Marvel Avengers Captain America Interview with Sebastian Stan and Russo Brothers Winter Solider

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please welcome the directors to Captain America Civil War Anthony Russo Joe Russo and Bucky Barnes himself sebastian stan alright hello everybody it's a small independent film yeah so Anthony and Joe I'm gonna start with you guys because after the success of the Winter Soldier you have amped it up considerably where did you begin how did you even begin to break the story for this movie how did it turn into civil war oh we start by sitting at her in a room with the writers Markus and McFeely like insurers like these and we just we stare at each other for a very very long time in silence telepathy is that the idea it's an intense process we do we we do sit in the room with those guys for months we were looking for something very different to say with if we're going to do with the third Captain America movie yeah and it was a very exploratory process but we finally realized once we crack the concept for civil war that it it was it was the most compelling idea that we had in front of us and so where did the concept come from this Tony versus Steve idea obviously there's a comic the famous comic book arc Civil War but this is inspired by that it's not square by it it's borrowing from the you know the idea behind the book but really we felt like we had some really strong emotional arcs that we could pull through that had been pre established in the Marvel Universe and we really felt like there was an opportunity for cap and Tony to have a role reversal in this film where where Tony was was interested in playing ball with the government and cap a cap who is a you know soldier has taken over his whole life was having an issue with the chain of command yeah and we felt like that I've been set up and Winter Soldier where he learned not to trust power structures and an Ultron where Tony felt an incredible amount of guilt in this film about the events of that movie but while the you know well that was our jumping-off point for how we got into the story civil war was this very political idea of how power is controlled in the world and how Tony and Steve could possibly line up and the rest of the Avengers line up over that issue really what broke the story open for us as storytellers is the fact we figured out how to place the Winter Soldier at the center of that conflict so that as these characters move through the story the political would become very very personal and that the character of Bucky would be right at the center of the conflict between Captain America and Iron Man Sebastian that brings you in see you let your metal arm at home tonight like wow yeah do you get through your airports with alarmism no I did have somebody at the at one of the airports kind of joke around about that and like not let me go through for a minute so it's not a bad job to deal with absolutely so when Anthony and Joe are staring at each other in a room and they're trying to come up with this story what do you do you know you hooks waiting for try to get another job no well I mean it's it's kind of like waiting for Christmas twice a year to be honest because then there's Christmas but then there's like their Christmas which is like you know the next script and then sometimes at least with this one where I knew for sure it was coming and whatnot it's you know it's great because there's so many available places to go with the character and that's always kind of fun for as an actor to just not you know that you could he's still so pliable in so many ways so the playing field is still very open as we'll see in a second but Bucky for me is I can think of very few characters in the MCU changed so much from the time we first met him to time we seemed a Winter Soldier and again here so can you set up for people where he is when we first meet him in this right well he's he's right where we we leave him at the post-credits scene in the Winter Soldier which is in a in a place where he's learning about himself sort of almost meticulously studying about his past like like himself viewing himself as a subject and and he you know the emotions and sort of the aftermath just kind of grows with with the more as he as he learns about his past and you know that's one of the themes in this film is is that you're having a family very much like the Godfather in a way be torn apart by members of it each individually having selfish reasons or their own emotions get in the way yeah and the theme of sort of can you live with your past and and move on from it forgive yourself forgive others for it is very prevalent and that's definitely one of the driving things with the character yeah in fact almost as if by magic Sebastian to set up our first clip which in which we see The Avengers begin to tear themselves apart we begin to see Tony and Steve take take different paths in life let's take a look so it's really it's really hard to watch how edit what a disadvantage teamironman is at every time like it's kind of written all over Don Cheadle's face in every clip I just the you know the pain should I even bother asking you which team you're on it's not just a waste of a question I didn't really have much of a choice but you Sebastian Stan the actor the man what TV you want the man um are you a are you hashtag team cap or hashtag team oh man I don't know though I mean it's uh no listen I'm so far I mean I would I would obviously probably go a team cap but it's hard to think of individuals with superpowers and not have some perimeters for them you know