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hey everyone welcome to today's three hour extreme cleaning motivation Marathon video I hope you're ready for all the motivation today I am sharing a compilation of a bunch of different complete disaster cleaning motivation videos that I put together to give you a ton of cleaning motivation if you're new here I am Becca I'm a single mom to three boys some of these videos you will see that I was still with my ex so don't get it confused we are not back together but I know this isn't everybody's cup of tea so if this is not your style video I will catch you on the next one on Saturday hey everyone welcome to today's real life mess my house is a complete disaster so I figured I would share a complete disaster clean with me of this actual mess to share a messy house transformation at the end if you're new here I'm Becca I'm a mom to three boys and a military spouse and if you like extreme cleaning motivation you will love my channel so be sure to hit that subscribe button and join the family as you can see we are starting off in the entryway for some reason my youngest lately has really been loving putting a bunch of toys in this chair he kind of just runs back and forth from the living room to this chair and he piles them all here he doesn't even really play with them I'm not sure why he does it but it's been a thing for him lately and a lot of the times this Toy Box gets emptied out because the kids are generally looking for something in it and they can't find what they're looking for so they end up kind of just like sifting through everything and pulling it out but they are really good about helping Mom clean up so I don't worry about it too much they typically will clean up at the end of the night and I will just ask them you know help mommy clean up and they'll help as best as they can at their young age foreign [Music] last weekend was Mother's Day and I would love to hear how you spent Mother's Day whether you spent it as a mom a fur mom or just spent it with your mom I would love to hear how you spent that day if you did something special or even just got to relax for the day if you are a mom and I also wanted to send my heart out to those who have experienced loss or infertility or having a strange relationship with their mother or maybe have lost their mother my heart goes out to you I would imagine that that day is not an easy day for you I also have my own feelings on that day but I try to just soak up as much as I can of being a mom and spending that day with my kids and just enjoying it if anybody's curious we actually relax that day a lot I got to sleep in my husband went and got me flowers and a balloon and some candies and coffee he knows I love my coffee so he went out and got me some Duncan and I woke up to that and then we just hung out and relaxed for most of the day and then we went out to the outlets and did a little bit of shopping which was really nice it was a really nice day it was nothing crazy we didn't do big gifts because I have a girls trip coming up and I really wanted that to be a part of my gift so nothing crazy just very simplistic like thoughtful things and it was an amazing day and I hope you had an amazing day as well [Music] foreign [Music] I feel like I'm constantly cleaning up this table there's just no keeping it clean because I mean this is where we eat throughout all day long so it is almost nearly impossible to keep this table clean as soon as I clean it it is a mess again but that's just the season of life we're in right now and somebody's always eating I swear when you have a house full of boys somebody is always eating foreign [Music] foreign [Music] working in my kitchen today I really needed to do like the obvious things like just normal wiping down the counters I had a huge mess of dishes that I need to take care of but it also been a while since I kind of like moved everything out of the way and really scrubbed behind things and got the backsplash I'm really guilty of not doing the backslash enough I typically get behind like the stove top because obviously food splashes there so I get that pretty frequently but like behind all the things in the nooks and crannies where they aren't touched like very often I could probably stand to clean it a little bit more so today I really wanted to focus on that sometimes [Music] [Music] a question I get asked a lot whenever I'm cleaning this area of my house is what is this a crazy Contraption on my wall and it is actually a water line called a pot filler so when you're making like pastas or anything that requires like water or anything you can just use this instead of having to go to the sink to get the water I loved the idea of this because we do have an island in the middle of our kitchen which kind of blocks off the sink area so you walk around the island to get to the sink so when we were building our house and we figured out this was an option we just love the idea so that you know this island gets right in the way of the sink so that we're not like maneuvering around the kitchen with a big pot of water or anything we can just go ahead and fill up the pot right at the stove wonder what will happen next [Music] I'm not the kind of person who is sentimental but this thing is [Music] wonder what will happen next [Music] we are quickly coming up on summer break I'm so excited for my kids to get out of school I'm excited for them to have a break I'm excited for us to have a break from the early mornings we have to get up so early to get the kids ready and out for school and I'm not a morning person so I don't love it but obviously we have to do it so we do it but I'm excited for that not to be our reality for a little while so are you guys planning anything fun or exciting for summer break are you going somewhere do you plan on maybe just doing a lot of things locally like hiking or anything fun like that do you guys have big plans for summer I can love you baby [Music] [Applause] I needed to quickly get in this cabinet and reorganize it just a little bit and get rid of a few things I noticed that I had had some sprays for like a really really long time and I had just thought like I should probably check like expiration dates on them and sure enough they were expired so there were a few things that I ended up throwing away and I just noticed that things were starting to pile and get super unorganized so I went ahead and just quickly organized that I love having this cabinet organized I shared that in one of my cleaning videos a month or two ago organizing this under the cabinet area and I'm so happy that I did it things are just so much easier to find now smile I don't care about the heartache and pain just don't let the memories [Music] [Music] on the countertop here you can actually see those water guns that are sitting on the countertop the blue one was from like Walmart or Target or something but the yellow and purple one are from Dollar Tree I found those at Dollar Tree they had a ton of different styles to choose from but my little one liked that one and I always get my two boys the same ones just so that there's no fighting over them if they have different ones it's gonna cause a huge fight so so I always get them the same things but I wanted to let you know for those of you who have little ones in warm weather or the weather is starting to warm up Dollar Tree has pretty awesome water guns right now and my kids literally play with them every day well worth the dollar for sure [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] you say all the right things when I'm hurting you always pick me up when I am down it's like you have a spark that leaves me burning if you just have your ways to get me high you make all my dreams come true when I'm around you we could wake up in the makeup I always come back to you you move me in a way never thought anyone could you give me how you're my drug when I am feeling blue yeah it's on you cause you're the one [Music] yeah you're the one [Music] you touch me in a way that makes me shiver sometimes I can't believe that you are mine [Music] you make all my dreams come true [Music] [Music] I wanted to share a little trick with you I believe I shared this recently in a cleaning video as well but I wanted to share it again for anybody who missed it I have been using Dawn dish soap to be able to get off the sticky stuff on the cups like you know whenever you buy cups from like TJ Maxx or like Marshalls or something they have that sticker on it why they put it on the side of it is beyond me we all know it leaves a sticky residue could we just do it on the bottom please so I had stickers on these stainless steel cups for like energy drinks or like truly's or something and the dawn foaming soap was able to get the sticky stuff off I did have to use a bit of elbow grease and I've never used goo be gone so I don't know if that would be easier and quicker or a faster solution but I know with the Dawn soap you scrub it a little bit and you can get all of it off together [Music] [Music] I just wanna hold you I just wanna look into your eyes and tell you that I want you you know you make me feel so alive can't stop thinking about your day and night love it when you kiss me love it when we touch every time I'm down here another thing that was on my to-do list today was to do the upper cabinets to wipe down the upper cabinets I usually just use a wood cleaner to wipe them down but I'm gonna be honest with you they were really bad and I wiped down the lower cabinets not that long ago because those were really bad at the time but I noticed the other day at least the cabinets over here by the stove is they were looking a little nasty like food had splashed on them so it was time to really clean them off know you are the reason the reason why I feel like I can fly about today and night I love it when you kiss me love it when we touch every time I'm down here you make me smile you're the solution [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're in touch [Music] [Applause] [Music] next thing on the to-do list is this bar area which I have let get completely out of control I've probably been looking at this area for the last month saying I'm going to tackle that tomorrow I'm gonna tackle that tomorrow and not doing it does anybody else feel like the end of school year like everything just starts piling up like you're not checking the backpack as often you're not checking like the school apps as often you're not cleaning up the Clutter as often it's like you're just like in survival mode at the very end of the year I know I'm not the only one maybe I'm the only one but if I'm not let me know in the comments down below I just it's crazy like I wonder what it is like in our heads by like at the end of the year it's kind of like we're tapped out and we're just surviving at this point but that's pretty much where I'm at right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's always [Music] [Music] as we ever could [Music] I do have to say though that I get such Joy from having this bar area like decluttered and organized and very minimal stuff on it I don't know what it is it just brings me a lot of Joy but now we are moving into the back entryway because this is another area that quickly quickly gets messy I thought for a while about putting a basket back here to kind of just toss the everyday shoes in because this is kind of what ends up happening I typically try and clean them up at the end of every night but when you're a family of five it does not take long for these shoes to pile up very quickly especially because we have like house slippers we also have shoes that so we're wearing like multiple shoes throughout the day and they all end up sitting out here so I am trying to work on a better system to keep them organized but I'm not sure I have we have this Rack in this closet but it usually is the end of the day when it makes it there I really would love to get a basket but I feel like there's just not enough room in this area to have a big old basket to throw shoes in [Music] I wish I could feel it again [Music] hey everyone welcome to today's complete disaster cleaning I'm going to be sharing with