Chocolate Chip Cookie Crochet and Design Along 🧶

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[Music] hey everybody hello testing out the audio how do we sound of course we still have to play with Jimbo I know yes I know and we have a few little things to set up but we'll be on soon um if you have any feedback on the audio whether that is uh literal feedback haha no but whether that is um that I'm too quiet or too loud or the music's not loud enough or it's too quiet please let me know in the chat and if you can hear me comment with an emoji of a garden plant yeah a plant a plant of any kind yeah I know it's a weird request okay well then we'll play okay we're going to play with Jimbo be on in just a [Music] moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jimbo is very playful right now sorry it's taking so long but I mean jeez Louise how he's going crazy okay all right Jimbo we got to get a vote going on in the chat I forgot we got to get a vote going on so one second [Music] [Music] okay we got a poll going I think it's time to rock and roll all your back over there wanted to play okay well we'll play a little bit later t or I almost called you Taylor my brother's name Jimbo in the meantime let's get crocheting buddy you want to join okay come on over here all right ready there goes nothing hey everybody Welcome to the live stream hope you guys are having a wonderful Friday today's live stream uh you know what I had so much fun last week last week we designed a cake live together it's a brand new pattern on the website and we designed it live it was like improvised a totally uh improvised crochet so I thought I had so much fun that let's do it again let's do it again this time though it's really going to be improvised I mean last time it was improvised but I knew I was making a cake you know what I mean so I it was completely I didn't know how to crochet it when I started it but I knew I was making a cake before we started this time no clue I mean well it's up to four options so you get a vote right now on what the four what of the four things we're going to be crocheting today the choices are between chocolate chip cookies macaroons macaroons juul says I say it wrong so macaroons uh classic candies so like you know like wrapped candies that you would like open up like a like almost like a gumball or something um or a cheesecake your choice in the chat right now you go ahead and vote on that and while you're doing that uh let's let's get all these intro things out of the way hi thanks for joining I hope you're enjoying the live stream and the YouTube channel and all the crochet fun that we put on here uh if you do like what's going on here and you want to help support well there's a few ways you can do so the first way is by supporting with a club crochet membership members get you early access to Future patterns access to the exclusive library of tutorials including a whole bunch of new sweet stitches tutorials like our new eclair pattern our new chocolate cake that we just came out with last week from last live crochet along I don't have it cuz I gave it to my mom for her birthday but there is that as well there's also pins and merch in the store if you want to purchase any of this merch that would be super duper super cool um you do get a discount if you have a club crochet membership so on top of all the free patterns and the new free tutorials that I come out with every week there's also a bunch of merch and you do get a um a special discount on that if you do have a club crochet membership memberships by the way only start at $5 a month and you can even get a free trial see if it's something you're interested in and if it's not you can cancel it at any time uh patterns come with full video tutorials PDFs you know the whole kitten and Kaboodle and uh yeah I think it's a really really good way to support uh it's actually probably the best way now if you want to support free uh without having to pay anything well then uh all you have to do is like this video down below and subscribe to the channel that's it hit the little bell icon so you don't miss it when we come out with new videos uh but other than that that's probably the cheapest freest way to support this channel if you'd like to uh we also have some brand new merch in the uh in the on in the shop uh that being a new jacket so I told you a million times ago that I wanted to add these to the shop you guys were interested so I finally got it up for you um if you want to get the new hoodie with our logo on it and on the back it says get hooked uh it is available now in on the website uh in a bunch of different sizes and a bunch of different colors uh and it's a great way to support this channel um okay let's keep we're voting by the way we're voting in the chat so go ahead and vote vote on what we're going to make um other ways you can help support while we talk about uh all the materials that we need today because I don't know what materials I'm going to be using it depends on what we're going to vote on and we have 41 votes so far looks like chocolate chip cookies is in the lead but that could change so go ahead and vote now uh if you want to crochet along with us you're going to need the following [Music] materials we're going to be using all worsted weight yarn in 100% cotton um I don't know the colors but I do know that regardless of which pattern we're making today they're going to be available in our brand new seasonal crochet kit sweet stitches which is out now um if you would like to get this kit uh it is out now and it is on discount still during the season um so during the season it's discounted a little bit um you can get it even more discounted if you pre-order it and you can get the biggest discount if you purchase it with an annual pass which gets you this kit and four more kits throughout the year um which each make an insane amount of projects so this new seasonal crochet kit makes all the projects that we've been making throughout the season including Thea's a giant chocolate covered strawberry a bunch of uh well this maybe is a little bit of a spoiler but a bunch of gummy bears that's coming out very very soon uh for members um and it is available now in the shop uh yeah you should get it and all the colors that are in this I obviously I've been working out out of the seasonal crochet kit during the live stream so they're not in their they're not all in their pretty wrapping like this but it does come with a bunch of different materials uh six giant balls of yarn and then a few other colors for various projects uh today depending on what we make but or depending on what we vote for but I'm pretty sure we're going to be using looks like we're going to be using our beige and our Brown yarn today so we'll go ahead and pull those out um and then uh other than that I think we'll just need safety eyes and I think I'm going to use my bottle of eyes for the safety eyes instead of the actual eyes from the kit uh just cuz I want to keep them in the wrapping you know and I have eyes anyhow oh speaking of check this out you guys I've been using my 3D printer a bunch I think I might have talked about this last live stream but I 3D printed eyes finally they are so hold on let's see if I can can't get it to focus on them look look at how tiny they are I 3D printed these first try they're a little shiny so I need to fix that but this is a big step for me because now that I have a basic design for safety eyes I can add whatever I want to the top so I can start 3D printing horns and antlers I think that what I'm going to be doing in the future for our future seasonal crochet kits uh is we're going to be doing I'm going to do like specialty 3D printed uh like teeth and spikes for dinosaurs and stuff like that and then add them to crochet kits as like a pre-order so if you pre-order it you'll get like bonus uh materials that I 3D printed myself um that you don't necessarily need for your projects but are uh kind of fun to add to them so that's kind of my idea in the future uh I know right it's super cool um is there an STL file actually I do have an stdl file you know what I never really thought about sharing that kind of stuff but uh that's a good point pesky parrot you know what maybe I'll start thinking about that for the website um adding a few like 3D printer options for members or something I don't know I didn't really think about that until right now so uh thanks for asking pesky parrot I'll let you know I'll keep you updated there um okay well uh is there anything else that you guys think I missed talking about um other ways to support oh tips if you like what's going on here and you really really want to support you can support by tipping uh you can tip by going to Club tip there are links in the description of this video and there's a bunch of links in the description of this video by the way to a bunch of different patterns tutorials uh the pattern from whatever we're making today will eventually be on the website and I'll put the link in the description then as well um do I know the name of the chocolate cake oh my gosh I don't I don't know the name of the chocolate cake you know what let me text my mom right now and we'll ask her um if you would like to tip uh and support I will put something out on screen during the live stream to say thank you okay I can't type and talk at the same time so let me type this real quick um we're saying what's the name of the chocolate cake the live dream wants to know okay we texed my mom let's see if she responds and see what the answer to that question is later um okay there might be safety eyes there are safety eyes on thing ofse as well I know I've seen that as well um am I paused I don't think so I hope I'm not paused well let me know if it's paused uh looks like maybe it paused for pesky parrot and I'm hoping it that didn't happen with everybody um okay how was the music by the way is it too loud too quiet let me know and uh quick support stuff oh Cooper oh my gosh Cooper thank you so much for your support uh Cooper donated $10 to the stream uh we're going to put something out for him but they just got their wisdom teeth out on Saturday ah congrats I'm sorry but also congratulations uh I got my wisdom teeth out when I was I think in my mid early mid 20s and uh I actually loved getting my wisdom teeth out because I got to just do nothing for a long period of time and it was really nice but I hope that's the same case for you um I remember when I got my wisdom teeth out let me get let's add let's add we need something for Cooper we need something for Cooper oh I know I know I got an idea something that's like kind of tooth related and it's not really tooth related but he's got a big tooth and his mouth is open so I'm going to add this uh adorable orc with a uh he's got a kind of a fungus problem right now but I'm going to add this adorable orc to the background for you he looks like he's already eating something too so we can add the cookie or whatever we make to uh his hand or something so that he could be eating something uh I know he looks a little creepy the original idea for this design was there was a um there's a uh a goblin also that I made with him that also has this uh purple fungus stuff on him and the idea was that this stuff is uh itchy but it also is edible for the for the goblinoids so he was like eating the fungus off of a Goblin's head I know that's gross start to the live stream but it was really cute and really kind of funny um okay a little loud for you the music is fine but a little loud I'll turn it down slightly thank you for the heads up sunshine and let's get crochet in what do you guys say let's end the vote we have almost exactly 60 votes for the uh what we're what we're making today so I'm going to go ahead and end it because I don't think a 60th vote is going to change the vote anyhow and we're making chocolate chip cookies Wooh okay so we're going to be using our beige and our Brown yarn today that's the colors that we're going to need for our chocolate chip cookie we will need of course our crochet hook we're using a size G4 mm crochet hook we'll need some scissors for the whole cutting part we can put our other colors to the side cuz we won't need them unless we want to decide to make some weird chocolate chip cookies we'll probably need some black thread so I'll I'll go ahead and grab some black thread I only have o I'm almost out actually so I got to go get some more black thread soon yes Jimbo yes hello oh you know we're going to use we'll just use our black yarn split in half for a black thread so we'll be using a little bit of black yarn split in half for a black thread sorry let me put that more on screen uh of course we're going to need safety eyes uh we'll probably use 8 mm or 6 mm safety eyes in this video we'll go ahead and put these on camera in the meantime uh and we'll probably vote on that later on um by the way Cooper do you have a name for this guy I don't know if he has a name or not so if you have one uh let me know um cozmo hi Cosmo how you doing uh congratulations again on winning that crochet kit from uh our last giveaway by the way and uh you have a question what is your question um is this going to be yarn under or yarn over I'm guessing that's what you mean by that pesky uh parrot I always do um yarn overs I always do yarn overs for my crochet um yes please don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't yet and uh we have a bunch of questions in the chat but people are just saying I have a question but they haven't asked it so go ahead ask your questions um Gerardo I'm here to answer them same thing to you Cosmo Sarah uh thank you so much for joining even in the beginning I super appreciate it uh I'll see you later um and if you haven't yet please like this video down below uh and let's see how many let's see maybe we can get to I don't know 150 maybe um yeah all right let's rock and roll and