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[Music] foreign hey y'all and welcome to my channel if you're new here my name is Amy Darley I'm a stay-at-home mom of two kiddos and I share videos here each week on my channel to bring you motivation for cleaning decluttering organizing recipes and even grocery hauls today's video is going to be a cleaning marathon and I do these several times a year where I bring you over three hours of cleaning motivation in one video in today's video I am literally cleaning all over my house indoors and Outdoors I'm doing some deep cleaning decluttering organizing and then I will show some grocery hauls and some recipes grocery hauls are from Sam's and also Walmart if you're new here I would love for you to stick around and subscribe to my channel and be sure to introduce yourself down in the comments as well so go ahead give this video a thumbs up if you need some cleaning motivation today and let's get some cleaning done together [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning you guys I just got the kids out of the door and off to school my neighbor was actually taking my kids to school on this day we have a little carpool set up since it's a 30 minute drive to school in the mornings so now that there are off to school I'm getting some coffee going and just getting ready to have a very productive day foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that my coffee is ready I went into the office and did a little bit of work on my computer I had a YouTube video going up that morning so I was doing some stuff for that I also pulled out my planner to look at my day I had a Walmart pickup order and I wanted to go to Sam's Club on this day so lots of driving and then here you can see I have our meal plan for the week which I try to do meal planning on Fridays for the following week so that way I can plan my grocery pickups now if you've been around for a while then you know I like to do monthly meal planning but the last couple of months I've kind of fallen off the bandwagon with that just because we've been gone so much on the weekends and so I've been trying to plan out meals with things that we didn't end up using in our fridge or freezer and just kind of meal planning week to week but I do want to get back into the monthly meal planning because I do feel like it makes things so much easier and takes up so much less time on a weekly basis okay and now I'm just getting ready for the day really quickly and a lot of you like to see this kind of stuff just kind of the behind the scenes and not necessarily always cleaning so I thought I'd throw this in there since this is actually part of my day I decided to actually put some makeup on today and this is my saint makeup it's all in one palette and I'm still loving this makeup I feel like it's the best makeup I've ever had and it's just so easy and this whole routine took me about seven minutes to do so super quick super easy if you want more information I'll leave all the information for you down in my description box and now that I'm all ready I can go make my bed and get ready or get dressed for the day um usually I will either make my bed right when I get up in the mornings it depends on if chance is still there or not sometimes he actually makes the bed for me which is usually a really nice surprise but it really doesn't take long to make my bed in the morning so I definitely do this every single day I have always been the type of person that's made my bed every single day but over the last like four or five years since I pretty much started my YouTube channel this has been something that I do every single day and this is just a little linen spray that I got um it's a caldrea linen spray and it smells so good and I just like to spray it on my bed in the mornings now before I leave to go pick up my groceries from Walmart I did want to do a quick little tidy here in the kitchen so that way you know that was at least picked up and I can put my groceries away when I get back [Music] thank you I am now headed out I'm gonna go get my Walmart grocery pickup come back I'll give you a quick grocery haul and then I'm gonna run to Sam's and get some stuff there too [Music] against you if you say that you don't wanna get close to me close to what we used to be but I just feel like dancing are you feeling [Music] all right let's do a really quick Walmart grocery haul I'm gonna start over here this is the only thing that needs to go in the freezer we got some Uncrustables Gracie June loves these for like a quick snack after school sometimes she'll pack them for lunches I also got eggs now I was gonna get eggs from Sam's because they're actually like five dollars I think for 36 eggs I think that's what I had them in the cart for but we were almost out I think we had three eggs left and I really wanted to have them for tomorrow morning so I went ahead and got them from Walmart and I think this one was a little more than seven dollars maybe so not too much of a price difference and we really needed eggs so I went ahead and got them we've got some mozzarella cheese some Mexican four cheese blend I got this cheese for a recipe later in the week and then we've got some sausage this is just like some breakfast sausage I was thinking of making some little breakfast quesadillas um with sausage in them sausage cheese and egg breakfast quesadillas so I got that I got this already shredded pulled chicken I went ahead and got this for today's recipe which is just chicken spaghetti so I'm gonna use this I'm gonna cut it up a little bit smaller and use this for our meals for tonight I've got some Rotel diced tomatoes and green chilies two cans of that diced tomatoes a big old can of that some whole kernel corn some black beans I got one thing of the Pasta Roni parmesan cheese pasta this is one of those things that we just like to keep on hand in case we have a night where it's just crazy or maybe I cook something and the kids don't really like that much they love this pasta so I will cook this with some chicken or something and they tear it up so that's really good um just got some brown sugar chicken broth some Goldfish crackers and then the only fruit I got today were bananas we already have strawberries and grapes in our fridge so we're gonna eat oh and pineapple we have all three of those in the fridge so we're gonna eat those up before I buy more so I got lots of bananas a green bell pepper white onion I got two different things of tortillas I got these regular flour tortillas and then I got the carb balance ones I use these a lot but Gracie June prefers these so I'm gonna get the I got these to make those breakfast burritos and for any cheese quesadillas because she loves cheese quesadillas and then I got these for chicken nachos that we're doing later this week and then I also got some little chocolate chip muffins just an easy breakfast and some brownies we always have to have these on hand too and we are out so that is all of the stuff inside and then I got some drinks let me take you outside all right we are out here in the garage and look look I got a new freezer so we're gonna actually get rid of our Cube freezer and we have this one already plugged in I'm going to move this over here and we're gonna clean this out and organize it all into our stand-up freezer this is gonna be so great I'm gonna be able to see everything better and it's going to make meal planning a lot easier too um but we have some drinks out here that I need to put away some of these were already out here like we have some Gatorades left up there Fresca we have an open pack of Diet Dr Peppers and Waters that were already here that need to be put in the fridge but today at Walmart I did get this big thing of waters we were out of Roaring Waters so I got four packs of these Capri Sun Roaring Waters I got the fruit punch wave and then the other flavor let's see what was the other flavor that I got tropical tide so I got two of each and then a big case of Diet Dr Peppers and Walmart is definitely the cheapest place to find the Diet Dr Peppers um I think it's like I think it was like ten dollars for a case of 24. so that's amazing okay and the last thing I got was this cat food okay so originally I was just gonna go to Walmart on this day and then go to Sam's the next day but I decided I wanted to knock it all out in one day so after I put all the groceries away I ended up leaving and going ahead and going shopping at Sam's even though it's like a 30 minute drive and a 30 minute drive back I figured while I had time I would go ahead and do that so I knocked out all the grocery shopping for the week which was nice and then after I got back from Sam's Club I also went ahead and started dinner because my son Cason had his first Middle School baseball game this night and I knew that we'd be getting home a little bit later so this way with dinner already being cooked all we have to do is heat it back up and we can eat and that way we're not eating at like nine o'clock at night so on the nights that we have um baseball or cheerleading or whatever and I know that I'm not going to get home till super late I either like to do something like this where I go ahead and make the meal in advance and then we can just heat it up or do a crock pot meal or make sure that we have leftovers in the fridge that we can just heat up for those nights okay so drinks are in the fridge I actually went and put everything else away in the pantry and the only thing that I kind of had to take out of the packaging was the muffins I put these in our little like cake tray thing and then I ran out to Sam's and I'll be back in just a second with a little Sam's Club haul [Music] all right we are back from Sam's Club and so I'm gonna do a really quick Sam's Club haul starting over here with all the snacks so I got a big bag of sour cream and onion chips and we can either divvy these up into smaller little Ziploc bags or just pour from the bag whatever we want to and I also got a huge box of this mixed variety pack so we've got the nacho cheese Cool Ranch Cheetos and then Cheeto puffs and this comes in a 30 pack and I love doing these just for simple easy lunches like whenever I throw them in lunches I don't have to you know pour them into a Ziploc bag or anything but this is Gracie June's favorite but they never have a good variety pack that we will eat all the different variety of chips that come with these so I never get these in a variety pack hope that makes sense um and then I got this two pack of Hawaiian rolls we go through these like crazy we use these all the time on baseball weekends we make just little turkey and cheese sliders or ham and swiss or we even make these with a bunch of different dinner recipes so now that I have the big freezer I'm gonna actually take one pack freeze it until we need it and then we'll keep the other pack out for um probably this weekend we've got the peanut butter filled pretzels these are a staple another staple are the fruit snacks and then I got this huge thing of M M's whenever I make the kids snacks for school I like to make little Trail mixes so I got this big thing of M M's and I just loved that it was the Easter colors um and then we've got these Nutella breadsticks I also got some Cheez-Its to kind of mix it up from chips and then I showed you the chips already so those are all the snack items and then we've got the donut shop coffee pods um and then here are all of the Frozen Goods that I got which I'm so excited because anytime I get Frozen Foods I'm always like trying to be very conscious of how big the package is because I don't think it's gonna fit in our freezer well now that we have the stand-up freezer it's gonna have a whole lot more room and I'm really excited so starting back here we got the Red Baron classic pizzas these this comes with three pizzas we got the Stouffer's lasagna with meat sauce this is our favorite lasagna if I don't make it and then I also got these Bagel Bites we haven't had these in a really long time but I know the kids love these so these are a good little quick um snack on the weekends then I got these Cordon Blues this is for those nights that I have planned to cook but for some reason I was either lazy or um I ran out of time and just you know something pops up we like to have these on hand because they're I mean they're not quick they take about 30 to 35 minutes but um I don't have to do any like prepping you know so this is a good dinner option to keep on hand because everybody loves this I got some boneless skinless chicken breasts and then I also got ground beef and this is like a three pack of ground beef it's the 93 lean so that is everything from Sam's I'm out of breath now and I'm gonna go kind of put these things away I'm just gonna throw this stuff in the freezer for right now I'm probably gonna have to put all this other stuff away later because I am running out of time before I have to leave the house okay so like I said I was running out of time and so I was trying to hurry up and get dinner ready so we're gonna be making chicken spaghetti these are my Caraway pans I've talked about these a few times but I got these last year on a whim I really needed some new pots and pans and I was looking at the member Mark pans at Sam's because they're like half the price as these Caraway pans like these care where Caraway pans are very pricey but the Sam's Club option which is supposed to be like a dupe for these did not have the color in stock that I wanted and so I kept eyeing them kept eyeing them waiting on the color to come back in stock never came back in stock so I just bit the bullet and bought the Caraway pans and I absolutely love them I feel like they are the best pans that we have ever had so like I said I got these last year um it was after summer I think and they've been great um but that vegetable chopper that I was just showing you I've had that for a long time it's from Amazon and I'm not good at chopping vegetables so I always use that and it just saves me so much time and also doesn't make me look like a complete fool trying to chop up my veggies so anyways I'm making this chicken spaghetti real quick and I'm just kind of showing you the steps but I will put the recipe down in the description box in case you guys want to try this this is an easy meal that we've been making forever um so yeah it's delicious [Music] won't you love me won't you love me [Music] like yesterday now in the chicken spaghetti recipe that I typically use it's the one down in my description box it calls for stewed tomatoes and also cream of mushroom soup I forgot to get the cream of mushroom soup and it was fine it was still really good but I definitely recommend using that and then it also called for the stewed tomatoes well instead of stewed tomatoes I did the big diced tomatoes and Rotel just because my kids prefer these types of tomatoes over the stewed and it was really good so now this is done and we have dinner already and then once we got home we just heated it up put it in a bowl heat it up and this is what it looks like it's so delicious y'all let me know if you try it [Music] [Applause] all right it is time to clean out this freezer it was organized still is kind of organized but here you can see I've got all these baskets and you just have to pull out everything to get to what's in the bottom so we are going to move everything to this freezer and get it all nice and organized so we can see everything so chance was about to head out to work but he helped me pull all the stuff out of the freezer really quick before he left and I ran upstairs to the attic because I have a bunch of clear organization bins that I'd purchased a while back and I just never took them back or sent them back to Amazon because I knew I would need them for some sort of organization project down the road so Arana got those and now I'm ready to start organizing this stuff for our freezer all right here is everything laid out that was in the deep freezer and you can see we have it organized but to get to anything you have to pull out one basket to get to the other so and then these are also from Walmart and I feel like they just every single time we pull one out one breaks or a piece of it breaks off so they're very flimsy um they're great little organizers I just feel like they're not very durable so I have these that have been in my attic in case of an organizing project so I think these will be really good in the big freezer because they'll I'll be able to stand things up in the in them and I can even label them if I want to I don't think I'm going to label them today we'll see but um I got these from Amazon they're the M design ones these are very very durable we have these in our pantry as well so that's what I'm going to use for the stand-up freezer I'm going to reorganize this stuff or at least just like swap it over to the bins that we have here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you okay so Luckily everything was pretty much organized already from the last time I organized the deep freezer but I'm just kind of taking everything and putting them into these bins and so I organized everything by Meats so we have like all of our deer meat ground beef hamburger patties all that kind of stuff in a few of these clear bins that I'm gonna put down at the bottom and then I also used a clear bin to organize all the breakfast items another one to use any uh to organize any of the like frozen veggies that we have and so on [Music] [Music] a little now originally I was going to keep all the boxes here on this bottom shelf but then when I went to put those clear containers on that second shelf the door to the freezer wouldn't close so I don't know why it's just the second shelf where it doesn't work but I ended up moving the boxes up to the second shelf and putting these clear bins here on the bottom so we have all of our Meats down here and then there is one more bin that we ended up putting like the bacon and then I had some extra chicken breasts that I had no clue were even in our freezer so I ended up putting that in a bin and it's gonna be on another shelf so that's the only meat that's technically not with the stuff on the bottom but it worked out it's fun but having all the stuff organized like this where I can actually see it is going to make meal planning so much easier and it's funny because I got a whole new thing of chicken breasts which is fun because now it actually fits in our freezer but we did have a few left it wouldn't have been enough for our dinners later in the week so I definitely needed more chicken but I completely forgot got that I even had that little bag of chicken still in there so this way I'm not forgetting about the stuff that's in my freezer we can use up things a lot more frequently and I'm not having to pull things off of other containers to get to the bottom you know what I mean so this is definitely going to be so much better I'm excited to also do some meal prepping and prep some different meals that we can just freeze and pull out later in the month if we want to cook them and kind of get ahead of the game for the month if that makes sense and now that that's done I'm actually gonna go ahead and put away all the stuff that I got from Sam's Club because I did not have a chance to pull everything out of the boxes and all before I had to leave to go get the kids kids from school the day before so that's what I'm doing now [Music] thank you [Music] now these snacks should last us about a month it may be longer but we do have kids at our house a lot so they are always going into the pantry to get stacked so we love having it stocked up for that and then of course like I said um my kids usually take like one one snack a day to school and then they might pack a bag of chips if they pack their lunch for the day they might take a bag of chips with them but these snacks last us a really long time now while we're on the subject of snacks I did want to say that I am trying to get my kids to eat