which I'll show you in just a second but I'm just using some Goldfish some pretzels skinny pop and of course M M's and then I do like to make different Trail mixes throughout the year so like once it's around Halloween time I might get some of those little candy corns or the Candy Corn pumpkins or um some of the witches fingers gummies all kinds of different things so I do like to do seasonal Trail mixes too which are a lot of fun and my kids absolutely love it so this is definitely an easy snack idea and it gives them a little bit of all their favorites in one little snack now if you all like to do Trail mixes you'll have to let me know some of your favorite things that you put in your Trail mixes because we always love trying different ones no I was laughing when I filmed this because I turned it over and I was like whoa that's a lot of M M's in one bag but it's funny because not all bags are made equally I guess all right so the next one that I'm gonna do the next snack is some energy balls so for this you need one and a half cups of quick oats half a cup of creamy peanut butter a third cup of honey and I'm just eyeballing all of this you guys I did measure out the oats but for the peanut butter and the honey I'm just eyeballing it and then a fourth a cup of mini M M's I may have put more than that who knows and then about a half a teaspoon of vanilla I seriously love recipes like this because you just can't mess them up if you put a little extra peanut butter then oh well hopefully you love peanut butter right you probably wouldn't be eating those if you didn't so I just sprayed a little bit of cooking spray onto my spatula and I'm gonna mix it up really good and then I did put a piece of parchment paper down I should have done this on top of my cooking sheet my cookie sheet because then I was putting them in the fridge to let them cool when I was done but another thing is I ended up chance ended up helping me with some of this because I was like ah they keep sticking to my hands so I did end up putting a little bit of cooking spray onto my hands when I was rolling the balls as well and it definitely helped to keep them from sticking all over my hands as bad once all the energy balls were all formed I stuck them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes you definitely want to wait at least 30 minutes and then and let them cool and then I'm just putting them in a little tupperware container and I'm going to stick this in the fridge both of my kids actually do after school sports so these little snacks are perfect for right after school gives them a little bit of energy but also kind of holds them over until dinner time so I love having these on hand here I'm going to put the trail mix and then also some Cheez-Its here in this little snack container that goes in our pantry we also have a couple other snack containers which we have some like Chopsticks beef jerky sticks granola bars a couple other things that they can choose from we have fresh fruit in the fridge so they can actually just grab whatever snacks they want the night before school throw in their book bag of course if it's fruit then they wouldn't grab it until the morning of and they would have to take a lunch box to have something to keep it cool but they just grab all their snacks and they throw it in their book bag they get to pick what they want and they're ready for school the next day okay we all know that the first day of school is super crazy we're all exhausted by the end of the day and nobody feels like cooking so I decided that the day before school I was gonna make this crock pot meal is just a chicken spaghetti recipe which I will include the full recipe in the caption below so look in the description box and the recipe will be there but this was the best chicken spaghetti ever but anyways I'm making this in the crock pot because one I had so much that I was doing the day before this first day of school so I wanted something easy to make but I also wanted something that was going to make a lot so that way we could have leftovers the next day so this would be such a great first day of school meal just to do leftovers so I just threw all my ingredients into the crock pot it's gonna cook for six hours and then we'll come back to it and I'll show you the rest of the recipe but that's cooking while I'm starting on all of the back to school breakfast prep so I've already done all the school supply labeling put together the teacher gifts prepped all the school snacks for back to school week and even started a crock pot meal but now we're moving on to prepping for our back to school breakfast I decided this was going to be very simple this year as well and so I just got these balloons off of Amazon I actually had these same balloons two years ago oh and I loved them so I just reordered these same ones I love them and I felt like they were super cute and we're doing a little back to school brunch for our Bible study group on Monday so I thought these would be really cute for that too so we could just reuse them for that but anyways I'm blowing these balloons up and I'm gonna hang them right here in this little breakfast area this is where we always do our back to school breakfast and this was probably the fastest fastest that I've ever put up balloons or even a banner or whatever it took me no time at all so I just blew all of these up really quickly strung them on some twine and hung them up and there is something that you guys need to know about me though I am not a perfectionist and you're gonna see this in just a few minutes and I share this all the time because I know that so many things that we see are like perfect and Pinterest worthy but I will tell you I am not a perfectionist I love to do fun things and cute DIYs but they are not going to be perfect and so if that bothers you like if the school sign is off or the balloons just are not matching up in the right spot or my back to school pencil cookies don't look as great as they do on Pinterest then just know that's my personality that's how I am I love doing all the stuff