Marvel Captain America Cast Interview with Anthony Mackie, Joe Russo, Sebastian Stan Falcon Winter

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let's keep that applause going as we welcome the directors of Captain America the Winter Soldier Joe and Anthony Russo as well as the stars Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan welcome everyone where's the work there it is Wow actually I lied there are two ladies dressed as the Winter Soldier oh my god that's fantastic you're a much better winter soldier than he is I don't see any Falcon anyway heckle let's make them you know a little bit less soft than that now we've just seen the trailer and my first question is to the directors here in your mind what is the name of the barbershop quartets there cap is in the cap ads I think it's called barbershop quartet I mean really it doesn't matter anymore now that that trailer when I first saw it really it got me quite excited for a number of reasons Bart's two of the reasons are sitting right here that Falcon suit I need to talk about that I gather that wasn't actually a working jet pack what how was it done was it just stubs was it how do you how do you well the problem was you know when I met with the Russos my first thing was don't make me look stupid just whatever you do don't make me look stupid and give me spandex those are my two requests right so I should get up on set I put the suit on put the pack on and the wings on set we're about two and a half feet long so they hooked these little wings on and I'm like this isn't gonna end well like why they gotta be better I look like a pheasant like I look like a quail I'm not a falcon you know but it all worked out everything was basically on me except for the wings that we were CGI'd in those stubs were there just to have something to track they gave me stubs and said fly the butterfly man and Sebastian likewise you have a mask on for a lot of the film how does that how was that a challenge as an actor well it was challenging physically because we were doing the fight sequences over and over all day and in the summer heat and there were times where I I couldn't breathe very properly but in a way it was an advantage because at the end of the day fully dressed I was looking in the mirror and I couldn't recognize myself and I feel like I discovered a lot about the character once once the whole costume was together as an assassin that does help when you as an assassin about 20 pounds so that definitely I lost all that within probably like three weeks it was 20 pounds of muscle let's be clear I just want to make sure walking around eating everybody's food like you couldn't keep a protein bar just Sebastian with his medal arm give me the bar I'm a punchy athlete Joe I've got to ask I'm a big community fan and I'm a big arrest development fan but it did surprise me when you guys were announced as the directors what was it that you made that you think Marvel saw in you that don't get me wrong I don't see the pain did I see them yeah I think I did no listen it was Kevin Feige it runs Marvel as a big fan of community and he did see the paintball episodes and we got a call from them and they said you know listen a ever thought about doing an action film we said yeah we've been collecting comic books since 10 years old of course we do we'd love to come in and talk about an action film and that happened to be Captain America well part of the reason why I love this film is that it is actually it's a 70s conspiracy thriller it has its comic moments but it's not kind of a laugh out loud jokey experience was it difficult not to want to stick jokes in every once in a while were they being removed maybe in the editing process it would you these guys could fill a couple DVDs no it look at we love that the film was a political thriller and we really embraced that tonally and to be successful as a political thriller you need to have real-world stakes there has to be a seriousness with it you have to be connected to what's happening in our in our actual world on some level to make it feel relevant and threatening to an audience so because of that tone yeah we had to be very careful with the comedy in this movie we had to stay away from what we call like situational comedy none of the comedy was coming from sort of silly situations the comedy comes in the movie between characters and sometimes when you have a tense situation it helps to actually activate sort of comedic comedic moments between characters because it's a bit of a release so I think and then and that was something it was very valuable about Anthony Mackey's character the Falcon in the movie is that he is sort of the newcomer to the group he's that he's met he doesn't have quite the heat the seer the the tense history that the others have shared together so he brings a he brings more of a light energy to the movie and helps loosen things up and keep things fun we actually wrote a lot of jokes for Winter Soldier early on but they just as he was killing people it's just they will just weren't Lando you know we'll try anything must have been that deadpan expression the whole time now I think it's time for another clip and this one involves Sebastian's character now I'm gonna set up before you but let's just quickly explain that this is this C's cap chasing after the Winter Soldier and heating a few walls as he does so one of the things we love about cap is his hatred of doors and windows and when he wanted to come up with a set piece where we could really have some fun with that seriously you must have loathed that wall it did not come off well now there's a look you give Sebastian which is pretty pretty intense how many takes did it take to get that just right that fierce gaze yeah I don't know I'm a one-hit wonder what can I say probably about like 56 takes I don't know I mean we did it no it was like four or five takes but if you saw what were you thinking about what motivated that love were you hungry I'm pretty sure yeah I was hungry but you gotta you gotta you gotta remember I was you keep thinking I wasn't eating at all I was the opposite I was actually eating all the time any time I actually had the mask off I probably was putting food in my mouth was the mas gonna be there to stop you eating yeah and and and to uh to stop you from trying to read my reaction how do you work with a man like you know Anthony Mackie because I've only met him just a few days ago and he is he's a distracting human being we're practically we're practically friends you see follow each other on a flicker ya know and beep yep huambo what is that Wahby what are the big names yeah we only had we only had a couple days of working together I mean I I really wish we had more I it's so funny I was sitting in the hotel last night and I was like oh I gotta pick a