Mark ~ 10:1 to 10:31

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word in the book of Mark how fantastic it is this teenager who followed the disciples around gives you an eyewitness report and that I I witness report moves it gives you that truth in a way as only you can bring it forth with the touch of God's hand bringing that forth and we come to chapter 10 verse 1 let's go with it with that word of wisdom from our father starting a new thought and he arose from thence and he cometh unto the coasts of Judea by the farther side of Jordan and the people resort unto him again and as he was one he taught them again he was a teacher in action everywhere he went he taught and that was his destiny verse 2 and the Pharisees came to him and asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife tempting him there trying to set him up ok and this this is Scripture lawyers trying their best to start problems for with Messiah himself what an uneven match ok verse 3 and he entered and he said unto them what did Moses command you what what does the law say verse 4 and they said Moses suffered or allowed to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away and and Deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 1 that's true and for certain circumstances that could transpire verse 5 and jesus answered and said unto them for the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept not necessarily for others hearts but theirs that's the reason he wrote it because of of people's the the hardness of Hearts is is also people that it's just the natural attributes of man okay troubles here troubles there and so forth six but from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female does this meperidine mother and cleave to his wife unfortunately many times sometimes people don't get far enough away from their family if they are the interrupting type that they can cause trouble in a marriage but otherwise the good parents can be very very helpful in a marriage eight and they twine both men and the woman shall be one flesh so then they are no more Twain but one flesh and that's as it is when when a child is born then there you have both parties it's one flesh join verse nine what therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder and and and so it is this this I always include this in a marriage ceremony when I when I perform one it is well and good and here he has laid this forth it is the law and naturally again they're trying to ensnare him or to entrap him so he puts a stop to it before it really gets started all that much verse 10 and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter could you clear this up for us a little bit remember the Pharisees are not around now and then he said unto them in verse 11 whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery against her and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another she committeth adultery no this probably is one of the most used misunderstood statements Christ is made on earth because of people not thinking it through how many times did Christ say you should forgive someone you see forgiveness is left he didn't say unless they repent have a change of mind and heart and personality and serve God that that's not brought into this but you're supposed to be sharp enough to understand Christ's teachings if someone's sin you're to forgive them 490 times no let me coming out the gate make one statement absolutely no we're in God's Word in any language any translation does it ever say that divorce is the unpardonable sin it's not well if it's not the unpardonable sin then what is it is pardonable it's forgivable period in the story you know men you know and many people live miserable lives for false teaching on this subject okay and and that is a sad sad situation but as it is let's let's take an example here Christ ventured to a well let's just turn there st. John chapter 4 verse 15 Saint John chapter 4 verse 15 Christ is going to walk up to a woman at a well okay doesn't know her and in the fourth chapter of st. John verse 15 the woman saith unto him Sir give me this water that I thirst not neither come hither to draw no it's Christ and said he she gave him a drink and he said I've got water that we the living water that you'll never thirst again speaking spiritually 16 and Jesus said in her go called thy husband and come hither verse 17 the woman answered and said I have no husband and Jesus said in her thou has well said I have no husband verse 18 for thou hast had five husbands and he whom thou now hast in thy is not thy husband and in that set is doubt truly you told the truth you don't have a husband but you've had five of them and you're living with another old boy right now verse 19 the woman saith in him sir I perceive perceived thou art a prophet now what what did what did Christ then do he he used this woman for she had repented asked and he sent her into town and converted hundreds of people through her and here in this generation you can have an example you can have a fine lady teaching a Sunday School class in some churches and her husband will run off with the church secretary and they'll tell the woman you you are now a divorcee you got to stop teaching Sunday school she's innocent she didn't do anything what is wrong with this picture of Christianity which lacks forgiveness that is the beauty of Christianity it's forgiveness anytime you set yourself up as being so perfect but you're not going to have to it sometime ask for forgiveness you're in a heap of hurt your your you are some self-righteous hypocrite that's walking a road all along and probably doesn't want to be touched by anyone that is to say afraid they'll cause you to fall off that tightrope you walk Christianity is not a tightrope it's it's not a religion it's a reality serving Christ and it's so easy if you are sincere so naturally I don't care if the divorce is your fault if you repent and ask him for forgiveness it is given divorce is not I'll repeat again is not the unpardonable sin furthermore we're not going to turn there but you could make a note of it Jeremiah chapter three verse eight Almighty God Himself is a divorcee he wrote a bill of I'm going to turn there I will just take a little moment here and make sure that we get this down right