Mark ~ 13:18 to 13:37

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good they tell you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our fathers word how fantastic it is we're in the thirteenth chapter mark and many of you have a destiny and you've known it since you were a child that there was more to God's Word perhaps than you had been taught you find that destiny right here in this thirteenth chapter with a second witness in Matthew chapter 24 and a third witness and Luke 21 and a fourth even in the great book of John of these events transpiring many people say you're gonna fly away God says that his elect that is to say Christians that really know God's Word are going to stand against the false one for a testimony so that people can really hear the truth and when you're delivered up you're not to even think what you're going to say that the Holy Spirit will speak through you at that time that's what the ninth verse of this great chapter is stated and then as we close the last lecture he said woe to those that are with child when I return in that gift suck it doesn't mean you know it's a blessing for to have a natural birth that's that's fantastic but what he's talking about here spiritually he's looking for a virgin bride spiritually speaking when he returns and when he comes back expecting a virgin bride and he finds you with child even nursing along it means you've already accepted Satan's work and not only that you're nursing it along you're working with it you're helping Satan out and naturally Satan's message is I've come to fly you away he's going to have a lot of help in in a sense the ways that teaching goes at this time so you want to make sure you don't get drug into that you know in in second Thessalonians chapter 2 Paul makes it very clear also again he told you that he did not want you seduced as Eve was and to not let it be a mirror of marble to you that Satan's coming disguised as an angel of light but he also says in that second Thessalonians chapter 2 that don't ever let anyone tell you we're going to gather back to Christ with Christ and that's the subject of this thirteenth chapter is the return of Christ and our gathering to him that it will never happen except the son of perdition be exposed or than the falling away that's the great apostasy takes place and it's going to you said don't let some letter some dream some false prophet tell you is going to happen until after that until you see Satan standing in the holy place claiming to be God claiming to be Christ that's Antichrist that's what God's elect and his Christian students and followers Christ a Christ man is a person that loves the Lord Jesus Christ and follows him so we're in a time when as Christ would say in the fifth verse of this don't be deceived because many are going to come in my name claiming to be a Christian preacher I didn't send them so well how can I tell being a layperson by what the word says you want to be careful of the traditions of men and stick to the Word of God so let's pick it up if we mean after the impregnation point spiritually in verse 16 and 17 and let's pick it up with verse 18 chapter 13 the great book of Mark let's go with it it reads with that word of wisdom and pray ye that your flight be not in the winter well what what is this all about it's about harvest if you know anything about agriculture you know you don't harvest in the middle of winter you harvest in the fall and if you go according to this you would be harvested out of season unfortunately by the wrong Messiah to fake verse 19 and for in those days shall be affliction such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time neither shall be you know we've had the cat abode the overthrow we've had the flood of Noah we've had many things transpire they were all minor compared to what this is going to be because it's going to be a great deception peace peace peace they will cry and there will be no peace you know a lot of your so-called scholars say well this happened in 70 AD a little tinhorn Roman general named Titus and he didn't he wouldn't even make awake in his own tracks we're talking big here we're talking about the end of this age after all that is the subject from verse 4 verse 20 and except that the Lord had shortened those days no flesh should be saved but for the elects sake whom he hath chosen he has shortened the days it was originally set the apostasy was for three and a half years over a and this would be shortened to a five-month period because Christ 4 tells us all things well where does he tell us that in the ninth chapter of Revelation tells us very clearly that Satan apollyon a knave abdon that's Satan's name in the Greek and in the Hebrew tongue so you don't you can't go wrong we'll only have a five-month period as the false messiah and and certainly it is shortened but think about that God is saying even the elect might be deceived if it was allowed to run the full time and you are one of God's elect that's why you want to really be serious and think about this because it will definitely be a time of deception but father always protects his own when your faith and your knowledge and understanding is with him verse 21 and then If any man shall say to you lo here is Christ or lo he is there believe him not ma'am it's a false Christ verse 22 for false Christ's and false prophets shall rise you're going to have him did he say maybe there's going to be no he said there will be false Christ's there will be the Antichrist and shall show signs and wonders to seduce if it were possible even the elect we know from Revelation chapter 13 beginning with verse 11 that one that looks like a lamb but he's got the voice of a drag I mean it looks like Christ but it's none other than the old dragon Satan himself because it's his voice can perform miracles of snapping