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hey friends and welcome to today's video in today's video we are tackling my master closet yes this is what my master closet looked like before it was a complete disaster and I do this at least once a year I'm going to go in here and literally pull everything out I'm going to go through declutter reorganize clean down this entire closet and I'm going to take you guys along with me so if you're ready for some serious cleaning motivation give this video a thumbs up and let's get some cleaning decluttering and organizing done [Music] [Music] together okay first things first before I I can even think about getting into my closet I need to go ahead and make up my bed and make sure I have just nothing out here other than what I'm about to pull out of my closet because I'm going to be throwing a ton of stuff on my bed and I just want to make sure that nothing like gets thrown under the covers or anything like that now if you're new to my channel then welcome I'm so glad that you're here my name is Amy darly and I live right outside of Savannah Georgia I have two kids I'm a stay-at-home mom and I have my amazing husband chance who is in medical sales now I'm doing a whole decluttering series I like to do this every single year I just get this itch to declutter and organize every single space in my house so I of course taking you guys along with me I've done a few videos already you can check the playlist below it's just a decluttering series for 2024 and today we're tackling the master closet now like I said earlier I do a massive declutter and organize of my master closet at least once a year and I try to film it every single time I do so I have definitely done this several times over the years that I've been on YouTube so if you want to see any of my previous videos where I've decluttered and organized this closet then you can just search Amy darly closet cleanout or closet declutter and those videos should pop up on YouTube okay so here's a before look of my closet has definitely gotten out of hand it's a complete disaster you guys I also ran out of hangers so I have tons of sweaters and other things just piled up right here on this shelf because I have nowhere to put them they won't fit in any of the drawers either and I am going to be going through my dresser drawers but that's going to be in next week's video so I'm tackling a little bit out of a at a time this closet actually was a huge project and took me so long to get it done so I'm going to get this done today and then in next week make sure you come back so that you can see how I clean out and declutter and organize my dresser drawers and I'm also going to be doing some rearranging so I'm excited to share that with you but let's get this closet done and I'm going to go ahead and pull every single thing out of this closet um first I'm starting with all the things on the floor and then I'm going to do a little bit of decluttering while all of my things are still hanging but I am going to pull everything out because this closet definitely needs a deep clean I try to do this once a year because even though there's all this stuff in here and it's a small little room and we're not obviously hanging out in here dust accumulates and it gets pretty bad on the floors and even on the shelves and things so I just like to pull everything out and give it a deep clean before I put everything back in and reorganize so here's a quick look at the floor after I got everything out and it was so gross so I decided to go ahead and do a really quick vacuum just because I knew I was going to be throwing some things on the floor as I was decluttering and I just didn't want them to be covered in dust because I am going to be donating everything that I get rid of today [Music] oh I'm looking up from my window sun's coming up like the day before you're like a stone on my pillow I don't make a sound when I shut the door oh you don't have to wake up yet we can spend all day in there I'll put the TV in the room we'll have a Netflix Marathon K saxophone we'll order in a bunch of food I'll put all right so like I said I'm going to start decluttering while everything still h hanging and then once I have all the items that I'm going to donate out of here then I can start taking this stuff out but it's just easier for me to get rid of stuff while it's hanging up versus throwing it on my bed and going through each piece that way also I originally planned to take down all of my sweaters and put them in a drawer in one of these um drawers that I have here in my closet they're the Ikea drawers and they're amazing but when I was trying to put the sweaters in there it actually snagged one of my sweaters so I decided that was a bad idea plus the sweaters took up a lot of space and I wasn't able to put a ton in those drawers so I decided I am going to leave them hanging um but I'll show you all the organization later in the video shut the lights go [Music] infrared okay and now I'm going to do the same thing with my dresses and jumpsuits that I have here I'm just going to touch every single one of them decide whether I'm going to keep it or whether I'm going to donate it you don't have to do one single thing you don't know how much I want you just looking at you makes my whole world [Music] spin you don't have to wake up yet oh we can spend all day in bed I put the TV in the room so this right here is the Ikea drawer that I was talking about earlier I got this from Ikea obviously um but I got two of them for our closet and I actually got these for my kids closets too I love them so much now the ones in my closet I didn't end up getting the tops for them you have to buy the tops separately but the ones for the kids closets I did end up buying the tops for those and we do store stuff on top of them but they have a big space of overhead so there's more room but I seriously love these drawers so much they are so deep and fit a ton of stuff so I am