you a messy house transformation and as you can tell my house is a real life mess this place is trashed so we need to get it all cleaned up and back in functioning order again if you're new here I'm Becca I'm a mom to three boys and a military spouse and I would love for you to hit that subscribe button and join the family we are starting off in my dining room today we had just ate dinner and we had happened to have a takeout this night we do take out probably a little bit too frequently during the summer time but this all needed to get cleared up so I could wipe down the table [Music] yeah take me to your soul has anyone else been struggling lately to keep their house clean I have been seriously struggling to keep the house clean lately and I know a lot of it has to do with it just being summertime we spend a lot of time outside Fourth of July weekend was crazy busy we had family in town and then on top of it we had Grayson's birthday party the weekend afterwards so it's just been really hard to keep up with the daily chores to be honest I am like struggling to keep up and I feel like I have days where I like catch up and get ahead and then very quickly I fall back behind again my house these days I feel like one area will be clean and spotless but another one will be completely trashed please let me know I am not alone [Music] [Music] so funny story about these trash bags I went ahead and ordered trash bags through Walmart pickup and the ones I usually get weren't in stock so they like suggested other ones to me and at a glance these bags look like they were basically the same thing just a different brand so I went ahead and I purchased them I get home my husband goes to put them in the you know in the trash can because that's how low we were on trash bags that we really needed them like that day and he went to go put them in there and he's like did you order 30 gallon bags I was like no I no and I went on the app and double checked and I was like no I did I ordered 30 gallon bags so for a few days until I went out and bought more trash bags we were using trash bags that were insanely way too big for our trash cans but I made it work I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with the rest of these bags we'll probably use them for like Lawn Care stuff but I also needed to get in this cabinet and really clean it out because it was disgusting [Music] come on show me what you got I don't care [Music] thank you [Music] for me having the dishes all out of the sink and having an empty sink and a cleaned up kitchen I get the same feeling as the vacuum lines in the carpet about having an empty sink I just love it I know my sink is like almost never empty and every time you come to my channel we started off with the kitchen before we finish it with the kitchen and I always have a full sink of dishes and maybe that's why I enjoy it so much because it's not often that I get to see an empty sink but for that couple of minutes when it's empty it is literally the best feeling I feel like [Music] if you're new here if you're coming from Jabara's Channel I just want to welcome you and say Hello thank you so much for coming over thank you so much for choosing to click on this video if you're new and this is the first video you're seeing from my channel I appreciate you guys taking the time to come and hang out with us today and get some cleaning motivation I would love for you to hit that subscribe button and stick around it would mean the world to me if you guys keep coming back to my videos and thoroughly enjoy this cleaning motivation or just enjoy it to get you really motivated so let me know in the comments down below if there's anything specific that you like seeing on cleaning channels any type of cleaning like decluttering or organizing or some type of deep cleaning I would love to get your opinions in the comments down below 10 years [Music] I also want to let you know that I have a blogging Channel and I always have it linked in the description box down below but it's called sincerely Becca and I do a lot of motivational productive get it all done blogging whatever you want to call them but I always Jam pack it with the busiest day that I have in the weeks when I have a lot going on just to really help get you motivated and get you through your to-do list and I love just doing it Vlog style and really chatting with everybody it's a way for me to get to know you better I feel like I connect with you guys over there so much more than I'm able to over here but if you like that style of contacts content if I could talk tonight sorry words are fairly hard for me right now but if you like that style of content go ahead and head over there and say hello [Music] love me [Music] song meant to be heard but never meant for preaching I don't know where you're gonna head off [Music] [Music] [Music] the island somehow on this day became a landing spot for pretty much just everything energy drinks you know our clean microfiber cloths water nap everything just ended up learning on this counter for the day and so we're gonna get that all cleaned up organized and put away [Music] thank you I've been waiting all my life [Music] every night every moment with you I'm walking on air and every day everywhere [Music] I go through olive oil so fast I use I use olive oil for just about everything especially to use it for like non-sticking purposes or for frying something on the stove top I go through olive oil really fast let me know if you love olive oil as well [Music] a frequent question I get every time I clean this area in the kitchen is what is that thing about your stove and for those of you who are new and haven't already heard me say this a hundred times it is a pot filler it's basically just a fancy way of saying it's a water line it just makes it easier because when we had this house built we knew there was going to be an island in between like where the stovetop area is and the sink so we just figured you know what it'll be easier just to do the pot filler and honestly I'm not gonna lie to you it was something that my husband and I had like always wanted that was like one of our Dream kitchen items and we basically made our Dream Kitchen in this house we built this house and the kitchen is the home of this house it just is that's where we put our money that's where you know we really wanted to do the upgrades we didn't do a lot of upgrades in this house but that was an area we did so when they said they offered the popular we both were sold on it [Music] [Music] good now we're moving on to the back entryway because there's just a lot going on back here this area it gets I mean it's messy literally by the end of the day it looks like this every single day by the end of the day between the kids coming in here it's kind of a confined space so it doesn't take much for it to look cluttered really fast and y'all I'm not gonna lie to you the fact that my kids take their shoes off when they walk in the door I'm so appreciative of and I'm so happy with that sometimes if their shoes don't make it in the closet I don't even care I don't even care they remember to take their shoes off and that's the important thing to me and a lot of the times I will say hey go put your shoes away and they'll go right back and they'll put them away with no fussing or anything but just getting them in the habit of actually taking their shoes off is a win of my book [Music] [Music] when I was [Music] here is your daily reminder that even though I have a YouTube channel and I do cleaning on it I'm still not very organized with any of it because I had two loads of laundry that were sitting in my laundry room for far too long on this particular day I had these in the dryer I had a basket full of the boys clothes that once I took these out I went ahead and put the boys clothes back in the dryer to be put on de-wrinkle so I just wanted to prove to you that this is real life and I don't have it all together all the time and messes happen you get to them when you get to them and don't ever sweat the small stuff like that because life is just way too short and it's just laundry it's not going anywhere you can fold it tomorrow [Music] next to you [Music] come back baby [Music] come back to me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a small town a big crowd and there you were in front of me [Music] I'm completely ashamed and embarrassed to admit this but you know I always keep it real over here so after I did my try on for the cup sheet dresses last week I think it was the week before this right so after I did them I kind of wasn't sure how I wanted to hang some of them because I didn't want them to like leave any imprints on the dresses and some of them like you can tell right now I'm retying them so I kind of just tossed them in the corner of the closet was like I'll give to him another day well here we are a week later finally getting to them [Music] hands up such a rush [Music] [Music] for dreams [Music] save me example a of another load going into the dryer that will not be touched for two to three days I will eventually come back to it but I am a creature of habit and this will stay in the dryer for a few days before I fold it [Music] [Music] foreign now for the most daunting task of my life I'm going to fold the boys clothes as they get older and they get bigger it'll be less and less daunting as their clothes are just so little now that there's so many pieces and a full load it's insane the amount of clothing these boys have and consume it's just a lot so I usually try to fold these in front of the TV so or while I'm just like while I'm like really into a podcast that way I can kind of just like get lost into whatever episode of schitt's Creek I'm watching because usually that's what I'm watching or I can get lost in a podcast so that I mindlessly folding these clothes night I think I'll try this a new way I'm gonna show you the tricks lately [Music] we'll fight like no other everyday [Music] time that you made your mind up cause lately [Music] [Music] thank you Wide Awake is the way that you left me now it's clear we are here back in your house [Music] what's up to me [Music] hey everyone welcome to today's real life math complete disaster cleaning as you can tell my house is an actual mess so I'm going to be sharing with you a true messy house transformation at the end of this video be sure to stick around you definitely will want to see that transformation if you're new here I'm Becca I'm a mom to three boys in a military's fast and I would love for you to hit that subscribe button and join the family if you love extreme cleaning motivation I put out a long cleaning video every single Sunday you don't want to miss the content I have coming out I always make sure to jam pack it with all the motivation you need so be sure to hit that subscribe button if you're new today as you can see we are starting off in the playroom which is literally just completely trashed this place is a little embarrassing showing on camera how bad it is but it's been weeks since I've cleaned this room because it's summer time and it's really hard to stay on top of anyways the kids make a mess and sure I can make them clean it at the end of every day but honestly we've just been having a lot of fun and we've been enjoying summer and I just don't need to have a spotless house all the time I like to have fun and enjoy it and you know when we have some down time then we can all work together to clean up this room and that's exactly what we're doing today let's try the History [Music] [Music] let's write a history [Music] I love this side table that I got from TJ Maxx a few months ago it is perfect to store all of the blankets in whenever I clean up the room just store them right in this little end table it's a great storage spot they still have them at TJ Maxx too I was in there the other day and I still saw a bunch of them there so if you're interested check places like TJ Maxx or Home Goods [Music] yeah [Music] you don't have to feel like this yeah we could try to leave it all behind you don't have to think about it oh baby try to rest your mind I wanna catch I wanna catch you like every time that you fall I wanna give you the