we're crocheting a CH or a chocolate chip cookie from scratch um oh oh quick question Cosmo ask does the dinosaur crochet kit have your yarn so he's talking about this crochet kit this is in our shop by the way great way to support it does have a yarn look I have a little bit of it uh coming out of this one because I'm working on a dinosaur in here actually I'm working on a little uh uh an anosa surus I actually have most of the body made I just need to add the spikes on the side but it does come with our yarn uh this is our very special Club crochet amigi cotton yarn it's like a special yarn that's just for us and uh it does have that included um so yes uh okay all right let's get crocheting uh and just rock and rolling we're going to be using this for the main color and then this for the chocolate chips I think we're going to do a somewhat small chocolate chip cookie so I don't think I'll do a pattern for the first one and then maybe I'll do a pattern for the second one is what I'm kind of thinking we do um I'll keep it in mind as I'm going though the essentially I think the way that the best way to do this chocolate chip cookie is just going to be to make a big circle um and then uh and doing Bobble stitches mini or I'll probably be splitting up mini Bobble stitches and uh another Stitch that I'm calling like a bump it's basically two a double crochet two together in one stitch uh I'll explain that when we get there um uh uh and we'll be doing those in brown throughout like just a big circle so it's going to be pretty easy I think um of course I'll explain it the second time around if we make another one and then I'll I'll either decrease it down or probably an easier way to do that instead of decreasing it down is just make another Circle and then sew it on onto the back that might be a little bit easier I know I usually hate sewing things together but it actually might save us some time in this one so we'll see how it goes uh as we make it um and then after the stream I'll throw this on the website as a quick uh alternative pattern for our new seasonal crochet kit um Gerardo asks if you purchased the pattern on the or if you can you sell crochet if you buy your patterns yes you can any clip crochet patterns uh you can sell in on like Etsy or whatever you can't sell the pattern obviously but you can sell the finished projects uh that you make using our patterns um if you'd like to thank you so much for asking uh there is a whole FAQ on the website that I designed so that uh I could answer any other like questions that's actually one of them on the FAQ so if you have other questions like that um obviously feel free to ask in the chat I'm here to answer it um but there's also like a whole bunch of other ones that you might have not thought about asking that are on the FAQ um which you can find by just going to club and scrolling down to the bottom um sorry I know your name is not Gerardo but I don't know what your name is uh Martinez uh Jr um okay so we're going to start I'm just going to make six single crochets into a magic loop to get us started and I'll use a little bit of let's see how much science do we have here that should be enough just enough so I can keep track of where the ends of the rounds are um this will just probably make my life a little easier as we go and then it'll make my life a lot easier as I'm writing the pattern down there's a fly in the Box get out of here we've got I you know I got bananas this week and sometimes you get bananas and they come with fruit flies it's so cool free fruit flies wow wonderful wonderful Oliver nice to meet you Oliver ooh that's a good idea K uh Kumho I love that idea Kumho says that we should make a second chocolate chip cookie with it bitten that could be fun that sounds like a challenge I think I can do that um yeah let's make a f regular one first and then we'll yeah I think we can do that I'm not sure exact ly how just yet but I think we can um okay so I'm making chocolate chip cookies and we're just getting a general shape first and here's where I'll start adding our Brown in um I'm going to start by doing like what did I call them bumps I've been calling them just bump stitches they're essentially like a super duper mini Bobble Stitch so it's just like that and like this I I'll show you how to do it again when I get to a uh an easier place to do it because right now I'm replacing single crochets and increases with it but you see it just makes a little bit of brown that will stick a little bit higher than the um than the base crochet so it should like make kind of a bump in our crochet that's the idea with this that's the idea thoughts the idea how has your guys week been what have you guys been up to this week anybody been watching anybody watch the new Avatar I haven't yet but I'm very excited about it um I will probably be watching it tonight with jewels we had plans for the night uh it was a friend's birthday but uh she her her partner is sick so she had to bail which honestly like Friday plans that go that disappear are some of my favorite plans that disappear sometimes it's really nice to be like oh we have nothing to do it's Friday night we don't have anything to do how cool is that so I'm actually kind of excited to just have a nice night in with Jules um I do have to crochet a lot though tonight uh I'm working on our last uh the last design for our seasonal crochet kit so I still need to finish that design up um there's a few more I think there's two or three more outside of the ones that we've been doing uh the improvise patterns that we've been doing but uh yeah um I'm on round three right now I'm doing just I'm still just increasing it up uh I put two chocolate chips in kind of the same on the same side I think I need to diversify them a little bit more so I'll probably put one over here at the end of the round to to just like kind of mix things up a little bit better um I don't want to go overboard on chocolate chips uh that is something that I actually really don't like about when people doing chocolate chip cookies is when there's like so many chocolate chips that it's it's like it is just a chocolate chip cookie so we'll probably mix our stitches up around the outside around the outside um but we still got some time plus because of this pattern we're probably going to make a few of these so yeah we'll need uh we'll need to diversify this anyhow um someone [Music] asked am I okay oh I'm oh no no we're talking to P oh if I ever played Metroid dread that was the question yes I have I loved that game uh that is a really really cool game it's very scary but it's very very fun um I should make a chocolate chipless cookie oh so just a cookie okay all right uh what brand of hook am I using this is actually our brand of crochet hook so this is a club crochet crochet hook um I'm actually working on getting them branded with like our logo and stuff on it um I just have to order a bunch of them if I want to do that so I'm like kind of still seeing if that's something that we really want to do uh but uh it is a size G4 MIM crochet hook Samantha uh and hi by the way hi Samantha how are you been a second it's nice to see you in here okay I think we'll add a next our next chocolate chip for our cookie over here um and I think we'll go about this big with the chocolate chip chip cookie I don't know how many chips to put on it maybe like I would say probably maybe 10 chocolate chips I don't know I guess we'll kind of like play it by ear and see how it looks as we're going this is a good start though hope you guys don't mind the Animal Crossing music juul says that I'm kind of overusing animal crossing music so let me know if you feel the same and I'll change it I just really like it it's so chill all right we'll see you later we got we got naughty flowers eating Oreos let's see what else did I do this week Oreos actually would be a fun one to crochet too so now we got three chocolate chips they're a little bit more spread out I think I'll do another one over here in uh maybe not the next round but the round after maybe I'll do another one over here somewhere soon too just kind of trying to like separate them but not make them too uh like basically I really want to get random with where the chocolate chips are I don't want it to be uh very obvious where we're going to put chocolate chips I think maybe actually right here and I'll do a big one over here in the next round um let's see what else did I do this week um you you know what Cooper I actually think we're good today uh with writing the pattern if it was one of the other patterns I'd say yes I could use your help but this one because I'm basically going to explain in the tutorial like here's how to do these stitches and just make just add them randomly that I don't think um right like the the pattern's just going to be basically increase increase increase so uh it's okay I I can I think I can handle the tutorial this time um but I really really appreciate your uh you're looking out and your help uh Cooper by the way last week helped us write the rough draft for our last pattern which was the chocolate cake uh which was the only reason why I was able to get it out um as quickly as I did cuz we finished it up within like what like not even a week or not even a couple of days we went from idea to pattern in just a couple of days so it was really really helpful I do think this one's a lot more simple than the chocolate cake so it might be I think I can handle it basically um but I really really appreciate it thank you you got to subscribe you gotta subscribe um how did thank you for asking actually I saw someone else I think sunshine and uh TIG uh asked about the orc in the background and how did I make its mouth open so how I made its mouth open um I guess I can kind of just like try to explain it uh in the Stream rather than like actually showing you how I did it but basically what I did did was when I got to the um you know what I'm going to leave this for a second cuz I'm going to add another chocolate chip over here when I got to the um the section where I wanted the mouth essentially what I did was I chained a bunch and skipped a bunch of stitches so like right when I got to about here I just did a bunch of chains wait did I do well actually before I even did that yes Jimbo before I even did that I actually prepared it looks like so what I did Jimbo Jimbo I'm trying to talk to the chat I'm trying to talk to the chat right now okay stop attacking my feet I love you though um okay so basically what I did was I came up to here and I knew I wanted to make the mouth over here so what I did was I replaced a couple of single crochets right here at the top of the lip with slip stitches that kind of gave it a bit of a like a an angle to it and then when I got back around to it I made a bunch of chains and skipped a bunch of stitches and then picked the stitches back up over here uh that made kind of a hole in the face and then when I came back around I single crocheted into those chain stitches at the bottom to close that hole around and then finished the um finished the the body just like I normally would I added eyes and everything like that I sewed on a uh a lip on top of the bottom lip I was going to do it on the top lip too but it actually didn't look look good with a lip on the top lip it only look good on the bottom lip and then what I did on the inside was I used felt I just made like basically a little pocket of felt and then I sewed that onto the back Loops only of all of the stitches um on the inside of the mouth uh and then I sewed on this tongue on the inside there it goes pretty far in so you can like eat my whole finger um but yeah that's how I made the mouth uh maybe I'll do a tutorial about that sometime um but we still got to make a cookie for this guy to eat so let's keep on working on our cookie uh I hope that answers your questions let me know uh if you have any like other questions about that uh throughout this chat or throughout this stream I'm think I'm going to add another chip over here actually you know what I want to add it like right here huh or right here let's add right here we're going to put another chocolate chip or we could rate to the next round cuz we're going to put one right here and then we're probably going to want one right there too that's three for the next round we don't want three for the next round let's do okay yeah we'll put a chocolate chip over here like this like these hi Len how are you so yeah exactly T exactly like uh how the angler fish is actually that's a very good um yeah exactly did you miss the Cake's name no you didn't uh I'm still waiting on a text from MIM mother oh oh she said chocolate delight Mom that is that is low effort in my opinion you know what Delight can be the last name I'm going to tell her that that's a good last name I'll come up with a better first name with the chat first name with the chat boom I can do multip things at once no I can't look at me I'm just sitting here um o ice cream sandwiches would be really that's a really good idea I love ice cream sandwiches big fan oh my gosh Ice Cream Sandwich is that you I'm a huge fan this is looking pretty good so far as far as like a cookie goes I'm trying to think about how I'm going to do a bite out of it I mean I can do like slip stitches and single crochets and stuff to make like a little bit of a bite but I'm wondering how I could do like a big bite out of it maybe I could do it like when next I got a few ideas actually I do have a few ideas yeah Delight is a great last name so we need to come up with a better first name that goes with delight Rosie Delight now there see now we're on to something Len Len is on to something okay we're going to put another chocolate chip over here and over here in the next round and then actually maybe even over here and then we'll do one more round of just single crochets to finish the to finish the outside of the