Luke ~ 1:42 to 1:80

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word Book of Luke delight giver and all how much light is shed from the very words of this concise report by a physician which Luke was medical doctor in giving us an account of exactly how it was we know that the most Elizabeth and Mary now after the conception that we have what a fantastic time that for Elizabeth that seemed like a little late because she was quite a long in years but for Mary it was a little early because she was not the the she was betrothed but not married and but the angel Gabriel appeared and in as much as the two were cousins and that's important because Elizabeth being of the daughters of Aaron and Mary being of the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Levi because of her mother being a Levite and her father a Judean of the tribe of Judah then we see the the order of Melchizedek kept forth and as much as Christ would be legally and by birth king of kings and Lord of lords the King line Judah and the priests line being the Levites Mary has just approached Elizabeth and as she approached this would be December the 25th from the course of abaya which is a date in the for chapter one first lecture then the babe who was six months and Elizabeth we left meaning the Holy Spirit was already there at conception that's when the soul begins dwelling in the very womb of the mother and so it is so that's at what had just happened as Mary approached her cousin Elizabeth let's pick it up in verse 42 and here we have Elizabeth speaking verse 42 and she spake out with a loud voice and said blessed art thou among women speaking of Mary and blessed is the fruit of thy womb why verse 43 and whence is this to me that the mother of my lord should come to me Who am I that the mother of my lord should come to my house and we see the humble Nasir of Elizabeth and verse 44 for lo as soon as the voice of thy solute a ssin sounded in mine ears the babe left in my womb for joy not not for sadness but for joy in other words the very presence of the holy spirit already dwelling with man that's why you can celebrate December the 25th that's when Christ in fact indeed through the Holy Spirit began welling with men and brought this wonderful joy present at that time verse 45 and blessed are happy is she that believed for there shall be a performance a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord from the Lord how did she get that word from the Lord the man that stands before the Lord which is to say Gabriel being translated means man of God verse 46 and Mary said my soul does magnify the Lord oh how I love him how I appreciate him is what she's saying here verse 47 and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior and here here we have in her womb that Savior that God promised and he delivered upon it and that Savior would become he who was crucified that paid the price for salvation for whomsoever will it happened and it was a joyful time 48 4 he had regarded the lowest state of his handmaiden for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed and and it was blessed why because this was the fulfillment of what was said concerning Eve all the way back to the eighth day of the creation of Earth haedong that day when it would be said there that Eve would be the mother of all living not the not that she gave birth to all that we're living but that through her womb umbilical cord to the umbilical cord all the way to this Mary would come the Lord Jesus Christ who is the savior of the world and quite frankly you're either in him or you're not living because this living means eternal you would have eternal life if you were to love him believe upon him and then thus so it is that we have all generations all the way back to Eve we have this blessing this promise from Almighty God and the promise actually the first prophecy in the Bible you will find in chapter 3 verse 15 where it speaks of the serpent seed and the woman's seed the woman said being Christ ultimately you said you're going to bruise his heel meaning you're going to nail him to the cross but he's going to bruise your head and ultimately that's what it will be when Satan is cast into the lake of fire verse 49 to continue for he that is mighty had done to me great things and holy is his name and so it is the Most High God having seen fit through this young girl to bring forth this Savior verse 50 and His mercy is on them that fear Him from generation to generation don't many might say well how could this be possible well remember verse 30 37 don't ever forget it 37 of this same chapter what did it say for with God nothing shall be impossible our Father is able to do whatsoever he so chooses there's no reason ever for anyone that loves him and follows him to get all anxious about anything knowing father's wing is over you when you are indeed following him and serving him verse 51 to continue verse 51 reads he has showed streaked with his arm he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts he'll let him do it to themselves they won't have any trouble doing it verse 52 he has put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree and so it is that he would well tell us an example of that well one of the greatest examples would be Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon I mean he was so mighty and God knocked him down and had him had him acting like an animal for four seasons passed over and he took a little Daniel who was a captive and put him basically over the management of the whole realm and in other words moved him from the low degree in prison up to controlling the nation the high seat and Nebuchadnezzar to the low and what happened the