Playing Sonic Frontiers (New Sonic Game - Nintendo Switch)

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today we play the new Sonic game Sonic Frontiers I've heard that this was a Sonic game that has an open world or open zones to explore and there are also some classic style Sonic levels and there are of course giant bosses that you have to face there's some pretty funny cutscenes I've enjoyed the humor that I've seen in Sonic games thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoy this video man the music on the title screen is so nice let's play the game then what difficulty level should we choose for our first playthrough it says that you can change it during gameplay so you know let's start with normal we could always wait action style or high speed style let's try high speed style even though this sounds crazy okay so here's the start of the game okay wait what are these lights wait is someone hunting for Sonic maybe what's going on over here what's going on there's some flashlights or something over here looking through this Force are they trying to find Sonic yeah it's some robots over here did Dr Eggman oh look at those boots it's Jim Carrey that's who it is Jim Carrey such a good actor he did a great job in the Sonic movies and these Graphics look really nice the Fantastic start I've seen over here what's this in his hand is that gonna explode look at his smile where's his teeth puts it down here it's gonna explode isn't it wait why is he standing so close to it maybe it's not gonna explode but it's gonna happen oh is there some portal opening wait is this the Chaos Emerald some kind of dark energy over here is he going to summon something oh there's a portal behind him but lots of these guys are coming out oh my goodness they're so creepy they don't have pads Kitchen coming online the ancient Secrets will be mine what are the secrets what are the secrets that he wants the camera keeps doing that it's not a glitch answer me simulations executing protective initiatives what no no oh is he gonna get pulled dead no he was sucked into the wall AI has consumed it are we gonna see oh there's Sonic and Tails that's so cool how they're on the plane like that oh and Amy's there too our hero coming up Starfall Islands exciting are we gonna go to the green zone Chaos Emeralds here right let's find out what drew them here slightly different [Music] deep like that but it sounds like it has a slightly different pitch from what I'm used to in like the Sonic movie it's probably a different voice actor than the Sonic movie [Music] I'm gonna go down there wait what's happening oh no the next spot on the airplane is a little dangerous Standing On Top of the wig like that [Music] man this looks so good actually oh are we gonna go through that portal over there you know a lot of people have been saying that I should play the portal games I've been wanting to play the portal games for a really long time because that's what we're doing right now is this Sonic meets portal okay and oh whoa whoa the game starts already oh my goodness okay use the joystick to move around yes of course it'll walk around depending on how much his move pressing ZR will have Sonic boost in the same direction okay let's go let's go let's collect some rings wow you can go fast over here okay boost me over here oh my goodness yeah they were not kidding when they said that we'd be on a high speed mode over here okay looks pretty open world so far look at that the lift we did the first loop the loop of the game oh I wonder if you want to go down there actually okay let's get boosted okay wait do I have an attack oh if I you press a you have an attack it's probably gonna tell me that now right okay press B to jump pressing B in midair will oh you can do a double jump oh my goodness that is so useful okay let's go let's go through there okay very nice boost me wait how many boost do you have oh oh I should probably read what that says over here if a Target cursor is shown on a spring do a homing attack press Why Try jumping okay let's go yeah all right look at this grinding over here let's go Bros okay wait what's that whoa hey hey hey stay back stay back enemies enemies can be defeated with homing attacks by pressing y when a Target cursor is on them hey this game definitely does feel quite fast paced okay look at that this feels a lot like a Sonic Colors so far oh and there's Spike oh no okay okay okay this is all right this is all right there are some spikes over there there we go we made it over this bike's hooray good job Sonic okay now then we can get boosted run around like this yeah so far this feels a lot like Sonic colors and I really enjoyed Sonic Colors wait are we done that was very fast oh oh we didn't get all the red rings okay we got a few of the red rings wait a minute I thought that this game was supposed to be open world what's going on maybe that was just like an intro level like that maybe the other worlds are gonna be open world or I guess the other zones I guess they're called zones wait we ended up here this looks just like something out of Pokemon Legends Arceus and I like it very much okay go on get up now Sonic get up Sonic it's time to get up a more sleepy time come on Sonic it's the middle of the day it's already the afternoon get up Sonic I know you stayed up late yesterday but come on Tails Amy okay now he sounds more like Sonic and where are your friends wait you just ran through a Zone the only one who made it out of that whatever it was yeah now you have to go save your friends I wonder if we'll get to play as them portable hello you have done The Impossibles you have escaped cyberspace through your own power you who's speaking to us huh sure beats being called a rodent I can rescue my friends destroyed the top tear down the wall look at all the detail on his gloves it's like they zoomed in specifically to show that yeah okay sure how about a little context hello oh that looks so edgy oh well some direction is better than none here we go all right let's go gotta go fast now I can rotate the camera hooray oh and you can press that to bring up wait oh go to options and change okay yeah yeah we can change stuff okay that's fine that's fine wow oh this is the level that we already did okay one dash one oh so it's like I guess this is like the Overworld and then it's like you could have access to the levels you have to go and find the levels on the actual Overworld I'm guessing that's the way that it works wait what is this over here there are three ancient switches on the ground activating them will earn a reward and unlock a part of the map I can do that right you just touch the switches how do I activate them fun one two three I did it hey that looks like it's explosive that looks dangerous it's like a spiky heart bleeding challenges will reveal the surrounding area on the map once revealed the map will help in locating Guardians portals and memory tokens that's pretty cool wait what is this that I am scared of you oh oh oh it's something to collect okay wait what is this oh this is just a sign telling us that uh we solved this I guess oh we want to go over here we must go here get up here get up here Sonic go on and wow that was so cool how we spun around like this okay it looks like there's also something here hold on what do you want to do here whoa that was super cool okay I just pressed y there okay that's good that we got some stuff over there I guess that that's good I don't think that is bad wait what are those you have to run through all them they're probably things that we have to activate a notification may appear when Sonic is near something new press down while the notification is displayed to practice the action in the training simulator press down to go to the training simulator now no I don't want to go to the church I want to actually okay I guess we have to do the training simulator I want to just actually do it okay homing attack okay creating wait is that all exit training that was such good trading oh my goodness I am so prepared now well that training was really to the point I thought that the trading simulator would be like some kind of long tutorial or something whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where in the world did you guys come from when enemies are defeated they dropped various items such as skill pieces and Seed feeds in quotes gather enough scale pieces and they will turn into skill points as shown in the lower right corner of this screen these can be used to learn new skills to enhance Sonic wonder what kind of new skills we're going to learn oh nice we're just collecting all those nice so that's like XP kind of in a way maybe wait I don't know if you die if you go into water or if you stay underwater for a little while and then you drown I'm not sure how it works okay I like the way that we're moving around wait what is this kind of boost or something oh we can get up high and we can break all these and let's go we got that oh boy that was sweet okay what about this take some of these over here also then we could go fast like this gotta go fast gotta go fast oh there's a heart up there you know what I want that heart but here's what we're gonna do we're going to let's run along jump get boosted and there we go we got that heart dig okay oh and we're approaching a large triangle there's a portal are you just one of those enemies like before or are you more dangerous enemies we've already faced guys like you before we weren't scared I wasn't scared at all I took them out in a single hit these are basically like the Goombas of the Sonic World what are you guys doing uh you guys want to fight you want to fight let's go I can kick you and stuff look look I'll punch you too okay wait I thought there were four of them it looks like we defeated three where's the last one one of them get away not sure if one of them got away okay but there are a bunch of balloons and stuff over there I guess we want to head in here so let's bounce on up here oh that's so cool how we could get up like this bring me up please okay whoa oh oh that's a 10 Ring okay that's a tenor over there okay but let's try this again go like this and hold on hold on hold on what we want to do is go through there yeah look at that boost over there let's go okay now boost me there oh we couldn't make it to that one maybe we could have flown around a bit okay but let's keep going let's see where do we have to go where the where the actual levels whoa are you a boss ninja oh my goodness is the ultimate streamer Guardians are very powerful they are bigger than normal enemies and have special attacks study that moves to find an opening oh and when an enemy is targeted block onto them by pressing the right stick whoa how are you so close to me where did you go where did you go stop attacking me ninja jump let's go bam now get away okay let's go I'm locked on locked on and ready to load let's go attack me bro attack me bro I'm Not Afraid bam now get away this is so easy I can go through this entire game without taking any damage probably look at this this guy stands no shot get away there we go it'd be funny if I was getting damaged that I didn't even notice whoa whoa are you attacking so much I'm not even over there bro get away yeah keep attacking keep attacking bro whoa don't stand so close to me let's see guys this is gonna be easy it's gonna be no problem at all get away okay where are you where are you I lost sight of you whoa let's go and come on you should be defeated though easy let's go yeah it's wrecked bro Guardians will drop a portal gear these gears are very important so don't forget to pick them up got it oh and is that what lets us go to a new level or a new world maybe oh that opened up that so now we can continue across I see not sure if we really have to go around here for anything else okay let's keep going then I wonder if maybe I should be playing this on PC