Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan auditioning for their show for 47 whole ass minutes

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well i think with sam uh he's in a position now that he's become his own man he's he's been acclimated into the uh avengers universe so you get to see him as more of an individual as opposed to a um outsider trying to fit in and for buckets the opposite he's an outsider that's not fitting in and he's just trying to be an insider but he's really not because he's always hitting people and causing trouble on the run all past why is he always causing trouble that's really can't help that really weird you know i mean he's had a bit of a turbulent past i mean exactly his best friend wrong place at the wrong time well more often than not you would think after living a hundred years he would know how to deal with it well but for like 60 of those years he was incarcerated in an ice box who hasn't been incarcerated for 60 years i'd like to know where you've been kevin i'm 75 years old homie you're having so much fun i mean is this the part of we are now right that now that we're together of course and it makes it a little tougher to choose at the end of the day it's the winter soldier right no he's not right now he's not he went to soldier right here and this man is obviously on my side and now for the best superhero in the marvel universe the guy who gave you such lines as on your left the guy who gave you such lines as cut the check the guy who saved captain america's ass from bucky barnes for most of his marvel universe life is this what it was like with the two of you guys with the cameras i'm so happy we were all set at the same at the same time because you never got the movie done he actually never talked until uh the premiere in london and he showed up and i was like who's that doing it's like that's gonna win a soldier i heard that you are not great friends you guys seem to get along yeah well you know that's great so maybe you should say something nice to each other i think you have great hair thanks anthony no i've wanted to say that for a few days it works really well for you yeah well you've got a great build shut up it's a nice shirt i only wore because it's a nice shirt okay all right listen you know i feel sorry to take it personally i'm still like trying to you know realize that i'm i'm sitting up here with these guys you know so i'm i'm wherever those two fellas want to take you know the the stories where i'm going so and also thank you just cut me out learn about sam when did you first learn that there'd be a falcon when did you first learn you'd be wants to be close oh my god you guys look like you're in the back of a volkswagen story i was talking about could happen now ebony and ivory yeah near in there and i've already joked together and perfect that's oh there you go you're having a great time today with this one next to you oh no i'm having a great time yes i mean that has to help as well do you guys hang out do you guys do a lot of things together to try and get that sort of groove going i tried to i try to get the guys out and have a good time together but you know sebastian is not the type of guy who likes to have fun right uh he's more of uh you know i'm old so you know i have to sit around and think about what i'm doing tomorrow so i can do it uh anthony you alluded to this but i really do applaud you because the falcon was a huge standout in that movie i think there weren't we wanted ludicrous got a pet now too tell us about redwing redwing is dope he's not a pet he's his own person um has a mind of its own actually i've been pretty lucky with my costumes now they've given anthony the same costume now for the last first costume different every movie no all you got was the little red bird no not true other than that the whole the whole situation different though ever since more well no every time they got goggles they got goggles you look at red wing is played by elijah wood but secret spoilers yes elijah wood is the voice of red wing yes i'm gonna fog off your glasses next time anything changed on your on your costume this time around regular no i would what whatever what i loved is that they they gave me this awesome uh it was like kind of like taking a ski jack and they're like just rip that arm off so rip that right that sleeve and we'll be good you know but he's yeah he's he's evolved too bucky bought her jacket and was like damn nope oh no it looks really good yeah i say when he catches the shield when you put him on a serious note if they take everybody else into space in the next avengers movie to fight thanos which is what we all think are you guys going to hold it down i know i'm not going [ __ ] i don't know if the arm can make it too so what are we going to do yeah can't even walk through a medal sir it's my arm sebastian i'm gonna start with you because the last time we saw you i am not in black panther but you were oh my god that's fantastic you're a much better winter soldier than he is [Laughter] i don't see any falcon anywhere [Applause] [Music] if we're gonna heckle let's make them you know a little bit less soft than that well you put mine on this evening even you may tell them i did don't make it weird did you bring sebastian abrasive i gave it to him already where you going come here you come here three [Laughter] the captain america three yeah there's a couple looks i mean you know we