conversion end of Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 4 the great book of Daniel wrote the most beautiful prayers ever written I'm talking about the king of Babylon not the one that is to come which is to say none other than Satan but God can manage whatever he wishes to do people like to play government and politics gods on the throne verse 53 he had filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away in other words he has he what does he what is the good things he fills the hungry with truth truth being the Word of God he filled you and gives you that strength and that power and that mind that God's word brings you it strengthens you and shows you what that light being Luke the light giver showing you the path and the way verse 54 Heath have he hath hoping his servant Israel he has helped in remembrance of his mercy this is a this word hoping translated from the Greek it means that here II actually takes their hand and leads them leads them on the way how precious it is that God loves his children to that point let me ask you something have you ever been in one of those fixes where you didn't know which way was out and God simply just took you by the hand basically spiritually and led you through it and you wondered well what was I so upset about that he worked it out for you that's the way our Father operates verse 55 as he spake to our fathers to Abraham and to his seed for ever well what did he you know it's important that you want one with God mention Abraham here well because of the promise made and you're not going to have it but I'm gonna go back to the seventeenth chapter of Genesis when Abram was still Abram and when God actually changed his name listen to it a moment chapter 17 verse 5 the great book of Genesis what was it that God said to Abraham neither shall thy name any more be called Abram but thy name shall be Abraham he added a ha which is to say an H the 5th letter of the alphabet meaning Grace and for a father of many nations have I made these that's what the word Abraham means father of many nations that was the promise made to Abraham and I will take the exceeding I will make the exceedingly fruitful and I will make nations of thee and Kings shall come out of thee and I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee and so it was that's how what God spoke to Abraham it's a covenant a covenant is a contract and that contract is to all nations whomsoever will through what through this babe in Mary's womb at this time it comes to pass that here is that leader here is that Messiah here is that one this is why Abram was changed to Abraham because through this son the son of God it would be made possible verse 56 returning to Luke chapter 1 and and Mary abode with her about three months and returned to her own house now let's see let's figure this out get your pencil out wood how far along was he visible in Mary first king there she was six months and that was December the 25th were three months later that's nine months for Elizabeth we're about to see the birth of John just well when was he born then we'll figure it out December the 25th January the 25th February the 25th March the 25th or that is to say just about the time of the spring equinox which was the announcing just a few days from Passover when that one would cry that one would be born who would cry in the wilderness you see all these things are not by accident but by the wonderful hand of the Living God that he lays this groundwork whereby we know so here Elizabeth being in her ninth month is going to deliver verse 57 now Elizabeth full-time came that she should be delivered and she brought forth the son 58 and her neighbors and her cousins heard how the Lord had shown great mercy upon her and they rejoiced with her there she had been barren all these years and then was blessed with this child verse 59 and it came to pass that only eighth day they came to circumcise the child this would put you to passover okay the fifteenth day after the spring equinox and they called him Zacharias after the name of his father that's what they called him it won't stand verse 60 and his mother answered and said not so but he shall be called John Young Johan in which is to say gift of God and here indeed was to this senior couple a gift from God but not only that a gift a voice crying from the wilderness that would announce the coming of the Lord Himself and crying repeat too many and delivering their souls what a fantastic one this was but here Zecharia still can't speak because he doubted the day the angel Gabriel he doubted the being a priest of the course of Abia without Gabriel the man that stands before the very altar of God and so he couldn't talk for 61 and they said unto her there is none of that kindred that is called by this name you don't have any John's in your family or 62 and they made signs to his father now he would have him called 63 and he asked for a writing table this would be the first time writing is brought up and in this this particular book and he wrote saying his name is John and they marveled all and here you have the first written word absolutely that would announce the dispensation what was that name written John Yohanan what does it mean the grace of Almighty God the grace of Yahweh to be more specific and so it was that this was all set in motion by God himself by divine order wonder why he would do it because he loves you he loves you enough that he provided a savior before you're sure not perfect but he through this Savior and this one that would cry from the wilderness he provided this way forever this covenant this contract that it would be honestly fulfilled and kept for mankind even to this day