Markiplier and Lixian Funny Moments

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll double down it's gonna be lit af [Music] [ __ ] [Music] there's some table coral that's good give me that [ __ ] yes i need a lot of gold cue epic montage music [Applause] [Music] how many is that seven i need ten do you ever remember this i got a job for you i got a job for you oh [ __ ] no i don't cause i forgot the lid never mind cut this out cut this part out got this embarrassing part where i forgot something cut it out oh hey look lexie gets another barbie oh my god holy [ __ ] oh well okay it's been a good game guys it was a good game did you just get the man again what what [ __ ] you remember when other people did things in monopoly and not just licks you all wanted this now you deal with the consequences oh no man jesus yes no you i won't i won't stop i can't stop nickel and diving is really gonna break you i'm gonna win this all i gotta do is nickel and dime where i'm innocent through every single mortgage he can do and i win that's all i gotta do well i'm just gonna stay here till you guys mutually self-destruct and then i'll win oh yeah yeah whatever man wade what are you doing listen wade no i don't there is only one way mark to make this happen oh wait don't listen to him wait don't listen to me you hold the hope of all humanity in your nose what are you doing don't do this what are you doing mark you don't make me play one hour later all right listen you have to accept this i'm just gonna put it in that wasn't all of it yeah i gotta go over um how do i get over to him shift shift okay give me one dollar okay accept it uh a deal go please accept it okay play again here we go let's see now you're in trouble because i still don't have anything you really don't wait what huh what what are you wait what is happening i need that i need to think wait what's something why is everyone just forcing me to trade you know i can't say no to trades okay really no i didn't say that you you don't sell oh wait wait my only weakness no two hours later mark yeah uh-huh yeah what what what you're my only hope don't you [ __ ] i swear to god if you do this three hours later okay i wish i could point it out to you but i'm like uh second group of rooms bought up from the bottom left in the third room with the yellow dot in the middle of it it's just so important okay i'm all the way bottom right now i think okay i'm not quite full top right but i'm close top right i'm just trying to search all the rooms the only other place i haven't checked is like the middle section oh i hate this i don't like it what he's what the key it is his chest whose chest his chest okay i'm guessing you mean like someone's chest cavity and i don't know who you're talking about but i don't want to know who you're talking about i think i'm in the room i think i'm in the room second from the top left the square there oh where am i oh god where am i where am i oh god oh no wait wait oh boy okay that was a mistake okay oh it's a big empty room okay was there something in there what room is that i don't know oh boy he's mad he's grumpy he he wants me nothing nothing a whole lot of nothing just nothing a whole lot of nothing okay a lot of nothing i think i've checked everywhere i can't think of any other place that i haven't checked like 90 percent of your jokes [Music] you can't zoom in what are you gonna do zoom in on an eyeball that's not funny that's not funny at all what are you gonna zoom in on a tooth my blue tongue which is perfectly normal and natural yeah wow okay you're smart you are smart oh people couldn't even see the game on that one lixian what you're gonna have to do you're gonna you're gonna go snatch the vod from their stream put my face cam over their face cam and that's what we're gonna deal with okay cool [Music] okay nevermind i'm sorry you're going to put my editor out of a job because this is so good i just can't put this up good uh don't make me look like a big dump dummy remember i got the big brain so i can't possibly be the big dumb at the same time physiologically impossible me and big brain all time but me i'm small brain no time make that make that make sense okay no oh yeah i got the key that i had already you guys saw that i got the key i am very smart good thing we all know i got the key right after that jumpscare this place really needs like an oompa sound to it yeah yeah that's the ah yeah that's good that makes me feel better ah i'm just i'm just moonwalking out of here just because i'm like i realize i actually don't have to participate in this weird game of ladies i'm just seeing if um they hid the key at the beginning of the level which they did not answered that question glad i did wait what's wrong with my rage damn what do you say mark i don't know how to tell you this what i [ __ ] hate you so much right now all right that's fair i gotta wow [ __ ] [Music] i mean i believe you mark it's okay no i'm fine i'm fine i am over it is that all like is that really all i have to do just wow yes shut up no happiness no laughter no explosions get your hearts away mark it's your game on screen oh it's not yeah it's not hang on here we go dude just hang on just leave me alone i love the idea of this stream for like two hours with him not showing the game oh god that's all the time i got for this episode thank you everybody so much for watching that's what it that's what it is the formula is in the chocolate bar i need my reading skill or i can just give plausible deniability hey lexian make sure you go back and you scrub the