1 Corinthians ~ 15:31 to 15:54

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word 1st Corinthians chapter 15 we're going to pick it up in verse 31 here in a moment or two the subject of this chapter is do you believe Christ rose from the dead and quite frankly if you do not realize that the dead rise as Christ did you're out of touch because our Father is not the god of the dead but of the living and you can document that from Christ's own words in st. John chapter 8 the last eight verses of the chapter but what are you saying here if you don't believe Christ resurrected why do you call yourself a Christian and and then in verse 29 he said why would you be baptized in his name if he didn't rise from the dead you would be baptizing yourself in the name of a dead man and naturally we all know Christ resurrected he paid a price he went back as it stated in verses 25 6 and 7 of this chapter and he's at the right hand of God and God will allow him to rule until all of his enemies are made his footstool who do you think puts the enemies there if Christ is on the throne God's elect do by witnessing against the false one so the subject again is there is nobody not even Satan is dead at this time he's in being locked away but someday it will come to pass that death will be defeated and God will reign supreme but again the question the question in this very chapter is you must believe that Christ rose from the dead or really you shouldn't call yourself a Christian we're going to pick it up with verse 31 verse 20 verse 30 declares he said I face death every hour and it was it was dangerous out on the road taking forth God's Word and and we pick it up then in verse 31 with the word of wisdom from our Father and it reads protests by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord I die daily I face death daily but I still I rejoice because you have the truth to knowledge the seed that I planted there verse 32 if after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at ephesus what advantages at me if the dead rise not why would I be out here teaching this facing death every day bringing the good news if there was nothing to it let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die that would be the message if if if we did not have the truth and certainly we do and we know that in Acts chapter 19 verse 28 through 31 when he refused to worship their little Ishtar and the little cookie cutters then it almost brought him death and maybe did but he also God had fit to keep him going verse 33 be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners that is to say keeping bad company can ruin a good character I'll say that again it means keeping bad company and this doesn't mean witnessing to bad people it means socializing with them participating with them it will it will ruin your character verse 34 awake to righteousness in other words you get some sense about you and do what is right and sin not for some have not the knowledge of God and I speak this to your shame and the knowledge of God is that sins can be forgiven when you repent the the knowledge of God lets us know that we have we are weak sometimes and and we slip but on repentance and following the plan and and the Savior himself that God cent believing upon him brings that salvation that is so precious to us and now he comes down to the fact of the matter that you're he's going to say not only have did Christ rise from the dead but also those that died in him and others have risen also they're not out here in some hole in the ground why we have two bodies we have a flesh body that is dirt that's where it comes from everything we eat is organic it grows from the soil and from the soil God created us in the beginning in his and the Angels image our image but it is important that you know with having two bodies you can step from one and the other can step right out will document it here in the remainder of this chapter verse 35 but some men will say how are the dead raised up question how how can that be and with what body do they come what body is that that they have if they're raised up we buried that flesh body verse 36 thou fool or you foolish one that which thou sowest is not quickened the quickened means made alive in the Greek tongue except it die in other words if you plant a seed in your garden let's say it's let's say it's it's it's a it's a corn seed that corn seed must die but that little embryo that is bedded within it does not it springs to life and it becomes a new plant and so it is when the flesh body dies biologically and clinically then certainly the spirit body though it must go back to dirt the spirit body raises to the Father for there is time and death has nothing to do in affecting the spiritual body l unless God so states so that's what he wants you to know the agriculture plays a great role if you've ever you know if you're a good gardener or farmer it helps you a lot in understanding God's Word because you know that little grain of corn you cannot make it grow you can plant it you can cultivate it you can water it but God Himself must cause that little embryo to spring to life and come up in that beautiful plant and produce much corn and so it is with one rays that does god's word that is quickened and made alive let's go with verse 37 please verse 37 reads and that which thou sawest thou so us not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of wheat or some other grain in other words that grain that you sow it's not going to reexamine comes that one again we have two bodies and quite frankly if you were with the father in the beginning and God said to the two the children Elya him is God and his children you said let us create man in our image it was all-inclusive you you look exactly