glance at it we glare yeah claire you've mastered that at this point yeah this masterpiece yeah great guy great guy you want to wrestle your thumbs yeah one two three four i declare a thumb war i already wanted this the other day damn it [Music] i know how you can't do that you saw him cheat right i had him pinned and he laid his middle finger was tickling my palm oh you're the new best friend you're the old best friend is there like some rivalry going on here how's that working itself out look sometimes you have a car and it runs really great for a long time but after a while you got to change you got to trade it in for new technology you know what i'm talking about yeah i mean just like the iphone the new software falls apart quickly and then you have to go back to the old way of doing things that is more relaxed which is a rotary phone or a cell phone you want morris code or between your characters you know uh the falcon and winter soldier who would make a better cat i would say him because he has like the hair james dean thing yeah which would be under a illness and it would matter if i was cat it'd be more like batman like why is cap just poking people's ass brother cap it's a whole different movie i asked you what would life be like if it was sam wilson and you said it would be like biff from back to the future too took over yes and that was the future you wake up [Laughter] i want to get your reaction i think that would be amazing i i wake up every day of my life wishing to represent biff well this is probably the hardest answer of the day very difficult answer can we tell can we go think outside the box yeah they can't confirm they can't confirm facebookers did you say falcons can you guys walk me through the moment both of you found out that falcon is getting the shield how are you told how were you told i think we both found out on set uh when we were shooting when we weren't shooting the singing i think maybe you had a little separate party about it that's what the rumor on out there in the world is while i found out on set it wasn't a party um sebastian i'd heard before you were cast as bucky there was rumors that you were up for cap is that true well they they that was the only role they were casting at the time so everybody that went out from the movie was going on so like in the beginning but in the in the beginning of it were you like watching him like i could have done that i think everybody on set was thinking that i was definitely thinking so who is the best looking iron falcon oh you can't always say falcon just by the way sorry you can't say oh sorry go ahead okay so it's you say ironman that's what came out first yeah i guess uh i say black widow what who is the most simple he is what am i even talking about she's looking at you with our hips jutted out any romance on the horizon for your characters yeah yeah black widow and i have a uh well you're not even involved with her so i don't know why uh if you watch winter soldier i've had a love affair with black widow that started okay well so i'm guessing maybe with black widow then but you're both kind of competing for black widow ain't no competition now if you guys could have recruited someone from team stark onto team cap who would be choosing who would have each other johansson we we're willing to give up renner for scotland does render know that uh he should oh in this movie oh uh i always enjoy watching black black widow monday through sunday yep yeah yeah black widow every day see what he says when i talk about anybody for scarlett jones i think most people would yeah i'll give up cap i'll be team uh black widow who would you challenge to a rap battling team iron man oh wow okay that's a great question uh i would definitely challenge um paul vision yes first one down you know that one's going got him i would definitely challenge vision in that order vision iron man black widow uh-huh uh-huh then i knocked black panther off and i'd save one person for last just because he's a young knucklehead he needs to be brought down to size no that guy yeah that guy i had a chance to talk to our uh don [ __ ] back in paris and well the fans wanted to know does it make sense to you guys as characters that there would be a team iron man and a team uh captain america oh definitely it's basically you know when we when they first started writing this movie they were like how can we make a very attractive team and how can we make an old sleepy team and uh so they separated us in that accord and they put you on the happy uh happy attractive team [Laughter] what was your reaction when you saw the black panther in a suit because it's quite spectacular thank god i'm not wearing that i mean that first reaction the second reaction when it's opposite coming at you is oh god oh god he looks so hot he looks so uh but like 110 degrees not hot like jlo like hot do you guys do anything to make the new cast members welcome like first time chadwick comes on the set or first time tom holland comes on the set any kind of anything that goes on tom's a little [ __ ] all right so let's start that all right all right tom's the [ __ ] well so if we are not sorry to him was look just stop yeah he's a he's a big problem i mean this kid i've never i've never seen anyone and it's good that he's on team iron man because he has the same attitude you know all of them have to have their breaks for their lattes and their foot rubs and you know their kale