cookie cuz I want it to be pretty small we can obviously do another one that's bigger and bigger and bigger if we want to make bigger cookies but I personally love small chocolate chip cookies that is my go-to when it comes to chocolate chip cookies I like to eat like a million tiny cookies rather than one big chocolate chip cookie Because by the time I'm done with it it's like I want to eat more though like more little ones I don't know is that weird it feels normal to me actually uh we want to add a cookie or a chip right here so I actually think that these bumps are the perfect size for our chocolate chips I was going to do mini Bobble stitches uh every now and then to make like giant chocolate chips too but these look really good I think so I don't think I'm going to mix that up too much I don't know what is what's your thoughts on that do we like how the chocolate chips are going or do we want like some fat chocolate chips every now and then I'm not really sure I maybe we can do that in the second one too we can experiment with chip size I like the idea of doing these chocolate chip cookies I'm glad you guys voted on it because uh it's easier for me to experiment cuz we can make like small ones so I can do it a few times to kind of test it out that's usually what I like doing in my crochet I think we got really lucky last week with the chocolate cake it just came out so perfect the first try um but normally I really like making the same project multiple times before I turn it into an actual pattern I think we just got kind of lucky with how easy last week's was to make I'm going to do another chocolate chip here and then maybe one more here and then we'll just do one more round of just increasing just to uh give it you know no chocolate chips on the outside round so it's easy for us to sew it onto the bottom because we're going to make a bottom for this as well yeah chocolate chunks could be good there yeah ooh strawberry delight is pretty good oh what about what if we used like a different like a a different uh a word in a different language for strawberry like in Japanese it's uh Ichigo is strawberry so we could do like Ichigo Delight or I don't know something something fun like that maybe I don't know I don't know I'm G try to move this just slightly hopefully it doesn't mess with the camera too much oh I can't move it can I I can't move it never mind well I can slide it like this that's not too bad all right yeah that's a little better oh I also kind of wanted to make a coffee cup that'd be kind of fun too okay so we got one there we want one more chip over on this side but other than that I think that's all the chips for our top of our cookie I don't think we're going to do any on the bottom I don't also know about a face we probably should add a face but if I add a face to it we're going to have to like you know what we might have to do a face on the second one because I haven't really planned out where to put a face with the chocolate chips oopsies maybe I should have done that yeah we definitely want a chip right [Music] here o uh no I don't know not I can't speak in Spanish yet I do want to start to learn Spanish though um I've been doing dualingo for Japanese now for like two years more than two years actually two and a half years so I'm I'm thinking of switching it up I was thinking yesterday maybe I'll start taking Spanish instead I feel like it'd be more uh useful in my day-to-day life because of where I live okay another thing I'm going to do here is I'm going to cut the backs of these just to um they're kind of like pulling my crochet in a little bit and I don't really like that so I'm done with chocolate chips so that's a good start I'm going to go ahead and cut our Brown now on the inside and you know I'll do one more round before I cut all these backs but see all these backs where I did floaters that's what this is called it's called floating the yarn um I'm going to cut these when we get get around to them too uh and I'm going to go ahead and cut this one too cuz I don't need [Music] that toss the brown to the side strawberry in Italian what's strawberry in Italian fragola I like that oh my mom would love that we are Italian so she would actually love that so fragola Delight actually that's really cute Fred fragola the chocolate delight we are working on something chical is chocolate okay now see wait hold on we got something chato so we got frag chato strawberry chocolate or we got we got something going now Okay so we've got that round done I I believe that was round let's see what round was that if we're crocheting it around 1 2 3 4 five so it's about 15 stitches long okay so we got one more let's do one more round of increasing up be a little bit bigger than I was hoping but that's okay and then we'll work on the bottom of the cookie we're just going to do another Circle for the bottom of the cookie and then just sew them together it's just going to make our life a lot easier um I was going to try decreasing it down but I feel like if I did that the cookie would either like be really raised like that or it would be um uh just like bulky and and bumpy and weird so I think maybe an easier way is oopsies to do another cookie and then sew it onto the bottom um I think is there a magnet in this hand no there's not I made one of these with a magnet in the hand which is really nice that would have been cool cool for this and then I could have put a magnet in the cookie oh well um okay we're going to push this up and I'll increase it yet again and I think this is going to be the last round for the top of our cookie at least for a regular cookie and then we'll have to do another one with a bite out of it how are we going to do that though I got an idea I don't know if it'll work but I do have an [Music] idea the hard part is going to be the chocolate chips when it comes to doing one with a bite out of it but I think we'll be able to we'll figure it [Music] out six will be there maybe we should do a chip on the outside no whatever whatever it'll be fine yeah decreas I mean decreasing probably wouldn't go too poorly I just think it'll be cleaner with a with a bottom sewn on you know me normally I do not like sewing bottoms on so I just I just think this is going to make our life a lot better A lot easier down the line especially when we do a one with a bite out of it cuz I can't decrease down if I'm going to do a bite out of it I'm going to have to sew something to the bottom are we happy with the amount of chips in this yeah we're happy enough we're happy enough you know it's just our first bake we're going to have to do another one anyhow is it a blanket stitch uh a blanket stitch I actually don't know what the what a blanket stitch is is that a special crochet stitch I don't not know summer camp fam we are making chocolate chip cookies today we voted on uh what we're making and we decided on chocolate chip cookies so we're going to try to do one with a bite out of it eventually as well but we're starting with just a regular old cookie keeping it simple okay so that is the top of our cookie I do think we could have added a chocolate chip over here but whatever you know what it looks to me like maybe we have just enough room for a face on this in fact we could use this as like a nose we could do two eyes on that side or something that could be really cute that could be really cute let's start by cutting this yarn um I'll leave a actually we'll leave a kind of a small and no we'll leave a long end because we'll use this to sew onto the bottom I was going to leave a long end on the bottom one but we'll do it on the top and we'll cut it and just pull that through [Music] this okay there we go and then uh I'm just going to cut all these Brown ends on the inside here so that it doesn't doesn't Pull It in too much so I'm just going to cut these floaters it might help our our crochet lay a little flatter I don't know how you feel about chocolate chip cookies but I personally really like um o that one might have been a dangerous one to cut I probably shouldn't have cut that one but we'll see um I personally really like flat cookies I really like it when my cookies are like super duper flat I I feel the same way with pizza actually I really like flat pizzas I don't like doughy big open fat pizzas I like flat pizzas that's pretty good though for the top of our cookie first try not bad let's see if we can get a good bottom for this cookie and then we'll finish our first one the first cookie my be a little bigger than the next one too because I mean actually that's a good size for a cookie it's just like I don't know do I have parakeet no I don't have parakeet I have two cats that would love to uh mess up a parakeet though do you have parakeet so for the bottom of this we're just making a big increase so 1 2 3 four five and six I'm not even going to use the stitch marker for this one this is just going to be increasing increasing increasing until we get to the same Stitch count as the bottom which I believe was uh 30 stitches around so that's our goal here with the bottom of our cookie and then we'll just sew the bottom to the top nice and easy I don't think we need to add any um chocolate chips on the bottom if we do add a face on the top maybe we could add a butt on the bottom but I don't know I don't know about that crunchy cookies over doughy cookies disagree I mean I like I like thin cookies don't get me wrong Zoe I just like my thin cookies to also be like a chewy doughy is like Mrs Fields honestly Mrs Fields cookies are the best and she figured out the perfect recipe and that and that's just the way things are going to go for the rest of the time I think gosh I love coffee see we should we should also crochet of coffee obsessed I am obsessed milk we should do milk we could definitely do milk we could definitely do a cup of milk that actually would be pretty easy we'll see I think our end time today we can aim for like maybe a 300 p.m. end time maybe 3:30 um so we're only an hour in so we still got at least another hour of crochet which means that we definitely can make a um I definitely think we could try making a second cookie with a bite out of it um and if we have enough time we can make a a little glass of milk as well I know exactly how I'd make a glass of milk it would be pretty easy I think yeah Jimbo yeah hi Jimbo can you hear him he's very happy very excited to be part of our life yeah hi [Music] bud ooo Oo we got good good neck cracks Jimbo that don't do that at home how was Japan Japan was amazing Cosmo 10 out of 10 I was actually just thinking about it yesterday hi Jimbo yes would you like to scream more yeah okay all right um did I like your black bird pie for the contest I loved it twizz by the way twizz thank you for reminding us we do have a club crochet challenge going on right now you're yelling what are you yelling at so if you would like to enter the challenge all you have to do is crochet a pie yes we're saying hi to the chat for you okay um we're saying uh or we're we're saying all you have to do is croch a pie if you want to learn more about the club crochet challenge you can go to Club challenge uh crochet a pie post a picture of it you can post a picture on Instagram or Discord um if you really can't post either one of them you can email me a picture as well and I'll enter you in the challenge uh but all the information about how to enter the challenge is on club challenge there's a link in the description and also Cooper just put a link in the chat thank you Cooper very much you're great all right Jimbo got to get back to work I got to get back to what I'm doing bud I need Jimbo approved stickers oh my gosh that's a great idea I love that idea yes that way you can you can approve on things hey don't bite me don't bite my feet you're very cute though does this mean I'm Jimbo approved or is the biting not Jimbo approved uh I do actually I found these yesterday that I realized I haven't added to the shop yet so I really need to add these to the shop they've just been go coming in any kind of orders that anybody makes I have these Jimbo stickers see they're just like really cute Jimbo stickers um and I've got tiny ones too they're like this big for the tiny ones so basically what I did was I ordered these um originally I wanted to like like you know put them in the shop but um I've just been adding them into any order so if you get an order if you order anything from me you probably got one of these stickers or a different sticker um but I need to add these to the shop ASAP I don't know why I haven't yet how do I make a mering uh what is some mering is that the one that's got like a swirl at the top I actually been working on that for a cupcake pattern uh I'm o i kind of maybe I spoiled something but if you heard that and you're watching the live stream you just got uh some insight into a future pattern but I'm going to shut up now and keep a secret and keep talking to us something else let's see let's let's see what do we switch topics to Jimbo oh I know I know what I can switch topics to so I've been working on lava run I know I know I've been talking about this a bunch uh if you are in the chat and you don't know what I'm talking about um I've been working on a board game uh it's called lava run it is a board game about uh where you are a dinosaur trying to escape a volcanic eruption or just survive a volcanic eruption in general uh it is super duper cute super duper cool I'm really proud of it it's great and uh what I've been working on this week uh is I finished up the rule book so uh at least the the first version or not the first I guess it's like technically it's the second version of the rule book uh which includes like a bunch of new rules about uh how to play the game if you want to play it by yourself so if you want to play like single player mode in the game and then some other just other changes on rules and stuff I added it um I'm I'm