and will be throughout eternity verse 64 to continue and his mouth was opened immediately Zacharias was and his tongue loosed and he spake and praised God he had indeed been blessed verse 65 and fear came on all that dwelt groundless reverence all around about them and all these sayings were noised abroad throughout all the hill country of Judea what a blessing it was 66 and all they that heard them laid them up in their hearts saying what manner of child shall this be and the hand of the Lord was with him and so it was Christ Himself would later talk about this John he would say what did you go out there to hear some Reed blowing in the wind listen to somebody 20 minutes this away and then switch over the wind this way and listen there 20 but never giving to the Trib now John was straight on with the truth repent and never giving quarter to anything other than truth itself what a John he said you didn't want her to hear some man dressed in fine clothing you went out there to hear John and so it was that this one would lead 67 and his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and he prophesied saying now this is a prophecy direct from the Holy Spirit and listen sixty-eight blessed be the Lord God of Israel for he had visited and redeemed his people he has give brought in a new dispensation of time it's called the time of salvation to repent and have your sins forgiven 469 and have raised up and horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David now again we know that that Zacharias was a Levite so how is it that he's saying from the house of David he's talking about the horn and the promise that would come with the team that both of them would make that is to say the Lord Jesus Christ and John 70 and he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets this is a prophecy which have been since the world began in other words this was determined before the world the foundations of this earth age ever came into being it was formed from the very first Earth Age when when cell salvation was needed and naturally this one was in the spirit of Elijah and in these things the Savior himself brought forth or promised by Almighty God being the whole purpose of this dispensation of time the time of salvation the time of testing innocence to see who will love God and who will follow Satan the choice is always up to the individual 4:71 that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us and that is as it is if you love the Lord and if you follow his word and if you use the wisdom that he grants you through serving men it will give you the victory over all those that hate you why because God will see to it that's his promise do you believe that you can because it is true but you must at the same time be a follower you can't doubt as Zacharias did when Gabriel approached him in the beginning you have to believe the prophecy that Zachariah is giving right now for it's not Zachariah speaking but it's the Holy Spirit that Holy Spirit that was still in the womb of Mary bringing forth salvation to the world verse 72 to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy Covenant that covenant that we read in the 17th chapter of Genesis but what he's quoting here is Micah chapter 7 verse 20 where this prophecy was brought forth again and and nailed down that he would always lead us you know at this time you want to remember also that our Father as he would bring forth this son who would pay that price on the cross gives us the full reason thereof God always does it was even written in Psalms 22 which is the psalm of the crucifixion is telling how they crucified Christ it was gives Christ's words on the cross eli eli lama so about the name and and the in hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 in that twenty second Psalm it says you will announce this to the congregation and that congregation is told in Hebrews chapter two verse fourteen Christ came into this world to be crucified basically were by in so doing he could bring in salvation but at the same time destroyed death which is to say the devil and so it is that he does and did and will and drew that comes your salvation might why do I say that because I want you to know that he takes care of business that's why the very scripture he had that said he he from the hand of all that hate thing he's in charge he's in control and he puts down those that would come against us he puts down our enemies and you could love him and trust him for that that's the beauty of salvation that is the beauty the gift that God would send us verse 73 to continue the oath which he sware to our father Abraham that oath is a covenant yet holds true to this day that Abraham would become the father of many nations through this sons Christ that that his seed his offspring would become as numerous as the stars of heaven in the sands of the sea where are they today basically they make up your free Nations the free nations of this world why free well because God's children will not stay under captivity for a long period of time one because God demands freedom God demands it and the children arrange it but that is the promise made to Abraham it is a contract and a covenant and it is as sure today as as it was the first day he gave it for 74 and he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear you don't have anything to worry about you know when you look at the troubled world you would you should always think of it this time Psalms - oh how the heathen do rage why do they rage because they're ignorant atheist communistic atheism around the world they have no anchor no way to go nothing to anchor things on and then it continues in that Psalms - and lets us know that gods