world the world that is [Music] so when I was busy one of the days during the week the boys got into this bookshelf and just ripped all the books down and I want my I was definitely frustrated I didn't lose my cool or anything about it it's not that big of a deal but we definitely have a lengthy conversation about why we don't do that and it won't be happening again but we just needed to get all these books cleaned up I'm honestly thinking about just decluttering the books I feel bad doing that because I know reading is such a good fundamental thing for children of this age especially but I think there's just too many books I don't think that they need that many or I could really just I guess store them and rotate through a few every week so they're kind of getting changed so they're not getting bored with them but either way I'm trying to come up with a better solution for the books [Music] [Music] I won't make it easy for you now tonight [Music] touch me [Music] [Music] but don't you try to call me tomorrow [Music] I wanna make [Music] this way I wanted to mention here because I don't think I've mentioned it here but I did mention it on my vlogging Channel I actually started a new Instagram account for home decor Home Makeovers DIYs I love doing that type of stuff it's just a passion of mine so I know not everybody on YouTube loves that type of content so I typically don't really do it much over here but if you are interested in that aspect of my home and you are curious uh what project I'll be working on next feel free to come follow me over at cookie cutter upgrade and this is like I said on Instagram I'm gonna be sharing all of the upgrades that I'm going to do to my house and the little makeovers refreshes I'm going to be sharing some organization over there too as well so if you like that type of content it will be happening mostly in real time obviously because it's Instagram but I have a lot of great ideas some of which are in this room and maybe some built-in so go ahead and follow me over there I wanna make it sweat on me [Music] last night we had something tonight I'll be kissing but I don't really have a case thank you you don't have to mention you're just like their attention it's written all over your face [Music] how is everybody feeling now that summer is nearing the end we are not prepared I I am the worst procrastinator when it comes to school stuff but I also like to wait for tax-free weekend and that's different in every state if you're curious as to when that is in your state go ahead and just like do a Google search for your state and when is tax-free weekend hopefully you haven't already missed it unfortunately for South Carolina for some reason they always do it like the weekend before school starts and I try to do all of my school shopping during tax-free weekend but it has me waiting till the last minute which stinks but I will be doing it then so I know most people have already done their school supply list let me know in the comments down below are you all done getting everything you need pretending that I don't know who you are every time I see you tell me is [Music] moving on to the boys bedroom and I swear I am not even sick at all of this room yet I love how this room turned out we did this room it was about a year ago now yeah it was actually a year ago now and I'm still just so in love with how this room turned out it's I think it'll forever be one of my favorite Transformations I just love it I love the color tone I I love it I know it's not for everybody but it's exactly what I envisioned thank you [Music] you know [Music] it still hurts a little bit but not that much cause if you want somebody else who am I to judge I've been thinking about you all the time but that's all right I'm starting to get used to it I think I'll survive I met you in the summer my love was out of control I've been going crazy without you I'm so long [Music] all right I swear my bedroom collects dust the fastest out of everywhere in the house I don't know what it is but I just feel like it is always collecting dust so fast so we're gonna give this place a really good dusting and wipe down and just get it back in order and I couldn't really make you stay so what to do I'm just staring at my walls and talking to myself knowing then I'll try to laugh but I'll cry but as well I was never any good at being away from you I met you in the summer [Music] crazy without you I'm so alone [Music] thank you [Music] I've really been itching lately to give my room a little facelift a little refresh I have some really inexpensive ideas and some great ideas that I think will really just bring this room back to life I have just been itching to do it I don't know what it is but I think when I decorated this room there were a lot of things that I did that I didn't really love but it seemed fitting for the time and now I know my style a little bit better than I did then I was still kind of figuring it all out and now I have more of a vision of how I want things to be how I want them to look and I'm ready to kind of work on this room again to really nail down exactly how I want it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it breaks [Music] good shape is [Music] moving into my bathroom I really needed to get this place clean the bathroom was just disgusting I mean what bathroom by the end of the week isn't disgusting anyways but I really wanted to get this place cleaned up again I had cleaned the shower the night before while I was in the shower if you know me you know I clean it in the shower because I hate cleaning the shower it's my least favorite task to do so might as well do it while you're already in the shower and then at least you can enjoy the hot water for a little bit longer but I clean the shower so that usually gets me motivated once I get the shower clean it motivates me to want to get the rest of the bathroom cleaned [Music] when you run away with me come home with me tonight run away with me it'd be worth the time run away with me [Music] summer has really messed my entire schedule up and I swear things are just kind of in shamble right now and they just kind of get done when they get done it's a hot mess I kind of a little bit missed the structure of waking up early and getting the kids to school just gives me so much more time I feel like to get what I need done done because I have that structure of having to get up early during the summer we have so many more opportunities to kind of just like enjoy the family and have you know days where we don't do any work or where we don't you know really do anything except for just take in some quality time which is great but we all have responsibilities and it's hard to stay on track now that the kids are out of school I know I can't be the only one [Music] the one looking for a new style can't you see that I just need to be by myself I've told you many times now yeah I can't just see that I just need to be by myself I had told you many times now [Music] [Music] for a new style [Music] for a new star [Music] I've noticed this Summer that my house also has just kind of gotten a little more out of control cleanliness wise and it's like I said before it's really hard to stay on task and there's so much going on so many moving Parts all the kids are home all of that Chris's work schedule has been really crazy and I've just kind of fallen off of my cleaning schedule but I've been trying really hard lately to get back on a good cleaning schedule and just getting back down to getting the house really deep cleaned once a week I obviously could never do it all in one day our house is just too big that's not possible but I want to get back into a routine where every day I'm working on cleaning a room or something I used to do that all the time when I first started YouTube I had a schedule where I literally cleaned for probably four days out of the week and I would be able to take the weekends off and just do like the minor cleaning up that way I had a clean house every week but I've been struggling to stay on a schedule like that lately it's a lot harder when you're a work from home parent and your kids are home so I'm doing the best I can but I really want to focus on getting back on schedule with just a more thorough cleaning routine away from me to be my everything [Music] heading into my closet this has been a sight for sore eyes lately it's been driving me nuts and since I'm cleaning today we are going to work on this closet I hang dry a lot of my shirts and I'll just kind of put them spaced out on the bottom rack and sometimes I'm really good about the next day when they're dry putting them up and putting them away sometimes I'm not and this was one of those weeks where a lot of it had just kind of piled up over a few loads of laundry and it was time to really just get it cleaned up I have a bad tendency to you of taking a lot of like the hang dried stuff and just kind of tossing it on top of those Cubbies or you know just on top of the racks or whatever so it gets to a point where it's hard to see what's on the racks because there's so much just kind of lying around so I wanted to really organize it so my closet was you know put back together and I could actually see what I have me though we haven't spoken together [Music] thank you I got so much to say [Music] wish I could say I was finally over you but that's not the truth everyone always keep falling in love again what's wrong with them I don't understand me before I pass out I'm too lonely to be done on my drink at this page [Music] one welcome back or welcome if you're new I'm Becca I'm a mom to three boys I'm a military spouse and I would love for you to hit that subscribe button if you enjoy real life cleaning motivation I always jam-pack my videos I make them long I'm very motivational and I always keep it 100 real with the mess so hit that subscribe button if you're new today we have a lot we are going to do we are going to do a clean declutter and organize because it's the new year and I'm just really feeling like let's get rid of so much stuff there's so much stuff to go through so much stuff to just be done I'm just ready I know a lot of you are feeling that way too let me know in the comments down below if you've already started decluttering and organizing your house right now we're just working on the boys room I really just wanted to get in here and get the beds made do a quick vacuum before I started with the big tag s [Music] some of the areas in my house that I really want to work on are there is this closet downstairs it's like a little tiny closet downstairs that I've been ordering a lot of things for my cousin in uh she has a little boy who is a year younger than Tristan so I typically just give her all of my stuff as Tristan grows out of it and that closet is so piled up I need to just get a really big box and shove it in there and just mail it out to her but that closet is a place where we're gonna work on it we're gonna work on it so that's one of the places another place is the boys closet if you have been around you've seen me hang you know Tristan shirts in there and that closet is just whoo it's bad it's really really bad and it's starting to really bother me so we're in my room now we are going to clean the bed sheets because I've actually been having this random thing go on with my eye that I'll talk to you about in a little bit different things [Music] so for Christmas one of the things that I actually got from my in-laws is this jewelry box which was Chris's grandmother's and I love that they love to give us gifts from like family heirlooms because I love old pieces I've always loved old pieces my dream one day is to either own like an older house with like you know craftsmanship and all of that and then like you know kind of like of course decorate it towards that there's a few accounts I follow on Instagram there's actually one girl that I follow and she built a house she happens to be in South Carolina which is where I am but she built a house and made it look old I mean she literally went like antiquing and stuff but her house is actually brand new but she did like you know older doors older style trim her kitchen looks like an older kitchen