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[Music] hey guys come hang out with me for a day full of cleaning decluttering organizing and even some cooking I have a super easy Crockpot meal to share with you guys I'm just going to be getting all the things done around my house I'm a stay-at home mom of two so I've got lots of things to do today and I hope you guys get tons of motivation from today's video also today's video is sponsored by Thrive market so I look forward to sharing with you a little grocery haul in this video as [Music] [Applause] well okay friends it is another beautiful day and so I am starting by just opening up the blinds and making my bed I've already done a little workout this morning I am ghostly pale and definitely need to do some self tanner but not worried about that today I have so much other things things to get done so the tan is definitely going to have to wait but I'm super excited about this video because it is jam-packed full I'm basically taking you through a whole day of cleaning cooking a grocery haul and then I'm going to have a second day where I am doing some more decluttering and organizing I have been on a decluttering and organizing kick and I'm so excited because last week I actually decluttered and organized my master closet so if you didn't see that video be sure to go check it out but this week I am finishing up decluttering my clothes so I have a huge dresser drawer full of tons of clothes that need to be decluttered and reorganized because I can't even hardly close those drawers so I'm going to be finishing that up today and then I will be done decluttering all of my clothes for the beginning of the year and then of course I have a bazillion other spaces throughout my home that I still want to declutter so I will definitely be filming that and take you taking you along as I get all of those things done around my house throughout the next couple of months so now that the bed is made room is tidy I'm moving into the kitchen and living area because it's a huge mess and on this day I was finishing up this book called ugly love I was listening to it on Audible while I was cleaning which a huge tip if you're just not feeling motivated and you have a ton of stuff to do like a decluttering project or your house is just a huge mess and you need to get it back in order and you need a little bit of motivation put on a good book if you like listening to books I love doing that um or jam out some music or um put on a YouTube video like this a cleaning video and just listen and kind of watch as you're getting your stuff done around the house and just so you guys know I did finish the book ugly love on this day and it was so good I love the calling Hoover books but this one I was kind of torn about when when I was about halfway through I was just kind of like oh this kind of moving slow and I wasn't sure if I was going to really like it and a lot of you told me over on Instagram how much you loved this book and to just keep pushing through because the ending was really good and I completely agreed the ending was amazing and I ended up giving this book four out of five stars just because it was so slow for me in the beginning but it was really good and I highly recommend it and I will say this is more of like a romance type book which Colleen Hoover is pretty much known for and I really love the Thriller suspense genre so that's what I typically listen to but I do love pretty much every single Colleen Hoover book that I've read um but I'll probably go back to a thriller this next book I don't know what I'm going to read yet but I do have a wish list full of books that I need to get on to but if you have any good book recommendations let me know I am over on Goodreads too and I I usually forget to update it but I'm trying to be better about it and updating it because I have just listened to so many books over the years and I have a lot of really really good ones that I've [Music] Loved I was at the wrong place at the right time cuz suddenly there you were with those bright blue eyes so here you'll notice that we have my husband's guitar out and that's because my my husband and my daughter Gracie June she's 10 they are going to be doing the school talent show she's in fifth grade and they have a talent show coming up and she decided that she wanted to sing in the talent show and she asked her daddy to play guitar for her and it's funny because she has never sung in front of an audience before she's so cute she's so good um just naturally just has a gift for singing unlike me um she gets that from her daddy but it's so sweet because they've been doing a a lot of practicing and so anyways I just thought I would tell you guys that since I was putting the guitar up but I'm super excited for the talent show and to see her sing in front of all of her friends I think it's going to be really cute and of course I'm going to film it but I'll probably just share it like in Instagram stories or [Music] something don't want to be shy [Music] I will let my down don't want to be sh I will let my go down I want to laugh out loud talk a little deeper kiss a little harder I want to love out loud talk a little deeper kiss a little harder love a little Lou [Music] okay so I'm going to continue putting away our clean dishes and then I'm going to load the dishwasher and then wash any dishes by hand and as I continue doing the dishes I just wanted to ask you guys for some feedback I love hearing from y'all and getting to