in the flesh as you looked in the spirit body okay it's a duplicate but this flesh body must die so that the spirit body can return to the Father from whence it came it does not die so therefore to say that Christ has not risen or don't be a member of some church that has a dead message saying the dead are out here in a hole in the ground sure enough some day when the seventh horn trumpet sounds over there coming popping right out of the ground that's not biblical because he asked his chapter nine states that wouldn't the flesh dies it goes back to dirt it's done and it should be because you have a far more perfect body it's called a spiritual body it springs forth at that happening and let's go with verse 38 then but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to every seed his own body in other words every entity every person has a spiritual body that is your spirit and it is your spiritual body verse 39 all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men that's humanity another flesh of beasts another flesh of fish they have a separate flesh yet and another of birds there's various kinds of flesh verse 40 there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial now but the glory of the celestial is one in the glory of the terrestrial is another in other words celestial is you have a heavenly body a spiritual body a terrestrial you have an earthly body you've got two bodies and you've got to let that sink in meditate on it think on it you do have two bodies and and so it is and well what happens to them well it's really quite simple when you stop and think about it verse 41 there is one glory or splendor of the Sun and another glory or splendor of the Moon and another glory of the stars for one star differeth from another star in glory and and there's a play here on words because in job chapter 38 through 40 God's children are called stars that wonder the sons of God they are a star and they're all different God created us all different your DNA is different your fingerprints are different you are unique and that's the way God made you and your flesh body is a duplicate of your spiritual body with the exception that flesh bodies are perishable they age they get sick a spirit body time means nothing to it they all looked young why because age has no effect on them disease has no effect upon them the celestial is the real body it is your body in the first Earth Age it is your body that came from the heavenly father and entered when the mother's womb when you were born from above and so it is verse 42 so also is the resurrection of the dead it is someone in corruption it is raised in incorruption I want you to grow familiar with that terminology especially in the Greek to say it is sown in corruption means its flesh it's perishable it can get sick and quite frankly the flesh can die but the incorruptible is your spiritual body which will not die unless God so stipulates unless he himself decides and that that the that it is that time but it is raised that means when it when the when the flesh is placed in the soil from dust to dust then the spiritual the incorruptible raises and returns to the Father from whence it came verse 43 it is sown in dishonor there's there's problems in the flesh it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is the very work of God this is a wonderful thing the creation of the Living God verse 44 listen carefully it is sown a natural body that means it's normal it's natural everything about it is natural it is raised a spiritual body you have to got it there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body and that's exactly how it is and our Father lets us know this in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 when he speaks of these flesh bodies and what happens to them when they do the flesh dies not that not the uncorruptible you find it in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 it's written in the Old Testament I'll read begin reading with verse 6 or ever the silver cord be loosed and the Golden Bowl be broken that means your flesh body is that clay Bowl the silver cord is what attaches your spiritual body to the flesh or the picture be broken at the fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern then shall the dust return to the earth as it was meaning the flesh is going back into the ground it will never come out of there again it goes back to dirt and the spirit that your spiritual body the spirit technically is the intellect of your soul meaning yourself your very self shall return unto God whom gave it and that's where you go you go to paradise just like Christ taught and in Luke chapter 16 the parable concerning Lazarus and the rich man where they were in paradise but there was a gulf in the middle of paradise the bat on one side the good on the other but they all raised they all resurrected there's nobody out here in a hole in the ground and and so it is that our Father simplifies and and makes so good his word now let's return to 1st Corinthians 15 and a next verse please and the next verse is 45 for it is Solon the first man Adam was made a living soul and the last Adam was made a quickening spirit Adam who sinned was made a soul but Adam the son of God the the One God was the only begotten of God he was a spiritual soul from the beginning 46 howbeit that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual now if you're familiar with God's Word you know that it was spiritual first in the first Earth Age and then because of the cuttable the overthrow then it became natural why God God wanted his children to be born to innocent of woman to make their mind up whether they're gonna love him or Satan your choice God wants the truth he wants to know what you have inside because