getting it all prepared right now to add uh to start a new play test for the game so that uh people can give me feedback on it and in doing so I also made a tabletop simulator mod for the game which I'm really proud of this week uh so basically if you don't know what tabletop emulator is it's a uh video game kind of it is it's a video game that you can get on your computer that you can play board games on and other people can play board games with you so you can play it like online and stuff so what I did this week was I learned how to make my own board games in that uh program and I made lava run into a video game kind of um and uh it's really I'm I really like it I've been playing it every night by myself just doing like the single player mode just to like test things out and stuff and it's really cool so if you uh want to learn more and become a play tester for lava run uh I will be creating a uh a play test email for it uh very soon so if you're part of the email list you will get notified about it I'll also probably talk about it on the live stream and stuff like that so uh yeah keep I'll keep you in the loop um eventually it'll be at a website that I'm building you can actually see the beginnings of the website right now if you want to uh I'm still working on it so it is definitely not great but it is at lava run uh you don't need to put that in the chat Cooper uh that's just for anybody that is listening that really wants to like a sneak peek at what uh I'm working on it's at lavarun um the swirl yeah okay so I actually don't want to talk about how I do the swirl right now pesky parrot just because I did I do know how to do that because I've did it for a pattern I'm working on soon uh and I will explain how to do that in a later live stream once that pattern's out because I don't want to spoil any surprises for right now but uh there's there's a technique coming out soon that will will explain how to do exactly what you're talking about for a mering all right so that's going to be the bottom of our cookie so now we got the bottom and actually we'll just cut this end nice and short we don't need the bottom end and we got the top of our cookie like this and we could sew it on like this to make it a little bit more rounded maybe I don't know and then all we're just going to do is sew this together and stuff it pretty easy I think make a nice little cookie right and then we'll do some we'll try to do something fancy to make a um to make a bite out of it do we want to add a face though that's the big question for today let's see if we did a face I think what I do if I added a face is I do something like this like I put I an ie here and maybe an eye over here like that and maybe put like eyebrows or something on it cuz I I think that looks really funny as a nose is basically my thought what do we think do we add the eyes do we add a little bit of a face or no face face or no face let's go ahead quick in the chat poll coming up oops not a Q&A do we add a face start the poll yes or no simple question do we add a face why you guys are voting on that I'm going to start sewing it together I can always add the face later on um obviously not after it's fully sewn on but you know I'll do like half of the sewing which will give me a little bit of time time to figure it out and we're actually going to sew in out a little bit and I think I'm just going to sew it together pretty simply by going like in through the top and then out through the next like that very simple like whips Stitch I think is what this Stitch is called this technique is called face but no chocolate chip knows okay all right all right feedback accepted kind of looks like a puppy huh interesting because of the nose very interesting feedback you know I actually think what we're going to do is I'm going to do something kind of tricky with the sewing Together part so we're going to sew it together just by going all the way around with this Stitch uh and we'll get to the end eventually and then we're going to go back around again to sew it together one more time and that'll help turn like these lines into V's which will make it kind of look more like stitches um I think that'll be a good a good little trick to just make it look a little bit cleaner as we go but I'll keep sewing this on for now while you guys are voting and talking about a face looks like a sloth make a puppy cookie Rocky Road cookies ooh lots of ideas I'm liking them add a mustache interesting a mustache I must ask you a question should we add the mustache or no the see so see how it's just going to be like sewing it together and then I'm going to go back around it with the same Stitch so that these look less like embroidered stitches and more like uh crocheted stitches that's our goal that's a goal let's go I feel like I can do a pretty good Mario so I'm coming for your job Chris Pratt monster cookies for the little monster I was definitely going to give this to the monster in the background to the ogre I'm sorry you're an ogre not a monster by the way Cooper did you name him I don't think I have a name for him so far so let me know we're 50/50 on the vote wow it is 50/50 oh my gosh that's a close vote if we can't decide then we're not going to do a face on this one we'll do a face on the next one if it is if it does end up being a 50/50 shot notice how because of how I'm sewing it on it's actually rounding out the the hexagon so um this is actually something that Zoe was talking about last week was separating the increasing uh to make it more of a circular um shape uh which normally I don't really do because it ends up usually working out really well uh anyhow but what kind of worked out with this one is by sewing it together onto the bottom Stitch the increasing like the hexagon on the bottom see how it's got like kind of you can see it's boop boop boop boop boop hexagon shape it's kind of on a different angle than the hexagon on the top which is pulling all the stitches into a more rounded shape so it kind of works where we don't have to worry about uh splitting up our increasing too much uh to to make it still rounded just kind of a little like just a little uh something I [Music] noticed what if we gave it a milk stash now that's an idea now that's thinking with portals all right cool I like that I really like that idea let's see here once we're about halfway done sewing it we're going to switch over to faces so you have maybe two or three more stitches left to vote on if we're adding a face or not and if we do add a face apparently we're adding a milk mustache I do like how this is coming together but yeah I could see a face going over here instead too cuz we don't we're missing like a chocolate chip there I mean I don't hate where the nose using that chip as a nose though personally Zoe I understand that you do but I don't mind it I thought we were refusing to Jimbo as the ogre in in the background I don't know what you're saying I was uh on Instagram and um do you guys know who curious papaya is she's another amigi artist we're actually going to do a pattern with her in the next season so uh in our spacecrafts season we're going to be doing a pattern with her and she was listening to the last podcast on a drive like it was I mean last podcast the last live stream as if it was a podcast by listening to to it on the drive I thought that was so interesting I never thought of doing like listening to the live stream that way um I thought it was really kind of cool uh so uh yeah does anybody else like listen to the live stream in that kind of way or is was she kind of that was like different from what most people do I'm going to end the poll now looks like we got a yes on the eyes or on the face rather so let's try using 8 mm instead for the face for the eyes uh cuz I think that might look a little bit better so we'll start there um we want to do a milk mustache which I like that idea now I really like using the chocolate chip as the nose but we can look at other options too as we go now the bigger eyes does add does make it look a lot different different to me I might need to do white around the outside of the eyes if I'm going to keep that way but let's try we'll move another eye over to here instead yeah that's not too bad also I'm a little worried about like the sewing part but it probably be fine and then doing just like a milk mustache there what do we think do we like the cookie face there we could also try the cookie face on the inside more I don't know I don't know let's see what a milk mustache would look like um I think I'll just do the mustache like really simple um kind of like how I do the uh like the cat face uh this actually probably is not enough yarn for a milk mustache but we'll see we'll see what I can do with it so if we wanted to do the face there it would be three that would be the center right so we'd have to go like up no we like the chocolate chip nose a lot of people are liking the chocolate chip nose what's the proportion for mini marshmallows height to width I would say probably about half an inch tall to like a quarter of an inch wide probably um oh we have had people listening to it interesting oh Cosmo's listening to it in the car cool hey everybody that's driving oh adding the milk [Music] mustache rotate it just a bit okay well let's see what this milk mustache looks like really quick I kind of feel like this milk mustache would be better under the chocolate chip like if we did it over back if we went back to over here we put the other eye over there you know and we did the milk mustache like this then it would look like you know I kind of think that might look better I realized I did not eat anything before the stream now I'm making cookies shoot I should have eaten oops see so I'm thinking like this I obviously I'm going to make it more rounded like that you know I don't know if it's going to look like a mustache though actually it probably will if I thicken it up so if I did this again like this perhaps and then I went like around this one a few times see what happens one we're just testing things out two three is that [Music] enough you know and we'll do one more four times around that and then we'll pull one of them into the end of that Stitch at the end to keep it like more rounded but imagine that on both sides I kind of like that I kind of wish this was a like a mini Bobble instead so it's like a bigger Bobble but it's not bad right and then like obviously we'll move that eye over here should be like this for the eyes it looks like a little fancy chocolate chip might even give a give him monocle and a little oh my God can you imagine a little tiny chocolate chip Top Hat wait wait I actually have something for that hold on that would be really funny here I made this a while back for our for a little whale in a live stream that looks really funny I actually love that he's like the Monopoly man here we'll give this hat to their to our Oger right now but we'll we'll come back to that okay okay I like this I like the way this mustache is looking so I'm going to keep it um we're also going to lock down the eyes I think I'm liking where these eyes are too uh let's go ahead actually we'll go ahead and make the other side of the mustache first just to make sure everything looks correct but I'm definitely liking how this is looking made a teddy bear for the cookie interesting why is that a normal thing does look like a bit of a Mis mischievous little smirk with the just one side huh you're right okay let's do this side now I believe I went in through the top like that so one and it was four times I think I probably am going to need to use a little bit of extra white yarn to keep it sewn down but we'll probably do that after everything is sewn shut because I need to like work around this one two wait that was one two think we want four three Duff them together a little bit and then four that is that correct and then back into there okay try to separate this a little bit clean it up see like I wish this nose went a little bit over the mustache but it's not too bad I might just use some brown to like hide that maybe I don't know what do we think oh gummy bear oh like a teddy bear gummy bear that's funny actually I like like that yeah do we like the stash I do wish this I wish this side look like this side more so maybe we can just like kind of help those stitches kind of like spread out a little bit or something and it's not too bad though yeah not that bad there okay I'm just going to go ahead and double knot this mustache for right now I think I'm going to have to do a little bit of cleanup work because I want the nose to look like it's a little bit more over the mouth um I also am going to try to get like a little further on to the end here like sewing it together yeah just I just I'm not proud of like that second half of the mustache you know like this side is not not as good as this side to me so I just want to do a little cleaning work again it is going to be pulled down so that's going to help it a little bit just this nose part I'm not into so let me see if I use a little bit of brown yarn here can we kind of fudge haha how the nose is made perhaps cuz I'm thinking like if we go like out through maybe like right here we can go I'm trying to like do that over the over it the mustache you know like here maybe will that help it at all yeah actually that did did actually kind of add a little bit more of a just slightly more rounded of a of a nose there we could also use this for like eyebrows like we could give it bushy eyebrows or something maybe let's go ahead and I'll just double knot this inside always gets fancy when it comes to doing faces could have been done with this a long time ago but got to add a face okay and then we're going to add safety eyes onto or the lockings onto the back of the safety eyes I think we'll also add maybe a little bit of white around the eyes I think that might give it a more cartoony look which