for my kids but I also don't like to like stress over it so I'm about to make the back to school cookies the little pencils and you're gonna see what I'm talking about here they were so fun and so easy to make but they definitely look like a kindergartner did them so I'm basically just cutting the tip of them into the shape of the pencil with a sharp knife and then I'm going to use my white icing and my pink icing to decorate the tips to make it look like a pencil and then I had some black sprinkles that were perfectly round which you could use mini chocolate chip mini chocolate chips instead but I already had these little round black sprinkles so I decided to use those for the tip of my pencils and just to kind of kind of give you guys an idea of what I'm doing here Gracie June wanted a back to school charcuterie board so she was like can you make one like what you did at Christmas so I always do like a North Pole breakfast for Christmas around when our elves come back or whatever and so she requested a charcuterie board like I did for Christmas so I was like yeah that'll be fun so I saw these cute little pencils on Pinterest and I was like you know what I'll do some of those and just include them on there and then they can take them with them to school take a few with them in their snack well of course like that was the first thing that they reached for on the morning of their first day of school they reach for the cookies and we're eating them and I was like oh well whatever it's the first day of school they need some energy right but anyways look at my pencils they're not perfect but I feel like they turned out cute and I think they are perfect enough my kids knew that they were pencils and they loved them now that the pencils are all ready for my charcuterie board in the morning I'm gonna put those away for now and I'm gonna go ahead and pack Gracie June's lunch for the first day of school she's got the slider sandwiches some fruit and some Cheetos after I'm done packing her lunch I'm going to show you the rest of that recipe but let's do another this or that question all right reading or math you have to choose one which one would you choose reading or math [Music] now that my chicken is done in the crock pot I am just going to use a hand mixer and shred this and mine is like super powered or something but I definitely get splashes of chicken everywhere on the walls and have to clean up my walls after I do this but it's way faster than Chance's way of pulling it out and using that little chicken Shredder that like you mix back and forth you spin back and forth he loves that thing but I just don't like having to pull the chicken out I'm lazy and I want to just shred it in there so that's what I do you could pull the chicken out and mix it in a bowl which is probably a lot safer than splashing up hot you know sauce all over you but this works too and then I just added the rest of my ingredients to my crock pot I also cooked some spaghetti noodles threw that in there mixed it all together and you have a delicious chicken spaghetti recipe and there was definitely enough for us to have leftovers on the first day of school now I had originally planned on eating this with that Caesar salad but we actually ate it the night before with another recipe that we had made and so I didn't have any so we just did the breadsticks but the garlic bread was so good I'm so glad I actually got this substituted so I would actually try it I will definitely be buying it again and then here I'm just showing you all that we had left over for the next night okay we have cleaned up the kitchen after dinner so I'm doing the last bit of prep for our back to school breakfast I just used some lined paper as their placemats and these little red paper plates and I'm going to go ahead and put their book bags out get the charcuterie board ready so that way all I have to do is throw the items on the board first thing in the morning we also wrote some little notes to each of the kids so I wrote a note chance wrote a note and they got to open these on the first day of school [Music] all right it is the first day of school I didn't show this but I had already prepped their water bottles in the fridge so all I did was pull those out and now I'm just adding all of the goodies onto their back to school breakfast board and then I also had these little cupcake toppers from I don't know if it was from last year or the year before but I had them they were all back to school themed and so I used those to put into a few of the muffins and donut holes and strawberries just to make it look more back to school themed and that was it it was super simple we have some fruit muffins donut holes fresh fruit and then I also put um the little cookies on the top and like I said I was kind of thinking they would take them with their snacks and they would just be cute for the charcuterie board but that was the first thing that Gracie June grabbed and ate this morning all right so now that we have our back to school breakfast done that was the last of the back to school prep and my kids were ready for school they absolutely loved the breakfast all their applies everything they had a great first day but I just feel like time is flying both of my kids will be in middle school next year so do I keep doing these back to school breakfast for them all the way through high school I think I will but I can't believe that we have another back to school prep video done I feel like I just posted one like a month ago how is time flying so fast I hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me for another back to school prep video if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up let me know if there are any ideas that you're going to be using from today's videos or even my previous years and don't forget to subscribe if you're new here and I hope you guys have an amazing week an amazing back to school season school year all the things and I will see you in my next video [Music] hey friends welcome to my channel I'm Amy Darley and today's video is going to be an