instead of on switch I wonder if it's gonna be like laggy at all or anything let's see oh we are bouncing around a lot oh and that just brought us back to where we were okay well we got some coins I guess oh wait oh oh no I'm not allowed to call them coins you will literally get canceled on Twitter for calling them coins I think they are called Rings that's what they're called they're not coins this isn't a Mario game okay now we know oh hold on the ancient gate seems to be locked turn the statues in front of the gate to proceed how do I need to turn them do I need them to all face the same way or face each other is there any kind of hint they've got triangles on their faces oh oh you turn it like this oh oh its head is glowing a little bit okay I want to turn this one as well wait can I not turn this one I only turned that one oh wait maybe you could only turn this one do you need them all to face the same way is this one facing a different way before how's that okay there we go you just need them all to paste the same way okay and there's only the center one that you can rotate okay that's kind of easy what about this area here that's me up here please sir thank you sir I'd like to collect these Huts uh very nice wow and hold on it shows our levels on the bottom left corner I'm guessing those are our levels it's like level one out of 99 it's like we are not very fast and I get the heart or we're not very strong rather oh actually there probably is also a speed Sun all right corner of a screen go to the skill locket where's the skills menu oh and you can change stuff like this you could choose starting speed initial boost speed turning speed boosting that's crazy that you could actually adjust this stuff okay there we go here's skills okay I guess we have to unlock this one right hold X while moving run around while leaving a light Trail after creating an enclosure with the light Trail and releasing the button various effects can happen oh and Phantom Rush okay so I guess here are some other skills that we can learn and then it's like you can choose to go like to the left or to the right if you use side Loop hold X and run in a circle be sure to close the circle before releasing X by using it in an open field not only can Rings be found but also memory tokens and seats perhaps a rare item as well let's try it oh we got a bunch of rigs okay that's fine wait maybe there'll be something in this water over here seems like this is something that they'd want us to check out there close the loop ah just rigs I was hoping there'd be something else oh sad whoa oh let's go here then and get me up here and I guess we want to go to there right yeah okay let's go to here go oh boy we barely made that hey we're up here get up Sonic wait how in the world am I supposed to make it to there how in the world don't go that way Sonic go boy oh boy oh boy I don't know how we're supposed to get that hard over there maybe we could learn an ability that lets us home onto rings and like run along with rings and just follow the Rings wherever they are okay do we have to go around these oh maybe that'll actually give us a hip for what we're supposed to do with these I wonder how long I'm allowed to uh carry that on for oh I guess that is what we were supposed to do some kind of blue grenade that we can pick up there okay and more of the map is being unlocked that's nice we almost have the whole map unlocked oh oh and this is a rail over here okay and I guess we'll be able to run along this rail let's pick that up wait this is where we came from right yeah this is where we came from oh that is a long long rail wait where now okay go here okay flip the loop on the rail whoa and we can choose to go to the left or go to the right okay I'm gonna stay on this one let's stay here go boost me okay wow this is actually so cool we're going so far oh and that's where we came from okay that is actually a super long rail that's quite nice because you can go quite quickly on this I don't know if you can fall off of these or not okay let's go yeah now we're taking this rail back which is pretty cool oh and we jump to that one okay oh if you hold this button then you keep getting boosted I think because you can see that it's like your Boost is uh running out over there and it takes some time for it to come back okay let's just kick that over there give me those Rings very nice and let's go I thought that the Boost is you just tap it and then you get a boost but it looks like you could hold it whoa wait a minute hold on we're very high over here try side Loop in combat okay some enemies can protect themselves okay let's try it wait I'm so high still let's go I shall defeat you all go hey get wrecked Bros oh are you guys still alive oh my goodness you guys are still alive okay there I defeated you very nice okay that was a little scary combo nine oh my goodness we should go and play some fighting game after this Sonic why are you falling like that that's such a weird way to fall oh press Eller R to dodge that is super cool we're learning so many great tips over here hey I really like Onyx uh Dash boost over here are we finally making it to the next level we haven't been to another level in quite a while but I wonder if this is what the actual levels are like being just open worlds like this Dimension again what is this Digi one who's that here to bridge the gap saw go between today benches this revising a Paper Mario the origami cake unactivated portals can be activated with portal gears jump onto the Portal's pedestal to insert the portal gear we access requirement two gears we only have one gear though oh we still need one more gear should we have done that it is not enough to make the connection one gear will not suffice okay yeah I understand another Target and take its gear okay I will I'll do that wait oh boy is that a guardian it looks quite large I have to battle it now tower look at its face that's such a creepy face hey let's go I'm ready to fight you okay I'm scared I was gonna say I'm ready to fight you bro to dodge lock onto an enemy with that and press lrr dodging is faster than normal movement okay let's go around it like this you can't get me I'm the gingerbread man bad Oh I thought that I'd be able to attack it but I guess not okay let's keep running circles around you hey hey where are you going where are you going I'm here bro stop moving go there we go we're bringing down the tower Bringing Down the tower no that Loop didn't close hey hey come back here you're not allowed to go there come here where are you going I'm gonna do this I'll get you I'll get you bro look because I can boost while I do this did you know that I can boost while I do this that means that you're gonna get wrecked hey come into my circle where in the world are you oh I guess there is a limit for how big you can make your circle that's it you're almost destroyed bro we got you bro we got you bro oh boy I ran into it oh no oh no oh no let's go and come on now I have to remember what button I have to let go of I have to be careful to not accidentally let go of the wrong button because Dr is Boost but X is this attack so it's kind of weird to be holding uh both buttons and then you're like okay I have to let go of this one hey come on now bro why what are my rings my rings bring my rings where are you where did you go bro where are you hey bro you need to relax okay I'm not dodging I don't care about dodging I don't need to Dodge I don't need to do any dodging you think I need to Dodge I don't need to dodge your attacks I can just run like this that'll be fine I'm almost dead maybe I do have to dodge give me back my rings when an enemy is about to attack a visual effect will appear running between Sonic and the enemy okay I'll get you okay now go how am I not damaging you what's going on hey do I maybe actually have to do some Dodges here okay am I supposed to attack you normally now oh now I just attacked you normally I see okay and let me just destroy you right now are you defeated okay okay so I think that I uh I didn't have to do any more circles around it I actually have to come up to it and attack it okay wait where's that uh place where we have to put the oh there it is oh that's so cool how it shows where you have to go like that okay let's go here let's put in our next uh gear and maybe now we'll have access to somewhere new we have a sip of my tea so my throat doesn't go bad what's going on space as many times as it takes how many times will it take oh clear portal one desk is this portal 1-2 now oh this is like the next level oh this is so exciting let's go we press it with our hand like that Ed I was thinking about how Sonic said that people always call him rodent that's so funny and let's go into the portal so I guess it's like there's like an open over world map kind of area that you go to but then whoa execute consecutive actions oh oh I think I know what we have to do I think we have to go like this go like that and then like that because you want to get as many of these as possible you jump up and then go like that okay but wait the timer's about to run out oh this is just training I thought that was the actual level I'm like what's going on hey yeah I know how to do this this is just training over here I thought this was the actual level oh you could do a downwards attack like that that's pretty cool okay then go like this oh you could run up a wall okay there are new things that we are learning okay and you could run up a wall I see Harry whoa oh Perry is both of them together okay okay I see okay continuous Parry wait okay there we go like wait I'm just getting hit by everything there we go okay now we're parrying okay I see air boost okay here in the air okay you know what that's enough training that's enough training we know how to do this oh this is a beautiful looking level we're in like some kind of city or something I really like the greenery over here okay let's go okay that boosts us across like that which is super cool okay let's get going let's take this top path over here jump up here yeah give me those give me those rings I almost called them coins I hope you guys can forgive me for this okay let's go nice music playing in the Sonic game I would have liked to take the top path but that's okay wait let's take this then come on up now come on over Sonic okay anything up here let's go hey hey no fighting only I'm allowed to fight music sounds very modern it's almost like you're expecting there to be auto-tuned in this okay let's jump across oh oh those things they actually uh boost you up like if we go like this okay they boost you like that okay I see I see how it works okay let's ride along on these rails over here loop the loop and and boost me up here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait because this is a checkpoint bike oh does it automatically activate if you make it pass oh boy don't touch me hey look here you little fuzzies we're not playing Paper Mario I've had enough of you fuzzies okay get on there okay there I wanted the red one there's a red ring right there we need the red ring well we don't need it but I guess it's like the point of the game is that you want to get these very nice very nice okay let's go loop the loop and oh my goodness that planted in the background it looks a little bit like uh the Moon from Majora's Mask that's what it reminded me of go please don't die good and oh that's the end right there okay we didn't get a lot of red rings at all Frank D even worse than last time oh my goodness I think last time we got rank C okay so let's get out of here that's good enough I think well probably the worst rag that you could get wait wait are we getting more training gun oh move around the camera okay I'm ready for some more training maybe the game is like you are so bad you need some more trading press L near Rings oh wait press it oh oh that's how you could go along those Rings