we'll Pat Jeremiah chapter three if I haven't forgotten verse eight and it reads and I saw when for all the cause whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away and gave her a bill of divorcement yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not but went and played the harlot also so God's a divorcee then as diverges is he doomed to hell I don't don't that would be sacrilegious for you to say such a thing divorce is not the unpardonable sin wouldn't it be nice if little people were all out of the same cutter no it wouldn't be but it would seem that some people think that and everybody's perfect and they never sinned but God knew when he created man it is habitual but in flesh bodies we're going to fall short at times period it's going to happen and that's what repentance is and you have some churches that are so strict in their teaching that they have young people even afraid to call themselves a Christian or because of it if you look at a pretty girl then if your eye offends you pluck it out you know God created man and woman and they're beautiful and there's nothing wrong with admiring beauty it's when you lust after something in and and it's not just after one but she's just my type female all of them okay now that is pure lust and that's a sin but between man and woman there there you have that oneness and there we have repentance were not perfect and don't ever let anyone tell you that divorce is the unpardonable sin it isn't for God Himself is a divorcee and legally and rightfully so you and many people are gonna say well how could that be well when Christ died on the cross when they at his death the New Covenant came into being and you she was free then to remarry and God married her if she believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior okay now back to chapter 10 and we'll pick it up with verse 13 and let that let let never let anyone take forgiveness away from you that's the beauty of Christianity 13 and they and they brought young children to him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them I mean he's busy he's tired he's pushed he's in his own and don't bother him with things little ones 14 but when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and he said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me you bring in you bring them and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God and what is he talking about you take a young child that has faith in their mother father or an adult when they really have faith in them and love they will believe anything they tell them wide-eyed and believing what perfect faith a child has in one they trust and in the ability of learning and what Christ is saying here you know as as a believer you're going to have to become as one of these little children if you're really going to enter into the king and his Dominion you've got to have faith you have got to believe and for the betterment it would be better that you believe with the force that this babe does for name verse 15 verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein that total complete faith in our Heavenly Father you know why would someone not have faith in Him and trust him he created everything for us he protects us he looks after us he sent us this letter he sent us this only begotten Son as the teacher of teachers to show us the way to give us that comfort and if you want a good example all you have to do is look at a little child watch their eyes and wonderment as they listen and learn and believe with faith and then you see a Christian in action verse 16 and he took them up in his arms and he put his hands upon them bless them loved them 17 and when he was gone forth into the way there came one running and kneeling to him asking him good master what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life I'm ready I want to go verse 18 and Jesus said unto him why callest thou me good there is none good but one and that is God and of course there's there's an equation there he is Immanuel God with us and that's why he's calling him good or had a reason to for that purpose reason 19 thou knowest the commandments all ten of them do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness defraud not honour thy father and mother now here is here is an important teaching that you that don't understand this word kill it is fun yo in the Greek tongue and its base Prime is fun yawns which means it doesn't mean to kill someone in retribution it means to commit murder in a criminal homicide in other words you're not to criminally murder someone it has nothing to do with committing capital punishment by law to put a point on a criminal homicide out of his misery so here he gives basically the commandments 20 and he answered and he said in a master all these have I observed from my youth you see Christ knows this man he's very wealthy watch it carefully can you pick up on it 21 and then jesus beholding him he loved him he lives all people okay and said to him one thing thou lackest go thy way sell whatever thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and take up that cross and follow me know what Christ knows this old boy is quite wealthy but it's not all honest gain a lot of there's not there is no sin in being rich in God's blessings and in and in serving God that he gives you a mind whereby you're a good businessperson you can make all the money you want there's nothing those sin in that absolutely no sense whatsoever in being rich but to be rich with ill-gotten gains is a totally different story that is the sin of sins that breaks the law of greed of coveting what someone else has it breaks a lot of laws of stealing in other words it sums up quite a few of the commandments themselves that you don't top out on and to pick up your cross and follow me what do you pick a cross up for to be crucified on you know you've got to be willing if it came to it to even reach that death verse 22 and this old boy he was sad at that saying and he went away grieve for he had great possessions they weren't all his either okay verse 23 and Jesus looked around about and he saith unto his disciples how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God that's ill-gotten riches don't you ever forget it 24 and the disciples were astonished at his words