salads fans yeah their fans like he has to have a break every two hours for a juice box that's how much of a brat he is so a lot of hair gel a lot of jail a lot of moose a lot he has like you know we have rdj in the movie rdj is rdj tom has his own base cam he has like an entourage it's a lot man he's a lot to deal with and you know he's like he's just a lot iron man wasn't there you know war machine wasn't there i never saw a doncho it's kind of a reoccurring theme with them they just sort of you know come in at the very end that's the thing with team iron man they um the work isn't as important to them sounds like a problem so you don't want to be in the spider-man movie i have no desire to hang out with time i really just realized that he's not tell you how you feel about that person tom will you keep going just keep it down man damn man you can't even do an interview he over here yapping problem are we hazing the new guys is that what happens it's just look ever since this movie come out he has two assistants now yeah yeah it's just it's so much true get out of here man it's so mild whisperer i'm like billy elliot get out of here this is the first time uh on screen you you're reunited with uh roadie war machine since the mishap in civil war does he hold a grudge at all and is it addressed and how does and how does your character feel about it he don't hold a grudge but i do because he was coming against me and i had to let him know when you come against me that's what happened because i'm a trained straight up military vet you know what i mean you come towards the falcon you're gonna get smacked down that's what happened in them streets questions for you i didn't know don cheadle was in this film spin-offs were here for disney plus for you guys right can we talk about those a little bit what can you tell us um there's a angry guy with one arm and there's a confused guy with wings and they're in a show together yeah we're just gonna try to do our best to survive what's the worst that could happen if your characters had to die at some point how would you want them to go out you guys are so angry this is why i don't listen to rap music i would want to blow up i don't want no i like because every time loki died he's like hello [Applause] uh what was the black uh with the ears the black elf ain't the black elf kill him [Music] would you rather be iron man or justin bieber iron man of course i mean did anyone say justin bieber oh justin bieber every day of the week the winter soldier and falcon is in the room very very talented thank you great heroes and and other gifted persons you should hit them with a tomato summer so don't you do that i feel like uh i discovered a lot about the character once once the whole costume was together as an assassin that does help when you uh as an assassin as an assassin it's about 20 pounds heavier so that that definitely i lost all that within probably like three weeks so it was 20 pounds of muscle let's be clear i just want to make sure walking around eating everybody's food like you couldn't keep a protein bar just sebastian with his metal arm give me the bar i'ma punch you it's a very very hot set in terms of the amount of heat as far as the actors yes it was not trying to brag homie but you look at that poster you got some good looking people on there baby not trying to brag continue and i forgot to say it you're both very handsome listen when anthony mackey said those steel blue eyes let you know where home is it's my safe place yeah those steel blue eyes let you know where home is you know what i'm talking about that's my safe place and those in your flies like that peter gray [Music] you're both about sebastian's eyes [ __ ] i felt that thank you very kind how do you feel about that don't look at me man don't look me in the eyes look over here when you talk to me give them the money i feel i feel good i feel good that's good look at that look at those those eyes are just piercing [Music] you better check your drawers sebastian sebastian take your pants off dude is this a little white wolf paint here oh my god well i didn't even think about it but yeah no i just you know denim jackets that's that's kind of what i'm into now i like denim jackets yeah okay can you walk me through the moment that you both found out she's cold give her your jacket no he really wants to get close to me does he want to see that no i don't know i don't know what he's doing but keep going because this is fine fine don't take your joke it's disney we're disneyland for god's sakes that's evans that's your husband that's evans evans is your sister in the movie oh that's the [ __ ] silver that's buck nasty right there that's [ __ ] nasty baby yo bug nasty do you remember sebastian stain man you're looking good i haven't seen anything about it you know about that you know about the snap oh yeah but when you did it i thought something else i mean yeah what did you think when i did it she's funky you were no i thought you were like you should dance you thought he thought this was the cue to get his dance on you know the snap but it means we disappeared let's see it where you at oh where you at give them some give them some oh come on you can beat that right in i'm here for uh forrest gump man that's the this is the premiere man oh man let me tell you something i got it you ever see a guy this handsome walk in the streets he's gonna get arrested because he's killing all the