extreme clean with me it's gonna be a day full of cleaning I'm gonna be doing some everyday cleaning but I've also got some deep cleaning on my list of things to do today and it took me all day so I hope you guys are ready to get motivated and hopefully you have your to-do list going or maybe you should just make it while you're watching and then that way once you get done you'll be motivated to get all those things tackled off of your list now let's get some cleaning done foreign [Music] okay if you are not new here then you already know I'm starting in the bedroom because this is something that I just have to get done first thing in the morning it kind of just gets me motivated to start tackling all the things on my to-do list or errands or whatever I have going on that day so we're going to make the bed and tidy up the bedroom now I do want to let you know that I have not always been this girl that makes her bed every single morning actually before I started my YouTube channel I rarely ever made my bed unless I knew that people were going to be coming over and I was gonna be you know have my door open and people were gonna stay in here um but people change I guess and once I started my YouTube channel and I realized like how good it felt to have a made bed every single morning and and just the clarity that it gave my brain first thing in the morning then I started making it every single day and now it honestly drives me crazy if I don't get my bed made in the morning now these are clothes that I folded the night before and so I'm heading up to the kids bedrooms I do not make them make their beds however on school mornings we are just up so early and out the door as fast as possible and I like to let them sleep until the very last minute because they do Sports and our weeks are just super busy our evenings are crazy so I just like to let them get as much rest as possible and so I don't typically make their beds for them every day a lot of times they'll make them after they get home if they make them at all on the weekends and during the summer it is a priority but since I was coming up here to put put their clothes away um I decided I would go ahead and make their beds really quick because it really does not take that long and I am going to go ahead and put their clothes away for them usually I will just take their clothes and put them on their bed and then when they get home they'll put them away and honestly Cason's actually been folding his clothes a lot lately too but I knew that on this day they both had Sports and weren't going to be home until a lot later in the evening and then we were gonna have to do homework all the things so I decided I was just gonna go ahead and make it easier on everyone and go ahead and put their clothes away for them so since we kind of got on the subject of making our beds every morning I would love to know do you make your bed every morning and also if you have kids do they make their beds every single morning I would love to know oh I'm gonna be myself or I could be someone else I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistake I just wanna feel alive all right so now I'm moving into my daughter's room so if you're new here I have two kids um Cason is my son and he is 12. so that's whose room I was just in and then my daughter is Gracie June and she is 10. and goodness gracious we are busy over here and I know that you guys are all busy too um y'all will have to let me know if you can relate but my kids are both in sports and um right now Cason is doing football and baseball so he's got both of those Sports going on and then Gracie June is cheering for her school competition team her school sideline cheer team and then also she does All-Star Cheer so our schedule is just crazy busy between you know school picking up and taking to practice [Music] um we're gonna start football games in a few weeks cheer competitions in a few weeks for the school cheer so we're just really busy over here so between like all the sports stuff and all the school stuff I feel like I get a bazillion different emails I'm always getting information thrown at me schedules thrown at me all kinds of things so I can definitely especially during back to school season I get a little bit overwhelmed I'm not gonna lie so I thought I would tell you guys some of the things that I try to do to make myself a little bit less stressed I think that these things help for sure in case you guys are feeling the same way as me and you just feel like your brain is always full of so much information and you're just overwhelmed hopefully you'll find these things helpful so the first thing that helps me with my stress is having some sort of routine especially a morning routine now for me a few days of the week might look different my morning routine might be a little bit different than other days during the week during the weekend my routine is definitely way different depending on what we have going on but I do try to stick to especially on the weekdays I try to stick to pretty much the same things for my morning routine and some of those things that I do in my morning routine also help me with all that brain fog and just de-stressing I also feel like my morning routine kind of helps me set the tone for the day and makes me already at the beginning of the day feel like I'm getting some things accomplished even though there are a lot of the things that I'm doing are mindless activities because they're a routine now and I do them all the time so like I said earlier making my bed every single morning that's just part of my morning routine another thing part of my routine is getting a load of laundry going because laundry is never ending and then also trying to tidy up either my bedroom or I try to tidy up like the main living spaces is the living room the kitchen I'm cleaning and these two are getting it good old napping oh goodness must be nice okay I had to include that in there because I just crack up at them and how they sleep especially Aussie our little black cat I feel like she's always sleeping in the