Luke ~ 21:1 to 21:24

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word chapter 21 the great book of Luke now Christ has taught in the last couple of three chapters that he's going away and that there will be a second Advent and he prepared us how to to deal with non-believers and with the enemy and other peoples in the very last chapter he dealt with questions from religious civil and domestic how you should deal with it now he tells us how to deal with the Antichrist and the end times exactly how it's going to be this is a beautiful thing that he gives us whereby there is no unknown factors and basically when you know what's going down you know how to prepare for it that's what this 21st chapter is all about it's a lot like the 24th chapter of Matthew and Mark 13 only where they hit it straight on this moves over and gives you a side profile shot gives you a little different angle or by putting them all together you have a beautiful picture chapter 21 the great book of Luke the light giver verse 1 and it reads and he looked up and he saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury verse 2 and he saw also a certain poor Widow casting into the two nights verse 3 and he said of a truth I've said unto you that this poor Widow have cast in more than they all want because all of them put together why well it's all she had they were just doing a regular tithe she put in everything she had verse 4 reason being verse 4 for all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God the tithe but she of her plenary her in no funds hath caste and all the living that she had in other words she opened her heart she loved God she trusted God and there it was this this was very pleasing but that's a very good stage for what he's going to do for his people that wait on him that are not pulled aside by false teaching false leadership but give all to the true father to the true Son and Holy Spirit that is to say those that cannot be deceived wine because they understand our father's word what keeps you from being deceived not man but God's Word verse five to continued and as some spake of the temple how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts he said verse six as for these things which you behold the days will come into which there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down now don't ever let man deceive you a lot of lot of your so-called teachers would tell you well this happened in 70 AD when the Roman general Titus came marching in and took the city not so why this this is the Antichrist coming as it is written in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 to sit in a temple of God the Great Tribulation that is of the false one that's what it's talking about and we still have the Wailing Wall standing to this day those stones have never been thrown down and you see people worshiping there at the Wailing Wall or the west wall whatever you want to call it but there is a time coming when Christ's feet touched down on the Mount of Olives that after the Antichrist has set up camp there he's going to level it he's going to declare and prepare it for the Millennium Temple which which definitely will come to pass hasn't happened yet so don't you let somebody tell you that some little Roman general Titus accomplished what's about to happen he didn't it's yet future most of it excuse me verse seven and they asked him saying master but when shall these things be and what sign shall there be give be when these things shall come to pass what should we look for what is our signal now this is really given just a little better in Matthew 24 I kind of told you that this was likened to Matthew 24 listen to what they ask in totality verse 3 of Matthew 24 and as he said upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came in to him privately saying tell us when shall we shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming this means the second advent and of the end of the world that's the most asked question when will the end of the world be he's going to tell you he's going to tell you the signs that will be present at that event and that's why this becomes super important to God's election for it directly connects to and concerns God's elect because they have a part in it and then we return to the 21st chapter of the great book of Luke and what we're looking for is signs and events that will transpire watch it carefully verse 8 and he said take heed that you be not deceived that's that's the first warning for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and the time and the time draws near not therefore after them don't you believe it what are you saying here there will be many that will come claiming to be a Christian preacher saying you go here and you fly there and you fly away here and fly away there and don't you go with them don't believe it when what signs should we look for then well let's let's check it out he's not he's not - hiding this from us he's teaching it openly verse 9 and when you shall hear of wars and commotions be not terrified for these things must first come to pass but the end is not by and by by and by means immediately it's not it's not that soon well well then as long as you hear the wars and rumors of wars well we've got Afghanistan we've got Iraq we've got a few other things what is the opposite we have Lebanon we have Israel the is raised what fortune is the opposite of wars and rumors of wars world peace when they cry peace peace peace that's a sign you do not want to overlook I'll say it again as long as you have wars and rumors of wars it's not incidents not real soon but when you start hearing peace peace peace then you better get your ears on get your head out of the sin you're a watchman you're supposed to watch that's one of the signs it's real easy you can't miss that one verse 10 then said he into them nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom you're going to have these troubles verse 11 and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilence and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from where from where will these signs be from from heaven well what's it going to be from heaven Satan is going to be cast out that's a sign you better not miss well you mean it's not won't be on earth while he's coming to Earth but the sign will originally come from heaven and you'd better be watching that means the supernatural is coming well what what about what about the famine what is this famine of the end times you're not going to have it I'm going to read it to you Amos chapter 8 verse 11 behold the days come saith the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land this is the famine we're talking about not a famine of bread nor of thirst for water but of hearing the words of the Lord in other words God's Word taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby people have an understanding of what's about to transpire the signs of the season bringing you when you see those signs into the season that announces the arrival soon not only of the wicked one but of Christ Himself the second advent that's what this builds toward so that famine is you might say when churches are saying well we're losing attendance things are going well well teach God's Word then let the words of God be taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby it is God's Word that is taught not some man's and then your church will grow you will have attendance at probably you can't even take care of those are the signs that you will be aware of now returning to the 21st chapter let's go with the next verse 12 but before all these uh-oh this was gonna be careful of they shall lay their hands on you I said you and persecute you delivering you up to the synagogues and unto prisons being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake and therefore what purpose was that for Christ's name's sake now do you remember when we were back in the 12th chapter of this great book I told you to remember that 10th verse in that twelfth chapter that I would be calling your attention to it again the unforgivable sin it's for God's elect when they're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan the Antichrist that the Holy Spirit would speak through you and we read there in the tenth the twelfth chapter that are the same book of Luke and I told you remember to remember these verses verse 9 and he that denies me before men shall be denied before the angels of God being the unpardonable sin and whosoever the first 10 shall speak a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him that is as Christ walking in the flesh on earth that's forgivable but unto Him that bless them if against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven well how does that come to pass 11 and when they bring you unto the synagogue's that's the synagogue of satan' now and unto magistrates and powers take no thought how or what thing you shall answer or what you shall say well why wouldn't you think because listen verse 12 for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the same hour that's the hour of temptation what you ought to say in other words God wants to speak through you if as one of God's elect and only they can commit the unpardonable sin because God's not going to speak through somebody that's a non-believer he speaks through those that do know the understood that understands this word of God the signs that are present and how they are to react but that is the unpardonable sin and it could only be committed after the false Christ appears on earth when one of God's elect refuses the Holy Spirit the opportunity to speak to them it will not happen I assure you God's elect are ready for action they are ready to perform in the service of the king returning into the 21st chapter this great book of Luke let's pick it up with verse 13 listen carefully and it shall turn to you it's going to turn to who it's going to turn to you for a testimony not you speaking but the Holy Spirit speaking through you right against Satan I mean going for the juggler of the old old devil himself what an opportunity to live and to serve God and when is this going to happen he told you gave you the sense coming from heaven 14 listen carefully settle it therefore in your hearts that's in your mind not to meditate before what you shall insert don't you even think about it you're not the one that's going to be the doing the talking how come verse 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain say nor resist they can't they can't gain one thing against what you say why well it's not you speaking it's the Holy Spirit God's going to give you that wisdom do you know what this is this is the Pentecostal tongue spoken on Pentecost day when Christ resurrected 40 days and then 10 days later the Holy Spirit showed up Acts chapter 2 verse 6 and 7 where they didn't speak in an annoying tongue that's not the Pentecost tongue the tongue on Pentecost was knowing quite the opposite of Unknowing knowing by everyone because that is the presence of the Holy Spirit and Peter himself would say this is that that was spoken of by Joel the Prophet so if you want to know what they were saying all you got to do is go to chapter 2 the great book of Joel and you find out that it is both the sons and the daughters of the Lord Jesus Christ Almighty God that is to say as they are delivered up that the Holy Spirit speaks through them as they for a testimony to the whole world about events that are transpiring and who this false one that they're delivered that before is that is none other than Satan himself playing the role of Christ which means Antichrist we have many movies and so forth put together showing the Antichrist to some vile multi-headed wicked horn