his fingers and making lightning come down from heaven that's Supernatural my friend and certainly people will will be deceived by that because why they're not they're not equipped for it they haven't been taught even though it is plainly written in the Word of God they have not read it and therefore their faith runs a Miss when when they look for what supposedly man has told them you don't have to worry you don't have to understand the book of Revelation you're going to be gone that's a lie and truly will do mislead many people because as it is written here not may be false Christ will come they're going to so don't don't let them that's that's Christ's mouth giving us that truth straight on are you gonna let some preacher tell you different I would hope not or you're in a heap of hurt my friend no he makes it very clear not maybe false Christ's and false prophets will be there you're gonna have them well how do I disprove them by the Word of God he makes that very clear in the next verse verse 23 listen carefully but take you heed that means you'd be very careful behold or look here I have foretold you all things right here in the word in in the prophets and through the Gospels the Apostles you have the the whole word God has for told us everything everything you need to know to not be deceived the question is have you read it now we were going back and forth between revelation the seals the seals that you're supposed to have in your mind whereby Satan can't toy with you meaning you can't be deceived because you know the truth that allows you to escape the hour of temptation because you know better you don't find Satan tempting you find him to be an abomination so let's let's go back to Revelation chapter 6 where the seals are very well written and let's pick it up if we may with verse 12 and 13 and let's see if it says anything about the false Christ's coming verse 12 of Revelation chapter 6 and it reads the and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal 6 as Satan's number and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood 13 and the stars of heaven that's God's children fell Michaels kicking Satan and his little friends out of heaven unto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs marked that in your mind when she is shaken of a mighty wind and God is the wind that's going to shake her make sure that these untimely figs falling out of season in the winter time that is to say of truth falsehood and their coming where from heaven right to earth to perform those miracles in the sight of people to deceive if you would even the very elect see that that doesn't happen to you well don't you know when Christ Himself put a curse on that fig tree when he was walking as we had covered in a lecture or so back he knew it was not the season for figs he was preparing you for the untimely figs be careful don't be deceived that's that is the very heart of the parable of the fig tree which we're going to be getting into here in a moment so there you have it and then we go on into the seventh which is the brightness of the coming of Christ and so it is but there you have that perfect outlay Christ has foretold us all things point is have you read it so let's get with it back to the thirteenth chapter let's pick it up with verse 24 mark 13 what does it say there but in those days after that tribulation well what tribulation was that Satan's tribulation you see there are two tribulations Satan's and gods we don't have to worry about either one of them the Sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light one because of the brightness of the coming of the Son of God the true Christ 25 and the stars of heaven shall fall and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken there's going to be a great shake-up when you're standing on the solid rock which is Christ you don't have anything to worry about Christ is coming back to pour that cup of vengeance out on enemies not his loved ones verse 26 and then shall they see the Son of Man and not until then all these events the false Christ the false prophets the deception the delivering up the Spirit speaking true God's very elect must transpire before then the true Christ the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory he's taken over but his children have work to do until then with the aid of the Holy Spirit getting it done taking names kicking dragon verse 27 and then and not until then shall he send His angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven and here when you have the four winds mentioned that's the end okay that's four winds approaching all from different directions and centering on one spot it has to do with prophecy you'll read of those four winds in Ezekiel chapter 37 where the truth of God's Word brought life into those dry bones which is the house of Israel meaning simply waking people up to the truth of exactly what consummates the end of this age you will read it again in the great seventh chapter of Daniel and you'll also read it in the seventh chapter of this great book of Revelation we were just covering the four winds as a matter of fact the four winds are told in the seventh chapter in the very beginning hold up don't blow don't bring the end until we place the seal of God in the foreheads of God's elect that's what teaching God's Word does it places that truth in your mind it's that simple that's what the seal is is the truth of God's Word the chronical or the chronicle chronological order of events you know it's real simple God places things that a child couldn't understand you noticed it was the sixth seal it is the sixth Trump and it is the sixth vial on which Satan appears that 666 that's his number and you are told in revelation 13:18 his number is named exactly how it's going down God through the son has foretold us all things the word