Mark ~ 15:44 to 16:20

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back in our father's word let's complete the book of mark this lad who was not a disciple but he followed them he observed he was an eyewitness to everything that happened they they the disciples always stayed at his mother not always but most often stayed at his mother's house so he was welcome there and to take in all the information so this book vivaciously moves along we had just come to the chapter 15 verse 44 Joseph of Arimathea who was a blood relative of the Lord Jesus Christ being Mary's uncle his mother and he had a right you know there is a law biblically called kinsman redeemer and he was the kinsman redeemer which gave him the right to claim the body of Christ so we find here that Pilate is asking was he dead already he came to claim the body as he did here is only 3 p.m. verse 44 chapter 15 let's go with it in Pilate marvelled if he were already dead and called unto Him the Centurion and he asked him whether he had been any wild ed 45 and when he knew it of the Centurion and he gave that body to Joseph it was a gift to Kings kinsman redeemer by law rightfully so and so it is as always God's law always works out accurate to the point and to the letter of the law biblical law that is to say verse 46 to continue and he brought fine linen and took him down and wrapped him in the linen and laid him in a supplicant out of a rock it was a breeze new Sepulcher and rolled a stone onto the door of the supplicant this was as we learned in Isaiah chapter 53 when he received the stripes and we get the healing that when he was being tried he would not open his mouth he would not murmur then it also says that he will be on the cross with the male factors two crooks although one converted while there but also he would be buried in a rich man's tomb that rich man happened to be Joseph of Arimathea his own uncle verse 47 and Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph's be helped where he was laid they marked a spot they they would be back and many people are concerned and how could he be in the tomb three days and a night part of a night well he was crucified on a Wednesday and which was the 14th of Nisan which made the 15th Passover for that day on Thursday and when he was taken down at 3:00 he was placed in that tomb before at sundown that was law also that began Thursday ok thirsty began and Wednesday at sundown and then thirsty would run all the way through and then thirsty at sundown would begin Friday and then Friday at sundown that would begin Saturday the third day and at the sundown on Saturday that would be the third day and sometime in the night he resurrected and and so it was that it doesn't matter what day of the week it is when when the 14th of Nisan the day of preparation comes forth on the 15th of the spring 15 days after the spring equinox because we are children of light and go by the solar calendar that's Passover it is this same exact time by the Sun every year so you can't go wrong so the the ladies marked the spot and here we go which after sixteen to complete the book and when the Sabbath was passed Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome II had brought sweet spices that they might come and anoint him of course this woman had already anointed him with that precious ointment for his burial but they would continue it verse tomb and very early in the morning the first day of the week that would be Sunday morning they came unto the supplicant at the rising of the Sun at sunup they were there on the job marked the place and there there verse three and they said among themselves who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the suppli because it was huge verse four and when they looked they saw that the stone was rolled away for it was very great it's a huge stone verse five and entering into the supplicant they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in long white garment and they were affrighted anytime you hear have an angel described it is a young person why in a spiritual body and an angelic body age has nothing to do with it we're all the same age in the angelic body God created all souls at the same time and when you see someone in that dimension then they're always going to look young because that body can't perish it can't grow old it can't wrinkle doesn't age because it's a spiritual body that God created to live forever verse six and he saith unto them be not afraid don't be afraid you seek Jesus of Nazareth which was crucified He is risen he is not here behold the place where they laid him and there was the shroud laying there the vine linen and everything and he just blasted out of there he resurrected and and so so it is that in doing so he defeated death and as it is written in 1st Corinthians 15 beginning with verse 53 and for Oh grave were his death where is thy sting grave where is your victory it doesn't have one why Christ overcame he defeated death and as I covered in the last lecturer or had you two to go to Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 Christ came to this earth to be crucified on that cross whereby he could defeat death which is to say the devil and I was he can kill him now because he ordered his death time about fair play that's the way God operates and that's what happened there he defeated death and don't don't overlook the fact he did it for you he did it for all of us so that we could have that eternal body that young body that would never grow old and would live for an eternity if you believe upon him if you follow him if you love him and how precious it is that and let's go with the next verse please verse 7 but go your way this angel is instructing them go your way and tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee there shall you see him as he said unto you well when did he say that in 1428 chapter 14 20 he made that same statement he said in the 28th but after that I am risen I will go before you into Galilee he forewarned them told them all I want you to take a lesson from this all you have to do is listen to him he's not trying to mislead you he forewarned you and and remember also he told us in the tenth chapter in the 34th verse he said they're going to spit on me they're going