laughs at it because he would send this son I think I feel led just to turn there you're not going to have it wasn't plan but I think I'm gonna read just a little bit of that song that that you have to know because in these troubled times you can worry if you allow yourself but God has promised you you don't have to and Psalms - why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing bunch of emptiness the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us let's just take them over and do things the way we want to politically religiously and with education and everything else he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh you think our Father didn't laugh at the Odyssey of people the Lord shall have them in derision and boys look at them talk about derision then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion and that king is none other than Christ himself I will declare the decree the LORD hath said unto me thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and that beginning was was in the process just awhile from delivery of where we left that chapter 1 in Luke asked me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession thou shalt break them with a rod of iron and Christ will and thou shalt dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel be wise now therefore o ye kings be instructed you judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoice again with trembling kiss the Sun that means love the Lord Jesus Christ lest he be angry and you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little West are all day that put their trust in do you do that you can put your trust in him he's going to destroy death with just to say the devil and even as the heathen rage today God's laughing because he has assured you that follow him hey don't sweat it we got it well under control we're in the end times and time marches on returning them to Saint Luke chapter 1 let's go with the next verse 75 in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of his life that is every day he doesn't take a day off he doesn't just come on one day of the week every day and the Lord is a wonderful day 76 and thou child we're back to John the Baptist shall be called the prophet of the highest the Most High God for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways revenge verse 77 to give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins that's all you have to do let him know you love him and repent have a change of mind to know what he has done for us 78 through the tender mercies of our God and all they're there we're by the Dayspring from on high at this to us you know this day spring is a beautiful word in the Hebrew at Shabbat is a Mac brother leaves the branch and that branch is Christ and that branch is coming it's signed in the heavens verse 79 the to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace peace of mind so that even though the heathen rage you find that peace of mind to know our Father is on the throne and to know that all is well verse 82 complete the chapter and the child grew this being John and waxed ruling in spirit and was in the deserts till the day of his showing unto Israel and there he was always able a can-do type person why God had his hand on him just as you become a can-do type person today when God has his hand on you he can count on you you bet he can if you follow him if you love him and to know God didn't do this because he needed some space to fill or time to fill he did it for you so that salvation could come into your heart why he loves you he did all these things so that you could have that salvation and he sent this one to prepare the way though they beheaded him yet again that spirit of Elijah shall come to prepare the hearts of the children to the father's plural the bad and the good you followed the good father our Evan Lee father you'll never regret it and you'll never go wrong why because he dispenses that love he has for you that it flows over into your life and this light this light giver that day stars and may the branch is with us do you not know that even while he was in the mother's womb he could affect and give messages such as he gave to Zacharias what make you think he can't today of course he can that's the beauty and the part of serving him don't miss the next lecture this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter thirteen verse eight many will be deceived there is no need for you to be christ said in mark 13 23 behold i have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request you one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and we are back again this has the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 a number good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit lives in you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we don't judge people we have one judge that's our Father leave the judging to him you do the discerning that's a gift from God just to know what's right and what's wrong and follow likewise our father always blesses that those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure now I'm prayer request don't need the number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking right now the Holy Spirit does be witnesses to you his very presence when he touches you so let him know you love him that's what he wants from you even today let him know what you he loves you you may not love what you do all the time repent and return that love and be blessed father around the globe we come West that you need guy direct touch in your shoes precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time and we're gonna go with David from Oklahoma if a person