a lot more like fruits and veggie snacks especially when we're at home I know sometimes it's really hard to pack that kind of stuff now Gracie June takes a lunch box pretty frequently and she can pack a snack in there but it's just it's so hard you know for keeping anything fresh in their book bags for school having it fresh for a snack so we do our best to try to eat like the better snacks when they're actually at home and then these are just like easier snacks for on the go but if you guys have any suggestions on how you do it if you send your kids to school with better not so processed foods let me know how you do it what kind of snacks do you pack for your kids and um let us know your suggestions down in the comments [Music] hello [Music] all right now that all of the groceries are finally put away I can go ahead and start cleaning and the first area that I wanted to clean was here in the kitchen our dishes and the dishwasher were all clean so I needed to put those away and then I'm gonna clean out our sink and just like wipe down the countertops clean the stove top it was still a mess from where I cooked dinner the night before or the day before and so I'm just gonna get this kitchen all nice and clean you know it still hurts a little bit but not that much [Music] if you want somebody else who am I to judge I've been thinking about you all the time but that's all right I'm starting to get used to it I think I'll survive I met you in the summer [Music] okay so really quickly I wanted to take a second and talk about how much your comments mean to me I get some of the nicest comments in the whole world and you guys really know how to make me feel special and sometimes your comments even bring me to tears now on my last video I actually got a comment about a sweet little four-year-old girl named Evelyn her mama Sarah left a comment and told me that Evelyn has actually been in the hospital for a little bit over a month she's non-verbal but she loves watching my videos but Sarah did let me know that Evelyn is on the mend and should hopefully be going home within the next week or so so if you guys could pray for Evelyn and just be thinking about her as she's on the mend and I also want to say hey to you Evelyn if you're watching I hope you're doing good and we're all praying for you and we hope that you get to go home really soon and if anyone else is watching and you guys need prayer requests or you have anything to celebrate y'all let us know in the comments so that way we can either be praying for you or we can celebrate with you I've been going crazy without you so long [Music] okay here on the inside of my sink I always get these little Nicks and it's just from like pots and pans or I'll get water marks from the hard water and so the pink stuff is my go-to cleaner to get these off these are just like little scratches that easily come off with the pink stuff I just put the paste on there scrub it I'm actually using that little sponge that I got a few weeks ago it's a Scrub Daddy sponge I think those work the best for getting these off they just work the quickest it seems like but also the pink stuff has come out with like a cleanser they also have like a shower cleaner all kinds of different products but if you're trying to get hard water stains or scratches in your sink off then I definitely recommend the paste I just feel like the other things work but I just feel like the paste works a lot quicker without having to do nearly as much scrubbing and here you can see as I'm rinsing those little scratches are complete completely gone and it's like magic [Music] I don't know [Music] how it's kind of quiet in my room right now without you and I couldn't really make you stay so what to do I'm just staring at my walls and talking to myself now and then I'll try to laugh but I'll cry but as well I was never any good now here on my stovetop I'm just using the method Degreaser my stove top actually wasn't too bad today and I think it's just because I kept most of the food in the pots and pans but I'm gonna just quickly spray this Degreaser on here I have a wet sponge and I'm just kind of working that all over my stove top and then I'll wipe it all up with a microfiber cloth now when I was cleaning even though my stove top wasn't so bad my grates definitely needed to be wiped down I had a few spots where I looked like um maybe some pasta had gotten on there or sauce or something so I'm gonna clean those in the sink really quick and I'm just using a wet sponge to clean those off with a little bit of that degreaser [Music] our love was out of control I've been going crazy without you I'm so alone [Music] you know it still hurts a little bit but not that much cause if you want somebody else [Music] loved one another [Music] you so I'm so alone [Music] foreign okay now my stove top is all nice and clean so the next thing I'm going to do is clean off our counters for my granite countertops I'm using the groveco multi-purpose cleaner and if you did not see last week's video be sure to go check it out I did a whole Grove collaborative haul they have some new products from the groveco line and they all smell amazing they're brand new scents for spring so be sure to go check those out and you also get a free gift with your first purchase if you've never shopped with Grove collaborative before so I'll be sure to leave my link down in the description box so you can get that free gift if you've never shopped with them but this um cleaner that I'm using is just the multi-purpose spray and I have a glass bottle and I just filled it up with water put my grovesco concentrate in there and went to cleaning now for my wood countertop I use the method wood cleaner it's in the almond scent I also get this from Grove collaborative you can also get a lot of these products at Target Target too so if you're ever in Target and you just want to try a few of these things then definitely pick them up so the groveco concentrate the multi-purpose cleaner and then also they have the dish soap the hand soap all that good stuff but then the other cleaner that I'm using today is the method wood cleaner and I highly highly recommend that one I've been using that for over five years now and let me just tell you I will not use any other cleaner on my wood countertop and I also use it on my dining room table it just smells so good but it also leaves it nice and shiny after I wipe down my countertops the next thing I'm going to do is wipe down my stainless steel appliances and for that I use the Sprayway stainless steel cleaner and if you guys are ever curious about any of my favorite cleaning products tools any of the vacuums or anything that I use I do have a ton of my favorites saved either on my Amazon storefront so if it's something that I've purchased from Amazon I have it saved in my Amazon storefront if it's not Amazon because sometimes you can find the same items at Walmart or Target for a lot less expensive and it'll be the exact same thing then I will actually link those on my like to know it page so I have both of those down in the description box for you so that way you can easily find all of my favorite cleaning tools and products foreign [Music] now I'm actually about to head upstairs to clean up our playroom because it was a big mess from having friends over the previous weekend and before I do that though I wanted to go ahead and tidy up the living room just because this was like the last area that was kind of messy and I'm just basically like I said tidying I'm just putting the blankets and pillows back on the couch and then I also use a caldrea spray like a room spray for this room as well as like an air freshener type thing now I'm so tired of hearing all your stories [Music] oh I'm so tired [Music] okay here is the playroom and honestly it's been a lot worse there have been days that I've come up here and I've cleaned on camera where I could not even walk on the floor because it was covered in stuffed animals and toys and all kinds of things but today we just have a couple of air mattresses from where we had some kids over for a sleepover last weekend and I'm just now getting up here to take the bedding off and put the air mattresses away and then while I was up here I went ahead and just kind of tidied up and vacuumed because I saw that there was a bowl that was empty it had had popcorn in it so there were popcorn kernels and a few wrappers so I figured there's probably popcorn and I was correct there was popcorn on the ground so I ended up vacuuming while I was up here too now since it's a little bit later in the video I figured the people that are still here are the ones that probably watch you know a lot of the videos all the way through and really really enjoy the videos or are just you know getting something out of them so I wanted to ask you guys what you want to see in the next month or so I do still have some decluttering to do I kind of took a break from the decluttering videos because I was honestly getting worn out but I think I'm gonna do a I'm definitely going to be decluttering our craft area here in this playroom I didn't even remember to show it on camera but it's a disaster and so I do want to clean declutter and organize in that space so that's definitely going to be coming up but what else do you want to see on my channel do you like seeing like the meal prep the deep cleaning grocery hauls what do you want to see in the next month that would be helpful for you guys [Music] thank you [Music] always like I know each other [Music] okay last thing I'm gonna do here and then I'll be completely done cleaning for these two days is I'm gonna vacuum really quick and that'll be it oh and I wanted to let y'all know in case you watched last week's video I did a Target haul at the end of the video and I showed a dress and I talked about how I was I purchased it originally to wear to my cousin's wedding which I'm super excited about it's this weekend um but I ended up not going with that dress I do love the dress but I just felt like I don't know I wasn't completely 100 for it you know so I ended up purchasing a couple of dresses off of Amazon both of them I love so much so I'm still trying to decide between those two I might share them on Instagram but one they're both very different too one's like a hot pink and then the other one is like a brownish greenish color one is long sleeve and long the other one is short sleeve and and you know like a mid length dress so they're very different from each other but I just wanted to let y'all know I did not end up going with that blue dress that I got from Target even though I do think it's really cute and I it actually would probably be a good like Beach vacation dress too and I did return the visor and the flip-flops um I was cracking up at all of your comments about the visor and your takes on it one person actually said it gave them handmade tail Vibes if y'all haven't seen that show it's so funny because I was actually gonna say that in my voiceover but I ended up not talking about it but that was like my first thought is oh my goodness I look like I should be in the handmaid's tale but anyways I returned those two items all right this is all the cleaning that I'm gonna do for these two days of cleaning I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did please be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new I hope you have the best week ever and I will see you in my next video bye all [Music] hey y'all and welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you're new here my name is Amy Darley and today's video is going to be a super motivating clean with me I've got so much cleaning to do so it's actually broken up over a couple days of cleaning so hopefully this video will give you all the motivation that you need to tackle those things on your to-do list today so go ahead and get your to-do list out or make your list while you're watching and let's clean along together [Music] thank you [Music] all right we are getting started on day one of cleaning and on this day I was focusing on the kids bedrooms getting their bedding washed and cleaning their bedrooms doing some dusting and all of that and it's funny I came up to Gracie June's room that's my daughter and our little cat Ozzy was sleeping in her bed so to start the day I ended up just moving her over into Cason's room and letting her take a little nap there but poor thing had a rude awakening a little bit later after I finished cleaning Gracie June's room I had to go in there and wake her up again and take her downstairs to finish her nap and it's just funny because I feel like our cats will sleep all day inside they're actually indoor outdoor cats and I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about that um but we love it because we are gone so much and they are able to come in and out of our garage we keep our food in the garage the their food in the garage and so they're able to come in and out they use the bathroom outside so we don't have a litter box or anything like that but they do spend a lot of time during the day inside with me just kind of napping and hanging out and then when they wake up they're ready to go back outside and play but it's funny because I always talk about this I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would have cats but my kids talked us into it and we actually have three now so but they've grown on me and I would definitely say that I love those cats um never thought I would say that in my life but I do all right so we are starting in Gracie June's room I've already got the bedding going in the washing machine she's got a bazillion blankets um so I'm gonna actually fold these two blankets and take them into our playroom which is way where they usually go and then this blanket right here was actually made by her grandmother for her so she keeps that one on her bed and then this is her other little favorite blanket and she actually does sleep with both of those I don't know how she does it with her bedding because we have the Betty's bedding on both the kids beds and we actually have the minky version so it's very soft on the inside and so I would think that she would get super hot during the night especially with just that and the other blankets that she sleeps with oh I wanted to show you all these little squirts she's obsessed with I got them off of Amazon in a three pack if you have little girls they are so cute they come in youth sizes and they come in a pack of three with three different colors and I've gotten her two different sets so now she has six pair and they are all she wants to wear now so definitely check them out if you have little girls that love skorts but anyways but yeah so I was just saying I don't know how Gracie June sleeps with so many blankets and doesn't like sweat during the night but oh I'm showing you Gracie June's first ever ring that she got for coming in first place at a competition and then this one's actually a baseball ring um where Cason my son he plays baseball and we were at a tournament and they won and they had some extra rings so the coach actually gave a couple of the siblings rings so Gracie June got one of those but she was so excited to get her first ever cheer ring because Cason has so many when I go into his room you'll see he has like a huge row of all these baseball rings and so Gracie June was so excited to get her first ring ever from a win at a competition alright so I'm actually just going around and tidying up the room first before I start dusting and so Gracie June had a bunch of stuff that we had just brought upstairs and these were some flower clips that I got off of Amazon for Easter and so I'm just putting them in here in her closet this is where she keeps Oliver scrunchie and clips and things and then this little bag here I'm actually just going to take most of this stuff into the playroom because it was all of her um My Generation Doll she it's like an American Girl doll but from Target all of her stuff that goes with that so I just took that into the playroom really quick and I'm unpacking this overnight bag which was from the last weekend when she went and spent the night with her friend I'm finally gonna unpack this even though she is quite capable of doing this on her own but I'm doing it for her so um I'm just gonna unpack all this stuff and tidy up her room and then we'll actually do some dusting and cleaning in here [Music] okay so before I can start dusting I also wanted to go ahead and put all of her Legos away so this is where Gracie June keeps the majority of her Legos we also have more in the playroom but these are the ones that she plays with the most often so she keeps them in here and I'm just putting them all into these little baskets I she likes the clear bins but I honestly like these baskets a lot better these are the same ones that we have in our playroom and I just like them because they keep everything contained and you can't see what's in them so I just put all those Legos in there put the baskets up and then I'm gonna be able to actually dust her bookshelves and then this is my little cleaning caddy I have had this cleaning caddy forever it's from Walmart but um I think the one that they have on there now that's the exact same one is way more expensive I pretty I'm pretty sure I only paid five bucks for this but now it's way more expensive so I'll link a similar one and that is a lot less expensive um but these are all the cleaning products that I'm going to be using today I actually forgot to use the room freshener I meant to spray that at the end of cleaning both of their rooms but I forgot to spray it so um I'm not actually using that today but usually I do but I love the Mrs Myers multi-surface spray for dusting sometimes I dust with it sometimes I dust with just a dry microfiber cloth and don't use anything but today since I was cleaning both of their rooms and I just wanted a good smell I decided to use the Mrs Myers multi-surface spray and I had two different scents I can't remember I know I had the mom scent which I used in casein's room and then the one that I just showed you and then I'm also going to use the Sprayway glass cleaner to clean the mirror and then also their windows I was gonna stay in the fight with you just thinking we would do this until we couldn't do it each and every heart every night with you you and me so clueless [Music] so it's been a little while since I've actually shown you guys Gracie June's room or been up in the kids rooms cleaning in a video and I know the last time I talked about the Betty's bedding and how wonderful it's been I think my kids have had them gosh close to five years maybe maybe four years now um and they've just been so great they've held up wonderfully but I do feel like it's time to update their bedding and get them something new I'm thinking about looking at Target just because I know that they always have such great bedding for kids and it's usually a lot more affordable than like Pottery Barn but I love all the stuff at Potter Pottery Barn I just don't know if I really want to spend that much money although sometimes you get what you pay for you know so I've been looking at both places and I just can't make up my mind yet but I definitely want to update their bedding and maybe update their bedrooms in general just to make them you know not so Kitty which I guess Cason's isn't really too kid-ish his is more like baseball and hunting which is stuff that he loves to do um but Gracie June she's getting into that tween stage now and so I feel like she would probably have fun doing a little makeover in her bedroom and then for Cason I would just update his bedding at least so while I was cleaning the windows here in the kids bedrooms I was thinking about how I really need to get on top of my spring cleaning so I actually did start making a list and making a list of what I wanted to share in videos and I do have a spring cleaning checklist if you want to check that out it's on my blog amydarly.com and it's