3 Peens in a Pod (EP 64)(24 Nov 2020)(Firefighting Simulator/Raft)

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i don't know he did go silently [Music] nothing ever works this is my life there we go nope yep there we go nope yep yep nope yep yep nope so i'm here which is uh new yeah you're back i think i've been out of a month just about yeah yeah how was your trip to um did you go somewhere no no thanks for keeping up with me man it means the world thank you no no i remember you [Laughter] tim if you're watching come on back me up and you uh you wrote you wrote that book you're the magazine you wrote a uh comic book you you made a play you ah you you were flying a plane keep going any of those clothes um all there can i get like hotter or colder everything are you trying to figure are you trying to keep going until you get to what he was doing yeah yeah oh uh uh you were digging your own pool in your backyard uh next to the one you already have uh you were digging a front yard pool um yeah yeah you were you were shaving chica like down to like normal hair length and you were making a dog suit out of the hair you shaved so you could slowly turn yourself into a dog you were painstakingly skinning chica so that she would live but you would get to make a stuffed chica doll out of her skin like i didn't go down to the dermal layer i just or the subdermal layer i just like just the top layer a shell of chica whoa yeah that's man you're so close dogs are like snakes right they grow their skin back yes wait the skins grow their descript the skin's go god damn it whoa the skins grow their snakes back i can't tell if that was on purpose that one was intense the last one was attention snakes shed their skin are you telling me you don't know this well i know they shed their skin but like if you yeah well there's new skin under there the snake is born with like 40 layers of skin and as they age they're just like all right you get rid of that one you know get rid of that one once soon as honest ended i said i said to myself thank god i won't have to deal with someone that can't physically talk and then i come back here and i remember wade [Laughter] i forgot you you forgot me we're even that's fair uh last weekend that's right uh well the unit's honest is over are you sad oh you're just yeah i'm devastated crying every day yep just weeping openly that's pretty rude i'm kind of upset about it well i mean i said i was crying weeping how am i gonna see you and ethan hurt each other here on out when am i gonna get to see my daily dose of is ethan gonna get kicked in the nuts really hard yeah that didn't happen nearly as much as it probably should have it happened enough for me to be pretty happy [Laughter] i'll just just throw that out there i guess a quick question what was the most painful thing you guys did either emotionally or physically the perfect painful video pepper spray spray horrific my god like it looks awful so edited down like i i've had a lot of painful things that was a pretty much the closest i've been to being like i don't know if i'm gonna be okay after this yeah exactly just being like because you once it peaks and then it keeps you think it peaks every every second longer you think it peaked and then it keeps going hotter and it's just like that stuff was agony that stuff sucked that stuff was awful wouldn't recommend it if you had a choice that's scary because that's actually something that happens to a lot of people probably yeah well this stuff specifically though it was a circumstance where it probably like we got a direct hit with very sticky stuff that's used for like riots i mean i'm not saying that people getting pepper sprayed out in public aren't having a hell of a horrible time because they absolutely are if you get pepper sprayed no matter what circumstances it sucks uh but this stuff was like it's meant to hit you and stay on you and and it's just like it just bakes into your skin i was when we went home that day and took showers we had to take cold showers because if we took any sort of warm shower even like lukewarm it would reactivate it and start burning immediately again and uh like that was hours after the fact after we had watched watched i don't i don't know it was a while ago but weren't you guys like open eyes like face towards the nozzle closed eyes basically taking a deep breath yeah and especially you would like you know see the pepper spray and be like ah and cover yourself and try and get away no you you couldn't not breathe it in and that was the hardest part because you had to breathe obviously but every breath carried in pepper spray so your body rejects the breath so your body's just like so you spasm and that's why we our stomachs filled up with so much air is because we literally every breath was like trying to force it down the lungs it would burn in the lungs you would have to get it out and then take another breath right away that's why he was like in through the nose out through the mouth because the nose like could acts as a filter of that at least a little bit more than the mouth which is just direct into the lungs so yeah that's an image of a mark like out on the street and there's like some some criminal someone who's just robbed a bank or something's like running on the street he gets tackled by cops and gets pepper sprayed and the criminal's like oh god oh no and mark is just like baby and no one notices it's just marking us but i look at him in the face and i'm like man that's [ __ ] up [ __ ] up yeah man it's some weird [ __ ] man yeah yeah that's all it goes it's over now you never have to do that again no well hopefully you never know the future i probably i i won't say for certain that i won't be a pepper afraid again in the future i hope that i'm not but maybe in 10 years you guys will have like an unes honest reunion before you go through and you just do the highlights of unis honest where you have to like eat with sex toys while being pepper sprayed and i don't know what's the other worst thing you did while swimming in the open ocean yeah yeah you got them all okay there you go you're being pepper sprayed while swimming in the open ocean god that combination of life yeah i would drown you would drown because you literally couldn't breathe there's no way you'd be able to keep yourself above water oh my god that would be hell oh that's a really convoluted way to kill someone that's how i do it i don't know maybe [Music] i see that's very good that's very good yeah but now it's all over i'm free it is good uh it's good to be free good to have free time good to be back everyone in my chat is saying p sauna i don't know what that is that one didn't see that bad that doesn't seem that bad i'm gonna be honest imagine bathing imagine taking a shower and all the steam is piss you know what i'm taking a shower sure you guys did that oh yeah we put it no we did that we boiled pee and put it into a little box that was like a portable sauna it didn't seem that bad did you not watch man no intellectual did you actually not watch you dishonest wade i really did not watch it i love you guys to death but it's not my uh my cup of tea as far as typical content i consider that's fair that's right that's fine people summon on mobile games man i don't watch people bathe that wasn't every video bathing in p is really not accurate it's more like steeping in the essence of p really soaks into the skin gets into the dermal layers you know what i mean yeah it didn't seem that bad it didn't seem that bad it wasn't like hell it was not like being pepper sprayed like if so like it's at the end of the day it's piss and it's awful but it's just like it's not like does it permanent dance sanitary it's like double sanitary yeah this is sanitary or sedentary sanitary sanitary okay sometimes i think he says anyway i mean he is probably also sedentary given its inanimate nature but yeah true yeah you're right you're right so how many years of your life do you think you've lost other than the one obviously that you lived from doing unisonist how much damage i mean not from the videos from the sleep just the sheer lack of sleep like just to be serious about it every day yeah i guess every day doing something as complex as you guys did sometimes it was literally the lack of sleep throughout the entire period of undishonest i was probably averaging about five hours of sleep um every night i learned to love naps towards the end of it i really did i started to take naps and i'm like this is game changer just 20 minute naps really really saved my ass like uh because i you know we we would upload the same day uh not to make this like a talking about doing songs podcast but just like we would upload the same day every morning like the editor would get the video in like late last late the night before or the morning of and we would get it up and do a thumbnail so every morning we'd wake up be like okay who's got the upload today like who's getting the thumbnail do we need to pick it up do we need to give notes they get it up by noon then like three to four days out of the week was filming um so that's three to four days where we've got a four to four hour block in each day trying to film i would be the one dumping the footage you know you know amy and i and ethan would come up with ideas plan you know it's it was a full-time job and i was already doing youtube so i was like there were days where you guys had to film multiple days worth of awful things at once oh you can tell in some of the videos which ones are back to back because the the last the last one that gets filmed the energy and the vibe is just different yeah yeah you know pepper spray tell me that was the last time oh no that was like a late night that was a one-off yeah that was one that was only one day they looked like they might still die at the at the end of the pepper spray i'll say this you could tell you cut out a huge chunk of recovery you look the worst after the 40 minutes or whatever you cut out of trying to recover from the pepper spray when you did the quick little outro your entire faces and necks were like bright red yeah you look like you were just in just as much agony and you were like let's just do it [ __ ] let's get out of here yeah dude that's what 40 minutes of adrenal adrenaline will make you feel like because it's just pure survival response the whole time and you're just like i'm gonna die i'm gonna die and then you you come out of it and you're just like i want to lay down i think the whole next day i was out of commission like from that film um just from the sheer like burden that it took to get through that but now it's over hello when the songs is over hasta la vista it's all right it's on this podcast everybody it's all right yeah yeah i'm just really curious i mean that's that's a big deal well i mean watch it wait yeah you ever see a thumbnail or something and be like i mean i saw a couple of episodes i watched the uh like i said the sex toy one where you guys were eating and [ __ ] the dude that was the most genuine moment the third episode i saw that one i watched part of like the last one the sleepover like i saw like i just you watched the first and the last one and said like yeah you don't know the joy of rhyming ethan god yeah did some of the funniest [ __ ] more than that i watched that video expecting to hate it and like until that started i was kind of watching it like okay okay it was fun and then he started rhyming and i was just like what the [ __ ] you talking about the hooked on phonics video no what do you the mark or ethan kidnaps mark video oh right yeah oh my gosh god yeah that video goes to the east you must go onward my foe you gotta find some hair in there and that's where the clue will be in there it's like oh god it's so funny oh it's cranking now riddle ethan really really got funny towards the end there so funny it was so great because it's just like showcases ethan's adhd because he and amy both built that course and he doesn't [ __ ] know remember the bit of the video is they had done one where mark kidnapped ethan and did they did a whole bit so ethan kidnapped market it was meant to be kind of like almost like saw not really but like mark was tied to a chair there was a series of clues that led mark to a an ultimate conclusion and so i'm assuming like ethan and amy set that up and like five minutes later they put you in the chair and started recording like it's it was set up and recorded you know in a relatively short front time frame and during the video ethan is like yeah go to the uh bathroom and mark like wanders over to the closest bathroom there's a and he's like okay there's something in here is like wait wait which bat uh which bathroom are you in no no and like ethan can't [ __ ] remember the thing that he's planned for mark the whole bit of the entire video he said can't remember for half an hour can i dunk on ethan just real quick uh because you know ethan great great you you guys have met ethan right sure yeah you guys have met him right so this is afternoon sauce i go hang out with tyler um because i haven't seen him in ages because i was working on new songs uh so i go hang out with him and i forget what we were talking about but it got to the point where a math equation came up right and it was something not too complicated but it was like five times six or five thousand times six or something like that and i was like oh yeah that's right and then tyler beat me to the answer and i stopped because for a full year i've been dealing with ethan's terrible math abilities wayne you missed the video where we made ethan take an elementary math test that was so funny he got he got an a d-minus and it took him nine minutes to do a hundred like six by seven math equations you know like times tables despair that grew over ethan's face basic like additions yeah it was multiple elementary school it was multiplication like six times seven you know stuff like that nine times nine okay uh it took him nine minutes to get through that thing and he got like he got i think he got a 70 out of a hundred and just when tyler got that got there before me on a math i almost cried i looked at him and i stopped talking i'm like oh my god someone can actually do things in life that you missed it really is it really is i almost cried i literally because he looked at me so funny he was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i was like you don't understand what it's like being around someone with a brain like please like my god so yeah uh dunk underneath it a bit that guy can't math i think he's come to terms with it but that specific video was so funny oh my gosh so what did the math what did math have to do with them kidnapping you i guess i missed the point those are unrelated videos general general ethan's brain movie yeah he has some his left left side right side brain communication is tarnished at some point and they don't talk to each other they talk over each other so uh yeah gotcha i'm so mean to ethan what do you mean did you see the video he cannot math that's a fact watch it let's watch it together right now so we can yeah let's go yeah pull it up hold up all right hang on you know what's out there cause hey mark i don't know if you've heard oh what mark i don't know if you know this i don't want to upset you do you know do you know that there are channels reposting all the goodness on us have you seen mark have you seen it because holy [ __ ] i people won't stop dming me about it and i'm not connected to uniconus yeah we're working on it apparently it's a legal process which takes time for some reason anyway appreciate the concern yeah but yeah you should look into that i don't know if you know about that yeah weird i can't find the video i don't know no it's weird well everyone who's saying i'm being mean to ethan ask ethan to do a simple math equation next time he's streaming just spam chat with simple math equations like do six times nine oh that's the meanest [ __ ] times eleven give him 11. he's good at 11's give him the 100 [Laughter] [Music] i feel bad but i also don't feel that bad like uh like he could work on that that's a skill he could build multiplication is a skill you can build you can get better at it you learn those times table i was always really good at math but i've not tried doing something like that you're so long you'd be better than him oh no ethan's streaming right now mark what have you done oh no i'm sorry i have not at all actually so okay well good yeah we don't we don't need to talk about unis honest the whole time right right okay next topic i appreciate it i appreciate it but okay wait so i do have to ask this well let this will be the closure on unisonness because i can't stop thinking about it a little bit um did you watch the end of the livestream did you watch that i did watch the i did like the last hour so you witnessed what like the most perfect possible outcome that could have happened and also i'm curious mark did you see the live stream because you were on it i didn't did you actually get to see how it looked no oh it's happening ethan's chat is all multiplication mark that's really mean i feel bad i didn't know he was streaming right now he's got he's opening pokemon cards and his chat is just people challenging him to multiply numbers together oh god you gotta at least give him some subs with that you can't just challenge him with multiplication tables but anyway i just wanted to check in on that so wait did you enjoy the end of yeah i'm not sure what the perfect part you're talking about is when the screen went black oh yeah yeah yeah no i did witness that yeah the timing and everything else on that was perfect yeah but uh you know i thought it was very thoughtful um it was funny watching the last hour because i can tell how tired you were mark like ethan was in that it was like the end of the tour where you could see how tired we all were but like the very last show were all like all we wanted to talk about was how much we liked it and how we were sad it was ending like ethan just kind of kept going on like every few minutes about like how it was like he's like six minutes oh man i'm gonna miss this this is a fun and then like three minutes and then he kind of go on like a repeat spiel that's kind of how we were at the tour and uh you were the same way you were very thoughtful but you looked so tired by the end of that stream you looked so tired i actually wasn't i wasn't really that tired no no i was satisfied i was content uh maybe that's what it was it was contentment it looked like no i mean like i honestly it might have been just like this kind of like relaxation uh that's all i felt i was not intense or nervous towards the end because like i told a lot of people when i went into that stream like when i drove there i was so happy when i drove away so happy like uh just because i was just it was exactly what i wanted it to be it was exactly what i wanted it to be just you guys watch some you guys watch some clips and watch the videos i watched i saw i guess i saw some of the ones you guys re-watched live so i saw some of that um but i thought the way the stream went at least i only watched like the last hour so because i i streamed or did something earlier that day but i mean it went really smoothly i thought that it was really thoughtful the way you guys did it i thought it was nice having that you guys had a ton of people it's like 1.5 million people there or something crazy yeah everyone was super engaged uh you guys talked about the high points the low points people were really really i got a lot of really insightful comments about like your guys approach to life and death just based on that stream alone much less the whole channel and just how people felt a lot better just facing their own mortality from how you guys talked about it something but there was a just a lot of great things about it but yeah no the very ending the way that the timing worked out because i didn't know what would happen i don't know if anyone knew what would happen just trying to delete a channel while live but yeah the the freeze frame that happened right before it went black and everything i actually almost went live after you guys ended because i had one of your videos up and i could still play it after you deleted it but it no longer exists i was like that's kind of a dick move something like that yeah kind of yeah yeah i didn't do it i just had the thought that i could yeah yeah but no you like the moment you guys clicked there i think you had amy click the moment she clicked it was just like bam uh we were gonna she didn't want to so we kind of all clicked we all had our hands on the the okay it was hard to see because you guys had the like was a laptop so yeah we couldn't really see your hands but yeah it was good we we had them like i mean i told them beforehand like when the clock hits zero just cut to black anyway but it was like because we figured there would be a little lag before it would actually go through so we were just like but it actually turns out it was like i think it was eight seconds is how long it took to delete the channel like you from button click to processing to deletion it was about eight seconds yeah wasn't more than i can't remember well whoever cut the black for you guys or whatever like that was also perfectly timed then because it was like just it was it was beautiful and and it was i like like from the very beginning of unison's like i knew that it was all going to come down to the last day the last like second like the last moment when people you know that little moment when your heart goes like but wait and then it's over like uh that's all beautiful anyway chef's kiss or a really smacky smacky mouth just a quick just a that's all it is it was pretty moist it was kind of a peck kind of like a first kiss when you're like awkwardly like afraid to see how they'll respond to it but you think they'll be okay with it it's like a it's like a kiss where you clack your teeth together a little and you're like oh and then it's over like you