oh if you press down the joystick then you can follow Rings like that that's enough training let's get out of here what even are those heart things that we collect because there were some heart things that we were trying to collect earlier okay here's Sonic Sonic is back Sonic is back and what's going on the portal is like you have done well mortal that's what it's gonna say that one vault key oh that's something new where's the Vault are we going to Gringotts we're going to the Harry Potter Bank well 730 please don't look so happy a vault was unsealed and can now be opened with a vault key now like a piece of a Chaos Emerald hey so far there hasn't been anything really difficult in this game wait is something difficult gonna happen right now damn bridge is appearing I guess we're gonna want to go across that bridge over there quite an efficient construction method if I do say so myself have these crystals that just form a beam like that oh except get the Chaos Emerald okay so that actually is what we're doing okay so let's go over here oh and I like how it shows us where we have to go that's quite nice it would be nice if it was an option and it wasn't uh huggled on by default wait what are you Barrel hey I wanted to break the barrel oh well that's fine I guess we can go like this oh oh you know what wait where am I what's going on okay there we go we're a little lost but that's fine Bring me up here oh that's so funny how he just got boosted like that okay wait what in the world did we just collect gather Coco to strengthen Sonic these creatures are called the Coco they seem to be lost locate their Elder and return them to him the Elder will surely offer a reward for their return surely whether increasing Sonic's speed or ring capacity oh that's kind of cool because it looks like right now we could hold up to 400 Rings over here wait what in the world I thought Oh Oh I thought this was a thing that would boost me for some reason but it's not it's one of those other things okay and now you can just get this right oh we need just the one key no we're not gonna get it it's gonna run away isn't it chaos Emerald's gonna run away wait or can we get it unlocked with two Vault keys of course of course like yeah you actually need two hey what's that in the background I saw something in the background there wait is it just gonna let me have it I thought it said we need two Vault keys wait do we have two Vault keys I thought we only had one maybe we actually did get one earlier but I didn't notice that we got one okay cool we got the Chaos Emerald that means that we beat the game wait what's happening now oh boy this looks so much like a Zelda boss over there okay and I guess these are like all the areas that we can go to I like how the first level or the first main world is rainy like this reminds me a little bit of Kaizo Super Mario 3D World actually this looks like a PlayStation 3 game from here on Sonic is free to explore the island and gapa Chaos Emeralds try solving nearby challenges to avoid getting lost this will unlock more of the map and show more paths forward in Sonic's Journey congratulations okay thank you thank you we're free to explore the island search for friends what like Tails and Amy or do you mean other kinds of friends these are the guys that if you collect them wait are these the guys that if you collect them you get boosted later well anyways let's make our way down here I would like all of you wait your enemies I thought you were the guys that I have to collect that's so sad I thought that you were my friends but you were enemies the only person that could hurt you is an enemy or sorry no the only person that could hurt you is a friend not an enemy as an enemy you expect them to hurt you but a friend you trust them wait is this a new level for us over here wait we need a gear right yeah we need one gear okay so we defeat that giant thing over there maybe we can get a gear Asura are you a Surah that you want to fight yes I am sure that I want to fight you let's go I'm going to defeat you Mario wait why am I talking like Luigi I need to close the path maybe I have to attack one leg at a time like ow my foot that's stung a little bit let's go like that there I attacked your foot and I went oh oh and then you attack it like that I see wait and I can just have it don't crush me okay I have a feeling that that guy's kind of strong and I'm not ready to fight him right now oh my goodness you are quite powerful since I don't think that we're ready to battle you right now let's go over here we're just leaving the boss behind and going over here okay are we unlocking this part wait it's not raining anymore like it's a sunny day actually I wonder if the weather's actually random then or if it changes based on your progression in this story okay here's our next level this oh oh I'm like wait why are we not moving it's because the cutscene is over wait is this like a 2d one wow we're in a 2d section wow that's so cool we haven't had a 2d section yet spikes watch out for the spikes okay that's oh my goodness I didn't realize that that was spikes right there like what in the world is going on are we getting hurt okay let's just careful here oh oh we want to go through here oh there's a red ring over there that we didn't get stop attacking the same one Sonic come on let's go bro let's go bro we don't have time for this let's go wait why are you boosting me up here if you want to jump over this I guess we want to jump over like that oh you can boost me up here okay very nice I'm scared that we're gonna go somewhere and fall oh nice loop the loop over here hey there's a red ring for us beautiful now let's just keep going I probably should have taken that previous boost oh go here and oh oh actually we can go like that get boosted through there oh boost me up here let's go Bros wait can we not go that way I guess oh that's the end of the level there okay wow that was fast this is probably gonna be like at least rank C right right B our best break yet all right and we even have three of the red rings that is so cool I almost called them red coins you know what I think these actual Sonic levels like the levels that are similar to The Classic Sonic levels the one that we just did I think that might actually be my favorite part of the game so far it's like oh two Vault Keys oh my goodness that's very nice wait but I only see one maybe they're overlapping or is this key just worth two Vault keys I wonder how it works oh hello there Dr Eggman wait is he in the level that I was just at because that looks like where I just was in cyberspace right now Dr Eggman jumped really well like sonican or does Dr Eggman only you to be in a digital Dimension we've employed similar constructs in my own systems but this is markedly more advanced like when you look at a really good programmer's code note to self don't admit that to anyone Ah that's the amount of data stored here defies quantification yeah there's a lot of stuff over here but it won't stop me from trying nice each portal has its own set of missions completing missions will reward Chaos Emerald Vault Keys the current amount of obtained Vault Keys is displayed in the upper left of the screen while the number required to open the next voltage shown on the map that's wait a minute so if you complete more of the missions oh you get more of the keys please oh I didn't know that that's super cool to know actually I'm gonna run around you bro and there we go you're done you're done actually you have a lot of help whoa whoa you came back I wasn't expecting you to come back so soon all right now move don't get crushed let's go come on come on come on come on come on oh now move I gotta be careful not to get crushed weapons when we defeat this guy and come on there we go you're defeated and oh we just get some experience oh I guess that means we're level two then let's go like this very nice okay so we got two of the four volt keys from there should we go back yet S rank would be hard and find all Red's Rings would be hard wait what in the world is this thing here we go and now it's just uh oh it exploded okay we got a few of these you know what I don't want to redo a lot of levels but let's try redoing this one Let's either try getting all the red rings or trying to get S rank okay so we have to do this level in under one minute to get rank s which is a little tricky I think okay but good starts so far oh my goodness actually a great start so far this is going fantastic okay let's go bro good job getting that boost and nice job making it to there and let me get up high and go far and go boost me up to here and let's go fast oh boy oh boy we didn't make that but that's fine no no no no no no we need this actually give me that hey good because we need that to make the loop the loop okay we have to make it in under a minute but let's see come on now come on now keep going keep going wait actually give me that boost because that'll probably be faster good and go there and go this way and in 50 seconds oh my goodness that's incredible I wonder if you turn up the difficulty if you have to do it in under 50 seconds wait a minute it's night time now wow I guess the weather changes while you play Hey we got one vault key yeah because now we've got three volt Keys a vault was unsealed and can now be open with the vault key now we could go get a red Chaos Emerald where is it though you know what let's go over there maybe that is where we have to go there's this guy over here as sir I don't think we could defeat yet oh what is this kind of puzzle over here well I guess you have to step on only the tiles that it tells you to step on and that almost sounded like uh solving a Zelda puzzle music like in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess oh more of this is unlocking okay oh and you could set markers on the map the mark like if you want to go somewhere as Sonic solves mysteries on the island locations close to each other will be connected by ancient rails making travel more convenient yes that is nice we have done that before let's get that beat and hermit Coco locate the red seeds and power and blue seeds of Defense ruin about the island bring them to hermit Coco to raise Sonic's attack and defense that's very useful oh and there's one of those hard things first hey I don't want to trigger you actually I don't want to battle you I'd like to live in peace please let's have a peace treaty together during scenes displayed without the camera will be fixed sure that's understandable uh right now I don't want to be in one of those times whoa whoa boy and let's get up here oh man that's just begging to be climbed Imagine The View oh does Sonic mean that Tower that's up there I'm guessing that's what he means oh maybe these heart things that we get maybe they like increase our levels okay purple coins are unique coins that are used in purple portals collect as many as possible and search for these hidden portals to redeem them cool oh and there's one of those seed things that we need on another one of those guys I'm guessing you don't take fall damage in this game do you let's see let's just go over here okay nice nice okay we just made it to there hey what's this hey let's go like this go there boost me there get me to there okay wait can we just go okay I thought that maybe those would be like coins but I guess not bro let's try this again hey there are a bunch of those guys just by the spot over there where we respond did I not collect those guys or something okay let's go hooray we broke those things okay now we got this and that brings us to what in the world can we run up this maybe thought I can climb up certain walls okay of course yes yes yes very nice on how are we supposed to climb up the higher one you can do wall run while climbing apparently okay so let's do this no but it can't get as high enough okay I went to training and it just kept telling me