could help a lot to our fanciful stash it's not bad good milk mustache going on there what do we think white around the eyes or eyebrows or both you know what let's start with white around the eyes and if we don't like that we'll move on to eyebrows but I think white around the eyes will be just enough make legs so it can stand the walking cookie oh interesting that is an interesting name crochet love I I am considering it okay so we're going to go into right here just on the outside of the eye we're trying to add a little bit of white to the outside of the eye which I think might give us a little cuter of a face I don't know yet about the eyebrows but we will come to them in a second sorry if I keep getting off camera by the way go right there that yeah I think that actually adds a lot to the to the eye there makes it look really cute yeah that's not bad double knot that and I'm probably going to do a little bit of fancy footwork after it's already sewn closed too to really solidify the mustache situation but we still have a lot more sewing to do together also let's do another eye or another you know white around the outside of the eye right [Music] here what's my favorite goblinoid that I've created probably Jack Jack ggle my puppet probably Jack maybe um actually my favorite one is probably uh that's a normal siiz goblinoid is probably shank the goblin I'll show you him in a bit he's a goblin assassin I have actually a poem that I wrote for him it goes this is shank the goblin ass assassin he'll pocket your pick without Ean Askin he'll then try to sell it to his old friend crab who doesn't accept picks because shank owes him cash he'll break into a castle to see what's to take and leave that pick there to frame you and make for a break that is a poem I wrote about my favorite Goblin shank why did I write a poem for shank why not that's why because why not okay okay liking the eyes liking the stash I think we just need to sew finish sewing it together now and then we might add M uh uh we might add some other stuff to him a little later but I don't know yet uh also looks like this needs to be double knotted slightly I don't know where these two ends are from but we'll double knot them and we'll stuff them in all right let's keep sewing it together and uh we're almost done with our cookie hopefully we have time for a second cookie this is taking a little longer than I was hoping but that's okay we just might not be able to do a face on our second cookie but that's okay Tina thank you so much for your support super duper appreciated I'll add something to the background for you well I'll tell you what we'll add a gummy bear for our ogre for you that would be perfect is teddy bear gummy bear yeah shank has a like a hoodie that he wears it's a very sneaky little Goblin okay so I think hopefully I have enough yarn to do this sew embroidery part twice CU that's what I really want to do is I want to go back around it again with more of this beige it's kind of it might be a little Overkill but I just feel like it' make it look really [Music] good I just don't think I have enough yarn for that so I'll have to like use another strand of it maybe I don't know let's let's see let's see what happens um let's go ahead and stuff it just a little bit right now I'll use the extra threads that I have first we can save that stitch marker that we used I've got all these little threads from last week too we use all them okay we even have more over here there we go all this all [Music] natural food to Jack from his biggest fan in the world oh my gosh Jack you got some Noms to get one sec put that there and I'm just going to add a little bit of stuffing I really don't think this needs much stuffing at all you know just just a cuz it's still got to be [Music] flat got a little beige yarn in there with our stuffing and I feel like if I over stuff it it'll start to get like rounded you kind of see it's already kind of getting a little rounded so we just want to keep it flat if you can that's see it's I think it's just too much stuffing pull some of that out like that that's pretty good definitely looks like a cookie I wish we had a chocolate chip right there though oh well problem the problem is is there and you know that that happens my glasses are falling off I need to get new glasses really bad not because I can't see out of my glasses but because these ones just keep falling off or maybe I just need to get these glasses like fixed so that they are tighter on my head I don't know [Music] this last one that okay and then this bit right here we're just going to sew on the inside it actually kind of looks pretty clean for the sew way cleaner than I was expecting it to look I do still want to do that like fix that I was talking about though so I'll start here just going to go ahead and pull this on the inside like that this bit go on the inside too [Music] this Jules thought for sure you guys were going to vote vot for a a macaroon but you did not I'm shocked no I actually totally thought you were going to vote for a chocolate chip cookie so I was right macaroon was her idea I do think it would be fun to make eventually but chocolate chip cookies is a classic I'm glad we're making it okay go and cut there and we'll stuff that back in and I'm just going to move the stuffing around a little bit so it's a little bit more spread out okay the bulk of our cookie is done I do want to do another embroidery phase on the outside to like clean this edge up a little bit um and then I also want to sew down the mustache I think but let's start with the embroidery on the outside first Professor Delight I like that oh I really like that I really like Professor Delight that is a cute name okay so here's what I'm thinking for this part we're going to go in here out through we'll start right here and wait how how do I do this oh let you know what we'll start actually right here that and see basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the opposite sewing to keep everything sewn together but also add a v so like we're looking to make all these lines into more of like V's like this because it'll mimic the single crochets around and it'll be harder to see how it's like sewn together just a little bitty trick for making it look a little cleaner get these eyes out of the way boom see so the idea is to make those look like those so you do want to pull it a little tighter but not too [Music] tight it's not looking perfect but I think it looks a little bit better than just the lines that right like that looks better than that I think it's not like the most drastic improvement but it is a little bit better yeah I do need to give him I mean obviously he needs his top hat still and we need to fix the mustache uh love the Loki pattern oh my gosh I made that so long ago TIG I that's so cool uh I actually have a really good story about that Loki pattern so one time I went to VidCon which is like a like a YouTuber's convention I think this was maybe like 2016 or something yeah probably like 2016 is and uh I brought a bunch of crochet with me one of the things that I brought was that Loki uh like the actually the one from the video like the original Loki that I made for the video tutorial I brought with me and uh I went to a room at this VidCon and I saw Mark Ruffalo in the room and I was like oh my God that's Mark Ruffalo I need to go talk to him so I talked to Mark Ruffalo for a little bit and I was like hey I'm a huge fan uh like obviously I love Marvel stuff but I also like the other stuff you're in blah blah blah what are you doing at VidCon his apparently his son was like a big you big into like YouTuber so he like found his way in so that his son could go and stuff so that was kind of cool and I was like you know what can I give you a crochet thing and he was like oh crochet sure like you crochet and I was like yeah I I own like this crochet Channel blah blah blah and he was like oh my gosh are you that Lou guy and I was like yeah I'm the Lou guy Mark Ruffalo knows me what how he was like oh man I was with Marvel I I was with some other people from like the the team like the other day and they were we saw your stuff on uh on like Pinterest or something and then like they were passing the pictures around and I was like what what he's like yeah you're like a like a Loops guy like Lou Loops or something and I was like yeah that's me it was really cool it was a really really cool moment for me I was like holy crap Mark Ruffalo knew who I was he probably does not remember me at all but he for for a split second the Hulk knew who I was very cool so I gave him a Loki I said I'd give you a Hulk if I had one but I don't so here's a Loki and uh yeah hopefully he still has that I don't know if he does that is my that is my one of my best celebrity stories I got a couple though that one was that one was very cool one for me I also one time broke into Jamie Fox's house without any shoes on but that's for a different sto time maybe maybe another live stream I'll tell you about the story about how I broke into Jamie Fox's house and got kicked out from him while not wearing shoes when I was in high school for another time not bad though right this is pretty good looking pretty good Mr cookie not a bad [Music] [Music] start well I didn't well I didn't really break into his house I just wasn't really invited it's not like I like like the cops came or anything there was a party going on but I wasn't invited to the party but I went in [Music] anyhow um super name crochet love we need to make him wire glasses yes we do we do need to make wire glasses or or just like a monocle a monocle would totally work this yarn is starting to fray I'm afraid not it's looking pretty good though I do wish we had a chocolate chip right here definitely wish this was a chocolate chip oh well we can always make another [Music] one we got 76 likes that's pretty good I think we're going to aim for let's aim for like 150 if we get I'll tell you what if we get 150 likes I'll bring back the giveaway aways and we'll do another giveaway next live stream um I do have a secret giveaway going on right now by the way that I'm was just about to choose a winner for last night but I was like you know what I'll let it sit for a little longer so if you want to try to enter a secret giveaway uh watch one of our latest video tutorials all the way through and you will know how to enter the secret giveaway I think a lot of lot of you already know a lot of people in the Stream already know about it and have entered I think but for those who haven't there's a secret giveaway going on there's a giveaway going on around here a celebration so I had an idea remember how last week were talking about doing like maybe auctioning off some of my crochet during live streams uh my dad had a better idea I think um actually it might have been my uncle we were talking last week and they said uh I should do a raffle system instead which I think is a really fun idea so instead of doing like a I'm still trying to like get it set up on the website it probably won't be out until like I don't know at least a few weeks but the basic idea is to give out raffle tickets to win one of the crochet projects from the live streams and it'll be like you know like a dollar for a raffle ticket or something or it'll be like you get a free raffle ticket if you have a pattern membership maybe I don't know I'm still trying to like figure out the logistics of it but that is something I've been thinking about curious if that's something you'd be interested in I think it'd be kind of fun um okay I'm going to try to sew down this a little bit more so that it's more of an angled um you know mustache there and then we'll go off that we'll go I don't know if we're going to add a mustache or not here's by the way here's our Top Hat you know what we'll put our Top Hat where our no that just looks weird little top hat for our little chocolate chip cookie oh my gosh that looks so cool I love that that looks really great he's he's mayor he's mayor cookie he's the mayor he looks like the mayor doesn't he um we're going to go and I'm just going to sew on just use a little bit of our white yarn here to embroider on the mustache a little a little bit better um basically I'm going to split this yarn and I'm going to split it one more time I'm going to use one of these to kind of like sew down the mustache so it's more curved is our goal here and I know I haven't done really a tutorial in this video by the way I know that I do want to do a tutorial for this but I figured I'll probably do a tutorial uh as like a secondary video for this and maybe I'll put this up uh as a preview pattern for members in the meantime going like that in let's just see how this looks first take the hat out for now see the idea here is to help this stay down and stay curved like that it kind of did work actually so let's try that again on the other side now so we're going to go up that and we'll go around like this bit the bottom of this bit right here then out back to down through like that there that looks pretty good see so it kind of curved the mustache a little bit better looks really good okay and we shouldn't even be able to see this thread at all because I sewed it onto the bottom of the mustache so it should be really hidden boom that looks great that looks great here's our little top hat and our fancy cookie has now been crocheted pretty good not going to lie pretty happy with that mayor cookie the mayor of cookie Town EX exactly love it makes him so Dapper so Dapper okay well we're going to put this cookie like this on our big Ogre here go ahead and pin it into the back like this there we go and he'll sit there in the meantime like this and now first off thanks for watching guys um let's see do we have enough time to make another cookie and try to do one with a bite out of it it's 245 already it's a little later than I was hoping but we can try I have