monster boy is that going to deceive a lot of people because it is none other than Satan himself and he's the most beautiful cherubim ever created God Himself stating in an Ezekiel 28 looking just like people think Christ looks like and from his mouth comes the words that he is Christ and all those that follow him will certainly wake up I mean good Christians that were not taught properly worshiping Satan at the very last minute of this earth age before the Millenium and then to wake up and realize when the true Christ returns that they've been in bed with Satan himself what a letdown it's no wonder they pray for the mountains to follow them they're too ashamed to face the Lord Jesus Christ who died for them and taught them gave them the signs told them exactly how it was going to go down where they would not be deceived and then they'd have them end up in bed with Satan it's going to happen because people listen to malarkey rather the Word of God the famine in these end times is not for bread nor for water but for hearing the words of God it will get you in much trouble so this is what you want to settle in your mind well I'm not a real great speaker well you're not the one that's going to be doing the speaking you got to get that through your mind it is God Himself that uses your very mouth to speak the words by the Holy Spirit that will convert many many people what a time to live and you're living in verse 16 to continue in the great 21st chapter and and it reads and you shall be betrayed both by parents and brethren and kinfolks and friends and some of you shall they cause to be put to death now now I understand what put to death means let's translate it properly who is death well let's document it let the Word of God document it for you so you're not deceived Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 Christ came to this earth in the flesh to be crucified whereby he could destroy death which is to say the devil that Satan's name is death he's a dead man walking therefore how precious it is that you are delivered up before him whereby God can speak through you to let the world know who he truly is and what a fake he is you're not to admit premeditate what you'll speak and I'm certainly not putting words in your mouth but God intends to and he will put words in your mouth well why why would a parent betray a child - before the devil because they think he's Christ I mean they're good Christian people they think and probably go to church all the time but they're never taught there maybe they got one verse charlie that gives one verse and then goes on with his own thoughts for an hour and but we never taught this Luke 21 or Matthew 24 mark 13 or many other passages from God's Word well by they would know the truth whereby they could stand so therefore they believe he is Christ and they love you so they're going to go right to the devil and say thinking he is Christ my daughter is a beautiful child she she thinks she's serving you but indeed she thinks you are the false Christ and you know what he will say well bring her on in and let's convert her you see that's what Satan will be running playing Jesus and he will be running the greatest church there an and greatest revival there has ever been no one to man on this earth not Wars by guns or anything of that nature or witchcraft but by religion only it's false religion it is Satan himself claiming to be Christ and and naturally a a a relative who thinks he is Christ thinks they're doing you a favor when they deliver you up to him begging for mercy from him for your soul when God already has your soul protected that's why parents will betray and kinfolks others for religious reasons you don't have to go very far to know and see the real truth in that matter of what kinfolks will do in the name of religion verse 17 to continue and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake why would you be hated let it be for only one reason beloved his name's sake you stay with him you stay true to him it does not matter if the whole world hates you and God loves you you're in good shape because you and make a majority verse 18 but there shall not be an hair of your head perish how much faith do you have it said that verse said not one hair on your head shall perish as it is written concerning Satan's trip to this earth in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 God telling him don't you dare touch one of mine that have the seal of God in their forehead meaning the truth of God's Word in their mind where it is settled there you can't touch them you can't tempt them when we're too smart for him we know who he is we've got his MO we have his number and so it is but God protects the elect let your faith strengthen let your knowledge be knowing and settled in your heart and mind through this ordeal of witnessing before Antichrist God will take care of you even the adversaries will be convinced by what you say think about it what a time to live what a precious moment that will be verse 19 in your presence I'm sorry in your patience possess ye your souls that's it well what is patience you wait you wait for the true Christ don't you fall off and be deceived by the fake if they tell you he's over here or he's over there don't you believe it as long as you're in a flesh body the seventh Trump hasn't sounded and the true Christ has not returned to this earth your soul being patient brings you to that moment whereby you have that victory and God uses you it turns to you and you don't want to let him down think about it let your faith to be strong not one here can be touched on your head verse 20 to continue and when you shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies here's another sign then know that the desolation thereof is nigh this is the desolation of abomination spoken of by Daniel the prophet as it would be written in the 24th chapter