but jesus answered again and saith unto them here's your answer children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God how hard is it now first of all what did that say where is your trust supposed to be your trust is supposed to be unbelieving and with faith and Almighty God but here it says trust in riches if that's where your trust is you're not going to enter the kingdom of heaven because you don't trust in God okay make that point 25 it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter in to the kingdom of heaven this is very difficult to understand unless you're familiar with the old Eastern ways we don't in this nation of America have and in Canada have unwalled cities I have walled cities rather all of our cities they have no wall you can just drive in and drive out boom there you go but in the old countries there was a wall around the city and there was a main gate usually and that gate may or may not be opened all day long but when it come night the main gate that you could pull a cart through or a wagon was closed and the only gate that would open at night was what they called the needle gate it was a very small gate beside the huge one where only one man could walk through it now a camel if a camel a camel can get on their knees and crawl okay there they're a very handy animal for that sort of thing but if you have a huge pack on it like you'll gotten gains there is no way it's going to make it through that needle the the little gate you've got to unload the goods off the camel and then the camel constitute right on through but it's got to unload the ill-gotten gains that's what Christ is talking about here and that's what he was trying to get the young man to do is to take his ill-gotten gains give him to the poor to take up his cross that be so dedicated to the word itself he'd be willing to perish for it and following so naturally his ill-gotten gains his trust was in them not in Christ unfit didn't make the cut okay and that is a good teaching of where your value is but most of all where your trust is who do you trust you know you you have to understand all the beautiful things that God has put aside for us in his promises of protecting us of blessing you for by your work when you do work as prosperous that you overcome and and when you don't trust him you negate all that it's gone you threw it away all the power and the blessings and the love of God said Christ loved this man he would have allowed him and he couldn't put his trust in Christ he put his trust in riches so trusted the father and be blessed trust the son and have eternal life chapter verse 26 to continue and they were astonished out of measure saying among themselves who then can be saved well it's really quite easy but they they were still kind of thinking we we've all got our little ways here 27 and Jesus looking upon them with men it is impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible in other words flesh will always be cause you problems so don't leave God out of your life you see that's what brings your blessings that's what brings your protection from him and and this is a true saying on your own you're not going to make it as far as full restful peace of mind and an accomplishment in your life regardless of what you're either gonna gain it the hard way by ill-gotten gains and you're always going to be looking over your shoulder are they coming are they gonna catch me are they gonna find me out you're never going to be happy but if you love him and trust him and he blesses you and you gain riches that's beautiful you're not looking over your shoulder you can enjoy them because you have the one commodity that trusting the Lord Jesus Christ brings and that's peace of mind and you are free you're a free soul to enjoy your life to its fulfillment in serving him it's a beautiful thing all things are possible for God and he shares that with those he loves verse 28 and then Peter began to say unto Him lo we have left all and have followed them here you see one of these little traits coming forward pay attention 29 and jesus answered and said verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and for the Gospels first and understand for whose sake for Christ's sake and for the Gospels sake 30 but he shall receive an hundredfold now not later not in heaven now in this time houses and brethren and Jers and mothers and children and lands with persecutions you're going to have a little bit of those they're going to come at you if you serve the gospel and in the world to come eternal life what a beautiful thing it is now of course you know in Luke chapter 14 verse 26 somewhere along there it says you know a person's got to hate their family what it means the group proper translation is loved less you got to love them less than you love the Lord how is it that when you leave home you gain more brothers and sisters Christians you'll if you truly teach God's Word or if you react in God's way you're going to have more family than probably you can handle okay there Christ has so much family there ma Bening okay and and that's what he's talking about here but the main thing is that you gain eternal life that is to say you are not in incurring any of the negativity that is of the world of the world during the Millennium at the end when the worst comes at the big lake of fire you have eternal life 31 to complete and meaning that our first shall be last and the last first that finishes this particular thought in this train what is he talking about that plows a little deep you see for many that our first shall be last and the in the last first one the last generation the generation of the fig tree were chosen in the first earth age why well they volunteered there to serve God and I mean to fight Satan hook line sinker nail I mean give own no quarter and therefore God could trust them to be his election knowing that they would stand against the false one it is also true that those that followed Satan in the first Earth Age a third of God's children as it is written that they in my opinion would live also in the last generation because they gave in to Satan then and God wants to know if they will again even though they've been taught and I feel that since the parable of the fig tree came to life and our the year of our Lord in 1948 that