love he cannot create love he must that without it being or an automation he wants freewill for people to love him because they do not because he orders it commands it or any other reason so therefore he gives you free will with the exception of the firstfruits to say the elect to follow him to love him and and so it is that that one that came in the spiritual that is to say Immanuel God with us made it possible on belief that we have that prerogative to follow him next verse please verse 47 the first man is the is the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven the only begotten son he that was able to not sin and to pave the way and pay the price that we have forgiveness of sins and have him to follow and to love verse 48 as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy I mean there's no getting around it if you're earthy earthy and as is the heavenly which are they also that are heavenly in other words the spiritual body does not have I'm gonna go we're going to get down here just a little bit the spiritual body is you're out of the flesh and you do not have the hang-ups that you do in a flesh body the central nervous system that says you're hungry or and you're need this and you need that the flesh always needs something ok and it's talking to you it's talking to your spiritual body give me this and give me that and I need this and I need that so the spirit must take over occasionally and so it is the earth is earthy it wants it it wants food because that's of the earth and the earth needs food but the heavenly it needs God's love from above to exist verse 49 and as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the heavenly in other words when when you pass into the spiritual body you are as the angels for you're in an angelic body a spiritual body that's no biggie and as doesn't there there are bad angels there are good angels just like there are bad earthy and there are good earthy it's your relationship with the Living God that makes the difference the law is good it keeps the earthy out of trouble it is the earthy that can get you in trouble now verse verse 49 50 now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption well now how could that be if if we and the earth body cannot inherit the kingdom what it means is it's a different dimension there's no way you can enter the dimension in which God is unless you die and then in the spiritual body you elevate to that dimension in which God is this is why it's written those that look upon God must die why you got to die to see him he's in a different dimension many many pastors such as this one have witnessed a deathbed and a person in the transition of making this change many times example I was in this room with a person I was very familiar with in there passing is one of my mentors and and just the two of us were there and all of a sudden he looks over I could see the recognition in his eyes that he recognized somebody on the other side of the bed and he is Mary Mary how are you it's so good to see you and they talked a moment I could not hear Mary but I could hear him and having studied under him and being familiar with him I knew this was real and I left the room and his mate was out in the hallway and I said who was Mary said it was his sister that passed away about 15 years ago so in that transition God sometimes to a good servant and this man was one he taught many people the Word of God that he sent the sister whom he loved and trusted to take him through that transition of going from the earthy to the heavenly within a couple of hours he was gone from this here the transition was complete he could see and a person in that transition can already see into that dimension when they once start into that mode of transition that that's not super spiritual it's just the way it is it's a fact okay that dying in a sense is part of living and I want to be careful when I say it's part of life because you have two bodies and you don't ever ever want to forget that and and so it is that our Father makes this very clear and and so it is now he's going to go into this a little deeper again I will say it the reason flesh and blood cannot enter Heaven it's a different dimension you have to make that transition from flesh to celestial I'm sorry to Teresa it's a celestial the spiritual body before you can go to heaven because it's a different dimension this is why it is written you've got to believe that Christ resurrected for he went into that dimension and so did those that have followed him but simply the way it is that's where the so-called rapture doctrine comes from it's a misunderstanding of the transition let's go with the next verse please verse 51 behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep that means we're not all gonna die but we shall all be changed that's the good the bad the ugly sinner sings well but your brother who do you think the judge is it's our father and you must be in that dimension whereby he can judge you doesn't mean you made heaven don't ever think that you may pass through but it's a short time in passing verse 52 to continue in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump the Greek is very specific in this it says the farthest one out now most children can count to 7 because that is the last Trump it's a seventh Trump for the trumpet shall sound not maybe it's going to and the dead shall be raised incorruptible in that means in spirit bodies and we shall be changed a lot of people so does that mean everybody's going to be saved no it doesn't that's why I told you to remember the difference between corruptible and incorruptible when you're raised you are raised in that incorruptible body you may not stay there very long but you see there's another part