complete it's totally free you can just download it print it off and I just have it by room so I have a whole checklist by room and you can kind of just go through the whole checklist and as you're getting things cleaned whenever you have some free time you can check those items off of your list but there are a lot of things that I do for spring cleaning that I don't do on a regular basis so I'm kind of getting excited for that I probably should have started it already because it's definitely been warm here and warm enough to start doing all the spring cleaning especially inside um but it is pollen season so I'll show trying to wait to do any of the outside cleaning until pollen season is done so that way we could pressure wash the house and do all the cleaning and it wouldn't be covered in pollen the next day but if you want to see what all I have for spring cleaning definitely go check out that checklist and make sure you're subscribed to my channel too so that way you can get some spring cleaning motivation through some of my videos all right we are now in Cason's room and I'm going to clean in here doing the same thing I'm just going to go ahead and pull off all the bedding get that in the washing machine and start dusting and you can probably tell which one of my kids is the messy one and which one is pretty organized and doesn't really make much of a mess but I will also say um my daughter Gracie June she's kind of more the creative one and she loves to play she loves to create and she will pull everything out and just go to town just having fun where Cason my son he's more of the one that just wants to be outside or even on video games like he doesn't really you know have the creativity spark he doesn't you know ever pull out obviously he's old enough to where he doesn't play with like action figures which I really feel like he never did we had a bunch of action figures but he never really I mean they just kind of sat there and other kids played with them when they came over but he didn't really and then even the Legos like he would only play with Legos if other kids wanted to play with them so they're definitely two different personalities um so and but he also loves to come in here and if I tell him to go clean his room he'll come in here and he will actually go through his drawers and organize and everything himself now it wouldn't necessarily be exactly how I would organize the things myself but I love that he does it his own way and that he is organized also I don't know if you noticed this but his bed was actually made and typically my kids I talk about this all the time but my kids don't usually make their beds on school mornings but Cason has really wanted some air pods he got these the JBL like earbuds for Christmas and they're supposed to be really great and we have a couple of the Bluetooth speakers they've been awesome but for some reason like he's only had them since Christmas and then about a month ago he was saying that the volume on them was was not working right so it just wasn't it was so quiet and I tried them out we tried we cleaned them we did all the things and one of them started working right again but the other one still isn't so he's been borrowing my airpods or my husband's air pods while he's in the car we don't let him take him with him anywhere but just he uses them while we're in the car or around the house or something but so he's been begging to get air pods and so we told him we were like you know you need to start earning some money and buying these things yourselves that way you learn to take care of your stuff you learn to keep up with it and I just feel like it means a whole lot more when you have actually bought the things yourself so even though so my kids don't do chores every single day of the week we did tell them that if they make their beds in the mornings and they do the chores that we ask them to do throughout the week that they could start earning some money and Kason was all about it and Gracie June definitely does all the chores when we ask her to she loves washing dishes and loading the dishwasher which is really funny um but obviously her room was a mess her bed wasn't made so she won't get the full amount of chore money like case and will this week but like I said I am horrible about keeping up with the kids chores and all that kind of stuff during the school year but during the summer they actually do a really good job and we have a chore chart that we use and it's just easier I feel like to have a routine where they do the chores during the summer because it's not nearly as busy and Too Deep [Music] okay so I was talking about spring cleaning earlier and I'm just curious have you guys started any spring cleaning or when do you typically start your spring cleaning if you haven't already and what are some ways that you kind of keep up with your spring cleaning do you have a checklist or do you just try to go room to room and I know a lot of people actually follow the fly lady method and they do like the zones and all that kind of stuff I don't know I've just never really kept up with all of that stuff it just seems like so much to me and I've tried to go through it all and look at it but I kind of got overwhelmed so I just had created myself this little spring cleaning checklist I also have some weekly cleaning checklists on there and a monthly cleaning checklist if you guys want to check those out too like I said they're all free you can just download and print them out and use them I have mine laminated but you could also just put them in a little you know the clear sleeves or whatever sleep protectors and use a dry erase marker each week to mark off whatever you need to and a lot of people have been asking for a weekly cleaning routine video because I talked about it in last week's video that I definitely want to make a weekly cleaning routine video um so that's on my list as well to make the next couple of videos will be some spring cleaning stuff and then I think the next one after that will be the weekly cleaning routine so if you want to see all of that then it'll be coming soon [Music] [Applause] just like the movies [Music] you were just broken shattered [Music] okay so I am almost done cleaning upstairs for today I did not end up cleaning the kids bathroom which usually I will do when I do the upstairs I'll clean the kids bathroom and the playroom but I ran out of time so I'm getting all the vacuuming done and then I have to actually head out to get Gracie June in case I'm from school and then I will come back and um put Cason's bedding on his bed but this little vacuum right here that I have I have had for a while and this vacuum is super inexpensive I got it from Walmart and it's pretty heavy duty and sucks up a lot um I actually got this one because I was looking for a vacuum that I could review that was similar to the shark up light and I will say that it has the anti-tangle brush roll like the shark up light but it is a lot heavier than the shark up light so if you're looking for a very light vacuum this one is not very light but it's corded so that means that it's a lot more powerful than if you were to get like a cordless vacuum so I definitely think if you have lots of carpet this is a great vacuum or even lots of rugs to vacuum this one would be a good one for you but if you have a lot more like hardwood and vinyl and not very much carpet then I definitely think you could get away with just having a cordless vacuum I have the tenko cordless vacuum and I'll link both of these down in my description box but the cordless vacuum that I have is also a really great price right now so I'll link both of those I love them both I just think sometimes you you know people have preferences or they have different houses that need different requirements in a vacuum and so if you have lots of carpet and rugs then I would definitely suggest getting a corded heavy duty vacuum but if if you have a lot more hardwood or vinyl then like I said I think the cordless vacuum would be great too deep [Music] okay room one is done it's all clean it smells so good in here I wish you guys could smell it through the screen but I'm done in here and then I actually ran out to go get the kids we came back and then Cason and my husband were actually headed to Jacksonville for a baseball tournament so he took one of his pillows with him and um it was one of the ones that had the stripes over there you'll see I only have one of those now but now I'm putting the bedding on his bed and then I will be done cleaning in here you'll take my love for granted [Music] say a bunch of stuff you never meet again [Music] [Music] all right bedroom two is done and I am gonna get some rest for the night and then tomorrow I will be doing a lot more cleaning downstairs because when you guys see my downstairs it's a tea total disaster and I had a lot of cleaning to do nothing nothing all right you guys here we are on day two it is a beautiful day so I am getting started bright and early I'm just kind of showing you outside it was like 85 degrees today and so nice but this is the condition of my house right now so we just have stuff everywhere Gracie June had her dolls out we have snacks to put away I um actually threw all the clothes off out of the dryer onto my bed this morning and I did this before I made my bed oh I'm gonna be listening to this book which I did finish it it's called deadly little lies I'm going to be listening to that while I'm cleaning I got me some Chick-fil-A already today got me a diet Dr Pepper so I have a little bit of energy to get through all of my cleaning this morning got my earbuds in and we're gonna get started so like I said I already took that load of laundry out of the dryer this morning and now I've got some that I actually started in the washing machine last night before I went to bed and I'm just throwing this in the dryer now so that can get started so hopefully I can get caught up on some laundry today sucker foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you think you wouldn't be so reckless [Music] all right now let's tackle the downstairs mess we're going to start here in the breakfast area we've got some water bottles which I feel like we always have all over the place we've got some blankets that we actually used the other day and I washed and just threw them here so I could fold them and put them away um we use those for the baseball game it's so funny because it's been so hot but then in the evening it would get cold or the gnats would come out so I was bringing the blankets to the baseball games for either one of those things so whether it was cold or just trying to keep the gnats off of me um but so got the breakfast area cleaned up now I'm gonna put all the stuff away that does not belong here in the kitchen for some reason this just ends up being our Drop Zone this and the laundry room and anywhere that's right near where we walk in from our garage our stuff just gets thrown everywhere shoes everybody just even though they can take those shoes off outside we have the um shoe rack out in our garage and so they can put their shoes on the shoe rack but instead they walk right inside and throw the shoes off right beside the counter but that's okay I'm Gonna Miss This one day I know I am all right so these are actually the snacks that I showed you guys in a video a few weeks ago we still have a bunch of snacks left over from our my Sam's Club haul and so I'm just going through and restocking all these baskets for snacks so that lasted me almost three weeks you guys so our kids you know they have snacks they have friends over they have snacks and so those big old boxes lasted me almost three weeks which is great because I need to go do another Sam's trip and get some things so maybe I'll go ahead and get some more snacks while I'm at it but got those restocked put the other stuff away and then now I'm just putting away these dishes that have already been washed and I'm gonna load the dishwasher and then wash any dishes that need to be washed by hand you take my left for granted [Music] keep on talking from body to body yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] okay things are flying I am getting some progress done on all this mess and the kitchen is pretty much picked up now so all I have left to do is just wipe down the counters really quick and I'm using the Grove Co multi-purpose cleaner and so it's just like a concentrate in these glass bottles you just fill the glass bottle up with water pour in your concentrate and you can use it as a multi-purpose cleaner to clean all around your house so that's what I'm using right now and then for my wood countertop I'm actually going going to use the method wood cleaner if you've been around and watched any of my videos you probably are like you are a broken record because I am just a creature of habit I use the same cleaning products all the time so some of my favorites and you're going to hear me talk about all the time are the Mrs Meyer's multi-purpose spray the Grove concentrate cleaner I love the wood cleaner the method wood cleaner that's like one of my favorites for any kind of wood countertops or wood surfaces so I'm going to use that here on this countertop and then I'm also gonna you're gonna see me use it on my coffee table in just a little bit in the living room and another set of cleaners that are really great are the Jaws cleaners and they actually have the little pods where you can also make your own cleaners with reusable um plastic bottles and they have cleaners for pretty much every surface it's pretty cool and the good thing about those though is that they are clean products and they don't have like a really strong smell so if you're very sensitive to Smells then I definitely recommend the Jaws cleaners because they do a great job cleaning but they don't leave like a really strong smell behind now I personally love the smells you know I love that that's why I use the Mrs Myers upstairs in the kids bedrooms earlier is because I want it to smell clean after I get done cleaning you know what I mean so um I love having those fresh scents not necessarily overwhelming smells but you know I want to be able to smell it so anyways now I'm done in the kitchen I just lit a little candle and then now I'm gonna move into the living room these are Gracie June's Next Generation dolls that I told you guys I got from Target and that same little bag with all of the accessories she had brought them down here and was playing with them downstairs so I just set them on the stairs so that way when she gets home she can actually take them up and put them away in the playroom [Music] nothing more to say let's just waste away [Music] but we'll start today [Music] okay now that the living room is all picked up tidied up I am spraying the caldrea it's like a room spray it smells so good I'll leave the ones that I use down in the description box in case you want to check them out I get them off of Amazon or even off of The Grove collaborative website and then now I have pulled out my cordless vacuum this is the one that I was talking about earlier that is a really really good price and if you have lots of hardwood floors or vinyl then I definitely recommend this one I use this vacuum almost every single day because when we're cooking of course we get crumbs and everything everywhere so me or the kids or even chance will pull this out and clean in here if it's like a day that I washed my hair and I had to blow dry my hair in the bathroom then I definitely pulled this out as well because you guys know when you blow dry your hair you shed like crazy so I usually have to vacuum the bathroom after doing that and and this vacuum also has that anti-tangle brush roll on it and so it's awesome I love it I don't think I can ever have another vacuum without the anti-tangle brush Roll Just because it just saves me so much time it keeps the brush roll you know nice and clean um but like I said I pull this out almost every single day I don't vacuum my entire house with this I kind of spot clean because I also have a robot vacuum that goes off every single day at 10 30 a.m and vacuums the entire downstairs for me but on this day it was actually a little bit later in the day and my vacuum got stuck the robot vacuum you can see it right here in this clip actually it got stuck underneath the day bed that's in our office so it quit vacuuming so I had to go put it up and then I just decided to go ahead while I had my cordless vacuum out to vacuum the rest of the downstairs okay and then while I was vacuuming I went towards the front door and I had some packages so I decided to go ahead and unbox all this stuff and I'm going to show you guys what all I got it's funny because I got some prmail and I don't usually get a lot of PR mail but I'm going to show you guys what I got and then I'll finish vacuuming [Music] foreign [Music] okay I thought I would show you guys what all I got in the mail really quick so all of this stuff over here is PR packages so I had no clue that these were coming and typically I do not get a lot of PR packages you guys but I happen to get a few different ones this week um and then all this stuff over here is stuff that I ordered so we'll start with the pr stuff first so I got this Astro AI six liter mini fridge and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with this I might give it to a friend because I'm not sure we need it but I ordered Gracie June a little mini fridge it's like a purple one for Christmas and I still haven't even put it in her room um but this could be cool for Cason's room or I might just see if a friend wants it um the second thing I got is this Lulu touch screen toilet freshener so this is supposed to be like a toilet freshener to keep your toilet smelling good and I think this is such a great idea the only problem is that sometimes our cats will go in the bathroom and actually drink out of our toilet as much as we try to keep them from doing it sometimes they do it so I'm just worried that like the freshener would get sprayed into the toilet water and it wouldn't be good for them we actually quit using um those little cleaning tabs that you put in the back of the toilet to keep it like clean because we knew that the cleaner is going into the toilet so we stopped using those because we didn't want our cats drinking toilet or you know cleaner out of the toilet so I'm not sure that we will keep this I might have to give this to someone I know that does not have pets but I still think it's a great idea um and the next thing is we got this tied stain remover I've never tried that and then also this washing machine cleaner with oxy I didn't even know that tide made washing machine cleaner so this is really cool even though I do use a different brand to clean our washing machine with little tablets so might have to try this out and see how it works um and then pixie is a beauty Blaine a beauty brand so they have like all kinds of different beauty products to try and they do send me stuff very often a lot of times I will go through it and pick out the stuff that I want to try out and then the rest of it I will actually give to Gracie June and she loves it so um looks like we have an in shower steamed facials let me see what's in here okay so this is really cute so it's got like a little washcloth and then an end shower steam facial which is just like a it says it's a self-heating cleansing mask so I might actually have to try this out that's really cute but like I said a lot of times Gracie June ends up with this stuff just because I have so much stuff that I get from Saint and I just can't keep all the beauty stuff but um they do make some really good beauty products all right so now moving on to the stuff that I actually ordered myself so first I got these Nano scale cleaning cloths off of Amazon and I think I saw these on like Tick Tock or something but it's supposed to leave everything like super streak free like if you were cleaning your glass or Windows