became flesh and walked among us as the first chapter of Saint John so declares when Christ walked among us he was that word he is that son of man meaning he walks this earth when so ordained and brings things to pass as it is written and that's exactly you don't have to wonder you don't have to ask some man that's how it's going down and many of you that know the simplicity in which Christ speaks have that understanding that no one can shake no one can take you away from that truth you're not going to be harvested out of season you have work to do and that work will be done with the help of the comforter with Almighty God and his children we'll get it done okay let's go with the next verse mark 13 verse 28 and it reads now learn a parable of the fig tree now did he say maybe you should know he said learn it and he meant it learn the parable the fig tree when her branch is yet tender but put us and putteth forth leaves you know that summer is near well what is summer that's harvest time you know you're getting right up to it the true harvest okay you know a little harder culture here you do not plant a seed to attain a fig tree you've set out a chute a sprout and naturally it's almost instantly begins putting out leaves and then what does he mean by learn this parable of the fig tree it goes all the way back to the beginning when the greatest sin the first sin were of Adam and Eve were in a fig grow because they sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness and private parts not their mouth they did not eat a Apple they were seduced and they made fig leaves to cover meaning hidden and then Christ would wilt that fig tree but then the secret lies chronologically in time in Jeremiah chapter 24 where it is very well recorded Jeremiah what do you see as I seek two baskets of pigs one is very very good and the other is very very bad you can't eat them and then he makes it very clear that this prophecy comes to pass when Israel becomes a nation again it happened in the year of our Lord 1948 and there you had both good and bad figs there and so they still stand to this day you've got good and you got bad figs the problem is do you know the difference this is why it's so ever important for you to learn the Church of Smyrna that particular fig and and the Church of Philadelphia and what they teach they both teach concerning that son of king of the synagogue of satan' that will make void the Word of God if you're not real careful you will be deceived it's real easy to understand God's Word if you just let it flow that's why he said you not maybe you should learn that parable of the fig tree but you should know it know it why what you know the season then you no one's going to know the instant but you will know the season that is to say the generation in which this transpires you are in that generation why because Israel became a nation again in the year of our Lord 1948 had not up from the time Christ walked the earth until that time so therefore how precious it is to have the simplification in which Christ brings forth the truth we're by a child can understand if you simply listen to his word rather than the traditions of men that will make void the Word of God so if you need further instruction on the parable of the fig tree I have a work title that that will assist you if you need to help a little deeper study now let's go with the next verse in mark 13 29 so ye in like manner when ye shall see these things come to pass know that it is nigh even at the doors what's the subject back in chapter the beginning of this chapter in in verse 4 the return of the Lord Jesus Christ when you see these things come to pass 1948 when you see the fig tree when you learn it's coming to pass when you see the wars and rumors of wars and when you begin to hear the opposite of that peace world peace you want to be real careful my friend it's at the door and then you shall know and understand and when you are in this generation you had better well know the Word of God because it's all going down in this generation and God's elect have nothing to worry about Satan cannot bother us in his tribulation as the false Christ's and Christ certainly and his tribulation is not angry at us he's angry at the enemy he always takes care of his own so you can be very brave and making a stand for Almighty God you either make a stand for Christ or you stand for nothing your choice the truth is there for the receiving verse 32 continue verily this means truly I say unto you you can count on it that this generation shall not pass till all these things be done every last bit of prophecy concerning this Aeon of time will come to pass in this generation you're there therefore it becomes more important than ever that you know and you understand that particular truth of God's Word whereby you are not deceived and you know something rather than to think this is a time to fear it's a time to rejoice even the prophets wanted to live in this generation you do you're here for you can do something about it when you're when when if God calls on you to be delivered up to witness against the false Christ how precious that would be verse 31 heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away God's word is the same in the first Earth Age it'll be the same in this earth age it'll be the same in the third earth age that's the eons of time change eons of time for both heaven and earth change God's Word never changes therefore you're not you never can consider it a waste of time in studying God's Word it is the law and it shall be and it shall always be many of those things are fulfilled in Christ and then the love of Almighty God when we follow him so you want you want to absorb it treasure it hold it now into your heart and in your mind put that seal of God in your mind which is simply to say the truth about how