refuses to be baptized will he lose the rewards of heaven in a sense you're asking me to judge a person by the term refuses to be baptized is it that you see as a pastor did he really refuse with full knowledge of what baptism was or did he simply not know what baptism was and with because of his lack of understanding he did not accomplish it so you see it makes a big difference and so we're not supposed to judge now we do know one thing we know that on the day of the crucifixion that there were two male factors on each side of Christ one of them converted well nailed to that cross he did not come down become baptized and overcome but yet the Lord Jesus Christ promised him there faithfully this day that same day I will see you in paradise he overcame and he was not baptized so it is not man's right to judge anyone you see we don't know what they were truly thinking or what the equation was of plus or minus but he does God does that's why we leave that type of judgment as to who overcomes into heaven in the hands of Almighty God crystal from Arizona I need scripture about Cain and Abel being twins okay you're gonna have to go into the Hebrew a little bit I hope you have a strong spin accordance and you will find in chapter 4 of the great book of Genesis verse 1 that Eve had conceived and bare one son and named him Cain and then in verse 2 it says in again but that word again in the Hebrew is yachts top yachts up which means what not again she continued if a woman is in labor and gives birth to a child and then continues in labor and gives birth to another child what does that mean means they're twins plus the fact did not they both come to the age of accountability to sacrifice to Almighty God in the same year Abel's Abel's offering sacrifice was well received Cain's was refused they were both twins they both became of age at the same time that your scripture and so it is Esther from California I want to know how many times you forgive someone well Matthew 18:20 to make a note of it Matthew chapter 18 verse 22 if someone excuse me if someone really honestly repents to you and ask forgiveness then Christ says forgive them seven times seventy there in Matthew chapter 18 7 times 7 that's 490 times if they but they must honestly repent to you and ask forgiveness otherwise if they don't repent to you then I always recommend that you without saying it to them forgive and get it out of your system anyway else it will fester and and give you trouble not then so ignorance is bliss so you can you can forgive ignorant because they don't know any better eat it from Florida when I pray I say father and sometimes I pray to Jesus which which one is correct well Jesus told us exactly how to do everything basically he gave us an example they asked him how do we pray and he said you will pray our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and so it will be Christ is coming to earth and it's going to be heaven right here but who did he say to pray to our Father but always pray to the Father but always pray and ask in Christ's name because that gives credentials that you are a Christian believer and you see in actuality let's get right down where the rubber meets the road because if you know the truth you know that if you've seen the Sun you've seen the father also and though you are following the proper chain of command I will use that terminology you are still praying to one father and so it is Glen from Idaho mark chapter 12 through 25 can you please explain this no marriage in heaven because why because we are all as the angels but yet there is a marriage you can read of it in in Revelation chapter 19 verses 6 and 7 that it's the marriage to the lamb in spiritual bodies sometimes you do not quite understand what you're talking about Christ having been brought up was brought forth as a savior but at the same time when this particular dispensation of time began God created man and woman and told them to replenish the earth that means populated again it was a populated in the first Earth Age redo it and that's why that we have male and female today was to bring forth each soul born innocent of woman to make his or her mind up whether they're going to love Almighty God or follow Satan that's that's why it is but then when this Earth Age is over with we and spiritual bodies and you do not bring forth children and spiritual bodies Duane from Michigan in the end when Jesus makes the second coming what happens to everyone left on earth do you understand that Christ is coming here to earth to establish the kingdom the Millennium temple we just covered it in the great book of Ezekiel so what happens to people here on earth is exactly what the Book of Ezekiel declares summer will and some will have not have overcome we will teach those that didn't make it who deserve an opportunity and they will have a an opportunity to participate in either the second resurrection or the second death the choice will be strictly theirs there will be during that time no handicapped people no people that don't understand but everybody will have the ability for a hundred percent recall and they will be taught well for a thousand years in spiritual bodies where they have no hang-ups with Satan totally and completely chained away locked even spiritually whereby they have the opportunity to learn they will either take part in the second resurrection or the second death it's their choice Whitney from Oklahoma I need scripture to prove that Christ is perfect and did not sin I mean to prove this to my husband well maith you chapter 5 verse 48 two documents that you should be perfect because God is perfect and when you've seen God you've seen the son and when you've seen the