Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope is Fantastic!!

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today we play Mario and Robin Sparks of hope this is my first time playing a Mario and Rabbids game and this is actually so much more fun than I thought it would be the gameplay is great the characters are hilarious and there are so many cut scenes that it feels like you're watching a movie a lot of the time so thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoy this video okay so here's the new Mario and rabbit wait is there no intro does the game just start like this okay I guess the game just starts like this I thought there would be an opening cut scene or something okay we've got a little loading thing down there wait are we in space or something okay yeah so I've never played any of the Mario and Rabbids games so I have no idea what this is going to be about how this is going to go I don't even know what type of game this is okay so we're at Princess Peach's castle over here whoa whoa look at all these little rabbit guys over here okay I kind of like these rabbit guys already they look kind of goofy and kind of silly especially the way they move around okay this guy's sleeping over here on a Koopa shell got a toad over here in order oh that one wait is that like Donkey Kong or something it has the Donkey Kong tie over there okay there's a big dinosaur one oh here's Princess Peach hello Princess Peach Mario Robin Peach beepo I'm so relieved to see you the rabbits are especially exuberant today someone has misplaced rapid Mario's overalls wait what are the rabbits are the rabbits are these little guys wait are there different types of rabbits oh hold on that one looks like Mario in there they're missing and he's too embarrassed to come out from that bush he's hiding you oh if I catch the thief who took my overalls where are they wait a minute oh hold on this one's like uh this is like a robot it's like a Roomba it's like one of those robot vacuums can you please look and find Rapid Mario's overalls try checking the trees dumb my beloved princess we are happy to serve wow this one actually speaks wait do I control that person now whoa I'm Mario an overall nice day haha very very funny wait can I not jump I can only run let's get these coins over here okay hello there my rabid friend people always say to me move R to look around no idea why that's kind of funny it's nice that when you walk up to them they start talking ever heard of the phrase hold X to boost makes no sense to me but what do I know yes because we are in a video game over here oh nice money yeah they're acting like they're not in the video game oh so you hold X to run I guess okay let's see Shake the tree shake the tree lots of money money money money SpongeBob big boy we need lots of oh my goodness I bumped into something that's not what we need SpongeBob SpongeBob into this stuff anything nice over here can I go in the water Oh Oh I thought that we were running out of the water for a second but I guess it's just because it's not very deep over there shake the tree money is Luigi it's Luigi wait does he have his own rabbit or something oh that's rapid Mario's for sure but I smell something fishy these overalls are mine check the size on the tag if you don't believe me okay where could rabbit Mario's overalls beat oh my goodness I keep bunking into stuff dude what do you have to say to me what's going on with the rabbits around here more gravity than usual [Music] if we were just getting lots of money wait was that our health down there on the bottom right okay we've got Birds over here I wonder if modding this game will be easy slash possible yeah oh I see a lot of money up there hold on let's go get that money up there then let's go we're so rich 37 coins wait is this here on the minimap does this show us where we have to go hold on whoa whoa that was a big drop actually wait oh we can see that this bush over here is shiny this has got to be the one that there we go we got the overalls let's pick them up wait is this the right rabid take the bushes their Nature's piggy banks that is so funny I don't know about that I don't know if you could call bushes the piggy banks of nature oh nice and there are coins over here okay oh let's go back to uh where's the rabbit over there you're over here right over here hey look how much me and Buddy this guy looks back in business he looks so funny wait what are there rabbits dressed like the Mario characters I know nothing about these rabbits are we gonna find out about them oh you found your overalls rapid Mario I knew I should have hit them somewhere else oh so the Luigi rabbit hit uh yes you want to be just like a rapid Mario but only one of us can look this good in casual alternatives to pans wait but Robin Mark he doesn't have a shirt he only has overalls all's well that ends well now we can enjoy this View this beautiful day in peace and harmony now kick back and relax safe in the knowledge that everything is under control I'm sure that something's gonna go wrong right now something bad has to happen hey here's Mario [Music] what is this it knocked Mario's hat off these rabbit things look so weird oh is it a little Luma Aluma rabbit yeah I actually haven't played Mario Galaxy yet but yeah it looks like there's a bunch of luma rabbits over here because those things are called Blue Mister oh oh it's that one uh annoying thing from Super Mario Sunshine greater you're not gonna break the castle are you oh my goodness there's goop everywhere this is now Bowser's Fury Harry this is the zip of tick tock Princess Peach rabbit there's a disaster happening right now she's like no I wouldn't have get off stick talk look that's what happens when you spend too much time on Tick Tock this is a warning to everybody get off of dictum right now oh my goodness okay everyone's going mad over here it was like no we can't use tick tock I was like let's go I'm going to save everybody from a tick tock that's what this game is now about oh nice boost Princess Peach oh my goodness and wait why didn't I just grab that guy earlier oh my goodness we jumped inside this thing wait did this teleport me to another world I like have a little Lumas with us here so are we gonna actually try and save this person now we want to see them wait from cover to cover oh oh okay reach area wait is this like Fire Emblem this is gonna be like fire now is this gonna be a turn-based strategy game we'll just stroll casually along the back of this flying creature and reach the location in no time uh oh start the world's casual strong and don't panic we've got hostiles incoming okay so we gotta watch out for those Mario tea color I've called out in the open cover to cover and remember to attack okay got it hey here we go get behind cover to protect your hero from enemies while taking colors you can aim with Zeal at enemies and hit them while remaining protect weight so is this Splatoon okay so I guess like while it's my turn I can go like this wait wait dual Slinger 55 to 65 damage fires two projectiles at one target I have two separate ones can confirm the first Target okay let's go damn go oh my goodness how did I even do that what am I doing all the enemies are hiding now oh you're peeking out huh you can't get me here I'm the gingerbread man oh let's fast forward I don't know if you have to hold the button and press oh you're destroying my you know what bro I don't want you to be destroying my you know what let's go can I shoot you from here let's go like that and attack there twice okay where are you going now wait shouldn't I defeat these guys first or something okay I guess we'll go here great does that mean mission complete did we don't have to defeat the guys that's so funny okay another cutscene we really care about rabbit Peach spends too much time on Tick Tock I don't know if we want to save her really Rapids this this does remind me a bit of Splatoon oh no your phone is uh out of battery you have to charge it up wait touch egg to crack Roy manta's weak points oh I guess you have to touch that egg over there okay wait do I control two people now I wonder if we're going to control both people now I'm ready I'm ready let's go the mysterious malevolent energy sabotaging our weapons neutralizing our weapons saved the day for us during many a Battle hey what's this using Dash will those egg like things loose once they're in your possession what do we do with them you shoot them at the creature's orb-shaped eyeball protuberances it's weak it's weak those weird eye things remind me of uh bosses from The Legend of Zelda games hey let's Dash here now what do I throw it [Music] like to throw it please [Music] let me throw I'd like to throw so I guess I can go anywhere in this area while it's my turn oh oh we didn't pick it up yet okay now we can throw there we go okay I got it hey I want to swap to the next person how do I swap to Mario now I'd like it to be Mario's turn you wish to pass the turn no I wanted to go to Mario that's enough for me oh oh you hit down on the d-pad okay that's how you do it okay I see okay so we can Dash through that pick this up hey now throw that oh I thought I missed I was so scared okay now I guess our turns are done right like we can't go anywhere else should I hide a little bit hey let's go to enemy turn do you wish to pass the turn yes oh no I should have hid behind that block I didn't realize that we'll need to find a way to get over it time for some team jumping I probably should have stood closer oh so you use the team jump oh this is actually pretty cool okay so team jump looks like you can make your friends jump together okay so let's go like this I don't think my friend can reach though can we no he can't get close enough okay so let's go like this uh can I hide behind there I don't know if I'm safe here you know what whatever if we get attacked again that's fine I don't think we're gonna die okay stop damaging me and let's go team jump oh now go drop me down and dash through that man you can do a lot in your turn now go there there we go eat my eggs do we win now did we defeat this flying manta ray looks a lot like a boss from The Legend of Zelda especially Twilight Princess it makes me think a lot of The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess where are we all of our friends are back in the Mushroom Kingdom I'm guessing oh nice wall slide there oh that was that's it I was about to say that was such a smooth fall for Mario that is so funny that the peach just falls on her face like that hey lots of these little Rabbids guys [Music] I wonder if you are supposed to play the first Mario and Rabbids game before this one oh I guess her weapon has no power but Mario's might have some power wait are you gonna charge them just touches it like that oh and all of a sudden it has power okay so maybe now we'll be able to fight these guys off wait why didn't you help us with that earlier a shot in the dark mess I almost read that as Darkness but yeah that is an M there not an n okay so it says defeat All Enemies elephants have been reactivated time to take cover taking and fire at those baddies I wonder if my health is gonna be restored imagine it works quite differently than our own you cannot move after you shoot okay here we go when an enemy is behind partial cover you have a 50 chance to hit them oh that's pretty cool some weapons can bypass partial cover to hit an enemy when they are behind them interesting okay so you can't move after you shoot so be sure to take cover first okay so let's go here okay and then ZL is shoot let's aim at these guys that one and I guess yeah aim at that one end that one will I hit them did I miss no he's got them both okay that's great okay now what and now I gotta switch to this person I guess let's go here hey I'd like to shoot on we can aim anywhere in this area Okay so let's go like this okay so we shoot three shots bam and you're defeated let's go okay I actually like this game this is pretty cool so far I have really been wanting to play Fire Emblem recently I've been wanting to play some more Fire Emblem so this is kind of scratching that itch in a way okay so let's go like that hey because I don't think that with this person I don't think with peach I don't think we could aim at uh both people together let's go here because over here is even safer now let's just go like that and go again and there we go you're defeated okay looks like we win right wait what is this thing going to do now it seems like it's a pretty fast-paced game it's like so far at least it's like you have one level you do some things and then you have a cut scene I wonder if the whole game is going to be like this because this beginning definitely seems very fast paced it's like there's always something happening oh my goodness oh my goodness that's terrifying is it King Ollie who is this coming out of here that is so creepy that is really creepy it is just like the Legend of Zelda boss is over here oh my goodness yes this is 100 of our deposites right here oh you're gonna transform the Goombas the Goombas are looking up at it and they're amazed Villas are like wow I might follow this thing instead of Lord Bowser uh oh they're pupils all turn orange now they're hypnotized okay the Goombas are all coming to me that means they all want to fight they're just Goombas how hard can it be hey headlong into the unknown defeat all Okay so we've got Goombas and other things to defeat oh I wonder if the Goombas are just going to be constantly charging at you like no matter what you do that vicious horrible monster is cursor we barely escaped it now it won't stop chasing us this cursor is well out of range I'll be on my ability to measure it's power rating is over nine thousand I can help I can give Mario the ability to power up his attacks it'll even have the same effect on his friends take all the help we can get Mario be sure to see what this new ability of yours can do [Music] subscribe more abilities wait what's happening I know that both of you have your signature techniques at your disposal I have a feeling you're going to need them let's see if we do need them you can now choose between attack techniques and Sparks okay each Hero has two action points per turn don't forget about Dash these oh uh Dash doesn't consume action points okay that's pretty cool oh and you can also use uh jumps together okay that's pretty cool okay wait can I Dash into these guys what if I Dash through these Goombas yeah gets wrecked Goombas Get Wrecked okay now where do we want to go wait what do sparks do allies within range deal 20 more damage with attacks and movement abilities now I don't think that's too important okay so you know what wait what does ZR do hero sight targets moving within range and the hero's line of sight are dealt 100 plus damage plus any super effects has one charge you know I don't know what this does but let's try it okay I guess this is like some kind of special attack that