hear what you want to see from me so will y'all let me know down in the comments what are some things that you enjoy seeing in my videos or what gets you the most motivated when you see it in my videos is it the deep cleaning are you looking for more recipes are you looking for everyday cleaning day in the life type videos um I just want to know what is it that brings you back to my channel if you do continue to come back and of course what do you want to see more of I really enjoy making videos like this where it's pretty much all of the mundane mom life tasks that I have to get done every single day because those are the types of videos I like to see I like to see how other moms are getting things done around their house what their schedules look like maybe you know some hacks or some things that they do that I could work into my own schedule that maybe works for them so those are the types of videos that I really enjoy watching um and so I actually enjoy making them too so y'all just let me know though maybe it's not that maybe it's not a day in the life for you that gets you excited maybe it's deep cleaning or maybe you want to see more cleaning hacks or Amazon products things like that so let me know because I'm definitely planning on some content coming up of course there will be lots of decluttering cleaning and organizing but let me know if there's anything else that you guys want to see talked about everything that was on our mind talking to you give me butterfli then you my's don't want to be shy I will let my [Music] down don't want to be shy I will let my go down I want to laugh out loud talk a little deeper kiss a little heart I want to love out loud a little deeper kiss a little harder love a little [Music] louder love a little louder love a little [Music] louder love a little louder love out loud love out loud love out loud love out loud don't want to be sh I will let my go down I want to laugh out loud talk a little deeper kiss a little harder I want love out loud a little deeper kiss a little harder love a little Lou so really quickly I did want to mention that if you have not seen my weekly cleaning routine video I posted that several weeks ago and I just talked about what my weekly cleaning routine looks like with the new year and what cleaning tasks and everything I do on each day of the week I have pretty much been sticking to it some days I will have something that comes up and I might have to push things to the next day or I might have to you know do things a day early but for the most part I've been sticking to this cleaning routine and it's worked really really well I clean 4 days a week and if you go watch that video you can see exactly which cleaning tasks I do on what days of the week and it's been amazing and I just feel like I've been so productive [Music] lately [Music] I really wanted to get it right trying to find some balance in my life but I never really put up a fight didn't follow my dreams and now I'm losing sleep what if I lost touch what if I'll never get it right I try to follow my heart but I lost it somehow wish that someone could say it'll all okay so I actually have a Thrive Market order and I'm bringing it in and I'm going to give you guys a quick little grocery haul from Thrive Market if you've never heard of Thrive Market it is an online membership based grocery store and their mission is to actually make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone with guaranteed savings on every single order I've actually had a Thrive Market membership for over 3 years now and they have a couple of options they have a month-to-month membership option for $12 a month and then they have an annual membership that comes out to about $5 a month I love that with Thrive Market I can find healthy grocery options at discounted prices and have them Shi straight to my door now this is not the first time I've shared Thrive Market here on my channel I actually have shared it several times and I always like to share a grocer grer haul because I do order a lot of the same things over and over again things that my kids love they're just our favorites and Staples that we have in our house but every single order I also try to get a few new items to try out too because we just love trying new stuff and Thrive Market's website makes it super easy to shop and just find some things that we've never tried before all right so all the Kodiak cake bowls and cups we love getting these they're so good so I got a couple of the flapjack ones and then the brownie ones my kids love these Bobo strawberry stuffed oat bites especially Gracie June I got some of these crispy snack bars these are like Rice Krispie Treats but a little bit healthier version organic cheddar cheesy Smiles my kids love these The Late July chips I love these K will eat this whole bag by himself um I haven't tried the Thrive peanut butter before but I'm sure it's going to be amazing and then my kids love the granola bars so I got some of those this is new though I haven't tried these before these are like little energy bites and so we're going to try those out also an energy Square this came in different flavors too I'll let you guys know how those are and then we got some skinny dipped almonds we always love these and the skinny dipped chocolate peanut butter cups now we have lots of other favorite products that we love to order from Thrive Market these are just a few of our favorites that we order all the time but I love the fact that I can get them