or whatever so I got these because I was influenced by someone I don't even know who it was but I got these to try out so I'll have to try these out so I think that there are eight in a pack and I can't remember what the price was but I will leave these linked down in my description box but I'm gonna try these out and see how they work all right and then I got this little bag off of Amazon it is not a bog bag it's like a dupe and it's I think it even said um generic beach bag or waterproof bag or something and you can see it even has the bees like the bog bag but it is way way cheaper I actually thought I was getting the bigger one but for the price this is amazing um it feels just like the bog bag the bottom actually looks like the bog bags um but these are such great bags I have a huge one and then I have another one that's like this size for the pool but these make good pool bags beach bags we use our big one for baseball tournaments so definitely recommend these and like I said this one was way cheaper than all the actual bog bags so I'll leave this linked down in my description box too all right and the last thing I got was a bunch of stuff in from Saint Beauty this is the makeup that I use and I'll just show you a few of the things but I got this these refresh wipes I think I got like three packs of these I love these things these are great for like getting your makeup off actually use these to get the eye black off of casein after his baseball tournaments too because the only thing that's like gentle on the skin that well I wouldn't say it's the only thing but it's the only thing I have at my house that's gentle on the skin and it pulls it off really easily so I got three packs of these I got the saint beauty cream so this is like a moisturizer type cream I use the dime Beauty skincare so I've never tried any of the saint skincare yet but I'm almost out of my moisturizer from dime so I wanted to give this a try for right now so we're gonna try that out and then I also got some new eyeshadow colors to try out for some new eyeshadow looks and then I got a lip conditioner and then I got some more of my Contour color so and then I also ordered a few more extra colors of like highlights and things like that just to have backups in case I want to put some makeup on anybody and they want to be color matched so that is all of my little stash that I got in now I need to go put this stuff away so I know you guys have heard me talk a lot about Saint lately the beauty makeup that I've been using and it's because I seriously fell in love with this stuff and I've never been the type of person that has known how to do makeup I still don't claim to know how to do makeup but I have followed a ton of different little tutorials that I've seen on Tick Tock and on Instagram I follow a bunch of Saint artists and after using the makeup for about six months and I was talking about it all the time and all my friends were getting it so I decided that I would sign up as a saint Artist as well and kind of use it as an affiliate link since I was already sharing it so much anyways and I started putting the makeup on my friends I got some extra makeup and would ask my friends to come over just so I could play around with makeup on them and it's just been so much fun and makeup has never been fun for me you guys like I just was too lazy to put it on or I was just intimidated I never knew what products to use if you watch Tick Tock and Instagram you are going to see so many different products and Brands and all these different ways to use these different products and for me it was just overwhelming and then I found that I would like buy a product and use it a couple of times and then never touch it again because I didn't really know how to apply it but when I got this makeup it I literally got it because I had seen so many different girls sharing these tutorials on how to use this makeup on Tick Tock and so finally after watching a bazillion different videos I feel like Tick Tock just kept showing them to me because I would sit there and just keep watching and I was just in awe and so finally I decided that I wanted to try it and see if it was worth it and kind of do my own little review on it without you know knowing anything about the makeup never have tried it before so I got all the makeup I got in all the basics that the girl that was the same artist she color matched me to so she actually I took a little selfie and sent her my selfie and then she told me the exact colors to go with my skin tones and so I got them and then as soon as I got them in I put them all in my little palette which they all go in one palette so it's awesome because everything is right there together and it's easy to travel with but anyways I put them all in my palette and then I literally turned on The Tick Tock video that I had saved for the tutorial and followed her step by step to put on the makeup I even shared a little video on Tick Tock so this was like a year ago now but um I showed the before and the after and honestly I was so shocked at how well it turned out even the first time that I ever used it and now after using it for over a year I feel like it's even better like it literally takes me five minutes to do my makeup in the morning and I love it so anyways I feel like this makeup is just amazing it's for everybody and I just want everybody to know about it because I want you guys to have that feeling that I had especially if you've never been a makeup person and you know a exactly what I'm talking about I want you to feel that confidence and I want you to feel like you can do it too so if you ever want to chat about it let me know I will have um a little Link in my description box that will actually give you all the information about the makeup and like I said I am a saint artist now so I do make a commission off of the sales I use it kind of like an affiliate link but I did use it for six months before I ever decided to become a saint artist and if you've also been around on my channel for a long time you guys know that I would never share any products with you guys if I didn't absolutely love it and that's why I kind of stick to the same things I'm sharing the same products all the time with you guys just because once you find something that you love you want to share it with people and I mean you guys are always going to love every single thing that I fall in love with but like I said if I love it I want to share it with people and I want as many people to know about it as possible and and this makeup is that it is amazing the best makeup I've ever used and so so so so easy and I want to share it with you all so I do have a link in my description box if you guys want to check out the makeup there's all the information about it there I also shared a tutorial like a little video tutorial of me actually putting the makeup on and kind of talking you through it so that's on that um link as well and then I also have a form where if you want a color match you can fill out that form you'll just send me like a little selfie and then I will text you all of the colors that would be perfect for your skin tone so I will actually help you pick out your colors alright so that's all of the cleaning that I'm gonna do today I got lots of stuff done over these two days lots of laundry clean bedding clean bedrooms and it feels so good to have the whole house back in order I hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me today I can't wait to catch up with all of you in the comments and if you're new here don't forget to subscribe before you leave and be sure to introduce yourself so that way we can get to know you a little bit better also if you did enjoy today's video please make sure to give it a thumbs up it helps me out a ton and I can't wait to see you guys in my next video have a great week bye hey y'all I'm Amy Darley a stay-at-home mom of two and I share videos each week sharing everything from cleaning motivation to meal prep and how I tackle everyday life being a mama with a busy schedule here's a little preview of what's to come in today's video I started on some spring cleaning in last week's video where I cleaned the living room and then this week we are actually focusing on the kitchen so I'll be doing a little bit of deep cleaning and showing you the easiest way to clean your cabinets I hope you guys will subscribe if you're new here and say hey in the comments and get your to-do list ready so we can clean together [Music] thank you [Music] let me feel your love again [Music] take me to a different place just the two of us and we can stay up all night been under street lights good morning friends I hope you guys are having a fabulous start to your day or evening whatever time it is that you're watching I have a lot of deep cleaning to do in today's video and I actually got all of it done in one day which typically if you guys watch my videos you'll see that a lot of times I have to break up my cleaning over lots of days of the week just because I run out of time all the time but today I got it all done which is crazy for me so here we are starting with my normal everyday routine I get a load of laundry started and then I make my bed and tidy up my room now you would think that with having this little routine that I would be on top of laundry but you guys uh this video actually was pretty much on top of laundry but this past week holy moly I have had so much laundry I think I folded like five loads of laundry yesterday but I'm really good about getting it washed and dried it's just that then they sit in the hamper to be folded for days at a time but hey at least the laundry's clean and we can always pull clothes out of the basket when we need them all right now that we've got laundry started let's go ahead and make the bed and tidy up the bedroom these are actually Gracie June's pajamas Gracie June is my nine-year-old daughter and she's still every single night almost every single night will come in our room in the middle of the night and jump in the bed with us which I really don't mind because we still get good sleep with her in there it's not like she's taking up a big part of the bed or anything and I know that this won't last forever and I'm gonna miss being able to snuggle her be with you oh I Wanna Be With You now if you have been here on my channel for a really long time you will remember me sharing this tool from the beginning of when I started my YouTube channel it's called the hurricane Pet fur wizard not sure why my camera is going in and out of focus here but that little tool is for getting any like pet hair or anything off of your bed you can even use it to get lint off um but I used to use it all the time because we had a chocolate lab named Cooper and he was the sweetest thing ever but he actually passed away a year ago um and ever since then I really haven't had to pull it out much because we didn't really have any like hair or anything to get off the bed but recently our cats have started coming in our bedroom sometimes during the day and they might take naps and so I've been having to pull it out and I'm like man you know I haven't missed the hair but anyways that little tool is awesome so if you have cats or dogs and you want an easy way to get the hair off of your you know upholstery or your bedding or anything definitely check that out it's linked in my Amazon storefront and then I'll also link it below for you understand [Music] this is another one of those cleaning tools that I just could not live without it's my cordless vacuum I use it almost every single day especially in my bathroom right here when I brush my hair I mean I shed like crazy so I use this all the time so I'm just actually vacuuming up our room really quick now that we've got all the stuff picked up off the floor but I love this little cordless vacuum it makes it so easy for quick cleanup and just everyday cleanup without having to worry about a cord now I will say I still recommend having a corded vacuum because when it comes to cleaning your rugs and things like that I definitely think it's great for everyday cleaning but if you want a good deep clean on your rug then there's nothing like a corded vacuum like the power of a corded vacuum but I'll be sure to link all of my favorites down in the description box in case you're in the market for a good vacuum [Music] okay now we're gonna go around and clean up all the messy areas that we have just thrown things around and I'm gonna get everything put where it belongs now a lot of the kids stuff I'm actually just going to keep in this bag here and then I have a couple of other bags that are sitting on the stairs so that way when they get home they can take their bags upstairs and go put all of their stuff away and if you guys didn't see last week's video you might be a little confused because this face looks so different I actually got new furniture from castlery so we got two new couches and then this arm chair and I think they are so pretty so comfy um and it's funny though because the cats really haven't been on the couch as much they haven't really liked the couches that much and I got a few questions about that in the comments last week like how are the cats liking the new couches and um it's funny because they really don't get on them very much now the little armchair though Ozzy our little black cat that she loves sleeping in the armchair and I don't know what it is because I feel like the cushions are very similar material so she likes that arm cheer though and she's claimed that as her nap spot all right so now before we can get any deep cleaning done in the kitchen I need to unload the dishwasher and then I need to get these dishes out of the sink so I'm going to wash the dishes by hand and then I'm actually going to hand dry the dishes today and put them away because I want to deep clean the inside of my dishwasher so of course it has to be empty in order for me to do that [Music] happy [Applause] [Music] [Music] all that time away from you I didn't think I'd make it without you by my side let me feel your love again [Music] just the two of us now I'm curious have you guys started on your spring cleaning I mean I know it's almost summer goodness June 21st will be summer so let's get some spring cleaning done shall we I feel like I started way later this year which maybe I didn't I don't know but if you are in need of a spring cleaning checklist I do have one um on my blog which I don't hardly ever blog over there I need to get better about that but goodness I feel like I share stuff all over the place on Facebook on Instagram on YouTube so the blog just pretty much takes a back seat but I do love it for sharing printable PDFs so on my blog amydarly.com there is a printable spring cleaning checklist for each room so if you need a little checklist to kind of you know get yourself organized you can use that and of course use it as your checklist or even use it as inspiration for creating your own whatever you want to do but that is there for you in case you want to use it so for spring cleaning so far we have gotten the living room done and then now we're on to the kitchen which I feel like I got almost everything done on my spring cleaning checklist for the kitchen today except for the oven which I did plan on doing that one but I knew that it would take a little bit of time so I will definitely do that later my oven really needs to be cleaned so maybe that'll just be something that I'll have to do randomly as I'm getting the rest of my spring cleaning checklist done [Music] everything is all right I Wanna Be With You let me be the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wanna Be With [Music] Wanna Be With you [Music] all right we are ready to start some deep cleaning are you guys ready okay I am taking out the bottom rack of my dishwasher just to make it a lot easier to get in and out of here and to clean and then I am actually taking out the filter here if you guys have never cleaned your filter you might want to take it out and check it the first time I ever did this it was so disgusting and you can see I try to do this every I don't know I usually do it every couple of months you probably should do it every single month but you can see it's probably been a few months before I've done since I've done this and so I'm cleaning out the filter and then also this little guard thing here and they're not too too bad but they definitely need it to be clean so I'm just gonna throw them in some hot water with some dish soap let them soak for a little bit while I clean out the inside of the dishwasher thank you [Music] there's something really off about that can't you see the problem we're just caring about yourself maybe you should try to do something for someone else you gotta give a little bit [Music] okay I'm using Dawn power wash and I'm just spraying down the inside of the dishwasher and just using a sponge to kind of get anything that was Caked Up on the sides off um you can't really tell on here on this angle but there was some like food that was stuck on the side um some other little Gunk I don't even know what it was but I'm just using this because it makes it super easy to get anything that's dried on it makes it easy to get off and then I just wiped everything back down I started with paper towels and then I was like you know what I'm wasting too many paper towels so I pulled out a microfiber cloth and wiped down the rest of it with the microfiber cloth oh you'll never [Music] give it a little [Music] now I'm just gonna wash these pieces really quickly with the hot soapy water and put them back into our dishwasher foreign [Music] [Music] now that I've got my pieces back in my dishwasher I'm gonna actually run a hot cleaning cycle on my dishwasher so I'm gonna first take some baking soda just sprinkle it all on the bottom and then I'm gonna do a little bit of vinegar so about a cup of vinegar and just set this on the top rack and then this is going to help clean the inside while my dishwasher is on the cleaning cycle I'm also putting my bottom rack back in here so it can get cleaned at the same time [Music] get a little [Music] now really quickly I'm going to tidy up the breakfast area before I do even more cleaning but it's so funny this is like our little drop zone and the kids keep their book bags over here which oh my goodness I feel like Gracie June has like 10 different book bags she got a book bag for it was like a prize at their last cheerleading competition and then she also has her regular cheer book bag her school book bag and then yesterday she actually got in the car when I picked her up from school in the pickup line and she had her new cheer book bag for School cheer so I'm like what are we gonna do with all these book bags it's just crazy but anyways I tidied up that little area and then I wanted to go ahead and clean out the dishwasher or not the dishwasher this is clearly not the dishwasher this is the microwave but I just used that same Dawn power wash to clean out the microwave and then you're gonna actually see me use it again to clean our stove top a little bit later this is just one of those products that it's such a great like Degreaser and works really good on anything that is greasy or has food caked on it just breaks it all down and just makes it easy to clean so that's what I did here and then I also cleaned the little tray for the dishwasher I should keep saying dishwasher microwave clean the tray for the microwave and then I'm sticking that back in here and then I can check this off of my list too okay so now that I've got the inside of my appliances cleaned I'm going to actually start cleaning and doing some deep cleaning all over but I'm going to start from top to bottom and I do this because whenever you're dusting and everything or you're cleaning everything falls to the floor so you don't want to clean your countertops before you dust because the dust will obviously fall onto the floor you don't want to clean your floors before you