Mario's using here hey does that mean that anyone who passes by they're going to get hurt now wait can I also attack oh I can also attack okay nice who should I aim at then this guy are those guys let's aim over here first and then you know what let's should I attack in place let's go like this we'll attack those guys and then those guys let's see oh no my first attack missed that's not good and now I gotta switch to this person okay should I do a jump [Music] boost me where do you want to boost me oh oh I can get boosted oh boy I thought that we would fall I thought that we would fall okay but it looks like we're safe here okay so let's go like this let's attack this guy right over here are you gonna be defeated now and yeah he defeated you okay wait can we attack anyone else or did that use up our whole turn oh we could use this heals the hero and all allies within range 20 hp yeah let's do that okay that's cool that peach is the Healer Peach get off of your phone you're spending enough time on Tick Tock okay thank you for healing everybody though hey enemy turn let's see we must have barely moved oh it's like I automatically shoot people who are moving okay that's what I thought would happen based on the explanation oh you want to train attack right okay this is actually super cool I've really been wanting to play some fire emblem so this is super cool I really like how you can move the camera here too I'm so close to being able to reach those Goombas let's go like this Dash through this guy to defeat him I can probably finish off this guy right here right I go like this I want to finish off this guy right here take him on you know let's attack him twice attack him again bro you can't just leave him alive like that bro bro bro bro bro bro bro okay let's use this ability then oh we probably yeah anyways now this lady is boosted now should I attack from here we can probably finish off this guy right here so let's just attack like that that'll be nice yeah you're defeated which is good can I attack anyone else no that's all for my turn I think right yeah so that's enough for my turn Okay so let's switch to the enemy turn oh bad Goombas leave me alone oh and you're hiding back there bro whoa I thought that that hit me oh oh there's another guy back there okay that's knocked over now then Mario can of course Dash through these Goombas no problem bam goodbye Goombas you know what why don't I come over here oh but I'm hidden behind this one I was hoping that I'd be hidden somewhere else okay wait can I get them here or am I gonna attack The Rock bro I'm attacking my own rock I'm attacking my own rock that was so foolish I can't believe that I can't believe how foolish this was okay I'll hide here I'll Attack you so you'll be defeated for sure because I think you're already almost defeated right are you okay well either way you are defeated okay that's enough for our turn and let's see you're hiding back here oh Mario's getting hurt all right he's getting hurt big time okay let's come over here let's heal let's heal I probably should have gone somewhere where I could hide better actually but and that's good that we got a lot of healing oh actually I still am allowed to heal that's so funny that they still let me heal okay let's hide here and let's attack yeah I didn't think that we'd still be able to move but I'm guessing that it let us move because that was a healing attack not a normal attack okay and battle cleared amazing this is actually a really fun game I've really been wanting to play Fire Emblem recently okay next and it's another Cuts yes this is really scratching my itch of wanting to play Fire Emblem I remember the first Fire Emblem game I played was fire emblem Path of Radiance on the GameCube and that's apparently really expensive now like if you want to buy a copy of that it's super expensive it's a pretty rare game I guess actually I don't know how rare it is but for some reason it's an expensive game it's a great game though super fun game okay nice cutscene here looks like our friends are saving us wait oh we do reach okay I was wondering if like someone would fall off and we wouldn't be able to escape or something oh and the hand is reaching for us will we get away uh we just just slipped through his grass we just escaped from cursor there what's going on now wait who is this is this a new friend joining us welcome Mario and rabbit Peach it is fortunate that you are unharmed I like this hey hello remember me the entity who created you I'm alive too also fortuitous but with the critical success factor that is lower in comparison by 31.7 that's a very specific percentage forgive Genie here for her arrogance everyone as the ship's new artificial intelligence obviously I have a lot more testing to do but seeing as how we're an emergency situation here I uh wait who's this oh oh this guy hey little fella I thought rapid Luigi would keep speaking aren't you sparkly did you come on board with Mario I love how Robin doing she's just clapping like interesting it appears that this creature is equal parts rabid and Luma it contains a massive amount of harnessable energy as a result I suspect there are more of them scattered throughout the Galaxy though without more data the exact numbers oh that's such a cool animation there Mario's like how could this have happened Rosalina never have allowed this Mama she's in trouble because of cursa please help her please oh so I guess Rosalina is their mama oh no Ursa is Conquering the Galaxy using a corruptive energy dark darkness I get it look how worried that rabbit Mario looks there I can pinpoint the epicenter of this activity her says stronghold it will take our ship in eternity to travel the distance between our current location and the stronghold what are we gonna do however using a purified form of Darkness energy we could create a series of warp tunnels that would make sense we use warp tunnels just I was about to suggest to our friend here we call your kind uh-huh why does the peach Luma look so arrogant over here Sparks wait why really because objectively speaking I think rabbit Lumas is Kind of Perfect oh oh they want to call it Sparks instead of rabid Luma thanks uh the closest planet within range is Beacon Beach the dark mess has already spread there not enough data to define the level of danger oh please Genie Adventure may be new to you but not to us I expect the level of difficulty of this mission to be oh and we get to choose relaxed average or demanding is this how the game asks you what difficulty level you want to play on let's just try average first of course I reserve the right to change my mind at any point during our mission uh okay so maybe you could change the difficulty later regardless with the Rabid Loomis behind us the rocky road ahead will be made just little smoother I believe the consensus was Sparks is we have their help listen now that cursor knows they're with us I bet it will never bother us again that curse is gonna attack right now oh okay here's cursa again what a creepy kind of enemy we have wait who is this going to curse though it's not Donkey Kong is it almost looks like Donkey Kong of Ursa turns around it looks just like a Twilight Princess boss oh who is this I need the energy of those creatures bring them to me very creepy this is incredibly creepy I would be terrified of this if I was a kid playing this game I'd be terrified of cursa over there what a creepy enemy actually a super cool game so far and you know what I kind of like all these cutscenes too it's super cool how we're seeing lots of cutscenes so far oh man what a beautiful planet that is an absolutely stunning Planet it reminds me so much of the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker actually super super cool wow what a cool place to go and this is our ship I'm guessing right we're gonna come out of this ship now is that what we are going to do let's see come on I'd like to get out of this ship please out of the ship please okay so here's Mario super cool game so far I really like the graphics super cool graphics so far oh yeah oh that's so funny they they did a good job at giving the characters personality that's so cool yeah it's like rabbit Luigi that's what everyone wants to be like it's like you want to have fun want to be able to jump into a puddle oh what's this it stops right before Mario what is it oh wait is this guy's scared of us or what who is this we know who this is out out if you're here to cause trouble we're at our limits already why does he look so afraid not unruly Taurus unruly tourists that's so funny he rose you mean like then put yourselves in serious danger to help total strangers kind of Heroes look at the way that he's thinking while he's looking at us he's like huh you guys might be useful bingo bingo bungle baby monkey's got a prayer oh Augie not Auntie um yeah what I mean is I've got some minor problems I could use help with see that thing on our Lighthouse where oh this is reminding me so much of the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and also Bowser's Fury Sun disappeared the second it showed up and snapped out our Lighthouse signal fire thing is a dark mess tentacle by eliminating it not only can we reverse its ill effects on the weather but we can purify its Darkness energy and use it to create a warp tunnel to our next destination okay cool we must also eradicate any and all Darkness puddles they won't yield purified Darkness energy but they are still a threat also oh can you stop by the village first it's under siege by horrible Menace been meaning to get on it this request is compatible with our mission I have detected a spark in the village as well we should make contact oh cool maybe that'll be like a new ability for us if we say that spark that's what you call those little star-shaped Critters uh they could have done both of us a favor and stayed home too let's go I wonder if people also talks in the previous game new main quest unlocked oh so I guess there are also side quests here's the next step of our main quest and check all quests yeah so I guess there are side quests wow so what we could actually move around I thought this game would be all like battles and stuff like we had earlier on but I guess there's other stuff that we want to do too oh you could heal your entire team but it costs a few coins okay this service is offered by salesbot 999 plus TX the merchant oh and they also have items to sell okay that's kind of cool okay so I guess the guy that we need to go to is over there let's see let's come here ah the guys are The Umbrellas this just reminds me so much of Animal Crossing oh there big flash sale going on do my audio visual capacitors deceive me or do I see some Discerning customers with an eye for Quality here that is such a funny way to talk my usual customers they have what I call Value blindness for them I put out Factory returns over stock items still they do nothing but haggle over price and Badger me over Reward Points me with six little Peddler Bots at home I can't afford to buy the most shoes so they all have to share but do I complain no I continue to offer amazing deals such as the first time Beacon Beach customers get two free super mushrooms my loss is your game but after this if you want a full team heal anytime you have to pay uh anytime except combat cool so yeah let's get a knife you can only use one item per turn and it will cost an action point okay no pal Vlogs that's pretty cool this is actually so cool I really like that Mario related stuff is over here wait oh oh those two mushrooms were free okay that's cool so we do have two mushrooms already oh this is for leveling up a spark I guess that's kind of like a rare candy then Sunrise key buyer beware no refunds might unlock some atypical door on Beacon Beach maybe oh oh but this is like a different kind of currency so this is like Mario Odyssey where it's like they're the regular gold coins and then there are probably different kind of coins like each kingdom well you could get a bow this actually reminds me a lot of Splatoon okay so I don't want to buy anything right now that's fine okay so I just turned on a 60 frames per second mod for this game so now it should be running at 60 FPS but the funny thing is is uh does this game normally not run at 60 FPS it was this guy saying over here hello fellow the village is menaced by something so powerful no force in the Galaxy can stop it maybe we need saitama from one punch man wait a minute this one I think it is okay let's go come on where are they let's go go fast fast gotta go fast gotta go fast come on now wait there more dicks come on now come on now we got them all what does that make happen ERS do we need something or can we just open it let's see oh Planet coin awarded nice and in here okay just regular coins okay oh that's so cool that we managed to do that I'm keeping an eye on that dark mess tentacle I hear cursa uses them to snap all the energy from a planet nasty stuff oh man this is some pretty crazy stuff over here wait what's here Chinese spot on the ground dang wait what in the world did I just do I was just mashing button oh okay okay wait can I bring in the others can I swap combat healer all-rounder it looks like you could play as other characters oh my goodness okay yeah Luigi's a sneak attacker pest protector and brawler I think we've got a pretty good team right now though okay so maybe later we could go back to that shiny spot and man this just reminds me so much of the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker just seems so much like it wait wait oh Sunrise key required one so we don't have any so we can't go there yet so yeah let's see I guess we want to head up this way okay coins here wait is this the village where people need help oh I just saw Bob okay these folks are holding up for help over here look at that ball on there is the bubbauma guard oh Mario and Luigi are walking out oh and here's this guy this guy's so funny I like their voices this is so funny these guys are so funny I really love the personalities they all have okay we're running towards the bubble and oh hey Dash okay and what happens oh uh did we all get sucked up or something wait is peach going somewhere else this guy's so goofy look at the brawler the brawler is so funny oh Luigi's starting to fly now get off of tick tock Princess Peach get off of your phone oh my goodness and just for one moment you could not be on your phone okay what's happening now explosive situation these levels look so cool okay defeat all they probably deal a lot of damage but if you snipe them then you can probably take them out before they get to you oh yeah now it says that you can manage your team okay I like my team wait wait wait wait wait can I replace you with someone I could have Mario and Luigi I thought that you'd have to have a normal person and a rabbit but I guess not yeah where Mario and Luigi let's go Dash pick up and throw oh you could pick up above on oh