in the long run otherwise it's like for free for all nothing Joe I'll bring him in actually in terms of the complexity of the movie because I've seen this movie three times now and I didn't pay a penny huh and I still I'm not entirely sure whether I'm teamcap or teamironman at the end these are incredibly complex events incredibly complex characters how do you go about injecting a complexity into a comic book movie well this was by far and away was the hardest script we've ever worked on for that reason it was our intent to make the ending as complicated as possible so that you could walk out the theater and argue with your friends and family about who was right which required a lot of balance throughout the process from the script phase to making sure that each character had emotional motivation that you could empathize with to the execution meaning that you know informants of both Chris and Robert in the movie through editorial where we had to make sure that we're managing properly those performances and the storytelling in a way that you know would create you know a very very complex third act and I think we realized we'd finally gotten there on our last test screening when we had a group of of 30 folks at the end we're asking questions too and of course the last question we asked them was you know how many of you support cap in this film and 15 raise their hand how many you support her abandon 15 really Sarah we're done we lock the movie and how difficult is it to be not seen for example has six speaking parts something like that and it gets a lot bigger than that believe me how difficult is it to orchestrate scenes and action scenes with so many characters I have so many different mini arcs going on in the movie well you know Joe and I have always been big fans of ensemble storytelling you sort of see it in all of our work we'd like to work with ensembles we like movies that are give you a very dense thick experience that you can revisit multiple times ideally three times that's how we like to enjoy movies we like to watch movies over and over again and we like movies that sort of give you something different on each viewing and I think ensembles helped you do that because we like to approach the storytelling every characters point of view will do will do passes at the script with the writers Markus and McFeely where we're just thinking about Sebastian's character for instance beginning in through the whole entire movie is if the movie is his movie caps characters Tony's character etc and so at the end of the day it's not about screen time for us it's about how can we give the audience a very very full experience of each of these characters how can we take each of the character to a surprising place that isn't expected how could how we can calculate the character and item on a character level in ways that hasn't been explored yet and sometimes you know the the impression that a character may make on you in one of these movies isn't necessarily proportional to their screen time sometimes with three little screens have a character can give you an experience that that stays with you in a very powerful way so we really respect that about these these movies about these characters but because of the ensemble nature of the piece Sebastian did you feel it that you were more part of one sample this time around a bit last time you were very much I guess in your very own movie with with Chris Evans this time we as will about to say you meet more people yeah I mean I think as you're going to introduce the next clip you'll understand why I was very happy with the way things panned out for me in the script no I look we have you know one of the amazing things that they brought into the Winter Soldier you know from me was just the the level of action that is so real you know and and grounded and right here happening you know it's just in your face and very down to earth and we have an amazing stunt team and then we were able to kind of like take that action amplify it even more but even just from a from a standpoint of I have introducing a character in that in that action-packed way even further in this movie was it was really exciting how much training did you do a lot I mean I think most of it happens before we start again once we start you know we just we just kind of go and it's just from then on you just get more and more it's every time have you recovered you okay I'm very healthy especially right now but I look at I mean that's something Joe and I constantly remark on for like Sebastian specifically it's like look he couldn't have a more challenging role as an actor to take somebody who is one guy in the 1940s a mind control assassin after that point in the second movie and now is now a third iteration of who that person can be that's not quite who he started as and that quite who's turned into but is yet something else I mean it's as challenging a characterization as you can ever have as an actor and Sebastian does it in a way that like shocks and surprises us all that empathy he does that on top of like keeping himself and like pro athlete shape nothing at all it's like it's hard to imagine how I thought we have we have a scene that we're going to see Bucky in action how to set this one up what point is Bucky acting this foot in this movie what stage of his psyche are we gonna see well next to being it could be could be considered a spoiler it will say is there's a certain level of intensity yes personality at this moment and he's coming to conflict with with team iron maybe she see some shades of the past here okay nicely navigated