clean your countertops because when you're cleaning your accounting countertops you're wiping crumbs onto the floor that kind of thing so I'm starting with dusting I've got these extendable dusters I showed these in last week's video this is what I use to clean our really tall ceiling fan so these are awesome it comes in a two pack on Amazon and they just extend pretty far so I use them to clean the ceilings the well not the ceilings but the you know you could use them to clean the ceilings but I don't typically do that um but you know like the tops of your walls all that kind of stuff so I just went around dusted the light fixtures the top of the cabinets and now I'm going to actually wash my cabinets using a little bit of tide and some hot water in my oh Cedar Spin Mop I started using my oh Cedar Spin Mop to clean my cabinets last year and you guys this is such a game changer it not only saves your back and knees so you don't have to like get on your knees and bend over to clean your bottom cabinets and baseboards but it also I can reach the top cabinets without having to stand up on top of the cabinets or anything and it makes cleaning the cabinets so much faster before I was using my mop I would actually just use a microfiber cloth and either a multi-service spray or I would do a tub of hot water and Dawn dish soap or Tide whatever I wanted to use as the cleaner and I would have to stand up on my cabinets and use my hand to get every single spot on my cabinets with the microfiber cloth and it just wasn't easy and definitely took a lot longer so using my oh Cedar Spin Mop actually isn't so bad so it makes me want to actually clean my cabinets more often so that's nice now I will say that you might have some spots with some caked on food or something like that and you would probably still want to pull out your microfiber cloth and kind of spot clean those areas but as far as getting your entire cabinets cleaned I would definitely recommend this method but if you use your mop you definitely want to make sure that you wring it out really really good if you have the o-seater Spin Mop spin it like 12 times you literally want it just damp you don't want it sopping wet because then you're just going to have water dripping down your cabinets and sometimes you might not actually wring it out all the way and you might have some water but then just take your microfiber cloth and dry it up really quick but I'm telling you guys this is such an easy way to clean your cabinet save so much time and energy now y'all will have to let me know if you've tried cleaning it like this or if you decide to try doing it and what you guys think of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me something bad [Music] okay so now that I have dusted I've cleaned my cabinets I'm actually gonna go ahead and clean off my stove top it's not too bad but you can see I've got a little bit of crumbs or something you know all over the stove so first I'm going to vacuum it up and then I'm going to use the same Dawn power wash just to wash down the top with a wet sponge and then I'll dry it all up with a microfiber cloth so as you can see I love me some Dawn power wash ever since they came out with this stuff I have just been using it Non-Stop and it's one of those cleaning products that I probably could not live without but I'm curious do you guys use Dawn power wash or do you have another product that you just are obsessed with and you couldn't live without [Music] together [Music] all right now it is time to wipe off the countertops and I'm using a Grove Co cleaner so this is one of those concentrate cleaners you just basically put fill it up with water fill up your glass bottle or whatever bottle you have with water and then you put in the concentrate for the multi-purpose cleaner and so right now I'm just using this to wipe down the counters and also our backsplash because I always forget to wipe down our backsplash I don't know why I forget about this area but I do and that's okay because guess what it's getting clean today foreign [Music] nobody told me to settle down day and nights and late nights [Music] you're crazy for saying I should slow down but maybe I'm escaping the love we found there's something about you something about you alive [Music] okay so while I'm over here cleaning the coffee area I thought I would tell you guys about the strangest thing that has happened um about two months ago I you guys know I love coffee like I pretty much drink it every single day most the time I drink hot coffee just because that was what was the easiest thing to make at home and then also for some reason I can never make a cold coffee like Starbucks and it's just never good at home for me even using the cold brew I used to use that all the time and it just wasn't I don't know it wasn't the same as Starbucks but a couple of months ago I started like every single morning I was just kind of like Ugh like I just did not feel like having coffee I don't know what it is so for two months now at least two months I have not been drinking coffee I have gone by Starbucks a handful of times to get an iced coffee from there just randomly but y'all it's so weird I don't want coffee anymore and I haven't been drinking it for so long now I don't know it's crazy has that ever happened to y'all so in the mornings I've just basically been drinking water and then sometimes I will drink like an Aulani if I just really need some energy we also had some Red Bulls in there which um we would use for like chance likes to have them for baseball tournaments sometimes if we're gonna be there all day um so every now and then I'll drink a Red Bull too but I don't know what it is but I haven't been wanting coffee okay so while I was telling you about my coffee story I actually cleaned out the little um the stopper for the garbage disposal if you haven't cleaned that out before and yours comes out I highly recommend pulling it out and cleaning it the first time I ever did this it was so disgusting I literally gagged it was so gross but now I clean it very often so it hardly ever gets very dirty but it definitely needed cleaning just because I like to do this once every couple of weeks or once a month this is something that I got so grossed out over that I was like I have to clean this way more often and so but I know a lot of the stoppers don't actually come out of the sink they're screwed in so you might just want to take like a brush or I even have that Rubbermaid scrubbing tool that I stick down inside of there just to kind of clean out what I can and speaking of that Rubbermaid scrubbing tool that thing is awesome too I highly recommend it for cleaning around the house you can use it to clean so many things and clean in little spaces that are hard to kind of scrub with like a sponge so I definitely recommend that and I'll have it linked below but really quickly I am just wiping down my wood countertop and for this I'm still using the good old trusty method wood cleaner this stuff smells amazing and it works really good too so now I'm going to move on to the stainless steel appliances and for this I'm using the Sprayway stainless steel cleaner [Music] one of us one of us nobody loves me better [Music] nobody loves me better [Music] I guess I'm just too scared to settle down there'd be many nights I got too high and almost left town with the thing about you now you'll notice I am using the same microfiber cloth to clean off my trash can really quick I'm just using the excess Sprayway cleaner that's on there and I'm cleaning the trash can last because now I'm going to take the microfiber cloth and actually put it in the wash like in the dirty clothes so um I definitely recommend not using the same microfiber cloth if you're going to clean your trash can first but if you're going to clean it last then it's going in the wash after that so it's fine all right so now I'm pulling out my same cordless vacuum and I'm going to do a quick vacuum in here and then I'm going to actually use the same water that I use to clean the cabinets up my kitty cat is coming in here talking to me I don't know if you could hear her um but I'm going to use the same water to clean my floors you can actually use a little bit of tide and hot water to clean your floors too and so that's what I'm going to use and it smells so good you guys my kids are always so funny because when I clean they come home and they're like oh my goodness it smells so good in here and of course usually I use Pine-Sol but since I use the tide on my cabinets then I'm just going to use the same water here and do my floors now I'm not doing all of the wood floors in the downstairs because I will definitely do that later in the week but since I did the deep cleaning in this area I definitely wanted to clean my floors too because one I've now got dust all over the floors and also when I use the Sprayway stainless steel cleaner I noticed that sometimes like if I spray it sometimes it'll get on the floor and it'll get kind of slick so I just figured why not go ahead and clean the floors in this area that I've been cleaning anyways my life drunk and too scared [Music] nobody loves me better nobody loves me better [Music] foreign [Music] okay so coming back over to the breakfast area this is actually later in the day you can see my daughter's home because her book bag is over there in the corner that's her school book bag um but you remember earlier I actually did some dusting and so I'm gonna really quickly wipe down the table and then I will vacuum in this area and mop as well now another thing I still need to do which I guess I completely forgot to do it in this video is wipe down our Hutch and I did do this recently so maybe that's why I just skipped over it but I do need to wipe that down and then I also still need to do all of our um shutters and our mirrors but I'm gonna do all the downstairs I decided this year I'm going to do all the mirrors and shutters at the same time so that'll all be done in one day foreign [Music] driving through days and nights [Music] won't stop for traffic lights [Music] [Music] if I figure out where the road goes even if I'm falling down I will keep on searching for my eyes okay the kitchen is all clean it feels so good to have all that done and now really quickly I'm going over to my dining room because this is just where I always open all my packages and I'm gonna actually kind of put this stuff into the office which is a disaster right now and I actually need to clean that up but that's for another day but I got all of these organization items because I have a few little um decluttering and organizing projects coming up so be sure to subscribe to my channel if you're not already subscribed so you don't miss any of those upcoming videos any more of the spring cleaning deep cleaning y'all let me know what do you want to see me clean next which room are you in desperate need of some motivation for and I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up before you leave and also if you are new here I would love for you guys to introduce yourself down in the comments so that way we can get to know you I hope you'll have an amazing week and I will see you in next week's video bye searching for my eyes you can say I lost my mind I will keep on holding my head high [Music] hey y'all I'm Amy Darley a busy Mama of two kiddos just sharing my everyday tasks over here on YouTube in today's video I have lots of cleaning decluttering and organizing to do plus I'm making a few projects with my Cricut as you saw my house is a total disaster especially the playroom so I've got tons of cleaning motivation to help you tackle all those to-do list items on your list today so let's get some cleaning done y'all [Music] good morning or afternoon whatever time it is that you are watching you guys know the drill we are starting with tidying up first so we got to get that bed made I'm still in my pajamas here and I'm actually about to change but the beginning of this video I did a super sped up version of tidying up the entire downstairs and just kind of getting the entire downstairs back in order before I move upstairs for all the cleaning and the reason it's so sped up is because I did so much that this video would have been like three hours long if I didn't speed it up so much but here's just a quick look at what we're working with the downstairs wasn't too much of a disaster and I'm showing you my new Atlanta Brave shirt that I got for me and Gracie June which I also ordered the other day you guys ever get sucked into those like Facebook boutiques I don't even know which one it was but I found an Atlanta Braves headband that is so cute so I ordered those for me and Gracie June 2 because we're going to a Braves game later I think in July which by the way if you're new here hey I'm Amy um Gracie June is my nine-year-old daughter she's actually gonna be 10 in July and then I also have an 11 year old son named Cason and he's gonna be 12 in June so both of my babies were summer babies um and they have birthdays coming up and then my wonderful husband chance you're gonna see him pop in and out of this video a little bit um he actually helps me behind the scenes every now and then if he doesn't have anything else going on and so I needed his muscles today but anyways that's my little family and I'm so glad that you're here whether you're new or you've been watching for a very long time welcome I'm so glad you're here and if you are new then be sure to subscribe and also say hey down in the comments introduce yourself and let us know where you're from [Music] [Applause] I just don't know what to do next all right you guys the entire downstairs is tidied up so we're gonna run upstairs and let me show you the disaster of a playroom that we have going on in here all right so let's turn the light on holy moly um you can't really see this side as well but y'all this is my craft area that needs to be cleaned up I'll turn that light on in just a second so you can see even better but I don't know what the kids were doing in here but apparently they made some forts or something and there's stuff everywhere and that was their little sleeping spot but anyways I'm gonna clean this up and hopefully it doesn't take me too long because I have a lot to do okay I want to do a little explaining because I know I will get comments so my kids actually made this mess by themselves just the two of them usually this doesn't happen unless they have friends over but they didn't have any sports after school the day before this and they were playing and they were doing all kinds of things upstairs apparently and having fun making a mess well by bedtime when I went upstairs I was like oh my gosh this place is a disaster so I told them they were going to clean it up after school but obviously I needed to get in here and clean anyways so here I am cleaning up their mess and yes they're gonna thank me for it later but don't worry they do clean up after themselves typically that's why you don't see me cleaning up in the playroom very often is because they do usually clean up their own mess but you know what it gave me a little content today I was having to clean up and organized in my craft area anyways and I also wanted to clean the furniture like do a little bit of dusting and stuff in here so here we are I'm cleaning up after my almost 12 year old and almost 10 year old so the mess that my kids made was bad but y'all this is all my mess right here I've just been piling things up I have a whole bunch of stuff that I had planned on doing projects with it's all sitting out I have just made a huge mess over here also I went through the kids books several months ago pulled them in here into the playroom when I pulled them out of their out of their bedrooms and I just have so many books that I need to actually go through them so this stash right here this is all books that I need to go through and decide whether I'm going to keep or not and then I also have this little um stash of books over here it's a little bit smaller but these are the ones that I'm definitely keeping and then I also have another section of books that are just like chapter books and older kid books right here and so I'm gonna go through all these and I decided I'm only going to keep two bins of books one for each kid and then the rest of them I'm gonna give away to a teacher or just donate but I'm gonna put these to the side for right now so I can go ahead and clean up the craft area first and then later in the video I will go through all the books and start decluttering so in the craft area I'm first of all starting with just getting everything cleaned out of here so some of the stuff I'm decluttering and I'm going to donate some things got trashed because they were broken or they were just trash and then some things just needed to be put back in their spot throughout the house there was a lot of stuff that blonde in Gracie June's room so that got that got put away and then you guys I had so much stuff that I had brought up here when I first redid this area and made it into my craft space I had a bunch of stuff that I still haven't used in like years so I decided to get rid of a lot of that stuff but feels so good to have this area cleaned out also for this space I ended up getting another one of those Alpha drawers the ones from The Container Store that I've been using in all of our closets because I love them so much I actually had an extra one I was going to use it in Gracie June's closet but I didn't need it so I'm using it here in the playroom and I'm gonna use it to store all of the those extra little gift items that I've picked up that I can personalize for gifts and things like that I have a bunch of like makeup bags and all kinds of things so I'm gonna store that stuff here in these drawers that way I don't have to have all the clothes and extra little things sitting all over the place and then while I was at it since I had all the time in the world apparently I decided to go through these drawers right here these are actually Gracie gin's craft drawers the majority of them the bottom two are not but the rest of them are and so she's got little crafts in these she's got a bunch of paint that she can use bracelet making kits stickers all kinds of stuff so these are her drawers I just kind of reorganized them for her and then the bottom two drawers are mine and they just have like scraps of vinyl regular vinyl and then also heat transfer vinyl so here you can see I have a whole bunch of blank t-shirts for projects blank makeup bags um and then also have extra school supplies so I put that down in the bottom and then this is a whole bunch of like ribbon and wrapping paper like gift wrapping stuff so I decided to keep all of that stuff in here as well okay let's do a few projects with my Cricut all right so I've got the craft area all organized but this is Gracie June's little lap desk like carrier art kit type thing so you can put whatever you want here but she's got these little drawing books so it shows you how to draw certain things so she got this one and then she's got this one she also has this little book it's a gel pen coloring book type thing she's got all of her gel pens in here a pencil for sketching and then this is an eraser that she put in there but this is perfect if you have a kid that's crafty so you can actually like throw everything in here and we can throw some markers in here too if we wanted to but this is great for on the go in the car or even like if she wanted to use it while she was sitting on the couch to color she could pull it out and then use this as the top but I think I'm going to put her name on here really quick just to Spruce it up a little bit and then I'm also going to make some teacher gifts which I found this really cute design and thought it would be good on either a t-shirt or I found some blank Koozies on Amazon so I ended up ordering a pack of them because I was like oh I can make these for little gifts for teachers or for my friends