things go down you know a child can understand this there's no great step in knowing what Satan's plans are he plans on playing the role of Christ and he's going to do it he wanted to do it even in the first Earth Age when he wanted to sit on the mercy seat himself rather than to protect it as he was supposed to so always love God's Word hold on to it it's precious verse 32 but of that day and that hour knoweth no man no not the angels which are in heaven neither the son but the father only the full Godhead that instant when you put when you put the day and the hour together it means instant nobody knows that but he says you do know the generation you do know the season he said I've given you all these things so that you can tell when it's getting pretty close enough that you won't be deceived so you hang on to that that's why you treasure it we're talking about the truth that gives you eternal life and I don't I don't I really don't know of anyone I've ever met in my life that likes to be made a fool of I don't know that I've ever met anybody that enjoys being deceived or made a fool so that's the time to stiffen your backbone to stand up and to stand for Christ and to stand against the false Christ he's coming what are you going to do about it you're not to even premeditate what you'll say that's how easy it is to serve God he'll take care of that part but you do have to stand verse 33 take you heed you be real careful watch and pray for you know not when the time is but you do have these things and when you pray for that knowledge leadership and understanding he's going to give it to you verse 34 for the son of man is as a man taking a far journey who left his home house and gave authority to his servants and to every man his work wor K a lot of people don't like that well it's faith well faith is important but work is to and commended the porter to watch the porter is the one that has the little staff that checks in who's who who's doing what and you notice it said every man his own work that is to say a destiny whether you like it or not everybody has one and certainly the destiny of destinies you find in this particular chapter of making that stand against the false Christ boy you know you talk about really being precious to Almighty God a real pearl that's his children that will not Bend that will not bow that will not be deceived in the simplicity that Satan uses trying to pretend to be Christ and someone would not even be familiar enough with our own Savior to recognize them when they see him and be deceived into worshipping Satan you know Satan's messages I've come to fly you away nowhere in God's Word is that written it is written in God's Word in Ezekiel chapter 13 verses 20 through 25 God says I'm against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls I'm against it that puts a lot of people in bad shape because he wants you to make that stand he wants to know he can count on you and he assigns that work and it's his he took a journey he's coming back is he going to find you impregnated with the false teaching of Satan mentally spiritually or are you going to be making that stand calling a spade a spade by that I mean calling Satan who he is we're about maybe some souls will hear you when the Holy Spirit speaks through you and will come to the Living God hey what a time to live what a precious time to serve the Living God has he assigned you your work are you praying about it you talk to him about it have you volunteered think about talk to him verse 35 watch ye therefore for you know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at the cock-crowing or in the morning and naturally the time that most people are deceived about the true christ coming is when they think he's already here in the form of the false christ because they don't know any better they've never been taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby they see with understanding the chronological order of events that this chapter speaks of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the end of this particular Eon of time are you equipped with that it's really simple is there for anyone to read and as I told you the second witness is Matthew 24 third witness Luke 21 and the fourth witness the great book of John so you've got all kinds of witnesses to know it is God's Word and it is true and this is exactly how it's going down so sure if you think Christ has already returned and you're in the sack you participated in the wrong wedding Christ not going to have you because he's coming back to take a virgin bride spiritually I don't know what are you gonna be doing let's go with the next verse and what lest be watchful lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping sleeping on watch when you're supposed to be a watchman what a disgrace you're watching one because a lot of people are asleep you're supposed to be wakeful watching to warn them to assist them to help them verse 37 to complete and what I say unto you I say unto all watch you are a watchman and I would say to you watchman you had better be watching for in this generation we see many things going down prophecy is being fulfilled daily as we see the end times as they formulate and the smoke of dissension wars and rumors of wars and all these wars are religious regardless of what some might say they are all religious over this belief or that belief or this sect or that sect this tribe that tribe all over beliefs and the great religious war is coming when the false one appears many people will be deceived because they do not understand the Word of God they prefer to listen to the traditions of men rather than the truth of God's Word chapter 13 a fantastic chapter I hope you enjoyed it bless your heart you listen in a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is a