to curse me their mouths are going to wag it happened exactly like he said it was there's no need in having being anxious just listened to him and therefore you have nothing to be concerned about other than loving him and serving him because he did this for you that he died on that cross whereby he could defeat death get it off of your back and Satan himself get him off your back whereby we will have that eternity in that new age where everything will be well as it is written in Revelation chapter 21 how precious it's going to be and next verse please verse 8 and they went out quickly and fled from the supplicant trimble dand were amazed neither said they anything to any man for they were afraid now many people let's just get this out of the way right now many people think that from the ninth verse to the end has been added to the book of Mark and this is folly you with companion Bibles check out appendix 1 6 8 168 the it is true that there are some pretty old manuscripts that is missing in but here's here's the clue the oldest the oldest sirak or aramaic manuscripts have it included how did it get taken out some scribe messed up and so it does belong and so it is certainly God would not have ended a chapter with the people being frightened instead of his blessings so from 9 to 20 absolutely belongs in this great book of Mark again you with companion Bibles appendix 168 will set your little minds at ease over it okay verse 9 to continue now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast Seven Devils and he told Mary he said Mary don't don't touch me means don't hold me up that's what the Greek means oh I haven't been to the Father yet and I've got to get up there so don't don't don't hold me up I'm going I'll see you later tell him I'm coming back in another gospel verse 10 and she went and told them that had been with him as they mourned and wept he had already told them I'm going to reappear I'm going to resurrect I'm going to defeat death you're there weeping and going on verse 11 and they when they had heard that he was alive and had been seen of her believed not there's that old doubt now in another gospel in Luke 24 I believe it is you you have two people that went to the hot springs to take bath and they're walking back and Christ joins them they don't recognize him his identity was hidden from them and he taught them concerning the fact that he would raise that he would be with them and they were amazed they asked him to come in and stay and he taught them and they were they believed then you know I find I think that much of this was done as a warning to us those disciples had walked with him they had heard him teach personally he had forewarned them that he would resurrect that he would go into Galilee that he would meet him there everything he ever told them come to pass exactly as it was written I feel this blindness in part was for our benefit today so that you would not doubt God's Word plain because God always I do mean always keeps his word he will never let you down in that that word is true and and so it is but that unbelief kept hanging in there I mean he had raised people that little twelve-year-old girl they thought she was dead but they couldn't believe it of him he brought Lazarus back from the dead but they couldn't believe he was back from the dead again I think it was for our benefit make a stand and know what you're supposed to do verse 12 to continue after that he appeared in another form unto two of them as they walked and went into the country and of course that's in Luke 24 verses starting about verse 11 the two I told you about they went down to Warm Springs took him a hot bath and they were they were feeling real bad but he appeared to them that was a witness verse 13 and they went and told it and to the residue neither believed they them they just could not accept it even after the Lord had we're talking about the disciples here now apostles she didn't believe verse 14 afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they said at meat and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believe not then which had seen him after he was risen I just they could not believe and here he just walks in they seem in person then the eleven of course Judas is already gone and they're seeing him in person and he gives these final instructions and they were very final and very complete though they are miss taught by many people gets many people and in folly and harmed because they do not understand metaphors and figures of speech which is a sad state of affairs let's get right into it verse 15 you continue and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature I feel he knew the time would come when we could push one button and broadcast around the world taking the gospel all the way around the world where the people could hear that truth verse 16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned it says you always make your own bed you know you can't blame somebody else for it it's it is yours to sleep in and if you love the Lord and you stay with him your heaven-bound that is no great stretch of the imagination and you do not have to be perfect or nobody would make it okay but you have to love him and believe upon him trust him he he died on that cross for you so don't you ever doubt his love toward you for it was awesome thing that he accomplished as only the Lord Jesus Christ could verse 17 and these signs oh now what is a sign well it's something that's going to follow them these signs shall follow them that believe in my name now in first of all what in my name that's in the name of Jesus Christ shall they cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues in other words they're going to learn different languages all the way around the world they're going to take this gospel we're and in learning those languages those tongues that means language then they can teach this word of God to all people to people everywhere and and so it is if you choose if you choose those signs what what what does he mean a sign well as it is written in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 he gave you power over all of your enemies the evil spirits the scorpions everything Satan will throw at you all of your enemies in his name