going to be using both the ones in here I'm actually one of ours has towels and bedding and stuff like that in it but I'm going to actually take all of that out and I'm going to be decluttering and organizing the closet in our office and making that into our linen closet because we do not have a linen closet in our house so that'll be in another video coming up as well but this drawer right here is my t-shirt drawer and if you have been around for any amount of time then you've probably seen I live in t-shirts and leggings so I have a ton of t-shirts I have some for like game days some for school events um seasonal t-shirts everyday t-shirts I just love them all so I'm going to go through and declutter and and organize these and then put them back in here in this drawer and as you can see it fits a ton of t-shirts in this drawer a bunch of food I'll put your favorite music on all the way [Music] bar sh the lights go in fored we can spend our day in bed [Music] now this next drawer is all of my sweatshirts and so I'm decluttering these right now but I decided that I was going to actually hang these back up I'm not going to keep them in a drawer because just like with the sweaters they take up a lot of room room and I feel like I could use these drawers for something else and make some space in my dresser drawers so that that way they're not so cramped K saxophone we order in a bunch of food I'll put your favorite music on all the okay and then here in this bottom drawer I have all of my leggings I have workout leggings but then I also have like my le faux leather leggings in this drawer so any kind of leggings are in here and then I also have have pullovers for working out like cold weather pullovers and so I'm going to just declutter this drawer and then the rest of the stuff will just stay in [Music] here we can in okay and then like I said I'm going to go through this other drawer organizer and I'm going to pull out all the towels and and bedding and all of that stuff for right now on the top we do have all of Chance's ties which I want to get like a tie hanger that's specifically for his ties so I'm going to have to order that off of Amazon but when I was messing around with this you'll see I end up moving the drawers several different times in this video because I was so indecisive on whether I wanted them closer to the front of the door or pushed back so that way we could have our laundry hamper right there so I was back and forth but I'll show you what I ended up doing at the [Music] end here in the back of the closet I do have some of our throw blanks and so I'm just pulling those out those are also going to go in our linen closet hopefully hopefully I can get it organized to where it all fits but then I called chansen after he got home from work and he's going through all of his clothes really quick deciding what he's going to get rid of which actually he's done this a lot over the year so he didn't have nearly as much to get rid of plus a lot of his Collard shirts button-ups um he's actually given to our son who is 12 and pretty much in the same size clothing as him so we've been able to pass down a lot of that stuff to [Music] him so in these baskets I keep all of my scarves handbags um headbands all that kind of stuff so I'm I'm going to do the same thing I'm just going to go through this and decide what I want to get rid of and what I want to keep and then just reorganize it because they're obviously a [Music] [Music] mess [Music] we we [Music] [Music] we [Music] next we're going to declutter the shoes and I actually get questions about our closet a ton when people see our shoe rack this is not something that I bought our Builder actually customized this for us when he built our house so uh unfortunately there's not like a closet system or anything but I have seen tons of people do DIY closet systems from products from Ikea so definitely check that out on YouTube If you're looking for an affordable closet system that you can DIY yourself I don't need new soend time with me looking for someone who can play though want to hang with me I'm not really looking for a friend so time with looking for someone Not Afraid give it to me get to to me all that I want get to you to you not asking for much but it like okay here is the huge pile of stuff that we are getting rid of I'm just having chance help me with this massive trash bag we ended up putting all of this in this one big trash bag and then later we were trying to take it out to the car and it was so heavy so we ended up putting it into two big trash bags like splitting it in half so that way we could actually pick it up and carry it to the [Music] car when you are close so close we do you good cuz I am cold [Music] be [Music] easy all right so I am going to pull all of this stuff out so that I can clean in here in just a minute but I'm also going to be doing some rearranging I'm going to keep my t-shirts in here but I'm thinking I'm going to actually hang up on my sweatshirts because those are what I reach for more often and then all of my sweaters I'm going to fold up and put in these drawers and I took all of the towels and blankets and everything else out of these drawers so that I can use them because I love how deep they are and they hold so much stuff and so I'm going to actually go through my dresser these dresser drawers over here and I'm going to pull some of this stuff out and reorganize it into those drawers over there now we have pulled the big trash bag full of clothes and bags and shoes all kinds of stuff that we're going to be donating out here into the living room to give me a little more space to work with um but then I still have all of these jeans to go through or pants to go through some of them I know for sure that I'm keeping I wear them all the time but then there's a few pair in here that I want to try on just to see like what they look like on because I haven't worn them in a while and um see if I want to donate them or keep