know you're you know it's done from that moment that's more like whenever like your aunt visits and she wants to give you a big wet kiss you're like i don't really want to but like if i don't mom will be mad at me so she's going to die immediately after this so i might as well oh there she goes what the hell so dishonest you know the kiss and then the death that's how it goes come on all right let's go to one of our prepared topics mark oh yeah well actually i want to talk to you about bone broth bone broth bone broth yeah bro bone broth you guys ever tried bone broth i mean i know of it is it is it a thing you cook with or a thing you eat as is it's kind of a thing you eat as is so i i literally like this is something i i started experimenting with yesterday um because like i don't know bone broth like but i i was i've been training a lot and my knees hurt so i was looking up and it's like okay get more collagen how do you get more collagen um like uh you either take supplement pills or you drink but you either supplement pills eat chicken's feet literally eat chicken's feet or bone broth soup which i was like of those three i think i'll take the bone broth uh so i went out i got a whole bunch of different types of bone broth um and i like like i drank some and it's like it's like drinking straight chicken stock except a little more gelatinous it's okay it's fine but then i started looking up and there's apparently an enormous amount of people that swear by bone broth it's the miracle thing that will like change your life cure your a it's anti-aging anti-everything and i had never [ __ ] heard of a word of this at all but like people swear by it they do bone broth diets liquid only bone broth diets they do keto with bone broth but also there's a subset that say bone broth will kill you because when you boil bones for that long it'll leach lead from the bones into the broth and then you'll drink more lead but then there's other articles that are like oh it's not as much lead as like what is safe but then other people are like well what how do we know it's actually safe like and i'm a big proponent of like the whole lead that was in the early 1900s to mid 1900s i think that [ __ ] up with a whole generation like you know cars used to just lead gas you know lead [ __ ] with the brain i think like that's a big problem um so who really knows what's so like literally me yesterday i went from my knee hurt i'll go get some soup to me being like embedded into the conspiracy of bone broth and lead poisoning across the world that's just where i went 24 hours ago so what are your thoughts on bone broth well it's interesting because like bone marrow is like something a lot of like animals and stuff go for right like marrow is apparently very like it's delicious yeah have you ever had a beef marrow a merrell bone i have not no i'm not yeah but like i didn't realize there was lead in bones first of all which i i just don't know much about anatomy and all that stuff i guess but um the my only ever experience of hearing bone broth is i swear to god one of the video games the survival games i've played bone broth is like a go-to recipe especially early on i can't remember which one that was the only time i'd ever even heard bone broth butters same with me yesterday i was ignorant to the world of bone broth but as soon as i bought it i did one google search after i came back already and then it's just like article after article after article and i'm wondering what other things are so you only hear about them but then deeper and deeper you go it's like there's so many layers i don't i just found something that makes me the negative was a big negative to my opinion of the bone broth community what was reading this article uh by dr thomas volk whatever yeah yeah yeah it's about bone broth how much could you consume you got to the section entitled how to consume bone broth uh drinking it is the most common way uh but there are other ways for example you can and quote you can easily mix it into your favorite hot or cold beverage including coffee smoothies or tea and so you drink it as long as you don't inject it i'm good i don't want chicken coffee i don't like coffee that much to begin with i only have coffee on rare occasions but that sounds horrific there's also articles of people that are like i replaced my morning cup of coffee with a cup of bone broth and i feel so much more energized i'm like what what kind of animal do you get the bone broth is like chicken chicken chicken or cow like that's the common one human human basically anymore bone broth would give you that person's knowledge and experience that is true become multiple people made into a soup or like tax nerd when i died now i want someone to drink my bone broth that they could do that all happen they make a soup out of your meat bone broth out of your bones bone broth is made by boiling bones for like 24 hours with a a slightly acidic or a slightly basic uh water i can't remember which one it is you just add a little acid or vinegar to the water and uh it leads to that bleaches the collagen and stuff and minerals out of the bones and stuff right it needs to break down the collagen which takes a long time to do um but that's that's what you get i also didn't know that collagen was the most abundant protein in the body i had no idea about that like boy bone water gamer boy yeah we're gonna sell bone water [Laughter] that's perfect yeah guys we got our next business strategy we can only make it once but we'll make a good one yeah anyway i look i i don't know it's it's weird my my knee doesn't really feel any better broth that you drink i drink like two cups that's not enough you're alive pill though yeah pure not not lead poisoned yet this says uh to help repair muscle tissue uh support uh satiety which i'm assuming is being satiated yes and reduced levels of ghrelin which doesn't sound like a real word g-h-r-e-l-i-n you're gonna lower your ghrelin uh you should drink four to six cups a day or as much as you could fit down your gullet that's as much water as you're supposed to have a day what yeah well if you want the benefits mark you got to commit to the broth what does that even mean four to six years a quart and a half of bone broth yeah all right if you just put it all into one uh you know like 64-ounce uh growler fill one 64-ounce growler clean canteen fill that and finish that by the end of the day then you'll meet your quota and you'll have something and i got like a nice light drink you can replace your water with your growler of bone broth yeah and you'll be hydrating and supporting a muscle repair and reducing your grilling you're grilling your grill what's my ghrelin i gotta google what ghrelin is i wonder what ghrelin is that's great oh according to drax.com ghrelin is the hunger hormone oh that's something just saying you'll be less hungry if you consume it well if you're if you're literally physically incapable of putting more things in your body because you've drank six cups of bone broth you're probably not hungry yeah yeah you're grilling that's why the fries are gonna say they need a snack in 10 years in the future when all food is in pale and gelatin form zoomers on whatever tick tock is in a decade we'll just be like oh i'm growing like fellaini i'm just growing some wonderful pills dad oh my god that's so beautiful oh crawling like a film it's not gonna be zoomers at that point it'll be like gloomers or something after that like the next generation beyond that from the jelly commercials you guys remember right yeah you're gelling with grilling i don't have no idea what jalen is i'm feeling like a felon like a felon was like a big thing i think it was like i don't even know what jellon was i don't remember but it's uh it was dr scholes you're yelling with dr schultz right that's it yeah gelling like you're feeling your feet good yeah jalen i'm growing like a felon like a fella dad i'm grilling like a felony space cow roasts gonna be ready i'm growling like a felon over here get it because it's the future so space stuff oh it's probably way more economical to raise cows in space i'm just saying i found side effects of bone broth here the longer you simmer bone broth the more problematic it could become for those who have histamine intolerance some people can tolerate bones simmered for less time or in small amounts symptoms can include fatigue brain fog nausea headaches and digestive distress got any brain frog mark you know brain feeling foggy yeah man you know is it not enough broth or too much broth where am i at where's my ghrelin but how's your brain gonna respect the ghrelin how long did you simmer did you over simmer i didn't even simmer i didn't make it i didn't watch my bone broth being simmered oh oh no they probably over simmered that bro you're right man bro bro my broth anyway yeah so this is this is where i've been the past 24 hours this is a strange path to go on and not what i expected but i am fascinated nonetheless so you've inspired me mark i actually have the next topic oh very interesting yeah yes but if you have any more bone broth tidbits no i was going to go on a little i was going to go on a lead tangent but i could do that it's one of my it's one of mark's conspiracy theories so yeah oh no i want to hear mark's get seriously theory about lead yeah okay all right so it was what i was talking about like you know earlier in the early 1900s lead was not very controlled obviously with lead pain lead and gasoline lead got everywhere lead literally got everywhere if you analyze the like soil samples like you take a core sample of the soil you can see just lines of lead where lead is deposited and dispersed over time lead is very bad for the brain it breaks down like uh i i forget what the exact mechanism but lead and brain no good uh an entire huge gap of time like 50-year span we as humans were exposed to greater levels of lead which leads to later in life cognitive deficiencies and like increased like risk of uh neurological dysfunction and stuff like that uh like and especially with developmental things like it and one of the most common attributes for lead that i read and you know i'm paraphrasing and obviously recalling from memory here but it's like increased uh like aggression like uh inability to like trust and like uh kind of like the societal mechanisms for humanity kind of break down because of it it makes you more paranoid and stuff like that um and so like i think what what if what if that's what the [ __ ] is wrong with boomers because no come on hang on come on don't laugh no i'm serious about this i'm serious i have this i thought you were alluding to that but i didn't think you would just deliver it like that too personally i'm dead serious and that's why lead is in bones more than it would be because because it's literally in the soil when it when it wet everywhere lead got into literally everything so it's in the it led when you your body processes it deposits in the bones uh later later on and so like like cows just like they eat the grass they they got more lead than they used to but i'm like is is this something that can be overlooked and i have no evidence to base it on besides anecdotally there was a lot more lead there and lead ain't good for the brain though those two plus two equals maybe maybe something's really wrong what you're saying is it's a fact we're saying is you've thought this out once so it's essentially a proven fact yeah and you figured out what's wrong with people yeah i mean i like anecdotally that describes pretty well like what's going wrong with society these days no one trusts anyone no one trusts anything everyone is suspicious of each other unless you're in like the same you know tribe group of however you're dividing things politically or otherwise like two sure i have no i have no knowledge or reasoning to counter your argument good sir sure accept your conclusion thank you and i'm sure there are some scientists out there that heads are exploding right now because they're like oh just to dive in a little deeper with the lead and what's wrong with boomers say it out loud yeah okay uh-huh so the the premise to this or the the preface to this was that at one point there was a lot of lead spread just like everywhere like what happened with the cause led to get into everything basically industry right like mark was saying lead was used as in paint it was used in gasoline it was used in makeup products it was used in industry freely unregulated on on uh uncontrolled so like it was dispersed in smoke clouds from factories lead was aerosolized in particulate form and then settled onto you know dirt and farms when did food happening uh post uh well i don't even know actually i i looked at world war ii i i looked this up it was much later than uh people thought 1978 was when it was banned 1978. i was still affected by the are we left i mean so it's everywhere yeah like yeah it stopped in 78 and it stopped like everything all the like that's when regulations started and then obviously like people have time to meet those regulations so i think like actually uh preventing more lead from being added to the environment or using product probably took like another five years after that took place so at at me at most like around 83-84 was probably when people really stopped putting lead into stuff um but i was born in 89 that was five years before i was born that lead got stopped not that long ago huh well he's saying seventy plus five plus five or six who would enact the rules and stuff yeah so like how many generations after us are going to be uh untrusting and evil i'm not saying that that's what it is the cause but my untrusting brain tells me that how long do i have until my bones start breaking down releasing excess lead into my body it deteriorates get this like analyzer we'll stick it a a probe in in in each socket and then you'll you'll measure your ghrelin levels and then we'll know what are my sockets you know what your sockets are we're gonna put them in should avoid anyone before them's bone broth is what you're saying exactly now you're grilling like oh god look i got future dystopian society divided by your level of exposure to lead yeah yeah i'm really grilling for some bone broth this is i get to live on the surface if i drink too much bone broth no matter how much i grew i'm gonna be demoted guys this is not a science podcast there are real scientists that we trust that that absolutely know what they're talking about like we are idiots don't trust anything we say mark is speaking for himself this is a thoroughly vetted scientific this is practically an academic journal we don't just let any random knowledge or conspiracy theory wander across this podcast this is the truth and that's what the podcast will be named henceforth the truth podcast you know you will get only the best juiciest most cinematic facts available yes exactly i agree so we've already got four lawsuits coming in uh from who big lead big lead is really upset the lead barons are coming through this is a bunch of paranoid boomers like these guys are onto us they know about the land oh i should do aggressive things together what's happening so it's all happening yeah good someone needs to compile all of my not hot takes but just weird all of your scientific findings all of my scientific findings i just love the connections your brain makes it's fascinating to me yeah well you know you're probably because i'm a low-lead kind of guy i can make these connections well you were until you started the bone broth you're right yeah now i'm gonna be well if my if my behavior changes radically and i go on some kind of like youtube chaotic like uh psychotic break you'll know that it was the lead i think every like year and a half your youtube behavior does change like your focus changes pretty like you you go on like um like series of things that you're really interested in like you're on music for a while um you're doing a lot of uh like um like vloggy style content for a while with like all the i don't know um so i'm trying to say maybe either your lead in intake has either dramatically dramatically increased that's a scientific word for as you don't know uh over the course of your your career or it's decreased and i'm not sure which but now that you're back on the bone broth i guess we'll see maybe you'll go back to doing like just horror games and like compilations soon maybe maybe like refresh history will repeat itself you'll start over like amnesia's out again maybe this is the restart the reboot to the markiplier brand got it i'm so mad it's speaking of him i know sorry but real quick amnesia i soft locked my game i literally cannot progress there's no start from checkpoint option and it's saved when i exited uh literally an item i needed to progress when i i got killed by monster and then i came back and then it was gone just it's just literally gone i can't go back i can't reset it's gone and like i can't move forward anymore it's very strange how far in are you how many hours like this was gonna be part five i was just gonna play to the end so but like i don't know i'm probably like six hours in so restarting yeah yeah yeah that's gonna be a lot to do that sucks yeah sucks have you seen if anybody else had like sometimes people will share like links to game files well i didn't want to i didn't want to look up anything but there might be game files i gotta i gotta i gotta i was gonna reach out to them on twitter to see if they could help me um but yeah so uh yeah that's true that's true frictional if this ever gets to anybody working uh there's a soft lock problem in that room with the dude in the coffin and there's that item in the other room that is the power projector thing the triangle i lost the triangle after i got killed they didn't but uh whatever you know wow that's awkward so so one of the weird boomers are there lead drinkers lead boomers yeah is that the symbol for lead pb i think so yeah i got some real pb heads over there yeah i think it is pb head pb head all right bob you had a real topic to talk about besides my lead tangent it's way less impressive now but it's it's in terms of things that we have gotten into that are weird mine's on a conspiracy theory but have you guys seen the youtube channel uh for the cerro goro cerro gordon ghost town sarah sarah gordo gordo ghostbusters scene typically my answer is going to be no there's this guy who is an interesting dude um he and his buddy went in and basically pulled their money and bought a mining ghost town in eastern california like east of l.a ghost town living is that the channel yeah ghost town living that's him he lives basically he lives by himself in this mining town that has been abandoned for like a century um that it it has it's where some insane amount like billions or maybe trillions of dollars worth of silver came out of this mining town it's like one of the main mines for silver in the united states been abandoned he lives here by himself he's trying to restore it into like a a an airbnb like escape sort of place like a hotel you know where you book it you come up it's in the it's in the mountains it overlooks death valley it's insane and he he just lives he has people come and help him with like construction he has dudes come help him work the lift that goes down into the mind the lift still actually works but he's a crazy person he does things like there's a video of him spending overnight down i think it was on the 700 level like some hundreds of feet down in the mine where he to to operate the mine lift you need a team of guys certified lift operators they came in the evening they put him down there and then you have to store the lift up top because if anything happens then you can fix it it doesn't get stuck and like ruin the shaft so he was literally in the mine by himself with bottles of whiskey and you know a flashlight he forgot his sleeping bag because he's insane but he was he spent the night in in the mine in the middle of winter it gets very cold drunk terrified of bats biting him in his sleep but he just does this he lives alone in a ghost town and he's the craziest dude and it's fascinating to watch this weird dude like he's he's interesting and weird is kind of cruel i'm not judging but he's like a kind of a weird kind of an un uh you know anti counterculture kind of dude living by himself no running water restoring this town there was a hotel there that burnt down somehow when it was just him i don't he it was electrical who knows it's a fascinating youtube channel and all the videos are weird some of them seem like he might die because he goes and explores minds by himself or with a buddy where things like him laying on his back in a space that's exactly as wide as the width of his chest is trying to squeeze in and then it starts to collapse and his buddy's like you better go it's going and they're just like climbing through these mines and like i don't there's not much to talk about because you guys haven't seen it but you should watch ghost town living it's a fascinating youtube channel run by an interesting dude that does some crazy [ __ ] it's also beautiful it's literally like on the top of of some mountains it overlooks death valley in one direction it's super isolated very cool you know how much does it cost to buy a ghost town i don't actually know probably not as much as you think yeah i can't imagine my first videos i spent my life savings on an abandoned ghost which because life savings could be known for our generation it could be 20 bucks yeah yeah i mean i don't know how much that was i'm sure it was a lot of money for him at the time but it can't poss for how the the condition of the town it can't possibly be that much if he's hiring cruz like you said i mean he still has to have money somewhere in order to get this [ __ ] done and they have a um they have a they have uh like a kickstarter so he has funding for some of the because well so they had this historic hotel and he was going to just restore the hotel but it burnt down it was completely