like her house is a dream house and I would love to be able to do that one day or even just buy an older house I would love to renovate an older house but keep the touches to it because a lot of these older houses that you see you know people renovate them and make them very modernized and that's not what I would do I would just make it look new again really keep it in its time era and make it look new again so that would be a goal of mine one day but I love when they give me old pieces because it goes towards the collection so that one day when I do make that dream come true I can start using those in the house and of course just having something meaningful is always amazing [Music] so to briefly talk about my eye I have so I have very very sensitive skin I'm hypoallergenic I mean I'm allergic to so many things I'm allergic to Nicole there's so many things so I have been having an allergic reaction on my eye and I think it's from a new like nighttime cream that I was using eye cream which was amazing it's not the cream it's me it's really me but I was using it my eye like had a reaction to it so and then I noticed a few days after I stopped using it that my eye was having the same reaction again I'm not using any new products but then I was like I have not washed my sheets in a while and you know I wear it at night so probably got on the sheets so that's why I was like yes we are washing the sheets I'm gonna run the robot vacuum in the bathroom because there's hair everywhere because I shed like crazy what woman doesn't and instead of me doing it I'm just gonna have you know this little guy do it for me now we're gonna get moving on to some more laundry [Music] since the last time I've posted a video I actually hit 20 000 subscribers and I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for subscribing and for sticking around and to those of you who come back every week or every other week for those of you who just come back in general thank you so much this was such a big milestone I have had this channel now for two years I had just hit my two year mark in November and I'm so thankful grateful happy excited I cannot wait to see what the future holds I cannot wait to see what the next year brings and I'm just so incredibly grateful for you taking the time to subscribe to my channel and watch my videos and be here and even if you don't leave a comment even if you know you're kind of a silent Watcher I'm still incredibly grateful for those of you who watch my videos this wouldn't be possible I wouldn't have hit 20 000 if it wasn't for you being here so thank you so much Breathless [Music] I'm out of patience I'm out of field but I guess I'm waiting around for something real I'm going crazy like what's the deal cause I want you to show me I'm gonna go and toss these on the door just to let them dry they're not like really wet they're just damp also as you can tell it is nighttime now it was much later in the day I wanted to be completely vulnerable and honest with you as you know I am all the time here but I the day had just gotten away from me I was doing the school runs I had to make dinner and everything and I just didn't have as much time in this day as I thought I would have for some reason and you know at the end of the day I kind of always get bummed whenever I don't get the stuff done that I want to get done you know it's kind of disappointing I wanted to work on the playroom on this specific day but I ended up having to wait for the next day which is fine it you know it happens but I do get down on myself sometimes and frustrated that I wasn't able to get everything done on my to-do list for that day and I wanted to point that out and just be vulnerable and honest with you because I know everybody struggles with this it just it's hard whenever you're trying to juggle it all you're trying to do it all Chris was out of town for the week and unfortunately I didn't have his help either so I was doing it solo on my own and I just wasn't able to get as much done out of the days as I wanted to and it was very frustrating because I'm a very start something want to finish it type of person in one shot so you're gonna see me in a different outfit and we're gonna move on to day two and just get everything else done that I wanted to get done on that first day [Music] all right this is the state of the playroom and its current condition it's trashed from Christmas we have a lot of toys that need to be reorganized and the playroom was already busting out the seams and I'm not gonna lie to you I didn't even want to buy anything for Christmas this year because I already knew we have too much stuff and uh I just want to put that out there I do know that we have a lot of toys and we have a lot of stuff and that's why we are going to go through and declutter this room I'm not going to not give my kids a Christmas though or not give them a Christmas the size I want to give them just because they already have so much stuff I always feel like there's things that can be gone through and be donated and put out for good purposes you know like given to children who are less fortunate and all of that kind of stuff so that's what I try to do I'm never gonna take away from my children just because they've already got too much stuff um we find a purpose for the things that they don't utilize anymore but that's mainly what I wanted to do on this day day and since Christmas we really just hadn't gotten into this room and organized it and cleaned things up and really just taking care of this because as you can tell it is a crap show [Music] when you falling back to ground again [Music] [Music] all I need is [Music] [Music] so my main goal in this room was to really start breaking things down into different sections I wanted to make it as easy on myself as possible because I would be lying to you if I said I wasn't dreading going through this room I almost rather declutter any other room in this house than this room to be completely honest because there is a lot of stuff things were so unorganized and it just I knew it was you know it was a big job it was a big task so I wanted to put kind of everything in its home and get everything organized into sections and then start breaking things through and like okay we had a lot of baby toys and if I'm being honest we hadn't we probably could have gotten rid of them a year ago but I didn't because of me because I just wasn't ready to yet like Tristan is my last baby and he is now four years old we do not need these little baby toys anymore he hasn't touched them in like a year or longer but I was not ready to do that yet so I just went ahead and just kept them but a lot of these toys like on the top shelf I think the only one that they actually play with is that um that one that I left on the Shelf because like it's got the balls you push the balls down with that little Hammer thing and they fall through and he loves playing with anything like that so this toy I had gotten last year and I'm getting rid of it because my children like to shove random things in it to be honest things get stuck in it all the time that's the only way they play with it and I'm not having it so I we're getting rid of it it's going [Music] I feel my heart [Music] this is the toy basket from downstairs and I brought this upstairs on Christmas Day because I wanted to just go through everything at once and every few months I go re-go through this basket and kind of just move things back upstairs that I don't want downstairs I try to keep mostly Tristan's like his toys in this basket or things I know he'll play with on a daily basis because during the day it's just him and I and I mostly stay downstairs Colby and Grayson are really my two older ones are really the ones who hang out in the playroom the most interesting doesn't come up here when it's just him he only hangs out up here whenever the other boys are up here so I want I like to keep his stuff in that basket or you know mostly his stuff or whatever so I knew I needed to go through it again and then of course like you know there's just a broken toys like boys are rough like they break things but that's another reason why I wanted to go through all this stuff too because I knew there was some broken toys and then toys they don't play with anymore and all that kind of stuff [Music] [Music] It's All About Us [Music] [Music] this basket is mainly used for their small toys like their dainty little toys so that they're easily they can easily find them because of course if I put this size like these little small toys in that big toy basket they will be lost indefinitely and never touched again so I go ahead and put a lot of their smaller stuff in this basket which I was hoping to go through this little basket and hoping that you know weeding out the broken toys or just things that I knew they wouldn't play with anymore that that would be enough to not make this basket overflowing anymore because when I originally sought out to use this basket for this purpose it wasn't overflowing now it is um because you know I I swear we collect the small stuff like little cars and stuff like that because those are typically the cheaper things to buy at the stores so throughout the years throughout the year we don't buy really expensive toys for our kids unless it's a big holiday um but then we end up buying all these little knick-knack toys because they're cheap but why not but now it's like overflowing so I'm gonna have to come up I think with a better organization method for these toys but for now this will work [Music] this [Music] is just the way we are don't let them sell you okay some of the toughest part of the job is done now and now that that's done we're gonna put the toys back in here that we want to take for downstairs that we know are more of Tristan's favorite toys of course these are all pretty much Tristan and Grayson's toy since they're only two years apart but they have different personalities and of course I'm sure you can understand if you have multiple children they have you know some of them like this over here and some of them like this over here so I usually just pick like his favorite toys and I put them in that basket but as far as that TV that I just moved we actually bought Colby a I believe it was a 50 inch Samsung TV for Christmas that was like his big gift this year I try to do one big gift for all the children but the TV was his big gift and it's kind of it works out pretty nicely because we had a bigger TV like that in here and it ended up breaking I don't know how it just stopped working one day it was really old so I'm not surprised but I figured for Christmas I was struggling with coming up with an idea for him because it's so hard at 16 coming up with like those those big gifts for them at that age so I figured you know he didn't like using the small TV to play his video games on the weekend so I figured you know what I'll buy him a bigger TV and we'll call it the playroom TV for now but obviously in a couple of years he's probably going to move out whether he's going to you know whatever he does if he decides to go to college if he decide whatever he's probably gonna move out within the next few years so I figured this will be his TV it'll stay in the playroom until he's ready to move out and then when he leaves he can take this TV with him [Music] just the way you are oh Just the Way You Are [Music] alive [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] it's not that often that this toy box is completely emptied out so I figured I would take the opportunity and get it vacuumed out because there's a lot of like dust and stuff on the bottom of this but I also did wanna let anybody who is wondering now that this toy basket is from Home Goods I see them there all the time they do round ones they do square ones they do smaller ones they do big it's they have them there all the time um but it is one of the most frequently asked questions I get Believe It or Not whenever I'm cleaning in this room a lot of people always want to know where this basket's from which I don't blame you because I love this basket I love the aesthetic of it and everything so I figured I would toss that in there just in case