so that's the sign is when you cast an evil spirit out of someone it's going it has no choice it cannot be in that home any longer it must be sent back where it came from that is a sign that follows the true teachers of God's Word verse 18 they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover when you anoint them with you all of our people now let me tell you about figures of speech we our people have always been while we're going to paint the town red tonight well what does that mean it doesn't mean you're litter you gonna go down and get a can of red paint and paint it it means you're going to kick up your heels a little bit and I use that because figures of speech are fantastic they say a lot more than the mouth has to mouth so what does it mean pick up serpents you can pick up evil spirits and you don't have to be afraid of them you can cast them out now you go out here in the wild and you pick you up a big old rattlesnake or a water moccasin or some poison Viper let me guarantee you he hasn't read that verse in mark okay and his own state of survival unless you're really a snake charmer because a snake always charms its victim so they can be charmed also but it is folly to not know that it simply means you have power over the serpent which is the devil you have power over his little people it doesn't mean you can go out here and pick up a rattlesnake if you do he is going to bite you sooner or later and what about this drinking poison and it will not harm you it means that your character your reputation as a teacher of God's Word teaching in Christ's name that it is so strong that people can say poisonous things about you and it'll just bounce off it's example you know the Internet is a classic thing for this you get a bunch of yo-yos that haven't got a life they just sit there on keyboards and make stuff up they said I have a harem of seven K night women hidden out in the woods somewhere well now I know my woods pretty well and I know there are no women in woods okay but it's a lie I mean they will they will do this but my character is strong enough I don't have to worry about it not not in the least my ability to teach gets me by because I teach the Word of God and not the traditions of men so again I want to cover that one more time that you can pick up serpents means that you can handle the devil and order him out of your life or somebody else's and he's got to go in Christ's name that's a sign of the power of God in the servant of God and that your reputation will stand up regardless of what bearing in mind nobody's perfect but all in all your reputation with God's forgiveness will withstand any storm and and that is a sign that follows the examples of God's own children so again you have certain people that like to pick up snakes and they feel they're doing something really religious and a lot of them die a lot of them drink poison and guess what happens they die so you you don't want to go there that's not what it means a minister of God's Word his character will withstand any poisonous darts that Satan wishes to put at you and also God in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 gives you power over all of your enemies in his name you don't have to worry about that how precious it is to have God on your side that's that sign is what follows a true man woman or child of the Living God verse 19 to continue so then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God on the fortieth day as it is written the first chapter of the great book of Acts he ascended right up to heaven he walked with them for forty days that's probation teaching them and telling them you're going the comforter is going to come to you I promise you that and sure enough on ten days later which meant the fiftieth day and fifty in the Greek tongue is Pentecost the comforter came and the comforter has been with us ever since he leads us he guides us he directs us and the comforter is the Spirit of the Living God and the son for if you've seen the son you've seen the father but there he sits on the right hand of God and he's your attorney he's there when something goes wrong in your life he's right there by God's hand and he can reach in and they can fix it why what they love you you're one of their children and you're trying you're trying to follow the word and you're trying to do what God would have you do and certainly that pays great dividends verse 22 complete the book and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following amen that's that so those signs were there the poison was overcome through their all their characters they made it just fine so there you have that book and I hope you enjoyed hearing it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you I want to take just a moment or two to recap one particular chapter it is the centerpiece of the great book of Mark it's chapter 13 I want to remind you that Christ said in the end times when I return at the second Advent there will be many people say they're working in my name which is contrary to this they won't have the signs you can they cannot perform those signs because they do not have that the gods honor in them he said they will deceive you so many will claim to be Christian preachers you want to be real careful and then in that thirteenth chapter he gives us all seven events that transpire in the seven seals and he lets you know very well that he expects you to allow that comforter that he would sin to speak through you when you are delivered up before the false messiah and that you will make that stand and that you will not premeditate what it is I'm quoting from mark chapter 13 you will not premeditate what it is you're to say for the Holy Spirit will speak through you at that time that's the way the real true Word of God comes to the world in the end times because those trials will be publicized around the world and and God will be doing the teaching through you what an awesome opportunity even the prophets wanted to live in this generation you do you're here when it's all going down and then he gives you many things again that would transpire such as your own relatives are going to that do not know the truth or going to think he is Christ and they're going to go to him and say please have mercy