whatever Mother's Day all kinds of different things so I'm gonna put this on a koozie for Gracie June's teacher I'm actually doing a little bag of all kinds of like summer stuff and I thought akoozie would be perfect for that so I'm gonna do this and then I'm also going to make a bag tag in just a little bit for her using my Cricut as well so how I found this little design is if you were to go to images so right here you've got images you can also do projects but if I go to images I'll be able to search up any image and here you can see I put in Beach teacher you could put in I think I put in summer teacher and look at these cute designs Beach and not teaching goodbye lesson plan hello summer so they have all kinds of really cute designs let's just say you were looking for a cute design for July 4th I know that's like another big holiday that's coming up um look at this so look at all these cute designs ooh look at all these cute designs for July 4th like oh this would be a cute shirt that would be a cute shirt or even a koozie I could make some Koozies for July 4th if I wanted to um and then or I could even go to projects and you can see all these different projects that have been saved and it'll tell you exactly how to make the project so you go let's just go up here and let's put in July 4th again okay so here are all the Fourth of July projects that come up there are so many cute ideas and you could totally do some of these as crafts with your kids over the summer if you like doing stuff like that look at these Fourth of July lanterns that would be a fun one a little Fourth of July Banner if you were hosting a party just all kinds of DIY stuff that you would pay a whole lot more for if you were to buy on Amazon or Etsy but you can actually make it at home for way less using a qriket machine so those are some of the projects but like I said here I am just using my image all right so this is the image that I'm going to be using for my Koozie today and then I'm just gonna like resize it but look everything is already laid out for me and all I have to do is make it the only thing is I will this is probably set to vinyl so I will probably since I'm going to heat transfer it I'm gonna have to mirror the image just because um whenever you're doing heat transfer vinyl you have to mirror that image to get it on there the right way so as you can tell I absolutely love my Cricut Machine I do so many different projects and if you've been here you've seen me do a bazillion different projects over the years with these machines um the one I'm using today is the Cricut maker and it's awesome because you can cut tons of different materials from Vinyl to cardstock even chipboard this thing is awesome so I definitely recommend it if you like to do a wide arrange of projects um but I also have the Cricut Joy machine which is a lot smaller and it's perfect for like labels or making your own cards for special occasions that kind of thing it's great now this project here did not take me long at all it's very basic I am only cutting out her name and so it was really really simple to do so first I'm putting my vinyl on this is my permanent vinyl and then I'm going to load it into my machine and then I'm going to click make project and then it's going to ask me what material I'm using I click vinyl and then I'm going to get started and it's going to cut it out for me and since I'm just doing her name it took no time at all cut it out and then I'm going to unload the mat then I will just cut around her name and pull the vinyl back and I have pretty much a little sticker that is able to go on the front of her lap desk to save me [Music] foreign [Music] now here I'm just using the Cricut transfer tape and you just put it on top make sure you use a little scraper tool or you could even use a credit card whatever you have on hand and this is just going to transfer it over to the transfer tape and now I've got my sticker ready to place right there on the middle I just kind of eyeball things you can be a perfectionist if you want to and you can measure and do all that but I hardly ever do that um so now I'm just using that same scraper tool and I'm transferring my sticker onto the lap desk so like I said this is a very basic project beginners can do this it would be such a cute little gift for any of the girls so actually I'm thinking about buying a bunch of these and using them as gifts for all of Gracie June's friends because they're all very artsy and love to do crafts and things too so I think this would be a great gift idea okay now I'm moving on to to teach your gifts and I got all of these little Koozies also these little keychains off of Amazon and they came in like a bulk set so I'm going to be able to use these for gifts and things too which I'm really excited about so the first thing I did was I picked out a paint color for my keychain and I just took the little peeling off actually used my weeding tool from my Cricut to peel off these little sticker things that are on the front and then I just painted on a little Swatch of paint and then I was not really happy with it which I'm going to show you in just a second so I will end up changing gears a little bit but this is what I love about projects like this is they don't have to be perfect and you can usually find a solution if you're not happy okay so I attempted to do it with this acrylic paint and this is what it looks like which is not the look that I was going for so then I thought well you know what let's make it with vinyl so I went over here and Cricut design space and under images I searched paint splotch which look at this I scroll down and this is exactly what I'm looking for is these little paint splotches and they have different ones so I could do different designs if I wanted to so I think I'm going to go ahead and add this one add to canvas um and then let's see so I could do a few different ones is that the same no okay so there's another one add to canvas so here you can see I've got paint splotches and all I have to do is just cut it out with my Cricut instead of painting it on here and waiting for it to dry so that's what I'm going to do really quick so I am so thankful that Cricut Studio has so many different images and projects and things to choose from because this also makes doing these little projects so much quicker because I don't have to actually design all this stuff by myself where a long time ago I felt like I was always trying to come up with my own designs and now I'm kind of lazy and I just use Cricut design space to find different projects cute designs and then I just create them so this was another really easy basic project I did have to cut out a bunch of different colors but you don't have to do this if you wanted to use the same color for all of your little paint splotches you could totally do that I just decided while I was making the one for the teacher I was going to go ahead and put some stickers on a bunch of the other ones that way I have them ready for gifts for later and then all I have to do is cut out the person's name or I could even use the these as like a little gift tag if I wanted to on a birthday gift and it would just put a little personalized touch on it so I cut out my little paint splotches first with my Cricut and this was really easy because I didn't even have to use transfer tape now it probably would go on a little bit better if you use transfer tape and wouldn't bubble up but this was simple I did this and then I ended up cutting out her teacher's name and I did use transfer tape for her teacher's name but I just placed it right there in the center of the little paint splotch and it turned out really cute so here are all the colors that I decided to do I really like the purple one that's probably my favorite paint splotch but I wanted to use pink for her teacher and then I just put her name and I ended up resizing it making sure it was going to fit on my little paint splotch and then I cut it out in white vinyl and used some transfer paper and stuck it right onto the little keychain now I also wanted to say really quickly if you need links to anything I will make sure to link my Cricut maker my joy machine and all of the materials that I use for today's projects as well as any of my other favorite Cricut materials and things to use so check out the description box for all those links [Music] thank you won't you give me any warning I've been thinking [Music] [Music] okay here's a look with the tassel on isn't it so cute oh my gosh I just love it and I just think it's going to be so much fun to give these out with any gifts that I make okay so this next project took me a lot longer and that's because I had so many different colors to cut out they were very small so the actual cutting process didn't take very long but I made sure because I'm using heat transfer vinyl I mirror the image here because you want it backwards because when you go to put it on it's not you're not using transfer tape okay so I went ahead and I'm just using some scraps since everything that I was cutting out was very little I'm using some of my Cricut heat transfer vinyl scraps down here and I'm just gonna cut out one color at a time and then I'm gonna weed it which is just like peeling off the excess heat transfer vinyl so that I'm just left with the words or whatever the actual design is for you baby [Music] I know I know I know it is [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that I've cut out all my vinyl and weeded everything I have my design ready I'm ready to transfer over onto my Koozie so I'm actually using a heat press it's the Cricut brand and it's awesome and then I have my little mat here and this also took me a very long time just because every single piece was a different color and so I had to transfer it with my heat press separately for every single color so basically I put my design on the Koozie and then I used a little Teflon sheet to have a little barrier between the Heat pressed and the Koozie and then I put the heat press on top and let it do its Countdown the first one I did let it count down all the way to Zero from 45 seconds but after that I let it only count down to about 10 to 15 seconds it didn't need nearly as long as I thought it did and then I just went through and did every single section so for this particular design I wouldn't say it was necessarily beginner just because there were so many layers but if I had taken the word Beachin and made it into one color instead of a bunch of different colors it definitely could have been more of a beginner project because you wouldn't have so many layers and it wouldn't take nearly as long but I think it turned out so cute and I'm glad I did all the different colors okay so while I have my Cricut out I wanted to go ahead and cut out some labels and once again I'm being lazy and I searched projects and medicine cabinet organization and look they already had these little basic labels that I could cut out and I didn't have to do anything myself and yes they are basic but guess what I didn't have to like type them in or even think about what labels I wanted I just used their project and made them all black because I just want black labels so I'm loading my vinyl onto my mat and I'm going to cut these out this was super quick and easy probably the most basic beginner project out there and I have had the medicine cabinet on my list of things to do for so long now and I just had to get it done while I had my Cricut out I was like you know what this is my excuse to get this done get this checked off of my list I'm going to go ahead and knock this out so you'll see my medicine cabinet in just a few minutes but it's a disaster and it feels so good to have it decluttered and organized and checked off of my list so here are my labels cut them all out we did everything and then I just cut them out separately and take a look at my disaster of a medicine cabinet we literally have things falling out of the cabinet because it is so packed so the first thing I'm doing is I pulled everything out of the cabinets just laid them on the um countertop and then I'm gonna go ahead and spray down these cabinets because who knows when the last time it was that I actually cleaned these particular cabinets out because like I said this just this project has been overwhelming me every time I think about doing it but you know what I bit the bullet and I got it done y'all will have to let me know if you have any projects like that that have been on your to-do list forever just because you're just so overwhelmed with getting started and you just don't know where to start that's kind of how I felt with this cabinet but here I am getting it done so I actually bought these little baskets off of Amazon and I didn't measure of course because I never measure anything and they were too long so now I'm using these little baskets that I pulled out of my other cabinet that had other things in it and I just kind of traded them out and so I'm gonna use those because those work perfectly and I can actually stack them too now I'm going through all the medicine that we have and I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff and then I'm keeping what we need and it's funny because I swear we had like six bottles of Children's Tylenol and I think it's because we can never find it because it's shoved at the back of our medicine cabinet so we go buy more thinking we don't have any now we have a ton and it should last us a long time because my kids knock on wood don't get sick very often and I don't even remember the last time they've had to have Tylenol but it's okay we're gonna know where it's at now so I'm using these little labels and I and luckily they actually worked on this one too because I had measured them to the other containers that I had but these fit perfect so that worked out one good thing out of this whole project um so I'm just putting these on as I go and I have a few bins that don't have a whole lot of stuff so they can like lay flat in the little bins and then the other ones have bigger bottles or a lot more of them so I have them standing up and I'm going to stack those on top of the other ones [Music] foreign [Music] now I also got this little Lazy Susan off of Amazon it came in a pack of four and I'm gonna use two of them here in the medicine cabinet this one is going to go on the bottom shelf and this is for all of our items that we reach for on a daily basis so it's got like all of our vitamins in there also allergy medicines and then on the next shelf up is where I'm putting all the smaller containers we've got stomach pain medicine children's medicine cold and flu and then anything like aches and pains so all of our Tylenol ibuprofen that kind of stuff the second Lazy Susan I'm using for all of our first aid stuff and here you can see we've stacked up on this too I don't know why we have so much of this stuff and then I also have this little blue first aid kit not the cutest thing in the world but guess what it's functional it works and it's a first aid kit so it doesn't have to be pretty so I'm gonna put all these on the next shelf up and I figured all this stuff is fine on this third shelf we can still kind of reach it but it's not stuff that we reach for as often our kids don't get scraped up too much thankfully and then y'all are gonna think I'm so dumb but here we go I was trying to put all of our bandages and stuff in this little container and I did not measure and it doesn't fit so I tried it to another container oh my gosh oh no I'm so dumb you're gonna check the thing before you measure it up here did you measure it did not then I go pick another container and before filling it I measure this one fits all right so take my advice when I say the eyeball like eyeing it method does not always work out in your favor if it didn't work the first time you might want to measure it the second time so you're not having to do it for a third time like me but basically this worked and now I'm taking my little vinyl label that says first aid kit and I'm putting it on this new little bin here and it also worked perfectly um but in this one I have all of our bandages and wraps and things like that we hardly ever pull this stuff out so it's perfectly fine being on the very top but guys look at my medicine cabinet now I love a good transformation and this seriously makes me so happy we're gonna know where everything is everything's labeled you know we're going to be able to find things so much easier I just love it [Music] I'm so hung up on you I couldn't tell you what it feels like but I sure think you do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I have a whole trash bag full of medicine and also boxes because I did pull out a lot of the medicines that were in boxes and all the bandages that were in boxes I pulled a lot of those out so I got rid of a ton of stuff and now we're back upstairs because I'm not done cleaning yet so I need to finish picking up the mess in here at least the craft area is already clean it looks so nice but I'm gonna finish cleaning up all the mess in here and then I'm going through these books really quick which I have it on super sped up mode so I'm gonna look like I did it in like two seconds but it took me way longer than that and then I also have these little art projects that Gracie June has done apparently she really loves horses and unicorns and so instead of leaving them out on top of my craft table I decided to put them up here in our little display cabinet and they look cute and she can add to it if she wants to okay let's go through these books now I thought this was going to take me a lot longer than it did just because I am so sentimental when it comes to books it's like one of the things I really want to hold on to and I just have so many memories of all these different books and reading them with my kids and also just the fact that I have a bunch of books that I have for my childhood and I love getting to read them with my kids and I think that they would love that too when they get older but it's also really nice to be able to give these books away and know that other kids are gonna get to read these with either their parents or with their teacher or with their friends in their classrooms so I did end up getting rid of so many books and I only had one been full that I ended up keeping which I am going to split into two separate bins later for each of the kids okay I very quickly went through all these books and I have narrowed it down I'm so proud of myself so I've narrowed it down too we're gonna keep these we're gonna keep this little stash and this little stash so all of the books that are in this bin here are going to be donated yay making some progress now while I'm doing the dusting in here I'm using a Sprayway here on the glass and then I'm using the Mrs Myers multi-surface spray just to wipe down all of the cabinets and on top of the TV Center and all that kind of stuff and then I also am going to spray some spray away onto my micro fiber cloth and then wipe down the TV while I'm doing this chance actually came up here to help me because I asked him take to take that big black bin full of books down so that I could put it in my car and he started picking up the other ones too he brought in another bin for me but I was so grateful to use his muscles and to not have to take all those books downstairs by myself [Music] Just Keep on Dancing [Music] [Applause] okay moving on to the windows I'm just using that same Sprayway cleaner and after I do this I'm gonna vacuum really quick and then I'm going to show you all the drawers in my craft area in case you're interested and then I'm going to put the little teacher gift together and show you the finished gift [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] vacuums but they work so much better on carpet I've never found a cordless vacuum that works as well on carpet as a corded vacuum and I do love this one I will say my Shark up light rest in peace it was my favorite vacuum