of Matthew and thirteenth chapter of Mark and what it means is is the desolate or not desolation but the desolate or which is Satan himself stands in that place kind of his little army as he maneuvers them moves them 21 then let them which are in Judea this gives you the geographical location flee to the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it or her depart out and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto why it's over it's going down Christ is about what was the question don't you forget you keep this all wired together in your mind the question was there won't be one stone left standing atop another where do you want to be when that happens you don't want to be there God will take care of his own you have nothing to worry about verse 22 for these must for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled you got that every last thing forgive for fulfilled in the generation of the fig tree no we were we were back in the when we were teaching in the fourth chapter I told you to remember something when Christ went into the temple and he picked up the scroll of Isaiah in chapter 4 verse 18 I asked you to remember that I said I'm going to call it to your attention again this is where I'm going to do it in relationship to the day of vengeance okay Christ walked into the temple he picked up the Book of Isaiah chapter 4 verse 18 of the same book The Book of Luke the Spirit this is what he read to the congregation the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised verse 19 listen carefully to preach the acceptable year of the Lord period he closed it that's not the end of the sentence there's a there's another part to that sentence why couldn't he read it then because it wasn't time listen he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister sat down and the eyes of all looked at him and then he would say this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears what the first part well what is the what was the second part of that very verse it was 16 of Isaiah that's what he was reading and that's why it's important you need to know it because all things are going to be fulfilled within that and here we go verse 2 of chapter 61 the great book of Isaiah and it reads to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn that's what he did not finish I'll read the first part again verse 1 the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and to the opening of the prison to that are bound and here it comes to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord instead of period his comma finished the sentence and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn and rejoice o Zion so you see the day of vengeance is coming but it would there's a gap there it would not happen until the second had been and that's why he could not say this day has this prophecy come to pass because the day of vengeance hadn't it has not yet come to pass but I you can rest assured it shall come to pass and don't let any of these clues of the signs of the nearing of our heavenly father escape view for all that is written may be fulfilled when these things are seen returning to Luke 21 verse 23 it reads but woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people the ones that are deceived now there is no sin and a mother carrying a child in her womb that's a blessing so what's he talking about well how long has Christ been away well over 2,000 years and he what does he expect to find when he returns a virgin bride now if he returns back and you have been spiritually not physically but spiritually impregnated by the teachings of the false Christ and have been impregnated by him and are even nursing along giving thought nursing along his work helping Satan can you imagine that a Christian actually impregnated spiritually and helping Satan's work what kind of light does that lead them in in God's eyes he's jealous and and the reason he uses this analogy is if you were gone for several years and you came back and your mate was the father or mother of a suckling babe how would you feel about it he says that's the way I feel I'm jealous I don't want you messing with Satan I want you to wait for me you want to take you want to be a virgin in that wedding you better listen up because he's making it very clear what he expects again I want to double emphasize it's a blessing for a mother to carry a child in her womb this is speaking of a spiritual impregnation by the false one verse 24 and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled and so it will be I do not have to tell you who controls the Dome of the rock and how that that prophecy continues on and will until this day until that second advent it shall come to pass you're living in a perilous time many of these things are formulating right now before our very eyes and many was of all men have taught the end of the world since the beginning of time well the thing the clue that God's Word states sets the end generation is Israel beginning becoming a nation again that happened in 1948 many of us witnessed it so there's no no excuse for not being able to understand the simplicity in which Almighty God brings us the events of the end times whereby a watchman has the knowledge to know what he's watching for or she's watching for whereby they are not deceived by Satan or man because both will deceive you if they have the opportunity how do you stop the deception it was the first warning see that man does not deceive you how do I prevent that stick to God's Word his word only as it is taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse all right bless your heart units in a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew caldera Creek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter and therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198th appendices found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will