let's take a look at the clip lazy stuff no matter what I do I keep ending up in between black widows legs it's interesting actually a few people contacted me on Twitter before this Q and I a few Bucky and that fence and they asked me to ask you guys if you consider giving Bucky and that more of a relationship or maybe next time around maybe more of a relationship what do you think would give them a pretty good relationship up to this point they've yeah they've had two films together with two scenes and two films they fight beautifully together yeah look you know it's uh you know the next time you're gonna see most of these characters on screen and is infinity were and and we're hard at work on those scripts right now who knows where they're gonna go but and you know the great thing about working at Marvel is everybody's incredible incredibly rich repertoire of characters who have been established in their own films or multiple films over the last eight to nine years and really it's you know like two kids in a candy store with the options that we have in front of us in terms of character interaction that's maybe I think but have you thought about maybe making infinity War part 1 just a two-hander just Bucky and not just talking for 90 minutes I think that two-hitter and then part 2 is 60,000 characters eating pizza together and we can we can we call a Bucky that story infinity war okay let's take some questions from you guys now whoa okay right here in the front row and I'll try and work back we do have to leave tonight at some points okay thank you very much hi I'm sorry everyone is gonna hate me I have seen the movie too and it's amazing sorry I'm those pointers and I just wanted to say it was fantastic so I'm just gonna stop here I wanted to talk to you guys a bit about your influence you've talked a lot about the filmmaking interim influence in the interviews we've given especially handling a lot of characters and everything so can you talk a bit more about the movie that inspired you to deal with this amount of cast and the action scene or the the cinematography this like the the general aspect of the way which is incredible and I wanted to ask you it's the best time of it about where I came with Anthony Mackie as well because I thought it was pretty fun in the movie so that's about it thank you I know I was thinking about how quiet it was in here without animal but the thing is his voice is in my head now every day so I never you know he he was like a blessing for for Bucky Barnes the Falcon because I think we discovered all these moments and at the same time you know it's uh they're kind of like The Odd Couple really that's that's kind of what it is you know there's there's a love and hate relationship there and and it's based on trying to find the trust and and there's sometimes a lot of humor in that I think we love one of the things we love about that relationship is just you know the notion that you know Bucky is caps old friend Oh best friend and Sam is caps new best friend and you know that just sounds exactly like what it is from an influence standpoint Winter Soldier was inspired by political thrillers of the 70s this film is a psychological thriller I think the mean the big influences for us on this movie from a thematic or narrative structure standpoint were 7 in Fargo and then we looked at and the Godfather is a movie that has multiple characters with with with arcs that the Coppola had a track through the film and we just we study the way that he cut back and forth between Michael Corleone's story and everyone else the story as he moved the narrative forward so that was a that was definitely something that that we studied hard as we try to figure out how to bring all these characters into this movie and still have a unified narrative thank you well a lot of hands let's go right here this lady here with the glasses in the third row thank you hi I'm as you can see I'm team cap my boyfriend is team I'm man and I don't want to break up with him so how can I convince him he is wrong don't go see the movie together well I will tell you I it is entirely possible that one of you may convert when you say the movie it's a we have heard we have had people tell us that before that they went into the movie with one orientation came out with another so it's a who knows ok let's move on there's a lady just yes please keep your hand up for throwback yes like a yes you I got a question for Antonio I wanna ask bound with a fuming there is a lot of location going on so how did you choose between location as dudu well really we try to get as much location working as we can because we like the actors have something tactile to react to rather than a green screen but that's not always possible there's a large sequence in the movie that takes place at an airport which is a pivotal battle in the film and it's very difficult to do the things that we were doing at an actual airport for obvious security reasons so we you know we shot a lot of that on a back lot so it's really a function of you know what's available to us and what we're trying to attempt on the scene but as much as we can we really want the actors dealing with with with the tactile reality so we try to try to set as many things as we can on location and we'll add this to you know even when we can't shoot on actual location we try very hard on a stylistic level to make it look as if we are you know so we work with our visual effects Department very carefully to to represent things as realistically as possible we make sure that all the camera movements even in our CG shots are sort