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I'm going to stop with the question for everybody in the film Steve Rogers keeps a a checklist of all the great pop culture stuff he's missed out on in the last 50 years so if you had to recommend anything for Steve what would it be and why and let's start with you Anthony work our way down to the other ethnic mmm oh man why you so yeah okay I would say you're done let me go yeah what oh yeah we got unlucky too many ways about you oh yeah no he said over there I always knew it please Oh Tony after you uh I think I would I would ask I would I would recommend that he check out Captain America the Winter Soldier yeah it took it tickles the absurdist in me and I want to know did we get it right does it does it feel representative of your experience for him of you a documentary I guess I'm Joe uh four words fifty shades of gray I think he needs more mommy porn in his life the whole trilogy or just the first one just the first one that's just the first I I would stick with music I'd probably do Beatles Led Zeppelin okay interesting scarlet mmm cake pops how do they make those things anyway they're just so delicious and Samuel are red to red we might have just lost Captain America than that one and sebast evade to the Godfather for sure I mean right Godfather maybe cronuts I don't know um any Eddie Murphy movie before the golden JA golden child I guess had anything before that is like is that including the golden child you want include that in your no no God no job is included okay okay good I won't the knife so the golden child cronuts and cake pops were fattening Captain America up okay that's a take some questions just gentleman over here and then we'll we'll try and get everyone in due course I really enjoyed the film I want to ask a question basically you guys have had such great and diverse careers if you could take any one of the characters that you played and put them in the Marvel Universe which would you pick and why don't want I can take any character and play it and put it in the Marvel Universe yes it had to fit it just so he wouldn't put it in there oh my movies are terrible I don't want to do anyone else won't take the 15 yeah I pick Mitch Hennessy from the law kiss good night in the Marvel Universe just because he's just so childlike and would be in awe of everybody in there but he would claim me at a superpower a Scarlett go to UNIX on this any character from your past you kidding a Marvel Universe movie well if I could do the voice from her would avoid the early morning Jim hour so I'm gonna choose that one usurping Jarvis maybe and Sebastian and I yeah well looking at my brilliant filmography outside of the Captain America movies I'm just I'm gonna speak right pour myself a glass of water and mr. Mackie um I would say Nate Ruffin Rudy from the main booty from the main Stila work on the bottom after devaki once again making Sam Jackson I would say uh Nate Ruffin from We Are Marshall because he was such a cool hip cat fantastic thank you yes please sister chuckling here in the front row as well we can just get the microphone right we're gonna stand the front row for the next couple questions and move back congratu Oh yep your red cursor microphone cue the geek with a Captain America t-shirt oh I've got awesome film guys I think you guys are fantastic from the heart feel amazing um it's a weird because I love all your work individually genuinely not being a suffering that um in terms of the question yes oh yeah get to the boy Captain America is obviously a simple the characters are really I think Erskine in the first film says he's a good man we want to show use a good man I was actually genuinely touched as cool as that sounds I think the whole Steve's journey both in the first film in this film but obviously the world is a lot grittier now and the characters nor the espionage and stuff like that how did you maintain the essence of what as consider Captain America's a good man in this world is a bit darker characters that obviously a bit Shady how did you without being corny how did you keep that at the core and also the other acted around it how were you able to kind of what bounce off that and were you inspired a bit by the character as well well I mean actual question he just is a good man I mean it's it's about you know developing a character and hopefully if you develop a I don't think the part of him that is a good man is necessarily dependent upon his environment he's a good man essentially in a vacuum he's just a good person he doesn't bleed on people he's he has morals and values and hopefully if you put him anywhere whether it's in 40s or modern era or whether it's a you know period film or a grittier political thriller hopefully the the qualities of who he is will still shine through in terms of not making it corny I think that's more of a director question mm oh I would say I mean look I think it's also I mean look at not making him corny yeah you cast Chris Evans right so he I mean Chris has this great you know he's able to balance the character in a way that's always Joe and I have always been by its really he sort of he strikes the balance between sort of somebody who's like self-confident and and focused and he could put the emphasis on that I think the rather than on righteousness you know which is important but for us I mean look we we always let we we we always like the more complicated version of the character the sort of simple version of the character was never that appealing to us so you know we we tried to put him in a very complex situation and play to the complexities I mean he starts the movie off in a very vulnerable place this is the the first movie where we really catch up to him in modern