enlighten your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and their we're back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination or organization we do not judge people we have one judge it's our Father he doesn't need our help he's quite capable of taking care of business he always does but you do have the right and the gift from God called spiritual discernment as to who you should listen to who you should follow I hope that your discernment always let you settle on God's Word but that's what you should listen to God's Word he wrote us the letter whereby we would not be deceived you want to always thank him for that those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure got a prayer request don't need that number and you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking right now one he loves you what he wants from you more than anything else is that love returned want you to love him that's Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your grace your mercy your love that's what he wants from you return it and be blessed father around the globe we come West that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay question time we're going to go with Catelynn from Georgia my I am 11 years old now live in Georgia what's your show program everyday my question is when and where will Satan be cast down thank you very much well you're very welcome we don't know the exact point like today we were learning some signs but we do know the location he's going to be cast down to Judea and as it is written in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 he's going to set his throne on Mount Zion unnaturally he's mimicking or following Christ Regina from Georgia we know abroad two of every flesh aboard the ark is that possible that he included two of the hybrid giants there is written there is nothing written about the second influx that I have found to explain the existence of odd yes yes there is if you have a companion Bible I'll make it real easy for you appendix 25 it tells you of the second influx but he naturally did not take two of them aboard because that was the purpose of the flood was to destroy them and so it was Christina Christian Christine from Georgia my name is Christy I'm 17 years old and I am from Georgia and I have been wondering what Isaiah 40:31 means what does it mean when it says to wait upon the Lord but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings of as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not thing it means to wait for the true Christ don't be sucked in by the fake wait on him that's one of God's elect he will give you the power the strength the knowledge a mouth of wisdom as we were teaching today it is so precious don't be that first one taken in the field that's taken by Antichrist wait for the true Lord let the Lord use you okay nanny from Ohio me I want to know if not I'll put it on if not I'll put it on the shelf until the time for me to know the question what was the woman's name who was a teacher and I think she taught at a school thank you all you do and the people there at the chapel oh you are so very welcome her name was hold on hold on and you will find it reported in 2nd Kings chapter 22 verse 14 she was over the college and the King the leader was went during the reign of Josiah and they went to her to find out what God had to say that God uses both sons and daughters always has he always will hold on was her name n1 n1 from Mississippi what did Satan why did Satan tempt Christ in the wilderness did he not know Jesus was God in the flesh he thinks he's better even than God and many people might say well I cannot understand why he thinks he's better because the whole world follows him I mean they're most the majority of the world does everything but worship him I mean they follow him they follow the Prince of Darkness and the things that he puts upon this world and become a part of it he's got the whole world except for God's election basically eating out of his hand as he feels he's doing pretty good when Jesus spoke to his disciple to use parables why did he not want everyone to understand his message well basically he usually explained the parables if the disciples didn't understand it it was the non-believers he that he did not want to understand it why it was not meant for them to at that time mine they weren't ready you have to take into consideration the miracles and everything that he was performing and many people were worshipping him not because of the miracle that he was the son of God but because he could create a fish sandwich you don't want to convert somebody that would just think he was the creator of a fish sandwich they're not ready got it okay pastor Murray this was Jean from Illinois I enjoy so much watching your thank you my question is did the serpent in the Garden of Eden talk like a human or are we supposed to imagine this thank you no no no you need this you need to check it out in the Word of God who was the serpent in the garden well it's one of Satan's names read Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 or go to Revelation chapter 20 and read verses two three and four a two and three and you will find that the serpent that old dragon who is the devil that's just is Satan the most beautiful of the cherubims he was a looker a knockout he was called a serpent because of his wicked ways and here we have Gail from Canadia New Year's Eve I've seen I've seen where birds have dropped dead mostly red-winged blackbirds was this significance and do you believe God is true no it was a we had terrible thunderstorms here and when you're sucked up into it we had tornadoes that killed three people down south of here near where the birds were killed those those thunderstorms will violent vicious that night and naturally these birds died from trauma meaning