son you've seen God he was the offering the sin offering without blemish that means with no sin why because he was perfect I think maybe if you would take your Strong's Concordance and show your husband that the word perfect even aside for a month I feel this might be something that he would be better have a better understanding if he understood the work word in the Greek but the word to be perfect means to be mature we all fall short Christ didn't he was perfect that's why he could be the sacrifice the perfect sacrifice for one in all times but we must mature that means stop thinking as a child and get real serious about following God take your Strong's Concordance they fake the word perfect break it back to the Greek and let him read it okay from South Carolina I believe in God and try to understand his word I am surrounded by very religious people and I feel as if God expects me to understand as they do I try to study and know the Bible but I still will I still get to heaven if I am NOT as knowledgeable but I know the basic so far the simplicity in which Christ teaches is what you want to hang on to you've got many higher critics in the world and the higher critics are ratchet jaws that go on and on and on and many times though they claim to be every so knowledgeable their knowledge of their knowledge pertains to critiquing to the point that they almost destroy with their traditions the Word of God so as long as you understand the basics which is the truth then you're in good shape you see understand this okay true wisdom is to take that that is complicated and simplify it in a language whereby everybody can understand simply that is true wisdom you've got it you hang tough don't let somebody rob you of that Lynn from Arkansas when you speak of being in the last generation what does this what means the generation of the fig tree mark chapter 13 read it for yourself Christ said learn the parable of the fig tree because when you see it come to pass this generation will not pass until all prophecy is fulfilled meaning it's the last one it began in the year of our Lord 1948 when you have knowledge of the parable of the fig tree Jane from Arkansas when you say the two tribes aren't together yet who are you referring to what are the two tribes what word does Israel fit in well you're misunderstanding I didn't save the two tribes I said the two houses you have the house of Israel and you have the house of Judah not not to you not to different tribes to different houses because one house the house of Israel has ten tribes in it and the house of Judah has two tribes in it so don't confuse tribes with houses those houses were split the wine way back by the Assyrian who took the ten northern tribes captive 200 years before Judah that other and the other tribe went into captivity yea which they would go into captivity about 400 BC and so forth so they were split and they still are until they go back together many people try to put all of this role into one tribe the tribe of Judah there were twelve tribes that won't fly and you would never understand God's Word if you tried to do that Delilah from Texas my question is will the u.s. dollar be worth anything in the near future of course it will the only time that money will change is after the false Christ returns and one world ISM comes into being at that time there will be a money change now is true that the dollar has lost some value and and so it is it's like many people had 401ks and I mean when she went down a lot of people got scared at the bottom and begin to get rid of their 401k switch was a sad mistake because what has happened basically most of them have cover it recovered they're back up again not that they made a whole lot but just right easy gods on the throne everything's under control and if you love him everything's going to be well as long as you use this Betty from Louisiana I believe people reap what they sow is this true absolutely you reap what you sow you know and I understand what you're saying about a friend who kind of thinks they can do what they want and God will let him get away with it if God loves you he's gonna he's going to chastise you and if you're doing something wrong he loves you he's going to thump your gourds and he's gonna thump it good the more you continue into that way the harder he will thump your gourd to get your attention finally you want to get around to saying father I've got it I understand I want I'm going to do what's right I'm gonna serve you I'm gonna get it done to help my brethren and to help the people of the world and try to try to be a better servant that's that's you see God loves his family and he takes care of his family he will if he loves you he will thump your gourd okay if you do something wrong that is great Craig from Nevada pastor Murray thank you for your welcome do you think the one-world money will have In God We Trust it probably will because he pretends to be God that there's to say the false messiah he's second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 he sits in the holy place claiming the temple of God to be God so he's gonna say you can trust me and trust in God he's gonna play God but it won't be our Father okay so whichever there will be far more important things for us to be watching at that time in witnessing against that false one Rhonda from Kentucky in the book of Job how long do you think was the span of time that God allowed Satan to test job until all was restored to job thanks for your teaching the word and continued blessings though only he sure does he blesses us good it is it is written that when when things were restored job was about 70 the the troubles lasted 21 years so 21 from 70 