movie and I turned on on the man it was basically like what Anthony Mackie movie do I want to pick they're all out of the man this man has worked so much over the years and so it's it's a pleasure to be up here with him he's like the Nick Cage of and I'm just kidding imagine Cage black it's time for your clip I think Anthony this this is one of my favorite bits in the film Nick moment here but enjoy it you saw a bit of it in the trailer earlier but enjoy it just one more time in an extended form here [Music] so did we did we make Anthony look silly look so stupid right imagine those wings but that long and they're like alright run and at the end of the runway do this and then put your arms out and run away that's exactly what happened and they're like oh that looks great I'm like good never working again watching that again does does it ever get old seeing yourself look that cool it never gets old to me I was when I first started acting I said I wanted to be a superhero and being a Western with Clint Eastwood and when I got the call about this movie our meeting pretty much went like this let's have lunch okay so we're doing this movie we can't tell you the movie or what character you're gonna play the story is really good and you'll be an integral part in it said all right and they look at me like sounds good right wouldn't you like but it's Marvel I'm like oh yeah so Black Panther know hmm I'm like so are you making Iron Man black and they're like no okay I'm in so it worked out I'm very happy with it I love that your mind went from Black Panther to Iron Man yeah we love it you guys doing that what did you what do you think what made you first think of of the you know of Anthony bringing him on well it's a very interesting character you know we wanted Falcon to be a partner to cap not it's not a Batman and Robin situation this is uh look growing up when I read the books cap and Falcon we're a team so we needed somebody with real screen presence and now everything I say is gonna sound like a joke like I'm making fun of Ann today do we wanted somebody's real integrity but also charm that could you know open up a cap cap cap cap can be a little straight and narrow sometimes you need other characters interact with him to show more colors to his character and we loved everything that we saw Anthony and they just say he's a fantastic actor so you know how could you how could you how could you do any better than Anthony Mackie here here now it's probably time for you guys to ask a couple of questions so if you'd like to put your hand up and there is a man there with a book on to the other side of the room see what are the chances please ask your question one man I'm what I wanted to ask I saw the movie last night thank you it's incredible welcome to the fall to Anthony as well what I want to ask is what struck me was the impact and how far you you pushed it in terms of how gruesome some of the scenes were there really intense and I want to ask how far you were able to push that and whether there's anything you know a bit worse on the editing room floor or anything like that no there's not I mean listen you know again being a comic book collector I have a very specific idea of what it is that I like about comic books I love Brubaker's run it's probably one of my favorite comic book runs of all time I prefer deconstructionist comic books I like when people deconstruct the mythology of it and also like when they take a superhero and they put them in a very specific genre like Brubaker did with espionage / thriller and it was important for us to movie have real stakes and and to us the Winter Soldier is an extremely brutal character he's he's the antithesis of CAP as principled and good as Kap is that's how you know mean and bad and deadly the Winter Soldier is there the opposite of each other and maybe the Winter Soldier might even be slightly better at its job than Kappas when her soldiers might be better at killing people and Kappas at protecting them so is that what's the balance there so it's really important to us that that the movie have an intense and brutal tone to be faithful to Brubaker's work and and also to raise the stakes in the film and honestly we were a little nervous at first whether we're gonna get a pg-13 rating in the States which i think is a 12 here and and you know we got the rating and so everything everything you see is nothing was cut out of the movie to to help the rating what you mentioned comic runs there what other comic runs would you recommend people to download at home just to kind of fill in the general you know any comic runs well specifically about cap or cap reborn is a great run at look I'm a fan of The Ultimates I know it's not like I like reading it because I like to get ideas from the ultimates just as a as a alternate version of what heroes could be again like I said I like postmodern deconstructionist approach to comic books I started collecting when you know Frank Miller released the Dark Knight in the 80s and I remember that blew my mind because I was like oh you could take superheroes and put them in the world that I live in and suddenly they're accessible to me so his look for that kind of material and I bet Anthony were pleased that some of the comic book look didn't make it through to the film for your character uh no I said if you know you show up and I was in pretty good shape because I was coming off this bodybuilding movie I did so I show up having a good time and you see Chris Evans and you're like damn this dude is in shape so I have to get in better shape and I'm like if I'm gonna work out this hard and this kind of I want spandex I want I told them I was like red spandex with the V and the taco meat that'll get that'll get it poppin no woman don't like taco me you know what I mean so that was my goal with the character but they kept saying no so in my spare time I would wear my spandex yeah pajamas yeah I think we've got another question time another question I have on the right hand side there's a lady then a red top hi my question is to everybody on the panel if you got to create your own superhero who would it be I shall I start no you guys come on journalists man he asks questions really well next I'm next start with Mackey Matt yeah mine would be a everyday woman who is nice to men like she goes out with her friends after work and if a guy comes over and says hello she says hi or if if she's on a date with the guy and she's like oh this isn't going well she comes up with clever stuff so he's not stuck there trying to make interesting conversation just like a really nice girl you just lost the whole crowd thank you there's one brother in the back I know I know I'm with you can you beat that well in the words of Matthew McConaughey [Laughter] [Music] my own no I I don't know I ya know