ever but it is done so and this is all I have now and I do like it a lot I just really like my Shark up light better because it was so much lighter and easier to use and I feel like it picked up more but this one is a great vacuum and it's not very expensive so I will make sure to link it in case you're looking for one but sharks are always great too so um I haven't tried a new version like the shark that I did have so maybe that'll be my next purchase I don't know we'll see but anyways my playroom is all clean the craft area is all clean and I'm going to show you the drawers in my craft area in case you want to see what all I keep in them [Applause] I'll be ready when we go down [Music] so over here I've got my heat press that little blue machine that's my Cricut Joy it's amazing and then in these little baskets I have the cords to them I also have hot glue guns all my craft stuff I have a bunch of permanent markers in this one this is all Fabric and I can actually cut and use that with my Cricut too I just need to find some projects to do and all this stuff is like party stuff except for the yarn I need to move that over into the little basket with all of my gift wrap stuff and then here's my new drawer organizer this top one is empty I'm sure that it'll be full soon and then this is all the stuff that I have that I can use for gifts or personalized t-shirts that kind of stuff this is all my gift wrapping items and yarn and things like that and then this bottom one is just extra school supplies which this is a great place to keep it um since my kids are always needing more school supplies and then over here this is where I keep all of my vinyls so the top two drawers are just regular permanent uh regular vinyl and then I also have some vinyl for my Cricut Joy there and then the the next two drawers are both for heat transfer vinyl so I've got lots of that all kinds of different colors and materials and stuff and then this drawer is packed full but it's got some more heat transfer vinyl and then it's also got the um transfer tape right there and then a cutting tool and then these are more like water bottles than different things that I can actually put vinyl on and personalize if I want to like I told you guys earlier this is all Gracie June's stuff except for the bottom two drawers which she could use if she wanted to make projects too but now I'm going to put together the little beach bag I got this cute beach bag I get the same ones every single year from Walmart they're only 7.98 and I swear they're bigger this year love it I got some sunscreen a little beach towel a Home Goods gift card I would just make sure to get whatever your teacher loves and then I have the little Koozie here that I made earlier with my Cricut definitely so cute and then also the little keychain which I'm gonna hang off the bag now I know some of your kids may already be out of school for summer so maybe this doesn't help you but it could help for a beginning of the school year gift or even like a summer if you have someone that has a summer birthday this is a fun gift to give hopefully it was helpful and you had fun just watching me make it alright so that is going to be it for today's video I did have a recipe filmed but this video is already so long a lot of you asked for that Buffalo Wild Wings penne chicken pasta recipe so I did film it I will put it in next week's video so that way you guys can see how to make it but it's also viral on Tick Tock if you want to go search there I hope you guys have an amazing week and thank you for being here don't forget to subscribe if you're new and say hey in the comments love you guys so much I will see you in my next video bye hey y'all and welcome to my channel I'm Amy Darley a stay-at-home mom of two and I'm here to bring you tons of cleaning motivation and More in today's video I'm going to be tackling indoor and outdoor cleaning I'll share a grocery haul and a super simple crock pot recipe it's one of our family's go-to recipes and we love it so much so come join me as I get my to-do list checked off hopefully you can get yours checked off with me and feel like you're hanging out with a friend while you do it and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new [Music] okay so I got lots of cleaning done for today's video but it was actually filmed over several days so on this day we already had our porch cleared off because it had just gotten pressure washed we didn't film that part but I had my furniture off the porch so before I I put it back on there I decided to go ahead and wipe it down so for the front porch furniture I'm just using this wood cleaner to wipe off our rocking chairs and then for all of our back porch furniture you're going to see that in just a little bit chance pulled out our pressure washer and he pressure washed all of the furniture as well as the cushions so for our front porch we have four of these same rocking chairs I got them I think I got them from Home Depot I don't know I have a link so I'll link them in case you're interested but I have had these for several years now and we have four total I only cleaned two of them on camera I cleaned the other two off camera because I figured you're watching the same thing over and over but for our front porch I remember when we first built our house I used to want like so many things on our front porch but now especially because everything gets so dirty so quickly I love having just a simplified front porch so we have four little rocking chairs we have our front porch swing and then we do have a little table that goes between these two rocking chairs I forgot to put that on camera but we keep it super simple and then even by our front door which those are actually faux ferns by the way they're not real I got them off of Amazon if you've seen some of my previous videos you might have seen me put those together but they're faux ferns they look real they last all year long well longer than all year long but they last for a really long time and I don't have to keep them alive so it's awesome and now we're in our back porch and here you can see we have all the furniture out in the yard the back porch was also sprayed down and pressure washed but now we're using the pressure washer to clean off all of the furniture this is the front rug that goes at the front door while we had the pressure washer out we decided to go ahead and clean this off and then we'll spray the furniture and the Kush questions and watching him clean these cushions was actually very satisfying because some parts you can see the dirt just slowly coming off and it looks really cool so hopefully you guys enjoy that part and after we got done doing all the cushions and the furniture and everything we did end up letting it sit for a day outside because we were doing this in the afternoon and so we needed to let it dry off before putting it back on the back porch so that's what we did we just let it sit for like 24 hours and then the next morning we did end up moving it back onto the back porch and this pressure washer that chance is using is Awesome by the way it is a an electric pressure washer so we used to have a gas powered one and it was great but once it was done it had like a leak or something we couldn't use it anymore so I found one on Amazon and chance loves this one we use it for all kinds of different things like spraying Down The House spraying down the poor porches spraying down the vehicles also cleaning white baseball pants I know you guys have probably seen me share that before but that's exactly how we get Cason's white baseball pants to stay white is we pressure wash them as soon as we get home or the next the next day or something but we love this pressure washer and I feel like you can use it for so many different things so I'll make sure to link the one that we have [Music] times when I'm reasoning about us [Music] [Music] but if I'm no good for you [Music] now we did not end up pressure washing our rug which we're about to put back in here in the back porch but we probably should have we usually we do this but it really wasn't as dirty as it usually gets um but you could also pressure wash you could spray it down with you know some soap kind of scrub it a little bit pressure wash it off and let it dry out in the sun but we didn't do that this time okay so now it's the next day and we are just putting the furniture back in on the back porch and that's basically all that I got done this day I didn't really get a whole lot of cleaning done it was actually a Saturday and we were headed to baseball so um we wanted to go ahead and get the furniture on the back porch before we left those so I pulled out the camera and wanted to show you guys what it looks like when it gets all set back up in here but later in the video I'm gonna actually come back out here and finish cleaning I didn't get all the cleaning done we have like a um a few shelves and our little refrigerator and all of that out here so all of that needed to be wiped down there were spider webs everywhere it just really needed a good cleaning so I'll be back out here later in the video to finish cleaning and show you like the whole back porch after it's all cleaned and I was laughing because as I was putting these pillows back on the couch chance was having to tell me how they go and I was like man this is like Tetris [Music] and we do have a little bit of furniture over there on the right side that's the door that leads out from our bedroom to the back porch so chances just putting that back up there he did pressure wash that too we just didn't show it because it was all the way on the other side of the house but um so now I'm just putting the last little cushions back on the couch and chance is throwing them at me so I can do that quicker and we can get going but that is basically all I got done on this day so we're gonna jump into another day of cleaning [Music] okay so this was actually first thing in the morning this was right after the kids got off to school I'm just making my bed really quickly this is typically what I do every single morning is I'll make up my bed and then I start a load of laundry which I forgot to start on this day I ended up starting it a little bit later but you'll see but then I tidy up around the house and then I can get started on the rest of my to-do list so some days are cleaning days especially if I'm filming I try to get that done in the morning before the kids get out of school because after that we're running around like crazy people from one sport to another and then other days it's video editing or grocery shopping meal prepping all that kind of stuff whatever else is on my to-do list for the day I feel like I can start tackling at that point okay look how cute this stuff is so I got this little pair of sunglasses um this little sports bra and I love the back look at that so cute this is actually like a little squirt and then I don't know I love me some T-shirts so I had to get a T-shirt and then a pair of workout shorts anyways I thought it was so cute I wanted to show y'all really quick before I put it up so I'm gonna put this stuff away and then I'm gonna tell you where I got all of this stuff in just a second but as I'm putting this away I also have a huge load of laundry that needs to be folded this is probably more like two loads of laundry that have been sitting here and I need to fold them so I decided to put on an episode of Queen Charlotte have you guys seen this show yet it's so good if you like Bridgerton it's you know based on those characters but it is so good and I love Bridgerton and I'm loving this show so far um I haven't really watched a lot of TV lately so and it's taking me forever to even get through I think there's only like six episodes but it's taking me forever to get through this series um just because I haven't had a chance to watch very much TV lately so anyways let me know if you're watching this or let me know what you're watching if you have any favorite TV shows or any good movies or even good books that you've read or listened to lately let me know because Summer is almost here actually my kids get out of school this week so summer is almost here and I'm gonna have hopefully a little bit more time I don't know we'll see but anyways those clothes that I was sharing with you are from a girl named Lauren and we actually had a little girl's night at my friend Heather's house and Lauren brought all this activewear over because she was actually the owner of an activewear Boutique and she was closing down her business and so she had everything on sale for like 10 bucks it was crazy so I got a bunch of really cute stuff they're all so comfy and I haven't talked to her yet but maybe I should ask her because she still had a lot of stuff in stock so maybe I should ask her if she wants to sell any of it and if she does I'll make sure to leave her information down in the description box and then that way if she has like a website or you could DM her on Instagram if you want to get any of that stuff because like I said it was very inexpensive she was it was like a going out of business sale so I got a lot of really good quality stuff for like 40 bucks it was awesome all right so all of those clothes are folded I ended up putting the kids clothes in that basket I took them upstairs and then I individually put those clothes on their beds so that way they could put those away when they get home and now that I have all that done my room is tidied up it looks so much better and now we walk out here to the living room area the kitchen the breakfast area and oh my goodness look at these dishes this is what happens when your kids play sports you get home really late and you don't feel like doing the dishes after you clean or after you've cooked and eaten now I will say that chance who is my husband he is amazing he offered to clean it all up and I was like no no no no no leave it I am going to be filming and cleaning tomorrow anyways I might as well just clean it up in the morning so that's really why it's there still is because one I was too lazy to pull my camera out because it was getting late and I was tired and I knew it was going to take me way longer to clean it up if I was filming it and then two I didn't want it to be cleaned up because I wanted it on camera so I remember when I first started my YouTube channel I would get comments a lot about like oh you staged the mess in your house or nobody lets their house get that messy and I'm like man we must really be some messy people over here because I definitely don't have time to Stage my house and make a mess to clean it up however I will say that I will let it sit and it will stay there and be messy way longer than before I had a YouTube channel because you know I want to film it to clean it up but I've got to have the energy and know that it's going to take me a lot longer to clean it if I pull that camera out but it's okay because I get to clean my house and hopefully give you guys some cleaning motivation at the same time so so even though it takes me a lot longer to clean when I'm filming I'm so grateful that I get to do this and hang out with you guys every single week and hopefully motivate you guys to get some things checked off of your to-do list at the same time [Music] but I'll only tell you that I'm out of time I'm sick of love songs I'm tired of this and I wanna tell you straight just like it is okay now that I've made a little room I put those dishes away that were on the drying mat I'm gonna put whatever I can fit into the dishwasher and then the rest of the stuff I'm gonna go ahead and wash by hand because I did not want any more um dishes sitting in the sink I wanted it to be completely cleaned out and since all those dishes had been sitting in the sink I really needed to like clean the inside of my sink too so all these dishes are about to be put away or in the dishwasher still holding back still holding back honestly [Music] Show Me Your Love Like It is okay so you guys have to tell me what is your least favorite cleaning task around the house I'd probably say for me it would be cleaning the showers actually I know that I would say for me cleaning the showers I hate cleaning the showers and it's really not even that hard I just I don't know there's just something about it I just do not like to do it so chance actually does that for me and most of the time now sometimes I will clean it especially if I'm in there sometimes I'll just clean it while I'm in the shower um but most of the time he cleans the showers for me but I'm just curious what is your least favorite cleaning task and tell me why in the comments All right so I love telling you guys a little bit about what's going on in our lives I know I don't do a whole lot of day in the life videos anymore I used to do that a little bit more when I first started my channel um but I quickly realized that I don't really like sharing everything that's going on with me and my kids I love sharing little Snippets and little behind the scenes I share a lot of stuff like that over on Instagram but honestly sharing like a full Vlog or A Day in the Life type video where my kids are in it all the time I just I started not feeling so comfortable especially after getting some of the comments that I got over the years so now you don't really see me do a whole lot with them in my videos anymore and um I don't know it's just a personal preference I guess but throughout my cleaning videos I do love to just kind of fill you in on what things are going on with us a lot of you will ask like different questions and um and want to hear updates so I love getting to share that kind of stuff with my voiceovers and get to just kind of hang out with you guys while I'm doing my voiceover if that makes sense I don't know so I know I get kind of Chatty in my voiceovers but that's kind of how I feel like I get to hang out with y'all and just fill you in on what's going on in our lives especially if you're not over on Instagram or Facebook so anyways I was just gonna fill you guys in on what's going on with us so as I am doing this voiceover my kids have one day left of school and we are actually surprising the kids after school and we're going to go down to Orlando and take them to Universal they haven't been to Universal since last year first spring break and it's like one of their favorite things to do which let me pause and tell you in the sink right here I'm using the pink stuff because it's amazing if you have white sinks or even if you have stainless steel and you have any like spots on your sink use the pink stuff it's awesome you can see I barely even had to scrub at all and it took those little spots right out of my sink so anyways back to my story so we're going down there my kids absolutely love Universal and we decided to stay at the Hard Rock hotel at Universal and we've never stayed there before we have lots of friends that have stayed there we usually stay at a universal Hotel but it's usually like one of the smaller ones but we decided to go ahead and stay at the Hard Rock and you get like free fast passes which is awesome because usually we pay for the fast passes separately but I'm really excited because this will be like the kickoff to our summer and if you've been around for a while you know I've kind of talked about this before but with Chance's job it's really hard for us to take like Vacations so we typically try to do something that we can drive to that's not too far away and we will usually go like a Friday to a Monday or a Thursday to a Sunday because that way we have over the weekend because he really doesn't have anybody that that can help cover him he's in medical sales and he's the only rep in the area for his particular job so it's really really really hard for him to get away especially for an extended period of time so that's why we try to do vacations that are a little bit closer and we try to do them a few times at the year and especially with with um the kids like Gracie June does