them so I'm going to try these on really quick and possibly get rid of some more pants okay so I ended up trying on a bunch of different pair of jeans and so I'm just showing you a few of the ones that I tried on the first couple pair I liked and then the last pair were some skinny jeans that I just felt like were not flattering on me anymore and so I'm definitely going to get rid of those but I didn't try on anymore for the camera so let me show you what I went through all right so I tried all these on these are all Keepers those I knew we were going to keep and then I'm adding these to my trash bag for donations okay now that I'm finished decluttering I'm going to go ahead and pull everything out of this closet I want Get Next To You Get Next To You not asking for much but feel like the two off are gold and gold juy we do you good so take a chance take a chance it's mag you are close close we do you good cuz I am [Music] C get next to me get next to me get to me get to me get next to me to me to to get to to feels like the two of us are gold and I'm gold juy what do you good so take a chance take a chance it's magal when you are close open close what do you good cuz I am gold and I'm gold feels like the two of us are gold and I'm you do you good so take a chance take a chance on me it's magic when you are close so [Music] close okay so now we have all the clothes and everything out and this is what my mess is looking like right now and it always gets worse before it gets better better but I promise it gets better um so now I'm going to pull everything off of this very top shelf I had to pull out a little step stool and these are all my throw pillows I am going to get rid of a few of these um but we keep them up here because we really don't have anywhere else to store them and I know a lot of people say that you can vacuum seal them but I like having them up here because when I do get ready to trade them out um usually it's the living room sofa that is where I trade these out too and so whenever I do get ready ready to trade them out they're really easy to see and easy to find now the Christmas pillows I am going to put those in the Attic with all the Christmas stuff but the rest of the ones that I'm going to keep will just go back in here in the closet lights out speeding faster in a minute I'm hot on slow dancing with you 1 2 3 keep it going last forever all blacked out and flying with you I don't care that my [Music] mind's okay yay everything is completely out of here so we can start on the deep cleaning and then that means we're one step closer to the organizing which I'm really excited about so first of all I'm using these little dusters these are the fabreze Disposable dusters and I just buy them in a big box and I love them so much they smell really good which I always love in a cleaning product but they're super quick and easy to do some dusting around the house and so I figured I would go around and dust everything down first and then I am going to use the multi-surface spray to kind of get any little areas that need a little bit of TLC pain just don't let the memories fade we know we are lost in love with the L but hard drums the mind so we win anyway yeah we own the sun naive while I'm drunk oh cuz it's all up up up up up up when I'm with you [Music] you [Music] ride going F getting Wilder don't care if I get out you feel that so I went to dust this shelf up here and I realized I did not pull this down when I pulled everything out this is a picture of me and chance from before we were ever married when we went to Universal and we're shreking Fiona and I showed this in my last closet declutter which was last year and I was asking you guys what I should do with it um and I think I just stuck it back up here in the closet because I still did not know what I wanted to do with it but I think what I might do is I might take it up and put it in our playroom in one of the cabinets because we have the glass drawers that you know you can kind of see what's in there and put things on display so I think that would be a good place for this Shrek and Fiona picture of me and chance I know the kids love this picture picture so I think I'm going to take it upstairs to the playroom and put it in there [Music] tonight I don't care that my mind's going insane in my heartful bur into flames now I don't care about the heartache and pain just don't let the memories fade we know we are lost in love with the L but heart ons the mind so will win anyway yeah we own the sun while drunk oh CU it's all up up up up up up when I'm with you I'm with [Music] you okay now that I've cleaned the closet from top to bottom you know that there's dust that falls all over the floor so I'm going to do a quick vacuum and then I'm going to use my Swiffer to do a quick MO in here [Music] too we know we are lost in love with the L the hearts on the mind so we win anyway yeah we all the sun na wild drunk oh well I'm with you I'm with you I'm with [Music] you it is my favorite time the organizing part putting everything back in here but making it all a little bit more organized a little bit more neat and easier to get to everything so we do keep our luggage up here on this top shelf we go pretty often but they're really easy to pull up and down and then of course I'm throwing the pillows back up here I'm trying to put them back in order kind of by colors and then I did end up putting the fall pillows here on both ends and then all the other baskets that I already had in here I'm just putting them in the same spots they work really well this basket at the very top is stuff that we just don't reach for that often and then these other baskets I already showed you earlier but it just has my headbands handbags all that kind of stuff and then this is all of my packing cubes packed into one packing Cube if that makes sense we love those for travel and then I'm putting all of our shoes back on the Shelf pretty much in the same order that they were in