an idea and I do want to give that idea a shot but in the meantime uh look at my cat hold on look at this cat oh no the chat's over the cat hold on there you go and then we'll hide this look at my cute little kitty cat isn't she he's so cute I almost want to call him a because he's just so cute so cute also there's a a bit of a preview of of a future kit in that uh in this scene right now I don't know if you can see it you know what I'll just show you because I think it's really exciting oopsies sorry I hit the camera check it out so I'm still finishing this up but this is the the Prototype of our next seasonal crochet kit I'm very very excited I am did I mute myself no no we're good okay um this is the prototype for the next seasonal crochet kit look at the logo I made I'm so proud of it doesn't it look cute I'm really proud of the logo so our next seasonal crochet kids coming soon I don't yet have it up for pre-order but if you get an annual pass you've basically pre-ordered it um and uh I'll obviously be keeping you in the loop and let you know uh soon about that okay well in the meantime while we're waiting for our rocket ship to outer space let's try crocheting ourselves a cookie with a bite out of it I do have an idea on how to do this um the trick is going to be adding the chocolate chips sporadically while we're doing it um but let's go ahead and I'll just get crocheting um the main part of this or at least the start of this is going to be very similar to our last cookie where we're just doing single crochets into every Stitch round and slowly increasing or sorry not single crochets uh doing increases around to get our way up to 30 stitches around 2 three four five six that and because I'm a doist I'm not using a stitch marker this time but oh well we're going to live with that and we're going to use this that we're going to do our best here I my idea is basically to do what I was talking about with the mouth of our ogre in the background um for the part where we make this cookie bit um so essentially we're going to do a mix between single crochets and slip stitches but we're going to do that for a few rounds in a row to kind of try to make a little crescent cut out of the cookie um I might even be able to do a double Crescent out of a cookie actually that's what we're going to try we're going to try doing a double Crescent out of a cookie to make it look like it's been bitten um the real trick is going to be doing it twice because we're going to have to do it again for the bottom of the cookie as well well and then sew them together so that it's really hard to tell how we did that that's the goal um yes so any ideas by the way let me know right now in the chat uh the last couple boxes haven't had the logo on them in that is that normal yeah I haven't been able to do the sticker on the top of the kits for a little bit um because uh it was like way way too expensive it was like turning out to be like $2 per kit just to put a sticker on the top and they would they were just putting the label on top of the sticker so it just wasn't looking right so I've just been doing the stickers for like the kits here mostly um so it is normal that yours did not come with the sticker I'm working on a new like uh what's it called um like a wrapper to go around the boxes but uh yeah I'm still I'm still basically like trying to figure out the best way to add like branding on the boxes without it being too like uh expensive and too over the top but yeah it was it was basically just like way too expensive to do those stickers on all of them yeah it it was crazy it was a it was a stupid extra cost so I was like ooh that's like that's like to get 200 of those made that was like $400 okay maybe we do something different next time one we're going to still try to separate our chocolate chips pretty regularly here I think we'll go up to around maybe like four or five before I really get into doing our bite out um I don't think we're going to be adding a face to this so heads up about that you know what actually I'm I am going to do a chocolate chip in the next Stitch right [Music] here what that yeah that looks good one and two okay we're definitely going to need more chocolate chips on this side now one increase let's cut let's cut some of these ends here cut that one and actually I'm G to cut that one uh I wasn't yeah stamps could work um I'm basically just changing the top of the kits to be so that they all look the same but yeah thank you summer camp fam I am also obsessed with my uh with my coffee or my my my cat sorry I was reading the name under mil and coffee it's a very funny name uh yes I agree I think that cookie is very appealing you know he's not the mayor of cookie town for nothing he's been working hard uh he's a hardworking politician um who uh probably he's not a I don't think he's a crooked politician he's just I feel like mayor the mayor of cookie Town sounds like this and actually we should name our mayor of cookie Town what should we name what would the mayor of cookie town be named we need name suggestions you know what should I do the Q&A what do we think let's do the Q&A we are going to take name suggestions for the mayor of cookie Town while we work on our secondary cookie here cut that yarn okay hold on let me let me get the vote or let me get the Q&A up okay q a name the mayor of cookie town okay we have I'll tell you what we have 80 likes right now if this video gets to 100 likes before the end of the stream I'll make a monocle for the mayor of cookie town I will make him a monocle but only if this video gets eight uh to 100 likes today we have 81 likes now so we we definitely can make it we have we have maybe about an hour or is an hourish left of the stream so we got a little bit more time um let's go ahead and add another chocolate chip over here before we start thinking about our bite out of our cookie one and two like [Music] that if you're having a difficult time putting a name suggestion into the Q&A um let us know let the chat know and someone can add it for you uh to make it a little easier I think think right here is where we're going to add our bite by the way so it's going to be right here we're going to do an increase and we're going to slip slip increase and then in the next round over we're going to make it even bigger so that's that's the plan as far as the bite goes that should be right before the end I think too right one two oh no wait one two boom oh wait no this is the end so yeah it is it's kind of like before the end mayor choco mayor sugar interesting is that how is that how goofy sounds that was a pretty good goofy okay so we're g to go one cuz we want to go up to six increases so I do think right now is where a good time to start the bite because it's so the bite will go all the way down to here yeah yeah definitely okay so here's how I'm going to do the bite we're going to change from doing single crochets between we're going to do slip stitch two one two and then single crochet two like that so that's going to be the start of our bite and then the next round we're going to do that again and then one more time again so it'll be like pulled in three times that's our goal and of course we need to add chocolate chips to other parts of the Stitch is as well um do we want a chocolate chip here nah we'll just keep going around one two increase and we'll add a chocolate chip next [Music] round one two and this will be our last increase for that round okay now this next round we're going to definitely need to add chocolate chips we're going to need to add one here here here and maybe even here so like I think we got a lot of chocolate chips to add in this [Music] round I feel like we're really let me let me angle my camera just a little bit further down that's that's a little better battery looking on the computer so far so good mayor chip George cookon what was the mayor of Townsville named do does anybody remember what the mayor of Townsville from from uh Powerpuff Girls was I can't remember the name that's totally the vibe I'm getting though mayor's Townsville vibe [Music] from from uh I'm talking about the mayor from uh Powerpuff Girls by the way if you don't know what I'm talking about okay looks pretty good there so one time uh my mom thought that uh Powerpuff Girls was like a really bad like influence on me when I was a kid I loved Powerpuff Girls I would watch it all the time and one time I was like trying to convince her like Mom telling you no like Powerpuff Girls is cute like it's not it's not a bad influence at all and so she W I was like just watch one episode one episode and and then you'll it's not bad and I can keep watching it and she watched an episode with me and it was the one episode where the mayor of Townsville was naked at the end and you saw like the mayor's butt or something and I remember going like not you don't normally see butts in this I swear mom I swear they don't normally put butts in it and she let me keep watching Powerpuff Girls but I remember that was so like no it's the worst timing [Music] ever all right now I am doing the same thing as a round before I'm slip stitching into the same slip stitches as the last round to try to start to create the cut out adding one more slip stitch on top of that and then doing our double single crochet see so it's biting out I really should have done that twice so the goal really was to do that another one of those here but I totally forgot so we're just going to have the one bite out I guess right I guess so cuz there's only I can only do so much now uh maybe I could put like a little bump in between this so it looks like the to tooth bite mark actually that that might work that might work I might be able to like make this work let's do this increase still we just got to remember how we did this cuz we're going to have to make a another one of these without any of the chocolate chips for the bottom and I think what I'll do when I do the written instructions for this is I'll I'll just write out here's how to make a chocolate chip with a bite out here's how to make one without the bite out I think that's the the only way I can realistically do it but you see how it's like making like this indent kind of not an indent but like yeah like an indent see so I'm hoping to get one more of those to make it a little obvious oh yeah the hym episode yeah I I actually my mom probably would not have let me watch it if it was the himm episode not going to lie by the way hi witchy boy how are you uh witchy boy is uh in the chat they they're they're often in the chat with us but um they also play uh Pokémon go with me so we play Pokémon go together a lot and they help me destroy mushrooms and I help them destroy mushrooms and send little gifts and stuff like that it's great uh we have a little like just this tiny crew in the chat right now that plays we all play uh Pokémon go or not Pokémon go Pikmin Bloom is what I'm just trying to say together I feel like I do want another cookie right or another chocolate chip right here so I'm going to add one more chocolate chip here I think last time I didn't add chocolate chips into this round but whatever oh no actually this is our last this is our I think this is going to be our last chocolate chip like that yeah I'm kind of actually obsessed with that game I played a lot um like way too often it's not even a good game like I mean it's not a bad game it's just like a a little bit of a nothing game I don't know you just kind of like walk around and plant flowers I like it a lot I play it too often um oh someone had a good question black Ruby that is a good question what do you think is my favorite cookie I definitely have a favorite cookie and I will say it is not chocolate chip it is not my favorite cookie so what do you think is my favorite cookie I'm curious to see what your opinions are I might have actually talked about this before in the live stream I will say I'll give you a hint it is not most people's favorite cookies most people do not like the cookie that is my favorite cookie which maybe is one of the reasons why I like it so much I don't know so we're obviously going to keep the cookies the same size like this one's not going to be any smaller than the first one but we are adding a little bite out of it so you know a little customization so the question here is can we do something fancy here so first off I might want to chain one and then start doing the slip stitches down might make it a little bit more clear nah I don't think we need that actually so we're going to do our slip stitches one two three four okay so two like that now here's the question can I do a little chain and then do slip what happens if I do that let's find out yeah that see kind of made a little bite out of it like a little boop boop maybe let's see how that looks I might have to undo that uh it's not too bad doesn't I don't know that doesn't really look like a bite though n okay we're going to undo that forget about the chain we're just going to do a basic Crescent out of [Music] it three four and then our increase here it's all going to come together when we sew it onto another piece of this that's where it's really going to like okay does this look like a cookie or not see so the idea is like this part should be rounded out and this part should be rounded out like that and then we have like a bite out of a cookie so I don't know if it's going to work it looks like it'll work though right oh we got it we got it someone guessed it right let me see uh who's the first one to guess it right oh wow a lot of people guessed it right the first one to get it right was kosandra you are correct it is oatmeal raisin cookie that is my favorite kind of cookie I don't know why the heck people don't like oatmeal raisin cookies they are amazing like especially a good oatmeal raisin cookie and it doesn't you don't have to like feel bad for eating a cookie I don't know I don't know maybe not a