Mass for the First Sunday in Lent - March 6, 2022

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when he calls on me i will answer him i will deliver him and give him glory i will grant him length of days [Music] me is [Music] of god's kingdom is [Music] in holiness [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the grace and peace of god our father and our lord jesus christ be with each of you and with your spirit brothers and sisters we are summoned by the holy spirit into the desert of lenten repentance as we prepare to celebrate the mystery of god's love and mercy we ask god to strengthen us to resist the temptations of evil now we acknowledge our sins and ask the lord for pardon and strength i confess to almighty god and to you my brothers and sisters in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done and what i have to through do fault brothers and sisters may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring each one of us to life everlasting amen [Music] christmas tree let us pray grant almighty god through the yearly observance of holy lent that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in christ and by worthy conduct pursue their effects through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen children go to hear god's word to listen to the stories of god's love and to reflect on the wonderful gifts of god's love in your life [Music] a reading from the book of deuteronomy moses spoke to the people saying the priest shall receive the basket from you and shall set it in front of the altar of the lord your god then you shall declare before the lord your god my father was a wandering arm a man who went down to egypt with a small household and lived there as an alien but there he became a nation great strong and numerous when the egyptians maltreated and oppressed us imposing hard labor upon us we cried to the lord the god of our fathers and he heard our cry and saw our affliction our toil and our oppression he brought us out of egypt with his strong hand and outreached arm with terrifying power with signs and wonders and bringing us into the country he gave us this land flowing with milk and honey therefore i have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you our lord have given me and having set them before the lord your god you shall bow down in his presence the word of the lord [Music] be with me lord when i am in trouble be with me lord i pray you who dwell in the shelter of the lord most high who abide in the shadow of our god say to the lord my refuge and fortress the god in whom i trust be with me lord when i am in trouble be with me lord i pray no evil shall be for you no pain come near for the angel stand close by your side guarding you always and bearing you gently watching over your life be with me lord when i am in trouble be with me [Music] [Music] a reading from the letter of saint paul to the romans brothers and sisters what does scripture say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith that we preach for if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved for one believes with the heart and so is justified and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved for the christ for the scripture says no one who believes in him will be put to shame for there is no distinction between jew and greek the same lord is lord of all enriching all who call upon him for everyone who walks on the name of the lord will be saved the word of the lord [Music] praise praise lord jesus christ praise our lord jesus christ [Music] that comes from [Music] praise our god [Music] the lord be with you a reading from the holy gospel according to luke filled with the holy spirit jesus returned from the jordan and was led by the spirit into the desert for 40 days to be tempted by the devil he ate nothing during those days and when they were over he was hungry the devil said to him if you are the son of god command this stone to become bread jesus answered him it is written one does not live on bread alone then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant the devil said to him i shall give you all this power and glory for it has been handed over to me and i may give it to whomever i wish all this will be yours if you worship me jesus said to him in reply it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him alone shall you serve then he led him to jerusalem made him stand on the parapet of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down from here for it is written he will command his angels concerning you to guard you and with their hands they will support you lest you dash your foot against a stone jesus said to him in reply it also says you shall not put the lord your god to the test when the devil had finished every temptation he departed from him for a time the gospel of the lord [Music] lord jesus christ in a sonnet written about temptation the author hears the devil tempting christ on the pinnacle of the temple the devil reminds jesus that by being up here so high and so powerful people will know how great you are and jesus responds to the devil i was not sent to look down from above its fear that sets these tests not love for jesus the way to love and the proof of his love will be looking down from another place from the rocky hill of calvary but today the devil goes away empty-handed lent begins with the reminder for moses that we heard in our first reading the simple injunction do not forget and so the people offer a gift which calls to mind the struggles in egypt painful captivity affliction and depression remembering all of this brings the people to bow down in the lord's presence now living in the land of milk and honey it could be easy for the people to forget how they got here jesus today is tempted three different ways he's tempted with bread with the promise of power and with the seduction of religious pride and each of these three temptations are really only one they are all temptations to forget it is not food that will sustain jesus it is not power that will fulfill his mission it is not in religious pride that jesus will draw people to himself the devil wants jesus to forget the very heart of his life and mission more to forget who he is jesus is not here to look down on us he is here to be one of us and so jesus does the opposite of forgetting he invites us to remember jesus invites us to remember his love for us so that we can learn love in return jesus invites us to remember his grace in us so that we can turn from what makes us forget that we are called to live as god's children jesus invites us to remember his mercy in us so that we can know the forgiveness of our sins and the strength of beginning again forgetfulness is at the heart of many sins forgetting fidelity forgetting prayer forgetting my baptism for getting virtue and truth forgetting others forgetting the poor forgetting to reconcile forgetting confession for getting compassion and justice for getting truth in lent we unite ourselves with the lord whose love is at hand extended in grace and whose heart expanded in love is extended to us as well the lord's hand and the lord's heart the fullness of the lord's love these things are worth remembering so i believe in one god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth of all things visible and invisible i believe in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god born of the father before all ages god from god light from light true god from true god begotten not made consubstantial with the father through him all things were made for us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven and by the holy spirit was incarnate of the virgin mary and became man for our sake he was crucified under pontius pilate he suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the father he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end i believe in the holy spirit the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son who with the father and the son is adored and glorified who has spoken through the prophets i believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church i confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and i look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come amen and now strengthened and inspired by the lord's saving word we present our needs and the needs of the world our response is lord have mercy for the church that we spend this lenten time rekindling a spirit of conversation conversion encountering the greatness of god's mercy we pray to the lord r lord have mercy for our holy father pope francis that as he leads the church on this senator journey of communion participation and mission the experience of the love of god will graciously increase the faith of the people we pray to the lord for the people of our parish for a greater insight into the gospels demands that through prayer and reflection we may become a more effective sign of the father's action in our lives we pray to the lord r lord have mercy for all who have turned away from god and the church that during this season of lent they will rediscover the merciful face of the father who is christ we pray to the lord for peng polarski our catechumen and all who's celebrating the right of election that they may grow in their knowledge of god's love for them we pray to the lord for our beloved dead especially for our recently deceased loretta fisher monsignor lobianco robert denmark bridget o'sullivan barbara falzerano and rosemarie bufo we pray to the lord for all those we have promised to pray for and for all the intentions we hold in our hearts we pray to the lord r for the situation in ukraine may god the author and lover of peace banish violence from their midst give comfort to the afflicted and grant salvation to those who have died so that all may truly deserve to be called your children we pray to the lord r god of the covenant hear our prayers throughout these forty days of lent we beg you unseal for us the wellspring of your grace these we ask through christ our lord as our gifts are presented and prepared this morning please join the singing from page [Music] oh [Music] whose make you to shine like this [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] there's no [Music] [Music] pray now that this our sacrifice might become acceptable to god the almighty father may the lord accept the sacrifice for the praise and glory in his name give us the right dispositions lord we pray to make these offerings for with them we celebrate the beginning of this venerable and sacred time through christ our lord amen the lord be with you lift up your hearts let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord by abstaining 40 long days from earthly food he consecrated through his fast the pattern of our lenten observance and by overturning all the snares of the ancient serpent taught us to cast out the leaven of malice so that celebrating worthily the paschal mystery we might pass over at last to the eternal paschal feast and so with the company of angels and saints we sing to him of your praise as without end we acclaim [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you are holy indeed lord and all you have created rightly gives you praise for through your son our lord jesus christ by the power and the working of the holy spirit you give life to all things and make them holy and you never cease to gather a people to yourself so that from the rising of the sun to its setting a pure sacrifice may be made to your name therefore lord we humbly implore you by the same spirit graciously make holy these gifts we have brought to you for consecration that these may become for us the body and blood of your son our lord jesus christ at whose command we gather to celebrate these mysteries for on the night he was betrayed he himself took bread and giving you thanks said the blessing broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and giving you thanks he said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenants which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] god [Music] therefore lord as we celebrate the memorial of the saving passion of your son his wondrous resurrection and ascension into heaven and as we look forward to his second coming we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice look we pray upon the oblation of your church and recognizing the sacrificial victim by whose death you will to reconcile us to yourself grant that we who are nourished by the body and blood of your son and filled with the holy spirit may become one body one spirit in christ may he make of us an eternal offering to you so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect especially with the most blessed virgin mary the mother of god blessed joseph her spouse with the blessed apostles and martyrs with rose of lima and all the saints on his constant intercession in your presence we rely for unfailing help may the sacrifice of our reconciliation we pray o lord advance the peace and salvation of all the world be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim church on earth your servant francis our pope and joseph our bishop the order of bishops and clergy in the entire people you have gained for your own listen graciously to the prayers of this family whom you have summoned here before you and your compassionate merciful father gather to yourself all of your children scattered throughout the world to our departed brothers and sisters and to all who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life give kind admittance to your kingdom there we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory through christ our lord through whom you bestow on the world all that is good through him with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father i will be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ lord jesus christ who said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but look upon the faith of your church graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever amen may the peace of the lord be with you always and now we offer some sign of his peace [Music] [Music] mercy [Music] you take away the sins of the world mercy on [Music] us sins [Music] behold jesus the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called now to this supper of the lamb as we come to the table of the lord this morning please join in this evening from page 13 of your worship aid [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] strangers foreign [Music] is is [Music] let us pray renewed now with heavenly bread by which faith is nourished hope increased and charity strengthened we pray o lord that we may learn to hunger for christ the true and living bread and strive to live by every word that proceeds from your mouth through christ our lord amen just a reminder a couple of reminders today about the season of lent our daily mass schedule has resumed for this season returning to our older schedule before covid will celebrate daily mass now at 6 45 and at 9 00 a.m and 9 o'clock every saturday and we're happy to be back to having our waywalkers on friday nights during lent there will be a simple supper at 6 30 in ryan hall followed by stations of the cross in church at 7 30 p.m the supper will be this week led by the ladies auxiliary and father chris will be speaking at the stations and please consult the bulletin and the website for all the times and schedules for lent bow your heads now we pray for god's blessing may your bountiful blessing lord we pray come down upon your people that hope may grow in tribulation virtue be strengthened in temptation and eternal redemption be assured in christ our lord amen and may the blessing and the peace of god be always in your hearts the father and the son and the holy spirit this mass has ended let us go in peace thanks be to god we go forth singing for page 14 of your worship aid led by the spirit [Music] oh [Music] this [Music] is whose rain is [Music] grace [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Stroseshorthills
Views: 244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: psEc8yJi-wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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