off of Thrive Market at a discounted price and like I said they're shipped straight to my door so it makes makes it super easy for me and convenient now my family is not on a special diet or anything but I will say that if you are on a special diet whether you're paleo gluten-free low carb whatever it is Thrive Market makes it so easy to shop on their website buy your particular diet and I know that that can be super hard to do when you're just walking through a grocery store but like I said Thrive Market makes it super easy to search by your particular diet and you can shop online see exactly how much money you're spending save some money and then just get it shipped to your door now if you'd like to try a Thrive Market out for yourself I actually got a special link that will get you 30% off your first order and a free gift if you use my link and I'll be sure to leave my link down in the description box but it's just Amy darly and you get that 30% off your first order plus a free gift and if you're already a Thrive Market member y'all let us know down in the comments and let us know your favorite things to order so we can try it out too all right so now I'm actually making dinner and I figured I would show you a little of the behind the scenes I'm making some Crock-Pot pork chops it's super easy but I was actually filming it to make a real and a YouTube short so I thought I would show you guys how I do that I do it with my phone and so I'm actually filming with both my vlogging camera for YouTube and then I'm filming with my phone for the Instagram real/ YouTube short video video and this recipe is super easy by the way I just took some boneless pork chops threw them in the crock pot put a couple of cans of cream of mushroom soup on top and then also a ranch seasoning packet and then you just cook that for about 4 hours on high or you can do on low for 6 to 8 hours and then I'm just going to serve mine with some rice and a lot of times we do a salad with it or mashed potatoes broccoli whatever side you like I love meals like this because our family is super busy in the evenings and so this allows me to go ahead and kind of prep dinner and like I said it was the easiest thing ever I just threw it in the crock pot but that's why I like stuff like this is because we have sports almost every single night of the week my kids are super busy and I'm sure that all you guys are super busy too but this just makes it a little bit easier for us in the evening to do simple easy meals like this all right so now I have moved on to to folding some laundry I had lots and lots of laundry that was clean and so I'm just going to go ahead and get these folded and put away also I thought I would mention I always love watching TV shows while I'm folding laundry and on this day I was watching that TV show The Watcher on Netflix and I ended up not on this day but I ended up finishing it before I'm doing this voiceover so I've gone through the whole season now and I will say I was very disappointed I felt like I was so invested in the show and trying to figure out who the Watcher was and I had like my suspicions and then the last episode the way the ending was I was just very disappointed so if you haven't seen it yet I don't know y'all will have to let me know do if you watched it if you liked the ending or if you lik the show but I was just very very disappointed in the way it ended so and I don't even know if they're going to have another season or not but anyways that's what I was watching watching while I was folding [Music] laundry down dream still yours if you want it enjoy the ride cuz those subs and those down what makes it worth the you will make it in I never a stone trying to find some love in this crazy world I feel like I was never hurt all I wanted was to be L what if I [Music] lost okay now it is time to clean the floors my floors are actually really dirty I know they don't look like it but we do run our vacuum pretty much every day but we definitely needed to mop the floors so I'm using my vacuum mop here this is the Tenco one floor S5 I think that's what it's called I will have it linked down in the description box if you do not already have a vacuum mop combo this is the best it saves me so much time when it comes to doing my floors I get to vacuum and mop at the same time and I'll be honest it doesn't tell you that you can use it on the rugs but I use it anyways on the the rugs it doesn't let out a ton of water so your rug are not going to be like soping wet or anything the only thing is is it does pull up a lot of hair and stuff out of the rugs that I'm not sure if the vacuum will be over be able to handle that over time but so far it's been great I haven't had any issues with it and I used to have the Tenco ey floor to and I did the same exact thing with that one I ended up giving it away when I upgraded to this version both of those vacuums have been amazing so if you need one that's a little bit more affordable I would go with the ey floor too if you are willing to spend a little bit more money then I would go with this version just because it's a little bit more high-tech but I do have both of these saved on my Amazon storefront along with all of my other cleaning favorites I also have a like to know it shop where I have all of my favorites saved there too and you can find clothing favorites um home decor all kinds of different things so if you're ever looking for links that you have seen something in my videos that you're looking for a