ladies look at that pow pow pow pow pow hey man i gotta why don't i just let you interview each other okay great get out of here get out of here get out of here your suit matches your eyes let me tell you something about hello everybody we're here today we're here with sebastian stan yeah hey how's it going i'm anthony mackay i'm here with the civil war star uh winter soldier sebastian sebastian how's it going you know what i'm all right i'm all right i'm actually right now taking in your cologne a little bit it's kind of good kind of strong i'm not a player i just shower a lot you know what i mean sebastian how do you feel next to you strong so what are you wearing tonight i mean that's a little black on blue on gray on black i like that wow so who are you wearing tonight prada oh you're like a ladder paradox you you you're wearing a ladder parada alizay and vodka that's not me that's jay-z y'all remember that that's jay-z that's never mind huh you know man you know i just put on the paisley you know there's something for the people you know um i'm not trying to brag you know i'm just a guy in a suit you know a little zinger for the ladies you know what i mean you know what you're matching extras actually you are mr extra i should be on the other side i should be interviewing you do you have any funny antidotes that happened two years ago on set no not none at all you know though thank you so much i uh did that myself 36 flips to get this right like i know did you have any thing things that you're are you saying that i don't i didn't enjoy my time with you i don't know i thought sebastian sebastian you my friend did you get the pocket square i sang for christmas i did it was quite nice all right so what let me let's talk to you about your workout plan because obviously you know you bulked up a lot i mean your chest is what a 48 right now no no no no last time i saw you told me you're getting skinny kid right you slimmed down and now you popped up again did you pre-premiere tonight he did he always does we're in the same spot we we didn't escape room today and we we escaped we got out of there yeah first escape room ever actually it was my first yeah you know what we're just like we have so much in common dude it's the beginning it's really weird man it's like every time we meet we're meeting all over again i know and i said that's because i've been going after your workout which is legs only legs only legs only and when in doubt got to get those ties of betrayal hey not trying to brag but the thighs are the way to heaven you know what i mean yeah you know that dude that's the new bill we met right you gotta yo i'll see you next time bye sebastian field stand for strategic homeland in security uh inland and uh social heightened uh intel educated low uh department you got every single letter wrong so for both of you who from team cap would you pick in real life to have your back i mean i probably would have to say him i'm not saying you dog so don't say me probably have to say him why why why is that you could scare people off pretty well you know this is my scary phase that's it yeah it's working it works yeah it's definitely working just don't say nothing just like cause otherwise who we got ant-man no yeah easter your favorite holiday cause you about to eat some chocolate homie i don't stay on tomorrow ah that's amazing the ac in the room has never sounded better have you given any thought to what your fans nicknames are going to be called because different people have different names for their fans mine are going to be called maxters or imaconators can i i love machinitis machinators right oh yeah that's a good one that's a good one put you on the sponsor's children [Laughter] um you know it's funny i've been in two movies that won best picture so now say something nice about me you have nice um yeah i uh yeah okay what would you tell miss marie lozano marigozano okay into the camera i think you are a phenomenal person and i would hope to have the privilege to listen to your trials tribulations success failures and aspirations and thank you for lunch over a nice bowl of wet in the fungo nice nice how about you sir uh uh-oh what do you do i think the amount of lube that uh when you guys both thinking back on the making of this thing is there a day or two that you'll always remember memorable moments there was one day on the tarmac when we were shooting the uh airplane the airport sequence and his arm was dripping like ook out of his it was the it was the most disgusting it was the worst it's probably true the worst thing i've ever seen in my life i guess that is quite there isn't a lot about being as my friend nishka would say i ain't saying i'm a gold digger what is the one question sebastian would want to ask anthony and what's the one question anthony would one burning question i know why aren't you looking at me as much and this in these interviews i keep talking every time i look at you you just keep looking forward i can't look at you man you you stay on your side of the room i stay on my side of the room that's what i was told that's your burning question and what's your favorite so my question is do you feel sexier with or without the metal arm oh good question and your answer would be i think with to know what is the first thought and the winter soldier and the falcon half when they get up in the morning oh god another day oh that positive where's my friend nishikawa say