neat Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1/8 in six four three four six four five that number good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska why all over Canada it's the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization why we don't judge people we have a judge and it's our Father boy he even knows what they're thinking therefore he's a fit judge we have the right to discern and he gives us the authority in discerning to choose so you want to always utilize that he gives you power over your enemies if you love him and if you follow him and how precious that is that's a great gift from Almighty God don't ever forget to thank him for it those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and you were announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now prayer requests don't need the number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking talk to him you don't even have to pray out loud let him know your feelings but most of all let him know your love for him he is really good to us beloved he sends us his word he wrote you this letter so that you have that understanding and comfort from him thank him for that father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time and we get here with one I didn't have time to answer yesterday Leslie it's Mary from North Carolina I've been watching your ministry about two months I study with you every day I've been taught that a person can only remarry if the spouse dies I'm very confused tonight I can't quite see that in my studying I want to know the truth and do what's right in God can you explain that to me thanks very much you're very welcome Mary do you believe Christ has the authority to forgive sin and I hope you say yes because he does and even if you had faults and it was as much your fault as someone else that you had a divorce then it is true if you don't repent to Almighty God about anything that might have been your fault you really shouldn't remarry but if you repent to Almighty God and he forgives you you're innocent you don't have any sin therefore you're free to remarry I have to believe that because I know Christ forgives sin I know many times people will hang you out to dry with that teaching because of their ignorance of God's Word and inability to understand the power of the unforgiveness of Almighty God you go in peace and repent letting God know you love him Jane from Kentucky Ezekiel 36 through 38 why isn't the United States mentioned you know many of the 10 tribes of which is the house of Israel went over the Caucasus Mountains were later called quick Asian settled Europe and then came to America the house of Judah in the house of Israel are split the United States is a superpower of superpowers not by accident but because God planned it and naturally when the house of Israel is is mentioned in part it covers America and those Christian nations that follow him Sharon from Florida we're in the Bible does it talk about the lake of fire Revelation chapter 20 the lake of fire our Father is a consuming fire and the lake of fire is exactly that it consumes it is not the when chapter 20 is over the first saying in verse chapter 21 in the great book of Revelation is that all lakes are done away with including the lake of fire doesn't exist any longer what they're consumed another place he puts it in in the chapter 22 they're blotted out just they just when you bought something out where does it go doesn't exist Revelation chapter 20 to answer your question bill from Maine if God wiped out the fallen angels then why didn't he wipe out Cain and his descendants please comment God didn't wipe out the Fallen Angels haven't you ever read the book of Jude the first six verses there in Chains and holding to be turned loose before too long they're not wiped out they're coming back that's why 7,000 will die excuse me in the streets of Jerusalem when Christ does return because they are cast out with Satan on earth so they're coming back again you see for every negative there is a positive and God gives his servants the privilege and authority over their enemy and whether you take it or not that's up to you so whether they're here or not if you're a true Christian you have that authority over them they can't bother you okay BH from Montana my grandparents were falsely accused of tax evasion they lost everything they owned my parents lost everything they owned because they were in business with my grandparents should my family forgive and forget if they were falsely accused it's time to do something about it okay now we have a legal system in this nation and it sounds to me like they need to talk to a good attorney because falsely accused won't cut it and even though our government like taxation they or not it is not legal to tax someone falsely so not knowing the situation don't don't let it build up and util it's ruined your life but at the same time protect your family dn from Tennessee thank you for reading my letter you're welcome what is the first love that revelation 2 4 refers to their first love of course was Christ and they pulled away from him a lot of people their first love is pulled away from because they accept the false Christ that's idolatry that's a bad sin why is it when you are you and your son answer questions about being born again that you don't talk about baptism salvation but rather you talk about born of woman because that's what it's talking about it means you must be born from above through woman why but because the Fallen Angels as you read in the book of Jude verses 4 through 6 their sin as they left their place of habitation and came to earth not to be born to a woman but to seduce her and Giants were born hybrids as it is written in Genesis chapter 6 so naturally to be born not born from above and to leave your place of habitation as a death sentence