link for definitely go check my description box and you can either check my Amazon storefront or my ltk link but I lost it somehow wish that someone could say it'll all be okay just listen to me yes I say you will find a way slow it down still yours you want enjoy the ride cuz those STS and those Downes what makes it worth the one you will make it in time you make it in time time time you make it in time time time you make it in time time time you make it in time time time what makes it worth the wild you will make it inside you will [Music] find all right so here is the dirty water isn't that gross they do not the floors did not look that dirty but they were pretty dirty what makes it worth the one you make it in time don't make it in time time time you make it time time time you make it what makes it worth [Music] the you will make [Music] it you got another huge tip to make sure that your vacuum doesn't ever smell is to make sure that you self clean it every single time that you do your floors and then I also take the dirty water container and I wash that every single time I wash it out and make sure that it's clean and let it air dry before I use it again all right so the downstairs is all nice and clean and I'm getting ready to go get the kids and then I'll show show you what dinner looks like when we get [Music] back so dinner is ready I'm going to take the crockpot top off and just show you what the inside looks like this is so easy so good you can do this with whatever meat you want to as well so you could use chicken you could use steak whatever you want to use and this meal is going to be delicious also I always get questions about my crock poot it's actually from Walmart and it's super affordable I love it it's pretty and um I have it linked also in my ltk [Music] [Applause] shop all right you guys guys so it's the next day and hopefully you're ready for a little bit of decluttering and organizing last week I actually decluttered and organized our master closet here which let me show you what it looks like really quick so here is what our master closet is looking like right now but if you did not see last week's video be sure to go check it out I deep cleaned decluttered and organized the entire closet it was a huge mess you guys it looks so much better um but today I'm going to be decluttering and organizing these drawers my dresser drawers I also need to go through this because we have a bunch of stuff that doesn't need to be in here so I'm going to get rid of some of that stuff out of here and then I'm going to be decluttering and organizing my dresser drawers because all of these are packed full so I mean this one like that's annoying I'm always having to push things down to try to close it up so we're just going to go through all of this stuff and get rid of some things reorganize the drawers I'm literally going to pull everything out and some of the drawers I am going to be using in here to organize some of the stuff that I take out of there so I am going to get rid of some things but I'm also going to reorganize as well while I go now last week I finally decided to buy a new laundry hamper I've literally had these since I was in college um but they're super heavy some of the pieces are starting to come apart so they'll snag sweaters and stuff like that every now and then so I finally went on to Amazon and bought a new hamper and chance just put it together for me and this is the hamper that I went with we already put some dirty clothes in here but it's a rolling hamper and they actually had more than one size I think I got the bigger one which now looking at this one I kind kind of wish I would have gone with the normal sized one the regular size um just because this is huge and I would probably have to do like five loads if we actually filled this thing up so I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing but I do love the fact that I can just roll it from my bedroom to the laundry room it's not going to be heavy and it does fit right here in that little section so I'm going to take this out and put our new laundry hamper in there I will link this one but like I said this one is huge I would probably go with the smaller one if um unless you like all share one big hamper in your house but I definitely think this is a little too big but I think I'm actually going to order the other size one for our laundry room because I do love this one so much I just know that this one probably wouldn't even fit in the space in our laundry room so I'm going to get the smaller one for there there and then I have another Basket in the laundry room like that one so I'm just going to get rid of both of those down tell me when to stop tell me tell me when to stop babe just keep on dancing [Music] like okay I got all these random items put away and now we just have our little basket with the Necessities which is just a few pins ChapStick and a remote and now I'm finally going to go through these drawers and organize them I'm going to declutter a bunch of this stuff look at all these bras that I have so most of them are spartz bras and then I have a few regular bras but I am going to be getting rid of a lot of stuff I found a lot of these on Amazon recently so you'll see a few of these still have tags on them because I just got them um I had a couple pair that I really like liked and they came in a pack of three so I got a bunch of those and they're nice just to be able to wear underneath shirts and as I'm going through all of the