to do a side Loop so what if we do a loop around this thing oh it extends up at first I was thinking that it was going to be moving up and down but I guess it just extends up like that okay so now we could run up here that was so unexpected let's do a loop a proper Loop and there we go that music requires you so much of the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess because that's just right in front of us this game makes me really want to play The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess again I haven't played that in so long I've actually never beat that game it was one of my favorite games as a kid I would play it so much but I never got to the end actually oh that's World 1-4 over there oh but I don't have any gears hold on there's a Chaos Emerald somewhere nearby okay I guess the Chaos Emerald is from over there hey that's not a boss because we faced one of those before and it wasn't a boss oh cool we got that okay very nice oh here's the bridge that spawned wait let's just go like this whoa that boosts you up very high oh it's like a fan I see it's a real fan it wasn't an autograph what is this I'm not sure what that is but over here the Chaos Emerald for us oh and wait does it say zero key is required that's interesting or maybe it means like zero more keys because we have enough keys oh yeah unlocked with three volt Keys okay I see take the Chaos Emerald thank you very much wait where does he put it it looks like he puts it in his pocket but dunk doesn't have pockets does he whoa whoa whoa hold on he's something purple moving around there what's that purple thing moving around there what are you doing purple thing for there that what is that purple thing it's hiding now wait what are these what button do I have to press to get some service around here I don't know what that is whoa It's like some kind of dragon or something that's flying around it looks just like something out of a Zelda game okay let's go like this back to here this is where we were going okay let's go like this boost me up go go why can't I boost to that but it's becoming daytime that's lovely there we go okay now he finally got boosted through okay that was so weird that the Boost wasn't letting me through there ever seen anything like that before wait get up kind of high here but where do we want to go from here oh oh there's something to aim at right there and there we just get another heart I guess we just got another heart okay oh so we are getting some things by just running around cool bridge to run across over here I'm glad that I picked the Sonic Speed version well what are all these over here wait this is an enemy looks like this would be an enemy oh it just doesn't care wait what is this though I'm not ready return at times right okay okay got it this is currently locked continue with the main story try again later where do I go for the main story where must I go oh we're somewhere here way out in the middle of nowhere wow we're very far okay so this is definitely not where we have to be right now let's make our way back to where we were this game it reminds me very much of Oblivion oh what in the world okay we just jumped we flipped that upside down now what does that do you like we're doing stuff that we shouldn't be doing yet uh triangles D oh oh it's like a race to make it to there I can make it there let's go let's go I can make it there no problem let's go Bros and easy with like 30 seconds left we made it oh and purple coins and that unlocks some stuff around here okay but yeah we shouldn't be here yet we're too far but we get this stuff which is great the way that we should be going is probably this way somewhere what are all these things up here this is so strange I wonder what these are oh wait maybe we have to go climb up that thing over there the Sonic did make a comment about like oh it'd be such a nice view if you could get up there okay let's go like that okay yeah that's nice that you can do that uh dive attack like that if you while you're running if you press a hey I'll dive into you okay actually I'll just ignore you anything around here maybe if we go like this to this thing that'll do something okay oh oh we have to hit the ball through the hoop that's so cool that was a super cool one I'm so glad that we did that well these mini challenges that you have like that are actually really fun oh is that another Chaos Emerald the yellow Chaos Emerald we were shown where a yellow Chaos Emerald was on our map now we want to go is probably over wait that's so weird how I kick those stones let's head over this way okay that's nice this is lovely what shall we do here do we have to go around you guys wait it just they just disappeared there's probably some kind of challenge that we have to do around here but I don't know what it will be okay so let's see so there's that big boss guy oh maybe we have to defeat these let's go oh nice how you can take them out in a single hit like that they're so easy you little Goombas they'll get destroyed wait we got a gear for defeating those guys wow that's amazing I thought that you could only get Gears from bosses we want to make it up that now is that where we want to go right now it still says search for friends that's still our mission apparently I don't think I actually whoa whoa that actually might have been cool I don't know if that's where we want to go let's try making it up the tower maybe we could like vertically climb up this time or something oh oh wait can't we run on this yeah there we go we can run on it oh boost me like to run up faster like how he could just run up the tower like this okay now that we are up here which way shall we go whoa whoa that was right okay that was scary okay get up it's so easy to uh accidentally go too fast and to fall off I'm so scared of falling off we're so close well because we've gotten kind of high I don't know how close we are to the top oh that's almost the top right must be near the top now hey there's a bunch of these little guys to collect but wait one of these triangle things but so what stop it hey that didn't do anything there's a higher part up there that you could climb even higher but I don't know if we can get that high whoa what in the world I just looked down and then all of a sudden all these guys are over here I gotta say the music is pretty beautiful though and the music volume it's very subtle it's not like it's really in your face I guess in your ears but it is very nice and subtle very nice nice calm emotional music Let's uh do this then because I don't know if there's anywhere else that we're meant to go let's check this out let's just get boosted across over here Cole got one of those heart things do we have to go to that little Red Square that's showing us where to go maybe that's where we have to go hey hey hey no no don't send me back to where I just was okay actually I'm paying attention to like the bar on the top that I'm guessing that's showing us where we have to go something around here wait a minute why did I not try this at the last triangle oh maybe that doesn't actually do anything okay yeah it looks like it's just Rings actually what is this one if this is something else oh that wasn't anything yeah this is the red thing on our map but what are we supposed to do with this oh oh fun just run and get the meter to Max okay okay that's that was easy okay all we have to do is just use our boost and then we got it right away I wonder if this is at all similar to Sonic Speed simulator and Roblox okay so we got that yeah what do we have to do okay I guess there's something else that we want to go to over there and hold on when we bring up the map it shows us some stats like 5 out of 12 keys and I guess those are all the Chaos Emerald for this island let's see so there's probably something else that we want around here I didn't know that you could destroy those things for hearts okay but there's something on our map telling us that we should be right here unless it's above us oh it's probably above us that's why okay I'm looking around I'm like I'm not seeing anything here maybe if we go higher and it'll take us to where we have to be there's that thing that keeps going by that looks like it's out of the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess let's run up here because up here there's got to be something that we have to do right all right let's see what do we have to do around here what do we gotta do around here folks can I destroyed this ball oh you can't destroy that pool wait what's happening did we level up or something oh maybe it's because we have 400 Rings if Sonic boosts with the maximum number of rings he can run at even higher speeds while emitting blue Lightning around him when the ring count is reduced it will revert back to a normal boost oh that is whoa oh don't die don't die don't die okay that is actually super cool wow now we could go super fast there's gotta be something up here that we could do oh maybe it's even up higher oh or wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we probably have to activate all these these moving ones okay this is slightly tricky you stand on it okay and okay there we go we got the okay I was wondering if there's a timer okay but it looks like we got that one now there's a thing over there for us I wonder if we can just jump back from here because we are kind of fast we are BD Sonic go oh wow that's actually we're a bit slower than I thought we would be wait there's an X over there now I guess we have to go that way oh but this rail right here is so tempting wait did it just boost me back it just sent me back to where we were it's like no you must go this way okay wait there's an X around here somewhere something right here that we need is it down here there's the thing that we need I like how fast we go I really like how we could go this fast okay here's another one that we need wait Is this different oh this is different from the one that we've done before Oh whoops I messed that up okay let's see let's go again okay so you obviously have to go this way then you go like this then like that oh wait wait was there another round oh cause they all lit up again so I thought that we'd have to do it again okay no but that's fine yeah so it's like you can only step on a square once I wonder if you're allowed to jump I feel like if you jump that would be cheating I wonder if it does reset if you jump I'm guessing actually I don't know but hopefully it does because then you can't cheat on that puzzle there's some stuff over there that we need oh get out of my way bro get out of my way bro I don't want to fight you okay I would just like to keep all my rings do I actually have to battle you know maybe I actually have to battle you now is it time to battle you and I actually defeat you we are so incredibly fast this is unreal let's go oh I can have another gear okay sure I'll take this gear then I want to keep battling you let's go okay let's attack you now like that hey I thought I attacked this leg not attack this leg hey and go anything another gear bro how many of these gears can I have for attacking your legs you hear you don't care I wonder if I'm gonna have to attack your hand let's run over here wait didn't we see World 1-4 somewhere already where was 1-408 and hold on can we do this now now that this is weird Oh I thought that we'd be able to break down okay I guess not oh wait wait we have a marker that's telling us to go over there okay let's go over there then okay and it's nice that we can go so fast because we have this boost active because we have the maximum number of rings that's actually super cool that we could go so quickly like this okay so let's head hey wait a minute sir is this the same as sure that we were just had a moment ago or is this a different one okay this is actually so weird I would have thought that we uh just beat you actually hold on and we attack your