day and see what it means to him on a character level to have missed 70 years and woken up and found that nobody from his old life is around anymore it's a very isolated place very emotionally vulnerable place so his relationships to the other characters in the movie are even more important because he has nobody so I think that's that's basically how we kept them grounded how we approach the character obviously one of the key components of the black widow character is this enigmatic past which is still affecting and defining her and but it seems at the end of this movie Alicia's perhaps a little more receptive to maybe people known a bit more on that entails so would you as an actress be interested in going there and exploring that and realizing that film or do you think perhaps some things about left undefined and it crush up the character of some of her intriguing history um well you'll get more of widows backstory in Avengers 2 also really yeah um and and I think her backstories I mean she has a rich rich past as you just you know already described she's um she definitely comes from a really dark past um you know I think she's kind of had to be sort of she's had to sort of D sensitize or de putte minions in a way to be able to do and see some of the things that she's you know I'm seen and participated in willingly and they probably most people that have that kind of job um description you know a mercenary they do um but I think she's just sort of now grappling with the fact that she may be experiencing some trauma from that or at least that she has feelings about the things that that she's might maybe she doesn't sleep so well at night and and you know it's just sort of hitting her now that she's kind of been you know acting as a sort of um you know gun for hire and you know that in doing that she's never really made any active choices and that kind of it's sort of like the rug has been she's kind of pulled from under her feet so I think more interestingly what would probably be to discover her you know to follow the progression of that story and you know bring her back home or see where that see where that kind of leads to but of course you know that's all in my imaginary yeah next installment you know none of that's really been you know we've thrown a ball around a little bit but um nothing is in the works right now for that in this film your character has slightly more dramatic meat than it's had perhaps in the other Marvel films that perhaps be a bit more to like the humor that you bring whereas this one as a more serious tone to your performance and wondered how that gets your experience when we're not seeing this feel particularly compared to the others um I approach you all of it you know the same way you all show up you look at the relationships what's going on take it all seriously and still have as much fun as you can on the inside of it I'm really glad that we saw more of Nick and what happens with him and you know how he reacts to situations but as usual you know he's always trying to be three steps ahead and all of a sudden when he finds out you know he's been used in another kind of way incumbent upon him to find out why and use all the tools that he has at his disposal to make that happen and as usual and part of it has to do with subterfuge and and diversion even down to fooling and hurting his most trusted compete reott and we actually shot a scene where that's explained or we have that moment but I've been told it slows the film down in a significant way and I didn't want to slow down but when you get the DVD and you click on my face there's a hidden feature that will allow you to access that scene and you'll see more of what that means between he and Black Widow but it was real joy to be able to go into Nick's workplace and to find out who he is and depth in certain ways and to expose some of the stuff through conversations that are Robert Redford and I and the film Anthony and Joe as Destroyers are a lot of stuff in the cutting room floor can we expect a lot of extra scenes in the DVD and blu-ray we we actually were fortunate to have a lot of time to work on the script and prep the movie and prior to execution so think I think it's about six or seven minutes of deleted scenes okay not not not a particularly large amount it used to be that for the films were very much standalone and the one thing Marvel has done fantastically well as actors and writers and directors is create that universe I'm wondering is does that affect the approach to make in the movie when you haven't just got one story to tell you've got a piece to tell you're already funny you know got up against Patton in two years that does there have to be a longer longer game as it were in the you approach it it will it is and it is a giant mosaic and it's a very ambitious undertaking it's probably as ambitious as movies have ever gotten just in terms of the scale on the amount of films that they're making that are interconnected but the real secret sauce to that is Kevin Feige of Marvel who is this tour producer it's quite brilliant at what he does in terms of you know keeping that interconnectedness but also focusing on the movie at hand you know he's very he's very good about not putting any constraints on the film that he's working on because you know he has the the belief that you know if you're thinking about the future then you're not going to make the best movie that you can right now so he really tries to make the best film that he can and then figure out what the next movie is going to be beyond that so very organic process there's a lot of physical action going on in this film amidst all the other stuff what was the biggest challenge for you guys were there any injuries I mean there's