my goodness this is wild okay let's go like this then Dash pick up the bubble up quickly go before it explodes yeah look at that oh man they are unstoppable hey where do we want to go next do I hide from them are they going to find me I wonder if they'll possibly find me let's let's hide back here let's just play it safe okay oh oh and I can shoot too oh hold on hold on let's go somewhere else and shoot then let's go over here and maybe can I get them let's just aim at that guy there and defeated easy let's go okay this is great okay next up here's Luigi okay let's dash at them pick it up throw them right there and Bam you're all destroyed okay and now let's just take out that one over there oh I could probably get this one okay so let's do one shot on you oh I guess I only have one shot okay I took out the one on the roof yeah I guess our turn is done right yeah let's swap go to the enemy turns oh don't leave Luigi alone leave Louie Jill out okay let's see Luigi dive into them pick them up are they gonna explode if I keep holding them maybe it actually just stays like this until you throw it I was worried that you had a time limit to throw up but oh maybe you do oh no there is a time limit oh no oh no okay it was so long I'm like oh looks like you don't have time to oh nice and you get here oh is it because we leveled up nice okay and everyone levels up together that's pretty cool that it's not like the older Pokemon games or someone has to be in a battle to actually get experience it's like your entire team gets experienced just like in a Pokemon Legends Arceus the newest Pokemon game currently the newest Pokemon game nice work getting rid of that Bob bomb I was worried it kaboomed the poor creature I found wait you found a star do I get to have the star what creature did you find D the door to the lighthouse can only be unlocked by the sun with a gun we can't get inside normally luckily for you this clever Little Critter can make its own light watch I'll show you do you have a firefly wait I heard in some parts of the US and in some parts of the world they use a different word instead of firefly okay this guy looks pretty funny he's a little scared running around here he's like this sad they just go towards the Sun but wait wait what do they call them instead of fireflies in some part of the world like light bugs or lightning bugs something like that I don't know you guys let me know in a comment if you call those little insects if you call them something other than fireflies in your part of the world or you're part of the country okay so the little spark went in there now what's gonna happen this is coming up okay I like The Little Mermaids there is coming out of the water oh this guy's looking at what's going on this is actually such a cool game this is so much cooler than I thought it'd be like at first when I saw pictures of this game I'm like I don't know if I'd be interested in it but it's actually really cool spill skill prism obtained just unlock your first skill prism you can use them in this skill tree to empower Your Heroes nice upgrade to Your Heroes ability oh that's so cool each Hero has their own set of skill prisms they can be used and refunded at any time without cost that's amazing so you can choose to use your character however you want because you can boost max Health 10 healing restored over here we could do like stomp one time per turn for 50 damage oh that's kind of cool blind boost increases Glide time oh swinging to a team jumpy if you go farther that's pretty cool 10 increase critical chance oh increases weapon range wow there are actually a lot of cool things that you could do hero sight damage this is a cool ability you can attack enemies while floating you know what I think we're pretty good in terms of HP and damage so let's use the Glide Boost I think that be pretty cool did I go back did I do it did I use it okay yeah it looks like we use it because it says zero over here okay so that looks good very nice okay new main quest enter Sunrise Temple wait so is that up at the top or where is that wow there's a big teddy bear on top of this house I just noticed that that poor spark of light got spooked and flew that way huh I really thought we'd bonded to oh that's so sad so sad this is so cool that we are moving around as Mario and Luigi here let's get some coins oh there sir there's a light activated lock on the lighthouse door but with these clouds covering the sun it won't work what about the spark wait is this a checkpoint flag you just discovered a new teleport flag open the map menu to fast travel around the planet that's great [Music] are we gonna get in here now oh we bonked into the door I suspect we'll need that spark of light inside the temple to unlock this door it is a lighthouse after all ah a lighthouse yeah I get it okay wait so where's that little Temple thing that we have to go to now oh I guess it shows on our mini-map oh we can collect those that's cool oh and there's some coins back here there are a lot of places with like a few hidden coins like that okay but let's see I was wondering if we could jump over that ledge but I guess not it's so funny in this game I don't see a oh now we can jump down yeah but uh other than that I don't think that we were able to jump wait Bob's ruined everything I got a great deal on this vacation package now I know why this place is crawling with bubbs I'm more stressed than when I left would you get rid of at least three of them I could really use the RNR all right let's go defeat this bubble I'm ready let's go bro bam oh oh I guess this like starts a battle okay I'm like wait do I just have to dive into them and that defeats them but it looks like we have a battle these battles are actually so cool like every battle it feels like a unique event and map here we go let's go I'm ready wait is there someone back here okay there's someone right there so you know what I just take you guys out like this wait wait what if I Dash into you maybe that's a good idea try dashing into you dash nice I Dash again I don't know if I can Dash again but from here I defeat both of you that's my question I can probably attack you and who else let's go for that guy too okay so hopefully we can finish you good good we finished the first one got a critical hit on this second one so that's cool oh let's use this ability next we can just barely boost Luigi let's go okay let's swap to Luigi now what does his ability do 20 of the damage intended for the hero is reflected towards the enemy okay sure let's do that and okay I should pick up this bulbum and probably throw it at someone go like this I'm guessing that for a lot of these enemies wait can I get both of them together I don't know if I can okay let's try going like that yeah so that defeats that one of course now can we finish off this guy from here I don't know if we could reach him that's the problem okay so let's just hide back here for this turn I guess and I guess maybe we can attack at him can I aim at him or no oh I'm just attacking my own Cube great okay enemy turn oh Mario oh my goodness how to hit straight on Mario okay what if I just walk right up to you I'm gonna attack you from right here oh I accidentally used my uh special ability I didn't mean to do that okay let's see I'm standing like right next to this guy let's go I'm ready okay are you defeated no you're still alive uh oh okay Mario it's your turn you're up Mario let's go let's go attack him twice okay there you go yeah he is defeated okay very nice oh I guess those Star Bits that we are collecting those are like experience points that's probably what those are because the coins are coins but the Star Bits those are probably experience okay we hunted down one bubble gonna hunt down three ball bumps for that guy over there oh let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go yeah does that help us like if we Dash into them before they notice us do we get a first strike I don't know if they can actually notice us hey let's see we want to defeat them all because there's one bomb there to this side wait let's do this let's do this I'm ready I have a plan here's my plan I can't Dash into you oh no Luigi Dash into you hey Luigi is close enough okay so let's do this pick up this guy and then throw it over there does that defeat you you're not defeated hey well I guess I'll finish you up from here let's go I snuck up on you there you go you're now defeated okay let's swap to Mario and I can just barely reach this guy but there we go if we go like that we can pick him up are there any other enemies or is that all you don't see any other enemies so I'll just throw you like over there oh there's actually an enemy back here oh my goodness I'm so glad that I noticed that that actually happened to be like just where I threw it and there you go okay that all the enemies okay I actually can't believe that I did that like right when I threw it there I was gonna throw it in the center then I thought no let me just throw it away and there's actually a guy there that's so funny okay skill prism obtains nice okay you know what I don't know if more Glide boosts will help us so let's do our chance of a critical hit I think that'd be nice hey if there's like a boss fight or something that'd be very useful okay now let's see if you get one more ball bomb that'd be great but where are the ball bombs wait what are you oh I thought you were an enemy no you're just a rabbit lying down won't stop raining please get rid of the tentacle I think it's cost me a fortune I've been out here for days but the concert won't start until the weather improves that cursor ruins everything yep cursor really set a curse over here where's the last ball on there's gotta be one more Bob around here right right let's see let's go up here they're coins for us look at the final Bob on B okay there are coins back here like how there are lots of hidden coins and stuff and we're getting so many coins but I don't know if I'm even gonna use a lot of coins like we haven't bought any items yet we've only gotten some free stuff so far crossing the Battleground wait is this the one that we could head into yet or not yet oh I guess we do head in here all right crossing the Battleground oh I guess we have to make it to that green area reach area okay can we just run through should we defeat the enemies oh Luigi's like dusting off his hat to start oh and that's the guy that we want to follow right gotta win this battle so I can leave with you Alice I'm stuck you know we were following a difference yeah I was like wait a minute this spark looks different here's the tip the bad guys on this particular Battlefield are pretty apathetic getting to the other end of the battle oh get to the other end of the battlefield and they'll give up okay sounds easy oh cool so you can use a beepo to analyze enemies that's pretty cool now we don't need to analyze any enemies we'll just see how they do as we pass by them too let's Dash goodbye Goombas now where do we go oh let's go like this let's swap flop to Luigi okay now bro wait wait wait wait wait actually let's swap like this boost me wait wait no no no no we have to go the other way we have to go the other way we have to let Luigi I was thinking of boosting Mario because he could get boosted for longer so look at this Luigi's voice sounds so weird there are you already did a dash so I don't think that he would be able to do another Dash now what are these guys doing back here let's have a look let's go like this first okay let's use our uh special ability over here so if someone moves by me I think we're going to attack them I think that's what that does okay but now let's go like this and let's see okay we can attack that guy and we get him we hit the block we hit the block bro we hit the block we didn't even hit the guy hey can I get them from here I can probably take out two of those Goombas nice okay two Goombas defeated and you know what let's use this too please Mario special ability so that means we're probably gonna take out the Goomba that's going to pass by okay enemy turn oh my goodness Luigi just sniped him whoa that was a big shot oh they're hitting Luigi stay strong my brother hey now who should get Boosie who should we have boosted let's go like this boost me bro boost me to here I think we might be able to take out one of these guys wait what if we just run to the end oh we can't reach the end we're so close hey well let's just go like this should I take out you or you let's go for this one first okay I'll attack you with both of my weapons okay and oh Oh I thought that we'd still attack again okay I guess that's everything okay now it's your turn Luigi where are we going do we want to hide here and hopefully I can get you please don't miss and yeah 260. oh my goodness that was an incredible shot okay that's enough for our turn go to the next turn oh you moved oh Mario you're taking some damage bro oh man you know what I'm just gonna come up to you right here then I'm gonna take you out right now oh man I hit the block I hit the block oh boy what are we gonna do did I just finish it or do I finish this guy off let's try and finish him off how much HP do you have oh does that show how much HP we will take off who you know this guy has too much HP let's just go here then okay battle cleared very nice okay yeah you don't have to defeat the guys I don't know if you get like maybe more experience for defeating them or if you get the same amount of experience no matter what as long as you uh clear the level and reach the objective I wonder how that works pyro star joins the team and you spark joined your team equip it in Sparks menu and have it ready to fight alongside Your Heroes yeah I haven't really been using the Sparks very much okay what's this burn attack all weapon based attacks are charged with burn and deal 120 damage that's nice burn protector all damage is reduced by 20 oh that actually seems kind of cool like maybe if we're in a stage where we're taking lots of damage and reflector would be better but right now I'm happy with uh pyro star here oh you use Star Bits to upgrade these guys ah I see okay no but I'm happy with them for now okay do we go in here now oh nice more of these nice more Star Bits very nice okay let's head in here we also still have to get one more ball of oh I like how we see all of us entering here this guy's surprised wait who are we seeing who is this oh wait is that like a Bowser rabbit maybe this guy just sinks underwater he's like nope nope nope not getting involved in this even his hat jumps off who could that be coming in there it looks like an evil rabbit he he did like a sh thing okay so we're in some kind of cave now and let's see where we're going to go I'm looking at this the way that we move around a little bit like unresponsive like if you if you start moving in One Direction then you tilt another Direction it takes a moment for it to like I let go of a joystick a little while ago and you still