fact that the formula was just cut that little portion out so that nobody will be the wiser right okay cool good hey excuse me i need to get by you my ability to do game stuff i'll be back okay all right i'll be back all right lexi and just time lapse this because i'm about to go i'm about to go deep and i mean that both literally and figuratively [ __ ] i'm about i have like no wood oh god i'm such a tit oh god how do i don't you better have started that time lapse you've seen you better start the time lapse i do not need people seeing this i do not need people seeing me fail to make a pickaxe i don't need it none of us need it so just get on his shears i'll need ladders maybe lexie in the lapse and started right please to god please please all right i i don't think i need the x but i'll take it anyway just all right okay time lapse go oh god alexian start the time lapse back up because i'm gonna i'm gonna carve i'm gonna carve this out a little bit i just want to get a nice steady mine i just want some it's minecraft after all it's supposed to be nice and organized and everything's supposed to be lovely thank you you're just making elixion do work that's all you're doing oh after me no after you oh what [Music] oh i can't read this i don't know what that means i don't know what any of this means probably means like there's gonna be jump scares or something or oh what the hell what is this what is this nonsense battery one what is this oh hi um [Music] lincoln can you read this looks in well lexine you must know a way out of here you've got to know these are your people you've probably been on this train right you know [Music] oh hi what the hell oh hi oh hi hello i don't want to buy any also i apologize if this wasn't portuguese lixian was it or was it not portuguese either way they're very good very good all right i guess we're going to move on press z z press z aperte z for we are to turn on and off the lantern this is portuguese leg's hand how about i don't understand anything that's happening i don't get it i don't know what's happening okay so i turn it off but i don't turn it back on too soon i guess that's what i do jesus christmas my heart it is portuguese lexian this is the language of your people i mean listen you already know this you summoned the baelou made a wish to him and he did it but cove oh not kov but you fulfilled what he sent for the completed wish and now he wants to kill you okay all right [Music] if you see bilu turn off the light until he goes out but if you are alone with a flashlight off it will materialize and kill you well that's what i did lixing do you know how to translate that good so this is where things get korean cue the korean music and lexia if you put on something offensive swear to god people will come after you better not be chinese better not be japanese korean and not cape stop not kpop just don't put on anything put on the old music whatever it was scott this one is called the burgogi burger there's always mayonnaise ketchup some mustard depending on the burger hello new episode of edge of sleep the flavor was so intense it stopped the recording on my camera hey are you scaring them again what did i tell you about that i cut that out they deserve better they're good people leave them alone leave them alone i don't find that joke very funny find it funny at all all right let's go find something i'm here to do maintenance not wander around in the woods i thought i needed to go find a fuse or a ladder what do i do what do i need wait what did i need but i've forgotten what i need what do i need i missed it lixie and put it on screen again for everyone to mock me good excellent thank you so that was three scary games hey lisien i'll let you close out this video if you promise not to startle these fine folks here you got this one hey i trust you and don't worry you're in good hands all right you carry on see you around hey good job on the video well done [Music] i hope you enjoyed this because it's the last one [Applause] generally be nice and audible i don't want it too quiet too quiet too bad it's very fine line don't mess it up if you mess it up everyone's gonna be mad i'm gonna be mad everyone's gonna be don't mess it up you can't mess it up don't you dare stop oh are you sure oh is that too quiet oh is it too loud wait no hang on it might be too quiet too loud wait no is that too loud i think i can hear it too much oh no now i can't hear it at all okay that's probably pretty good yeah i think you're fine maybe are you sure i didn't think so i'm just messing with you am i maybe not maybe maybe not probably not maybe so make sure you get it right i'm literally in hell and also the ambiance is kind of creepy i hope lixian's keeping the music nice and high so that we can hear it all in all it's glory but not too high elixion you don't want to ruin people's listening experience now do you oh maybe that might be too quiet oh you never know with these things better get it right oh i forgot yeah that was a thing you could just record up for the radio i completely forgot that that was a thing oh hell yeah now we're talking when you listen to music you're never really alone yet true words true what oh where was that this guardrail really could have tried harder yeah also what about that thing that i saw in the middle of the road uh hey lexian can you bring up a flashback of that moment [Music] yeah that thing um i just remembered that that dude that was probably a monster and i'm in the woods with it alone yeah i just remembered that that's probably fine lexie and bring up