we have seen morals decay throughout the world as these souls are born that fell to Satan in the first Earth Age III know I don't know too many that hold with me in that but that's ok I think anyone that has been around a few years since 1948 has witnessed it transpiring you know when I was when I was a lad if there was a senior citizen I opened the door for him I helped them if it was somebody carrying a heavy load at a store I assisted them not on the payroll of the store that's just the way it was it's not that I was anything special all teenagers basically especially in in the country the Midwest and so forth that's the way we were raised and taught to do but look at it today I have seen where doors were slammed against senior citizens by a youth going through and maybe cursing at him as they went by where did that come from from before that's their soul that's their way and it's all going to even out that's fine you lucky said you'll you're you'll be blessed but you'll have some persecution you'll see it and you'll witness it what a sad state of affairs that you and youth themselves have to live in misery like that they're miserable to themselves that they have no anchor and the sad part is is if they're not careful they will miss eternal life you know that's why the millennium is going to be a boot camp I look forward to it the main thing that will be taught in the millennium is discipline and what a time that's going to be how precious it will be that our Father and not a second chance for people because of what is taught today many people don't have a chance but they're going to why our Father loves his children all right don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we do not judge people we have one judge our Father you do have the right to discern traditions of men from the true Word of God rightly dividing it that's your obligation to not be misled how do I prevent being misled well God sent you a letter it's called the Holy Word all you have to do is study it discern from it and you'll always do real good those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address we've got a prayer request do away with the number you don't need it you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking you know he doesn't love you he may not love what you do but he loves you return that in love that's what he basically wants from you just for you to love him that's why he created your very soul because he wanted that love if you want blessings remember that father around the globe we come West that you need guy direct father touched in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay and question time William from Louisiana I have two questions does Lucifer means Sun of the morning in Christ called him South the morning star so can you please explain why Satan is called Sun of the morning he copies he calls himself Christ because Christ calls himself Christ only we know and call him Antichrist which in the Greek tongue means instead of Christ he always a copier and and he his first job as a cherubim and that's all he ever was and that's all he will ever be was to guard the mercy seat to cover it to protect it rather chose to sit on it and hate he's pretty sharp he's got most of the world worshiping him so he feels like he's doing pretty good who is Isaiah 14:12 talking about I've been reading this actually referring to Adam and not Satan it is not Adam it is Satan he is Lucifer that's what Lucifer is one of his name's he's just a copycat okay Connie from Illinois please let me know this I hope to see this on TV and you're doing it is st. John the gospel in the epistles of John one two and three written by John the Baptist absolutely not John the Baptist was dead long long before of those writings and and but you can add also to the epistles of John one two and three and st. John you can also add the book of Revelation but if you think that John the disciple that God loved wrote them you're mistaken he was described but Almighty God wrote them today for they are the Word of God John the Baptist was beheaded and out of commission he was the forerunner and as soon as he brought in the true Messiah at the first advent he was beheaded Haley from Arkansas I watched you with my grandma sometimes ghosts do ghosts and demons live here on earth and can they hurt us not if you have Christ in you there's no way they can touch you and you don't as a Christian have to worry about them as it is written in Luke chapter 10 verses 18 and 19 God gives you power over them anyway when you tell them to run in the name of Jesus Christ they got a haul out and they always will there there really are ghosts most likely it's evil spirits is the proper name Helen from Illinois in Deuteronomy does that can you enter this in Deuteronomy does that the u.s. is not supposed to borrow money in Deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 6 and chapter 20 28 verse 12 it says you're the United States which is the house of Israel not the house of Judah and the house of Israel of the tribes that went north over the Caucasus Mountains settled Europe then later migrated to Canada in America we are not to borrow money we are to lend money think about Lynn lease in World War two and how we were blessed to overcome but then we are not to loan to borrow money wine trust God ask God to provide ask God to lead and he will provide he will bless the nation but once this nation starts borrowing money and the the law is written in Deuteronomy both places before mentioned then you bring you bring negativity upon the nation when you borrow money instead of trusting God to give you knowledge our leaders knowledge and wisdom to make us a productive nation it'll change George from Rhode Island when was Satan cast down to earth or where is he now I heard you say a couple of times that there should not be any chanting in churches okay let's take the first part of that Satan has not been cast down there was a period before when Satan as it is written in in job chapter 1 verse 6 that he was walking to and fro on the earth he had that privilege then but after he tempted Christ Christ told him to get behind him and he still is he's chained there but his evil spirit can come to the earth but you are told in Revelation chapter 12 when he will come he no