anybody was wondering [Music] don't say we drifting apart [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we're gonna get the couch all cleaned up I'm gonna fold up these blankets and put them away we have acquired a lot of blankets up here lately I don't know what's going on but there's like a lot and I usually put them in that little side table right there but they're starting to not fit so I might have to kind of declutter some of these blankets as well but this is another frequent question I get too is where did I get this side table and this is from TJ Maxx yes TJ Maxx and I see them there all the time as well this is this style is a lot like my coffee table which is also from TJ Maxx so I love it I love the aesthetic of it and this is an entire donate pile so this isn't even just all of it this is just a bulk of a lot of like the smaller things but you guys will see how much I actually ended up donating it is insane [Music] little intermission to switch up the laundry and get this stuff working to take a little break from the decluttering and get the laundry done because you know it all needs to be done if I'm not multitasking what am I really doing because that's just my life I'm always multitasking and then I wonder why I can't complete a task because I'm probably way too like all over the place trying to complete too many tasks at once let me know if you completely relate to that because I know I can't be the only one [Music] okay I got this little matte thing it's a musical matte thing so you turn it on and you like tap on it it's like the piano one you know if you are a 90s or an 80s kid you know what I'm talking about big is that the name of the movie yeah so it's like that it's like a music One I'm pretty sure I loved that one that thing more than my children did so it was time to give it up and give it to somebody who is going to actually utilize it more than my children do [Music] you remember spot of everything that we like nothing compares to the freedom we had I would do it again we had actually hung a new TV mount for this TV so everything kind of needed to be dusted off from the drywall but I did want to say I found the TV mount this is the second one I bought like this from Walmart for like 20 bucks I mean it's pretty basic it doesn't like you can't like move the TV or tilt it or anything but really I mean my kids don't need to do that I also use the same mount for the smaller TV in our guest room put 20 I mean you really cannot beat that so if you need a TV mount and you need to keep it budget friendly Walmart is where it's at [Music] we're gonna finish up this half of the room with a quick vacuum funny story I charge my vacuum in the closet downstairs where everybody puts like their shoes and jackets and stuff and my battery has never died on this vacuum since I've had it and I've had it now for like two years so the battery on it has never died when I'm using it like not it's never done not once and when I was using it on this day the battery literally died on me and I was like that's just not there's no way because oh I didn't even vacuum anywhere else like there's just no way so I went downstairs and sure enough somebody hit the plug and unplugged the vacuum so when I had it sitting on the charger it wasn't actually charging [Music] [Applause] no I wouldn't change anything you know it still hurts a little bit but not that much if you want somebody else who am I to judge I've been thinking about you all the time but that's all right I'm starting to get used to it I think I'll survive I met you in the summer okay friends this is the pile of donate a lot of toys we had two bags of uh one bag of trash one bag of donate and then all of these toys I actually felt really bad getting rid of this little car thing because Tristan still loves it he loves it I don't I think out of sight out of mind type of thing like he's got not gonna notice it's gone but he plays with it all the time but he's way too big for it I mean he was too big four out of two years old because he's such a big baby but I felt really bad getting rid of it but it was time it's time to just get rid of the baby stuff [Music] I'm just staring at my walls and talking to myself knowing then I'll try to laugh but I'll cry a bit as well I was never any good at being a wife [Music] loved one another [Music] without you I'm so alone [Music] I'll met you in the summer you know it still hurts a little bit but not that much if you want somebody else [Music] and of course we're gonna complete this with finishing up the last little bit of laundry that we have y'all should be so proud of me I did not leave any laundry in the dryer today I really just wanted to get all of my stuff out get it organized I don't know I've just been feeling like I really want to get organized and get things decluttered and get things put away and really lately too it just feels really good to have things in their home and I knew if I kept this laundry sitting in the dryer I'm going to be digging through the dryer for the next three days so instead I'm gonna put it in the closet where I can visually see it and Visually pick from it [Music] I'll kill me and he keeps talking about everything that he likes and I can't stop listening I'm thinking about it all the time I think about it all the time I'm thinking about him all the time all the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] I would love to hear what you're decluttering in your house or what your decluttering goals are for this year I know a lot of us are starting off the new year strong and trying to get a lot done so I would love to know what you have planned maybe you'll give me some really great ideas too because sometimes I feel like there's faces that I want to declutter and I don't realize it until I start digging through those spaces like random closets and stuff medicine cabinets and I saw my friend Ashley doing her bathroom the other day and she was going through like all of her old makeup products and her um like hair stuff and whatnot and I was like I really I really need to go through all of my old makeup stuff like that is an area I probably need to declutter as well probably go through my medicine cabinet and get rid of all of my expired medicine as well so let me know what you guys have on the list if you want to live [Music] I'm out of reasons but I'll only tell you that I'm out of time I'm sick of love songs I'm tired of this and I wanna tell you straight just like it is [Music] still holding back still holding back [Music] it is like it is hey everyone welcome to today's video today we are doing a complete disaster cleaning because my house is trashed we have a lot of messes to clean up a lot of things to just get clean get an order and getting you know this house just back under control again because it's disgusting as you can see I am Jam packing this video with a ton of cleaning motivation for you so whatever mess you need to tackle today you will get the motivation from this video from so let's clean together or let's just hang out and get you motivated to get done whatever you need to get done if you're new here I'm Becca and I am a mom to three boys and a spouse if you need extreme cleaning motivation be sure to hit that subscribe button I put out one to two videos every week my videos are always long and jam-packed with a ton of motivation I also like to put out shorts every week so if you like that type of content be sure to hit that subscribe button is like it is and open my heart like you're Fearless Breathless [Music] Show Me Your Love Like it is like it is Bend open my heart as you can see we are starting in the entryway today I really needed to mop the downstairs because it was disgusting I do not mop nearly as often as I should because it's my least favorite task to do and we don't wear shoes in my house so the floor never gets too too bad it gives me the opportunity to not do it as frequently but we do have a dog and we have children who are very messy so I probably should do it more frequently but I knew it needed to be done so we are getting it done today [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I am so sorry for some reason my camera kept going in and out of focus here I have no idea why but I wanted to apologize if that hurts anybody's eyes or is just driving anybody nuts because it definitely was driving me nuts while I was editing this video but as you can tell the living room isn't too bad but it definitely needs some cleaning up there's a lot of toys lying around which is just normal mom life let's be honest but I want to know how is your weekend going how was your week did you do anything exciting how are you doing on this lovely day come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] before we finish up in the living room I'm gonna go ahead and give the rug a vacuum I really before I start mopping the living room I'm gonna go ahead and give the rug a vacuum I usually try to vacuum the rug first before I'm off because whenever I vacuum this rug it kind of dispers like little pieces of hair all over the place because this is a wool rug so it sheds really easily whenever I vacuum it it seems to shed a little bit more uh kind of just like floats around in the air I guess really is the best way to explain it so I try to vacuum this rug before I mop but side no since I'm talking about this rug I love this rug I'm pretty sure I have it linked in the description box down below if you're interested in it it is a wool rug which makes it a little pricey wool rugs are on the expensive side although this rug I feel like for the size I got and the price I paid it is more expensive than I typically would spend on a rug but it's still good quality well worth the money and still not quite as bad as some other places but I love that rug and I don't for a second regret buying it I've had it now for almost three years I think have I had it for three years actually I think I've had it for three years now I love it I don't regret ever buying it [Music] all my feelings [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweeter than Summer Wine baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] super cute the kids actually wanted to help me put everything back and we're being super helpful of course at this age honestly sometimes it kind of feels like they're kind of getting in the way when they're trying to help but I try to let them help out as much as they can because I know for one it's really empowering for them so I go ahead and it's cute to make you feel like paradise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] moving on to the dining room which thankfully was not too bad just a basic cleanup and some wiping down this table is always kind of gross because we sit at this table and eat at it all day long so this area gets dirty really fast I mean by the end of breakfast really this area is dirty again and could always use a cleanup some days I just wait till the end of the day because I literally would just be cleaning this table continuously all day if I cleaned it after every time somebody sat down at it so I just don't even really bother usually until towards the end of the day cleaning this space [Music] last night we had something tonight I'll be kissing but I don't really have a case [Music] you don't have to mention you you're just like their attention it's written all over your face I don't wanna play the quiet time when I'm near you so funny story a few videos ago I did a declutter in the kids playroom and got rid of a lot of toys that they weren't really playing with anymore these blocks actually are something that they do play with on a regular basis but I felt like if it wasn't in within their eyesight that they wouldn't notice it being gone so I figured you know what I'll try and get rid of it because I felt like they only played with it because they saw and it was there and available but I didn't feel like it was one of those favorite toys that they gravitated to just generally on their own was I wrong my six-year-old the day afterwards was asking where are the blocks where are the blocks so thankfully I hadn't dropped off the stuff yet so I was able to pull it out and give it back