to this listen carefully 53 to continue for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality now wait a minute what we've got two different things here we've got a corruptible body but what's this mortal well mortal the greek word means liable to die it's your soul naturally within your body spiritual or flesh there's your soul and immortal soul means one that's liable to die immortality Athanasius deathlessness which means in believing in the lord jesus christ you have already inherited eternal life so your soul has already put on immortality when you take part in the first resurrection you overcome at that time rather than being resurrected in a incorruptible body but still have an immortal soul to be judged and maybe go to hell you it's important that you see this because it is that dimension and it is one that we're all familiar with you know I want you to remember Christ taught this very clearly in Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 and it simply reads listen carefully concerning the two bodies do you think Christ didn't teach it of course he did verse 28 and fear not them which kill the body that's the flesh the earthly wooden but are not able to kill the soul whoa that's the mortal but rather fear him that's the in God which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell meaning God is able to cause the soul to perish it's called the second death in Revelation chapter 20 the last two verses if you take part in that second death it's over because God is able to cause the soul to perish that is to say to exist no longer and it does happen and how is it that we do this when why why is it that some people say well the way we're not even going to be here it's because they were ignorant of God's Word they get this from first Thessalonians chapter four I want to pick up where many people get misled concerning the change of bodies the resurrection it starts in verse 13 to set the subject chapter four first Thessalonians that I would not have you to be ignorant there Paul goes again he said I want you to know the truth brethren concerning them which are asleep those that are the flesh bodies that are dead that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope you don't have to feel sorry for them there with the father they're in their new body their spiritual body it's not really new is their old verse 14 for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again that's the whole subject of this 15 you better believe Christ resurrected or you're not a Christian as Christ rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him how can that be because they are with him to be with him they must be there for they also have risen verse 15 for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord not by guessing by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep there is no way you can proceed one of them to heaven better they're already there ok that's really quite simple verse 16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God that's the seventh one the last and the dead in Christ shall rise first notice the colon meaning they're already gone there's no way we can precede them they are with the Father for we serve a God of the living not the dead so don't mope for someone that passes the way you're gonna miss them but there you can rejoice there with the father verse 17 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds that means in a large group like a cloud of birds or something there's a lot of us to meet the Lord in the air this word air is 109 in your Greek dictionary it means breath of life you're a spiritual body and so shall we ever be with the Lord he's coming here and we will ever be with him we're for comfort one another with these words and it should be a comfort not a flyaway doctrine which God hates execute after 13 verses 20 18 through 20 but to be in the spiritual body and home with him never again to feel pain or anything else but to know you're in the perfect body the body that Christ gave us that was made for us and that he loves so dearly and Wesco was one more verse please verse 54 so when this corruptible that your flesh body shall put on incorruption that's transformed to the spiritual body and this mortal that's to say you're labeled liable to die soul shall put on immortality deathlessness then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory it's gone that's why Christ came to this earth if you've ever read Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 to die on the cross for our sins but the main reason is to destroy death which is to say the devil that was the purpose of the trip we're we're would this be written again isaiah 25 verse 8 i just want to read it that's important it's see many of these things are not hidden it's just that people ignore them 25 verse 8 as isaiah 25 verse 8 i will read it he shall swallow up death in victory and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth for the Lord has spoken in and and so it is that the veil that has cast over the people is what the seventh verse of that chapter would say that is the veil of lies that something like to bring on the beautiful transition of going into the spiritual body and into eternal life we'll finish this in the next lecture don't miss it bless your hearts you this in a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this was same old world different age the creation itself when where the race is created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular tapes how was the what how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never and the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you've always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good for important Ricoh throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination we will not judge people why God is the judge you know you get on his toes and you're in a heap of hurt for in let God do the judging you do have the right to discern what you should listen to and what you should not don't listen to this man or any other man or woman without checking them out in the Word of God chapter by chapter verse by verse those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now you've got a prayer request you don't need the number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking you don't even have to say it out loud well he loves you he's the one that he's your father do you know something he owns her soul you don't give it to him it's not yours to give he owns that coming out the gate Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 all souls belong to God they're his to do with so you want to be pleasing to him he is the judge and he is your father he loves you he may not love what you're doing let him no return that love it makes his day when you make his day you're in good shape father around the globe we come father we ask that you need guide direct father touch and your shoe is precious and then thank you Father amen okay in question time we're gonna go with Earl from California what events take place that allows the Antichrist to go through with allowing the Battle of Armageddon Amon GOG brother does the USA pull out of the one world system or does the US government wake up or is that the people's wake up God's elect move God's elect are pretty well sinnard they Satan will never be able to overcome us because the Holy Spirit speaks through us as mark 13 so declares and it nailed him it destroys him so he will make a move to bring about the final destruction when he can't when you're delivered up if he can't convert you and the Holy Spirit speaks through you bringing about his demise then he will make a move to destroy the Americas and and and all Christian nations it's not just just hear there's Armageddon as well as Haman GOG two different battles but God wins both of them like he did an army by man doesn't it's God's army himself that makes a quick end of it so it's the work of the elect that's bringing it to pass gaile it does make a big difference you just cannot imagine in these end times to be one of those election Gail from Virginia pastor Murray what must we as Christians do to prevent our nation being taken over into socialism where it is headed how can we get truly United and spread the truth well all Christians need to read their Bibles and all people should vote I'm not about to tell anybody how they should vote for this or vote for that because we're not allowed to but I hope that I'm a good enough teacher that everyone knows when you you teach God's Word do you study God's Word you know what he wants we're free there's no slaves in God's Word you're free and a free soul so you do accordingly William from Michigan I have some questions I am I am an adopted well I know in heaven my birth parents that I never met well it is written in Ezekiel chapter 44 verses 20 through about 25 that you will recognize mother brother father unmarried sister you can help and so forth so yes I'm sure that you will probably know them spiritually is there a special olive oil to use for anointing well you want pure olive oil virgin olive oil if possible no problem but then take the bottle which you would buy at any grocery store and pour forth a little vial that you can carry in your pocket if necessary but most of all once you pour it into that vial you ask God to bless it as the anointing oil of our people it isn't the oil that brings a healing it is your obedience to use it as you're ordered by God and then make the petition he will always hear you and he will answer to what is best for you and what he has planned for you it may not be it may not be what you want but it will be what he's going to use you as Tracy for Mississippi my question is what place do people with mental illnesses have will they be judged the same as a child or could they be our father's elect can Satan have any control over them thank you for all your teaching and help you are so welcome Tracey naturally always remember God is always fair he knows what you're thinking even so therefore he certainly knows your mental condition okay and being fair for example in stewardship and this has nothing to do with mental illness but I'll use it as an analogy in stewardship he gave 1/10 because that one was sharp and God expected that that God gives much he expects much but he gave another 1/5 but he made the reward equal because he knew the capabilities of the one and the other and he blessed them both equally we won't talk about the one he just gave one okay it he didn't have much going for him but God always expects what you can handle and he marks that is perfect but in the Millennium in spiritual bodies we were talking about two separate bodies thank God there is no mental illness there's no sickness at all in that celestial body in that spiritual body so in the Millennium the great one a great time of salvation how can you say that Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 documents it nails it for God's elect or priests with Christ a thousand years what the priests do they teach well they're not going to teach to some wall but to the people that need it what does teaching do it changes minds Diane from California my question regards my friend that I tried to encourage by telling her that God's Word says that during the tribulation they cannot hurt a hair on your head she says Christians are getting killed right now all over the world why aren't they being protected pastor Marie if you could help me to answer her