long he will only have five months and that's when he comes as the false messiah or Antichrist what you heard me saying is that in Corinthians were it says the second time a woman should be silent in church the word in the Greek and you got to be a pretty good Greek scholar to catch it is should not chatter not remain silent but should not chatter I don't allow anyone to chatter in church I certainly don't allow anyone to chant because that's putting flesh into the will to into worship remember Christ when he fed the multitude what did he do he set them down in groups of 50 and made them behave and so it is when God's Word is being taught discipline alio from Texas I watch you every day with my grandparents my name is is AJ I'm from Texas and and I am nine years old I have a question why is God the judge and why does Satan pretend to be God and what God is judged because he knows what you're thinking that's why he wants to do all the judging you can't con him you can't put anything over on him when he knows what you're thinking he can judge you and everybody gets everything they've got coming to them and whether it's good bad or ugly that's that's why he should be judged because man can't do that man even though and with our form of law with a jury of our peers sometimes mistakes can be made God doesn't make mistakes Don from Florida when Satan returns who is he going to discuss who is he going to disguise his wings I think you mean how is he going to disguise his wings he won't have any trouble because he doesn't have any wings God said create man in our image well this here we are and we certainly do not have wings unless we have them out at the airport we do not have wings where this came from as in Ezekiel in other places where God himself his throne was aboard a spacecraft it was as in the English it says amber in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 4 but that word in the Hebrew is highly polished bronze and and it was a metallic vehicle and poor old Ezekiel anything he knew at that time had to fly and I mean it did pick its legs up like this which was its landing gear and he did a pretty good job of describing it but that's where the point wings came from they were flying as far as he was concerned they had to have wings Maryland from Texas if we as believers of the or the body of Christ or the church are to go through the tribulation then how do you explain revelation 3:10 in Thessalonians 4 16 and 17 but exactly the what it says I don't pretend or put something into it or some do in Revelation 3:10 it says you will escape the hour of temptation why insist because of those that claim to be our brother Judah and do lie and are the synagogue of Satan that when their father Satan comes you're not going to be tempted because you find him to be an abomination I hope Satan won't tempt you his message is going to be I've come to fly you away or you going to be tempted to get in his wagon I hope not and that's alone in chapter 4 verse 16 and 17 I hope you know there's a student of the word before you can understand 16 and 17 you've got to go back to 13 and 14 and pick up the sub or you're never going to understand what it's talking about the subject is if you believe Christ rose from the dead then you better believe that all others that sleep or are dead in him have risen also they're not out here and on the ground the first or the the the living cannot proceed the first why they're gone they're out of here and that the seventh Trump will be changed in the spirit of life bodies that's what that word air in the Greek means breath of life inland from Georgia we're in the Bible can I read how to keep Satan away Luke chapter 10 verse 18 that's all you mean that gives you power I like to say that word power when you take on the power of God do you know what that word is in the Greek it's Dunamis that's what our word dynamite comes from that's why that the evil spirits run from a child of God this is not afraid to stand and make a stand in the name of Jesus Christ they run from us they're afraid of us because they know as Christ gave us the power and the authority to send them back where we come from that's what we're going to do John and john-boy I cannot make that name out maybe it's Jeanie from Georgia when the Antichrist comes what will happen to our small children thank you so much for your teaching they're going to be fine he's coming as Savior okay but the trouble is instead of saving souls he causes a lot of people to lose their soul if they're not careful but the young an innocent child will be just fine Stanley from Arizona we're we're in the bible does it say how old we will be and what we will be wearing in our spiritual bodies where is this in the Bible Revelation chapter 19 verse 8 says that you're wearing white linen robe that is woven by your righteous acts guess what if you don't have any righteous acts you won't be wearing anything okay now how old will would be well how old are people in angelic bodies that means spiritual bodies every time it is written that someone such as Mary Magdalene and others that saw people even at the tomb they were young people why H has nothing to do with spiritual bodies as we know them today today so they are all appeared to be young though all of us are the same age from even from the first Earth Age spiritual bodies do not age so naturally they always look young to us in flesh Florence from California I have heard you say something about prayers in a bottle I would like to know where can I find that in the Bible well Revelation chapter 8 verse 3 and for the Saints prayers are in that vial and they're open before God he hears them he knows them he hangs on to them Tiffany from that's chapter 8 3 in 4 revelation Tiffany from Indiana in the Bible that says honor thy mother and father my mother has tried to commit suicide several times and I don't know how to honor my mother I find it very hard to honor her when she doesn't respect herself what do I do Tiffany darlin do you know what if it wasn't for your mother we wouldn't have you the way it is now we've got you thank God for your mother that brought us such a sisters yourself we can certainly honor for that because you you are the product of that labor that pain that she bore and bringing Tiffany to us so I can certainly