keep running that's so strange about this game that's something really weird about it hey let's look at this oh he believes family a proud demigods for such Divine creatures murals must be like family photos oh that's kind of funny unfortunately this Regal depiction of the birth of Argy and his twin perfectus is marred by Augie's chronic krantepsia wait what is dyspepsia it is a pain or uncomfortable feeling in the upper middle part of your stomach area well I don't know if I've ever heard that word before yeah this is something really weird about the game like listen to this if we tap you can see that it takes a moment to respond that's actually so strange that it's really weird I haven't had a Nintendo switch game like this before Oh this is the guy that we're following right this actually reminds me a lot of the uh you know what of what is it called in Super Mario Odyssey the inverted pyramid there I saw the spark of light it went over that big old crevice oh what are we gonna do to get there oh is this some kind of puzzle we could cross over it without blank but we need to raise the water level there somehow oh maybe we have to move these things move them all right so you actually can move it okay wait help me move it oh oh oh you move it to this side okay no no no no no no no leave it there okay go back now now this one where do we move these okay so we can move this one first then we can move the next one over okay super simple puzzle so far like how Luigi's just following and he's not helping okay wait what do we want to do with these because Let's see we can move this one now what do we do with these if you pull this one up more or back more oh oh I guess you want to get like really close there but not covering or wait let's go like this I don't know go like that bring this one and then bring it this way oh you have to press B to stop pulling it that's so weird every time every time it gets me okay and now there we go now it goes all the way okay and there we go now the octopus water wheel is spinning those chains come up oh and all of a sudden water's coming down this game I don't know what it is about it it just reminds me so much of the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker I've got to play that game I actually never beat Wind Waker I played a lot of it as a kid I remember getting it for Christmas one year now remember oh oh let's go uh okay for some reason I thought that that first strike would have just defeated the enemy but of course we do have a battle over here okay defeat oh man that's a lot of goombas I wonder if we could have just avoided this battle okay let's go here we go I reach you Dash through you guys uh too bad you can't destroy what kind of a horrible Dash was that that was the biggest waste of a dash ever okay let's do this hero sight okay Mario is ready now let's just go and uh attack someone I guess let's attack this guy is all the way over here okay there we go double aim on him yeah you're out of there oh oh okay those were both of my attacks okay so now let's swap over to you let's see where do we want to go probably get through you guys like that but is that what we want to do let's do it yeah we can take out both of those and team jump what if we land up here what if we tried to land on top of here can you bring me down here oh then he just bounce back okay that's kind of funny all right let's use this ability we are both going to use our special abilities over here Luigi's ready Luigi's got such a cool bow over here okay and I guess we'll start to uh shoot at these let's go for this one the arrow isn't gonna go through all them isn't that'd be so cool if the arrow just went through them and defeated them all like that okay they start moving yeah okay we can only attack two of them though okay they're coming here now they almost reached these Goombas are now coming those gumas are coming oh wait they didn't attack I guess they couldn't reach that's so weird okay I guess I no I didn't want to dash at that when I wanted to dash out these oh no that is so sad but I guess maybe now it's a good strategy to come back here and from here we can attack like this should I attack that one yeah that'll be a good idea attack like that in a Mario you can Dash through these right tell me we can Dash through all three good good good good okay and now you should just attack that guy there and let's attack the one over there because the other ones I don't know if we could reach them okay so we could go like that perfect okay that's enough for our turn go ahead enemies those three are coming those two are coming oh it almost looks like they're all lined up it's too bad that we can't Dash through all of them okay let's swap to Luigi it's so cool how you can Dash through them like that okay is that all them okie dokie there we are okay another battle cleared but yeah I wonder if we could actually avoid any of these battles wait does anything happen if we drop down okay it looks like we can't drop down okay so that's good that we're not missing anything there and another one of these we see another one of these shiny spots we've seen one earlier too but I don't know what we have to do with it yet maybe we'll unlock something that'll let us just uh use that oh and another shop the customer is King okay let's see I kind of want to get that key maybe I should save up for it yeah there are some other things that we can buy over here like some memories whatever those are and also a star potion but yeah I definitely do want enough for this one yeah hey what's over here oh there's the guy that we need look at his face is he scared don't be scared oh here we go we're coming towards you don't be scared yeah fishy fishy fishy yeah yeah don't be scared look at him he looks a little nervous oh my goodness he's grabbed and dragged into the waterfall let's go we jumped through wait are we gonna fall now oh I thought that we would all fall that would have been hilarious okay and what's going on what are you doing oh now you're scared too oh my goodness it captured our little spark our little spark of hope oh now I ate it up and it closed its mouth are you gonna have to battle you now is this the first boss fight sorry yes we do indeed without the spark we will not be able to enter the lighthouse oh yes we need that spark that is far from the only reason we should save that poor creature obviously defeating the darkness tentacle will also provide us with one of two purified Darkness energy crystals we need I bet that other robot is gonna go no we need even more than another this creature's higher density of Darkness energy as compared to puddles means our enemies will be more formidable and off the shelf AI empathy module to save time what a funny joke okay now hold on triumph over the darkness tentacle so what we're gonna take you on right let's go I'm ready to battle Italy oh oh we have to go up to it and press a okay all right this looks super cool for each area okay all we have to do is reach the area okay but it does look like there are a lot of enemies in the way oh wait do we can we run through the water do we have to float up or wait what are these uh tube things super effects can be applied to potentially anyone generating unique behaviors you're the burn super effect says it's Target a light oh scooper is weak against burn that's good to know whip one of your Heroes with pyro star it might be a good strategical move yeah because then we can set them on fire that'd be good okay let's go then okay so Luigi does have the fire guy which is pretty cool oh someone's just back here what are you doing here what is this thing what if we use this what does that do oh okay that's useful I think oh and I could Dash into you oh that's so cool oh and there's one back there too I think this guy's a lot stronger there let's go like that okay that dealt a bit of damage now from here let's use do I want to use this right away let's do it let's do it okay I'm ready for this hero sight let's go so now if anyone wants to buy or if anyone walks near then we're going to attack them oh Luigi's outside of our Zone okay wait let's get a bit closer then let's use this so that Luigi is now in our Zone okay there we go Luigi let's do stuff with this okay so we now deal a bit more damage and let's just come down here here we can attack wait am I not attack what's going on why can I not attack oh can I only attack when I'm in this range no did I use up both of my things I might have used up both of my things already wow I didn't think that I would have used them okay but I guess that I did use them okay so let's swap to Luigi then okay let's uh use this burn attack all weapon based attacks deal more damage I guess they have more damage okay and we're on fire does that only affect Luigi or also my Ally okay so using that little spark guy it does use up one of the things okay I didn't think that it would I guess we'll go back here then we take out this guy here go like this let's try this here we'll attack you all right okay and you're burned wait oh oh and Mario attack wait wait oh he's running around and on fire is he defeated okay he is defeated good I'm like how much HP does this guy have okay and I guess that's it for our turn then hey we'll pass the turn because I don't think we could attack with Mario there oh man that hit so hard Mario's almost dead they reach me though oh man this is scary oh boy can you snipe me from all the way there oh oh it's just that it's our turn now okay I was worried that they'd be able to snipe me from all the way over there I guess not but let's go like this I can attack you twice hey that dealt some damage you're almost defeated now which is good now Luigi need you to come here Luigi and wait can I attack wait why can't Luigi attack oh maybe it's because Mario's in the way wait can I uh can I reach you don't hit Mario by accident no the block the block bro uh you know what I'll finish our turn then that's fine oh my goodness leave Mario alone are you gonna attack us too oh man critical hit on Luigi this is dangerous this is very very dangerous here oh no okay good that hit the block and they're closing in on us this is actually so scary hey let's do this let's make Mario team jump to like over here somewhere maybe back here okay I was gonna say maybe back there will be kind of safe okay this is actually extremely dangerous though oh this looks like an okay place to be maybe back here will be kind of safe okay let's attack this guy we probably won't finish him off unless we get like a critical hit or something can we hit the guy back there though that is the question let's see let's see oh okay he's still alive wait did I not hit the other guy oh boy everything is just going horribly over here this is so bad and maybe if I hide back here can we finish off at least one of these guys can we finish off this guy please let's see please tell me we can finish out this guy okay at least that guy's finished off that's good okay and you know what did I use my special ability our HP is pretty low there are three of them left you know what or well there are three of them here okay I'm gonna use it I'm gonna use it if anyone tries to sneak up we're gonna get him foreign go ahead guys go ahead guys our turn is over go ahead oh yeah yeah what a snipe let's go okay that'll build these but okay wait you didn't break the rock so that's good oh man Mario's HP is so low I hope Mario doesn't die can I get you from here and probably get you from here right oh and there's also someone back there that's not good let's try from here now go for you you'll be almost defeated 20 chance of critical hit too let's see nice defeated okay that must have been a critical hit then hey so let's swap to Mario where shall we go is here safe maybe like this is a good position I really hope that those guys all the way up there can't reach us that'd be wild if they could reach us hey I think I'll use this Euro sight we'll be ready if someone comes and now do we have two attacks or one attack okay now we have one attack on this guy over here but I don't think that'll hurt him let's let's try it oh no oh we stopped two attacks okay we took down that rock a little bit okay but that's it okay let's end our turn please don't kill Mario don't kill Mario oh yes this snipe got him yes okay amazing hey oh and it's our turn again amazing okay I should probably try to use my items soon because look at these guys they're uh starting to get kind of close over here okay let's swap to Luigi Luigi will run up to around here okay that's uh is that a good turn yeah that's a good turn We're not gonna do anything else this turn enemy turn okay they're not doing anything they're just waiting for us to get close let's go like this swap wait wait maybe Luigi can actually even hit them from here can Luigi hit them from here no we're not close enough no Target in range okay let's swap to Mario I'd back here we should be safe back here I think right and that's enough for our turn enemies oh oh oh oh I thought he was aiming at me and I thought that I could start to run away that was scary let's see where can Luigi walk to he can't reach there you know what let's do this let's do this team jump boost meter there get me to right here right there is perfect okay because now you can use this that'll bring up all that now those guys are gonna start coming towards us oh nice and there's somewhere to hide right here and we can hide behind it which is great okay so let's also use one of these abilities so if someone comes close we could get a nice snipe on them and get ready Luigi and can we also get an attack or no oh we could actually reach that's amazing okay let's do this then sharpshooter and how's that bam you're destroyed okay Mario you're up next come on over I don't know if hiding behind here is a good idea because it doesn't look like you could both hide on the same wall I'd have to hide like here but some people might be able to snipe me really well from there did I hide behind this one is this safer you can't reach anyone from here though yes I think I'll actually just hide back here for this turn I think that's what we'll do we'll call it a turn from here let's see enemies where are you going bro oh [Applause] okay but we got him very nice I think you're coming close you're probably shooting right oh man a critical hit on Luigi Luigi's almost dead this is so incredibly scary what do we do should we use an item what happens if a character dies I hope it's not permanent death in this game a Mario can probably make it up to that one are we safe behind that though let's see like if we go like around here are we safe I don't even know which one I should hide behind I hide behind this or behind this like what gives us better protection this one might be all right okay and you know what let's do this I'll use this hero sight so that'll be good if we see someone moving that'll be nice but that other guy might be able to attack us without moving that's the problem