destroyed so they have like a kickstarter that did really well so he has funding for the construction to build to rebuild the hotel um but yeah i don't i don't know exactly how he gets money for everything that they do i don't know what he i guess it's youtube sustains him maybe or partially i think he has a day job i think he talks in some of the videos about he he also has a day job he's like an editor so you know he works remotely he he just like reads text files and does like whatever an editor does so he doesn't he he has some sort of income also they have like a drone deliver footage to him there's no way he has internet or searching like he has a hot spot he has like a satellite hotspot that he uses yeah so he is super slow super crappy satellite uh internet but yeah fair fair it's fascinating it's stupid like every video even the ones that look really dull it gets to a point where you're like wow what the hell this is your life what the hell what do you this is crazy what are you doing well you started well-renowned hostels before oh i didn't know this dude had like a it's got investors i didn't know that oh interesting my chat's out here finding and finding the dirt i think it cost a couple million to buy the town he's backed by investors because apparently this dude is has a reputation for founding other successful hostile accommodations okay interesting well i mean then i could definitely see why he would want to transform this because build up the story first and get people interested in the place and then make it an airbnb or something like that or some kind of like a hotel thing then the legend is there and people all want to see the uh haunted mine so yeah but no either way i could see like this is this this would be right up my alley i would love to watch this kind of stuff just because like i love i don't even care if something's fake if it's got like mystery and like some some spooky [ __ ] going on like i'm i'm automatically invested like i love that kind of stuff i'm not a big scary movie kind of guy but i i love like real quote-unquote real horror kind of things like i love that stuff it's my favorite no i find that so fascinating anyway no it's no conspiracy theory but five million dollars worth of minerals were mined from uh this area apparently yeah yeah it was an insane source of silver uh and other minerals but primarily silver you know they probably missed some somewhere definitely yeah you want to go down there go get it is he willing to can we move in can he nine months three new [ __ ] moved in this next video oh god i'm just gonna say this i don't think our personalities collectively would mesh very well just predicting what do you mean what do you mean you don't think we'd survive a ghost town together i don't think we would survive if we had to use a paper map and a stack of cash for a week to not die i think as a group we three collectively lack some life skills that some lead adult boomer might mock us relentlessly for the for not having someone just commented on my thing you guys need a podcast what an idea what are we doing right now i don't know um playing games yeah yeah staying in our lane shutting down down [Music] sucking this looking possible sweet lead bro you wanna you wanna drink some plum bum i've got nine gallons of lead-based paint we're gonna make some bone broth gonna mix some lead-based paint with some human bones yeah man oh yeah i forgot that the name of lead is plumbum because that's where the name for plumbing comes from yeah that's why it's called plumbing um this is where it led to all of our problems last year that's a lead fund you probably have pvc in galvanized pipe though let's be honest it definitely is our house was built in like the 80s or 90s so yeah there's no ipvc what you're doing oh mark your turn for a pun come on mark fix the plumbing punch we'll let you pass i guess i never mind i was going to try something there but it didn't work yeah i don't even see where you were going with that to let you know to let you have your way toy lit oh toilette oh yeah it was it was like i was gonna i want to let you like i want toilet you finish i don't know is it game time video games o'clock anyone got any more news breaking news my gem gem of a topic i'm sure computer theory all right do you want to talk about it man are you okay i'm all right okay i realize the way i said that made it sound like i'm not it's been 2020 has continued to be a tough year and um this is thanksgiving week which is not everyone's favorite holiday for obvious reasons as to what the point of it was but i do like the food on thanksgiving it's probably my favorite food holiday but uh with obviously the pandemic and everything going on my mom has uh covered so we're not gonna be able to see or do anything so just a um it's a mentally challenging week for me and on top of that somehow i don't think i've gained weight this year but i did manage to break our couch this week those probably aren't connected yeah yeah yeah just uh one of those one of those challenging weeks so for everybody out there that's unable to do what you want to do this week i i understand i'm with you there hang in we will survive the rest of this year and hopefully either the world ends or next year's a better year those are the two options the only thing i'm gonna quote you on that that's gonna be my twitter bio from now on everybody in the world bone broth we'll celebrate the new year here in just a month and a week you know if you instead of putting the turkey in the oven if you put it in a pot actually take all the meat off put the bones in a pot best thanksgiving meal you'll ever have you take the cranberry sauce you don't even need the part i was just gonna say the same thing you are already on the the the ghrelin wavelength my friend dude we're growing our brains are growling yeah yeah man we are but the bones are not grilling you have to boil those things yeah no you gotta boil them for a long time don't over simmer oddly enough light simmer you want to make sure you're getting the collagen out but not all that plumbum yeah obviously oddly enough pee is the perfect acid to leach out the collagen it's just acidic enough you pee in the pot you boil it you get the great flavor in there you know i'm talking about plus all the skin benefits that you guys discovered on that now defunct youtube channel exactly all right let's play games you guys want to take quick five and then play games sure okay fast five the movie that's not the best vibe of the movie no i love that regular [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey hello how are all of you uh yeah oh man oh the flashbacks [Music] it's dead [Music] dead never again actually that music doesn't even count anymore dead very very dead gone like a fart in the wind actually pretty much exactly like a fart in the wind if ever there was a description of unisonness i was gonna stick it's probably farting the wind that's that's pretty much what it is yeah anyway um it lives in your memories or whatever or something like that something profound let's see if the guys are back hello hello i guess not okay all right they're not back okay so uh if you didn't pay attention to anything i was talking about before um i drank some bone broth and it sent me down quite the rabbit hole of uh various different things yeah mostly about lead yeah lead um thank you so much for joining us for yet another uh three peens in a pod podcast here with bob and wade uh playing some super sweet games pretty i don't soon that now that was over i don't know if i'm going to be streaming more on twitch i want to i miss streaming there's something very peaceful about streaming but also like uh with all the stuff that i want to do like streaming streaming such a time sync is the thing streaming is just like an investment of time and kudos to all the people that do it full-time because i i can't imagine that like it's it's probably very like it's not easy i'm not gonna say it's easy because nothing that involves making anything or working is is going to be easy um but it like i feel like it would get monotonous after a while uh not to say like the grind is definitely real when it comes down to streaming um and not not that it's too much different from doing the youtube grind but youtube at least it feels like you're doing a bunch of different things like uh with streaming like being always uh always live and always like trying to find something else to happen live is is is a challenge it is a challenge like i know i'm decent at it but you know just doing that every day six days a week too some people have we ever talked about that like six days a week some people stream like 10 hours a day six days a week which is 60 hours i'm not saying the workload itself because i like i work about that much anyway probably actually a little more when unisonness is going on um but just like the sheer volume sheer volume is nuts so kudos to all the streamers out there i'm breathtaking thank you no you no you're the you yeah oh yeah some people some people do crazy amounts of streaming like very very very impressive with what people do uh but as far as i i i go uh you know you know i i enjoy streaming because it's uh kind of a break it's a change it's a it's a difference um between doing the youtube stuff which is just like video video video um trying to do like different experiments and stuff like that but uh when it comes down to streaming yeah it's it's kind of fun if you just take it real nice and chill uh oh yeah a green giant yeah what the hell is that about they actually responded and now i swear i swear they're gonna be like uh i swear they're gonna be like oh look at this cutesy it's they're good as promotion this little youtuber here and if they send me oh if they send me just a box of green beans there's gonna be two canned vegetable companies that are going to be dead six feet under they're grell and ain't gonna be gelling anymore if you know what i'm talking about so uh but i'm hoping i'm hoping what will happen is they let me make a green giant commercial that they actually run they like even if it's not on tv or anything they should just run it on youtube as youtube ads and it's just like me being like what is it green giant green green giant green giant the kind of oh hi well howdy doody oh you know just doing stuff talking to my chat being normal you know normally i would believe you but the way you phrased doing stuff talking to chat being normal there's just something about the phrasing that implies that you're actually not doing those things because i would normally assume that you were sounds like someone is being overly paranoid from a high elevated levels of lead in their brain in their bones well you know cincinnati is a very industrial city and i'm sure that i have consumed more than my share of lead yeah maybe you have maybe is there lemon is there lead in bananas is that one of the bad i know bananas have something is it just something radioactive potassium no bananas or potassium they might have who knows what what foods contain lead that's a good question i remember hearing something there where someone was like oh bananas actually have this and that that's bad for you and someone's like you have to eat like 10 million bananas a day for a year in order to actually have that affect you i remember what it was it wasn't the potassium it was maybe something about the potassium yeah bananas are technically radioactive but it's not even close to the amount of radioactivity yeah like it's not actually like a thing to have to worry about but someone made the claim of like that's in there to like try to stir something up and everyone's like yeah okay yeah exactly yeah someone just said wait ohio yeah wade is in ohio i i'm from ohio too left it a long time ago though holy nerds stay back there wait i miss ohio a lot i'm very happy to still be knowing like i like where i am but god sometimes i'm just like man i just want to go to like well not now but you know i want to go to putters or you know just like i want to go to the village tower or something you know i just like i miss i want to go downtown oh i mean i don't even drink anymore tavern i'm not i feel like i don't live in ohio anymore this is going to sound like weird but like with the lockdown molly and i haven't been to a restaurant since probably february yeah um yeah so it doesn't even feel like i live in ohio like i feel so isolated that even the things that are normal around like just seemed so alien to me like the thought of like kings island seems alien to me like this this year has really affected my outlook like things that are just normal watching movies i don't know if you guys have watched many movies or things where like there's just crowds of people not wearing masks and they're close together it's like i think i'm watching a horror movie god it really messes with my head when i see people just shaking hands i'm never going to shake a hand again for the rest of my life i'm just never going to do it because i just like it conventions can you imagine we did conventions where we just we hugged a thousand people of people oh my god i remember a maker booth i don't know if you guys remember the maker booths at like um the pax is there it was like a pax east there was a maker booth i don't remember if it was one of you guys or sean or somebody walked over into the booth and there was like a crowd of fans and they all pushed up like it was a concert and this one person in the front started getting like crushed and security had to help them out but it was like a mosh pit of people just pushing up against there and that never once was the thought like oh that's too many people too close it was always just like oh no the people are pushing up they're gonna hurt somebody now if i just saw a mob like that i would only just in my mind picture disease spreading amongst them like a cloud of green emanating from their horrible diseased carcasses into my face you know it's so fascinating i have not been sick for like two years and you guys probably know that i get sick a lot and now i'm starting to realize it's the people every convict is figuring that out together 2017 i feel like every convention i went to i would get sick there'd always be one after and for some reason i love san antonio but every time i went to pax south i always got sick oh yeah oh every time and i don't know dirty city dirty people filthy you hear me san antonio clean it up there's just something in the air down there that my body doesn't respond well to yeah it might be but no i've not been sick in a while either but yeah convention life as much as it was fun nice to meet fans and everything yeah it really was terrible for our health even if there's not like something that is as bad as covid like it's just like god even just the normal flu i don't want that i don't want it don't touch me with it don't touch me don't touch me at all i never want to be touched nothing i mean that's like a mark rule in general which i find really funny guys you don't like even among friends you've never been like down for hugs or you don't like when people touch you incidentally or someone's messing around you don't and then also you go to conventions where thousands of people expect you to give them a hug yeah exactly and i've always thought it was kind of i've always thought that was kind of probably like one of your worst nightmares and i love like you love the fans and you've always done it and you're kind of you're pretty gracious sometimes you're a little bit of an a-hole about it but i've always thought in my own head like this must be like a waking nightmare for him like i know that you don't like that yeah yeah no i don't like the hand on the shoulder comforting friend thing like you did good out there champ you know i don't like that you must hate me like too much a little too much physical contact uncle i am like the hug hello hug goodbye and like sometimes i'll like you know do the hand on the shoulder thing yeah i used to extend my hair it's okay like i i i've got a new suit around you guys like i'll i'll go for a hug or something but just in general like i i don't like i especially don't like anyone anyone touching near my neck like i have a huge thing it's like it's instinctive it's just like i i it's defensive i think you're going to just chop my head off or something i'm just like get the [ __ ] away like it's very very like visceral well if you don't know somebody like i i remember one of the conventions we did um maybe it was just a fan gathering i remember what it was i remember i went to like hug fans goodbyes we like broke off like whatever people were this is whatever you know 10 people used to come up it wasn't like it's crazy as is now but i remember like i went to give someone a hug and they were like oh i don't like hugs like it caught me off guard that like not everyone was like me that was like one of my first realizations that like a lot of people just have very different personalities very different quirks and things so now i'm not i'm definitely not touchy with people i don't know i'm not comfortable with or like whatever if someone comes up to me they want like a hug it's like okay a convention yeah without a pandemic going on that is you guys are um oh sorry continue no you're that's basically it's just like i've learned not to be like that with people i know or don't know and i know like yeah i'm just careful now you guys know about the the person it wasn't at a convention you were at i was at san diego comic-con when someone touched me at the on the face randomly did i tell you guys about that no no oh okay so uh like i was doing a signing and someone come up and they always talking and then then afterwards uh she like lingered there for like a few seconds and i'm like okay well you want to try to say something and this just reaches up and touches my face and i almost punched her right in the face like i had my arm went back and i was just like it was just like touch and i was just like really really had to stop from punching her right in the face like so it ended up like i cocked my hand up and then i went pointed my finger and i went don't do that and literally like she walked away quickly after that but i almost punched a fan right in the face because it's just like don't don't try it like i had self-control back then now after quarantine with all of this build up of like no touchy i will punch you in the face i will i will not hesitately punch you in the face yeah anyway so i had a weird thought this is not related to that but so this we're in a strange club and i there are a lot of members of this club that i think we probably don't relate to very personally how many humans in the world do you think can say they've had thousands of strangers touch them is this a are we am i exaggerating this we've literally given hugs been you know mildly groped by thousands of strangers is that a weird thing it doesn't strike me because it doesn't really register but that's weird right it's not a common thing i guess i don't know if it's a weird thing i mean outside of the normal human experience from ages gone past i'm sure it is an outlier definitely yeah it's weird i'm gonna go ahead and say yeah yeah it's weird right it's something that humans are gonna think about the fact that like thousands of other humans that are not strangers obviously they knew who we were they were there for a reason but to me they're basically strangers i don't know these people i don't know their name i don't know anything about them but they've they've they've touched me they've done stuff pictures and you know hugs that were too low or whatever doctors um but they do the touching but yes that is true they do the touching they do the touching they document yeah doctors love masseuses yes i guess it's not that uncommon maybe we're not so special after all but again that's that's a one that's that's an outgoing our job is to be touched we're starfish in the touch tank we're not we're not a doctor examining another human to make sure they're okay or masseuse you're right you're granting another person you know pleasure well that's creepy uh uh uh uh relaxation [Laughter] randomly had the thought now that we've like had a career we've been doing something wrong we're adults we're no longer just like kids whatever um when you go to like get a massage or you go to a doctor you go to a dermatologist or you go like wherever like just the thought of like some doctor like when you get a physical just like all right drop your pants let me grab your balls cough for me and we're just like okay but like literally it's just another human being that has a degree we're just like yeah sure touch my balls like you ever had that weird thought that like that's just super weird that we're okay with that it's like someone touches you on the shoulders like what the [ __ ] don't even think about touching me then we'll go into like some random strangers drop our drawers and be like yeah do what you gotta do where you need is important i feel like it is like if you just remove yourself from that it's just like all of a sudden we're like oh sure go ahead i'm honored i'm honored when that happens because someone went to school for 12 years they are the most professional person that could possibly touch my balls so i'm like man you've been building up your whole life for this moment how does it feel for you [Laughter] i will cough for you doctor is yours for this moment you are blessed i don't think you know where prostates are but that's i will sign that glove for you if you would like well so i got to be honest i thought my brain took your setup in an entirely different direction and i thought you were gonna because we were talking about generations and being touched and fans yes yes that was like see in 10 years when when this is all faded a little and who knows what we'll be doing like probably not the same thing exactly probably maybe not youtube at all who knows like at some point in the future we're all just going to be adults