lot of people feel bad for eating cookies but I just can't stop thinking about that cookies family no I just it's just terrible it's terrible to think about an orphaned cookie because I ate its father terrible no uh oatmeal cookies oatmeal raisin cookies are like sometimes not bad for you usually they have a lot of butter in them though it is true okay so we got our top of our bitten out cookie and I think it looks pretty good it's all going to depend on if we can do the same thing for the bottom of our cookie and if we can sew it together well so that's 2 three four wait one two 3 four five six yeah yeah so it's all going to depend on our bottom half of our cookie but let's go ahead we'll cut this end uh we'll make it long so we can sew it onto the bottom uh I guess maybe a little longer than we did last time and then just pull it all the way through okay 14 more likes and I'll make us a monocle for mayor of cookie town by the way so if you want to I don't do you think this will be enough we're going to try this is a very small amount of yarn I don't know if it'll be enough for our bottom of our cookie but uh you know worth a shot worth a shot let's find out what happens we might be able to make it work um and we're going to have to remember how we did that bite out of a cookie too this is going to be interesting oh and yes that's right we wanted to make a a glass of milk um which I think we can do too cookie with frosting ew yeah I don't like those we got an oatmeal raisin cookie fan in the chat that's great who was that summer camp fam heck yeah 1 two three four five and six what time is it 3:11 okay we're doing fine on time we're doing fine especially cuz like we're designing something live so as far as like C Shing live goes it's not bad uh next week by the way we have a actually two new patterns if I can get them out in time uh the plan is to have two new patterns next week so I'm very oh oh that actually reminds me uh uh I'm so sorry I forgot to put out your support um this is for Tina hold on so for Tina I so sorry I totally forgot to put this out earlier we're going to add our little Gummy Bear which is actually the new a new pattern that's coming out this week it is a new Mini groomy pattern 100 stitches less than 100 I think this one's only about like um I think this one is about like uh let's see let's see let's see 54 stitches maybe it's very very small it like barely uses any stitches at all and uh uses no sewing so it's part of our new Mini groomy projects and now we have a little tiny gummy bear to go with our ogre and that's his uh that's his teddy bear you know gummy teddy bear all right let's keep crocheting though thank you again for your support Tina I'm sorry it took me so long to get that out there uh funky Smo how you doing funky smell been a sec uh they their favorite is Anzac biscuits Anzac biscuits it's an Australian recipe oh I've never heard that before that's really cool um yes we're going to do oh should we do a vote for the cak's name yeah we probably could do a vote for the Cake's name we're definitely going to do a vote for mayor cookie name too so um maybe we should do one at a time uh I think we still need some more suggestions I can't do the vote until I have all the suggestions for our mayor of cookie Town's name we could do a stream for our milkshake next week yeah we definitely could try doing that pesky parrot um I was going to do a live stream for one of the new patterns coming out next week uh either the gummy bear or our mystery pattern that's coming out later uh but we could do a milkshake instead I'm not really sure we'll we'll maybe we'll put it to a vote there's a lot of sweet stitches patterns still to come so uh I actually think this season originally I was thinking of ending this season at the end of March um because you know I try to do like three seasons or or 3 months per season but uh the spacecraft kit might take a little longer for us to get made and on top of that um I have so many other things I want to make up for the sweet stitches theme that I think we might stretch this uh season out for a couple extra um weeks so just heads up there let's see so we got one two three and then increase is that correct no one two so it's this round one two okay would which Stitch was it that we started this on start it on so it'll be this round one two boom one two boom one two boom okay so after the third we just did one so there's one sorry I'm talking to myself a little bit two okay two I really hope we have enough yarn here we might run out we'll see o I like the name crumbly crumbly is a great name for the for the mayor go ahead and throw that into the into the suggestions black Ruby um if you want you could just hit the Q&A or just ask someone in the chat to do that um let's see one two three okay so now is where we're going to start our little one two and then an increase here for the bite out is well what I'm working on by the way and then after I did that to yes okay we're good we should be good all right once I have like a first part of the bite out it should be pretty easy for me to do the next bits so what was that name again crumbly yeah crumbly did we add that yes M good job good job besides the current topic how about crochet the cat Pusheen the cat how about that I I need to crochet Jimbo I still need a crochet Jimbo really bad I've been wanting to crochet Jimbo for a long time not using a stitch marker baffles you you know I actually uh yeah I don't know once you start figuring out where the single crochets and increases are it just gets a little bit easier to um crochet without a stitch marker sorry the lights I thought were flickering but might have just been my eyes I've been having like a twitch in my eyes this week so it's just been bugging me all week so we're just going to start slip stitching here two three and then our increase here I'm like slightly worried because this kind of like pulls see how it like opens the stitches up a little bit so I'm curious of what happens when we sew it back in like this if it'll like I don't know how it's going to work you know cuz like once this is sewn on like that is it going to because we're pulling it in is it even going to look like a bite out or is just going to look like a mess up that is the question we have that's the question on everyone's Minds today how will Louie make it look like it's been bit out of a cookie with crochet tune in next time for the exciting conclusion to Lou crocheting a cookie wow um three five uhoh we got I believe we have two more rounds still and we are running out of Cook Out of oh no we're on our last round but we are almost out of yarn so like seriously we are we are playing chicken with our yarn right now Jimbo with a space helmet oh my gosh that'd be so cute yeah YouTube shorts are not easy to crochet to because you actually have to actively like be you know like swiping when with shorts and stuff so I I yeah I have a hard time doing anything when I'm watching YouTube shorts maybe making dinner or usually just farting around on the couch one two three four and then our increase boom okay so there is our bite so it'll be sewn on like this hopefully it could work it could work it could work I don't know if it will but it could feasibly work once I finish this by the way we will vote on our name for our mayor of cookie Town four by the way we only need 10 more likes to uh get me to make a monocle for our mayor of cookie town so if you haven't liked this video yet uh give it a like down below subscribe to the Channel all that fun Jazz two three and this will be our last increase and look at that we had enough yarn wow lucky us we we were almost out though look at this this is all the yarn we had left we were cutting it close speaking of let's cut it pull the arm through save this we might need a little bit extra of our ends of yarn later [Music] anyhow but for now now let's try sewing this on Also let's cut any of these floaters that's good [Music] okay all right so I think the way we're going to do this is going to be pretty simple I just need to count the stitches to get to our first bite out so on this top one we would have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 and 17 stitches to get to our first bite out like that will be 17 so if we count backwards from that on this top one one two 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 which will be pulled down 14 15 16 17 so it'll be in that Stitch so we want to start here boom and then come out through here I believe that will line us up pretty well so that should go there cool let's try it boom and we'll just keep this part actually uh sewn on the inside you know what we'll do is we'll take this end I have an extra needle and we'll pull this on the inside of our piece already because we're going to need to double knot together to this later on so I'll just pull it in and out through like the bottom right here okay and we'll just ignore that for right [Music] now let's try to get this done on oh wait I need to do a vote [Music] sorry let's do that real quick and let's vote for the name of our cookie so name suggestions we got o good name good name all right um and hold on I need one more here hold on oops okay all right I got my four names we'll end the Q&A [Music] boom one two 3 and four okay there we go names are in a vote now sorry that took me so long the name suggestions that I went with um you can name our cookie now it is going to be named mayor chip MC crumble mayor mcchip mayor crumbly or mayor George cookon George cookton so go ahead and vote now in the chat for what you want to name our uh cookie mayor mayor of cookie town I think it's actually this Stitch that I need to work into [Music] oh I just realized cookie I think we should change if it George gets voted on I think we should change it to George cookie tin like a tin of cookies that's that's just my suggestion if that vote gets in but we've got other votes first so you can choose what we want to name [Music] him hey we got 100 likes we're going to make our mayor a monacle what's a mayor without a monacle that sounds like a poem what's a mayor without a monacle or the name of I don't know something there's something to that right Can you feel it can you Can you feel it can you dig it just going to go ahead and pull these a little [Music] [Music] tighter nice try to round this out a little bit [Music] better could I put the do a dut box pattern for the live stream like like the a box for the D Donuts you mean what do you mean by that black Ruby give me give me more more there I I what do you mean by a dut box we've done Donuts obviously um obviously we've done Donuts this season but yeah I haven't done a box of donuts I suppose I could do a box pretty easy for the donuts like a pink box like you put the donuts in but I'm not sure if that's what you mean or [Music] not yes and of course we'll be adding a monacle after I'm done sewing this guy this secondary cookie closed I will add our monacle this is going to be the tricky part does this look right let's find out I'm hoping this like pulls it in pretty drastically I don't know if it will though well actually maybe it will maybe this might work yeah okay this one here I'm definitely going to have to go write this pattern down after this live stream like right away or I will forget how I did this bite out of the cookie again I think we under did the chocolate chips we could have done a chocolate chip over here and it would have been really nice oh well it might have got in the way of the whole Bite part though hey you know what that's not too bad that's not too bad it is a bite out of a cookie I can definitely tell that that's supposed to be a bite out of the cookie I do wish I did a double one though so it was like boom boom you know but you know what as far as a bite goes not too bad not too bad for an improvised bite I think if I could I just wish it was like more drastic basically but not too bad not too bad not too bad I got hiccups okay few more stitches here we do have to still stuff this cookie up just a little bit so we're going to start with um these extra threads including our stitch marker there we're not adding a face to this cookie uh just because I don't really want to I mean I guess I could add a face right here but you know let's just do one without a face it was almost 50/50 for the vote anyhow for our first face so and it'll just take so long I'd rather put more time into to our mayor then do a whole nether face and then be like oh shoot it's already four you know what I mean let's do a little bit more is George cookon winning oh it's a tie it is a tie right now between George cookon and Chip MC crumble oh my gosh the poles are close who will win the mayor who will become the new mayor of cookie town just a little bite just a nibble like a mouse would make did I give a mouse a cookie no the rule is you're not supposed to give a mouse a cookie right isn't that what the book is I would never I know just a nibble it's just a nibble I wish I made a bigger bite I'm sorry Zoe I did the best I could with my mousey little mouth do it sound like a mouse to you no hold on does it sound like a mouse like squeaking around is chocolate safe for mice that's a really good question cuz I mean I know it's not for like dogs uh I don't think it's good for cats either but I don't know never heard of a cat eating chocolate before I know Jimbo and Phoebe never have tried chocolate it's probably for the best I'd assume that it probably is not good for most things but I have no idea anybody have any insight into the dangers of chocolate and mice perfect Mouse noise great oh my gosh you guys the vote is still half and half on what we Nam the mayor of cookie Town we're going to need another vote only 37 people have voted but there are 40 people watching the stream right now so I know a few of you have not voted we're going to need you to get your votes in and I'm going