let's see yeah we can't reach the other guy he's just outside of our range wait can we defeat you though oh no no I didn't defeat him I only attacked that oh no oh no I hope we don't die I really hope we don't die let's try this use the burn attack hey use the burn attack and I guess hide back here right yeah hide back here we're behind Mario so maybe we're good I can go for the back guy over there but I think going for this guy will be better let's try this no no I attacked our own Cube I hate angles in this game oh boy we're almost dead wait there are guys over there thank goodness that worked oh boy oh boy yeah I have no idea how far this goes I didn't realize that there are more guys over there uh should I hide behind it or are we gonna get hurt you know I might have to actually use the mushroom here so there's 30 of your health points I guess we have to use the mushroom we don't have much of a choice 165 okay good heal good heal bro okay now why don't you boost me over here so we could go like this now we can hide here and we should be able to attack that guy so let's do this right okay let's try it come on get him get him is that a critical hit okay dealt some damage his HP is still really high though and Mario it doesn't really have anywhere good to hide and I don't know if we'll be able to even reach that guy but I'm also using the mushroom here because I'm so scared we probably should have had the Healer with us I just hide back here healing back hiding back here might be a good idea I don't know if we can reach though can we reach from here oh we can reach Okay so do I attack or use the spark let's attack let's just attack from here one and two if we get a crit maybe we can defeat him nice okay I don't know if we got a crate okay but he is defeated that's good oh that hit hard are you also going for Mario is Mario dead oh thank goodness they hit the rock oh my goodness I'm so lucky [Music] okay let's go like this we will use this that activates that okay more hiding spots which is good [Music] and we get them from here this looks like a pretty good hiding spot okay and we could also attack him here so let's do this I do want to attack the same guy twice let's try this nice hits bro hey now swap to Luigi why attack from this angle then yeah from here might be good okay let's go for not this one that one we should be able to finish you off bro how are the Rocks like this okay and I'm gonna use this too I don't know if this will work on them since I don't think that they actually move I think they just attack from the spot that they're in I'm gonna do that anyways okay let's see your move Bros just don't kill me okay come on take it easy oh Mario's almost dead Mario's almost dead Mario is almost dead if I even go I guess I could hide back here can I reach anyone from back here oh can I finish you off please let me finish you off please okay one of the hits work that's not good and I'll use this special even though I don't think that it's going to help yeah I think having a Healer would be really useful in this stage okay let's swap to Luigi can I finish off that one now if I can finish off that one that'd be amazing let's try this but like this I'll aim at that one please hit please don't hit the rock please don't hit the rock should I just move maybe if I move maybe I'll have a better angle I can't really get much of a better angle hey let's just go from here then hopefully we make the hit come on yeah baby there we are okay very nice that is absolutely lovely and you know what I'll use this too why not oh attack not available okay yeah so our turn's over then let's go who are you attacking okay nice very very nice okay you ready bro ready bro you want to see what I can do over here wait do we just have to reach that to win or do we have to defeat these guys maybe we just have to reach the goal area actually let's try this hopefully this works trying something very very risky here okay let's try this first I'll come here and do we win now okay nice okay so that's the objective okay you don't have to beat everybody okay so that's very nice and we still didn't find out who that Secret Rabbit guy from earlier was the Luigi rabbit is so funny wait who are these guys oh oh oh they're trying to steal the rabbits what's up with these evil rabbits over here why are they so evil okay through the waterfall they go okay you guys are blocking wait oh Mario brawler let's go oh strong hey hey his voice is so funny okay this is a cool area it almost looks like something that you'd see in a movie there's so many cutscenes here it really is like a movie oh no the poor little star look at these guys over here facing after this star and whoa who threw that who threw that who threw that would Rabb it The Secret Rabbit I think everyone's like who is that is it Bowser who is it hey there's some purple some green wait who is this it's linked no who is this who in the world is this guy uh uh who is that oh they're attacking he's like nope and stop me oh my goodness the ultimate Samurai swordsman over here our anime protagonist has come to the rescue the nice slow motion team ah the Mario guy has that the Mario rabbit has heart eyes that's actually so funny oh maybe this is a girl then let's see it's like uh Sora like don't worry I'm not gonna attack you little Sparky guy came here to save you give me your hand the Mario rabbit still has hearts in his eyes in the background what cool lighting oh wow it looked like it was a black screen for a second yeah that's so weird oh who's now oh are we gonna fight the uh the boss now maybe we're gonna face off against the boss who is this swords guy though who is this Swordsman hey we got some intense music here oh my goodness it's a giant duck duck oh it's like a tiger Tony the Tiger all right we all pull out our weapons let's go we're ready to battle grip into the edge this looks so cool defeat giant wild claw this looks like it's gonna be a super cool stage probably a super difficult one stranger having three Heroes cooperating on the battle would give a huge Advantage yeah having three would be great why can't we use three normally we have other people with us oh and Mario's almost dead so you know what I swap out Mario right now let's try having the brawler instead of Mario and Luigi's HP is also pretty low so let's have a Healer with us hey there we go you've got a great team now all Rabbids no humans okay I'm ready for the battle alright let's check out this battle then here we go hey wait oh I don't know what kind of attacks this guy over here is going to have this is going to be interesting and we probably don't want to get too close to that tiger guy over there it'll probably be Theory to get close to that tiger guy because he's probably going to be attacking us okay can we attack him here well we can attack super far we can even attack the boss guy that's kind of surprising oh and it looks like if you go like this it looks like you attack do you attack in a straight line it looks like you attack in a straight line that is actually incredibly cool this guy is so strong okay let's try this let's go and oh my goodness oh my goodness that is incredibly powerful wait hey why is he coming over here I'm not ready for him yet you shouldn't be allowed to move it's not his turn okay I'm gonna try this wait what is this Jackal targets within range okay yeah let's try it let's power up who is this guy over here that we have or girl okay so yeah we're charged up okay now let's go to the next fella over here Let's see we can probably attack from back here right can we reach no we have such a small range oh my goodness that's unbelievable yeah even if we go like right to the edge here we still can't reach okay well maybe we could hide back here and use this ZR maybe that'll be good yeah if someone comes into range and we'll be able to attack them okay that is a pretty cool special ability here you know let's swap to a Princess Peach over here can we attack from here oh nice we can reach here oh we can attack which one of these should we defeat let's take out this little one I think it'd be better to take out this little one first let's go like this you should be defeated very nice you are defeated and wait does this heal Health already full okay yeah so there's no point in using that okay so let's not do that let's just uh end our turn over here hopefully this guy oh there's another enemy I didn't know that there were more of them oh no okay at least we're still safe there's another one back there too hey what about you Tony the Tiger yeah use my special it though how powerful is it oh my goodness am I dead oh no we are dead no no look those appear to be dark mess portals destroy them quickly more enemies are bound to pop out soon oh no uh if I heal can we Revive Our Friend I don't know if healing would Revive Our Friend Health already felt great oh boy this is not good this is in fact bad news actually this is very bad news did I just restart because this seems horrible right now [Music] well we can do that deal a bit of damage knock him over and look he's coming towards me it's not your turn you shouldn't be allowed to move when it's not your turn that's unfair you know what I have super high HP so maybe I should just come up to him maybe I should just attack him from here maybe I should do this let's see hey we attack with three waves 151 to 183 damage that's not a lot let's try it okay that dealt some damage wait are you coming here oh boy okay stop attacking me now stop stop stop stop don't attack again don't I'm looking at you wait is it my turn wait he attacked back while it was our turn oh my God okay I think we are going to be dying here yeah I think we're going to be dying here [Music] yeah like yeah we're in big trouble over here now he's gonna attack 461 that was pretty cool now is he gonna kill us okay more enemies are coming out too okay one of those came out that's fine great and more portals are yeah we're definitely dead I guess we're gonna find out what happens if you get a game over I guess that's what we're going to find out here oh and I don't have any healing items also why is this guy dizzy get up bro get up bro like if we try to attack him We're not gonna get anything done over here we're gonna do a bit of damage but not much at all oh that was a critical hit I guess okay cool so he dealt some damage but yeah he's still got like half of his health left and we're dead now all we have is our healer okay I guess we're gonna find out what happens if you get a game over yeah because there's no way we're coming back from this he's got 800 plus Health left still okay that's like almost 100 damage but yeah he's coming here now did I heal myself I might as well heal myself oh and we use the phone to heal him ourselves it's kind of funny because in real life a phone kind of does the opposite doesn't it haha like if you spend a lot of time on your phone that's probably not a good idea for you okay but let's see yep they're all coming over here lots of enemies everywhere big Tony the Tiger over here are you attacking again or is your turnover let's see I hope your turn is over now a lot of enemies oh oh no oh no I've got a tiny bit of HP left okay where do we want to go I can't even dash at you and we could go like over here I don't think it's gonna help us much though because yeah even if this yeah there's no way we could kill him even if we get like Critical Hits over here yeah you still at 671 HP wait can you not reach us oh oh because it's still our turn Okay so let's finish our turn enemy turn now you're defeating me right yeah there we go battle lost are you sure you want to restart the battle from the last objective oh yes oh wait wait these are my options okay restart from last checkpoint restart battle Yeah restart battle let's restart the battle that's actually oh no I don't want to restart the battle from here no no no no not from here wow and there's even an option for invulnerability so if you turn that on then you won't take any damage from enemies that's kind of unbelievable uh oh I accidentally started the battle with Mario and Luigi uh oh oh I actually didn't mean to do that wait Lindsay what does this guy do allies within range take 25 less damage that's very useful okay this might be useful okay let's come over here then we can boost both of us that will both be stronger okay and hold on what about Luigi can you boost our friend or does it boost just me uh looks like it just boosts me uh but you know what you know what let's do this we'll boost us and then we'll also use our special uh ZR ability so if someone comes by then we can get them hopefully we can do that okay wait let's see oh I can get him from here okay that's amazing oh that guy's actually resistant to fire oh that's not good that means we probably won't do as much damage as normal hey well let's still try oh wait does that mean he's gonna come closer now yeah it seems like after you attack me runs a little closer okay that's actually very bad okay and I can't use ZR still okay what about us uh let's use this ability that makes us take less damage which is good okay but let's also run a little back like this and I get them both from here oh that's so funny how we spin like that I can't get them all from here okay so I've got to be a bit closer what if I go like this can I attack from here okay I can get them all from here okay so let's do this let's see okay very nice attack there does it take them all out what how are those two little guys still alive no how much HP do they have bro bro how much HP do those guys have oh my goodness that's unbelievable three and eight yeah so I guess I should finish off those guys just so we're not taking more damage great and it's a critical hit what a waste of critical hits oh my goodness hey enemy turn okay they come over whoa whoa they're attacking from there oh boy I didn't know that they'd be able to reach now you're coming wait can you not reach oh I guess that guy's like really slow or something okay so as long as we stay kind of far away from him maybe we can be safe hey so if I come over here hold on are we going to be safe I don't think that guy can reach us from here let's just take out uh this guy here and if we attack again then we should defeat you right okay you're defeated which is good can I still do this uh that might work okay I hope that this works that'd be great if we could deal some damage with this okay this time we're playing like a little bit more strategically [Music] [Music] and we can have a look around at where the enemies are okay so there's one guy up here there's a portal up there that's about to spawn some enemies I don't think we could really get anywhere super useful right now uh maybe for Luigi attacks we will lure that guy towards us let's try this let's try doing some damage okay that's a bit of damage whoa whoa then Mario's attacking him from there oh I guess that's because uh I guess that's because of our ability okay but let's