and kind of going to be people and like do you mark do you fear the day or you go into the doctor's office for a physical and the doctor is like doing stuff and they're like all right drop your pants and they're doing the the that part and they they look up at you and they're like wait a minute even in the middle of the prostate exam fingers inside is young enough i don't fear them being doctors right now i've run into fans in lots of settings in lots of professions but but like sunday there will be doctors some of them will become doctors they will like what do you what do you do when that happens what have you put in your brain no i have a new fear like a female creator like in the middle of like giving birth the box like delivering the baby like oh there's a headphone by the way big fan big fan oh no oh no god you're okay is that too much was that too much it's very horrible news like i'm sorry but it's an opera there's nothing we could do by the way big fish by the way if you could play prop hunt you have like too sorry about your diagnosis you could play prop [ __ ] we'll definitely get you set up with an oncologist and please before you die and play some problems oh my god oh man i i never thought had that thought bob no i would never get the medication to ease the pain there's nothing more we could do do you remember the bonercast god i have to tank my career now so i don't get to that point god oh no i hope that i mean it's bound to have happened to somebody movie stars yeah has had that experience right in the worst time someone's like by the way i love your stuff yeah well so would this be better or worse because i'm just sort of imagining the ways this could play out now you go to the doctor new doctor everything's fine you get your physical get your uh your good health check you go home and you go and you see twitter and you see that you're you're trending on twitter and some zoomer doctor has tweeted i just got to cut markiplier's balls never thought i'd meet my hero they posted youtube videos like actual footage of the inside of markiplier's esophagus you're calling your calling video oh no looks like markiplier's colon is fine but will his reputation survive this crazed fan you know at that point i feel like i would have gone so far if i'm still doing youtube at that point i would have gone so far down the rabbit hole i would have beat them to posting the video like i would have asked them for a collab as soon as i knew they were cool with it the live stream there's actually an output it could be collab video yeah exactly oh my god that would be such a funny video it's like the most generic collab like like it starts with like two people sitting and the creator's just like what's up it's zach i'm here at the doctor's office this is jennifer's he's going to be giving me a colonoscopy what's a colon and why do i need a camera in it jennifer and it's just like a whole terrible color i want to watch zach's channel right now pants to jennifer a little pop tag for her whatever future tic toc social media is jennifer if there's anything you like to promote uh just just lay it out put it on screen whatever you want like oh man tick tock doctor jenny these are like the nightmares creators have i think this is like night like the worst thing i ever had happened probably indie popcorn i remember the individual popcorn where we were like just there were so many people they like way over underestimated how many people would come for us or whatever i remember i had to go back to get some boxes or something the last day and i kind of got mobbed and this one kid who had to be no older than 12 just kept grabbing my ass and it was like he just kept grabbing my ass and i did not know how to handle it was so awkward oh that was awkward um there was a moment where we were at pax west and do you remember the fan meet up bob i don't know if you were there for this one cause this was earlier you didn't go to a lot of the earlier conventions but we were at pax west we went to a park a fan meet up like at a park do you remember that mark yeah yeah vaguely yes there was a girl who wanted us to sign her chest and so she pulled her shirt down way more than she should i think we all signed like her clavicle instead but she was deathly underage and she was trying to get us to sign at a place that would have ended our careers um that one and then um oh god what was there was like one more interaction i'm trying to remember uh nothing quite oh this was relatively minor but i remember like i just did not give a [ __ ] back when i had like hair uh i went to the store like in nothing but like pajamas i looked disheveled look i looked like [ __ ] i probably had like drool in my beard and i was buying like a 24-pack of toilet paper way before there was a toilet paper shortage and like somebody recognized like wait can i get a photo and it was just like that was a realization that was no longer even safe like you got like a boom box of toilet paper on your shoulders like yeah i had the major problem i'm holding like a thing of milk in my left hand like walking out and this guy's like hey can we get a picture and i'm like oh not now not like this i mean it could be your name around like cincinnati now i know like it could be anybody but back then it was like i go to a convention we meet fans at home if someone says my name is someone we probably graduated with i look over expecting to see like you know just someone from our graduating class and instead it's like oh i don't know who the hell you are you want a photo oh no oh god this is happening this is happening now yeah dude uh but the doctor like oh that would suck that was so soft the toilet paper situation like that's that's okay i feel like but just like with me just to go back to last night with me buying bone broth i had an entire hand basket filled with 13 different varieties of bone broth no one would think twice about you buying something weird though after unison but i bought 140 of bone broth no but see that's the thing it wouldn't even have to be true to get out of that they would look at you and either they assumed themselves or you could just say oh it's a video that reminds me when ethan bought his i think it was 300 of onions he bought every onion in the store and when he went to check out like you know like lining the belt with onions like piled up he bought so many onions and and you know he he thought he would be nervous like you have to justify it but the lady just went you filming something he was like [Laughter] yeah oh you la people how much is your singles onion how many onions did you guys buy dude if you saw the video the onion video looked really unpleasant it was like generally unpleasant i love that video why was this bad for amy as it well maybe not no it's almost as bad for amy as always for you guys was fine see the thing is uh i he i told him to buy some onions on the way over and i told him buy a [ __ ] ton of onions buy so many onions buy as buy as many onions as you think is a lot and then buy one more bag that's what i told him literally he shows up to my house with two bags i told him [ __ ] ton he bought one bag thought that was a lot bought one more so i told him like dude i'm my disappointment is immeasurable like please go get more onions so he was like i'ma [ __ ] show him shows up his frunk is full of onions his trunk is full of onions his passenger seat onions like his whole car his entire tesla was filled with onions geez no we put that those onions everywhere those onions haunted us for a long time my eye is so itchy i got eyelashes in it sorry should we play firefighting yes i'm actually holding yeah i'm very excited about like i've got like anxiety now of like going to the doctor and having like these horrible things because i had tailbone i had three tailbone surgeries in college uh and for the longest time nobody like did a visual inspection of my tailbone to realize that i had like a cyst um so everyone just kept thinking like i had something internal going on so every doctor was just like snap on the glove lube up the fingers and go in oh yeah and get it doctor i just think now i don't i don't want a fan's fingers in my ass i just don't i don't the things you declare the things you clippably declare to the universe i swear you do not think at least i said i don't know i could have said dude no the moment of like realization will be whenever they are like their fingers are in there they're like by the way big fat like i just i could see i could feel that moment and just like the panic of like i can't run stop working they've literally got me by the prostate right now oh my god that's not how you inspect a prostate guys there's like an intro sequence so click new game and and get going i know we're talking about important topics right now but okay i like this so far promising yeah it does have a uh uh farm simulator feel to it okay so new game and then there's a cutscene yeah it'll jump you right into riding along i'm assuming this is a tutorial a tutorial okay it's turial why is my eye so itchy i've got oh so much eyebrows in there why is my prostate so itchy you have to say i'm like moving around in my chair like please what no i'm having like muscle memory of all my doctor's visits in like college well don't say please when you're having those muscle memories oh dude if i was driving this fire truck we'd be there already well don't worry you'll get your chance um let me see this yeah wade uh uh all of your top clips have just been generated in the past five minutes i want you to know that that sounds about right oh god i see an emt in a gurney oh if we're gonna kill people well we're not gonna kill people no we're a hundred percent gonna kill people no no no no no no oh what a what a blaze what an actual the hell is that i can't look left so are you an industrial kitchen i was opening up my green screen oh well no not the trampoline save the trampoline oh that is quite a blaze okay for everyone at home we got to do the tutorial first and single player and then it's multiplayer we did look that this was multiplayer right yeah it's up to you it's up to four people okay cool we only need three look at these pros look at these pros dude oh my god all right my cutscene started oh yeah who's dead is unconscious all right oh don't worry it's fine hold on i'll get you i'm coming i'll take your haligan dude get that haligan dude i'm getting halloween the music is legit oh my god he's dead it's funny because he seems dead but then he starts talking to you oh never mind just [ __ ] inspired oh look at the fire's blazing so i wonder if this is supposed to be a serious take on firefighting because remember the farming was pretty serious but we still arranged to ruin it i wonder how we're gonna ruin this don't don't think how we're gonna ruin it we're gonna take this very seriously what's wrong with this guy bob well i know i don't know what's wrong inevitably we fail maybe i just need to be more optimistic yeah just your mind's too much on your prostate getting examined by a fan oh whoops uh i finally moved on but now i'm back that's good man that's good this is not doing a lot gotta be honest is this what real firefighting's like uh unsuccessful are you on the hose yet mark yeah i just got on the hose i'm i'm spraying a grease fire with some spit from my mouth as far as i can tell oh now i'm going to say the first time you're exactly working out i'm it's it's doing something for me are you shooting the little fire icons oh are you supposed to shoot those yeah uh whoa i'm in the fire fine yeah there's um well this is broke my leg this poor guy oh you're actually listening to success i'm i'm smelling success mark yeah you got your hot tip on shooting the fire icons you're a goddamn genius thanks man man this fire though keeps fire oh my god yes that's a real rager but he was an ambulance guy with the the gurney i think it's called gurney shouldn't they have come like to get the guy like closer to the house you don't want to get that house is on fire you want the do you want the paramedic to get in there you know in case there's something wrong in case there's something wrong there's a fire that's what's wrong there's definitely something wrong the fire is what's wrong oh yeah i guess so i'm just carrying just just talking nonsense like a crazy non-fire believer no is fire's not real man it's a [ __ ] myth don't live in fear of fire big water just wants you fire water wants you to hide in your pool drenched in their products fearing for your life how are you gonna fire can hurt you and your family when we all know it can how are you gonna build up an immunity to fire if you don't expose yourself to fire yeah if everyone just agrees to to believe the truth that fire is not real it can't kill us all it can't kill us all it's called herd fire immunity it's called herd yeah oh my god i did it i'm the best this garage is not never mind i didn't do it the fire's above me holy [ __ ] i'm gonna die okay it's fine jeez the beams directly above me we're on fire hey you can control your dude after the uh i would like to leave the garage there we go this garage is tough tomorrow i don't have fire fire so we just accept people are gonna die yeah yeah but the death rate for fire is so low yeah exactly anti-flammable insulation in their houses already were you afraid of just dude stop saying the truth so hard people can't accept it that's the problem people aren't criticizing me because i'm insane people are criticizing me because they can't handle the truth exactly yes i'm fine i'm standing i'm sane i'm fine i'm fine all right there's a very large list of training things that i'm not going can we just skip those training things or do we actually have to pay attention to it oh no there's fires dude home home crafting oh debriefing him of fire ooh debriefing dude ooh i gotta achieve uh the garage is still on fire you said it was out it is on uh ooh my garage is definitely still burning uh oh no there's the debris whoops oh yeah mine's up yeah mine's debriefing too while there's still fire oh i can also change your [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh good job we're done here ball is packing up all right forget the training facility how do we get to you guys yeah i'm trying to figure out right now okay explorer yeah that sounds about right it doesn't have us it has four things on it and none of them is us okay it must be like look on the map there's gotta be something we can click like yeah home crafting baptism of fire must have been the first one so it's gonna be home crafting start and then join maybe oh yeah yeah so session explorer maybe i'm gonna hide my game for a moment try to find yeah i think everyone's gonna try to jump into firefighting with this but you never know i don't see you well they is it based on their name are you kev games nl no i'm not kev games now i think i got a start one and then maybe maybe i could there's a setting to do like friends only or something like that yeah so what happens when you click on it uh you want to try it sure all right i can't change my avatar could you do that i couldn't uh i think it might be on the main screen it's not worth it well it's going to be blocked anyway oh wait oh i'm joined a session with kev games tony and bill yeah forget that guy oh yeah sorry why don't you have a session because there's one that looks like it could definitely be you guys um okay wait uh don't tell me about training i'm starting a mission dudes oh so i can say steam invite only and then i can invite you friends ooh cool okay all right that's good invite to lobby so one of you guys weren't 420 dank mctwisty flop then oddly enough no dude we're taking the rosenbauer tp3 out oh [ __ ] for the first roll dudes i'm stunned that worked the first time and bill and bill bill hopefully bill does a lot of the heavy lifting okay bob you drive bill will run everything else we're starting baby i don't know what's happening dude no training right out the door they need firefighters on the ground listen there's a lot of fires concurrently there's no time we've been trained you open the door carry the dead person to the ambulance right the ambulance to the hand to the ambulance more like it and then you just hose it down individual loading bar so we know where everyone's at that's amazing this game consider it wow where's bill dude bill bill where's he at who are we all driving i'm driving oh i'm driving wow good i think you follow the other fire fight well there's a gps in the bottom there's a gps you're right there well i don't see that i just see a weird yin and yang of red don't worry i got this dispatch all units holy [ __ ] this does not drive like a fire truck do you know what a fire truck drives like actually i shouldn't question i'm sorry about it [Applause] oh siren oh that's helpful kind of well that person they're not getting over they're just slowing down well better than nothing i guess we gotta we woo our way to a fire there's a problem we gotta go so oh i can drive in first person hell yeah oh that's what we need more of right yeah definitely look marker do you just see the weird like red and black no i'm third screen i'm third person what are you looking at if you hit what are you doing what are you doing back there a weird perspective i don't know is there a [ __ ] we're going to go stealth boys we're going to go stealth yeah that's a good idea turn the emergency lights off yeah you don't you don't want the fire to be prepared right you want to sneak up on the fire yeah yeah exactly by surprise yeah yeah and you want to definitely get out of the way exactly the way you want to deliver it you know so much about firefighting bob that's a problem why are we so far from three miles an hour in this enormous tunnel yeah why are we so far away god this is what normal firefighters have to do to get to a fire the whole place is going to burn down while we were eating mcdonald's get out of here apparently 61 is top speed i'm trying to hammer it boys okay well i guess one of us could get out and push yeah good driving there bob really good stuff this is why you hired me yeah i really like that this game has integrated steering wheel settings i feel like i should get my steering wheel set up so i can be our wheel man yeah um you could get a whole like driving racing sim set up with like moving chair and screen what i don't know did you oh yep sure did can i rejoin you guys uh try maybe it's at least oh my god okay made it good job uh wait you in um i clicked join nothing is yet happening you tell me that we gotta go back out and then drive all the way back here yes all right son of a [ __ ] all right fast driving driving time expired what did i mahal would ask all right we got to do that over again because you didn't get the fast driving time get another chance at uh yeah yeah yeah fast driving time i say make sure you got plenty of practice look i say just screw the other cars just freaking go for it yeah i wish i knew what happened whatever happened don't do it again yeah don't do it again really seriously dude i want to unlock some other faster uh fire trucks that's what i need at least we got bill back all right let's go bill so your guys screen doesn't have like a red on top and a black on the bottom and it doesn't say home crafting across the whole thing that's like the pause screen or something isn't it that's a permanent fixture for my gameplay i don't think it's supposed to be like that it might be supposed to be like that all right i'm i'm hammering it the whole time oh it's gone now what's gone now thank god this is what it's like to see the normal game screen oh you had like a bug the whole time yeah i had like a pause screen over my my thing the whole time faster bob faster i'm going man this is full this is pedal pedal on the floor all the whole time what if you go over the mountain nah maybe not do you want to try no no we need this fast driving time if we don't get this bonus the chief's going to eat our ass what's the difference in the red hose in the back i don't know i don't know man left toes right hose like a twix situation all right that siren's real loud yeah turn that off yeah yeah stealth mode's the way to go whenever you're in a fire fire ambulance we know if you would have been here last time also known as the flambulance the flambeau the freaking i think i think into oncoming traffic is the way to live yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect perfect that's not bad hey this thing handles real good the traction like a dream yeah look at those [ __ ] in the tunnel don't they know there's fires don't they know yeah idiots a fire all right well let me turn that off again that's right we're 3 000 meters away jesus i know i know there's no fire station to this problem no no it's just us all right we're going bold boys oh yeah do you get bonus points for this god i hope so i hope it's like burnout paradise i heard dispatch dispatch quit driving on the wrong side of the road i'm sorry did she just say yes the house is still on fire yeah it happened i don't know if you were hoping the fire would go out on its own it has not we have been driving for a minute 56 traffic it's really i don't know if it's a slow or fast response time i feel like we're winning i feel like we're doing this really good i feel like we're basically i don't know how you going fast universe well we can work we're cranking top speed of the truck in general here we could chuck bill out the back that might get us some more speed if we could drop one of the hoses we probably don't need six hoses yeah it's only one fire right yeah exactly yeah pretty much we could dump some of this water that's in the truck we don't really need that much oh yeah there goes our money it's fine evacuation status oh the sake of being a good firefighter do this for the money well i mean what do firefighters do it for for the fame no the money only one accident so far not bad that's a high score i thought after last time you would have nailed that left but turns out now left