Stephanie from California I live in California and my question is where are the Legion are they here on earth against us I believe one of my neighbors is one of Satan's fallen angels he lies and has an evil heart well you're supposed to get along with your neighbor if it's possible and some people it's not possible so you you would avoid someone that can you can't get along with and and end of story the evil spirits as what you're talking about there are evil spirits in the world but as you would read Luke chapter 10 we beginning with verse eighteen and nineteen you've got power and authority over them you don't have to put up with it in the name of Jesus Christ you can order them out and away from your family and but always use good judgment you'll do just fine Dakota from Nevada I live in Nevada and I was wondering the difference between God and Jesus thanks for your time well God is our Heavenly Father and he is in a different dimension than we are that's why it is written you must die before you can see him because you must give this dimension and go into that dimension of which our Heavenly Father is but our father wanted because man wanted to King and he tried to pick a flesh King old Saul what a failure and we had a few good ones but most a lot of them just I mean weren't worth their salt no good so he wanted us to have the real truth and a real king so as it is written in the beginning of the book the great Genesis he said let us create man in our image he included himself our meaning Christ so when you have seen the son you've seen the father why because it was God in man's flesh he named him Immanuel Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 and virgin will conceive you will a male child you will name him Emmanuel being interpreted God with us so it was God bringing himself into this dimension and he was the Living Word the Word of God and you might read the first verse of st. John in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God and and a lot of people have trouble understanding the triune Godhead but if you bring dimensions into it it makes it a little easier to understand because God doesn't want to communicate with his children therefore he himself came as king of kings and Lord of lords and in a dimension whereby he could teach us and we have those seals that we've been studying today Murray from Texas my question is why did Jesus speak in parables to the people when he was here on earth please explain thank you well it is not meant that everyone should know the truth you know there are some people as you will read in Romans chapter 11 that God Himself sent the spirit of slumber a bond whereby they couldn't see the truth why they're gonna worship Antichrist if they know better as it is written in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 if one of God's elect that knows better worships Antichrist when he comes it's unpardonable even though they were elected in the first Earth Age they're going to hell it's a terrible thing it's the unpardonable sin unforgivable sin and certainly so God puts a cloak of innocency over some for ignorant is a cloak of innocence in a sense and that's why Christ for one of the reasons spoken parables Daisy from Alabama I know that God has blessed me because my understanding of his word increases I studied with you each day I thank God for the teachings by you and other pastors that I and I pray God continues to bless you all my question comes from First Samuel chapter 1 verse 24 through 28 can you show me documentation which gives the age of Samuel when his mother Hannah took him to the house of the Lord in Shiloh probably one of the better reasons is that he was dedicated to the Lord before he was born while he was still in the womb there is there is no documentation to his age but Josephus who was quite a historian says he was 12 years old but and that would be Josephus not Scripture okay Greg from Oklahoma when God created all 12 billion of the firt in the first Earth Age did God put any on the earth to live still in spirit body sure he did there there was there were people here in the first earth age that's why he brought the cat able to pass here to come to pass here on the earth which means he overthrew it it wasn't Noah's Flood as you read in Jeremiah chapter 4 following 8 verse 18 and he didn't leave one town he didn't leave anything and he did not leave an ark with people on it he destroyed everything of that particular first earth age that's why the very plates themselves are split apart that's why you can go to ash falls Nebraska and find African animals you can find rhinoceroses all in one I mean not scattered by carnivores but all in one piece because of the ash that fell and smothered them before the plates broke how did those African animal all of them African get in the middle of the United States well that's that's that being the reason the catapult overthrow Barbour from Virginia where can I find in Genesis where it says that Cain is not Adam seed well and do you how about Christ's word if you read the conception and the inment enmity put between the woman's seed and the serpent seed and the wall oh dear God did he say Serpent's even though I didn't the Bible does Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 God put enmity between the woman's seed and the serpent seed and well who was the serpent seed well the first murderer Christ identifies it in st. John chapter 8 verse 44 Cain who was the first murderer and these Kenites are this of their father and their father is the devil that's Christ's teachings in John chapter 8 verse 44 following he does it again in the great book of Matthew chapter 13 following verse 35 the Kenites are the tares and he tells you very clearly the devil is the one that planted the seed the children they're not children of God they're children