on my little brother or sister mother or father they think you're the Antichrist and I know you are Jesus that shows you how to deceive they can be and they turn you in but that's good because that's your whole purpose it's the witness before death which is to say the devil and he is death but as it is written in Luke 21 they cannot harm one hair your head God takes care of his own just as we understand that he took care of shadrach meshach in the bed we go been a Bendigo in the fiery furnace God walked with them in the face in the person of the Son of Man and they weren't even singed so God knows how to take care of his own when you believe but when he says the thing these examples of unbelief then we cut it when he says a thing listen to him and know and understand that that mark 13 is going to come down right to the wire and he's counting on you he's counting on you to make that stand you see he remains at the right hand of God until his enemies are made his footstool who do you think puts his enemies at his footstool God's election do with the Holy Spirit speaking through them cuts them right on down to size because and God can do that so what an exciting time we live in when you understand the Word of God and when you are a believer and a follower of that word yes the book of Mark that young lad just a teenager and followed them around vivaciously listened to every word and in his gospel he moves it vivaciously in that way which makes it very interesting and certainly a great deal of knowledge can be gained from it it is the word of God delivered by that young man a young man that was an eyewitness Mark John I hope you enjoyed his work I certainly enjoyed bringing it to you all right god bless you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette Arkansas 72 736 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada spirit moves do you got a question you share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination or Church we will not judge churches or people why well because God does he does not want us he does not need our help in that you do have the right to spiritually discern who you should listen to be a believer and use that well those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address it's always good to hear from you know got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why he knows what you're thinking right now he created your very being because he wanted someone just like you but he does want you to love him to follow him to let the signs follow and you're working with the as a layperson or whatever the case may be it's all very very important to him father around the globe we come ask that you leave guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Thank You Father amen okay question Ellen from Kentucky Kentucky we're in the Bible does it talk about the UFOs that God sent to earth well UFOs are unidentified flying objects these were not unidentified okay God sent them and as it is written in Ezekiel chapter one that color amber look that word amber I believe it's in the fourth verse of chapter one and you'll find they were highly polished bronze they there's no such word as color in the Hebrew main language okay but that was their appearance as highly polished bronze and they look not where they went meaning they were round they didn't have a head that turned like a donkey would and looked this way or that way when they wanted to move they just moved backwards forwards wherever they wanted to go and it said they did not roll along their side all he knew about wheels is they're supposed to be on an ox cart okay turning in here they weren't on their side they were up here like this he did a very good job of describing that vehicle well why did God need one his altar was aborted Caroline from Arkansas we're in the scripture can I find Jerusalem is God's favorite place on earth Ezekiel Ezekiel chapter 16 you will find God made an eternal covenant with that geographical location he loves her okay it is his favorite place John from Pennsylvania if you sin and ask for forgiveness and then you do it again do you have to ask for forgiveness again of course you do but I might make a little suggestion if you have a habit I hope it's not habitual that always takes you back to this then you want to pray for God to give you a little strength to stay away from it and now we're asking that that's what we have our Father for is not just to repent and try to hide something from him ask him for his help in overcoming but naturally well how can how can you document that he would want him to be forgiven again well how many times did Christ say 490 times you can repent but it's got to be real you can't con God and so it is Sue Ellen from Indiana I was brought up believing that even though you confessed your sins and had been forgiven for them but when you die you will have a life review in front of the Lord and He will make you feel the pain that you inflicted on others in this life even though you have already been forgiven for it is this true we have a loving father what a loving father do that absolutely not especially when our father says if I forgive you don't you bring it back up again I don't want to hear about it so he's sure not going to give some review of your life of all the things you've been forgiven for that would be so very unfair and our father is so fair that man has a hard time grasping his fairness so once you repent and you're forgiven God doesn't want to hear about it again you see as I said as I have said many times you bring it up again once he's forgiven you you're insulting him you're saying to God you don't have the power to forgive me I guarantee you that takes him off big time so if you want your life if you want a little sign of life just just pull that on our Father repent when he forgives it's gone blot it out doesn't exist dolly from North Carolina who was Lilith Lilith is it is mythology you know I'm going to be very careful what I say I have received letters from other scholars saying if you continue teaching that there was a six-day creation which there was you're going to be called a racist that's what you're going to be called and in being called a racist you will but you know God's Word is truth and the fact that he