clothes and everything I'm pulling out one drawer at a time decluttering what I want to get rid of so I can make some space on the bed and then I'll pull out all the stuff from the next drawer and then after I'm done decluttering all of the drawers then I'm going to go back in and reorganize them and put things in different drawers based on what makes most sense um but as I'm going through I'm kind of thinking to myself like when was the last time I wore this when was the last time I used the sports bra when was the last time I actually wore this regular bra you know and if I haven't worn it recently then I'm going to get rid of it now this next drawer was actually a mix of bras because no more can fit in that top drawer and then underwear and socks so that's another thing that I had a ton of that I need to get rid of now I'm curious how often do you guys decl declutter your drawers or your clothes I typically declutter at least a few times a year but I don't do a huge declutter like this one except for once a year I try to do this at the beginning of every year where I will actually go through all of the drawers all of I'll literally pull every single thing out of my closet so that way I can deep clean it but I also think when I pull everything out it just helps me reorganize it better and it really makes me look at every single thing that I have and even though I still end up with too much stuff I feel like I still have too many clothes in there um at least I've gotten rid of a ton of stuff and it's organized and I can actually walk in my closet or I can actually close my drawers and it just makes me feel so much better but I'm curious to know how often you guys declutter your clothes as [Music] well [Applause] spend the night on Bubble bears for Everlasting I know you never would ADM it but I can see through you okay so I got these organizers off of Amazon last year when I decluttered my dresser drawers and I really love them I use the right one is all for underwear and then this one here on the left is for socks and I feel like it definitely makes the drawers a lot more organized and I can easily see you know everything and which type of sock that I need because I definitely use different types depending on workouts or if I or what shoes I'm wearing that kind of thing so I love these organizers for the drawer the other one with the bras in it I ended up just using it for my normal everyday bras and I love that organizer too and it's Al also from Amazon all right now I'm moving on to the bathing suit and coverup drawer so I ended up getting rid of a lot of coverups I have some really cute stuff but I just never wear them and so they're just taking up space in my drawer and I figured somebody else can use them so I'm going to donate them also I had a lot of bathing suits that I got rid of but then there are a few that I ended up keeping and I'm hoping to find some bathing suits as replacements for those because they're starting to get a little bit dingy I guess because we go to the beach all the time so from the salt water or even the pool um some of those bathing suits that I reach for all the time I actually wear them all the time but some of them are starting to get a little bit dingy and like loose just from wearing them all the time so I definitely want to find some new ones to replace those but before I replace them I have to buy some new ones to know won't you let me know where do you when you leave me was stand oh I want to know we're only LS when we count down tell me when to stop tell me tell me when to stop babe just keep on dance like when I found I'll this is my pajama drawer which I have some stuff that I'm getting rid of obviously but I also have some other really cute pajamas that I had been sitting on the shelf in my closet because they would not fit in my pajama drawers so I'm definitely going to be switching up the drawers that I'm using for pajamas and I really don't have a ton it's just that was a really small drawer to keep all of my pajama sets in so I will definitely be switching those around and then now this is just a bunch of random stuff so I have some jumpsuits I have more pajama pants I'm getting rid of these pajama pants because I never wear them and then I also have some everyday shirts which these are going to go in one of those drawers in my [Music] closet down now for this drawer I have all of my athletic tops so I have long sleeve and short sleeve I also have a few of those like athletic jumpsuits they're um like almost like tennis dresses um so I have a few of those in there but these little organizers I really love for my athletic shirts because they're a lot thinner and if I pull one out of the drawer then it'll just kind of fall over and and they'll stack on top of each other so I do really love this organizer to keep all of my shirts standing up so as I'm going through and getting rid of them and putting them back in here I am just kind of organizing by [Music] color or you come me back yeah I know that yeah I know that you're the traveling kind it's a known fact and know that [Music] M once you've seen all the things all the places I hope it means that you'll come home to me once you travel the world all the spaces inside your heart I hope I be your in destination I hope be youring sens yay we've made it to the last drawer and this is all of my shorts so I've actually got all my athletic shorts and I've got all of my everyday like jean shorts linen shorts those kind of things so this one was