to him but that was the only thing out of everything that the kids were asking for you [Music] pretending that I don't know who you are every time I see you tell me [Music] if anybody is wondering what I'm using to vac mop the floors this is the Bissell crosswave this is the cordless option they have a corded option for much cheaper than this but I Rave about this thing all the time I love this vacuum and mop in one actually the other day I cleaned up one of Lola's messes she got sick on the floor nothing it really wasn't even it was literally just liquid it looked like water but she had gotten sick she probably got into something or ate some of the kids food or something and it was so much easier to pick up with this than to you know have to try and pick it up with my hands or anything because let's be honest that's gross so anytime like the kids get sick or any time they drop like you know liquids on the ground it's so much easier just to pull that thing out and clean with it I love it I think it's worth every single penny for that factor [Music] moving on to the kitchen and we definitely have a lot to do in here so much of a mess so much going on I just really things got out of control as they usually do let's be honest this was at the end of the weekend once again I always do my cleanings at the end of the weekend or the beginning of the week because weekends we take a lot of family time together and just you know let everything kind of Fall by the wayside and get it done you know after the weekend's over and we try to just spend some time together and you know why not you only live for a short period of time your kids grow up so fast you really you know the messes can wait and family time I feel like is more important so I try to catch up either on Sunday or Monday with all the cleaning [Music] before I throw away all these receipts I'm gonna go ahead and put them into my fetch app I will put on to the screen right now the fetch app name and the code you can use if you want to get extra points it'll give me extra points it'll give you extra points and every time you scan a receipt you get points for it and those points can turn into gift cards for a plethora of places I typically choose Dunkin Donuts because why not pay for my coffees that way but I just wanted to share that with you I've shared it a few times and I love the fetch app it gives me points on literally every receipt I scan every receipt whether it's fast food or it's Target Walmart even if it's like a shoe store I always scan all my receipts and I it's super beneficial [Music] like [Applause] here [Music] so I'm cleaning up all this mess from dinner and I thought I would share with you really quick what was for dinner because I've shared this actually on my blogging Channel I do grocery hauls or Sam's Club Halls over there every now and then but I buy this shrimp scampi from Sam's Club and it's absolutely amazing and I buy the Rayo Rao I think it is Alfredo sauce which is the best tasting alfredo sauce I've ever had in my life it's so stinking good but I do the shrimp scampi some noodles and that uh alfredo sauce and it's so good and then we do some cheese bread and you can probably throw in some spinach in there too if you wanted but it is one of my favorite meals to cook and that's what I actually happen to cook on this night I would love to hear what some of your favorite recipes or meals are I'm always looking to try new things so I would love some ideas from you foreign [Music] I wanted to share with you today these beautiful cups that I got from one of my very close friends Veronica over here she has a channel raising autism where she does a lot of Vlogs but she also makes these beautiful cups and I really just wanted to share that with you guys so that if you were in the market for pretty cups like this she's got so many things on her Etsy shop I will have her linked down below she's got cups she's got t-shirts sweatshirts she's got all kinds of stuff I really really love her shop and she's one of my really really good friends and I want to support her small business as much as I can so I wanted to share her in this video and she was so kind to send me this stuff she's been one of my really good friends since the beginning of my YouTube career and she just so appreciative of everything and she's such a kind person that I just wanted to share her shop with you guys because she deserves all of the support she's always been such a support in our community for all of us so she just really really deserves it so she will be linked in the description box down below if you liked those cups also just go and look and see what she has because this is just what I love uh these were my favorite things and they might not be for everybody but she's got so many different things to choose from so be sure to go check them out and if you're able to maybe support a small business [Music] I don't know where I'm coming from [Music] in my mind [Music] I wanted to chat for a minute because I just love talking with you and being honest and vulnerable because I know I'm not the only one who goes through this kind of stuff but I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately and there's been a lot on my plate and I've just I feel like you know the ball is always dropping somewhere and there's something that I'm not able to keep up with or feel like I you know sometimes I'm not the best mom that I could be or I'm not the best YouTuber I could be or I haven't gotten back to comments in far too long I feel like something is always you know something's always got to give and I don't think that that's just in my life I think that's in everybody's life I think we all feel that way sometimes especially in the really busy seasons of life and I just wanted to let you know that if you're feeling that way you definitely are not alone I've I've been feeling that way basically since the very beginning start of this year it's been a little overwhelming I'm trying to find a happy medium I'm trying to get more organized and I'm trying to be more productive give so that I don't feel so overwhelmed because of course I think we all could work on time management as well especially I could it could be a little bit more organized work better on time management and it definitely would take a load off of me but getting there is really hard sometimes uh and I you know have a tendency to bounce back and forth between things which makes a lot of things started but not finished type of thing so I'm working on it though but anybody who is feeling that way I just wanted you to know that you're not alone [Music] one of us nobody loves me better nobody loves me better [Music] I get too drunk and too scared and lied to you if only one of us one of us nobody loves me better yeah all right so I wanted to see if I'm the only one okay I really want to get like a scrub brush like one of those round scrap brushes for the sink and I almost bought one but then I reminded myself of the sound that that scrub brush would make on the stainless steel I'm not sure if it actually does but it just came to mind so like when I used to work in the restaurant business and I would have to work on the patio I would make one of the other servers sweep the patio because I hate the sound of like the Brussels on the concrete and it's kind of like nails on a chalkboard for me and I feel like the bristles in the sink would kind of be the same thing so if you use one of those brushes in the sink on the sink to scrub it you'll have to let me know if it makes that kind of sound or if it's kind of quiet maybe the bristles are softer than what I'm thinking but I really want to find a way to really scrub down the sink a little better my sponge obviously doesn't do a great job and I want it to get into like the nooks and crannies and stuff I guess maybe I could use see I would think a toothbrush maybe to get in some of the nooks and crannies but I'm not going to scrub the entire sink with a toothbrush that would take me a year to clean it but you will have to let me know if that's your method of cleaning the sink times when I'm reasoning about us back to back we were carry on anything [Music] but if I'm no good for you [Music] totally random but if you are somebody who likes to drink a sweet coffee at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts drop me a comment down below and let me know what your order is I'm always looking to try new flavors new Styles and I would love to know what it is that you gravitate to I typically drink at Dunkin Donuts a mocha iced coffee with liquid sugar and cream just regular cream and sugar and then when I go to Starbucks I'll do like a caramel macchiato is usually an iced caramel macchiato uh with soy that's usually my go-to there but I'm always looking for new things to try so you'll have to let me know what you get for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving on to this little back hallway area and in these boxes were two kind of like antique things one was a chair but this box that I just picked up was actually my grandfather's ceramic Christmas tree he used to be really into ceramic so he actually made it himself he's made a lot of things like he had a what is it a kiln is that what it's called where you like put the you know Clay thing in and it turns into ceramic don't quote me on that I'm not very good at it but he had one of those when I was a kid growing up and he would make a lot of things and so he actually made one of those like Christmas trees from like the 80s or 90s maybe it was even the 70s I'm not sure but growing up I feel like everybody had one in their house and it was in my oldest son's grandmother's house for a really long time I actually thought I lost it and then when she recently moved she came across it and she was like hey isn't this yours I was like so happy because I lost my grandfather a couple years ago to um you know what so uh I was so happy whenever she said she came across it and found it so that was what was in that box so next year you can assure that thing will be out [Music] [Music] I'm about to lose [Music] I just wanna get close to you yeah [Music] [Music] hey everyone welcome back if you're new I'm Becca and today we are doing an extreme clean with me I'm here to give you some extreme cleaning motivation as you can tell my house is a complete disaster we have some really big messes that we need to get to and clean up and get this place shining and sparkling and clean once again if you're new I'm Becca I'm a mom to three and I would love for you to hit that subscribe button and join the family I do a long cleaning videos every single week and today we are starting off in the kitchen once again like I said it is trash it's a huge mess but we have to get it back in order so I'm going to start getting these dishes over to the sink so we can get everything cleaned up and shine it again [Music] to clean the stove top I'm going to use this magic eraser sheet I've mentioned this a million times on my channel before but I love these things especially for cleaning the stove top if you like the Magic Eraser you will love one of these things I mean it's just like a magic eraser except for it's just a thinner like a sheet but it gets all of the mess off and it gets everything scrubbed down and if there's anything like stuck on it comes off so easily with this thing love it [Music] there's nothing more that you used to know I wanted to check in with everybody and see how you're doing how has your week been going are you doing anything fun over the next week I'm getting super excited because school is about to be out and like a little over a month and I just love summertime I love it when the kids are home of course it kind of slows me down because you know I have all three kids home and trying to get work done with all of them home can be difficult being a work from home Mom but it's just so much more fun and we have the opportunity to do more fun activities we don't have to get up early and Grayson and I are not morning people so we love sleeping in but it's just a nice little break to be honest and I love having the kids home I love being able to have that time with them where we're not restricted