craziest positions and it just cracks me up which that's one thing I'm not good at is taking naps for some reason I cannot fall asleep during the day anymore I remember when I was in college I would take naps all the time now I I just can't do it it just doesn't happen Okay so back to the morning routine that kind of helps me de-stress and get rid of all that brain fog so another thing I like to do during my morning routine is my quiet time this definitely sets the tone for the day for me it helps me like just get my mind right and it helps me to get in the word and remember that I have so many blessings even if I had like a bad day or maybe even a rough start in the morning because I usually do this after the kids are at school is I'll have my quiet time so even if we had like a little bit of a rough morning I kind of get back to to the word and get grounded and you know remember that I have so much to be thankful for and so many blessings and just you know my little bad morning there that's not the end of the world and then I go into my planning time and so I'll pull out my planner I have to have a written planner because I feel like I just have to write it down I have to visually see everything and as much as I love technology looking at things on a computer sometimes just makes me even more stressed so having a written planner and being able to literally look at my whole week at one time I can go back and look at my month I can look at all the appointments I can add to my day and go ahead and plan out my day most the time I have some things already planned in my planner from the week before where I will sit down and do a whole week of planning but then I do daily planning too where I will look at my day if there's things I didn't get done the day before I decide whether I'm going to move it to this day or not and then another thing which I don't do this every single day but I definitely do it whenever I'm really feeling like I have so many things in my head I just need to get it out is I have a journal that usually stays with my planner so I have my planner and I have my journal and the journal is just a blank you know Journal just regular lined paper and in that journal I'll do brain dumps and so I sometimes I will literally just write things down and there's no Rhyme or Reason to it I'll just literally dump everything that's in my head out on the paper and then other times I will do a brained up and then I will try to like make categories so maybe like I'm thinking of all these things that the kids have to do this week and so I'm going to brain dump it or I'm thinking about all the things that I want to put on YouTube I'll brain dump it you know those kind of things so that really helps me kind of put everything on paper and then even if it's not organized when I first put it out I can dump it all out on my paper and then start another sheet of paper and start to actually organize those thoughts now another thing that I don't do every single day but I do it several days out of the week is going for a walk and this helps me de-stress because this is actually a time when I'm not really thinking about any of the things I have to do usually I listen to a book on Audible and I just have like a Mindless walk or not mindless I guess I'm thinking about the book that I'm listening to but it's just fun you know it's just stress-free I'm getting some energy out I'm getting some steps in and I'm able to do something without having to use a whole lot of brain power and having to think about things that are going on I'm just listening to a good book but I'm getting some exercise at the same time and I think that definitely helps with my mood as well okay and I think the last thing that I do to kind of de-stress is just cleaning I know I said this in part it's part of my morning routine but then I also have specific specific days that I clean and so cleaning is just another one of those mindless activities and it's so rewarding once you get done you've worked hard you've gotten your house picked up the Clutter is gone and I think without all that clutter and you know mess it just kind of helps me think a little bit more clearly now I also wanted to say this is Mindless cleaning not like organization projects or things like that now I would love to hear from you guys too you always have some of the best ideas best advice what are some things that you like to do to help you de-stress hold me down [Music] foreign [Music] we're gonna be myself or I could be someone else no one's stopping me now I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes it's just what I do when I'm out so try not to hold me down okay so as you can see I got most of like the tidying and just everyday cleaning done and there were a few things that were on my to-do list today that I wanted to get done that are more on my like deep cleaning list and so the oven was one of them this is one of the ones that I just keep putting off I hate cleaning my oven it's not horrible but I feel like it just always takes so long and it hurts my knees it hurts my back I don't like it but I'm getting it done today and I'm getting it checked off my list so I won't have to do this again for a while y'all let me know when was the last time you cleaned your oven and if you're wondering what I did is I basically just used a little bit of vinegar I had white distilled vinegar in that spray bottle I sprayed it all on there this just kind of wets the surface and then I got the pink stuff paste and cleaned out all that so first I vacuumed then I sprayed it with vinegar then used the pink stuff to go on top of the vinegar and scrubbed I feel like that gets most of the mess out but then after I wiped everything up I also got out my pumice stone and you can see just make sure you wet it so it doesn't scratch anything but it gets all those little you know burnt on spots all those little spots all over the oven it gets them off so easy but obviously it takes a little work if you were doing the entire thing so here I'm just putting the pink stuff on the oven door and this stuff