I would be so grateful well we'll have a have a go at it that's because man doesn't obey God's law God's law of states that if you know if somebody's out of line you take care of business you practice a little tough love and man simply unfortunately sometimes it's bleeding-heart christians even in this country that if a young girl is molested and murdered they will take that character and baby him and give him lawyers and protecting when God says hey if you've got two witnesses if he did it let the father of the child cast the first stone killing get rid of him me miserable that that doesn't seem to be a deterrent he'll never hurt anybody again and God wants him up there he wants to see him he wants to talk to him because the little girl he murdered is waiting got something to say to him and God's got something to say to him and God says don't be guilty about this or feel bad because others it's all on me but others will see and these things will cease happening among you we just don't carry through God's law that's why we see it today but the Antichrist is smarter than that he will not bother he cannot come claiming to be Christ and butchering people and Luke 21 they can't harm a hair on your head that's exactly why it is he's playing the role of Jesus and peace peace peace will be all over the world only if trouble is the peacemaker on the throne is the fake Marilyn from Minnesota in Revelation chapter 9 verse 15 what does the third of men kill mean what does it means they are it means when the Antichrist comes a third of them die his spiritual death not a physical death that means many that sit in a church thing waiting for the rapture to happen I mean here he comes I mean in all his glory claiming to be Jesus get in my wagon let's fly out of here and they jump right in his wagon and they die a spiritual death which is far more serious than even a physical death and and so it is what does it an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth mean it means that we are the mini membered body every little group that studies is a part of that body but you do not harm your physical body your natural body it's talking about if that part of the body over there starts listening to a bunch of hair say and turns against God's Word and begins teaching something that's untrue you cut yourself away from them you get that group out of the many members body because it's better that they be gone then the whole group go to hell okay it does not mean to harm your own body we are the mini membered body and some have different parts of that body but we function and we get the job done this is Bob from Ohio I've never heard this question asked is the sand dollar biblically if so where is it in the word as far as I know it isn't okay it's not in the word Mary from Arkansas thank you for your good your thinking your welcome my question is is the Apocrypha in the manuscript part of it is part of it isn't I feel that if you have been taught properly and if you've studied long enough you can spot what is and what isn't the Apocrypha is is the story of David in the Apocrypha Daniel I'm sorry Daniel in the Apocrypha I think is a fantastic little book okay parts of Ezra as dress in the Greek for it is Greek and you will find parts of it but it once you're solid in God's Word it doesn't hurt to read but be careful what you absorb you know truth from from fiction Millie from California where is it written of him and his stepmother it was not a stepmother it was his mother okay had sex and conceived Canaan where was he banished to he was banished to Africa but that does not mean he was not a black man because incest will not change your race I want to make that very clear where is it in the manuscripts it's the law and you will find it in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 11 well what does Leviticus 2011 say it says to lie with your father's wife is to uncover your father's nakedness it's not it's no sin to look at your old man in the nude it may not be a pretty sight but it's not a sin okay but to lie with his wife with incest that is a sin you can read it in Leviticus 20 11 you can it's a it's a double-header you can read it in Leviticus chapter 18 verse 8 as well and to incest does not change colors okay don't try to hang that on the black race this just doesn't happen it was not God that drove Cain in a way it was Noah because of what happened by his own son Wayne from Tennessee where in the Bible or the verses that speak of Christ going to meant meant to Ultra Minister to the dead while he was still in the tomb well that's real easiest first Peter chapter 3 verses 18 and 19 while yet in the tomb he went to the dead and he preached to them and many of them overcame do you know how you can tell chapter 4 of first Peter says many prisoners were released in that meaning they believed this shows you the fairness of our Father you see until Christ died on the cross that forgiveness was not that adequately there it wasn't present but after he died on the cross then all the people back to Noah in the beginning they didn't have that privilege so God went to those that didn't make it and he preached to them and gave them the opportunity to believe on the blood of the Lamb and many of them did Cynthia from Louisiana are there spirits here on earth around us all the time the Holy Spirit is always with us he will never leave us he will never forsake us that's good every individual Cynthia you have a spirit and you can take that spirit and you can be less a pleasant and wonderful two little children helpful to them or to your neighbors or to other people or there can be somebody that can have their spirit and be very wicked and evil but also in as much as God for every negative there is a positive