on a super strict time if that makes sense like you know I feel like during the school weeks it's like everything is rush rush rush rush like I have to get my work done during the day and get them off to school pick them up from school get dinner made get everybody ready for bed it's like you don't get to it's not the same you don't get to soak up you and enjoy your kids because everything is just so rushed so I always look forward to Summer [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] what if [Music] you couldn't stop the pain from her what if we knew love command the spirit broken into reverse [Music] moving on to the dishes we are going to get the sink emptied out and cleared out and everything thankfully it looks worse than it actually is there wasn't too too much in the sink a lot of it was like pots and pans from making dinner but I really just needed to focus on getting everything in the dishwasher getting the dishwasher ran and of course cleaning these pots and pans a lot of the times if my dishwasher isn't full I will toss a lot of the pots and pans in the dishwasher uh but if it is full then I'll just go ahead and hand wash them [Music] could could pick up the missing pieces what if we know the love would never let us down [Music] now now all my tears is [Music] so the boys were on spring break last week and to finish out spring break if you follow me on Instagram you already know this but to finish out the spring break I took them to go see the Mario movie Grayson literally has been asking me since the beginning of the year when he first saw like an advertisement for it every day he would be like how many more days how many more days until it comes out how many more days and so it was finally out and I was super excited to bring them and take them to the movies and I wasn't gonna bring Tristan because I wasn't sure if he was quite old enough to sit through the whole thing but he did great um and the movie actually was pretty good like I I was excited because you know I'm a millennial Mario is I feel like kind of Our Generation right so I was actually pretty excited to see it too and it did not disappoint it was a good kids movie it was definitely like a a tolerable for adults kid movie I really enjoyed it we'll definitely be buying it when it comes out and we can stream it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] we'll take it slowly [Music] foreign [Music] we do have a garbage disposal so a lot of the times I will kind of just toss things in the sink even if they still have a little bit of food on them I try not to do that all the time just because I do know that if you like don't ever scrape your plates in the trash and put all of it down your garbage disposal it does start to smell over time and I haven't quite perfected how to clean out the garbage disposal like I I mean I'm sure you could like toss some bleach and stuff down there but other than that like I just try not to give myself something else to clean too much so or you know to keep it to a minimum so I do use the garbage disposal but probably not as much as like other people do [Music] foreign [Music] and I thankfully didn't have too much of a mess in here but I really needed to get the table wiped down I really want to get the floors clean for the entire downstairs so I'm gonna work on vacuuming the rug and getting the floors cleaned I typically whenever I mop or vac mop the hardwoods I also try to vacuum the rugs because for me at least with my cleaning you know thinking process it is like a oxymoron if you don't vacuum the rug but you clean the other part of the floor because then you're just going to track from one or the other so whenever I mop I try to also vacuum the rugs at the same time too and I don't have anything then it's quiet [Music] [Music] baby [Music] foreign some other features I want to mention about this is the LED screen and the voice prompts there's a large LED screen and display it's an intelligent voice prompts to see the remaining battery cleanliness of the floors and operation status at a glance it basically has all of your features your options you can interchange them and it's got the voice prompt you can turn that on and off if you like it if you don't like it you don't have to use it but I just thought that was a really cool feature also there's a powerful traction the brush roller utilizes power from the motor to generate forward traction and to lean at ease with minimal effort and this when I first started using it I was like wow like you can feel the suction while it's doing that you can feel it it kind of almost makes it to where the vacuum is almost like in a self-clean mode like you're putting very little minimal effort into like pulling the vacuum moving it I don't know how to explain it I guess you would kind of have to just see for yourself but it suctions it almost feels like it sections to the floor and kind of pulls itself along to where you're just kind of just like holding it up it's a super cool feature that I really enjoyed come back [Music] next we're going to get to cleaning the living room which of course there's always toys if this is a house full of kids so of course we always have toys and messes everywhere but this is the season of life we are in right now and I know for some people it probably drives them not having you know toys all over the place or having you know kids messes everywhere but I just am not one of those people and it doesn't really bother me I am loving this season of life I'm loving having the messes and having the kids young and just enjoying it while it's here the messes really just don't bother me one day they will be gone and my house will always be clean because it'll just be either just me or maybe me and somebody else who knows but I know that this is going to be a short-lived moment and I had actually seen something the other day on I believe it was Instagram and Instagram reel and it said when you're having a moment as a parent where you're just overwhelmed over stimulated over touched take a minute before you like lose your crap and start freaking out or whatever like take a minute and just think 20 years into the future from now where you'll be and if you feel like you'll miss the stage of life you're in right now I know for a fact I would so it definitely would help me kind of come back down to reality in that moment but for the most part I just don't let messes bother me I don't let the toys and the chaos and the kids you know of course I'm a parent and I'm human sometimes I do you know get frustrated with them but it's never over messes like this that's for sure baby [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] in my house we typically do not wear shoes in the house I do wear my slippers all over the house but they don't these slippers never go outside they never go outside not to say that they don't get dirty I mean they still get dirty there's still food on the ground and everything but we don't wear shoes in my house like every now and then like if I'm bringing the groceries in or something I might walk through the house real quick but otherwise we do not wear shoes in the house um for one because I don't love having to clean all the time and for to you know to each their own but when you walk around stores and walk around outside and everything you never know what your shoes are touching or what they're putting on your floor and I have young kids who will eat off the floor in a heartbeat I cannot control it so I can't always be watching them and sometimes you know I don't see it so whenever my children were little and crawling around especially because I didn't want people coming over wearing their dirty shoes all over the ground and then my baby's crawling around and stuff they're putting their hands in their mouth and stuff so at that moment I decided you know what we're gonna go no shoes and so we just worked out really well so I've just stuck with it looking for it I can't feel it [Music] and we're right baby [Music] thank you I got through almost the entire downstairs but I had to clean out the water tank the dirty water tank as you can see that water is disgusting but it's truly getting all of the dirt and all of the grime off of my floor [Music] I'll go back [Music] but now again [Music] now that I'm all done with the VAC mop I'm going to put it back on the stand so it can charge and so we can do the self-clean option and it can get all dry this is the button right here for self clean this is it charging and cleaning and all of that stuff it thoroughly got this clean [Music] hey everyone welcome back if you're new I'm Becca I'm a mom to three and today I am sharing with you a messy house complete disaster cleaning my upstairs is trashed and it's very messy and I always share real life cleaning with you so if you're new here I would love for you to hit that subscribe button and join the family I do long cleaning videos every single week and I always jam-pack them with a ton of cleaning motivation and like I said just real life messes because if you're a mom especially a mom with young kids you know your house gets messy really quickly and it's hard to stay on top of and that's okay don't feel guilty if you have a messy house it's fine we all do sometimes and I'm here to give you all of the cleaning motivation you need to help get your house back in order don't yourself foreign as you can tell we are starting off vacuuming the stairs because it's been a while and since we're going to be mostly upstairs I figured I would go ahead and get this done quickly while I make my way up with the vacuum because I needed it for other jobs so now we're moving into the playroom the playroom is a complete disaster I I have literally let this room go for probably about two weeks it just happens sometimes I focus a lot on the downstairs and not at all on the upstairs because if people come over or anything the downstairs is like the really lived-in area the playroom is kind of just the kids area and obviously there's a lot of toys and a lot of their mess but I mean they can live in that mess right so I don't feel the need to clean up their playroom all the time or to force them to do it all the time because I do make my children clean up their messes as well um but it's been a while I've really just been focusing on the downstairs like on this current day the downstairs was spotless but the upstairs whole another story [Music] [Music] thank you so the star of the show today is missed Lola she wanted to be all up in the camera for some reason she loves it um but I also wanted to give an introduction because I've had a lot of questions lately about her she is a Chihuahua mix she's seven years old and I rescued her when she was six weeks old and she literally could fit like in the palm of your hand she was so cute um but I have gotten some comments in the past about how I need to show my dog more attention and she's tiny after my attention or whatever and I just always laugh it off because it's so funny it doesn't matter how much attention I give her because she literally will follow me around everywhere I'm just her person that's just what it comes down to I can give her attention all day long and do it for the rest of her life and she still will follow me everywhere and I really do think it's just because like like I said I'm her person she wants to be wherever I am like she follows me every she's literally laying in her doggy bed right next to me right now she is always with me always with me if I'm home wherever I'm at she is and I get like I'm so she's seven years old so she's been here for a while now and I'm so used to it that sometimes I don't even notice like I'm just so used to her always being right there and right under my feet and always present like she's just my little Shadow but I promise she gets a ton of attention between me and the kids she gets a ton of attention she just for the rest of her life she will likely follow me around everywhere [Music] I don't know [Music] it's scary to give in but somehow love always wins [Music] [Applause] [Music] since this room was so messy and it feel it felt a little overwhelming when I started cleaning I decided to work on one half of