always there are always injuries E but whether you're whether you end up in a cast or not doing stunt work it's it's physical stuff and even when you block a punch that that punch lands somewhere so you're always going on with bumps and bruises and we're all getting older and so it has it has lasting effects anything in particular um yeah any fight with Frank Grillo yeah gotta know how to pull his punches Mac you must know this now we were hitting each other for real for real if you don't block Frank Grillo's punch you're gonna get knocked that's cuz he's an actual box he's a very nice doesn't know anything about 100 that's because he's a mean person yeah so I'll do the same thing Nic Cage the other night frank grillo beat the didn't um today I mean if I'm forever wounded I'm from these movies I know I know I mean I have old injuries from Iron Man two days and I just keep reordering them that's part of the that's part of the joy that's not part of the joy the process I guess I mean like Chris said it gets you know you as you sustained more injuries over time and it hurts for longer and things like that but um I don't know it's uh I guess I like to be able to do as much of the stunt work as possible and I don't you know I think you take her a little bit of a risk with that but uh I'd rather I'd rather that than you know have to hand off my scenes to the stunt team that's capable and amazing as they are all the time I'd rather do some of it you know and have some battle wounds that way I could compare bruises and the assignment Sebastian any injuries I mean you know I feel like I got pretty familiar with Chris's kneecap like once or twice I don't know that we were doing everything so quickly and and we sort of prepare for months doing those fight sequences so I honestly wouldn't feel anything until I was on in the car on the way home when I couldn't get out of the seat like being dropped off at the hotel but I'm sure we heard each other you didn't hurt me you I haven't burst time I'm seeing you that's why I say quite used to work with you okay thank you and and Sam you weren't on the end of a frank grillo punch at any point but hey yeah did you get any injuries on yeah no I just messed up man extensively I have no issues with him being hurt that's what he paid to do and he loves it he from a stunt family his father was a stunt man all of his brothers are stuck man before they could eat breakfast in the morning and dad kicked him down the stairs in the one I made him jump out a window to come downstairs to get their breakfast so I used kiante more than my god he works more than I do sometimes why didn't I learn that I'm Sony movie every time I'm coming limping and I'm like iron so bad it seems like why don't you let other people that are better is done it's way better to you know see him you know you you stand there they throw a punch you duck out of the way they fight and you get up and go and run off and do the next guy that's not simple it's good for you Scarlett Johansson Captain America has his shield and Falcon can fly you only have two small girls have you ever asked for anything more to protect yourself as effects in the film and the second question is do how do you identify with Black Widow well I have a bite I have a widow's bite and uh you know all kinds of things that come out of my IVA belt it's multi-purpose um and I have my wit of course my sensational wit um my kung fu like wit and I I don't know I mean I I'm I think part of the widow's fighting style and what makes her sort of charming is that she uses her size against you know her opponent and kind of it's to her advantage that she's fighting these big dudes and she's this kind of quick and quick thinking you know click on her feet kind of houses are now it's hard to catch yeah you can't teach quick love that yeah Jenna yeah and and I mean I think that the the I I like I think that I I don't know necessarily how do I identify with her wall I mean I think any character that you play you have to be um pathetic towards of course because you know even if it's if that's a villainous character um that's what makes you sort of I always have to have that bit of likability to you um I think this character has a certain unexpected humility to her that's kind of she's that soft underbelly and none and I have that theme song not that you do that you do it question for mr. Jackson oh I was wondering as a fully paid-up member of the Association of spectacles where else how you call within the wearing of the eyepatch in these movies because no matter how good one is when one eye other eye is closed it must affect peripheral vision and may mean you bump into other actors and to scenery stuff like that or mr. an advise ditch does wearing the patch improve your potty um you know I can deter my head further actually just like you know doing that but the interesting thing about the patches that I didn't discover until Captain America on the first one was because I never had very many lines to say when I all of a sudden had dialogues and I would learn it the night before when I got to work I can only see half the page when I sew I've discovered that I have to actually learn my lines now when one hand covering my eyes so that my mind will absorb what's going on in there and that's the one thing but I put with both my eyes open don't you oh oh well see yeah yeah do I want to work on that though Scarlett you are a musician as well as an actress I was wondering if the rest of you have any hidden music ability and if you'd want to do capturing every school should be albums this year would you play the harpsichord interest which we saw she saw Anthony do any musical abilities to playing instruments you play Bailey oh man ah you lose heart okay