trigger lefts are harder yeah that's fair that's fair sky is beautiful really pretty yeah i like this this uh rock and roll that we're jamming out into us i'm not hearing it's california uh yeah obviously based on the trees i mean we don't take those kind of trees in the midwest look man slight traffic accident that's fine this is a minor three traffic accident i think you're gonna get the bonus sign who even cares i think you're gonna get the speed bonus hey look at fire hey look at leia dan park nice do i get out all right who are these who are these other firefighters get out nerds are these are these the north side firefighters what's going on here we're south side small fire we got here pretty cool yeah only like half this house is on fire just spray some water in there who's what's this what's everyone doing oh it's like a dining room fire it's probably intentional this does not look like an accident all right i call dibs on survivors do we determine that or is that someone else i call dibs i'm gonna find them no idea all right enough looking at the house can we get in can we get in the house how do we get the hose out we need the hose okay i'll call dibs on survivors oh here's a hose oh okay we got the hose uh i'm going in i'm going in i need a hose here i need a huben stank i need one of the oh dude i'm equipping the attack hose where's the hungalo where's the the uh the supply hose okay yeah this is long enough guys i'm attacking i've equipped the attack hose i'm attacking oh no pry tool pry tool oh we need to breach we need to breach the windows i'm getting there reach good breach breach breaching i'm not excited all right attack hoes coming in i'm crouching and i'm attacking baby this isn't here water's not on how do i turn the water supply on oh oh is that a wait can you turn the water oh fire i found the axe circular saw foundation water water carrying out a victim uh nozzle it's gonna be okay i'm gonna go inside the nozzle up the hose it's gonna be okay oh [ __ ] yeah where's the nozzle [ __ ] you guys putting out that fire you see me saving someone to go there we go we're good we've got the nozzle i've coupled i've coupled oh yeah all right save someone nice oh wait let's wreck this fire firing this is anybody still in this room we're real awkward if you were we oh it's coming for you teamwork yeah could not save the the uh the the entertainment system but honestly you should probably get a flat screen at this point anyway that's all right yeah hrts are dated that's not what you want that's not what you want yeah uh you guys got the whole situation through the fire that's probably good right yeah the fire's kind of spreading on the left here i'm gonna try to push it back you got another hose in here you contain the fire on the left yeah we'll push into each other slowly but surely the ceiling fire is still kind of a problem i'm sorry is there a helicopter do you guys have another hose is this all the hose you got uh there's there's more hoses there's hoses on the other side of the truck but you had to connect the supply hose and then you got the whole thing it looks like wait where is this one looping back to put this chair out i don't know how this chair is still burning but i'll re-put out the chair i might be lighting fires in your areas just to make myself look better i'm going in with a hand extinguisher get a mark there's fair snuff it out i will almost snuff it we'll snuff this fire hey where'd you come excuse me i just put wait there's still electrical stuff is this the cause of the fire still causing fire yeah are we are we supposed to turn the electrical off is that what we're supposed to understand with this yeah i feel like the cause of the fire is still causing the fire oh oh yeah we oh we need to turn the power off mark we have a new objective for you buddy what do you mean how am i going to turn the power off the switch i flipped that never mind oh is there like a circumstance i just told every ai to come help us quench this fire okay yeah the fire guy there's a dinosaur in the bathtub there's uh there's a dinosaur i'm taking a small amount of damage and then healing myself because i'm a wizard i don't know what to do about you electrical fire yeah the fuse box where's the fuse box we got the activation i know i'm looking for it i found it i got it oh i got it yeah i got it it's done there you go big baby goodbye thanks i know that's what i do oh look at this fire going out now there's not even a problem yeah this extinguisher is pretty good this good water is high quality h2o wait not bad oh actually we're pretty good yeah this is very effective water oh well actually it's mostly my extinguisher that's pretty good [Music] yeah dudes damn let me close the fridge i don't know why i was hoping oh all right i climbed out the window look it's me in front of the house hey wait if i can i make my way out look at me let's do a little more spring i made my way perfectly sure hey good job everybody wow that water really just goes for days look at that yeah man yeah man i'm gonna check on the patient we learned something today that causes a fire can re-cause the fire [ __ ] i should have known that yeah we did pretty good though i'd say we did really good one at fire so yeah you saved somebody's life mark thank you i know he did yeah do we gotta pick a new map i think we got to back out and pick a new map no no stay stay i think you're going to do this and do this we're all here still are you all in the lobby i'm still here yeah yeah still here so now we're doing batten down the hatches okay i'm ready i really want to unlock a new that is our first fire as a team i guess does anyone else care to drive i don't i don't need to i don't even know you got it man all right you are a killer driver the only one of us with a driver's license yeah i spent so long trying to get my fire fighting uh uh pole license because i was really bad with the pull part of leaving the fire station oh yeah the license you think that uh off hours i can uber around with a fire truck probs i think i could pit people you think that would be like an uber lux like instead of like the black car it's like the red truck yeah yeah you know i'm just saying i'd probably get a lot of tips [Music] yeah another 4 000 meters why can't people have fires closer to the firehouse i know well you could see the smoke in the water oh yeah we're going baby all right cool this does look like california i will admit yeah yeah you like you would know like you would know like you would know sometimes than uh i can probably remember all right you're ready for me to rip the yeah yeah right hand yeah yeah you are really cutting into our response time here yeah that's unfortunate on them i'm just yeah do that so much for our speed accomplishment yeah our speed bonus really going under that was a good turn right that was a nasty turn that was good [Music] that's really good too bad our idiot companions are [ __ ] idiots yeah tomorrow it's wiggly oh my god yeah a little bit man these pedestrians do not know what is up they are really really risky what if i mow down a pedestrian ah you know no fire i can't say it's like in regulation but you know you're the driver you could possibly what if i just bro not the road sign but maybe running around blasting through the downtown area oh you had a hospital that's good to know yeah it is good to know if i run someone over that's a really great spot we'll be sending someone to you later oh my god or sooner or later stop that guy had no he was born he did not give a [ __ ] he was either gonna go about his day or collect the insurance money either way he was fine yep all right well it looks like we're going to have to do something the fire is still burning this time it's not putting itself out it's pretty rude yeah another one of those continuing to burn fires lately you know we were playing a nice game of pool back at the station like they don't have any consideration here for us i had nothing like nine and the eight left yeah you're getting good at that bob you're getting good at those left turns i'm really proud of you that's should have been murder oh oh well it just prevented me from murdering that person yeah i guess they don't want a gta yeah that's more manslaughter that's what they need in gta rp is firefighters i i really do dude court cases they need man slaughtered they have core cases they do yeah yeah they do yeah oh yeah well yeah you think they don't man you don't check out gta rp look if it's something that you've done i probably haven't watched it i guess i'm just a bad friend that's probably true thanks man i've heard of stay in the water man but i've not watched it's okay there's only like two episodes i only did it for like a week what stopped you that was pretty that's so popular it takes so much time like just like again with like streaming it's just like time like i just don't have the time now that i'm doing streaming a whole lot more than youtube i feel like yeah i think that was your right turn there bob wait a second all right okay hang on you're fine you're clear you're good you're good you're good on this side pop a quick three-pointer there yep you didn't even hit the bush that was an accident-free three-point turn what are you looking at get out of here it's just nothing to say here bunch of lookie-loos i don't even see a fire where's the fire all right why is that not count go in the spot get out okay how oh there we go oh what's interesting laminating from the middle of the house we didn't even park in the right spot this guy did so well i mean they didn't assign the fire's out the fire we did it we win man we didn't even need to be here man easy peasy great i i'm gonna preemptively just break open everything all the doors and all this stuff just break just go around the house we're gonna need to anyway might as well right you know what you're right i'm gonna get an axe and i'm gonna help you with that all right i'll go up to the top i see a ladder there i'm going to take conveniently i've got it i'm just going to walk around swinging my axe you do the top i'll do the bottom you got it i'm not going to do that there's someone here hello no don't okay i dropped that tool hello you okay oh power just went out there's two people up here what the is someone breaking bones out there what is happening i'm breaking in the door so that the fire can get out right you're right you're right when you're right you're right and you're right i'm coming in oh my knees oh my god did you just hop out yep sure did why are these windows barred like a prison cell dude i don't know man there's someone else in there i'm going all right good might have broken my knees above me nothing seems bad up here yeah i think they're sleeping i think they're weirdos and sleeping off the roof is that viable yeah yeah definitely yeah it doesn't hurt at all wow wow jumping off the roof hurts me more than fire does oh thank god you heal right back up my ankles are fine yeah i told you man told you all right let's see this fire is very hot i am uh it's a warm one good man good high temperature oh i'm on fire i'm gonna break open the window so there's more air to put it out wait instruct instruct the dude to do the thing dude quick yeah how do i instruct him i don't know man uh uh oh hey uh ai shortcut global ai shortcut yes did that work actually work oh oh yeah man getting all the windows boss why did i why is this happening what's happening put the attack hose okay there we go oh left rear oh left rear oh they're just standing up get out of the house grandma oh sorry grandpa what follow me yeah follow yeah okay okay get there uh follow me like when you when fire touches you as a character your guy's just all [Applause] like he just lost an arm wrestling matchup or something like whoa [Music] hey can you get that fire out weight i got a survivor that needs to come through there guys really trying oh my god i commanded the ai to go in oh my buddy i'm trying hello can this guy follow me through here follow no he went back this oh this jerk okay i'm going to run through excuse me ow this is out for a moment where did he go where did he go where did he go anybody see a man run by here anybody did you lose did you lose mark did you lose oh there oh he's here i don't know where you were okay i almost got the staircase here i'm gonna do this downstairs room i think great try and get this bad boy extinguished if we could just you know clear this path so i can get the survivor i was helping you i don't i where's the path do you need a competent fire who has an axe what is happening i don't know man there's a lot of smoke in here all right this room is this room is persinguished well not the hallway to the front door thank you wade thank you thank you working on it just keep lighting myself on fire don't mind me we'll put out the fire i'm i'm ascending why are you ascending because there's the stairs is on fire and i assume that means the upstairs is on fire too because that where i is needs out it's all my fault you chose a teammate who doesn't uh play the game very well sorry i'm doing my best here there's a lot of fire and it keeps re-spreading again well i'm gonna try to make it through hopefully that guy doesn't get burnt too bad where'd he go he's gone again he jumped out the back window this he jumped in back through the kitchen window what is wrong with you oh did he get out i mean that's what you're going for right he got but but he wasn't able to get out before well okay wait hang on wait good job all right come with me sir come with me we're getting out of there bill is still standing here like a dingus just want you know bill's useless how do we get bill to do stuff oh yeah don't run man don't run just walk yeah that's great all right we're getting it we're getting oh yeah look at that oh wait we're almost to the end of the foyer yeah should we let it spread i mean kind of enjoyed this time together should we oh my god it's over oh you did it good wow hi i would like to relive this fire with you guys again this was a pleasant experience for me and i just missed you all yeah it seems to still be on fire yeah it doesn't seem like we're completely done dude yeah it is very burnt everywhere no damage to the roof though is anyone curious curious what happens if we don't put the fire out i think it burns down but you know i can't say for certain like i don't care the job is put the fire out yeah explosive hot dogs unlocked fast excuse me hmm explosive hot dogs that's been a cause of many fires in the wade house that is yeah interesting i need one i think i i think we all know which mission we're about to have to do and we're going to do absolutely nothing to let the fire burn everything out you guys want to watch some explosive hot dogs i guess explode yeah wait can we change our trucks what's the exclamation point on our rosenbauer i mean oh don't know rosenbauer walk-in rescue oh oh look at that we've got like a flood mobile i like blood oh wait you can change your initial roll do a 360 check open all compartments oh snap i can tell bill what to help oh no i can't tell bill what to do okay all right well that's fine uh everyone ready mark okay you okay you ready to watch a fire um burn down a hot dog stand where we going next boys explosive hot dogs in our new rosenbauer blood machine oh bloody wheel yeah baby we got the blood mobile we nailed the blood mobile we got a new car blood bank wow oh it is a blood mobile how is this going to put out any fire no don't ask questions obviously you haven't received proper training you're right sorry boss sorry boss apologize boss you're all really dick into physics oh yeah i don't know if this is the way boss that's not what the gps says that is what the gps says what gps is looking at is yours okay boss fine i honked why didn't they drive out of my way well now you ride boss you're right i need to take this into consideration at least that's good yeah that's good boss you always said that this is the correct direction i don't know what you're talking about you're right we don't knows what we was talking about yeah that's why you're the driver you're the driver we're the non-drivers we're not driving that's a fact you can't argue also different from what my gps called very different dps and gps here yeah but who are we to judge we don't knows we don't knows where that fires dps is you know i'm so confused why is your thing so different i don't understand hey we're stupid you smart that's the difference i mean i agree but i just don't understand why hey these things that's why we're the passengers we're the passengers honk so on so forth yeah get out of the way yeah okay hello new vehicle it's a new vehicle guy everyone sorry yeah blood bank we'll give you some later than the other one i used to drive yeah wait chuck a blood bag out the window everyone we had all right there you go here thank you guys downtown is left apparently apparently i don't see no fire i have some universal recipient here's some a b positive there you go that's good that's good that'll help him oh that's a poll we're invited to we should toss blood bags instead of candy much more useful pretty useful actually yeah it's fun too fun for the whole family the kids chucking around it's great i really wish that like the light posts would break gta style yeah pretty much what is on f i don't see no fire i don't either why are we here oh oh it's in the lob it's a campfire oh okay well this ain't a problem oh the hot dog stand is on fire oh right are you in the spot i i guess there you go oh no [Music] he does all those commercials like uh you need a log i sell the dog come on down i'll even cook you a frog hot dog randy i love that one i love it yeah cherish it hasn't changed nope not in 30 years looks like he was just about to get off work he's all dressed up to cycle home oh wow what this what's this pov of the sub things photographer in this game like ten thousand dollars per shot really milked it out here all right hey wait you remember the other one the hot dog for me is that randy's hot doggery i love that that's a good one it's a good one all right guys i've got a circular saw wasn't that one in montgomery and we didn't used to have his hot dog standing yeah yeah a randy's hot doggery can be found in montgomery you know it's really good stuff everyone loves it wait can we open the interior compar guys in the interior compartment randy you seeing this whoa that's cool i don't know what that's for but it's open i mean i could stuff randy in there whoa we could give blood or take it we could take blood do you have the blood sucker oh no objective complete oh wait what i didn't wait this would work in all honesty i thought we'd have a hose well i guess we're gonna not do anything i guess i'll i guess i'll put randy back down i honestly didn't expect this one to work what do you mean a fire extinguisher you didn't expect it to work i'm gonna just change up equipment with bill hold on wait mark go up to go up to go with the bill see if you can swap your person for the extinguisher nope just somebody just took it from me i want to point out some these aren't hot dogs these aren't hot dogs these are not hot dogs what are these not hot dogs it looks like kombucha obviously you've never seen also completely undamaged by the fire yeah well it was a trash can i guess whoever put something in there ruined i guess i didn't know it was going to go out so that's all right it's all right i'll take care of you back with us more from our third mission than that oh god you're back boss well all right i'll go down to the subway we can't even go to the eu are you guys okay with me dropping randy off here he's kind of heavy too many hot dogs i kind of already ruined the whole point all right okay all right randy there you go incapabilizated well that was really kind of a letdown yahoo well maybe maybe a house would be more interesting to watch burn anyway okay so we'll let the whole house burn down wait got it i if you have anything that accelerates the fire truck that on there we got that in the other truck so i think opening windows does right giving some more oxygen that's a good thing that's a good point yeah that's true that's a good point that's true yeah okay that's a good point so i'm only gonna help add oxygen and fuel yes so there's wildfire park that that doesn't deserve help unstable rooftop ooh do we have another one training facility and burning news burning news no that that one doesn't look i want to do the house i want to watch a whole ass house burn down yeah let's do that ass house whole [ __ ] oh you didn't like the blood bag truck it doesn't it it's on the list now but it won't let me pick it it wants me to take the tp3 oh we probably have to take one that has yeah yeah whatever i guess we'll take the one we're supposed to take that has the right equipment whatever we'll take the actual fire truck and not chuck blood bags they need they should make a mod that's a bloodbat gun and you shoot that at the fire bloods uh probably a decelerating sure yeah inherently flammable i wouldn't think no bob okay good i'm just i'm goofing you goofing i wonder if we're gonna have to um go through training again if we fail horribly and let a whole house burn how are we gonna stop bill uh well bill doesn't do anything bill's kind of just there i can tell him what to do i'll tell him to just do dumb stuff good yeah okay oh man a lot of body roll in this truck yeah this city sure does love lion statues see a lot of them oh good good point what you okay sorry that was such a close call it made me jump oh i like how we're always unit one these guys know how to try to treat their top talents yeah true enough oh cop wait wait get out of the way wow [Music] all right well they got a big old hose thing do we got a big ladder hose thing oh wait can we go up there and use that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah call him off the ladder boys why does unit two get all the good equipment well our budget gets cut every year whoa you gotta get over it give us