the room because this is actually a really big room it's bigger than I would like it to be this house in general is bigger than I would like it to be to be quite honest at the time when we were purchasing this house or when we were building it really it I love the floor plan I love the concept I love the idea but we have definitely you know between Chris moving out and the boys wanting to share a bedroom we just haven't needed all of the space that we have so I look forward to one day downsizing because it does get a little overwhelming sometimes and even though I feel like the mess doesn't look it doesn't look as messy as quickly in my house because it is a bigger house but that just means when it does look messy it is a massive undertaking to clean up right because it's just it's so big right and when we had a smaller house it just seemed like it was a lot easier to keep up with and to keep clean and you know it didn't take as long when it looked like it was super messy it didn't take as long to clean up but either way my best advice to you is to take it one step at a time so if you're feeling a little overwhelmed you're feeling like it's going to be a lot start in little like Corners right so with this big room I was feeling a little overwhelmed with it felt like it was going to take a while you know which sometimes because of my ADHD that'll like keep me from doing things and if you have 80d or ADHD I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about when you don't want to do something and it feels overwhelming you will put it off and do something else just to like Sidetrack yourself and so what I like to do is break it down into smaller tasks so like today I did I started with one half of the room cleaned it from top to bottom and then the other half didn't seem so daunting once one half was clean [Music] we held on through it was clear but you lied to me [Music] on all of the wood in the house I use the ever spring wood cleaner and that's what I'm using today to clean off the shelves and TV stand and stuff I love this stuff I think it's just as good as the method wood spray and this one is half the price so I generally go after this one I actually ended up trying it because I loved the method one and I went to Target one day to buy the method one and it wasn't there and so I was kind of forced to find an alternative and I saw this stuff and I was like I'll give it a try and I actually really like it and I've been buying it probably for like a year now now [Music] [Music] now we're moving on to my two younger boys room for some reason um this week they decided to play with their laundry basket so clothes ended up getting everywhere they took like the laundry basket usually has kind of like a liner like a cloth liner in it and for some reason they wanted to play with it as a bag so they ended up taking all their stuff out of the laundry basket they tried to put some of it back as you could tell but they wanted to play with it for some reason so they took the laundry basket apart but with that being said I really needed to clean their laundry as you can tell it's a full load of laundry so we're gonna get that started before we move on to cleaning their room like I always say when you are cleaning like deep cleaning your house cleaning a room cleaning your kitchen whatever when you're cleaning toss a load in the in the washer like it helps minimize the amount of laundry you have every week it helps you stay somewhat organized and on top of it come back when you're older go find a place where you can't be the victim and come back [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] this is the random sock that I found in Tristan sheets I always find socks in his sheets he loves fuzzy socks like this it's like it's his thing he doesn't wear them all day long he likes to sleep in them I know crazy he likes to sleep in socks I know what people say about people who sleep in socks but he and it's not just any socks he likes the fuzz socks um like the fleece sucks so he likes to sleep in them but they come off his feet so easily that typically they end up in his bed or in my bed but they're all over the place because they never stay on his feet and the ironic thing too is that during the day he'd rather be barefoot no socks no shoes or anything like that but at night he loves a good fuzzy sock [Music] s and of course we're gonna finish up cleaning this room with a good vacuum hey [Music] thank you [Music] before we move on I'm going to switch the boys laundry so that way whenever we're done cleaning it'll be ready to be folded um [Music] wait a second [Music] next we're going to clean the boys bathroom this has been on the to-do list for the last few days and it's pretty messy pretty disgusting so it was about that time to get it nice and clean again [Music] on the countertops in the bathroom I'm just using my method daily Granite cleaner I love using this for the granite and even though we're cleaning a bathroom I still am really particular about what I use on my granite countertops because I want to make sure that I'm not damaging them or damaging the top coat because I know that in the past I've been told that if you use like disinfectant wipes or anything too harsh on granite it will take off It'll like peel off the top layer of the protectant coat over the granite so I'm always very careful about what I use on my granite countertops I will use disinfectant wipes every now and then like if I'm cooking raw meat or like prepping raw me on the island I might use a disinfectant wipe afterwards just to kind of like kill all the bacteria in between like cooking and so I don't do cross-contamination but for the most part I try not to use them at all on there because they are really bad at like breaking down that top coat and then on the counter are on the cabinets I'm going to use my wood cleaner again the ever spring one I use this pretty much on everything I know they're painted cabinets but down to you know down underneath they are wood so I always try to use a wood cleaner because if you didn't know Wood Cleaners are made to dry faster because you don't want anything saturating your wood right like and the goal is just to clean the top you know the surface level of it you don't want it really penetrating or going through the wood because that breaks down wood so Wood Cleaners typically dry faster and that's one of the reasons why even on painted wood I will use a wood cleaner it just doesn't sit on there for as long but these cabinets were pretty bad I should have shown you a close-up shot because there was like toothpaste all over them they were bad they needed to be done it was on the to-do list for a while and on this day I was like all right we're doing it [Music] or just the best you've ever had [Music] [Music] if this is your first time here and you're a little confused this bathroom is a Jack and Jill bathroom so the toilet and the shower are in the middle and it's kind of its own room and then on both ends there's vanities and this is my oldest son's vanity which is attached to his bedroom and then the other one is my two younger boys side which is attached to the loft area and right outside of their bedroom so this makes it really easy for you know my teenager to have a little bit of privacy and not have to share you know a personal space with them as much as possible because let's be honest teenagers need that accommodation they do they need some privacy especially my kids because my other two boys are only two years apart and it's great they probably won't need that accommodation but because you know my first and my second they're 10 years apart there's a big age Gap there there's 12 years between him and my third so I think it's fair for him to have some privacy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the toilet I'm going to be using my Clorox urine remover spray I think this is the best thing to clean the toilet with it just really cuts out that nasty you know toilet residue and and all of that stuff I just think it's a great thing to use on it I don't like to use like straight bleach really and this doesn't have like it's definitely got a smell to it don't get me wrong it's definitely got a smell to it but it's not as strong as bleach and that to me is good bleach always bothers me so I like to use this stuff and I feel like it really like cuts out the grime and then inside the toilet I'm just using a Clorox toilet wand I love the toilet wands because you get to throw away that nasty thing once you use it inside the toilet and start fresh with the next cleaning [Music] but you never call me [Music] now that the bathroom is all clean we're gonna go ahead and take the stuff out of the dryer and I'm going to get it folded I did want to say like those two rooms three rooms those three rooms took me all day to do because it's really hard I'm sure if you're a parent or if you're somebody with young children or school-aged children or even older children I'm sure you remember what that was like but it's so hard sometimes to get things done because I'm doing like School drop off school pickups and my kids are in two separate schools because one's older one's younger so I have different times different schools like I feel like I'm all over the place I try to get as much cleaning as I can get done in one day but sometimes that's not very much because I'm also a mom so I'm so grateful for all of you being here though so that's this is my job and I can focus on my kids and I can still spend the day with them and I can still go and pick them up from school and drop them off and I'm so grateful for that but sometimes it's like I feel like I didn't clean as much as I wanted to because I just don't have as much time in between doing all the little odds and ends and getting stopped all the time to do those things so as much as I want to be able to clean for hours sometimes I it's just not possible foreign [Music] [Music] so curious [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] as hard as the boys clothes I try to do konmari method if you've never researched what that is I definitely suggest checking it out on like Pinterest or even there's YouTube videos on how to do it uh but I just love folding it the konmari with it method way and storing it that way because it makes your stuff stand up almost so instead of like lying in piles and that way you can see exactly what you have and you know what's there and you know things don't get hidden on the bottom and then never used or whatever and it's just easier for me to keep the boys chores organized as well and when I had a dresser I did Camari method for me and Chris as well um but I always suggest like I feel like it's the best way to store your clothes and the best way to fold them and it optimizes your space even more and keeps it just a little bit neater [Music] you [Music] made me fall without saying [Music] won't you give me any warning I've been thinking [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] friends here are some after clips of everything all cleaned up and organized again thank you so much for choosing to click on this video today thank you so much for always coming back and supporting my channel and everything you do means the world to me I would not have this job or this opportunity without you and the Gratitude I have for you being here is astronomical thank you so much and if you're new I hope you hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Happily Ever Becka
Views: 159,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: extreme 3 hour cleaning marathon, declutter organize, deep clean, speed cleaning motivation 2023, 3 hour cleaning marathon, cleaning marathon, speed cleaning for 3 hours, cleaning marathon 2023, 2023 3 hour cleaning marathon, declutter & organize, speed clean, messy house cleaning motivation, speed cleaning, new cleaning marathon, speed cleaning marathon, 3 hours of none stop cleaning, 3 hour cleaning, hours of cleaning, long cleaning videos, Happily Ever Becka
Id: F38vJ_ppbvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 54sec (10374 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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