works really really good you don't have to scrub too hard now after I get done scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing with the pink stuff I am just going to take a paper towel and just wipe it all up then I sprayed it down again with the vinegar wiped it up one more time and then I actually went in with the dawn power wash which I forgot to film me spraying the dawn power wash in to the oven and on the door but I did spray it on and this just and then I use like a wet scrub sponge or it's not a sponge it's a um like a scrubbing a dish scrubber what do they call a Dish scrubber I use that to scrub down the inside to get all the pink stuff off this just works really well you can if your oven's not too bad you could just use Dawn power wash and that would work too but I definitely had some spots that needed a little bit more TLC so that's why I use the pink stuff and then I'm ending it with the dawn power wash and then I'll just wipe it all up and it's going to be nice and clean what I do when I'm out so try not to hold me down [Music] all right okay now that that is done I am finally going to take down our back to school balloons from our back to school breakfast hasn't quite been a week so they they haven't been quite been up for a week yet but it's definitely time to take them down we did a little um Bible study brunch here at my house and I was like you know what I'm just gonna keep these up as decorations for our little back to school brunch for Bible study and so that's what I did so this was actually after the day after our Bible study I um just took everything down and was finally like okay it's definitely back to school we're done with these balloons and I did want to say with these balloons you could reuse them if you wanted to I did that one year now some of the balloons definitely didn't make it to the next year but some of them did and it worked out fine um but if you're very careful you can stick the straw that you used to actually blow those balloons up you stick it back in there and then push down on the balloon and deflate it that way and then you can save them now I personally I started doing it and then I was like oh my goodness this is going to take forever and then I knew that I was gonna do a different theme for next year um so I decided not to keep them and I really didn't pay that much money for them so I was like you know what they served their purpose I got two like events out of it I got the back to school breakfast and then the back to school brunch with my Bible study group so you know what I was like okay I'm just gonna be done with these it's gonna take way too long to deflate all of them and like I said last time all of them didn't make it so I just decided oh well I'm gonna do something different which y'all let me know my kids are going to be in sixth grade and eighth grade next year and I of course I feel like I should still do this all the way through high school I think it's going to be one of those things that's going to be like core memories they remember you know every year my mom did a back to school breakfast for me and it was just one of those little Traditions that I think they're gonna look back on and just have good memories about it you know so give me some ideas for next year I want to do like a little theme this year I just did like the balloons last year I did a groovy theme so we had like the smiley faces and you know all of that and it was really cute but I don't know I'm trying to think of I'm I'm really ahead of the game here but trying to think of what I'll do for next year when I have two kids in middle school I can't believe it Gracie June is my baby and she's 10 and she actually both of my kids have summer birthdays so they're very young for their grade like they're the last ones to have a birthday in their grade so it's just crazy to me to think of her going into the sixth grade and I don't know if that's just because she's my youngest like she seems way younger than Cason did when he was in fifth grade y'all have to let me know if you're the same way with your kids like does your oldest always seem like they're always older and then your youngest seems like they should never be that age I don't know but I can't believe it last year of elementary school for her and then next year I'll have two middle schoolers so crazy to think about okay so another thing that was on my deep cleaning list that I needed to get done was dusting all of our plantation shutters and also cleaning the windows it's been a little while since I've done this so I decided to go ahead and do that and then also cleaning in the entryway and just doing a little dusting that I don't necessarily do every single week I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna be myself I'm gonna be someone else I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes [Music] [Music] nothing can break me no no nothing can break me so I talked a little bit about routines today and I have shared over on my blog which I don't I'm not good about posting on there I feel like I have a bazillion different things that I post on and so that's one thing that just kind of gets put on the back burner is the blog but I like having it because especially when I make like printables and things like that that you guys can use I can go post it over there and it's easy to link those things there so um and it's also easy like if people were looking for something written instead of a video they can see it there but like I said I'm not as good about blog posts as I am about posting videos but if you're looking for some cleaning routines I have all my cleaning routine checklists over there that I've made in the past but I'm thinking about revamping them so you know my my stage of life has definitely changed over the last three years I think I made those lists three years ago I think it's been three years um but I basically have like a daily cleaning routine a weekly cleaning routine and a monthly cleaning routine checklist but like I said I want to revamp those because some of those things have