of Satan but even they can convert through Christ if they so chose Edward from Ohio will I be punished for not going to church or giving tithes to my mom's Church I have multiple sclerosis and have trouble understanding what they teach well Edward you reallyyou ties where you're fed okay so you I know not your condition and you're supposed to honor your mother but you have to you have to make up your own mind how you're going to worship Almighty God and so god bless you we'll be we'll be praying with you and for you a peek from New Mexico question are the fallen angels able to to make fleshly bodies so they can have relations with women if not how can there not own how can no flesh they don't they just come to this dimension they're there in their own bodies that's why that there were Gaber from the relationship in Genesis six that means Giants because there were hybrids it wasn't natural and that's why God said don't put up with it don't do it that's why I knock who was a who was a preacher even a prophet as it is written in the great book of Jude that little book of Jude has come up times in today's lecture it states that Enoch was a teacher a preacher of profit and what was he preaching against mixing with the fallen angels okay they what did man eat in the wilderness for forty years manna or what is man it's angels food the same food that sustains the angelic body of this earth age and heaven age will also sustain these flesh bodies why we are created in the exact image just like them verses when the waters return above the canopy will it distort our vision of the stars in the universe we will have the ability to exceed that Alexander from Wisconsin why do we see shape pastor Marie why do we see shapes and animals in the clouds I am seven years old and can we come to see you well you're where you're always welcome and and Alexander we see shapes in the clouds when you have a very active mind whereby you can see the formation of various things it is it is a thing of nature and things that happen with the likenesses that that Columba Columbus cumulus clouds farm and billow and they go with the wind then naturally sometimes you're going to have various shapes with them that remind us it is amazing and it's beautiful thing you're welcome to attend services at the chapel if you're ever down this way it's good to hear from you Denise from Washington as a child I was never taught anything about the Word of God we had no Bible in the home we didn't go to church and never had any biblical discussions however I've always known of God Jesus and a life in the Hereafter I don't remember how I learned I have just always known when I asked my parents what happens to us when we die I was told that we are buried and the worms eat us this did scare me but I know that it wasn't true well that's good all of my immediate family are either atheist or agnostics and I have always been treated as an oddity and my family my question are how did I know this in my heart as long as I can remember and did I have the same family in the first Earth Age in heaven age we all sinned at times and that's what repentance is about God forgives you he loves you it just you know as it is written in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 God chose his elect before the foundations of this earth this is why you will hear me at times say many of you have known there was more to God's Word than you've been taught because once God chooses his election he's going to bring them to the truth where they're going to hear it they're going to know it when they do hear it and recognize it as truth Karen from Indiana my grandmother expired when I was four years old and she appeared when I was 21 years old I had company and I was the only one that saw her my eyes got big as quarters they asked what did I see they did not see her I was the only one my question is why was I the only one I can't answer that I know that God has power to cause things to happen and it was always for a reason but those things are always personal and you're the one that's going to have to figure that out it was probably a message for you and you you might think your grandmother's life and what she stood for and did and was probably trying to impress that on you at that age where you're beginning to branch out on your own it's personal dreams and things of this nature or personal it is a purse no message and only you can determine that pastor Marie this is Rita from Virginia what is the difference between an apostle and a disciple an apostle is a sent one meaning they're well equipped they know the word they know what to do with it when they're sent disciple our word discipline comes from the very same word it means a student one in training one that is disciplining themselves in learning the Word of God and I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy Father's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse but most of all God loves you for it it makes his day when you pick up this letter he sent to you and grasped and understand what it is he would have you deliver for receive from it and it makes his day when you make his day boy is he going to make cures we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you now most important though you listen to me listen good you stay and his work every day and his word is a good day even with trouble know why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 6,152
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Holy Bible, Shepherd's, Pastor, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Kjv, Mark, Arnold, Murray, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Book of Mark, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray
Id: 9grxJL23S2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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