always wash it before and after you go to bed okay that's what she said she's really weird when we first met and i was like man i need a thesaurus to talk to this i turned on siri like listen to this fool and tell me what it's doing oh is that you getting ready for what is three five five you or you're in oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's happening right now what's this yeah i'm on i'm on a very extreme diet right now i got it it's very got to keep it really hashtag no carbs what you eat no carbs no carbs you need carbs in the morning no sugar you need any kind of film are we going to get a sebastian stan nude scene yes actually whoa i knew it they're the people are getting what they want i don't know about that they're certainly trying there are some amazing women in this movie right yeah it's incredible who is this way talk to me man it's lapis set visits that's what i'm screaming i you should come lupita penelope cruz jessica chastain oh diane kruger and you to do i'm the guy edgar ramirez is in it as well yeah no but he you to do yeah i guess i never get roles like this what are you talking about i never get roles like this really it's called it's like the uh part two of three ten to human you're on three fifty-five is the train that never comes back that is a good t-shirt [Laughter] okay that was a good italian all right yeah perfect and anthony your character has an entrance better than beyonce in a concert wow yeah lemonade can you tell us something about the upgrade well as i uh geared my suit towards uh my inspiration which was beyonce uh before every scene i played beyonce have a vanity fan you know at all times but before we start the interview i have to say to er sebastian one thing but i remember just two phrases in romanian the other two are unique that's moschetzel and akazu [Laughter] so that's cool that's it merry christmas it's nothing incriminating so just the first person that sort of comes to mind all right here we go uh who always arrives earliest me okay who has the most bloopers um so for the both of you i have a question on behalf of our reader antonio which is have you ever thought about playing a different role within the marvel uh cinematic universe well for antonio i would love to play the hulk this is obviously antonio bandera [Laughter] i don't know about that see see how stoic look at that oh those piercers look at that cut the chat oh that was good well i can't do i can't you come on let me hear you let me hear your italian accent got the check please cut the check see our movie please uh who eats the most sebastian are you okay with that no i'll take it i'll take it all right who's the most quiet oh sebastian paul bet no you're quieter than paul he does that weird british thing i mean hello how are you visions here what are we shouting today this poor man i didn't talk to him once [Laughter] who has the most pimped out trailer hit me [Music] [Applause] can't be yourselves who would you be i would be uh the raccoon raccoon okay yeah i'm going for group yeah you're the second one set good okay i would be spider-man because i can make that movie much better than that [Applause] here we go who's most likely to be the troublemaker [Laughter] you know the thing about this film why it sounds like this is that the thing about this film is that um benadryl did this thing that with his arms that were really specific and i'm really looking forward to seeing that on the island yes great did some things with his arms yeah yeah yeah something to think about when broham cumberbatch steps on the camera things shut down exactly so anthony i like bernard he's nice most likely to break the superhero diet oh that's for me that's most likely to bite beyonce i hear this ending scene is just the last battle is crazy stupendous like goes on forever magnanimous that's not how you say that word how you say how you say it right how do you say it magnanimous you said magnanimous and i'm black [ __ ] i see it how i won't yeah anthony do you get comfortable on the wire because you're in a while did you ever get comfortable i wasn't on the watch oh you wasn't i know i'm the most famous actor that wasn't on the wire that everybody think i was on the wire wow but i've only worked with hbo once but i wasn't on the watch i mean like the wire when they fly you around [Music] [Music] like that's another way of saying i don't do my stunts yeah i'm the greatest days [Music] you don't have me what's his name start that over what's his name hi my name is four years old a woman heroes they don't have a superpower hey declan i see is that why you don't have a man you got that's not a win he has uh aquaman and you don't have the falcon man what makes it here if they don't have a superpower um buying falcon toys that's what make you current superhero if you don't have a super power sebastian we know you had you had a cameo in the end of black panther so you get to also revel in the success of black panther you know i'm just on the sideline being very uh grateful and appreciative to be honest absolutely sebastian's urban numbers have gone through the roof i used to be able to take him to the hood now it's over it's over with it's done serious street cred recently i happen to be sitting next to hugh jackman at this wow all right here we go so wow i i didn't know what other awkward thing i could talk about but to be like am i gonna see you soon i don't know and um but uh he said