your ladder don't even hook that up don't even hook it up don't even hook it up you can't wait we can sabotage their stuff we can sabotage their stuff yeah we're gonna this is our territory now oh you put it right through my legs all right i'm oxygenating the house okay good good cause i'm gonna i'm gonna steal all the attack hoses from this truck and go hide them places okay i'm taking their axe okay i'm piling up their attack hoses in a place where they oh are you trying to kill them i want to see if i can you know hey no one will know it might have been the fire that stabbed him with an axe bam [ __ ] all right pop their o2 tanks grease fire oh put water on the grease fire yes yes spray the water onto the grease fire that's oh wait hold on uh bill's fire fighting right now oh my god the ceiling's collapsing that's so loud oh my god that was really something to see dude i wish i had like a mavic mini or something i could fly around oh yeah is someone fighting fire sir phil phil bill bills bill bill bill bill should we turn the power on stop that open the door there we go let that fire really breathe oh you don't know who this man is it could be horrible could be a murderer oh we don't have a supply line all right i'm gonna waste all the water [ __ ] them up i'm gonna waste all the water from our truck all right bill bill can't can't fight fire even if he wants to good luck idiot i wonder what happens if i burn myself alive here and i die wait i'm actually curious about uh hitting this with uh hitting the grease fire with the water i want to see if it looks like yeah let's go test that if it starts putting it out i won't do it there's no water in the truck so you're currently sol okay this fire is kind of big oh yeah no one did that i'll do it no no it's okay it's been done by default before oh oh well this fire is getting kind of big i don't think it even needs me helping i think we just broke the door can you open the door on the truck well i think we literally just broke the door to get the hoses wait i can i can wait there's supply lines in the back we all right we all right we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it me just go ahead and prank this bad boy wow you're strong you just rip those bolts off with your bare hands bare hand baby and then you just all right so do we have water now uh maybe but that that kitchen fire is pretty beefy i don't i don't know if i don't know if that's necessary oh there yeah that's good um hmm pretty hot in here we got this oh there's people in here oh yeah there's this fire it's real beefy where's the uh where's the grease fire at it wasn't you you see where all the fire is over there it's this [ __ ] has litter in his garden there's a goddamn what a [ __ ] mark are we are we rescuing this man yeah you're all right sir you're okay see what bill bill bill bill's just giving me death glare over here yeah bill don't look so good uh whoa look how shiny this is if i get it that was dirty is this supposed to be chrome oh my god this is a mirror owners yeah boaters take better care of their belongings i think they did this to themselves look they've got an overnight they've got suitcases packed they were ready to go oh this is an insurance fraud oh my god to the bottom of it sir let me show you what you've done so ow ow fire's hot guys yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna are you setting are you fired he'll be fine don't worry i'll save you oh dear don't even revive okay well just you and me now mark yep and uh bill yeah bill good job bill well if we just keep this room wet we'll be fine i don't feel so good huh you uh you're oh your body disappeared is that good well i'm back what the hell you all right you reincarnated oh i was wondering about that turns out the buddhists were right after all these people clearly don't don't take care of their own home i'm going to water their backyard yeah might as well little pig let me come in we didn't rescue the victim well i mean did they deserve it this was clearly insurance fraud no they wanted their world to burn we let it burn obviously that's how it goes i don't we didn't actually check if anyone wanted that what do you mean i no we did we did a thorough investigation mark and i are qualified as well as firefighters yeah we checked it out really yeah you're you're a driver we're investigator fighter yeah okay yep yep let me go let me open up these uh areas so we supply hose to the big nozzle remove that cap connect line connect line take that over to this oh this oh there it is that's the thing oh man yeah it's the thing all right so i assume we're actually putting it out this time i suppose i've got um insurance fraud guy all right well we'll let the courts handle it i guess we're not meant for that disconnected electricity don't worry about it cool all right coming in with the second hose uh sir take this guy to the hospital but i do volunteer to testify against him once it's all said and done there you go very brave of you man very brave i know that's what they say about me i'm afraid as [ __ ] y'all i'm quenching dude fire is everywhere yeah where's the dude isn't there supposed to be a dude here no we uh wade got him oh [ __ ] didn't you hear it i'm gonna testify there's attack hoses bro yeah would you have to equip this before i that's the scene you gotta get the attack hose hook it up and then nozzle your attack hose yeah all that stuff aren't there like different nozzles or stuff can you like change up how this blasts or is it just straight out beam um i don't see multiple maybe that's a better truck we don't have maybe this fire just keeps kind of growing uh wait i have a nozzle with no with no hose i'm just carrying around a nozzle oh no oh no oh that's sad oh boy all right there's a grease fire somewhere in here away just so you know now bob turned off the power oh jesus christ greece is only flammable when it's connected to electric or something i don't think that's i well it's been really good in chemistry class i was good at balancing equations i know what i'm talking about okay trust me i'm professional greece all right so the grease the grease fire do we need the special thing for it or uh maybe a fire extinguisher instead of the host i don't know yeah it does did you guys not read the briefing no no okay did you yeah but i mean no unless it's cool too then i did and if it's not cool definitely not he sounds like a guy i don't even know what a brief is what is it underwear yeah no because only dads wear briefs okay yeah so you're a [ __ ] dad briefings oof uh i'm cool man dad's gonna be cool that's gonna be i don't think so man by definition that can't be okay all right i'm just gonna stare into the fire for a while as soon as you decide to have a kid you basically sign a contract saying i hereby declare i'm lame all right who's authorizing said contract who's the other signee kids everywhere oh child okay oh you're right okay uh the grease fire turns out the grease is flammable yeah this fire doesn't seem to be as on firing itself we need do we need some other sort of stratagems here uh no it's just this is just tough games yeah i told you i eat a lot of fast food i'm very flammable roblox oof over here oh did you hear about the whole story about roblox oof and the royalty thing happening no no apparently the royal the the roblox oof was not owned by the company but they licensed it hey for like a every like a per oof basis but then they're changing up the oof so they don't have to pay this guy it's very strange i don't know the full details of it but big drama in the oof roblox world just an anecdote just a side note roblox after this yeah of course we don't ever do like water around me or whatever yeah thanks bro okay i got most of this stuff in the bathroom but the the roof is still a problem oh my god i burst into wayne help yeah jesus i'm working on it but um yeah apparently this is not gonna keep this fire out well i have a fire extinguisher why isn't that working who's bursting into flames uh bob and i depending on the moment okay we can't quite keep the uh fire to gone it just keeps coming back god this chat dude in this ladder shooting it from above stairs with the hose now i think that roof is wearing upstairs there's enough stairs no i'm just trying to shoot the roof from outside but this freaking show-off up in the ladder is just giving me the business do we have ladders can i get a ladder so we can like fly him up top whoa who's shooting from the inside out bill bill's doing some stuff oh wait wait so wasn't there a guy is there not a survivor we got him already way too long ago yeah way way long ago one guy that testified against him was there a guy though do we need to get a guy yeah there might still be a guy if you want to take a look around there could still be a guy i think i got the guy the cool dude in the big ladder truck is really not doing his oh wait hey the roof kind of collapsed i can see up into the sky that's probably what you want the sky yeah the you know the rafter i can see the sky from inside because the the roof collapsed you right got a nice view of the the why can't i use the commander seat but it's on fire from here that's interesting it's very interesting i just want to know when we get one of those helicopters that we can dip into people's pools oh hell yeah that's where the real money's at i mean hella yeah because what a lit it's a helicopter so hello yeah no i don't mean that which you probably meant no i don't think so how do we not have this fire under control yet uh something about the roof what's all these icons the blue icons uh i was spamming to tell the ai to do stuff yeah i think we just need to cross the streams here okay i'm helping we getting it i don't know man this thing is like virulent is that the right word [Applause] i don't know that it's actually out but it says it is oh it's out yeah it's out i want to get you blah blah blah i think i saw one of those dads watching us from another house watching my seat in his face look at me damn that's impressive man i wish how many keggles you do to get that yeah we unlock oh no those are missions medium wait we unlocked the rosenbauer viper well what's the latter in elevation cool guys we need to use the rosenbauer viper i don't even know what the rosenbauer viper is we need to use that i don't even care okay all right that's fair enough oh i hope it's a dodge viper with like one fire hose in the back rust power viper yeah we do have a ladder the [Music] [Laughter] i'm sorry that wasn't that funny but just it just hit different you know sometimes you say stuff out loud it just hits i just imagine you like a rotund 50 year old fire chief steps up to the microphone and just like ladies and gentlemen uh wildfire to the west the city uh it's kind of lost a lot of problems we got some reinforcements uh we're gonna have helicopters tomorrow three helicopters on the scene and i just need to say these fires are [ __ ] yeah i i just need to point out that this other truck in front of us has somehow evolved a step further they look like they got a better ladder than us and i do they have the sexier ours has like uv lights on it yeah our competition always gets the one up in the truck nice nice nice good yeah nice yeah why are they stopping at a red light don't they know we're gonna make it out where are emergency vehicles we don't stop for [ __ ] yeah exactly especially when the lights are on maybe they should step back and let the pros handle this yeah stay behind me satan i like our ladder hose i'm excited for whoever gets to use that i'm i'm excited for you guys i don't want dibs on well all right okay you can have divs if you want dibs no you're the boss marky moo you're the boss you can have it oh stop other cars oh my god um yeah you can have it yeah it was a thick gap but i cut it close because it's cool that way yeah of course you sure yeah you're you're still good proximity points and whatnot thank you thank you thank you yeah not gonna let off the gas lining up in the history of turns not so hot now at least the sign broke that was something new yeah it's wiggly i like every time this thing shifts it's like a violent thing oh trying to move my mouse to change the camera's perspective as a bold choice hey the lion statues i love those guys yeah pretty cool right do you think all of these buildings can light on fire it's pretty smooth that's a smooth turn is it like randomly generated where it just can make any road in here burn up to a crisp oh there are on the map they're like well they got to be like planned missions why does it randomly increase my mouse sensitivity in game i don't know i just thought you might we are in the viper now that's true all right who's ready for a spicy turn there's there's nothing ready too spicy too spicy too spicy there's no mouse sensitivity settings there are none no there's not the center dpi well i did i have a button that drops it down but it's like it only increases all right well it's gonna be very high sensitivity on this one can't you afford one of those like gamer boy bath mice that has more sensitivity i just said i do and i drop it lower every new map it drops it up again and i don't know why but it's all twitchy now apparently maybe you need to get a computer that wasn't made in the 1980s look i i i look i have a lovely alienware computer brought to you by alienware yeah that show it must be nice to have a sponsor it is nice actually it must be great i'm sure that's really cool it is actually really nice and awesome it is pretty nice yeah i bet everyone who's whoever plays games with you is jealous they are yeah must be a good thing i don't do that that's a pretty big fire i feel like we should stop looking at it and spray some water on it or whatever yeah that'd probably be for the best oh now my sensitivity how the hell's bill already got the yeah what did he do we don't even have the supply line connected up or where's do we have hoses do we have hoses in the in the back yeah where in the back what do you mean in the back in the back in the north like in the back no oh there is a comp oh yeah supply hose and that's a supply hose that's one okay guys dude why did someone set a nozzle down by me get out of here with that i don't know wade's kind of you know oh i'm on the ladder [Music] dude that's so sexual dude somehow your sexual energy is really permeating whoa hey wade oh my god that's against tos du oh yeah can you bash through the window with that just like i don't think so it doesn't seem to let me do anything to that what if i hit it with the old extended lap i love your extent okay let me try it out i'm gonna bash open that window and i'm gonna see if you can extend the ladder into the window afterwards i'm just gonna make the thing go as high as humanly possible i love that about you and then we're just gonna wow and go straight up [Laughter] all right there's a window in mark and i'm gonna turn around and look in three two one wow you really got a bird's eye view though don't you oh [ __ ] why did that give me no i just teleported from the top eiffel tower yeah man yes it is here insert inserted into this window i've breached for you i'm here to help you with your fire problems okay why the [ __ ] oh yeah somehow it doesn't work straight up do the ladder hang on okay fire department call out fired up protecting the electricity powers out look look at this pedestrian aren't the police supposed to have a cordoned off area why are you here sir where's oh dude i could just walk up and down the ladder when it's at a good angle like this there's no police car here to help what are you looking at lady get out of here what the freaking heck am i supposed to do ooh they got a trampoline i get to the top it says use ladder no not that i got a trampoline i don't like this anymore mad mad about it i got a trampoline where are the nozzles i don't know man steal from the other truck who knows all right i refuse to sprint when i carry this hose i like to go slower whenever i'm equipped it's literally impossible to use the ladder because the button to use the hose at the top of the ladder is the same button that makes you get off the ladder i'm not even joking wow if you get someone else needs to try this because literally you get to the top of the ladder and it says e to use and you hit e and you get you going oh hey there's a person in here does anybody want to come save this guy i'm busy i'm busy with stuff and things uh can we send bill in here on a rescue no i could ah guys i can't get in the trampoline oh he's burning alive i should probably get him he'll see you later all right cool wait do i need to put a do we have a supply hose we do have a supply hose all right i'm coming over did you guys get the ladder hose working no okay mark do you try it well try what how do i do it oh what the heck did we ever figure out if we have noodles i found one on the ground outside the truck that i grabbed but i didn't find them in there oh do we need to bring a hose up here what is the deal with this oh wait yeah can i do that can you can you get on the ladder with a hose i don't know it seems like there's a hose attachment here but i don't know what the deal is use okay maybe it's not the right angle i don't know but that seems stupid i'm going to try and climb the ladder with the schnoozel okay let me just how do you extend it uh the bottom line oh i see i see i see i see i see okay retract a bit getting a little toasty in here hey turn it how do i turn it it's not turning uh there's a limit on the turn but that's okay can you get off it for a second yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely would love that um there you go buddy drop hose to control i wanna climb the ladder okay you don't need to bring a hose with you onto the ladder yeah that's silly i'm so baffled by this did you find nozzles uh there's a nozzle on that hose that i just dropped there man we really should have brought more nozzles what the absolute [ __ ] monster this fire kind of sucks fire does kind of suck okay we're in boy we're in hey this can't be safe i really feel like there should have been more nozzles this feels weird it feels like there should be nothing someone in chat give me a tip oh [ __ ] what i figured out how to do the thing how do you do that you hit c while you're on the controls and you switch you switch to ejac mode i see all right i'm gonna go full extendo i love it up high up tall yes please really the only way the structural integrity of this place i'm standing doesn't seem the best i'm gonna stand here anyway i can't imagine it going wrong that's why you're brave that's why you're smart what they say now i'm putting out guys look i'm pwning yeah i'm happening this new fire yeah man i still have an unconscious person in here but whatever they'll be at this point why haven't you carried them out yet uh i figured i'd fight the fire save their house more than them yeah property is more valuable than human rights they lose their house exactly exactly what matter that's true yeah we all are in agreement we all went to the seminar we know you can only take with you what isn't destroyed by fire we all know that the saying that exactly fast mission time expired well we're paid by the hour not by the job that's one of our private servants yep for-profit fire dude for-profit firefighting would be such a sick job like how much more leverage could you have in a business situation you roll up to some family standing outside their stupid house and you're like all right it'll be probably eight grand we'll quote you might be more oh reflect the total and the accurate total in the final bill they're like wait wait wait wait we're underwater on the house if it burns down we have nothing what do you mean eight grand i can't afford that well okay i mean yes you can get the other fire fighters that's fine we can offer you a light service we'll put out half the fire for half the cost you know what one of our kids is still in there this this they you can't do that well i am doing that you've got spare kids obviously but your home fire insurance only covers us putting out one third of the fire yeah obviously it's naturally selected that kid should have run out i mean you've got the smart ones out here so really what are you worried about but but yeah i don't even i can't imagine one person would say in that situation don't stop well how how could you do this what kind of monster are you ma'am i'm not a monster just a businessman i'm a former amazon scene ma'am i'm not a monster i'm jeff bezos speaking of fire have you tried the new fire tablet available for 1.99 looks like you're gonna have to replace quite a few home goods uh have you looked at that amazon i'm just gonna bring you this advertisement if you get a prime subscription you get free shipping on all these things you're gonna have to replace today's fire fighting is brought to you by speedway we sell accelerants firefighter comes down off the roof covered in ashes and smoke like ma'am have you checked out season four of transparent it's an amazon original series we've talked about some serious real life issues but also about family issues we can all relate to i think you should really check it out consider watching season four transparent live now on amazon prime video sometimes if i drop this person off the roof what happens if i shut your stupid face i guess it would no longer be open could we try it oh my god i fell off the roof this this roof fire in the back is literally not going out there must be something inside get the the ladder on our truck in a position where i can do anything about that yeah it is just go i tell bill to do that bill is doing that me and bill are doing this and they ain't working i'm gonna use the other truck there's still someone unconscious in the house in the living room i don't doubt it there's two i see i break this with a hose oh i was aiming in the wrong spot the whole time are you some kind of [ __ ] sure am i not i've proved it there are so many bodies in this house this is much more effective when i