foot like to attack your foot please okay and go go we get a gear no we don't get a gear I guess we already attacked your foot hold on what about this one let's go go attack what we get another gear oh my goodness how how that's so weird that we get that okay wait wait but where are we going okay we want to go over here wait no we've already done this one that's so weird that it keeps telling us to go back here you know what let's try and fully complete the level maybe you actually have to fully complete this level to continue the main story mode okay so we need all of the red star rings so let's see so we don't have the first one where in the world can the first one be go over that good job okay now how about down here anything come on up okay come over here okay wait is that the one is that the one hold on there's something right there is that the one yeah that's the first one okay amazing but wait now we're going backwards okay wait let's go back here then and there we go okay now we just need the third one okay amazing and then we're gonna have all the red rings okay so where's Red Ring number three is that the one that was another one wait we died no that means we have to recollect the first one okay wait but the first one is just right up here no wait that isn't where it was where was it oh no it was past this oh and then it's up here this is where it is it's up on this one okay so there's the first one and where's the third one going to be all we need is the third one now wait okay that's not the one that must have been the second one so now where's the third one going to be hey let's see where's number three let's just jump up don't know if you die if you go down here do you it looks like you do get up wait no you don't it is safe here okay and we can blast through these wait where's number three wait is that number three right there that's number three right there how in the world did I miss that one I must have like jumped over it somehow okay but we do have everything now which is great oh and let's just get that hey a bit of a slow level completion but the level is complete and we have all the red rings and that means that now we're gonna have all those keys but maybe now it'll let us go somewhere else yeah clear all four missions amazing okay but our mission is still search for friends I wonder if they mean like Tails and Amy or if they mean something else okay but I guess now we get some keys right or what happens because now that this one's fully complete okay we got one more vault key okay so now we have all the red star Rings oh oh clear dimensions and got three additional bulkies okay wait so did we get three extra Vault keys for clearing them out okay wow we've got a lot of Vault Keys now we have nine okay hold on there's something right here what is this Amy Amy yeah she wasn't here before was she who's that in the background hello is someone there to help me hang on digital maybe messing with the ruins will fix things you have to save her why is she trapped wait needed zero Hearts wait wait but we have a bunch of hearts does that mean we have enough of these hearts oh we're giving her hearts and he's saved now mission in the top right he's like talk to Amy but wait who's that person in the background still we saved your voice she's still all digital you're gonna become normal or no wait are we turning digital what's happening to our hand me you're the one who's only half here I feel fine but that energy that was holding me prisoner went into you yeah some of it did I've been infused with weird zappy stuff before besides I feel like it gave me some kind of boost oh yeah well in that case we need to get moving if I was trapped I'm sure Tails was too yeah where's Tails I'll Scout around and find you later deal be careful careful where's the fun in that oh do we do a new ability now Grand Slam wait wait do we want to do our new abilities now you are the key be empowered with this technique wait what's going on oh it just shows Sonic running around now I thought that we'd be uh learning a new ability right now oh you're big it's a big fellow over there wait am I gonna battle you now watch out Sonic Dives out of the way good Dodge yeah that is a big guy over there and Sonic Sonic just like something out of the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess look at it flakes are so skinny though it's got very long distance Titans keeping Amy trapped tight heads Attack on Titan the Colossal Titan oh there's the lady who is that does that person control them yeah who are you you leave immediately why where'd you come from trap two Sonic wants to help them sorry kid but I've got a job to do oh destroy you oh that's gonna happen how powerful is this one gonna be you're not gonna destroy Sonic are you look out Sonny happening is he on one of the rocks oh he's flying away oh oh we're actually uh moving now let's go let's go let's go break these all and make our way to him there we go keep attacking him go go go go look at this combo that we've got over here and okay I wasn't expecting that we had just started attacking during that cuts wait dude just grab me now oh no are you gonna throw me squish me wait what if I get thrown to another Island whoa you knocked those over [Music] that must have hurt hopefully we don't lose any rings for that we had a lot of rings I don't think you lose any rings from getting thrown like that because that's in the maybe you do actually why is this kid so familiar who does this remind me of okay Sonic wakes up painting ah okay I'm not taking that thing down the traditional way I'm gonna need the Chaos Emeralds and maybe a little bit of luck bit of luck huh okay so let's try and get all the chaos animals wait talk to Amy where's Amy oh I guess Amy's over there wait who in the world are you are you hermit Coco plus we meet Sonic the Hedgehog I don't think we've met just like Coco you have touched the digital dream unlike most I know how to listen to it and hear some of its Secrets hear it properly though I must keep to myself or me a homage if you like it is the path I've chosen you found any seeds in your travels I mean these things that the robots sometimes drop indeed I will unlock their powers and pass it to you hooray give me the powers defense up to level five power up to level eight let's go bring me more seeds and I will give you more power in return needs of power make you strike harder speeds of defense will make you sturdier that's pretty cool and so are you Herman oh don't comes from listening to The Whispers of the digital dream ah you have worlds of untapped potential but I cannot reach them dang know anybody who can uh unfortunately he got my sibling the Elder Coco they can likely unlock your inner strength come back and see me so I can be sure they did it right I am tired and return to the dream let me rest child okay goodbye wait now who's over here wait slow down hold on is that Amy right there who is that over here oh it's Amy hello Amy I'd like to speak with you again oh and I can't pick up this Little Penguin guy oh I'm gonna give you more Hearts now good thing that we've collected all these Hearts over here it looks like you actually need them to progress in the street that's a lot of Hearts how many hearts am I giving you hold back a bit on the hearts over here don't be so eager when you're first starting who's your friend don't be jealous Sonic what is it it's a little stone creature Pokemon what is he saying [Music] Coco says they need to find their one true love before oh that's so sweet they've been too shy to express their feelings but if they don't do it now they may never get the chance I'm attached to this story you got all that huh [Music] he's translating for me it's strange but feels natural interesting well you always had a knack for weird insights who might argue yes the feminine they have insights to this don't you worry we'll reunite you with your lost love uh I would think we've got more pressing issues but again who might argue that's buddy Sonic's voice sounds so weird to me Flex Amy's memory tokens okay so I guess now we have like a new mission that we can do oh and I like how he could go down like this if we press a and we can probably learn some new skills right skill point cost okay we have four skill points so I guess we could learn this Phantom Rush wait wait wait can we go into these two oh we don't know these yet oh Sonic looks kind of purple there okay I guess we'll learn this so Phantom Rush when the combo meter is maxed out Phantom Rush is activating resulting in attacks being 1.2 times more powerful oh awesome okay so I guess that happens like automatically that's pretty cool okay activate Phantom Rush okay keep keep attacking and fill the combo meter is full okay let's see come on now okay there we go oh it's like the Naruto Shadow clone juicy that's so cool okay and it looks like now we'll have some choices we can either use five four air trick air tricks can be performed when Sparks surround Sonic when he is in the air or sonic boom a high speed kick that unleashes shock waves to Pummel the enemy okay but yeah right now we can't learn those oh wait wait wait hold on but save data can we save let's uh actually save yeah there we are wait I've been playing for two hours already no way have we been playing for two hours okay lots of these guys over here let's see what's this over there there's a heart that we want can we get to that heart go like this wait like these heart-shaped items Amy's memory tokens to free Amy's Amy's memory tokens Can Be obtained by exploring the Island fishing and with sylu wait did it send me away I wanted to go that way though wait oh oh maybe the pink Loops they could only launch you wait a minute is that Dr eggman's ship right there because there's Dr eggman's symbol on it yeah okay it looks like that pushes you this way wait what's under here I want to go in here this hurt what is this take a loop around it whoa that's a lot of hearts that we get for that that's amazing I'm very glad that we got those and hold on where are these uh Pink things we need those pink things let's try and get into that Loop here wait wait is this gonna boost us nicely so yeah there we are okay good good good we went through that the way that I wanted to go through it now come on up here hey got a pink heart right here get some of those uh skill points or whatever from there and where is it that we want to go over there over here okay let's go over here here's Asura we keep seeing Asura over here is this at all like uh Yuri Bowser Bowser's fury it's like you want to just keep attacking it wait move okay pack the leg now can we attack it can you attack it can we get a gear or no no no gear for that that's so sad oh sad we wanted to get some gear but we didn't get any gear let's just run away then because we need to get to over here do we want to go is right what's here this Amy Amy's here hello Amy speak to me wait maybe I need to stand in front of you oh oh yeah we have to press y right okay it's like you have to stand still for a moment I'm like what's going on why can we not speak with her okay giving her lots of Hearts now [Music] because we have collected a lot of these Hearts wait wait are these two met up now because there are two other Stone guys now is Amy uh setting them up to together they'll get to know each other now ah it's so sad looks so sad over here just running in circles like oh it's Amy what's gonna happen [Music] this one worried or something poor mother so she's lost her children he's in the bathroom sure thing oh this is her mother okay I see so we have to bring the children back here okay okay are we doing a main story or a side quest here guide the Coco back to their mother while avoiding their bombs getting hit three times will fail the quest boosting and dodging are not available in this Quest this sounds like it's gonna be hard all right let's give this a shot