a couple things to me and i'll just i'll just leave it at that because i feel like otherwise i'm gonna get into trouble with somebody but you know you just you just lit things so think about that no but but yeah you know i asked him because i kept thinking i was like he he said whether or not that was logan was supposed to be the last wolverine thing or whatever and and it's you know he said to me what he's i think he publicly said out there which was like he's he's been thinking about it and he you know it's on his mind so i don't know you may be oh sebastian i think sebastian i think uh phone's off please please uh can you rewind the last 15 seconds right twitter just broke way to go awesome well let's keep that going um so justice league how about you guys fight the justice league maybe we could do who is that yeah [Applause] oh rewind the last 35 seconds record over there you might have given it to the wrong man a little bit i'm curious just because where we last saw your characters exact same thing i knew he did i was going for i was going full benefit hi i'm christian i'm nine years old and if you could be an avenger besides yourself who would it be i would be the winter soldier thanks man hey man you have a cool character and you're a cool guy um thank you hi my name is kieva shields and i'm five what does a super hero need to eat to go to keep him healthy and strong quinoa quinoa quinoa and kale and broccoli dash of salt chickpeas chickpeas soy no no not soy sauce no no you don't want to do soy what about bok choy it's bad for you bok choy is good bok choy it's like it's like quinoa but different so the last time we saw sam wilson baku and uh sold you guys were all going through an intense position transition like you were kind of rehabbing in wakanda this is what you did you were dealing with wakanda going to the rest of the world and falcon is a bit of a fugitive i'm curious just about your conversations with joan anthony russo and the writers yeah there's an emoji for what kind of forever yeah and sebastian's from uh romania right yeah so that's different i'll take that have you talked to a romanian because every romanian i mean they're like what up homie they do it over there yeah yeah i went to romania three years ago and i was like what's up man aren't you anthony i was like what's that what is this right he said i murdered him i'm a murderer oh it's amazing man i have to say the one thing i really enjoyed about it was there was so many people who were just so welcoming so boom like everybody just really everybody at the end of the day no come on you got the ky jelly on there it is it makes its way back again gallon bucket of ky jelly he dip his arm in there and then like a like a like a pharmacist on a farm he'd put it into his metal arm all the way up to the pharmacist on a farm your pharmacists get that joke i mean there's a there's a lot you know uh embanku has a very storied uh history within one thing um i think anything can happen you know everything can happen third thing well you add the third thing what's something we don't know about four or five [Laughter] thinking about anthony mackie taking a nap on sebastian's couch don't bother me you have a nice couch man you you you have a nice sound homie never see you it's the best thing in your house never been in my house that's a lot all right fine you're scared of people breaking in because of your couch all right fine it's an awful couch sorry your name and your outlet yes kirsty norway oh wow wow that's a great country are you been no no [Laughter] but there was one part in civil war that i didn't realize this was a thing but it's a thing i want to curious if you know his thing for you buck for bucky's character we find you in bucharest you live in this peaceful life you [Applause] [Music] no i never got to eat them [Applause] i'm the marvel oprah you get a flunk [Applause] you got [Applause] [Music] show me a picture around brown booyah pull that out the whole room get dark homie jesus hold on how did he get in the backseat getting out yeah getting out of the backseat was always tough the good thing is you never really saw it because they were already in the scene with chris and uh paul rudd you know but you can kind of see like the awkward you kind of got the [ __ ] is what i'm saying oh you know i had to take what i could get he was okay with that at that point he's like all right i'll take it just stay calm [Music] that's pretty much how he was on set all day it was pretty funny he's like i hate this car like i know dude chris couldn't drive the car that's outrageous i drove that car phenomenally come on you know remember the garage you almost hit the wall but you couldn't get in the second gear are you kidding me like gear shifting was insane i drove that car phenomenally he did no you no no i was squirming around those corners and final question who do you think you'd still be hanging out with 20 years from now probably him yeah good night and good luck
Channel: Fandom Citizen
Views: 553,587
Rating: 4.98384 out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, The falcon and the winter soldier, Marvel, Disney, Disney +, Wandavision, MCU, Marvel cast, Avengers, Captain America, The winter soldier, Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Sam Wilson, Civil War, Interviews
Id: skoauOX2NNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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