to start going backwards I'm actually just going to keep using this yarn so we don't have to like cut and add a new one in there we're just going to use this one and I'm just going to go back on all of the stitches that I just embroidered to make that vshape again you remember how we were doing that for the edge of the other one just trying to like clean up the edge a little bit we're just going to do it the same end this time I think I have enough yarn anyhow would I wouldn't test it oh Google says it's perfectly safe from mice but I wouldn't test it yeah I don't even know how I would test it like is the goal to poison mice in which case uh you know worth the test but if the goal is just to feed mice then I don't know I do not know why is why are dogs allergic to chocolate what what did they do to deserve such a a terrible curse can you imagine being allergic to co to chocolate would be the point of life anymore man what's even a point of life is chocolate the point of life I don't know you'd have to yeah it it's worth an argument for sure the answers maybe it could be I wouldn't blame you if it [Music] was all right guys we are almost done with the stream by the way uh if you haven't yet please consider subscribing to the channel liking the video all that fun stuff I will get this pattern up on the website uh hopefully by the end of this weekend so I'll try to get it up ASAP um just like how I did with the chocolate uh cake from last week um but you know please be patient with me uh I do have other things that I got to work on this weekend I have other patterns that actually were planned for the crochet kit that I haven't uh finished yet so I need to like record actually like three or four video tutorials this weekend and uh do a lot of editing and a lot of um pictures and stuff so I actually do have a lot of work to do this weekend so I'll do my best though to get this on the website as soon as I can um but yeah thank you for thank you for sticking around and thank you for being part of the live stream thanks for making my Fridays fun I appreciate you I'm um not 100% sure what we're crocheting next week for our live stream uh it'll probably be one of the designs um from one of the new designs one of the new patterns I'm coming out with but uh it might be one of the patterns that are already out for the stream doesn't I'm not sure yet basically is what I'm saying if you um want to make sure you don't miss those by the way make sure to like And subscribe down below oby that is the tiniest little nibble out of a cookie I ever did see someone was like m I don't like chocolate chips I think I need to figure out a better way to do this in the future I have another idea on how I could do it so maybe I'll test out some other cookie options later on I do think when I do come out with this tutorial by the way it'll either be as a um a preview pattern on the website meaning that it'll be available for only members or um but eventually I will be doing a video tutorial for this when I doig figure out like the best way to do the bite out of the cookie you know like once I once I once I uh figure out the little nooks and cranes to doing this Bite part of the cookie I'll I'll upload it as a as a different like a secondary tutorial which means that I will need to record this as a tutorial eventually too trying to like squish the parts in that I don't want sticking out it's not too bad though it's not too bad it's a good first draft now mayor cookie is a solid first draft for this the regular cookie it's just the bite out part that I'm a little I'm a little iffy about I don't know oh my gosh you guys little little tiny thing that I found out this week so I've been doing uh improv in La um I've been doing uh just I've been going to see a bunch of improv shows but I've also been like doing improv classes and stuff and I did an improv 101 Class A few months ago and I just found out last Monday that one of the people that was in my improv 101 class has two 25 million followers on Instagram I was like what how is that even possible how does one do that it was crazy blew my mind I was like holy canoli I didn't even know who she was had no idea I I still don't know who she is I mean like I know her name but I'm not going to say it but it was very shocking to me to say the least but the improvs been going pretty good by the way I really enjoy it I'm doing my 2011 class right now so I'm in like the second level of learning improv and honestly I'm I think I'm not too bad pretty all right at it sometimes you know I get really awkward and stuff on stage but I could be worse let's go with that I think I over stuffed this one a little bit it's not too bad though double KN are you really living if you're not crocheting good question I don't know dude 25 million is a lot to have bought pretty sure I I think she was like a she was in like a show uh some kind of like CBS show or something Riverdale something like that okay I'm going to I'm I'm like tucking this end in so that it sits a little bit flatter but I think the bite out of our cookie is good enough to make it work at least for this guy so we're going to switch the mayor out give me the mayor give me the mayor you can have this cookie instead Mr ogre there we go there we go perfect that looks pretty good actually all right so now we want to add a monacle to Mr Mayor who is named what is our mayor's name oh my gosh we've gone back and forth I saw it was something else that a while ago but now it changed all right let's end the poll for the name the name of our mayor is Mayor chip MC crumble of course it's Chip MC crumble and Chip MC crumble needs a monacle so we're going to need this we're going to need our pliers which are right [Music] here oh my oh my effing God you guys look at this look at that cat oh my gosh that is too cute that's too cute wow I love that I love that cat okay back to this wow that's really cute okay uh we need um the Sharpie old work we need a round thing that's bigger than the eye so the Sharpie should work uh and we just need to cut some of this wire not very much about that long we'll probably to cut probably to cut it again but it's okay thr that back there all right now let's see how do I make a mono I think I start I mean I I obviously I've got to start by making the the circle for the monocle you know cuz doy and then what we'll do is once we got a solid Circle there um let's go ahead and we'll twist these two ends like this this part is going to go into the body and then this part we're going to make it go down like that and we're going to have it Bend up on itself take this off now we're going to have this turn around like [Music] this and we'll go around that actually we'll go around a couple times and actually let's go ahead and we'll twist these two together also one more time TR to close it in that looks pretty good yeah that looks pretty good okay isage okay then we're going to go and cut this nice and short one and two like that and we'll go ahead and toss this it's obviously going to go on the left eye because that's just the way I bent it try to make it so that it has two different parts that could be popped in so like this like that and then we'll do a little tie that'll tie onto the side of them to like basically keep the modle locked into place but really just for aesthetic I do need to like turn this in a little [Music] bit and I'm going to put this one into the top of this Stitch like that like this I do need to cut the back of this just a little bit see it's poking out of the bottom just slightly so I'm going to pull it out a little bit and we're just going to cut the ends slightly smaller so they don't poke my hands there we go okay pretty good honestly I don't even know if we need a tie but a tie would like add a little bit of something to it so we'll go ahead and use just a little bit of this yellow yarn as our like gold um tie for the monacle see so basically this is going to go let's see probably want to go up this and then maybe we could just do this and then twist it I if we can keep it twisted like that go around like this that would be pretty cool I don't know what do we think so far we'll go um maybe we do need to knot it let's try let's try doing a little knot get a little naughty like this this Tighter and then we'll spin it spin it spin it spin it spin it spin it spin it that we'll go in through right here we're going to go one through one stitch and one through another so this part will go [Music] through you know maybe we should double knot this actually and maybe this will keep this twist twisted I don't know I actually don't know if this will work or not do not know oops he's tied it too tight okay wait now the twist is coming and done now great great great I've done wonderful whatever going to go through right here I'll just come out through like the top we're going to do the same with this one but through like an adjacent Stitch I don't know if the twist I tried to do is really pan off cuz it kind of just looks messy now right doesn't look like a gold chain which was kind of the goal here was to make this look like a chain I don't know what do we think actually you know what it doesn't look bad it doesn't look bad give you mayor's background story uh okay so mayor the mayor of Cook town uh was once just a lowly um intern for uh the previous uh mayor it's actually not like the previous mayor but the mayor before that um he was a uh a sugar or what's it called uh uh uh the cinnamon one um a not a Ginger Snap you know what I'm talking about well let's say you know never mind it was a Ginger Snap so yeah his old boss was a Ginger Snap this was not uh his last mayor position uh but the one before this last mayor was a Ginger Snap that uh our our uh mayor right now whose name again what was his name his name was Chip so Chip MC crumble um when chip was just a young intern he interned for uh mayor Ginger Snap um and mayor Ginger Snap you know kept making weird decisions uh and and then uh finally was pushed out of office uh and replaced by um uh uh [Music] mayor uh omo raisin and mayor omo raisin was totally corrupt uh made a whole bunch of decisions that were terrible for cookie town uh and then finally uh our good chip MC crumble Snicker doodle was the thought yes that was the thought but no he was a Ginger Snap not not a Snicker Dule uh and so finally uh mayor or finally our chip MCC crumble was like you know what I'm running for office uh we need to we need to stop the corruption uh for cookie Town it it's time for a change um and he had you know some experience because he was in office with uh mayor Ginger Snap also so he got a lot of reference from that um obviously there was competing party uh situation where um oatmeal raisin and and whose name was whose name was ugal so mayor ugal uh and uh our new chip MCC crumble were up for election against each other there was a lot of terrible things said um but finally there was actually a really big Scandal that came out where mayor ug was found uh that he was oogling a lot of a lot of the interns and it was like this whole big whole thing uh he got totally canceled which made it way way easier for mayor chip MC crumble to take office and ever since uh he's been in office he hasn't left office because he gets the majority of the votes every single time U mayor chip MCC crumble has made great strides for our town and uh we're very proud of of our mayor and uh yeah the uh cookie town has never been uh has never been more prosperous so that is the backstory to at least how uh our cookie friend here got their election um they actually grew this mustache during their mayoral um process so is somewhat of a new mustache for them so there's your backstory that was pretty good I got to say as far as backstory goes um all right thank you so much for joining today's live stream I hope you enjoyed the stream as much as I enjoyed it uh which I very much enjoyed it I'll work on getting this pattern onto the website as soon as I can I definitely am a fan of our mayor uh uh mayor chip MC crumble 10 out of 10 love him uh thanks again for watching I'm going to move his hat over just slightly like this that we can cover up his bald spot uh thanks guys for joining I super duper appreciate it uh thank you for all the likes subscribes and of course uh thank you for becoming a member if you have become a member it is a great way to support the Channel please consider becoming a member by going to Club um there's also of course merch and kits in the store uh so support that way thanks again for watching pasta La Pizza I'll see you next week for our next live crochet along uh where we'll be making uh something sweet something cute something nice all right guys pasta Pizza happy hooking and oh my gosh no you hang up first oh my gosh stop it you hang up first oh my Garb St it wait zoom in on our mayor wow mayor of cookie town all right bye [Music] oh uh summer camp fam uh it'll be at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time same time same place uh next week Friday uh I don't know what day of the week that is but next Friday 1: p.m. Pacific Standard [Music] time all right guys [Music] bye
Channel: Club Crochet
Views: 3,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crochet, crocheting, crocheted, knit, knitting, crafts, how to, diy, pattern, patterns, amigurumi, simple, free, crochet pattern, amigurumi pattern, doll, stuffed, animal, craft, live, livestream, clubcrochet, club crochet, louiesloops, crochet along, along, tutorial, beginner, cute, miniature, free crochet pattern, baby, toys, easy, mini, tiny, small, plush, toy, tiktok, no sew, no sewing, no sew crochet, crochet patterns, doughnut, donut crochet along, sweet, sweets, cake, chocolate, crochet cake, crocheted cake
Id: 7Kn_iK5A_ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 2sec (10502 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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