wait wait oh do we have to collect all them or wait what in the world do we have to do okay well I guess they're gonna be bombs dropping down on us whoa whoa hold on there's a bomb right over there okay wait do I just oh don't explode hey this seems super easy so far actually okay but hold on their bums there and there and there wait is there a time limit oh I didn't realize there's a time limit oh I see now okay wait wait but we also want to push these over okay come on guys come on guys come on guys let's get going hey those are all collected now we just have to get these it's like little sheeps that we have to bring them over we have to scare over these little sheeps over there okay let's go come on now Oh no just a few to go okay and are these all collected now amazing we got them all okay amazing clear okay that was not bad that could have been a lot more difficult oh green one wait you just let me have that now oh well that was easy okay Sonic has a nice little dance for that okay I didn't expect that we would just get a Chaos Emerald for that that was quite surprising look at how it looks around their faces are so funny and here are the little ones man these Graphics are actually so weird like the texture on these things they look very low definition I understand that it's a stone but this looks very much like something that you see like in like Playstation 3 or GameCube even actually maybe a little bit better than that ah cute little rock people I like the sounds they make wait are they all going to merge together now what is that light what's going to happen oh two lights come up I can't read that what does that say oh wait they all just become Stones now their souls exit their body like I was just smiling like that what's this one saying what are you gonna say explain to us what's happening oh okay okay we'll keep looking okay we will we will that should be a Pokemon these things should be they're so adorable actually they act like none of that happened do we even know what that was yeah what was that that happened no no but I gotta got a sense of inflation that looked like completion let's keep moving I want to wrap up our time here ASAP yeah I agree sounds good to me let's go to the next Island as soon as we can hey lots of these little guys around here now where oh where do we want to go oh purple coins up there purple coins up there so we definitely want to get up here okay let's go through here oh no oh wrong button wrong button wrong button I had to take a little break now I forgot what the controls were for this game basically okay very nice purple coins and we're getting some of these okay it says talk to Amy so I guess talk to Amy is probably our main storyline Quest right now that's what we have to do where is Amy that is the question oh I guess that way I was wondering if maybe we can attack that guy that's flying around what is that guy that's flying around let's go let's go over here wait what is this some kind of portal or something hey hey I'll destroy you I'm running away I'm scared I'm sorry you're not gonna attack me are you whoa stay back stay back no my ring Rings it did Chase me no I like come on come on it's not gonna explode now after all that is it but it did oh nice a gear cool nice you get a gear for defeating those enemies when we see enemies I guess we should defeat them because maybe you could get something nice for that but it looks like Amy is uh off this way now let's just run here this kind of reminds me of this texture here reminds me a little bit of the uh new Mario golf game I wonder if uh eventually we're gonna get to a point where we don't have enough Hearts to continue this because look at how many hearts we are giving her oh my goodness hey what is it saying now Amy please translate for us Sonic looks so bored he's like come on already what are they saying what do we got to do you again endanger the world here to explain how saving my friends is a bad thing maybe we are doing something bad I will not share I will not share data with you what is [Music] what is your anyone he's even going to help this Coco reunite with their one true love oh it's like you don't understand an emotional status too vague and varied in its definition well that's a good argument actually yeah what do you mean by love ignorance is the problem I think arrogance is more of a problem who's that girl aside from being a pain no clue that Sonic's so funny poking back and forth like what's going on points to get another upgrade okay do we want sonic boom or do we want air trick you know this one seems like a powerful attack but this one over here you can get even more skill pieces so maybe that'll even let you level up even faster so let's do this one air trick okay oh that's so cool that's so cool yeah you move around the joystick while you're in the air that's cool okay so when we're in the air we could do tricks like that and I guess that could be like a way to grind XP it's so weird seeing those things just floating in the sky it looks like a mistake yeah there's so many rails in the sky now okay well let's get boosted up this way then let's go oh oh what is this oh oh it's like you want to choose a time to get launched okay let's try this again let's go go nice why B okay whoa okay and we made it to here okay pretty cool now where do we go from here boost me okay let's go why B why okay cool at heart hooray don't run up Sonic don't run up after all that work okay go here I guess we got a heart and a bunch of other stuff that's pretty cool that we got all these okay let's go like this and I guess that's everything to light here what in the world is this though push it off oh Oh I thought that was a lot closer than it was okay we've got nine Vault keys so far where are some more portals though oh here's a new one okay one four okay we haven't been to the to this one yet okay wait Place marker okay there now we can start to head towards that okay where is that okay so that's over there okay now we can start to get somewhere I like how you don't take fall damage you just go like that okay I like how quickly we can move can we go through the water very nice we can okay now we know that we just need to get over there oh that's not boosting me where I want to go we're actually going the opposite direction of where I want to go you know what am I dead in here okay we're not dead we're not good dead we're not dead very good wait what if we go like this do tricks do trick Sonic come on I'm moving my joystick why are you not doing tricks bro I thought you were supposed to do tricks bro well anyways where we need to go is over there let's head on over we need just one gear for this oh and there are purple coins very nice purple coins behind it now let's head in reminds me a little bit of the Nether Portal okay so let's give it our gear hey a new level very exciting times let's check this one out let's go okay this is a super cool looking level I really like how this one looks reminds me of uh Green Hill Zone that's what it's called right so let's boost here I saw a red coin or not a red coin a red ring back there hey let's just try and make our way through the level quick I guess for our first time playing through this we probably shouldn't try and go quickly you should probably try and go through it nicely oh like there was a red there's a red coin ring or a red star ring that's what I feel like I'm so tempted to call them coins I know that they're not coins now let's see okay now we gotta oh I'm so lucky that we made it down okay and I think there's a red ring back there also okay let's keep going and how we doing here a very nice going nice and fast here keep going go fast gotta go fast make it past those little preps those little pincers that they've got over there they boost me up please nice we got one of those no let's go through these okay that's kind of slow maybe that isn't the ideal way to go okay and we only got red star ring number four but how is our final time going to go no bro oh no we are doing so well then we fell oh that is so sad oh sand a butt didn't pass these over here okay is that Sonic you can go you can go you can do it you can do it and there's the end oh get the I missed that one too okay but wait we can get sub 130 so let's see you probably need like sub 115 or sub 110 for S right rank B okay you need sub 115 for S let's try again okay now we know what to do you know let's first uh try and get all the red star Rings that's what they're called wait let me up there there we go okay we've got that that's good okay that's the first one okay I'm too worried about these guys seems pretty straightforward so far okay that boost this nicely like that okay that'll bring us up here and where is it right here right here this should be number two right okay good number two okay now where's number three going to be let's see let's get a little boost over here yeah I think we're making pretty good time even though we're not trying to be fast right now but let's see uh jump and boost good jump and boost no we boosted past it oh my goodness we are too fast okay should we try and complete the level with a fast time now maybe we should I don't know if we'll be able to get it with a an amazing time if we can that would be absolutely fantastic wait why did I oh do I press the wrong button okay let's go go go go go go go okay can we get sub 115 it's gonna be so close I don't know if we can do it come on now come on now go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go no no okay so we might as well try and get that red one here right where's that okay there we go yeah cause we couldn't get the sub one I'm gonna get the sub 115 for S rank clear so you might as well get that red ring there oh we got clear with 20 Rings though that's nice okay let's try again I actually like this it's like there's quite the incentive for doing levels multiple times and it is quite fun and rewarding to do the levels multiple times because it's like I have to reach this goal it's like oh I missed this ring I saw where the ring was and now let me try and it's not like you're constantly doing these levels it's like there is still the Overworld Mission that's also going on okay that's not the red ring that we needed we already have that one so let's see where's the one that we need yeah the one that we need is around here somewhere I think it's going to be over here if I remember correctly let's see yes there we go okay there now we have them all okay that's perfect okay now we can try and speed through the level okay let's try and speed through the level I don't know how our time right now compares to how we were doing last time but let's see okay come on now go good now boost through yeah because last time I made a little mistake over there that slowed us down so hopefully this is going to be all right also let's see go my bro we might be making it we might be making it let's go let's go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes we even got sub 110 that's amazing okay do we have all the goals now we might have all the goals now we got them all s ranked clear and we have everything that is amazing we're gonna have a lot of Vault Keys now okay let's leave cyberspace yeah yeah so our mission is to collect Vault keys from portals right now and I think that we're gonna get quite a few from over here I wonder if alt Keys carry over from one world to the next like if you get a bunch of Vault keys on the first island can you use the same volt Keys when you get to the next Island I wonder if you can do that Vault was unsealed and can now be open with the vault key yeah okay yeah now we could go get that yellow Chaos Emerald so I guess that's gonna be that yellow one over there right let's just go like this very nice this is so nice I like this it's a pretty fun world to travel around in uh some of this stuff oh ninja we faced the ninja before Eleanor to Perry is unnecessary to Parry