try this I don't know if we can reach him from here let's try because we still don't have our mystery guy our mystery guy didn't attack yet this turn but let's swap to our mystery guy okay where should we hide we should go somewhere kind of far back uh can we reach him from here I think from back here might be a good idea because we want to stay kind of far away yeah he's like just in range over there okay so let's do this well that was like a critical hit I was gonna say special attack critical hit guys we're dealing some damage onto him now is he gonna come towards us he's almost defeat he's at 610 HP Luigi did that 200 something damage let's go he's almost defeated this is amazing wait should I use this ability all Targets within range are dealt lots of damage if they move okay but uh our range isn't very big so I don't think that he's going to get very close but I still will try in case he comes towards me I don't know if he's going to come towards me or towards Luigi let's see who are you attacking oh Luigi's still safe there he's coming to me uh but he didn't come close enough to activate my special attack okay and a guy came out from there but the big Tigers almost defeated maybe if we all Rush the tiger this turn then we might survive let's see what if I go kind of back like this let's try and get him from here yeah that should almost defeat him nice hey he's almost defeated I can't use the charge oh he's close he's close it's so scary when he gets close and but you should be able to go like this I don't want to accidentally attack like uh walls or something I definitely want to be attacking him wait this might defeat him right will it maybe oh critical hit and yeah we defeated Tony and the tiger there we are oh man what a cool battle this looks like a scene out of Super Smash Bros right now purify Darkness energy Crystal obtained very nice battle cleared this guy joining our crew now who is this I hope that we could use three people in battles from now on that would be so great if we could use three people in battles from now on we're at least three excuse me intimidating straight it's finally important that the spot the lighthouse what will he have to say about that I'm details tentacle we can't create warp tunnels to other planets I can unlock the lighthouse what I'll meet you there oh baby what a funny life you got this spark let's get into the lighthouse then wait but then he sees this scary person like oh no please don't hurt me yeah you again this is the spark Hunter not a spark Hunter not a spark Hunter name's Edge rabbit Edge welcome to Edge ah just Edge not radiation huh got a spaceship huh guess you can ride sidecar with me for a time it's not like you can't use the help I believe it's time we start keeping three Heroes on our front line don't take the first shift yes we could have three people now all right that's so great third team unlocked very nice oh it's so great to have three people oh one out of two purified Darkness energy crystals collected giant enemies you just obtained your first memory open the memories menu to check it I'm rain or shine oh that's so cool I'm controlling this person right now this is so cool okay let's collect these well this is so cool new quests unlocked yes bro Lighthouse right nice weather we're not having them but that Darkness tentacle at our Lighthouse there's a shortcut that way in case you hate walking as much as I do where's the shortcut wait is HE washing himself right now or is he showing me the shortcut I'm guessing he's just washing himself where's this shortcut where do we have to go right wait is this where we came from uh wait oh yeah new teleport flag yes I guess this is something new Ben I really like this Edge guy over here that we've got but I don't know if we're always going to have him on our team wait who are you who is this professor backpack if only I can solve it that would show them uh you've got a very big backpack okay do you need us to call someone yeah this is the most celebrated archaeologist of our time oh wow that's so cool once we celebrated history ruins were uncovered Treasures hunted discoveries made in the past not just the Future these days if something wasn't digitized it's as if it never happened oh my goodness that's such a good line yeah it's like why do you have to share all of your life on Instagram and Facebook and Tick Tock it's like just live just experience it don't live behind a phone screen just actually be there and experience what you're going through don't have to record everything and post it online solve it alone the past is what ties us together will you help me review it before it is forgotten completely I'm convinced that somewhere in this room is the answer to the riddle of the Temple of Beacon Beach oh somewhere in this room huh oh manuscript a manuscript I translated called it the Chamber of the two sons Hans Sons I guess it's like one sun and another son you'll understand when you hear the riddle okay let's hear The Riddle the King Pins this star on his favorite son the outcast runs away award a new dawn oh okay so what do I have to rotate these to match the hint over here paintings in the temple are hauntingly beautiful I also suspect they are connected to the riddle somehow go for it if this tragic story is to mean anything if people are to learn from it it must be solved okay so let's see look at this painting what is this painting Augie was eclipsed by his Alton run oh no which people are honest couldn't have been all that difficult reminds you have the story of Marcus Aurelius okay so wait do I rotate these or something okay so the king wait this one the king and this one the Sun or is it vice versa guessing this is the king let's see rotate it rotate the king wait rotate son goes to the sun goes to the sun and the King he puts the sun on the thing and this guy he runs away no other way other way other way go there now he runs away guess that is not the solution you know what I'm starting to think more and more that this Edge person you know what I'm starting to think more and more that this Edge person is actually a girl because look he has makeup okay so I think Edge is actually a she over here King Pins the star on his favorite son the outcast runs away towards a new dawn oh oh okay so hold on so that that's done over here and hold on it's a new dawn so the sun rises in the oh I was gonna say it rises in the East I thought that it'd have to be the other way okay but I guess it just goes straight like that yeah okay those two are facing each other and these two are facing each other okay I see let's see what's in here okay then that was such a random dialogue I didn't expect that okay we got a star potion you could level up a spark right away very nice so it's kind of like a rare candy I guess okay so that's probably something that I'm Gonna Save forever and never use we left Luigi behind oh he appeared suddenly wait my gratitude friend yeah of course what Audi You Solve the Riddle of the temple tell me everything I'll just spread the news so history can come alive again without rotating the statues the outcast most appropriately musaki the past does not shout at us from a distance but Whispers in our ear man I like this professor you know what and this is almost like the archetypal Joker over here where it's like good luck with everything in the future or should I say the past a funny joke people yeah but this uh Professor is kind of like the Joker archetyper the jester archetype where it's like he's kind of silly he looks kind of goofy but he says things that are like very very true and things that people might not want to hear but everyone's like oh he's just the jester he's just joking so that's okay wait pipe Sparks required 4 out of 12. interesting wait a truly ginormous Goomba so I guess this is somewhere that we can go to later oh that is a truly ginormous Goomba back there oh my goodness and it looks like that goop is all over it you know do we climb up or do we go down that's the question oh Goomba down there go ahead take on that Goomba right there ready let's go all three of us dove into you at once you ready bro you ready bro I'm ready to take on some Goombas okay I hope you guys are ready okay there's someone back there behind that pipe thing ready let's go this is a great team we have here let's go like this I can dive through them no problem and you can also probably attack all three of them from here how good is that those Goombas are wrecked we don't even have to run to them and dive into them that's actually incredible I don't know if it's worth using our other ability let's just come here I'm not gonna hide I'm gonna go for you like this oh wait zero to zero damage oh it's like does it tell us that we won't reach and maybe it lets us know that we won't reach okay wait I want Luigi now Luigi come here Luigi who will do more damage Mario or Luigi Mario let's see go like this I'll come to you right over here I'm gonna attack you head on I'm Not Afraid oh yeah I'm not afraid you ready I'm Dash into you now I will attack you let's go double attack nice hit but you're still alive which is not good should I use this I'll try attacking with Luigi first let's see I don't think I can reach you though yeah I'm hitting the thing right yeah I hit the thing not you which isn't good okay I can try this I don't know if this will work though because if it tries to move before it attacks then I think that means that Mario will finish it off let's try all right yeah I'll get sniped bro oh my goodness absolutely destroyed man the individual battles in this game are so cool like in some games you do try to avoid battles like in Pokemon how many wild battles do you run away from especially when you're trying to speedrun the game but in this game oh man every battle it's like a unique puzzle or Adventure it's kind of similar to uh Paper Mario the origami King like the battles in that game are pretty cool where you have like a bunch of uh puzzles that you have to soft wait what in the world is this that we're opening oh nice new memory okay that's nice and hold on there was a ladder over there but what's over here where are we going over here oh a green ring instead of a red ring that's interesting we gotta get some green coins now wait where are the other green coins wait where's the next Green coin at all oh no no it's back it's back okay so there must be something else that we didn't get okay let's see that's nice that it responds let's see one two three yeah where the rest of them where are the rest of them for the green coins wait have we gotten this checkpoint flag or is this a new one oh wait a minute this is where the is where the professor just was wait a minute how did we not take this path before Oh and let's take a look at this painting was left behind to watch the livestock flock of chickens came to briefly rule a flock of chickens ruled this city that's quite funny what kind of situation do you have to be what kind of leader do you have to be that a flock of chickens literally rule your city but look at this they make that sound as they start to disappear we're hearing it again oh there's the next one the next one's over there okay okay now I know where the next one is okay that's actually kind of tricky okay so now we know where to go okay so you go like this hit that climb down and run to there run run yeah okay there's two where in the world there's three oh three's over there oh okay there's two okay now we know the three straight ahead over here it actually reminds me a lot of Donkey Kong 64. the way that you collect these colored coins hey let's see okay there we go now we kind of know where we're going up now yes okay we got that okay nice the chest appears very nice okay green coin challenge Planet coin awarded very nice and we got some more coins for that I should probably buy some more mushrooms or something you know wait what in the world can this be exit I don't know if I want to exit where does that exit take us because maybe there's still some other stuff down there that we want to take like another pathway we haven't looked at this painting have we The Villages here on Beacon Beach really need to do a few background checks before hiring Walden's wait doesn't that true feel familiar I don't know does it did the trophy look familiar okay so you know what let's try this exit first and then let's see where the other path will take us oh oh this is kind of interesting wait can I pull this I can probably pull this right let's move it and then can we just access that oh I keep forgetting that I have to press B when I'm done moving okay what's in here okay there oh every time that person says that it surprises me I don't expect them to say it it has a nice high jump weight does this take us out of here now oh whatever was in that chest is yours there's enough clutter around this house as is wait is this one of the houses in the village guessing this is one of the houses in the village right okay yeah so that was one of the houses okay so now can we go to the lighthouse now oh I was wondering what that was that was flying by okay let's go to the lighthouse then wait what do you say I saw the spark of light it's waiting for you at the Lighthouse okay let's just get these coins right here did I buy some mushrooms maybe you know maybe we should buy something oh what do you have for me let me see what I can offer oh this is for yourself reset cooldowns refresh all your spark and techniques for immediate use I only have four of these so I don't have seven so I can't afford the key yet we need some more let's buy oh and I still have my two mushrooms I guess because when I died it reset it didn't say that's kind of cool that I didn't waste those mushrooms so you know what maybe I'll get another two I don't know if coins would be useful for anything else but yeah let's do that all right up to the lighthouse we go hello there my little friend are you gonna pop in there okay and I guess that activates that and the door unlocks it I like Mario's thumbs up over there sorry I can't do more I'm no good at fighting like you are until we meet again bye bye wait are you not joining our party you're just leaving now okay well goodbye I guess okay into this door we go I really hope that we can keep this Edge person with us they are a pretty cool teammate so far and they're nice and Powerful oh wait don't you have to throw something at the eye of that thing normally wait a minute is that an enemy there or an enemy okay yeah it is an enemy I'm like I didn't just dive and slide tackle at NPC did I okay wait wait is that one of the tiger guys again another tiger guy okay defeat all because those tiger guys are incredibly tough like super super strong I thought that would be like a boss oh just another can I have you Aqua knocks so glad you're here if you're in this battle I get to join you Heroes and leave here forever watch The Flame and Stooges they burn effect can like multiple Heroes on fire if you're too