of in the exact style that we would we would use if we were actually shooting it on set it's a big discipline that has to be you know that takes a lot of time on our part to sort of make sure comes off properly but it's really important to the movie and I think I think it's I think it's always it makes us happy that they people typically think that more of the movie is shot at practical locations that it actually is and I think it's that fidelity to that style that helps trick people and in that supposed to do does that matter to you filming on sets or filming against green screen I mean it's always it's always nice to have a of the practical sort of thing in front of you but I mean it's just part of the game at this point I mean it's not you know anything strange it's sometimes the comfort of where you're living helps to okay right right back here please there's a lady glasses again Sebastian if you could tell something to Bucky before he became the Winter Soldier what would you say don't worry it's gonna be all right okay let's go over here yes please there's a lady right here the front row and actually we'll go there look cooler I'll go there it's fine all of you you're all clearly really invested in your characters what would you without spoiling those of us you haven't seen it yet what would you want for Bucky in the future all three of you Wow that's a good story well Bucky doesn't have a future I think one of the things that I fight Bost emotionally engaging about the story about the characters is that they're and this is one thing I think why we love the character of Captain America is he has this undying faith in people and belief in what's possible despite all odds and I think his dedication to this idea that there is still a human being inside of the Winter Soldier that can be saved that can be brought back and there can be given a life again and is one of the more emotional dimensions of the story for me so I sort of I feel close to cap in that desire that there is a human being inside the Winter Soldier and it's it's a it's up to the story to decide whether we'll ever get okay was a lady here at the front row we're in a Captain America t-shirt okay jumper sorry I was dead hi I have a question for Anthony and Joe if ignoring the event in age of Ultron no it all makes us the question if you were to make a whole crime movie what comic storyline would you go with that's a great question no boy god that's a good one hot guy retires and plays with his kids hawkeye stirred what you want us to make yeah wow that's good that's popular storyline how many of you want to see a Hawkeye standalone movie all right we are gonna take that idea back to the writers room maybe that's what 9:30 war part 1 is it's just a Hulk I saw the movie he's golfing he's painting those words right there's a gentleman right back here by Lee by the gray pipe in the middle through I can't be much more specific than that yes keep your hand up please sir yes the microphone is winding us Mary way to you yes you now speak into it uh hi this is for the Russo brothers yeah you talked a lot about your influences we have to film Winter Soldier and then what you've kind of like put together for this upcoming film as well and I think you know like considering things like political differences psychological issues working with an ensemble cast personally I think that's what made something like the Winter Soldier an amazing film and it stood out from a lot of the other superhero movies if you don't mind me saying but I would like to ask how important do you think that is within the genre of superhero films to kind of tell stories of that kind of nature so you create a forum for people to have discussion and debate about social and political issues yeah just wondering how important you think that is it's very important to us I think we're you know my brother and I are obsessed with current events I think the way that we all are we're very politically minded we read a lot you know we like layered storytelling we like when you go into a theater and you come out you can have a conversation with your friends and I think that the compelling thing about superhero movies is that they're one step removed from reality so in a way they can allow us to deal with issues that may be too painful in reality you know and I we we try to tether these characters as much to our world as we possibly can because we want that immediacy when you watch the film that they feel like they could be in your world and that they're dealing with issues that we all deal with on an everyday basis I think that's very important for the longevity of superhero films I think they have to be dimensionalized and I think this film we made a very conscious effort to subvert the traditional structure of these movies up to this point with a with their very surprising a third act and them I think again that's that's invaluable for for the health of of the genre you know and to me as a fan I'm like I'm most interested in the variety of what can be done with the genre you know you know we are we're making specific choices and doing a certain thing because the nature of the characters and the world that we're working in sort of push us in one direction creatively but you know there's other you know Deadpool just to pull up a recent example did something very very different with the superhero movie and did it quite successfully so I mean what's exciting about the genre is the possibilities for where it can go and how it can be used and as a fan I just want to move forward and be continually surprised by what people are doing