created all the races the last verse of chapter 1 he looked and it was good the races didn't come from an incestuous affair or anything else they came because God created them and and so it is so so Lilith was said by many that was Adam's first wife because they have to teach that Adam was the first man he wasn't there was the six-day creation man and woman but this mythology bridges the gap for them and they can get away with it it's it's a dastardly lie there was never any such person as Lilith al al from South Carolina what does the Millennium mean Millennium means a thousand years and that thousand years Reed I want al I want you to read 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 7 and 8 be not ignorant of this one thing that one day with God is as a thousand years with man meaning a thousand of our years is the Lord's Day and that's what it will be when he returns at the second Advent and stays with us that thousand year period it is the Lord's Day that's what the millennium is okay pastor Arnel I enjoy your program and it has taught me a lot about the word but I never had been taught before that I had never been taught before I want to know if only the 1040 400 souls will be with God and what will become of the rest god bless you no no I want you to go back and I want you to read the seventh chapter of the book of Revelation again what happens to the hundred and forty-four thousand they have this seal placed in their mind which means the truth who the Kenites are who the synagogue of Satan is the Church of Smyrna and Philadelphia those are the only two churches that Christ was happy with that's what they taught and certainly when you read on though F following that 144,000 you find that already under the altar their rooms you can't even number the people that have washed their robes and the blood of the Lamb so no their 144,000 doesn't even scratched the surface read it for yourself seventh chapter the great book of Revelation Claudia they're already there they've overcome Claudia from California when the true Christ returns it is written that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord but that Satan copies everything and wants to be Jesus when he appears as Antichrist how will he cause all to bow when he when we the elect will not well because we will be called outcast you might as well get set for it you're you're not going to be popular with the world but you're going to be very popular with our Heavenly Father and then he will take care of you quite frankly argue if you think that they don't bow to Satan today you need to kind of look around a little bit they try to drive the Word of God out of even your vocabulary here we have this 911 coming up here in just a few days and Bloomberg will not even let a religious person on set and that's a funeral pyre almost 3,000 people died there and many of them were Jude and judeo-christians as well as other beliefs and so they're driving trying to drive God away but you don't have to worry God's already worked his way back into New York with floods and storms and you can't and in New Jersey you can't block God out he'll be there Ben from Alabama if the dinosaurs were flesh couldn't the animals from the first earth age be flesh also well the dinosaurs were from the first Earth Age they were flesh and the t-rex and the dinosaur and many of the other animals were flesh naturally because there were carnivores and carnivores usually when you find artifacts they are scattered and torn up because of carnivores but this is why that I recommend highly everybody should see ash Falls Nebraska one time because right here in the center of America you have all kinds of African animals rhinoceroses with babies still in the rib cage why because the ash from a volcano and Idaho killed all the animals that around a waterhole and even the carnivore and they're not all torn up it is a fantastic thing to see don't let someone give you New Age philosophy it was the earth this earth before the plates broke apart that's how they got there you awesome to see it proves God's Word Jeff from Florida have the Fallen Angels already been sentenced to death like Satan yes they have been your documentation you will find in in the great book of Jude verses 1 through 6 but you will also find that there were 7,000 of them and when the two witnesses rise from the streets in revelation 11 those seven thousand died instantly got through with them and they're already sentenced to death they've done their last dastardly act by coming with the false messiah Aletha from arizona we're gonna find the verse about sparing the rod spoiled child thank you proverbs chapter 13 verse 24 proverbs 13:24 you can also go to Hebrews chapter 12 and it will tell you as a child of God that as long as he loves you he's going to chastise you with the rod so even God uses the rod Hebrews chapter 12 and in the first six verses Tracie from North Carolina why does God allow little children to be abused God doesn't men do people allow little children to be abused we're supposed to we're supposed to take care of business we're supposed to take care of deviance God tells us in Deuteronomy 19 what to do with them God tells us in Deuteronomy 22 verses 25 through 26 what to do was someone that would rape a child there out of here you said don't don't feel bad about it yourself because others will see and these things will cease happening among you so God told us how to stop it but you've got too many bleeding hearts that feel sorry for the criminal not the child it's a disgrace Rachelle Rachelle from West Virginia why would God allow Satan to attacked his children when they are getting ready to do things for the Lord because he gives us power over Satan if you if you allow Satan to do that to you you're slipping you have power over him Luke 10 verse 19 forward in Christ's name order anything negative out of your life and North the doorpost of your house with all of our people you know a lot of people think well you mean Christians are supposed to anoint what do you think the word carries those or Christ means it means The Anointed One and the etymology of his name comes from rubbing as anointing with oil the all of our people Eliyahu that that's the olive tree using the sacred names