cheer Com or All-Star Cheer so we pay for hotel rooms for three or four weekends out of that season and then Cason does travel baseball so that's another three or four weekends that we pay for hotels for that so it kind of gets expensive but we're excited because we're gonna go to Universal we were originally planning to go try to take the kids to the Bahamas this summer I'm showing you guys I'm putting my makeup on really quick this is the best makeup if you need details it's in the description box um but we wanted to go to the Bahamas but we were not able to get the kids passports in time so hopefully we can try to do that around like Christmas time or something like that but I'll try to share some pictures over on the community tab from our Universal trip and some stuff in stories on Instagram too all right so I've got a full face of makeup on in less than five minutes um we have towels everywhere too because Chance is actually fixing these little patches on our wall where our towel hooks just came out of the wall so he's been in here doing that I don't know if you saw him walk in and out but I'm actually about to run to Walmart I have to run in and return a few things but I also did a Walmart pickup order for some groceries for the week so I'm gonna go do that really quick all right I told you guys I forgot to start a load of laundry earlier which is crazy because this is typically one of the first things I do every single morning so I'm throwing in a load of laundry we've actually got Cason's clothes and then a few random things thrown in there so I'm getting that started and headed to Walmart all right I just got back from Walmart I'm gonna give you guys a quick grocery haul and just so you guys know I actually did go in return the items that I needed to but then I walked around and they had so many cute clothing items so I got a bunch I got a few things well I got a good bit for me and then I got a few things for Gracie June so I'm gonna share that with you a little bit later but let me show you my grocery haul really quick all right so we're only cooking three nights this week one of the ninths is gonna be left over so I really didn't need a whole lot of stuff so let's just get on into this haul so we were at a Motrin had to get a couple things of that we got some Zyrtec we've got some bread we were out all the way out of bread um Capri Sun Roaring Waters I got three packs of these in the tropical punch flavor I've got more drinks outside but we brought these in so I figured I'd just go ahead and show you um some yogurt covered raisins Gracie June requested these we've got some Lunchables mainly for like snacks so turkey and cheddar cracker stackers and I got four of those they're all the same we've also got some sweet and salty trail mix and these are like the individual packs um I figured these would be great for snacks but it would also be great for when we go out of town this weekend we've also got these little things these are the adult Lunchables I love these things so this one is the pepperoni and let's see what kind of cheese is that cheddar cheese white cheddar so I got two of those and then we got the hot salami with Gouda cheese I haven't tried this one but the pepperoni ones are my favorite so got a couple of those for snacks um I'm making chicken crescent roll bake tonight um so I got stuff for this we have not made this meal in forever so I'm not sure the last time I made it was probably years ago and I don't think the kids liked it very much but we are gonna make them try it since they haven't had it in so long see if they like it um but so I've got cream of chicken for that we've got some crescent rolls and oh I should yeah there's eight okay and then some chicken which I'm not gonna use all of this but just some shredded chicken and then shredded cheese we already had and that is in our refrigerator if they don't like those however we did get some of these Cordon blues that you just pop in the oven we love these so I got a couple of packs of those in case the kids don't like my chicken crescent roll bake um I also got some chocolate chip muffins they haven't had those in a while we've got some Pop-Tarts for the kids when the kids get out of school for summer just to have on hand we're gonna do tacos on Tuesday so we've got more shells sour cream lots of ground beef because we're gonna do spaghetti on Wednesday and Leftovers on Thursday so I'll make a good bit of baked spaghetti so I've got two packs of ground beef for that I also got this mild salsa for the tacos I haven't tried this kind yet but our favorite is from Publix but since I went to Walmart I just went ahead and picked up some from there and then we've got breadsticks our favorite breadsticks to go with our spaghetti some Goldfish Pringles um these little Sun Chips and our spaghetti noodles and then for the other drinks we got some Red Bull the zero sugar and then we got some Diet Dr Peppers I got a couple of packs of those the cheapest place to buy those is Walmart by the way and then we also got some toilet paper so that is my whole Walmart haul all right all of my groceries are put away I did not end up filming that but I was in a hurry because like I said I was trying to hurry and get done with all the cleaning before I went and picked the kids up from school and so now I need to go ahead and vacuum and mop at the same time and since I'm trying to save time I'm using my trusty Tenco i-42 it vacuums and mops at the same time this is one of the very old versions of the Tenco they have much newer versions now which I would love to get one and try but this one's been great I have loved it I know so many of you have loved yours so y'all will have to let us know in the comments because I know people love hearing from others and not just me what you think of the Tenco eye Floor 2 some people love it some people have had issues with theirs but I'm telling you guys I've had mine for what like a year and a half now maybe longer than that two years I don't know but it's been great and I've recommended it to so many people because it's really easy to clean now I do recommend cleaning it every single time that you use it and then at least cleaning the brush roll once every couple of weeks at least because it will kind of start smelling if you don't clean it so that's one tip that I will tell you also I just used water and then the tinco floor cleaner that comes with it so love this thing makes it super quick and easy I only have to vacuum one time around the entire downstairs and I'm vacuuming and mopping at the same time so highly recommend it now also really quickly I wanted to tell y'all and I just talked about how I got a bunch of really cute clothes from Walmart and I planned on filming a haul and showing you guys all those clothes on but this video got very long and I ran out of time on this particular day so I decided to save it for next week's video so if you want to see like the Walmart clothes that I got I found some really really really cute stuff and I think you guys are going to be excited about it because the prices are amazing of course and a lot of really cute stuff for summer so be on the lookout for that in next week's video I'll share a haul and I'll actually show you a little try on and what they look like on and everything and then also be sure to check out Instagram because a lot of times I will share outfits over there and they might just be something that I ordered separately but you guys know I love to shop at Walmart I love getting clothes there basically get my groceries there all the time um it's just one of my favorite places to shop I don't go in as often as I order online or do like Walmart pickup but when I went in the other day I was shocked because usually my Walmart's not that great with like clothes and stuff usually I have to find a lot of stuff online but when I went in the other day it was stocked and there were some really good stuff so anyways I'll show you that little haul in next week's video [Music] oh [Music] I'm out of patience but I guess I'm waiting around for something real I'm going crazy like what's the deal cause I want you to show me what you feel you're watching me still holding back still holding back okay so as I'm cleaning I am actually gonna go over my carpets with this vacuum it's like I said it's a vacuum mop combo but it's not letting out like a ton of water so it's not stopping wet my carpet's not getting sopping wet I will say I don't think it's recommended to do this but I do it all the time now I'm not recommending that you use your 10 code to vacuum your carpets or your rugs or anything because I don't want your stuff to get messed up but like I said I've been doing this for the last couple of months and I haven't had any issues I think that there are some wet dry vacuums out there that say that they're fine for rugs and carpets this one does not say that but like I said I haven't had any issues so far [Music] foreign okay so here is the dirty water from my tenko I did that whole downstairs area and this is what the water looks like I'm actually pouring it outside I usually show you guys me pouring it down the toilet but that's basically so you can see how dirty the water is I feel like it shows much more clearly how dirty the water is in the toilet but it's really not good for the pipes and things like that to put that dirty water down especially because every time I use mine I have like hair and all kinds of stuff in there and it could clog your toilets all right we are back outside and I'm cleaning our little bar area and like I said it's kind of hard to see even when I did the close-up videos just then but there are literally spider webs and dust all over everything and dirt and probably pollen all kinds of things all over everything out here so what I'm doing is I'm going to take everything off of these top two shelves first and I'm gonna dust with this little extendable duster and this is the one that I just used for outside so I don't use this duster inside I use it for outside um like here on the back porch the garage anywhere Outdoors just because I'm sure that it just gets spider webs stuck all over it and then I'm going to wipe down these shelves these are just some wood shelves that we had put up and I'm going to wipe those down and then I will dust off all of the cups and other little knickknacks that we have sitting on these shelves and just so you guys know we do not use the cups if we're going to use a cup we will take it inside and wash it first but honestly we haven't used any of these cups that have been out here since like two years ago so they just kind of are shelf Decor they look really cute and functional but are not they're not functional but they look cute is what I meant to say um but really we can't keep anything out here to cut and use it because it's gonna get so dirty and chance has actually talked about wanting to close in this area and make it like glassed in instead of a screened in porch just because every single year at least a few times a year we have to take all the furniture out pressure wash it clean the rug do all that kind of stuff because it just gets so dirty um I'm not sure how I feel I don't know I think it would be great to not have to clean all this stuff um as often or at least not have to take the furniture out to clean it you know but I don't know I love this area out here though we love um just coming out here and sitting on the couches watching like sports or having people over sometimes even like a movie night on the back porch is awesome especially during the summer late at night once the sun has gone down it's just it's so nice but I feel like I'm always telling you guys about all these things that you know we wish we could do our house or we would love to do in the future and we've been in our house for almost six years I think July will be six years and really we haven't done a whole lot of changes to any of the structure or any big changes in our house I think the biggest change was when we did the bedroom makeover and that was oh wait no we did do the playroom we painted the playroom and I got all new furniture and stuff in there but that definitely needed it so anyways I feel like over the years we haven't done a whole lot but we definitely have some things on our list that we would love to do now that we've been in our house for six years chance actually went around the house and touched up paint on a lot of spaces but I'm sure you guys have figured this out about me by now I've been doing doing YouTube almost as long as we've lived in the house it takes me a really long time to get projects done like I'm not good about saying I'm gonna do something and then doing it the next month and getting it all done and that's probably why I could never have a makeover Channel because I would never get things done but I love watching other channels where they do like these complete room Transformations or they do all these house projects and stuff like that like I love watching it because I love seeing the before and afters but for me to actually get all that kind of stuff done I'm so slow so every now and then you'll get a makeover video but it probably took me a couple of months to even get the entire makeover done because I'm so slow at those kind of things [Music] Show Me Your Love Like it is like it is and open my heart like you're feeling unless Breathless [Music] so I feel like you can tell on this trash can it is covered in dirt it was so gross so I'm just wiping this down really quick this is like the first Trash Can I think we ever had for our house and we just put it out here on the back porch and it works perfect out here but I'm just wiping it down and then I'm gonna go move it onto the other corner I don't know why it was put over oh it was put over here in this corner because when we were getting the house pressure washed we kind of threw everything over there by the bar area because that didn't need to be sprayed down but um the trash can we usually keep over there in the corner and then for our little refrigerator here I'm just using the Sprayway glass cleaner to wipe this down real quick oh true [Music] [Applause] all right so now we have all the cleaning done and I'm gonna show you guys an overview of the house clean and all of that but before I show you the overview I wanted to share this recipe really quick I have shared it in the past but a lot of you were asking for it so I thought I would share it again because it's definitely a go-to recipe for us especially on busy weeknights so basically I just take a few chicken breasts I throw them in a crock pot and then this is the Buffalo Wild Wings parmesan garlic sauce you just dump the whole thing into the crock pot and then I'm taking some heavy whipping cream and filling it about halfway up in the bottle shake it all up and then dump that right on top and then I take a full block of cream cheese and I cut it up into little cubes and I just dump it in the crock pot and then I will turn the crock pot on low and let it cook for about six to eight hours or you could do it on high for about four hours then I come back later in the evening after it's all done and then I will cook my penne pasta I like getting the Protein Plus penne pasta to give a little bit more protein and I'll just cook that up once that's done cooking then I'll throw in the crock pot with my shredded chicken and chance actually sent this to me one day off of Amazon it's a chicken Shredder and so you just take your chicken pieces out of the crock pot stick it in there put the little top on there and then you can spin it back and forth and it shreds your chicken for you and it's awesome I love this thing so we've been using this to shred the chicken or we also have our little hand mixer I'll just throw all the chicken into a big bowl and I can use my hand mixer and Shred the chicken that way too so either way whatever you want to do you just dump your shredded chicken back into the crock pot and then when your penne pasta is done you throw that in there mix it all together and then you throw some param parmesan cheese on top mix it up again and you have some chicken penne pasta that everybody is going to love this is seriously one of the easiest recipes that we do and we do it so often because everybody in the family loves it it makes a ton of food so a lot of times we'll eat it one night and then have it for leftovers the next night or like this night when we cooked it we knew we were going to be gone the next night so we didn't have it for leftovers I just threw it into a large freezable Ziploc bag and then labeled it and then threw it in the freezer it lays flat so it doesn't take up a whole lot of space and then whenever we want to eat it the next time we'll just pull it out let it thaw and then heat it up so easy so delicious you guys have to let me know if you try this recipe and this is one of those viral Tick Tock recipes so that's where I found it I've seen so many people do it on Tick Tock and when I saw it I had to try try it so we made it I don't know like six or seven months ago maybe maybe longer than that and that's when I shared it so we've been making it for a while we just love it so much now to serve this up I just throw it in a bowl and we just eat it by itself but you could probably even add broccoli to this and get you some veggies in there or put some broccoli on the side or whatever other veggies you want to eat with it a salad something like that would be good with it but usually we just eat it by itself in a bowl and I like to put hot sauce on mine so I'll put some Frank hot Frank's hot sauce on top and it's delicious tell me what it's like to be circling among the clowns without you by my side I would be stuck here on the ground you're lighting up the way I can see the road ahead of me you stumbling in there all right you guys all the cleaning is done and just in the nick of time because I have to get my kids from school I am so hot leggings while I'm cleaning outside was a bad choice I am covered in like dust and dirt and all the things I'm pretty sure I feel like I have spiders crawling all over me from cleaning out here but it feels so good to have all this stuff done we could probably come out here and relax this afternoon or this evening and watch a Braves game good braids I am about to give you guys an overview of the clean house the clean back porch and hopefully it was all super satisfying and motivating I hope you guys enjoyed hanging out with me today if you did be sure to give this video a thumbs up let me know what you were doing while you were watching and if you're new make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of my upcoming videos I hope you all have an amazing week and I will see you in the next video bye guys are shining like the stars [Music] were closed now I see clear this day and I just wanted to say that you can take me high [Music] it feels like I Can Fly foreign [Music] I can see the sun staring at you when you make that smile I'm moving closer to you now I can't get close enough somehow [Music] you save me until you set me free my eyes were closed now I see clear as day and I just wanted to say that you can take me high alive feels like I Can Fly I don't need anybody I don't need anybody else
Channel: Amy Darley
Views: 582,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amy darley, cleaning, amy darley cleaning motivation, clean with me, decluttering, organizing, ultimate clean with me, whole house clean with me, extreme clean with me, extreme cleaning motivation, cleaning hacks, kitchen cleaning, carpet cleaning, carpet extraction, clean with me 2021, speed cleaning 2021, cleaning motivation 2021, cleaning motivation, decorate with me, huge mess, deep cleaning, clean with me 2022, laundry room deep clean, laundry room organization, restocking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 27sec (12087 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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