close together forcing you just gotcha if you come into contact with someone else while on fire now catch on fire too enough look that's fire for you okay here we go oh this guy's only got 630 HP so he's not like gigantic but he's still super strong okay so where do we want to go maybe we want to boost two people and have like one person stay back and be kind of defensive I think attacking from here might be a good idea oh we might be able to attack three people like this hold on let's try this this might be a good strategy actually let's try it at all wait is this guy defeated ah you can move while it's my turn I forgot I was like oh my goodness you're so strong you're so incredibly strong it's actually unbelievable wait is my character dizzy now I wonder if my character is dizzy okay well I'll use this anyways okay so if anyone moves then I'll get to uh attack them if anyone moves nearby me oh and can I use my oh I can't also use that okay I probably should have used that first okay can I try and lure this guy over maybe yeah we might have a different plan now things might be different oh the guy back there is defeated oh I guess when this guy attacked then uh he ended up defeating the nearby guy okay so he can probably go like this let's see what's a good plan let's go like this hey deal 20 more damage so that'll be nice probably should have started with that that would have been nice now we can attack I'll of course attack you and then you'll start running towards me it'll double attack you oh critical hit nice and that was a pretty good hit he's actually almost defeated oh yes and he's that special on him wait no don't attack me again oh no oh no we're almost dead oh no I'm good like very bad I should finish that guy off to uh protect our friend over here I think that's our best strategy okay so let's go here let's go like this I can finish you off right no you're still alive how in the world are you still alive hey let's go over here so that we lure him away from our friend and hopefully we lure him away from our friend and I go like more to the other side it's good that he's gonna kill our friend oh nice we defeated him okay that's amazing great yeah see two out of six defeated let's use our burn attack oh I can't use it let's just use this then so if anyone starts to come close to us then we could shoot them with an arrow over here that'll be nice okay no should be the enemy Turtle right yeah enemy turn oh Robert no no stop moving stop moving please yes okay we got that please leave my friend alone no our friend's dead oh that is so sad your friend come back to life hopefully deaths aren't permanent in this game I remember the first time that I ever played Fire Emblem I played a fire emblem game where deaths were permanent and I didn't know the deaths were permanent because the characters they kept showing up in cut scenes I'm like oh okay my character is just sitting it up for a few battles but they're gonna come back but that they never came back yeah I don't know let's do this let's use burn attack first wait I wonder if burn is less effective because we're in the uh because we're in the you know what because we're in the list I wonder if it's different now though oh no it's your burn you're running around are you defeated now or no see pot still has a bit of HP at least it's far away now I guess that's good hey so let's see I could probably finish off you up there is there anyone else I could get if I get closer over here maybe I can hurt someone let's see let's try you I'll finish you up I could also attack that guy over there okay so you're done and ah you've got that gate protecting me okay well maybe I'll be able to use this maybe I'll be able to get you if you start moving you know there are just two left right are there just two left oh you're shooting at me huh oh you're moving what I got you bro I got you bro hey now what if I run up here do I have better aim at you now I don't know if I actually have better aim at you now but let's try okay I got rid of your beds my fence might protect me though hey I don't know if I can reach them from here can I reach them from here oh I can't I might not make this shot though hold on let's try from here this might be a better angle not critical hit and are you done it hit the feds let's pass for a turn oh nice just hit the fence bro you ready to get wrecked ready to get wrecked kill hide behind this one now I'll go like this maybe only one of the shots worked okay that's fine okay Luigi come closer now I get you from here do I have like a nice angle right I'm guaranteed get you I don't know if that's taking it yes okay that's perfect okay man angles are so important in this [Music] I'm rain or shine okay get to the top of the lighthouse pick up this oh we have to dash into that then we can pick up this I wonder if a battle like that if you could skip that if you're trying to speedrun this game I want to throw this okay throw oh I was worried that I threw it past it by accident and that it wouldn't work wait is there anything back here for us though oh oh there's a pipe oh I don't know if I actually want to enter that oh maybe this pipe is the shortcut that that guy was talking about earlier when we are leaving we're told that there's a shortcut to the lighthouse oh maybe this is like the basement of the lighthouse maybe this is something else something different I'm expected a p-switch what if we hit the mystery P switch this [Music] is designed by board rabbits looking to entertain themselves they clearly abandoned it before finishing still it appears functional you know if you want to give it a try clever Genie but did you know that when rabbits design a room like this they add the reward first let me show you oh really yeah the rewards first uh I don't think that if we hit that button I don't think we're gonna get a reward I'm guessing there's probably gonna be like some enemies that jump out and attack us let's see oh nice okay okay and then here's the next one okay so this is just like the uh Luke coins in Super Mario 3D World where you have to oh jump down jump down jump down jump down come on don't you stand hey you have to like collect these quickly before the timer runs out okay got some there there and there and wow it looks like it actually is a treasure okay well and we got a planet coin that's pretty cool that and this oh is it just going wait I need to actually uh heal my friend our HP is super low oh oh after the battle I guess like either some of your HP is restored or some of our HP boards are stored because we leveled up I'm not sure which it is laughs yeah okay so let's go up this way then up a lighthouse we go and another bad line guessing gotta be another battle because we can't just go back there we have to throw something at that wait a minute yeah where's the stuff to throw there's got to be something around here oh oh oh this maybe oh oh we probably have to pull this onto this switch here and there we go now we can get this let's pick that this is like the world's easiest puzzle once you solve it it's like you move the block to that and then you put the cube in the hole put it in wait you have to throw it oh oh we put it in here okay so it's the world's easiest puzzle but I didn't know what to do with it okay let's keep going up then and come on now coins they're an enemy is that an enemy there what is that let's go it takes quite a while to load the battles like this loading screen when you run into an enemy it lasts for quite a while like look at this it's still loading yeah but I guess to be fair these battles are like new areas and it will take a while to load everything and make sure that everything is okay it's like it's funny if you compare it to like the original paper when I was like when you get into a battle it's like the battle just starts right away okay and you know what let's swap someone foreign [Music] Luigi for our healer just for a moment okay now I'm ready to battle okay let's see where do we want to go oh lots of Bob bombs actually oh can I get a nice attack from here yeah radius of the explosion it's not too big thank you I guess I could do something like this I could go like this no no that's not what I meant to do I meant to do a female hey there we go heal everyone okay well I'm not sure if I was skipping it I don't know how exactly to skip it hey but let's see can I attack from here I can probably attack you right or are you Raven you let's I kind of want to lure the guy closer so that the explosions would affect him like here's what I'm thinking look if we bounce up like this then from here we'd probably be able to attack that guy like that and then maybe now he'll start coming towards us if we double attack him like this let's see it smells like a critical hit right oh and it did hit the bubble I guess the bomb was in the way okay so he is coming here which is a little scary uh so this isn't working exactly like I planned it let's try on you can hold B to skip those cutscenes okay that's pretty nice okay so it did work it worked properly now then but if we go this guy well the explosion hurt that guy he's close enough oh nice okay it did damage him okay that's great okay so that's lovely that that worked now let's see let's use this uh defensive one over here and there we go now we're all boosted defensively I'm pretty sure that one's defensive if I remember correctly now let's also attack I really hope these things aren't in the way wait can you keep jumping okay there we are oh but I don't want to stand too close to you uh where are we going oh boy I don't know if this is a good idea right oh oh and Mario use his special ability because he started moving oh don't come towards Mario no no no no no no no no no no no no I don't want it to be enemy turn oh no oh no that's it oh no oh cool we're still alive okay so let's go like this you can go here oh I can't heal I have to wait sometimes before we can heal that's not good okay there we go okay yeah you're finished up this is dead too easy now the point of this battle the reason that well not the point of this not the whole point of the battle I was gonna say the point of this battle was for healing it's like that's not the only point like I did want to heal but yeah it looks like we're not going to be able to heal wait can I just finish you from here let's go yeah okay and it looks like that's a critical hit too very nice okay and is that the whole battle perfect battle clear I really oh nice we got a pow block I really like oh and a mushroom oh my goodness this is great I really like that Luigi can attack from so far away that's very useful but having a Healer is kind of useful but you know what healer can't heal every turn maybe it's not that useful I'm seeing lots of ropes oh oh okay I guess now we have to do this first we have to do that then we can throw this yeah there now we can pull this here yeah I'm seeing those ropes on the floor and it's making me think that we should probably like flight one on fire but we haven't been able to do that yet maybe that'll be something that we do for like a later puzzle or something okay but let's just continue to make our way to the top of the lighthouse it's so funny how the peach rabbit runs like that okay you know what this really makes me want to play the original Mariana Rabbids game because this one is actually so much fun I'm enjoying this one so much so far okay so let's see what's gonna be in here I'm rain or shine triumph over the darkness tentacle okay next time we don't get hurt from walking into this stuff that's actually very very nice wait we just start the battle now okay we just walked into it and I guess the battles start this is probably the battle right let's see a light in the Dark Mist I keep thinking that's gonna say Darkness bright Darkness eyes wait oh we probably have to like pick up the things and throw them at the eyes during the battle that's probably what this is going to be oh that's a big one that is a big spark over there toxic wake you girl in this battle can't live here with you unless you do we will win no Freedom though it may take a few attempts okay yeah so I guess we gotta get rid of all those eyes if you destroy the eyes of Darkness on the fire it'll light on fire the darkness to mention in all world are connected the lighthouse on Beacon Beach will light up too okay well that's good uh who should we swap you know I kind of don't care as much for the Healer we didn't use this guy most skilled at diminishing enemies by reducing the damage oh that actually sounds kind of useful I do really like Luigi though Luigi is a great teammate should I try someone else instead of my I really like that Mario can attack twice though that's super useful I think this might be my favorite team that we have so far if I could have one more person oh I guess I never tried normal Princess Peach on me yeah but unfortunately we're not starting up with a hundred health oh wait do we throw the bombs at the eyes is that what we have to throw out the eyes maybe we have to throw the bombs outside let's try this pick up pit up let's go like I have to go okay nice nice okay so that popped that way can I Dash again I can't Dash into this guy again I should attack someone somewhere else though I think just sounded like Birdo that was so weird I guess I can also attack oh and you can attack these wait do they only have one HP uh it's so weird that we can aim at those guys yo let's try this attack critical hit are you defeated then or no and oh you've got a little bit of HP left on that's so sad are you gonna can come here we can Dash into you then should I jump ahead after that or should I try and take out these eyes maybe we want to go up that way because it looks like the game's suggesting that you go up that way but maybe it'll be advantageous to us if we start to go up that way maybe we should stay grouped together I think maybe staying group together is a good idea okay so hold on Luigi bounces here go Luigi go go go go go go go go go go go as far as you can ah that didn't go very far at all actually but can we reach you I'm not sure if we can reach you okay let's do this first though for an attack let's use it yeah [Music] yeah okay and can we reach you I think we can reach you right that's right I really hope nice and you're burnt oh and you set the other one on fire that's actually amazing okay so is the other one defeated let's see are you defeated are you Defeated come on tell me you're defeated how are you still hold on how much HP do they have two HP bro you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me bro okay so you know what let's use this if they move then we'll be able to take note even though it's only two HP oh wait but actually maybe that doesn't even matter because look we can go like this and bounce here and if we come here then I should be able to attack both of them right I should just be able to go like this I think we should be able to reach both of them like that'll pick up