how precious it is okay meet the from Oklahoma the Bible says not to make graven images with baby dolls of Jesus be considered a graven image not unless you worshiped it you don't you don't worship a doll okay or you got something wrong upstairs one of the other your elevators not topping out real good you don't a lot of people think it's wrong to wear a cross you don't worship the cross you wear it because that's where Christ paid the price that you can have eternal life so something becomes an idol when you worship it and cut God out of the picture okay otherwise it's not jury from Georgia my question is on Esau and Jacob and the one that sold his birthright when my parents died I didn't want any and I gave it all to my sister did I give my birthright of weight as I do the wrong thing no you did a gracious thing probably because your sister needed it that that's that's beautiful has no connection whatsoever and you you must truly love your sister a great deal and God bless you for that you go in peace Pam from California do we deserve what we get in this world age based upon what we did in the first earth world age also my parents were abusive I am having a hard time honoring them please advise well Pam if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have our beautiful sister Pam it's a ring you honor them for that they may be a little short temper at a time and hard times and everything but they gave us Pam we could honor them for that I do believe we know that Esau while he was still in his mother's womb that God hated him this is the scriptural and it's what happened in the first Earth Age I think that people are born into their lot but they don't have to stay there Christ paid that price on the cross and you always have your you have the right and the freedom with God's blessings to work yourself all the way to the top there's nothing wrong with being rich if it's with God's blessings because God blesses those that serves them he does joy from South Dakota can you please explain more about the tribes of Judah god bless you for your teaching well Jude is only one tribe okay there are 11 other tribes Judah has one other tribe with him that makes up the house of Judah but then the ten northern tribes of which Ephraim was the Lord makes up the house of Israel and this is where many people will never understand God's Word because they don't those houses are separate and you could never find yourself in God's Word if you do not understand that the house of Judah and the house of Israel are away from each other they will join back as as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 37 that you will take one stick and write eat from Judah and join them together into one stick again in in the eternity done from California does Michael the Archangel have a human form thank you very much and God bless you and keep up the good work we're going to do it how whose image were we made in God said let us make man in our image our is plural and it means God in the Angels now ark angels are never born of woman and they their duties to our heavenly father exempts them from being born of woman because they have to do with guarding and bringing in the end times so arc angels all angels are born to woman sooner or later that's God's plan born innocent forgetting what happened in the first Earth Age to make their mind up or you're going to love God are you gonna love Satan that's that's what the controversy is that's what it's about Jennifer from Kentucky how do people know if you are really saved and baptized well if you love the Lord God gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe upon him I'm sure you believe upon him or you wouldn't be listening to this program and if you believe upon him you're not going to perish you're going to have eternal life Diane from Tennessee which bible verses refer to a warning against flying away ezekiel chapter 13 verses 20 through 25 god says you you all cover every digit in my outreach saving arms to my people and teach them to fly to save their souls and i'll jerk them right back out of your hands and and save those that you teach them to fly to save their souls that's the rapture doctrine christ is coming here to establish the kingdom and all those many of them that are with him he's bringing an army with him some of them will be your past relatives that overcame and are with him in that army he's putting together up there and and we will join that army as well in the end times it's spiritual of course Darrell from Tennessee why did God create the devil if he knew he was going to turn out to be bad he didn't God creates beings and expects them to love him you see to have someone love you you must give them free will so therefore God could never judge giving people free will whether they would love him or themselves or something else you see love is what it comes down to you cannot order it you can't demand it and it has to generate within each entity each person and go outward so yeah Satan Satan was a good dude for a long time he's ETO 28 documents that he was the cherub even that protect us and God made the full pattern he would looks brilliant mind the whole picture I mean he had it all and then he got to thinking I'm pretty good instead of sitting on them instead of guarding the mercy seat he wanted to sit on it that has a messiah connotation Florence from South Carolina did the six-day creation were they believers of God while some of them were and some of them weren't I'm sure God was pleased with some it's just naturally the way people are I'm be out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse but most of all God loves you for it it's the letter that he has sent to you telling you how to control your life how to be a winner how to be prosperous and how to love him and you make his day he's going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you know most important though you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,580
Rating: 4.9666667 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Mark, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Book of, Mark, Holy Bible, Bible, Kjv
Id: yG9IRBfGWts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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