I was quoting him I'm not pleased I don't sue per hear that I would have would have to have teleportation that's just that's just my my go-to I mean I just can't think of anything cooler or a better superpower than that yeah makes sense to me I've been thinking about this question for a long time and I've arrived at pizza man you know I just want to be able to eat all the peace I want yeah hey here I mean they've already made banana man so yeah they go let's have one more from this are the room how about that gentleman wearing D I think Avengers top I'm Anna hello good evening panel good evening everyone my question is to the whole panel first wisely thank you for coming down to Apple London the first question I got two questions the first part is what do you think makes Captain America an inspirational and workable Marvel movie character in the 21st century and I've got a following question which is if you're considering another Captain America movie would you consider doing a movie in London based in London with a possible team of Captain Britain Thank You captain Britain are you reading our minds hmm listen you know again like being a comic you just had a snippet of Anthony's amazing cockney chimney sweeper voice do it again Captain America why don't we go and find Iron Man I don't know what's scarier is his expression I've learned my British accent watching Oliver Twist so there you have it anyway Captain America as a modern 21st century hero possibly with Captain Britain you know for us when I was a kid sometimes I found cap a little jingoistic little patriotic for me sometimes when a little superficial so I'd imagine Steve McQueen playing him I had always liked it a little bit edgier and then that's why I love Brubaker's run so much is that he reinvented the character in a way that was accessible to me and I think a lot of people around the world it wasn't so much about it wasn't really representing the country it was representing principles you know and a certain code that he had so I think that's how we you know we tried to make him accessible to today's audiences and as far as a Captain Britain goes mm you know if we told you anything we would explode Marvel's puts an implant in your neck there's a sniper that leads me to my next question what can you not tell us about the next movie we just told you everything so that's a really good point no we say listen we just said a breaking story on it clearly want to see how people react to this film but one thing we can tell you when you see this movie is that the story of the the Winter Soldier is not over it's just it's just beginning now at least that's bested tell me how did you find out you were gonna be in this film I know where you're asking me this because you've asked me this about five times I love this story I was it was July 4th of 2012 and I had I was at a party was Independence Day in America and and I got I got a phone call from my friend and he said dude congratulations and I was like on what he was like they just released the title of the sequel it's Captain America the Winter Soldier and I said no way I had no idea it's literally I found out I loved the idea that he just called you up and just wanted to wish you happy 4th of July it was a good one though sure now when it when it came to the whole let's let's talk about this Bucky Barnes is the Winter Soldier now when you first signed on for the first film you just ruined the film for all of these people God especially that girl in the suit when you first signed on we first part of this this whole Marvel Universe were you told this might happen or was it genuinely a surprise it really was a big tease I mean they educated me on the character and the arc of the character and and and where he went in the comic books but I had no idea in the first movie I just had the script that was in front of my face to sort of use as a map as a guide to inform you as to okay the character has more of an edge I suppose then in the comic books maybe he'll go that way so I was just trying to look out for this happening and now in the first film one of my favorite bits and I mentioned this to you guys before but is the song why did we not get a song especially involving these two in the sequel I think you I deserve a little bit more screen time and maybe a little bit more singing time this is not a queue for you to sing but perhaps a rendition of ebony and ivory the Falcon does bring a bring a special song to the table in the movie it's it maybe not not on a performance level but certainly it has a presence Sony does let's have one last question from one last person I am going to choose standing up standing up if she's standing up she wins yes the lady about to fall over wait there's a lot of buildup for this question very good question Mike Sebastian I'm a really really really big fan of Bucky Barnes and you can see I've got the hair I've got the Winter Soldier hair you actually signed my by only calm yesterday at the premiere his eyes dresses the Winter Soldier but I'm one of the things I've loved from your interviews is that you've clearly done your homework on the character and so from one Bucky fan to another what's your favorite arc that Bucky has yeah yeah the one the one that we're obviously taking I mean he's such an interesting character to me I you know you don't often get the chance to sort of kind of play on both sides so to speak a good side bad side I mean he kind of he's one of those characters that could go either way and it's it's a lot of fun to play to play that it's more interesting and listen don't beat around the bush it's the one where you take over for kappa and then he's dating natasha yeah like come on you want to kiss scarlett right thanks kidding we're Tuesday again the bear fighting one bring on the bad guys wait a minute a one-shot who's seen Winter Soldier yet so far does he take his shirt off in the Winter Soldier all right they're good I think that's probably a good time to wrap this up thank you so much for coming down to the Apple readin Street store so thanks again to Anson Joe Russo and of course Bastian Stan and Anthony Mackie and please remember that the film is coming up very very soon anything Thank You Elie and thank you thank you guys so much you guys enjoy the movie [Applause]
Channel: Anne Mavity
Views: 299,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Avengers, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Scarlett Johansson, captain america civil war, captain america winter soldier, captain america cast, captain america shield, captain america movie, winter solider, winter soldier, infinity war, mcu, endgame, falcon and winter solider, falcon, marvel
Id: w3I2cwv9Nn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 26 2014
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