with the genre that's the the best thing I can hope for okay we don't have a lot of time left I think we got time for 47 more questions and let's go right to the back if we can unless be Democratic about this is it theirs just choose a hand it's chaos hi first of all congratulations on the movie I think it's impressive that as brothers you can write your name on the on the Avengers legacy me or my brother Camaro even share a beats topping firstly I'd like to ask how hard was it to to get all these great actors in in in the same room to shoot this movie when all of them had other projects on this year that is so funny you would ask that because it is look these people are all immensely talented actors they all have awesome options for work they're all doing great work in these movies outside of these movies so yeah getting and the cast is so large yeah a big part of the challenge is just getting everybody where you need them when you need them but look once you get them all there they're amazingly professional and focused and dedicated so the work goes beautifully if you can all get them in the room when you need them and well you ready to roll with the punches because I read a story about about the film where you had a version that maybe didn't have Iron Man in it and the version that didn't have spider-man in it how different was a movie as it evolved I mean that was a process where we never had a version that didn't have Iron Man in it because there was no civil war without Iron Man so we had to it was a sheer force of will issue everybody that we wanted we had to you know lock down and say there was no way to accomplish the movie without that character because it was so complicated on a deal level with you know getting Robert in the movie and then with you know getting spider-man from Sony which was his a complicated deals can possibly happen in the film business so um we never allowed for the fact that there were options other than you know having those characters in the movie so in truth there was a brief period prior to our commitment to civil war as as the idea for the next the third Captain America movie where we did with the writers did explore other options but nothing we were ever satisfied with in a way that we wanted to move forward yes okay fantastic and the last questions from this lady there's a lady who had her hand up earlier on with a striped jumper yes please thank you sorry by surprise I was going to say I'm you sort of covered it there but what was it like to be able to bring spider-man back into the fold incredible I've been collecting comics since I was 10 years old he was my favorite character growing up so it's a dream come true for me as a comic book fan of be able to interpret that character on screen one thing that we wanted to do that you know was very important to me when I was a kid was a cast an actor who was very close in age to Peter Parker as a high school student because that's that's what I that was my wish-fulfillment components as a 10 year old comic book collector he was so close in age to me but also what we loved about what I loved about the character was he had a certain vulnerability and an insecurity that he married to a confidence and a sense of humor and he was burdened with this incredible power while I was still dealing with acne and girls and high school issues so we thought that would be very interesting to bring a character like that into the Marvel Universe because he would stand in great contrast to all of these experienced heroes who in the film are dealing with a very adult problem we were true you know the important thing about to us reintroducing the character of spider-man is that you know we were doing it in a Captain America movie so we tried very much you know we try to bring this level in Winter Soldier in civil war we try to bring a level of realism and groundedness to the degree that you can in a superhero movie - caps world and that's the texture we try to approach and filter the character through so we did the same thing with spider-man in this film was we tried to contemporize him in a way like some of the past interpretations of the character I think of focus focused more on the nostalgia and the history of the character it's almost as if he's in a 1950's time warp sometimes in terms of some of them some of the sensibilities in the world we tried to do a very current modern version of spider-man rethinking his relationship with Aunt May and just putting them making them feel like a real slice of New York City today was very important to us on Sebastian without giving anything spoilers away how would you describe Bucky's relationship with spider-man this movie it's fine I just had a problem a Tom Holland I've heard that yeah um I'm not bombshell is that's all the time we have afraid thank you so much for your questions thank you for coming like of course I'm Peter Russo Joe Russo and Sebastian Stein thank you
Channel: Anne Mavity
Views: 11,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain america, captain america civil war, sebastian stan, captain america civil war interview, captain america civil war interview sebastian stan, sebastian stan interview, anthony and joe russo civil war, anthony and joe russo interview, sebastian stan interview civil war, civil war interview sebastian stan, captain america civil war cast interview, captain america civil war sebastian stan, mcu, avengers, russo brothers, falcon and winter solider, winter solider
Id: k6WH4jsfGMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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