an image of that old monster that i ran away from [Music] okay did it look like morty the mine more more did it look like mor here no okay i just didn't bring up that picture again it's my face on it okay whatever we're going heavy duty work boot why leave just one boot behind lexian pull up the picture from before did it only have one leg i don't know i can only talk to you from the past okay good i way oh my god you literally pull up the picture was it that day was it the same it was the same wasn't it we've got some toys not toys that's my dirty laundry hello hey where do we set them anywhere put you in the chair cool sweet thank you so much awesome thank you guys wow really something pretty incredible yeah you guys really high budget here too loud turn that music down a couple more notches that's good right there no wait raise it up just one 100th of a percent higher if you go above that i swear to god all right this obviously goes here [Music] oh no [Music] oh no [Music] absolutely not yeah you almost hit me with your car you in fact i think you did hit with me with your car i'm going to sue you what a weird hand mouth creature that was lyxian uh recreate the ending of it so that we actually killed the goat man put in put in your rendition of the goat man put putting the three of us next to each other all shooting him screaming at the top of our lungs and he shot we shout him to death and then he is that explodes okay lexian dana edited in like cnn's ending [Laughter] go to youtube and steal that part but put that in mine we did it i won i want to thank lixian listen lixie lixian i i'm gonna have to leave you behind now my career is taking off right now i am obviously the best and i listen i don't want to hold you back that's what it i want you to be able i'm finding success now now you need to find success so you roll on out of here yeah all right see oh that's cute okay bye [Music] can you can you apply several layers of d-hum to this and ruin the audio completely oh no listen that that buzzing is at a very specific frequency if you cut out that frequency that buzzing goes away but that's the same as my voice did you know that would happen because i didn't how could you [Music] how could you if i'm not actually crying animate like some tears in or if that's too hard just slap me in the face i don't care [Music] i i didn't mean to say your name wrong i just i'm gonna say it's late in the night i've been recording a while i've been saying a lot of words i didn't mean no no please no go back no linxium i mean links in fine they're down the description below i'm sorry this is terrifying i can't imagine sleeping without a door alexia keep the time-lapse going but make it really cool make it like the coolest make it the sweetest time lapse anyone's ever seen make it so unbelievably cool that everyone's gonna watch this video and they're gonna be like whoa that time lapse that time lapse was sick that was like the best time lapse i've ever seen in my life that was just a nuts time lapse from start to finish so um like i don't know more than just like cool music and whatnot make it like uh something that people will really remember forever and i'm done okay that time lapse better have been good [Music] was it good thank you from the previous adventure however i will not let that stop me because i am better than the sum of my parts i'm not entirely sure what that means but as it stands what just listen what can break blocks while i'm inside here what is that now that i've solved that problem now i will embark on an epic quest the likes of which i've never experienced before in the likes of which no one will ever see ever again because i am going to go find a diamond i'm hoping that right now elixion is like playing really epic music and really building this up because it's like a big deal and whatnot yes it's true i go into the depths down below to find that which lies lurking down deep in the darkness blow i may never return i may never want to return after what i see down below but go i must and go i will what happens to me down there in the darkness only the brave and they survive that was pretty cool right that's pretty cool pretty cool i'm good at the talking thing what you do it just collection come on let's do it the things i do for love just this is so weird lexi and i'm not crazy right this is cool right okay cool high five all right cool we're all on the same page he makes games he makes games he makes a game he made me a game did you see that he made me again i gotta get down there but then will i be able to get back up you know that's a problem for future me to solve 12 seconds later put the water [Music] why didn't anyone stop me what i'm actually sad why didn't anyone stop me number one i thought it wasn't high enough to die instantly and number two i thought i could actually do the thing why did no one stop me no one stopped me no one you all just watched you watched as i did that to myself why would you let me do that to myself i don't blame lixian at all i don't blame lixian but why would you all watch me as i do that to myself lexian put me drifting half opacity across the screen in multiple cuts in different angles okay i can you explain that what happened lexie did you see what happened because i did not see what happened please explain explain to me that's my name i'm guessing it must have spawned around the corner and i didn't see it before i died so it's just been a slow night's best slow night hey elixir you scare them scare them i'll go i'm gonna go you you give them a nice spook hey no