definitely packed full and I think I'm going to end up moving all of my athletic clothes into my closet and then that way I'll have a drawer that is just for my jeene and lenen [Music] shorts go I'll be your high when you fall down low I hope I be your R destination you're far away and yet to close yeah I feel that all right so here is the pile that I am getting rid of from these drawers these shorts I'm keeping I just didn't really have much room on the bed so I just laid them right there but this is all the stuff that I'm keeping now I need to just figure out which drawers I want to put things in okay so before I put everything back in the drawers I'm going to do a quick vacuum just to make sure that they're all cleaned out you're inside the noise I can feel you once you see all the things all the places I hope it means that you'll come home to me once you travel the world all the spaces inside your [Music] heart I hope I be youred destination o I hope I be your life changing sensation I hope it be something now you won't let go I'll be your high when you fall down low I hope I be your destination you're gone now well you're coming back you know that you know that you're the traveling kind it's a known fact yeah I know that I all right so this is all I have left to organize so we've got workout shorts more workout shorts um some pullovers that I use for working out when it's a little colder some more everyday shirts and bodysuits these are just like Lounge shorts but they're not necessarily pajamas but I guess I could put these in my pajama drawer and then workout shirts so this drawer is empty trying to figure out what I'm going to put in there the rest of the drawers are organized but then if I come in here I have a few empty drawers that I want to use to organize some of the stuff that's still on my bed um I might move this stuff around but I have all of my like workout leggings and then I have workout pullovers and stuff here which I might move these into this drawer and put all my shorts in here with my leggings and then in this drawer we've got like joggers and pants and things like that um and then this drawer is also empty so I'm about to bring the other stuff in here and give it a place okay so I ended up putting these other like Lounge shorts just in here with my pajamas I figured that made the most sense and then I am moving all of these like pullover type shirts up into this drawer and putting all of my workout shirts in here as well and then the bottom drawer I'm going to put all of my athletic shorts in here which I feel like worked out perfect and now whenever I'm reaching for my workout clothes I'll have both the shorts pants Tops all the things right here and I can get my outfit together and then here I decided to move all of my joggers and pants down one drawer so that way I had all my shirts kind of stacked together so we've got the top drawer is full of everyday shirts and then this drawer is full of everyday shirts plus the bodysuits I hope it be something that you won't I'll be your okay so everything has been organized let's go through and look at each drawer really quick so we've got our underwear drawer sock drawer empty drawer not sure what I'm going to put in there pajama drawer and then I've also got those Lounge shorts in here so much better because before I had them in there and I couldn't even close it and then sports bras and regular bras probably still have way too many of these but I love them all um and then bathing suit drawer and coverups and then my shorts all right and then moving in here we've got just tons of t-shirts whether it's seasonal shirts school shirts um graphic t-shirts all the things then in this drawer we've got all of our athletic shirts and ath pullovers for Colder Weather and here we've got all the leggings and all of athletic shorts this drawer is like everyday t-shirts ones that I would wear you know out with jeans or with a cardigan over it we've also got sweater t-shirts and then in this drawer more everyday t-shirts and tank tops and then my bodysuits are right here and then the last drawer is my jogger sweatpants and regular pants so all of my clothes are now decluttered and organized all right friends so we have another decluttering project done I have another trash bag full of items that I'm going to be donating I am not donating my undergarments or bathing suits don't worry but it feels so good to have this project checked off my to-do list I can't wait for the next one um y'all have to let me know what are some spaces that you're looking forward to decluttering in your own house and if you need some motivation for some decluttering I do have my full decluttering playlist linked down in the description box I hope youall have the best week ever and I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Amy Darley
Views: 52,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: closet declutter, whole house decluttering, minimalism, clean with me, clean and declutter, clean declutter and organize, organization ideas, closet organization, clothing organization, organizing, cleaning, how to clean, speed clean, closet clean out, massive clean with me, extreme cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation, sahm cleaning, routine, amy darley, deep clean, deep cleaning, window cleaning, huge deep clean, extreme cleaning motivation 2023, cleaning routine
Id: Ynmpt_wcbXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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