changed up a little bit for me and um I want to make kind of revamp those routines but I'm curious to know do you guys stick to a daily cleaning routine a weekly reading cleaning routine and a monthly cleaning routine or do you just kind of wing it or what how do you how do you come up with what you're cleaning and when you're cleaning also if you are interested in those cleaning routine checklists that I have I will leave those linked down in my description box now the last few things I want to get done today is obviously I'm vacuuming the rugs I'm being lazy and vacuuming my couch as well without taking the parts off I do have an upholstery attachment but I'm being lazy today and I just decided to go ahead and vacuum my couches um and then now I need to do the floors so I am using my Tenco eye floor 2. yes I still have this yes it still works great and yes I still want to buy a newer version so I can test it out and compare it to the older Tenco i-42 now if you do not have a vacuum mop combo and you're on like a budget this is a great one I highly recommend it I've been using it for a long time now and it works so great and it saves me so much time I did go ahead and vacuum my rugs but a lot of times now all it doesn't say that you can do this in the manual or anything but a lot of times I will actually just vacuum my rugs with this mop too but using the vacuum mop combo definitely cuts my floors cleaning time in half because I don't have to go around the entire floor and vacuum and then go back over and mop everything it does both of those at the same time and like I said for the price of this one it is amazing and it comes with a Tenco floor cleaner so it's a specific cleaning solution that you put inside of your tinco to clean your floors with and so that's what I use and when I run out I just repurchase another bottle off of Amazon I'll be sure to link this vacuum as well as all of my other cleaning favorites anything that I love I'll make sure to link those down in my description box and I usually link everything on Amazon on my Amazon storefront or I also have tons of links over on my like to know it because if it's not from Amazon I can't obviously link it on Amazon so some products I get from other websites and so like I shop a lot at Walmart too I will go compare prices and so the Tenco I Floor 2 is usually cheaper on the Walmart website than it is on Amazon so I like to link it from there so anyways I have tons of links down in my description box with all my favorite things from cleaning products to apparel to just everyday favorite products they're all linked there in case you need anything show me what it's like to be circling among the clouds cause without you by my side I would be stuck here on the ground lighting up the way I can see the road ahead of me I won't be stumbling in the dark your eyes are shining like the stars I was time till you saved me until you set me free my eyes were closed now I see clear as day and I just wanted to say that you can take me high feels like I Can Fly you can take me high now that I'm done cleaning the floors I'm gonna do the self-cleaning mode so it'll actually clean the brush roll really quick before I dump because I don't know I dump it outside and then I always take the pieces apart and I go ahead and wash them and throw them in some Dawn dish soap and hot water so that they can soak for a little while then I'll clean them out and let them air dry before I use my vacuum again okay so all of my actual cleaning is done for the day and I'm finally going to fold that load of laundry that you saw me take out of the dryer first thing in the morning so I'm going to sit down and relax and I kind of leave this to the last task because one it's not the most important but also two once I get done with all the other stuff and I actually get to fold clothes I can watch some TV so I'm gonna watch The Challenge there's a new season out y'all have to let me know if you watch the challenge too but I'm gonna drink my diet Dr Pepper and sit here and get all these clothes folded so I will say that all the cleaning that I did today did take me a while it took me I mean I did take a lunch break in the middle but it took me basically the entire time that my kids were gone and then I did fold the laundry and then I think I had maybe 20 minutes to spare before I had to go pick the kids up from school but the good thing is all the cleaning is done and then while I'm sitting and waiting in the car at practices I can do a little work on my computer and get some things done there for you know YouTube and Instagram and Saint makeup stuff so you know I feel really accomplished I feel like I got a lot done today so I hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me today y'all will have to let me know what you're doing while you were watching were you cleaning along with me were you making your to-do list for the day or were you just relaxing and enjoying watching someone else clean without you having to do anything yourself hopefully it was motivating if you enjoyed today's video please do me a favor and click the thumbs up button to let me know that you enjoyed it if you're new be sure to subscribe and then also say hey down in the comments and introduce yourself and I hope you guys have the best week ever and I will see you in next week's video [Music]
Channel: Amy Darley
Views: 192,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amy darley, cleaning, amy darley cleaning motivation, clean with me, decluttering, organizing, ultimate clean with me, whole house clean with me, extreme clean with me, extreme cleaning motivation, cleaning hacks, kitchen cleaning, carpet cleaning, carpet extraction, cleaning motivation, decorate with me, huge mess, deep cleaning, clean with me 2022, laundry room deep clean, laundry room organization, restocking, oven cleaning, cleaning marathon, hours of cleaning, house reset
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 19sec (10879 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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