actually hit the fire guys uh guys look at me hi did you comment oh dear there look at me i'm looking at you look i know where you are oh look oh um is he on that one god wow did you hijack the enemy truck that's what i just asked i just asked hey mark you want to grab the other body in the living room sounds like you need to cool off there bucko all right fine oh my god look how high i can go how high can you go well that's pretty hot whoa that doesn't look good uh i think you're gonna break something there no that's fine i think i've seen a video about this go wrong if i just whoa i'm amazed that i can do this yeah i got him open after i got him don't worry about that thing you you relax right on over to the ambulance chuck them in here oh my god wait wait wait hang on let me enter exit i'm in am i right baby yeah you're in here delivery service patient coming in hot water look at those nerd firefighters over there all right let me hop out i can't hop out i'm trying to hop out hop [Music] [Music] i can't help nope not close enough to ground cannot exit the basket all right hang on hang pretty close to ground that's um maybe i don't know how much closer to the ground we're going to get but i guess we'll see what we can do oh i'm out i'm out thank you all right let's finish this bad boy walking that stupid god over there yourself yeah why would we do that when we forgot technology yeah skadoosh hey hey you dropped this in there and don't break a sweat really nice arm thank you and chest thank you back in the basket i want in this let me in the basket oh sorry how did you get into the basket and then the game's gonna be like no no too high i don't know man get back out i don't know man i don't know man i don't know well i think great job all around really i think so too i think that was really something special i think that was really nice driving time medium mission time slow slow and steady leveled up hey good job nice i need a quick five windows i need a quick five and then uh we can either keep going with this or go something else all right five okay cool i'll be right back i'm gonna take one two win yes you and probably five-ish five [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hello welcome back to three pins in a pot some of you may wonder where my beard is well i had an accident i went to trim and it was on a lower setting than i remember it being so i just went and realized my mistake far later than i should have alas this is my fault [Music] but like with most things it will go it will grow back it's not the case with wade but i think he looks good [Music] how are you doing good to see you i've got basically like an otter pop someone wanted a dollar pop i can't remember who must not have mattered that much oh well it happens very cold [Music] it's not an otter pop it's a good pop [Music] very different good pop is very different no no who i don't know who that is who is that e e f f like f in chat [Music] i have no idea who you're talking about i always keep my freezer stocked with these if i don't have them well that's never happened before so if someone wanted it around me they would have gotten it that's for sure who is that i don't know that i don't know them hmm what who you're not even saying words you're just being funny it's like one of those mimi's so funny god you guys are great oh boy otter pops are so good these are good pops they're made with real fruit juice they're delicious hey the new cloak shovel [Music] ah you can't read that also it's backwards but uh the new cloak shovel not available actually uh sold out so um you got it you got it but uh i think there's a giveaway randomly we had an organ trail collab so uh when someone in your party going across the nation dies of dysentery you can bury them very handy reminds me of something about burying a pal like you know [Music] do you love to bury a pal when you go out alone cause you're always going out and do the woods alone don't go with anyone else they could murder you then bury a pal in the dirt if you got one then go alone cause going alone is the best thing to do in the woods i think that was it that sounds familiar all right anyone back hello anyone back i'm just having a weird podcasty type conversation with chad at the moment oh keep going if you want yeah go i just had this um i had this thought about like if i met the 15 year old version of myself if i would be proud of what i've done and what i'm doing or if i would be like dude come on like how bad did you fail in life and i really don't know because like 15 year old me one would have never drank like alcohol i swore i would never touch it my entire life at that age and to know that i got my start in this with like don't drink minecraft with you guys but on top of that like i'd be like how bad did you fail at being a lawyer playing video games like maybe i think it was cool maybe like oh that's awesome or maybe i would just be like what a failure i really don't know i think you'd probably think it was cool i'm not gonna lie yeah maybe so i mean probably so but i just i was very dead set on like what i was going to do i was so sure of myself at that age of where i would be do you think and this is no offense no slight to you but do you think that 15 year old you if looking at you would see that you were going to go bald and just be like that would make him so paranoid or would he accept it more would he be like ah okay i guess that's in my future or would he be like no no i don't know maybe if they met me and i was like confident enough being bald with a beard that they'd be like oh wow you actually gain self-confidence that's new um and they'd be like well i can't wait to feel that feeling or maybe they would just be like ah wow we are i hope you got married before you lost it because you can't like that's probably for the best that gene pool is tainted baldness is a taint to the gene pool uh that's pretty harsh man i just i don't fair fair but harsh you know 15 years old i was pretty close to the weight that had the afro yeah um i had zero self-confidence at that age though like i knew i was a good student like that was it um so if i saw that i was like an ugly ass fatter man than i was at that age because like 15 was pretty close to my like physical prime too because whenever i played whenever i played uh basketball for the school like the conditioning was pretty intense so i actually had abs and stuff at that point and now not quite the same strapping young man in any way you could always get back to the fitness part of it that's true but i wonder 15 year old me would be like hmm looking a lot more like daddy than we'd hoped to huh well the real question is what if uh what if you saw a 45 year old you right now what would you say to yourself would you be disappointed and they said diet would have me dead by 40. yeah you know you do not have a very diverse diet i question your nutrition palette like honestly though other than well other than mexican food there's not really like i don't not eat a lot do you take a multivitamin at least no but i'm not collagen do you drink bone broth i have eaten so much healthier like i don't eat salads but i've had like almost daily vegetables which is for me something i never used to do every day um every day bro pretty much i mean not every day pretty close to it it's much better than like once a month like it was for a good portion of my life [Music] but i mean we have like uh steamed broccoli very often peas green beans i mean all kinds like just stuff i would have not eaten that often before because it used to be a lot of eating out or fast food or whatever and it's like oh well i guess i'll just have french fries or i'll have like macaroni or you know but i've been eating a lot healthier this year at home and molly's been cooking a lot more so it's been a lot more home-cooked meals a lot more vegetables that's good i've been doing a lot better as far as that goes bob i saw you load up a game i'm just looking yeah let's play that game okay cool i thought you both i thought you both quit yeah who is the world mark do you have the world no that's it's wade i think has the world okay but yeah no that's good good for you man good for you i've been keeping up with the workouts you know they they've been intense hence my knee hence the bone broth hence the lead it's a lot campfire guitar guy no yeah it's me [Music] you've been practicing uh no okay i don't practice guitar the guitar practice is me i thought you were starting off one of those old like johnny cash house i thought so too you're getting like a little number i like to call uh i don't play the guitar the guitar plays i never learned how to play guitar came out of the womb like this i i don't i don't know anything about johnny cash see like a rock and roll star or something maybe i i don't know specifically what genre he would be is it it's not blues it's like a country singer country kind of what what would you i i don't know i'm not a music buff so i really don't know this honest question but not music nowhere i'm not much of a music person it doesn't seem like country but a country people are saying country people are definitely saying it's like old school rock mixed with country outlaw country blue grass is it i don't think it's bluegrass no bluegrass i think of banjo's missing teeth and lots of uh it's not meth what's the moonshine [Laughter] i think in the good old days sitting on the porch we got a little jug got a little washboard base lots of style footrest crack a live crocodile is a footrest method is a crazy drug [Music] all right the boat is up bob is here i'm coming daddy yeah bob does not know johnny cash that's true i'm not embarrassed in the slightest about that but go nuts chat the first time i was really introduced to johnny cash was i think it was um oh god it was one of those zombie movies it was more in the big mall and like the very end of the movie they play on when the man comes around i'm not familiar with that one ah anyone know the name of that movie you're not familiar with that song it's actually a pretty good song i probably have heard it where he starts off talking he's like and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts it's probably a bible verse or something it's like about the four horsemen of the apocalypse or something but for some bible [ __ ] or something like that bible and then like tearing down like right after he does the little talky bit yeah yeah oh hey i'm hungry in-game or in real life yeah i'm i'm hungry my inventory is full and shitty what did why is our food storage empty is guys what's happening oh good oh here's the eat me one okay thank you guys we have our goat in our ostrich oh here i am oh peacock or whatever the [ __ ] you are what are you that's probably oh hey okay um oh you have your mayor top hat that's right we did the mayor thing yeah and then amy got me a real top hat i don't like all that yeah that's good um okay organizational system probably still all kinds of screwing dawn of the dead oh yeah frick all my uh flowers for the honey i gotta get a scarecrow oh right we gotta get we gotta get an island so we can get the honey that's right yeah but i've got five b jars and i have now played another game with another group where we surpassed where we are right now so i can't remember what the hell is happening to save my life um here's some stuff in the story i mean i would never do it you have other people you stream with i have other people i like more than you similarly my mouse sensitivity is through the roof when it comes to like being in the storage jesus yeah uh for some reason it was lagging real bad but i'm okay now i'm okay i am okay where is skype oh no heads and whatever oh scratch over here oh it's actually called scrap now holy lord i mean i think that was called scrap before but hurt my feelings why don't you i mean your system is mind-blowingly brilliant mark thank you we all have the elbows and knees but we still have heads heads there's actually heads and heads heads make sense don't mock heads don't mock heads why is there feathers and heads uh this could grow on heads chunks lumps lumps make sense lumps of stuff lumps make sense mark i got a scarecrow for your fleewers all the [ __ ] we have to keep watering this grass or something don't we because we don't have an automated sprinkler yeah we gotta water the grass sorry what an egg we got an egg oh hell yeah oh yeah we have a turkey i forgot about that oh yeah we can shear i mean milk the goat milk the goat yeah milk the goat alpacas okay i'm starving to death that's right hunger that's still a thing oh yeah hunger tools let's um let's put our canister net launcher sweeping net we have some type of being at something where is that well it's uh probably my scarecrow oh nope it's eating it's eating these vegetables oh i forgot i had these vegetables right these are compostables sprint oh wait i learned a thing mark the heads yeah the heads have value do they if you put the head into the biofuel thing it almost fills it up ooh no hey why does this say mark sucks xd i don't know that must be that way did you capping me you giving me cap how do you what i don't know no cap no i don't know the full usage of that yet is it like he he caps they cap it who he she is yeah a captain you're giving me the cap i can't do it it is yeah that's how that worked jeff i'm gonna put one shark head the verb is in a poor thingy cap and we're gonna have so many biofuels boom oh we don't have honey that's probably probably is like a we do have honey there's honey uh but there's no honey in the thing oh gosh gotcha yeah we got a 20 32 honeycomb right now uh first enough to make a fair amount of honey actually yeah we just need the glass and the um other stuff we got oh island off to the right it's tiny but it'll have something we have like i should be cooking sand then is what you're saying uh we have coke coke bowls cookables oh yeah i can make i'm gonna make i'll i'll grind out the i'll grind out the glass then yeah um who wants to oh am i the captain man sure i think you're low on food right now yeah that's a matter of opinion [Laughter] wow calm down uh we're leaving this island leaving this island i agree that is factually accurate where's all the water in this hellhole second floor i just refilled it all there's one on the bottom floor that you can have i've oh that's another thing i've learned cops are for idiots where are the catfish why am i getting [ __ ] i'm talking this cup into the ocean i don't want it anymore bottles are where it's at that lumps candle bottle what are you looking for vinegar vinegar uh yeah that's lumps that's lumps it's a trunk obviously i mean it's a lump yeah i knew that it looks lumpy don't it it it is zombie it's a bottle for you or mark mark you want this bottle what do you want this bottle i have one all right well no no it's not a drinking bottle it's a candle box wait it's too late what does that mean it's too late man it's too late bottles are over all right 20 20 also canceled bottle oh wait we just need to get this recipe can we can we go to the right like a tad no oh i'm gonna die no you're not no you're not he's not we got your back don't even we got your back okay now come on back come on back fast wait come on no you're fine what are you uh shark is behind you better hurry oh that oh you hate to see that there was an island off to the left as well we're missing some of these uh well captain i'm sorry i don't mean to question it but uh some of these things you should go to an island is that why i'm just saying eventually we might need to you can you can input your opinion that's okay that's okay we're all on the same ship here ah captain wade sneeze sneezes very annoyingly i want to do something about that i wanted to take a moment cause i thought it was one of those like explosive sneezes that made a mess thankfully it was not all right i'm ascending the most inconvenient steering house ever built where do hinges where's the island uh well we passed them so crafty's is this the crafty oh that's a tiny shitty island no we go to a big island that's where we're going big eye you saw a shitty island what oh my god no one said anything no whoopsies sorry i was maybe streaming that on small screen the entire time i had to go over and check to see if i was doing the same thing but i'm okay uh there's an idiot here leave the internet forever now fool you fool fool there's something weird to the right is that another small island what are you seeing oh yeah that looks a little bigger yeah hey to the right bob there's a slightly bigger island i think it's what you're looking for oh sorry i i i'm ready what what do the kids say that's it you got it i say i captain he just asked if they're alright i'm ready i am ready i'm ready come on give me more salmon tilapia by hardly even opia nope i mean i thought it was okay all right i'm coming down whoa what's on that thing oh hey it looks like there's stuff on that island there's big islands now where you can capture animals um another canister in one of the chests so somewhere never to be found again probably yeah whatever okay how do we make shark bait because i'm starting to realize oh it needs specific types of fish is for shark face that's so annoying it is if we actually did that though we would be in good shape right i mean we have good weapons we could just kill the [ __ ] out of it well but that's so it's you know uh do we have clay anywhere is clay a lump uh no that's in a post post uh eng that's an ingots uh cause uh post we're about to hit this bad boy no what that's not clay we're about to hit oh clay oh i don't know as opposed to yeah he thought you said clay not clay uh yeah oh clay okay yeah no i don't know that's weird all right we're here we sort of slammed right into it that's fine yeah well it's all right [Music] oh my god he begaws when he lays eggs nice he or burger please yeah he the the chicken man who's laying the eggs what do you mean all right you're right i'm sorry i need the net the swift net i forgot the swift net that's how i catch the bees yeah we need well we need flowers more than we need bees the bees will come if we can get the flowers that is true if we seed them they will come okay well this is clearly a flower and it's not letting me get it but whatever you know whoa oh my god there's a pig there's a pig that's pretty dramatic it came out of nowhere man no it came out of nowhere all right this pig is very oh my god i just threw my hook where'd my hook go you're an enemy i don't know i just killed it i think they're all enemy pigs i don't think there's such thing as a non-enemy pig why should i get whoa stung me this time this never stuns me bees stun me they've never done that they've already do hey there's another chickypoo hey chickyfriend no one's paying attention oh i can go get the metal detector maybe there's like a metal over here oh maybe i wonder if that's a thing let me go get that let me check it out let me see what is up guys every time i see this majestic tower of yours bob i get like like a tingly feeling it is incredible it's beautiful right it is oh more bees please the more honey to go with the more bees all right oh we do have a reading anyone got a shovel no sir we have a tools chest yep got it right here in my hand i think it's the one that used to be labeled marquee poopoo i don't think it was it's now called tools i don't yeah that's the one yep yeah got that one i got it did you find tools not tools tools right yeah i got it i got it it's near the clay chip not the clay chest but the clay chest yep i've got a safe here thanks man go for it uh i don't know if i have one let's see glass explosive powder leather engine yeah oh three titanium ooh yeah we've got three titanium ingots already there's something that needed titanium i forget what it was though is this um is this where you dug is that what this dirt mound is there's a little dirt here to dirt to dig up right no it's i just you saw me do that i was yeah right in front of you hey found me okay all right cool hey guys there's buffer fisher on this island great oh get him get him get him get him he already exploded so way way past that where's the shark at i don't care i'm going down oh there's another do we need another chicken bird oh i said that a while ago but yeah we probably if whatever we can capture we probably should because so we have all the okay oh chickens basically only give you eggs which are good they're food right no they're mainly used for healing saddles oh what why can't we make an omelette with them but their their primary value is i think healing style why would that be their pro we just die and then come back resurrection is a thing but if you die and come back you lose all the stuff you had well then don't die in an inconvenient place no no you can't get it you lose it well then one of us will pick us up and then this is so clear yeah that's always worked out really well we're gonna get more puffer fish to craft more ammo for this yes gun yeah i don't have any ammo at the moment that's uh oh we don't have any i thought we had some can you just pick up the chicken i thought you could just pick it up you have to net it once you net it you can pick it up it becomes like friendly really stupid that's really dumb i don't uh let tell me more about how proximity voice is so obvious it is obvious oh shark broke my machete broke his broke your machete on his face he's dead the shark is dead yeah yeah cook him and eat him and become his power put his head in the biofuels put his head in our gas tank and burn it for fun what happened to our humanity did we ever have it it was an illusion man we live on a flock of garbage what do you mean humanity i know we left what is garbage anyway who defines what garbage is me and this is garbage we live on garbage it's garbage fair enough captain fair enough you dare defy my definition i would never get inside this box i've made for you and shut up me is leather a chuck everyone and every well there's definitely a trunk yeah that's a chunk or a lump