that one and that'll take out that way yeah easy okay Mario's double attack like that is so great and I don't want to accidentally defeat the ball bomb because it looks like you actually want to use the bubble for taking out the eyes so let's finish our turn here yeah here comes the Baba kind of close there's that guy he attacking oh Luigi oh man that hurt that was a big hit Okay so let's just come over here let's go like this Mario I can dive into this dive into this pick it up before it explodes let's try and get as many of those as we can okay we only got one great amazing but since we're up here should we take on an eye now at least you do maybe taking on an I would be a good idea let's try this stick on that eye and that yeah and you know what I'll use this CR over here we can take them out and maybe if all of us do that it'd be good or you know what oh oh we should go a bit better actually it's just me bro let's go take me somewhere nice okay that's a pretty good place to be I think you look kind of safe over here actually maybe here would be better yeah that's probably a better spot to be oh and there are guys up there I didn't realize there were guys up there oh boy hey let's focus on this one say goodbye to you actually you're still alive Luigi's also gonna use this now with the final guy wait why can you not move anymore that's so weird that we can't move I'm actually very surprised if we can't move why can we not move is a critical hit so yeah you're definitely going okay very nice one down um should I use this allies take 25 less damage you know what let's save that for a moment when we really need it maybe hey let's see are you guys another player oh thank goodness that didn't hit us okay yes Mario got them oh wait but they're still alive hey they're shooting fire at us luckily we're not on fire though there's a rabbit back there oh man wait I wonder if the rabbit Sorcerers are the ones that can make those uh dark hole things how high in far can we go if we get boosted like this can we meet over there can I defeat the guys that are up here that is the question yeah because they have some fence guarding them uh those guys they can run to here so you know what let's do something like oh this might be a good idea yeah I think that's actually a great place [Music] now when my friends come over we can get boosted maybe we can get boosted up to there I don't know if we can but we can try let's try uh no no way we're making that right right come on yes oh my goodness let's take a dash on you hey then let's use oh wait let's actually bring Luigi closer yeah I don't know if Luigi can make it up there because I think Mario has the Boost that lets him float for longer right oh come on yes Luigi also made it that's amazing okay so let's go like this we can use this that'll boost our string 20 more damage okay and should we take out this guy or what do we do what's a good strategy let's go like this I can't dash at you no you're so close I could almost dash at you oh man okay well let's do this then we'll hide behind this and oh wait oh I guess I have like a 50 chance of hitting there why is this HP so low though well let's go for this guy oh oh that guy's HP is though because we almost got it with the uh our special attack earlier oh nice okay so you're defeated now please get you if I go here do I have 100 shot okay great great yeah there you go walk right up here and shot an arrow into your face it's good for our turn oh that's right before these are coming up please tell me it's just one okay it's just one okay that's not oh no wait how many are coming out no okay two of those in a bubble okay that's all right I guess they're probably always going to be walking towards us let's do this we can go like this oh maybe we can get a few things here wait if I go like that is that attack an eye that's nearby or no let's try it let's see the critical hit and bro it just hit the fans bro should I use this no I don't think that's too important to use right now okay let's go like this we can take out two things too thick probably feels good picking up the eyes Luigi can come here we've got a oh this might be good okay nice snipe bro okay very good very good actually and you know what that's uh uh I'll be defensive maybe or wait can I move still oh I can't move back could I be defensive because our HP is a little low ah it's fun it's fine we'll just end our turn here okay football bombs are coming here go on okay under 40 and burn that's horrible okay but at least we're over there I kind of wanted to go that way so that's all right maybe oh oh you're teaming up on me ah okay I'm almost dead 55 HP left oh boy and there's a portal appearing there okay how much HP do the portals have so I'd like to defeat the portal if possible the portal actually has a crazy amount of HP I didn't expect it to have that much HP yeah let's just double attack the portal let's see critical hit and not defeated though right let's see portal has how much HP do you have I can't see how much HP the portal has hey Luigi can you finish off the portal so we don't have more oh I should have brought that guy up to attack the portal that actually would have been a more defensive thing to do okay but I guess it's Dash into you doesn't defeat you it does damage you though I'm almost dead so I've probably gotta hide somewhere I don't think I can hide here with you guys I will use this though I guess we'll use stormblade anyone comes close then we could be defensive oh you know what Gabe it'll be a good time to use this or should I attack yeah I can attack some of those guys I can probably defeat you if this works okay nice okay so at least one of them are just one of them are one of them is defeated you know what both of you guys have gotten this ER abilities so let's use that if all of us use them can we all use them though now the Portal's defeated and there's only that one guy there yeah so that's fine that's enough for our turn let's go okay problems getting close [Music] I'm surprised that we didn't attack that guy I guess he was too far away for us to attack him or wait or did we defeat us I don't see the guy there now how far can we flow probably not very far I wonder what happens if you float and you end up falling into the lava is there anyone to attack here oh just an eye okay this effect is farther eye then tonight a critical hit on the eye but I guess the eyes they probably only have one HP I think let's go like this team jump boost me let's go and as Mario we can hardly fly a bit farther so maybe we'll be able to get another eye even hey we made it to that basically the same spot as Luigi okay so he couldn't really make it any farther yeah it looks like that's as far as we could get okay now hold on what about you got some enemies coming from over there yeah I can aim at that guy but I don't think that I'll be able to try this and we're up higher so it's harder for them to aim at us I think I don't know if being defensive would be enough to help us here but you know what since we're almost dead might as well try it maybe we will need it later on okay and I think that's enough for our turn over here let's see where you're going okay Bob I'm coming towards us you are you gonna attack oh okay they got us they had a good angle like they had a good angle and they got us okay there's another portal you know what let's do this you can boost our strength before wait can I boost Mario Heroes okay I didn't see that oh maybe it only boosts me actually Oh either way we can attack this not a lot of damage oh the portal doesn't get burned which does make sense it is kind of funny to see that though [Music] [Music] nice okay thank goodness it is defeated okay oh oh and that's our whole team actually because our other friend is dead right now the bubbles just riding towards us wait is it just defeat all the eyes is that all we have to do or is there anything else well I thought they were gonna be trying to attack us from there remember I go for the eyes or do I go for them oh nice 100 accuracy I think 100 accurate see is there almost and if we switch to Mario then we could take out one of their eyes and we should be able to finish off that guy did that guy have one HBO I don't know if that's the last I or not yeah there's still actually I don't know if that's the last Knight that was the last I that uh maybe we could have just destroyed that eye and it all would have been over and bubbaum's chasing us relentlessly hey you can't reach us can you okay you can't reach us yet let's go like this this mean I'm not going into the lava down there thank you let's attack that there and is this the last time and is that all I'm guessing that's it right okay next battle clear perfect okay wait oh oh it's showing this guy over here I'm like wait what's going on oh nice okay there we go purified Darkness energy Crystal obtain so I guess we got both of the purified Darkness energy crystals here they think it said there were two here on this planet but what's going to happen I'm guessing it's going to stop ringing whose hand is this Mario Luigi okay it's Mario's nice it has a very nice amount of fingers there and look at that here's the Sun and look at their whole crew over here all right a nice look down oh and everyone gets to put their umbrellas away wait is umbrella gonna land on his head I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew because we saw it come up uh okay throwing the fish are there oh I'm actually so glad that I was able to predict that because we saw it go up but we didn't see the umbrella come down that one guy was looking kind of goofy so I thought the dumb brother would fall on his head hey this is a DJ I guess what are you gonna do DJ oh I guess we don't get to see the DJ plague music maybe the music would be non-copyright or copyright rather oh and here's this guy over here Mamma Mia wait let me uh how can you jump so high you do thigh workouts eh yeah that's a buddy sun's out Fun's out I'm just stoked that the sun is out and Beacon Beach is back baby almost when you pop that last tentacle I left behind some nasty Darkness oh boy dude there's something I should have told you it's about curse's Ring leaders the spark Hunters they came to me before you got here he said if I didn't hand over all the Sparks here they'd shred everyone into pizza topping my phrase not theirs oh we can find here and elsewhere the spark Hunter's reasons will be with us be careful there's at least three of them and they're real dangerous they find out I told you them they will answer to all of us for although we have enough purified Darkness energy to travel to pristine Peaks well I guess pristine wolf tunnels go both ways we can return here anytime whenever you need us [Music] the word where I come from it means chosen family you're my cool look I know that's such a wholesome word it reminds me of ikigai the Japanese secret to a long and happy life that was a cool book okay okay and that's that cutscene okay come rain or shine hooray we got two out of two purified Darkness energy crystals you quests unlocked okay I guess we can go to a oh you just unlocked new side quests and a new planet congratulations you finished all the main quests on this planet new quests are now available whatever you want you can also head to the spaceship you've gathered enough Darkness energy crystals to reach a new planet cool stuff oh and there's still one more ball bomb that we need I almost forgot about that actually okay wait wait whoa wait why does this one say level eight you have to be is that like a recommended level or do you have to be a certain level to get there Darkness outside the lighthouse the Goomba with the pot on its head that sounds really interesting let's go to that one all right and we got some Star Bits okay hold on where's the Goomba with wait what is this what is this that spins that's really interesting why does it spin like that and wait how do we go down oh we probably have to go into the pipe don't we because I don't know if there's a different way to get them but I guess we can go down this door and we can walk all the way down the lighthouse but this is probably faster probably brings us straight to the bottom okay very nice we're over here and where we want to go oh I don't want to run off I think oh right there right there there's something oh the darkness outside the lighthouse okay we don't want to go there yet oh one of these items that's so cool that we got that way can you just run off okay you can't just run off [Music] oh wait and can you shake trees because earlier we were able to shake trees we haven't shaken the tree like since the beginning of the game okay nice and now we did and we got a super mushroom that's cool this actually reminds me very slightly of Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga that was a fun game I like that game a lot played that as a kid I remember near the beginning I got stuck because there's this one part where you have to do these dumps and yeah I kept having trouble with it as a kid but yeah it's pretty cool now I can do it pretty well I think okay let's just make our way here oh there's the Guma with a pot on its head wait I wonder if we have to battle it and what in the world is this okay well anyways okay so I guess this is a battle that we have to have now okay the Goomba with the pot on its head oh I wonder if the Goomba's with a puddle on their head I wonder if they have more defense like if they can't get hurt while they have the pot on their head okay you know what I just tried that Goomba battle and we actually lost it's actually a pretty tough fight over there like there's a 10 I don't know if that means that it suggests that you're level 10 before you get there but it's kind of tough it might be possible but I think this would be a good place to end this video and in the next video we'll probably be continuing to the next planet and then maybe sometime we'll come back and do all the side missions like this because I'm actually really enjoying this game it's a lot more fun than I thought it would be I really recommend you watch my video where we play the HD mod of Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door it looks fantastic and it is such a fun game thank you so much for watching hope you all have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody foreign
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 528,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario 3d world, mario odyssey, mario rabbids, mario rabbits, mario rabbids sparks of hope, sparks of hope, mario and rabbids, mario plus rabbids, new mario game, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario nintendo switch, mario rabbids nintendo switch, mario game, game game, mario movie, full movie, all bosses, all cutscenes
Id: HF6lU0Ht9mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 45sec (7605 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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