before all of Chance's shoes are on the bottom and then I work my way from top to bottom with my [Music] [Music] shoes [Music] all right so now I'm going to go through and put all of our clothes back in here all the Hang-Ups and for my dresses I'm just kind of putting the seasonal ones together so the long sleeve ones the short sleeve ones and then sleeveless and then I also have like jumpsuits and things like that which I only have a few of those but I'm trying to do them just by the sleeve length and seasonal and not necessarily color just because this is what makes sense for me but when I go to do my shirts and even chances I will do jackets together and I'll put those in by color and then I'll do sweaters together by color button-ups by color and so the rest of the things I do put them together just based on what kind of clothing it is and then also put it in like a color order but I'm going to be honest I'm not too picky about this I do like to keep the like clothes together so sweaters together jackets together short sleeve shirts all that kind of stuff but I'm not too picky about the colors I don't know why it doesn't bother me very much and it obviously doesn't bother chance too much either his are kind of hard to put together by color though because most of his are like plaid um but I do think to organize it does make sense to do it by color it's just whenever we get ready to put all of our clothes up I feel like it takes so long long that it's hard to always keep it that way um you'll have to let me know do you how do you guys organize your clothes and your clauset do you do it by color do you do it by style I am interested to see what works for you [Music] guys [Music] okay so here you can see I'm pulling out my sweatshirts that are in this drawer and I'm hanging them up as I pull them out and honestly most of these sweatshirts are the exact same sweatshirt from Walmart it's the time and true sweatshirt and I just have them in a bazillion different colors and I even got rid of a couple of colors that I just don't really ever wear so I got rid of those but most of these sweatshirts are the same ones and then I did this one that I just hung up it's actually from Amazon it's a Lululemon dupe sweatshirt and I have that one in Maroon black and a gray and I love those [Music] [Music] too okay so I decided to push these sweatshirts down and add my sweaters back up in here and I only did this because when I started filling up my drawers with the sweaters I realized they were taking up a ton of space and then when I put the the last sweater in and I went to close the drawer it actually snagged my sweater so I was like uh let's just hang them back up that's the safest thing to do and then I'll just use the drawers for something [Music] [Music] else [Music] this top drawer here is going to be all of my everyday shirts so a lot of these are t-shirts but they're not like graphic te's they're just everyday cute casual te's that I can wear with jeans and then any other um cute like tank tops and things like that are going in that drawer now I was also thinking about folding up my jeans and putting them in the drawers but then I knew I had this space left in the closet so I decided to just go ahead and keep my jeans hung up plus I can see easier which jeans are what I have a lot of jeans that are like the same wash of color and so it's easier for me to see which ones are actually which pair of jeans when they're hanging up and then this is our dirty clothes hamper which I actually bought a new hamper off of Amazon and I'm waiting for it to come in so hopefully I can share that in next week's video but it's a roll hamper and I'm really excited about that because I've had this big hamper for so long and it's really heavy and I would like something that I could just roll from room to room okay and then in this drawer I'm putting other pairs of pants so I've got like cargo pants linen pants and then also some jogger sweatpants and this is actually the last drawer that I'm going to do today because all the other stuff that's in my dresser I'm going to be going through that for next week's video I was done for today I was so tired exhausted and I didn't want to start on the dressers because I feel like that's a whole other project so this will be the last drawer and then be sure to come back next week though to see how I finish organizing these drawers and also the dresser drawers but here's a quick look at the overview of the closet it looks so much better it's so nice that we can actually walk in here and not trip over everything we can see everything in the closet it still looks very full but we had a ton of hangers and like I said earlier we did not have one extra hanger to put anything on so to have all these extra hangers is so nice it means we got rid of a ton of stuff and it's just so great to have this done all right y'all so that is going to be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully it gave you tons of motivation some organization ideas and don't forget to check out my other decluttering videos and then like I said I'm going to have tons more because I am decluttering my entire house and taking you guys along with me for the whole process I hope you have an amazing week and I will see you guys in my next video [Music] bye [Music] a
Channel: Amy Darley
Views: 81,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: closet declutter, whole house decluttering, clean with me, clean and declutter, clean declutter and organize, organization ideas, closet organization, clothing organization, organizing, cleaning, how to clean, speed clean, closet clean out, massive clean with me, extreme cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation, sahm cleaning, routine, amy darley, deep clean, deep cleaning, window cleaning, huge deep clean, extreme cleaning motivation 2023, cleaning routine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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