in as much as the Holy Spirit is present on earth so is Satan spirit he cannot come to the earth de-facto because he's helped behind the throne Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 but his evil spirit and his little fallen angels their little evil spirits they're on earth they can be here and they're not one behind every bush but there's not too many pastors that haven't brushed horns with with them on occasion and people also but that's why you have the oil of our people and the power that Christ gives us over all spirits all of our enemies in Luke chapter 10 we're beginning with verse 17 1819 this is somebody from California when Jesus was only the way to be nailed to the cross and he wrote on a donkey is it true the donkey had a cross on his back either tattooed or branded there to signify that Jesus rode the donkey there was no cross place there it is natural there is a line along the back of an animal but it was fulfilling prophecy it documents in the Old Testament that God knew and was telling you before that there would be an old and a new Testament you can read it in Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 what does it say in zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 it says that he will come on Blee riding on the foal of an ass that's never been ridden before I mean it was playing out that Scripture right to the line but then what does the tenth verse of that same chapter say chapter 9 verse 10 Zachariah minor prophet he's coming back riding a white stallion with a rod of iron not a babe to be crucified not humble riding upon an ass but on a warhorse to do away with evil on this earth it was foretold of by the prophets long ago and it will come to pass as it is written K this would be Laurita from Colorado I think we all need to remember concerning vengeance as a need a reminder concerning vengeance is mine I don't know exactly where this reference is and its context could you please talk about this for everyone to hear and understand well my favorite place where God states this is written in Deuteronomy chapter 32 which is the song of Moses God lets you know exactly is matter of fact this song of Moses according to Revelation chapter 15 is what those that overcome the Antichrist and all of his teachings are singing so it's very important that someone be familiar with Deuteronomy 32 the song of Moses but what did God says is vengeance belongeth to me meaning I'll take care of business this is why that when you read Ezekiel 38 and 39 concerning Haman GOG it isn't our American army or military that defeats the enemy that comes against us it is Almighty God himself that's they're very bows from their hand with hailstones weighing 180 anywhere from a hundred and ten to one hundred and eighty pounds apiece can you think of the destruction that would bring to pass boy does God have a surprise to him and does vengeance belongeth to him he gives he is long-suffering I'm really quoting the scripture here it happens to be 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 6 & 7 God is long-suffering and it is his wish that all come to repentance they won't they will not but and that and would hear the truth they won't do it but he's full of patience but there does come that hour when that send of time is turned over in the last grain falls and the wrath of God that righteous indignation and vengeance and that is the hour Deuteronomy 32 this would be Allison my question is why would a church my name is Allison I cannot attend a regular church due to having autism I understand that studying with you is the same as being in church I'm not over estimating when I am in my home okay my question is why would a church not naming names as we aren't to judge turn a child and a later young adult a way simply because they cannot accommodate them for this reason only I cannot fellowship with others in Christ I know I'm not alone in this thank you for your teaching Allison you are so welcome dear dear what no this you're never alone okay he will never leave you he will never forsake you and it is difficult that churches cannot accommodate that is that Israel said I will not judge them either but I do to say this God will judge you and he's going to mark you is perfect and remember this in the spiritual body there is no autism you keep studying God's Word you're comfortable here you're in church and we're happy to have you aboard the Lord Jesus Christ is happy to have you aboard you keep studying his word and God loves you and we do to Jerry from County from Georgia I want to know about acts 14 I'm sorry acts 12:4 it says intending after Easter to bring him true forth to the people when you teach you should you sound like it's bad a bad thing about Easter well have you ever gone to the manuscripts the word Easter is not there it's pasul Passover and as you read in 1st Corinthians 5 Christ became our Passover I'm out of time I wish I had more time on that but so it is do a little homework the word is passel not Easter each star is a pagan holiday I'm I'll of you all because you enjoyed god's word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God does we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you you can count on it now most important though you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,464
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Holy Bible, Pastor, KJV, Shepherd's Chapel, Bible, Arnold Murray, Book of, Pastor Murray, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherd's, Shepherds, Book of 1 Corinthians, I Corinthians, Pastor Arnold Murray, 1 Corinthians, Shepherds Chapel, Book of I Corinthians
Id: 4HdovlyDQk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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