would be 49 it was it all came apart on him when he was 49 years old and and it was restored at 70 but do you know what he lived a hundred as it's written in the forty eight forty eighth chapter of job he lived a hundred and forty years after that which would make him about two hundred and ten years old or what have you all right twenty-one years is how long it took from to correct it Ramona from New Mexico question will there be male and female in the spirit body and how old will we be we will there will not be male and female as we think of it today we will all be as young adults why because age doesn't mean anything in a spiritual body age has not one iota to do with the spirit body from the day that God created it in the first Earth Age all the way through this earth age and into the eternity age just simply does not affect the spiritual body that's why it's eternal Lois from Florida I'm glad you enjoy studying but when I study God's Word alone I can't remember later what I have read what should I do and will God hold it against me not necessarily you you probably remember more than then what do you think you do and naturally when you're studying as you say I enjoy studying with you every day and you do retain more if you go a little more into the simplicity of God's teaching it simplifies it and that's why that you have a little better memory of it but this is why I really encourage people to use a Strong's Concordance if you don't quite understand the thing check it back to the Greek and the Hebrew or the Aramaic whichever the case may be and you'll have a better understanding but God doesn't he does not expect all of us to have a hundred percent recall it just doesn't work that way and and so many times as teachers God gives gifts of good recall but there's for a purpose for it it's to share whether those that God gives much more he expects much and they better do it Karen from Pennsylvania we're in the Bible can I find the scripture that will dispute the rapture so I can show someone that the rapture is wrong Ezekiel chapter 13 verses 20 through 25 if you have standard King James you get one of these new things and they've changed it to birds flying but what it says is in in the Hebrew manuscripts is that the daughters of Jerusalem are those that should be teaching truth so kerchiefs to put over every knuckle in God's outreach saving arms to save people and camouflage it and try to teach people to fly to save their souls he's against it he says and also it's it is simply a fact that God has worked for his elect against the false Christ as mark 13 states you know for a person that knows better if they don't witness against the false Christ when he comes to say I've come to fly you out of here that's almost the unpardonable sin so you need to know the Quantic allure der satan comes at the sixth trent christ doesn't return until the seventh do not be deceived Theodore from Oklahoma my question is this what happens to the ones who were never never baptized let me see here up I'm so thankful for your teachings I have I have a family who have passed on and were not baptized and believe in our Heavenly Father well we don't we don't judge people we don't we don't know we leave that to in God's hands like I said earlier in this lecture the thief one of the thieves on the cross was was a repentant in Christ said this day I will see you in paradise but he wasn't baptized so don't try to judge them and quite frankly those that didn't in the Millennium as we learned in 44 chapter 44 you might even be able to help them I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you read the letter he sent to you with understanding and clarity you think about it once you do then hey you make his day boy is he going to make yours a lot of good things in store for you we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me good now you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why that is the reason being because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they take catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you this has been a long time I've been promising a children's book this is a book that will help a parent teach their child exactly what God's Word States now this this was done by a very good friend and student of this Chapel we have given it if you would a binder whereby if there is a page that you feel is too far advanced for your children then by all means you should remove that particular page it is done in a material that is even washable and it takes you step-by-step in to instructing a child what does God's Word say and I think you will find it extremely helpful it is item number 44 1:4 [Music] God's helpline what are some of the characteristics of God's elect personal traits think about that that's what I want you to think about you want the positive or the negative first I'll give you the positive first okay positively I think overwhelmingly we are can do get it done no matter what it costs no matter what it takes servants of the Lord on the negative side we all are extremely impatient have you noticed that about God's election I think that's because we want to get it done for the Lord right now I mean right now we need to all relax
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,067
Rating: 4.8481011 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Bible, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Book of Luke, Shepherd's Chapel, Holy Bible, Luke, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's, Arnold, Arnold Murray, Book of, KJV, Pastor, Murray, Chapel
Id: -3whd5pmm7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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