pressure you got this hey i trust you i trust you i trust you so that was three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scary games you know where to find them lixie and point them in the right direction so right down there in the description thank you thank you lixian thank you so much for helping out you're such a oh you're just so you're so nice ah man i don't want to make you do lots of work you're such you're so great everyone should subscribe to you that's what they should do how long has my door been open back there no no no i i don't go in there it just opens not a joke let's see don't worry it's fine if you you can go you may go thank you how could you let me be that stupid because if you went to new york they danced on two and if you go to puerto rico they could dance on two with a different foot are you sort of like multilingual in dance exactly yeah if i come up with someone and i'm like ah what i don't understand your accent so in new york they'd go quick slow no and so i'll break it down good try wait it's always quick quick slow but it's just when you start let's pause [Music] stay in la learn la style then i'll show you new york are we all fake so it's not so bad for your first try what it is though is that if you're leading you really got to take the lead when you take martians you kind of pause and then you're going to start with a confident first step so that you don't want to just ask them to dance and then just kind of be stepping already oh my god you're going to make extra work for elixion to censor all of that oh my god don't you know i'm a family-friendly channel now i forgot i'm not recording my desktop at the moment uh uh i'll just say the number and then elixir and put it on screen oh so gently just lay it lay it on the screen like a sweet summer's kiss there we go i have 12 billion 567 million 942 696 views as of this word i don't know that's not a word as of that noise that came out of my mouth that's how much i have and that's where i kind of like draw the lines like sure write a wikipedia article about whatever you want but if you're going to write a book and sell it for money don't put emotions in my face don't stuff emotions down my throat that's that's a that's a that's a no no mr walney favorite phrases while vlogging her but either way and well all right then don't call me out like that no hang on like she had stopped putting a point in the technically correct form that no that's not right you forgot about so anyway you can't call me out like this book uh lixian uh figure out some way to wrap this up uh you got this okay you got i'll just i'll be on my phone you figure out how this video ends put like uh you know yeah like this video if you like this video but not me don't take me saying that just you got it [Music] [Music] ah cool good good job lixon you did it i'm proud of you unless you didn't did you uh so in the meantime i'm gonna use my time wisely and i'm going to practice juggling which is um what i've been doing for march dishonest every day i try to get in at least 10 minutes uh yesterday i did not get my practice in so i'm gonna just practice until night here so [Music] omar borken al gala lifestyle full name that's his last name uh ian summerhalter looks familiar he isn't lost right okay let's see just give me some like nice dreams or something give me here's your sweet dreams yeah i sleep with light on whatever it's okay just something nice definitely not horrible nightmares don't do that [Music] of survival on this island the said genius who is me lexian point out who the genius is in this endeavor thanks buddy because i'm a genius who knows no limits right lexian you're here with me too right you and me and you and me and me and you and no one else and you and me what a fun day things were going wrong and the boat definitely isn't still floating out here and i didn't wash up on this island all by myself because i'm just an idiot and preemptively went off the boat [Music] [Laughter] that'd be insane that would probably break someone's mind if that actually was the case which it's not it definitely is not the case no that boat was sinking i saw the smoke coming out of those big tubes up the top of the boat man afternoon already time sure flies when you're having fun right lincoln you uh with all your jokes god you're a silly silly silly silly portuguese man all right yay i did it thanks for the raucous applause there lixian you're always on my side thick and thin that's what you that's what you are thick and thin all i gotta do is make sure we have enough firewood rightly [Music] yeah i agree i agree wholeheartedly with you with what you just said i am smart i am happy i am a good survivor i am so smart and handsome hand hands thank you i know right i really should have won most handsome man before i got trapped on an island that is an injustice that i did not win you're correct okay crab grab you want one lexie oh all for me oh you're so sweet all for me i do have to keep up my incredible muscle mass what was that wait whatever [Music] why can't i wait i can't move what happened what [Music] i did it i did it i i did it i'm a genius i just i need to translate the holy [ __ ] sorry i didn't check my selection oh my god oh my god oh my god all right i asked for this all right here we go i feel like i feel like i'm i i feel like i'm dying lixian were you even able to get any of that [Music] you
Channel: BlackOrWhite?
Views: 325,627
Rating: 4.9146929 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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