I get I can deal with the trumpet a little bit I you know growing up in the wall and you have to learn answer me so I could deal with the trumpet I'm nice on the spoons yeah I could do a funky beat you know oh oh this is some turntables you know okay well in other words no Sebastian any musical talent in there nope no musical talent just good ol karaoke you know okay you know that's that's all I got which we're doing tonight at you're doing Chester Simon yeah I play this to miss when I was a kid yeah I played French horn and flute and I've learned to play various instruments for different films like guitar piano cello but I don't hold I don't keep up okay all right Chris oh yeah I put the piano on the guitar not the same time surely no at the same time it's it's quite a time Z it's really good so Anthony and Joey I can expect Captain America 3 will be a musical then captain yeah exclamation why dad right okay we're gonna presents doing solo might as well on everyone's already said this but finger films fantastic that's the best mom film yet guess what ask you see it's our questions access for Sebastian you previously said you've got a nine picture contract with Marvel day that's what happened to the rest of my DS exactly okay you know where for karaoke kitschy cost missing your character becoming Captain America in the future I hope so and now movies yeah I have no idea man I I mean I really I really don't know I'm still like trying to you know realize that I'm sitting up here with these guys you know so I'm wherever those two fellas want to take you know the the stories where I'm going so and also thank you just cut me out well we were going to use this press conference Ashley to announce that Anthony Mack will no longer be with forward Falcon what Falcon was a one-off Iron Fist is taking over fact America free is going to go against Batman and Superman you may have the girl fans to sue to beat up the ante and do you think you might see another Avenger celebrity boxing match that's what yeah we're working right now uh no I don't know I think who said this best that you know when two two cars are speeding at each other one of them has got to veer out of what out of the way at some point so hey oh yeah put it out there baby boy tell him tonight tell them the listen I think you know Marvel Marvel I think announce that date originally it was a if you go back historically and look at it Marvel and I think Sony been trading off and that may date for a long time and I think when Warner Brothers decided to move that film they moved it to the may date so you know I can see where Kevin said one I'm not moving off at all so yeah it's right over there so I don't think there'll be anything to up the ante other than that you know hopefully we make a great movie and everybody's very excited to see it on was it may 5th or may 6th and I mean that's the truth is anybody up anybody up here is just all we can do is make a focus on making the best movie we can make and when and how it gets released is you know there's other forces involved in that in other words in other words punk step up to get me down oh my god how about that Marvel we're heroes yeah there's DC where you have interesting bad guys we got Chris Evans baby deal with dad it's all kicking I've got a question from my six-year-old son Collins to everybody basically the Avengers obviously are his heroes who is your hero that's his question to everybody oh yeah it's Goodwin like our life hero or like a superhero hero a life sure I'll say my I mean is so generic but I'll say my parents I mean they're they're they're your first they're the ones who shape you and make you and teach you how to love and how to feel pain and happiness and cope and it's it's everything from the you know from birth until you're you know in your teen years that's what you're really forming who you are and I really got to tip my hat to my parents they're my heroes good luck everyone else following that's my samuel l.jackson thank you Sam I look at the young people that you know put their lives on the line for us so that we do have you know the freedom to make movies like this and tell stories like this because I mean we do have a volunteer army now it's not like people have to do it ah and those young men and women that go out there and put their lives on the line and go to different countries and just they're there you know to make sure that we can do what we do I admire him greatly okay and uh yeah indeed and Sebastian well my mom definitely uh and I guess probably Jim Carrey yeah yeah yeah I don't know I I was obsessed with Jim Carrey growing up so led me to acting I guess and an Anthony uh my two brothers don't say mr. Marcus no man my two brothers I mean I spent the first 12 years of my life with him beating me up and the past 32 years and 22 years of my life with them applaud me and building me up so my two brothers fantastic and and Joe you haven't mentioned a hero yet I can't decide if it's Superman or Batman maybe if maybe if somebody made a film where they put them both in that movie together yeah you
Channel: Flicks And The City
Views: 340,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Captain America The Winter Soldier, Captain America, The Winter Soldier, interview, Press, Conference, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans interview, Scarlett Johansson interview, Samuel L. Jackson interview, Sebastian Stan interview, Anthony Mackie interview, Kevin Feige, Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Flicks And The City, Marvel, SHIELD, Avengers, Black Widow, Falcon, scene, clip, winter soldier, winter, soldier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 20 2014
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