based on timing from incoming attacks hearing is very effective against certain enemies okay but do I want to Parry against you then if I do this attack on you go yeah you ready to get wrecked bro you ready to get right bro I'm gonna run away I'm gonna make another circle around you bro ready you ready bro you ready bro cause we're gonna destroy you you are getting destroyed right now bro oh my goodness Get Wrecked Now give me a gear yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought give me that gear okay oh that is so satisfying I wonder if those spawn at specific spots or if it's random what in the world is this what are you oh is this just a treasure nice another gear okay it's a good thing that I am keeping my eyes open for this kind of stuff over here and wait is this the emerald right here looks like this this looks just like something out of Oblivion the flowers the trees the mountains absolutely everything about this hey let's get it wait did it say we also need four Hearts do we also need four Hearts to unlock this or do we not have enough Hearts unlocked with seven Vault Keys okay now do we just get to have it or do we also need Hearts no it looks like we can just have it thank you oh oh over there's something that's ahead over there oh we don't have enough hearts for Amy no where can we get some more Hearts collect Amy's memory tokens yeah where can we get them will you give me tokens if I defeat you oh don't be a crazy enemy okay let's see how's that hey destroyed a lot of them but wait wait but they start to come back oh boy it hit me it hit me hit me back my rings where'd you go where'd you go I'm not done with you oh I guess it's like it becomes zappy like that and you have to attack it while it's not zappy hey stand back stand back because it's getting zappy and when it's not zappy that's when you're allowed to attack it hey in sappy oh it is defeated okay well there's one heart oh we need more hearts we need more Hearts Amy we need three more hearts for you so get more hearts for you Amy oh get the hearts wait what's down there oh boy we made it very nice okay let's come down here break these please okay oh one of those okay that thing boosts your attack I'm pretty sure wait what's down here there's something shiny down here why is this one so shiny oh that launches you very far this really makes me want to replay Sonic Colors Sonic Colors was very very fun it was a nice Sonic game it was my first ever Sonic game I'm pretty sure well first one that I've like played through [Music] oh oh and these things you have to tip them over like that okay there we go now we uh unlocked some more of the map I think okay there's some glowy things over here oh oh and there's a time limit okay what in the world do you have to do with these because there's a timer but oh oh we have to do that uh oh I wish I knew that earlier uh oh hurry up okay I'll hurry up now that I know what we have to do okay I don't know if we also have to do this one or if this is something unrelated okay I'm hurrying up I'm hurrying up don't worry don't worry is that all them wait is there still more oh there's one up there oh no I don't think we can make it I don't think we can make it to that one also unless three two one and oh my goodness with one point something seconds we cleared it that is ridiculous that's absolutely ridiculous that we got that okay and there we go more of the map is cleared I'm guessing if you fail it it just lets you attempt it again I'm guessing that's how it works but that's all taken care of which is fantastic getting dark now and wait what was this over here wait did we just find a vault key wow that thing the treasure chest thing that we just went around like that we I guess we got a vault key from that and over here is this the heart thing that boosts your attack I think that's the one that boosts your attack okay we probably have enough of the uh oh stay back he probably have enough of the hearts for Amy but I'm gonna attack this guy anyways because we're probably gonna need some more anyways oh stay back whoa who's attacking me are you attacking me or is that is that weird thing that's flying around attacking me hey you're zappy stopping zappy okay you're not zappy anymore what's that I can't see I can't see let's go like this okay attack hey that did some damage you grow back so quickly it is unfair Let's Go destroy destroy them hey then while it does that attack I'll prepare one of these and we can go like this hopefully take out lots of those and there we go now you're gonna explode right right stop hurting me stop hurting me make some rings I think if you get hurt when you don't have rings I think that's when you die we just collected something interesting here oh that boosts us this way actually hey let's go here then oh who's this like this okay and hey a heart cool coco another Coco this one can increase your top speed and ring capacity I think this is the one right hello hello there quick little fella aren't you the name Sonic and that says it all you don't seem like the rest of these little mask guys they are called Coco and we've endured since times it reminds me of Soul Rock from Pokemon gen 3. my name has been lost to time please simply call me Elder Coco it has been my job to look after the little ones over time I've lost track of so many Sonic I ask you to return my charges to me sure thing Gramps if I see any while I'm helping my friends I'll bring them back to you ah a true hero I will happily reward you for your efforts let's see I can do two things for you increase your speed or raise the maximum capacity of your rings cool let's do it yes you've already brought back so many safely I don't know if I want my maximum ring capacity increase because when you get here maximum ring capacity you go faster so if it gets higher then it'll be harder to reach my Max Speed let's just do increase speed ah speed raised to level two that's it I was hoping that it'd go even higher okay that's it though I've sped you up no such thing as too fast right maybe there is anything more you know what should I raise ring capacity maybe there is some benefit to it let's do it just once oh it only increases to 406 instead of 400 so that doesn't make much of a difference anyways oh well take care okay goodbye friend wait where did Amy go what is this green thing here what's that in the center over there wait do we want to go down here oh oh probably if you go down here these probably bounce you back up wait go like this oh I was so startled give me that yay we got it oh and we broke that too okay now what's over here oh a tower oh oh we battled the tower before and if I remember correctly it was slightly tricky yeah because it launches stuff like that at you and what we want to do is uh run circles around it oh boy go and hey hey where are you going no running no running away well I guess you are allowed to run away okay let's go and make a nice oh I ran up it that was so weird hey we want to run a circle around it though hey where are you going where are you going bro where are you bro there you are let's see oh boy I ran into it I keep running into it by accident if we can go like that I closed it too early because I let go of the wrong button and go like that there we go and now where are you going where's your new landing spot oh right over here that's fine I don't mind you Landing here so I can just run around you like that bam get ready to be destroyed bro get ready bro get ready bro we're dealing some nice damage onto you where are you going now huh huh you want to land right there oh you don't want to land there do you or no just pick a spot bro come on pick a spot hey there stop moving monster stop moving whoa that looked dangerous go am I dead it was camping me he was camping me it attacked me oh my goodness I didn't have any invulnerability wait oh oh I'm like wait what's going on where in the world are we it attacked me and then before I could even get up I Was Defeated wait do I still have those things from before from before this cutscene oh boy let's see okay here's what we've got to do okay I don't want to run up you no no no no no no okay I guess we're down here now okay let's go like this I thought that we are gonna have some kind of uh boss fight or something but I guess we can explore this area down here too you guys you just stop being so zappy stop being zappy hey stand back stand back stand back okay that didn't work as intended let's see come on now hey now go like this get ready bro stop it oh my goodness what are the hitboxes in this game need to learn how the hitboxes work in this game okay let's go like this I'll go around you here I'll go around you and when you become zappy no stand back stand back you're too zappy have too much zappiness your zappiness must be contained okay let's go like this yours zappy so that's a good time to attack you and now you can take them all up perfect there we go okay and okay just one of those hearts that's fine it is something it is not nothing if that gives me some XP some XP oh one of those that's nice how in the world do I make it out of here that is the question because it looks like if you drop down there you go into the water and you die oh oh there's a thing right up there okay so let's go there okay nice now wait am I still battling the tower oh I'm still battling the tower here hello Tower you like to battle me Tower I would like to battle you Tower I'm ready to battle you Tower let's go Tower oh you tried to run away huh actually you successfully ran away let's go like this I'll run around you like that and in return you'll get damaged and give me something useful how about that sounds like a fair trade okay I'll go around you I'll go like that and you'll get damaged a good Focus stop jumping where are you going where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where you going bro huh over there whoa so weird how when you run into it like that it doesn't damage you it just pushes you back hey now can I just attack you normally now oh nice I could just attack you normally let's go a nice combo and easily defeated right yeah there we go you explode give me a gear or something nice a gear perfect and something spun here kind of thing that launches us it launched me then and oh we're way up here okay I thought that we'd go into those rainbow ones I thought it would launch this very far oh that's so cool now we're going here and we're brought up to here and uh jump to there and go here run up wait we could run up this right you should be able to run up wait where do we go now though we can't go any higher than here can we Hammer's so weird here yeah what's the point of coming up here oh oh there's some stuff over there okay so it looks like we want to actually wait get up looks like we actually want to go this way and then there's a bunch of stuff here wait can I make it around this well oh oh nice you can go around the wall that's cool okay and launch me okay over here whoa oh boy I'm so scared that we're gonna run off I'm so scared that we're gonna fall off this is a cool place that we've been climbing to so far now what do we use that oh that brings us up here oh hello there friends I'll just defeat you all don't mind me don't mind me I'll just defeat you all yes that's what I'll do wow so many good things over here these are all things that boost like your attack and your defense but they're all defeated right yeah it looks like they're all defeated there's also another path that we could have taken over there but I guess we'll go through these Rings now let's see hey and that brings us up to here wait okay that just brings you back so I think we need to go like this hold on hold on hold on hold on oh this is so scary I'm just going back and forth now nope wants me there bring me to there okay good oh oh oh oh in this it's like you have to be you have to be careful you have to make the jumps like that