honor for it and I think you need to think sometimes we get toxic imbalances in our system and it isn't really the person doing it I want you to think about that and I want you to think long and hard and I want you to honor your mother she's an old woman butch from Oklahoma when I pray do I ask forgiveness for all my sin or do I have to say each one well if you can remember them all but most people can't so you're safe and saying forgive me for all my sins and and that's sufficient it is a question to be entered on the air by pastor marine from Charles from Kansas pastor Mary will the whole world know when the two witnesses are here absolutely and well most likely and we will know let's put it that way they the whole world won't know who they are what they are and will they use their real names Moses and Elijah and will we be able to understand their language here in America in English every language of the world will understand them at the same time that's the power of the Holy Spirit and furthermore Charles when you're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan and the Holy Spirit speaks through you it also as we're going to find in the thirteenth chapter mark will be understood in every language of the world Jeannette from that's the year I'm Jin Jeannette I'm ten years old and I live in Georgia what will we look like when we go to heaven me and my dad watched the Shepherd's chapel all the time thanks for teaching us the words of God well you are so welcome darling that's it's good that you study with your father and and I answered that earlier all in spiritual bodies age has nothing to dare upon them therefore no illness no pain no suffering therefore they always look young though basically all spiritual bodies were created in the first Earth Age they're really all the same age but they all look young engi from from Tennessee I was wondering in the first Earth Age when God created all souls did he create them all at the same time and were some created before others and is this why some people have have what they call old souls now all souls are the same all soldier all souls they come from the first Earth Age but you need to read proverbs chapter 8 who is speaking there in proverbs chapter 8 wisdom and listen to wisdom let her speak to you she's great she gives you the straight truth and let you know even down to the little odd Adam that by that I mean particle as God would put man and make man and bring man into the being and and caused him to exist or you can read in the 38th chapter of job were the sons of God no gender there means sons and daughters meaning we were all at the same in angelic bodies we had a blast we were happy no no sickness no age nothing like that until Satan pulled his business and and so it was but reading those places and gather from that demarest from Florida I want you every morning I lost my granddaughter at the age of three years old I know she's in heaven but when I see her again will she still be a little girl does she grow in heaven and what does she do while in heaven well she's with the Father he loves her and as I stated in spiritual bodies were all the same age same size young adult is what it would appear to be and and really if you can grasp that that is our real body that's how we were created our soul simply dwells in these flesh bodies but our real body is that spiritual body one because it's forever it is it is you for the eternity and and so if that is God's way of doing things Timothy from North Carolina please document were in the Bible that said animals go to heaven God loves his animals Isaiah chapter 11 is talking about the Millennium and it's talking about how the bear lives we eats with the lamb a child can play well on the hole of a snake ASP nothing hurts anything number one we're in spiritual bodies where it couldn't be heard anyway and there will really be no children it's simply a statement of safety but God loves his animals there were animals in the first earth age that's why we have dinosaurs and have the remains left over from them and so he's always loved his animals he's going to keep them you can you can rest assured there is just one problem there will be no carnivores there well why would there not be a carnivore because there's no flesh Gloria from Texas are we going to live through the tribulation or are we going to be raptured there will be no rapture the word rapture is not in the Bible that is a false teaching and and that is a real sad state of affairs because at the seventh Trump we all change into spiritual bodies and meet back again with the Lord and we stay right here on earth he's building his kingdom here on earth as it is written in Revelation 21 and the Tribulation is piece of cake for us in the first place Satan you have that opportunity as you'll find when we get to the thirteenth chapter of mark to witness against him by the God himself speaking through you awesome what an opportunity to serve Him and and then when when God's tribulation comes he loves you the only thing he is difficult or hard on is his enemies you are not his enemy you can stand right in the middle of all of it and not even be singed or hurt or harmed and and so it is we gather back to the Lord right here on good old terra firma right here on the earth Louise from Georgia please explain revelations chapter 2 verse 17 it is a wonderful verse and I'm out of time I will do it in the next lecture I'll pull this question back because that's it is a beautiful verse and we'll explain it there I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word but most of all God loves you for it it's the letter he sent to you and and that letter tells you what makes him happy but most of all what blesses you so you make his day boy is he going to make yours we brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold myrrh if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,921
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Keywords: Pastor, Book of, Arnold, Shepherds, Murray, Shepherd's, Mark, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Chapel, Book of Mark, Pastor Arnold Murray, Kjv, Holy Bible, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Murray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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