that hail and wind killed the birds the whole flock blackbirds migrating groups through here this time of the year and unfortunately they got in the wrong place at the right time and the storm spit them out May from Michigan don't believe this stuff that fireworks frighten them we don't it is not our practice to fire off that many fireworks at new years it was fireworks all right it was fireworks from God a thunderstorm made for Michigan I wanted to ask you since mankind have always been so disobedient and destructive will there ever be flesh after the Millennium or will there be no flesh after the Millennium once we're through once the seventh Trump's islands all flashes che even animal flesh is changed to spiritual bodies no more flesh and and remember also it's a different dimension and maybe you can see into it a little better cm from Georgia I have a question pastor the Bible states that tanks and guns will be melted into plowshares and pruning hooks will we be forming during the millennium or living on welfare well we we will not be living on we will put to use what God gives us to use Julie from Ohio what does the Bible say about being a long-distance member of a church I love your ministry and I have not found another that is compatible that is local is it okay to only study on TV and not to physically attend well we are spiritually in attendance we are a church and when you study God's word with us you're in church so distance means nothing to our Father and we have these miracles of television the Airways the ether waves that let us commune one with the other spiritually and otherwise and so you're at home you're welcome and you you study his word and be blessed Joseph from Arkansas I want a full robe in heaven and not short shorts well that's a good outlook so my question to you is my helping support shippers Chapel there's this righteous acts it sure is do you realize how many people you reach by doing that and it is the people that keep this make this possible it reaches and changes lives every day not man and not even Shepherd's chapel but the Word of God through the chapel the shepherd of course is the Lord Jesus Christ if anybody wants to join this church you've got to take it up with him and if he approves you if the head Shepherd that's Christ approves you you're in you're in church ok question charlie from Illinois can you tell me where in the Bible that it states that more fallen angels came after the flood well it was that was odd but don't take your companion Bible and go to appendix 25 and it tells you all about the nathie Liam that's the fallen ones that's the Hebrew word means the Fallen Angels and and the Giants the giver that would come and it will you'll learn probably more than you ever wanted to know about them there Dan from North Carolina if we are separated by the Gulf and paradise haven't we been judged to a degree at that point oh no not judged but determined from the book of life I mean your name is written there and what you have done determines not by judgment but by your own actions which side of the Gulf you go on I'll say that again when they open the book when you get there and we're by your name if it says you're a fantastic person right over here if it says there you didn't give a hoot for nothing you're going over there okay it's what's written in your book and only you decide that okay and it's not not time for God's judgment you I think most people will be glad that God does not judge them at that time but waits until the great white throne judgment judgment because they've got the whole millennium to get their act together maybe Judy from Texas please answer this I have wanted to serve God all of my life but I was very abused by those who were supposed to be my family and I do not believe they were good souls the very dark ones you know you don't don't always blame your shortcomings on others you're a bigger person than that you're a daughter of the Living God even if you were abused you stand up and you let God know he can use you that he'll take care of those that abused you you don't have to worry about it and and do what is right you will be serving God then but you can't serve God and blame all your shortcomings on other people that will not fly with our Father got this up and do what's right cut your own own wake and you'll be just fine bill from Canada what will our spiritual body be like will we be transparent and will we eat and sleep of what what will we be doing well we're gonna be happy for one thing because you're away from a flesh body that's painful and and and ages and gets ill that in itself but it's in a different dimension it is not transparent it's very visible even someone in the transition of dying can see into that dimension it is not transparent and and it is it's what we all work forward to we can trust God for that and it is not the corruption that we have in flesh world with Satan being the Prince of Darkness and having free run where he has when people allow it Christians allow it but a safe place God takes care of his own Pat from California you have said that you cannot have salvation in the flesh please explain whoa whoa whoa you're leaving most of the teaching off I said if you premedicate murder and you lie in wait just because you're a wicked rascal with no reason whatsoever no jealousy no reason just to kill and take a life then you cannot have salvation in the flesh it's quoted in the First Epistle of John chapter 3 verse 15 but that's only for a murderer anyone else could have salvation in the flesh and I'm not saying that God will not let them have salvation in a spiritual body of things if God so chooses that's his business Batra but he said send them up to me I'll take care of them that's where their real trial takes place Pat from California I'll use an example the character that just snuffed 2-6 lives in the Arizona