i don't know i think there's a bunch of leather in the chunk already oh yeah this second chunk there is yeah yeah glass is glass is ingot it's to the right of the smell first anything post schmelter is ingot i'm hunting for uh po poofers on poofer's over here i'm digging up sand oh you guys are making glass okay yeah we need glass because we have a bunch of honeycomb we need to make we need glass to make it into honey it was five glass bully just dive down into the abyss is that bad i do that ah well define it i find the bottom of the ocean hmm uh yep i'm gonna go just go down forever actually well that's what i thought near that other part of the ocean on that island and it just kept going down and down yep through that direct chunk didn't we have never-ending amounts of stone at one point in stoner what you talking about yeah we got stoners section here first there's a stoner section of course of course it was by mistake i know it's my fault okay my bad right oh my god diving deep into the ocean apparently makes me go far far away from the island what the hell are you still diving wait what did i just enter the zone what's happening i'm having a seizure welcome to this this is this is the zone bob is in the zoo did i just teleport this is a different island i swear to god this is a different island are you guys here no you're here okay okay it's fine everything's fine calm down shut up all right man all right shut up okay thank you everyone have an axe we have an axe in our tool chest i have one it's almost broken i don't know yeah yeah i don't know man is he okay i'm fine look man doing all right you're very worried about me that's right you little bird [ __ ] you're joining our crew ah okay uh there were no flowers on that so unfortunately honey's gonna be a little low but we i do have plenty of wood to load into the react to the engines if we need them we have enough honeycomb to make a few more honeys and we have a few we can just go to another island yeah we're fine for biofuel we're fine for now we're fine i got two more eggs i got a water how do i water this just eat okay we're probably gonna need more dirt we're gonna need more space for the animals now we have three in there um ah eat me i'm putting the eggs in the eat me chest despite my reservations about doing so no no they go on the other one what other one the cooking one the food one oh yeah that one needs for the the the cooking okay cook me got it yeah cook me eat me i mean could you eat a raw egg i'm pretty sure you probably could but in real life i don't think you can in this game yeah when i was a boy i ate eight dozen eggs now i only eat 14. or something that was uh disney movie whatever that beauty and the princess beauty and the princess me gaston my uh my single gas of the year gassy and the princess are we watering these bad boys let me make sure we want it yeah man all right all right uh bob fuel is loaded to the tits all right what is that do we have another heading for another island that we need to get to uh to the garnell to the girla 0373 have we done that heading before i don't think so uh tangaro caravan town we did that downtown was the last one we did i think yeah the next one kangaroo definitely next round 0.373 my dudes okay let me turn this on 0 3 7 3 let's look up uh seven here's some dumb piece of [ __ ] bird eating god dang it it's kind of a biscuit okay oh three seven three uh how many just travel units are we away from there we're 1808 away it is when i'm looking at this thing now i don't know what that translates to on your thing it's to north west or northwest based on what the i don't know how this points to your thing we're moving if we're going to hang on let me yeah let me so from the from the orientation of the ship itself which is what does that even mean okay because we drive forward what do you mean what does that mean we drive forward so i need to do like but why is four is forward to the right degrees to the left i got this okay so all right engineering be prepared captain on the helm cabin on the helm can we get anchor up please anchor up please anchor up and on my mark engage the engineers are you ready wait come on we gotta do this in sync with the other the other engine with the engine one mark that was good good sync beautiful beautiful beautiful confirmed navigation heading check please navigation heading check please navigation is probably good so the right the the like easterly line on there should be pointed towards the headset why don't we turn the heading to where that would be pointing because shut up why do we have so many sails shut up i'm turning off the heading okay was it good i want to check it might probably get no it was good don't look no it's fine why are you looking i'm starving to death that's the heading is pretty good but i could be better it could be better okay it could be better could be better could be better i'm gonna move these sails good fine excellent excellent excellent oh discovered we don't need them uh i mean we could use the sails i thought we confirmed that they didn't stack did we confirm that oh yeah they definitely don't make us go any faster or anything but i mean i guess aesthetically it looks nice sure a fleet of sales what's wrong with that well i'll just have one you know what i mean just one point i guess generally forward i don't have any planks to refill the wood that's why i can't refill the wood i don't think i can pick up this radio station what are all these wires whoa remember it's a radio station and three antennae why did you point it this way i you made it i didn't make it i don't know who you're being outrageous about you made this i didn't make it i did not 100 percent oh you i do not remember that so i don't think it is true um just because if you say it in a weird voice it doesn't make it more true okay we are believed it more there's another island on route that is not our island we're still 1500 away but we could stop for flowers it looks very lush ooh we certainly could stop i mean we need flowers for honey eventually but we are good on biofuel like if we just swing by i can jump off grab them and get out of there all right i just made 12 honeys so we're actually pretty rich never mind we're fine we're pretty pretty legit on the huns why what i mean why are these not cooking what what was putting no did someone put oh they just finished never mind yeah it looks bad banging out some glass don't even worry about it don't even try we didn't get any puffer fish though right oh you and your crash into this island all right we should go to this island there's like a crash oh my god what is that that's pretty sick actually lush all right that was a little premature on the engine disengagement but that's okay that was good i liked it i thought you did after anchors yeah come on give me some baby oh hello dead seagull how does it feel to be a dumb piece of [ __ ] bird i thought so red berries what the hell are red berries used for that new i don't know berry stuff we had berries before sure sure i've had a berry okay i know i know about berries plenty of flowers on this island i'm getting a good amount this is oh oh this is a crash plane i that is what that is i thought wrong bob i got a present for you uh from for a little old me yeah bob i got a person for you i'm gonna come back with it am i gonna like it am i going to not love this present i can guarantee you're going to love this present i got this one especially for you okay okay where are you there you are okay i'm coming i'm at the cooking station i'll wait i'll wait to receive my presents all right here it comes you're gonna love that oh wow that's a good present looks good that's a good presence and that that's a pretty good looks good looks good well i'm looking at it look at it i am wow are you even bob you're just captain awesome now yeah i told you what i think i agree yeah anyway i got a lot of flowers um i'm gonna plant them down wait did you pick any more uh flower seeds did you get any of those i did not pick any flowers do i need to start grabbing those uh no i mean if you got if there were any flowers if you could grab them but it's okay if you didn't i don't know if i noticed it on the way up i only noticed the berries i think you might have grabbed them but i'll take another peek ah yeah just give it a gander but if not it's fine do we break rocks or more we don't need stone then why would we do that everybody where is two year olds [Music] um in my life i got flowers i got two red flowers is that helpful no what are triggers tools bro oh trolls hey the bees are back seeds specifically do you have to just get lucky yeah when you pick the flowers you know sometimes you get seeds sometimes you [ __ ] ass is there anything we need from under the water on this island um oh i did i got uh one red seed nice where we put those that's that's stuff we need you just well maybe don't plant them yet i'll put them in the seed next to the honey put them in the yeah the bee business there's also a pineapple seed there which i don't think you want but you know pineapple seeds not bad um are we just tossing red flowers are we keeping those somewhere um there's a there's a happy uh chest anything that makes you happy uh will go in there which is flowers so in the one i'm i'm looking at right now is is the one you would want the one on the left yeah i see okay you know what mark i'm going to respect your organizational system thank you oh oh oh oh no no not the next nothingness oh did he actually get no no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine it's going for the nest you know our very valuable nest that definitely gets a lot of tracks for sure sure almost got that that would have been risky i don't know if risky is the right word but would have been risky risque even i don't know about that risky three more eggs we have lots of eggs all of a sudden chickens really produce a lot of eggs i tell you they just [ __ ] them out hey [ __ ] we milk our goat we need to have like a empty bottle gotta have a bucket you gotta make a bucket and have a bucket okay mr bucket put your balls in my mouth mister biscuit bucket wait what butcher balls in my mouth the most horrendously inappropriate children's game i've ever seen in my life have you seen the um the spoof video the horror short about mr bucket no oh god yeah it's like i can't remember the name of the goddamn channel anybody watching do you guys know what video i'm talking about where the guy has the whole mr bucket thing he's like i wanna suck your balls [Music] i think that might be a different video but i still want to see it so let's go into this okay like cinematic or one of those oh that sounds it was angry video game nerd was it that doesn't sound people are saying that doesn't seem right i don't believe that all right well is there anything of value in the water i think this island's pretty well tapped uh no our bees are back in business which is good um other than that i don't know oh there's not even a corpse in this downed plane well i mean i pulled the helmet off of that so i'm assuming the corpse decomposed around it also what an idiot he like it's nothing but ocean around he hits the one island you know what i mean yeah in a plane that floats he's going down and he's like ah [Laughter] if you guys know what mr bucket is it was a child's toy that came out don't explain it anymore yeah it was literally deployed in his mouth it was a little battery-powered bucket who would like spit balls out of his mouth and you'd like scoop up your color so like four different colored balls so you'd have like yellow red green blue and you would race to get your balls and mr bucket before he'd spit your balls back out you know you know you say don't explain it and then he just keeps explaining it i can't believe it well i wanted people to know what mr bucket was yeah well maybe they weren't ready to know you ever think about that well then sometimes you just gotta throw them in the deep end and see if they survive well did they did they no they are dead but honestly survival of the fittest at this point that's true i always i always believe in that more bone broth for us you either live or you don't and if you don't not my problem anymore yeah long enough to see yourself become the villain or you don't yep classic all right uh engineering can we get some engines engines i'm hungry oh you you know me also not taking care of my body okay anchor up it's up already never mind anchor down anchor now up engine oh this is just a test anchor down and around and grow up and get down do you need headaches island mark what oh [ __ ] did you metal detector of that island oh [ __ ] it's fine it's probably a call good call back it's fine titanium would probably be good what is titanium for it again who knows it was pretty rare though yeah i don't remember uh let me look through my things book it's so fun well i'm not seeing anything i'm seeing nothing i'm seeing dick and diddly i'm seeing nothing you know i'm gonna make a bucket i'm gonna milk this goat and i'm gonna i'm gonna milk the [ __ ] out of this goat this is good i hear it up or down jesus give me your milk give i picked up the goat who's attacking my god how do i put down get the thank you how do i put it down how do i put how do i put it down no no panic don't give book it i got it i got a bunch of milk whoa nice no [Laughter] are you spilling your bucket of milk or something what's going on no it's fine don't worry about it [Music] do you guys i look i don't want to redo our whole farming system but i learned some stuff about farms that blew my mind recently what okay you can hang the farming the the crop plots on walls like a dozen crop plots how does that work how does dirt not fall out of it it's a bat it's a wooden box it's a fully enclosed it's a i don't know man oh it hangs him vertically oh not vertically mounted on the wall yeah okay that makes more sense i also pictured them sitting there sideways like the bottom of the planter is flat that's on me all right fair enough we're all okay more eggs geez these things really [ __ ] them out no not you get down beelzebub elizabeth thunderbolted lightning very very frightening me get down elizabeth whatever one belizabeth the others blizzable and we've got 10 eggs now how many buckets of milk do we need i don't know what what if we even use it for baked goods oh no earth head broth and fish stew i guess i'll finish bone broth we're making bone broth dude head broth that sounds like bone broth man thank goodness this fishing thing don't move no head broth or a skateboard what what did you just say that's a meme that's like 80 percent the video uh as described by wade what i say that all the time there's a kid who's on a cell phone and he's like so no head and then like he throws his phone and snaps his skateboard in two what that's just that's just the vine that's it it's a meme mark i have not seen this one you know about the memes that the children do if it ain't on tick-tock i don't know about it it's on pre-tic talk what is that there's just somebody recording this dude on his cell phone presumably his girlfriend's like no head and gets all pissed off and breaks his skateboard i almost called it prick talk but that's not a good name for it yeah dude deserves better tic tocs is crazy that's nuts is surprisingly entertaining i've learned so much good cooking knowledge from tick tock ooh that's a good point yeah cooking cooking tick tock is dope yeah like all the privacy whatever's aside like there's good content on tick-tock privacy whatever shut up crybabies yeah a bunch of crap what do you not want your information publicly shared were you some kind of idiot who is out here cooking all these fish that are useful for stuff new rule new rule please do not cook tilapia or no palm frits or herrings i guess you're cooking mostly tilapia do not cook palm frits or herrings palm prints herrings no cook got it mackerel's uh mackerels can be cooked mackerel shouldn't be cooked i forget why comforts and herrings are useful because that's what you need to make shark bait don't cook oh okay okay i hear that stupid seagull again dude the bees are thriving oh not super thriving though uh these beets are ready to harvest we'll harvest them then uh i also gotta re-water our grass one second palm frite and what palm pre-herring okay i'm gonna take the herring out of cooking i'm gonna put tilapia i've got palm frit then the mackerel and the salmon will be there okay so i'm gonna put the pomfret and whatever herring down into the happy bucket all right because they're kind of smart they're happy they're not dying right now they won't be happy later but for now they apply to the happy sheets used for are we cooking these uh just a whole [ __ ] ton of the vegetable stew because we have a bunch let's put them in the storage near the biofuel yeah yeah sure oh hey i see it oh my what in the hell is ahead of us huh what look oh oh jesus what that's the thing is that that's the thing what is that guys it's a dome what is that my bald head this i believe is currently the last part of the story of this game is that well we're done with raft again all right that was quick to come back all right let's explore let's get out of here all right all right sounds good guys hey take a raid shadow legends brought to you take a right take a rainshot of legends everyone 30 000 silver and an epic champion an epic champion you won't get addicted at all what what about that is what those mean look afk arena is where it's really at no no no no no no no you don't have that here top notch action afk really delivers that's not funny i'm not laughing good then keep laughing no i'm not i'm not laughing only loving you and no no no no no you know you really lost your touch where do we go into this oh there's arrows on the bottom those are convenient i enter here where where we enter that is um this is a this is a thing it's real big uh so much [ __ ] wrong is this like we live here now because it looks really nice inside oh you have a good point sir oh no we're gonna crash what the hell oh i was scared you got so scared he sneezed oh man oh i ate a raw potato i'm an idiot all right well yeah i've been eating raw beets i've just been living off of them pretty much are those good beats or bad beats bad sick beats they're sick disgusting beats so nasty beats they should get like a z-pack or something let's see that clears it up yes oh it is a domed city oh i didn't even look we got close enough to see what's inside yeah i mean it looks lovely in there to be perfectly honest even if it's even if it's um is it this door no the arrows continue there's got to be like a dock or something that's an emergency exit why would there be an emergency exit where would you okay where are they going to go ocean and prey what kind of an emergency could a domed in city have why does it even need to be a dome anyway what's the point of the dome it's just going to get hot in there it keeps the sickness out what's sick are we sick yeah this is actually a zombie game what yeah it was you the whole time oh i see the dock it's all right look at the buck teeth on that i think uh i think the tower ain't gonna make this one boss no no no no we go in here we'll go in here i think the buck teeth are going to shear the roof right off of us we win these we win these we win these we win these we win our construction is sturdy this will hold up we're going to end up breaking the door it's going to be a tight squeeze okay anchor down engine off and drop anger engine off oh wow this is cool all right all right goes who wants to explore well you know i would explore but it's such a convenient dramatic ending point that i don't know how long we're going to be in there bob is this going to be i have never done this i don't know this is officially the first time i've seen pictures of this is how i know this is big in there it is pretty big the only unfortunate thing i say is i've got a call in 20 minutes so unfortunately i feel bad making you cancel it but i guess it is what it is yeah if you if you gotta do it if you if you guys ask me to i will re i will push it back a bit take that ben it's not ben but whatever [Laughter] we've been waiting years i would keep streaming either way so if you want to call it mark i will i'll just play something else it just depends on how long it's going to be in there probably more than 20 minutes yeah yeah if if we can pick this up next time right here then i'd appreciate that we could just next next week just quick banging out like lixie and bring back that dramatic conclusion that you were hyping up and then brought down to bring it back up oh no oh cliffhanger all right cool good i don't know why i looked at my camera download it and just grab that one three second clip of his face yeah exactly do that now now do the cliffhanger because you had to stop before so do it again all right cool yeah you cut out a discord when you were doing it because it just all right cool all right i saved the world already so whatever you guys are doing now is a waste of time i'm gonna exit all right thank you guys yeah appreciate it good to be back are you done streaming um i don't have to be we could play some zombies or something yeah actually i got a text from patrick in the middle of this saying that there was double xp on zombies for guns right now you could play some of that what zombies what zombies you talking about oh god no no don't tell him mr fancy phone call yeah all right well i'll raid i'll raid wade but also guys for anyone asking bob's over on facebook streaming so go to facebook.com tv slash markiplier make sure you follow yeah do that i can't imagine why they don't allow cross-platform rating i can't imagine i can't imagine probably people on their twitches all right see you around guys bye bye and bye [Music] you
Channel: MarkiplierVods 1080p
Views: 571,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 39sec (13419 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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