they're going to give him a trial here but his main trial is up there with the father boy will he get it there Pat from California my understanding of the three world ages is the first Earth Age before the flood Second Earth days present time third earth age the Millennium well you're not quite right okay the first Earth Age was before the Cata bow not the flood of Noah if that's what you're thinking it was long before that and the second earth age is this present time but the third earth age is after the Millennium the Millennium is part of this earth age meaning the earth will not be changed until the end of the millennium people will be changed but the earth Rhett's will not be changed until the end of the millennium revelation 21 Pat from California are we living now because we don't we didn't make the cut in the first Earth Age no gods Elector living now and they are here because God chose them there to stand against Satan he knows they have the ability to stand against Satan he knows he can trust them to accomplish what must be done you see he depends on the elect to be the voice by Christ speaking through them against the false Christ and many of the people there were not all that meaning that were that found salvation why there wasn't a savior in the first Earth Age people were people and some went bad and some were in but Queen and some didn't care but there were a few of God's elect that earned the right before the foundations of this world Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 plus many other places I chose you before the foundations of this world so but basically all in all many followed him then and there following him now the false one in deception they don't know any better why they will not study God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse that's real sad I'm not judging anyone I mean look around you talk to them ask one of them what saith the Lord and you'll have all kinds of answers alright we'll be one of the main ones you'll hear Lily from California since I've been watching your program on television I have decided to tie 10% of my income to you pastor and I truly enjoy your teaching thank you so very much thank you very much we appreciate it that's welcome aboard Joe from Texas I am 52 years old I've been watching your program for a long time and I understand what you are saying but since I can't read will I go to hell absolutely not no more in God's Word is salvation connected with the ability to read okay and quite frankly we show the wording at the bottom of the screen as mature so that you can when I read it you can follow along so that you know I'm not lying to you I'm giving the true manuscript word okay and therefore you are heaven bound if you love him what does John 3:16 say God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would he didn't say who so ever could read them so ever would be Eva pon him should not perish but have everlasting life you're a believer Jo you ain't tough get going partner I know you can stand against the faults Christ you're not the one that has to read and speak against him Christ gonna use your lips your mouth he's gonna wisdom we read it today hang tough partner Kathleen from Kathleen from Georgia I'm sorry I believe that's California what is the companion' Bible the companion Bible is a King James Version Bible it was put together by a gentleman and his staff named Bullinger who was probably one of the better scholars he was one of the only Christians that Ginsburg allowed to proofread the manuscripts of the maserati that's pretty tall cotton when you know what you're talking about okay but it has appendix and it uses the word it outlines the word and when you outline the word it helps you better understand how to enjoy and how to study the Bible I think it's a fantastic Bible and that's why I highly recommend that I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy stuff our fathers word most of all god loves you for it makes his day it makes his day when you read the letter he's written to you because as God's elect he uses you you that's what I said and make his day boy is he going to make yours we brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do that bless him he will always I do mean always bless you most important though you listen to me you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with under will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music] mark mark one of the Apostles mark having been a very young lad at the time Christ walked this earth was always in the shadows observing and listening with the intensity that young ears can picking up every word and this great gospel moves very fast but what at what a interesting and certainly impressive gospel it is for mark from those that young 9 reiterates to you in chapter 13 how some are going to be delivered up exactly what they were supposed to do and even in that thirteenth chapter giving you the seven events that fulfill this or make up the seven seals and the seven trumpets and telling you how you are to react to them a fast-moving gospel one that I know you'll enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey we're ready to get back into our father's word again rapture rapture theory is it just a theory or is it grounded in God's Word that's what this lecture is all about why is it important if you do not understand the chronological order of events that will transpire
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,305
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Pastor Murray, Book of, Arnold, Arnold Murray, KJV, Pastor Arnold Murray, Bible, Book of Luke, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Murray, Luke, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, Holy Bible
Id: wP8_Ej7Wzdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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