okay let's go and go don't miss no oh it just brings us back to here okay let's try again go like that just to the side a bit oh boy oh boy oh you don't have to jump if you just tap left and right then you switch between them okay I was wondering I'm like wait is there a way to just nicely go from one to the other because if you jump then it's really hard but if you just tap left and right then you properly switch when you're supposed to like this oh okay okay and hold on and now it's gonna get a bit more tricky because now gotta boost up into those and that brings me to here let's see okay now we're at the top way up here wait a minute oh there's an emerald no but we don't have enough Keys oh man it was so hard to make it up here too wait and can we break any of these things here looks like we can't even break any of these things well we can break some of these things here oh nice and there's some of these guys that can join us Hello friends hey let's take these little boosts over here throw whatever we can here which is not a lot wait what if we run a circle around this maybe that'll do something this looks like it might be breakable if we do this ability see uh just rings that really is too bad that we don't have enough keys right now I really wish we had enough Keys okay well oh oh go down here I guess okay we're falling all the way down wait do we just spawn back up high now I wonder where we're going to spawn oh nice we're back up here okay well that's great cool it was like nothing even happened I wonder if we're gonna learn a way to uh fast travel in this game that might be oh wait that just brings me back okay let's drop down here is this where we have to go don't fall oh my goodness we just barely made that okay let's see oh I guess that's showing us where we have to go I thought that we have to go to a different spot so I put a different marker on the map wait what's here oh Amy's right here okay I thought we had to go somewhere else what do you mean we're not ready like those heart-shaped things okay okay four more but I just collected a bunch of them I need four more oh my goodness how many of these things do we need Amy Amy how many hearts do we need for you I gave Amy my heart but it wasn't enough okay let's go and okay there we go you're defeated you don't even have a heart for me bro come on have a heart bro where can I get some hearts what's this down here are you an enemy are you something that explodes are you gonna chase me and explode you're gonna chase me and try to explode aren't you I'm gonna run away from you then you're not catching me I'm Gonna Keep running I'm gonna keep running I know last time I stopped you exploded yeah I'm not falling for that one again oh and these guys come out wow that's so strange okay but what do we get okay basically just XP you have to get kind of close to that to actually collect it which is kind of surprising so weird how some of that grass it doesn't appear until you get close enough but where do we want to go okay here's another one of these over here I guess we need for those uh heart things right now okay wait wait wait let's do this no no I didn't think that we were close enough to get hit okay but wait did it even have a prize for us maybe it didn't even have a prize for us that's a lot of Hearts that's what I like that's what I like to see give me all of those hearts all those hearts are now ours okay now eat at zero perfect let's have a chat with Amy now there we go now I can give you all of these Hearts hopefully this will be sufficient oh my goodness look at all those hearts that we are giving her we really have to explore the world and collect Hearts all right what's happening now Amy please translate for us something wrong something wrong they say they're Amore was stationed on the far side of the field this is the field okay I'm not seeing a lot of farming going on yeah neither am I maybe if you use that new technique of yours you can clean up all this wild brush another mini game mini game style Mission we have to also avoid bombs remove weeds with side loop I keep trying to read that as Cyclops and reach 7 000 points before the time runs out watch out for the bees avoid them by luring them towards Flowers by using quick side loop on seeds to make them bloom interesting very very interesting it's so weird how that doesn't load until you get close enough this is actually really weird okay let's see oh wait and am I allowed to do boosts or no let's see how's that okay does that get boosted stay away from me hey let's go like this okay that'll be a nice big group there very nice plus 570 okay stay away from me bro okay let's go let's go stay away from me and hey that looks pretty good okay we're almost halfway there let's go like this and nice big one over there it just don't get hit by the bees where are the bees it's raining bees shouldn't be out in the rain they shouldn't be out in the rain okay and I'm guessing if we already cover an area once and we're not allowed to get crops and get points from it again I'm guessing that's the way that it works okay and we're almost at seven thousand almost made it no we got hit by a bee we were hit by a bee no okay but is that enough okay there you go that's enough very nice yeah we cleared it in a kind of weird way cleared a lot near the start but not too much towards the left oh you have to press B to go next I'm wondering like wait why is it stuck like this what's going on how long are we gonna look at that oh and did they just give us a Chaos Emerald now nice all right so now we're gonna dance in the rain again it looks so dark in the background hooray our little friend is so happy our little Stone friend I wonder if these guys have been in any previous Sonic games used to be Farmland huh yes they make it sound like it was abundant but now what happened I mean it's grassy yeah yep but I've seen this kind of recovery in areas Dr Eggman damaged something ruined this land barely begun to recover what are they going to do we need to make sure it has plenty of time to heal right okay now collect both keys from portals okay let's go look for some more portals then but I go back to the previous portals maybe I should go back to the previous portals I could get some more keys from them I don't know if there are more portals around I'm guessing there still probably are some more portals around but we don't know where they are oh and these spots are absolutely amazing oh nice just a vault key just like that okay that was an easy way to get a vault key wait what's over here uh you know what that looks like a side quest I don't want to waste my hearts on a side quest right now sorry Amy but we're gonna have to leave you over there as our hearts are only for the main quest wait what is this oh you're gonna boost me up hi boost me oh wait wait we've done this one haven't we yeah it's like where you have to press all these buttons okay that's enough that's enough let me out of here let me out of here let's go over here and friend what are you doing here gonna run a circle around you all right are you sleeping don't wake up gonna do an attack on you Cyclops attack or I guess it's psylops not Cyclops oh oh oh oh oh I actually forgot what this one was okay this is the one where it's like comes down like that and then you want to get away before it comes back down okay perfect okay so attack it can we finish it up come on no it still has a bit of HP left okay can we get something nice from you oh that was a lot of damage ah just experience okay wait 12 13 wait does that mean we have 13 left or is 13 hour total right now maybe we can we have 13 skill points left oh my goodness that's a lot so what should we learn you know I guess let's do Sonic Air hold ZL in midair or during a combo a high speed kick that unleashes shock waves to Pummel the enemy let's do that one well DL while in the air that is super cool I really like that actually wait can you just do that infinitely because that seems really really useful and we can almost do wild Rush while that's cool there are actually a lot of attacks that you can learn okay wait what's this what is this hold on there's something that we have to do around here yeah we can't break that wait why is this in a circle though that is slightly suspicious that it's actually in a circle like that okay so that is what you have to do okay because I saw that there's an enemy nearby I'm like wait do we have to clear this grass that's in a circle around the polar do we have to do something else okay that's nice that more of that is revealed wait is that a new portal or is that a portal that we've already been to okay no I'm guessing that's the portal that we are trying to get to right now okay what about you you're gonna start following me now right right yeah you're gonna start following me so I'm gonna run over here through the water I need to go back and get that though oh don't explode by me wait are you the one that's about to explode are you the other one the other thing that comes up you're the thing that comes up right okay let's do this now Tyson powerful attack we can deal a lot of damage onto it 66 combo wait why did I say Phantom Rush what does that mean go okay now you're defeated right okay good you already okay next and we get a gear which is amazing and we can go like that another vault key oh my goodness that's amazing that we just keep getting both keys like this wait are you gonna give me anything is it time to attack you again because it seems like Asura every once in a while you can attack it I've attacked it before and we dealt some damage well I'm around the foot and anything special now let's go come on now you want anything for us no we didn't get anything oh no so that means that the other foot's probably also not going to give us anything but we can try let's go around like this wait oh maybe it's like once you deal enough damage something will happen hold on let's try this again let's try going around again wait what if the point of the game is you actually want to defeat this enemy over here and what have you just spent like hours and hours attacking it like this wait your foot's not even coming up anymore what's going on bring up your foot I command you to raise your foot will you not raise the other foot also come on no you just won't raise your feet okay you know if you don't raise your feet I'm just gonna run over here then okay wait did we fully complete this level let's see yeah we fully completed 1-3 let's head over there I guess oh what is this something to do here what do we do with these do we just have to break them all oh you probably have to light them all up is that all them oh one more oh oh oh it's like they stay lit up only for a little bit and you have to do it before they get taken out oh no have some reels up here that's nice we get one of those fruit things that's all right let me go around that okay that doesn't matter okay that's fine I'm guessing we can probably travel across on the rails right or we could go down here the rails are probably faster let's go over here let's use the rails rails bring me this way oh boy okay let's go oh nice loop the loop hey we're coming down like that and let's go across through here hey going nice and fast here wait wait wait did we pass by where we wanted to go yes we actually wanted to go back there you know what let's jump off and here's this rail okay so this should bring us to where we want to go okay spinning around a lot where is it right over there right yes it should be right over here where are you we've got one of the Four Keys over here oh oh I didn't even realize that we were sparkly there okay let's see this level I don't even remember this level it's been a little while since we've been here okay so we need all of the red star rings and we also need to complete the level quickly so let's try and go as fast as possible first let's just see where shall we go okay nice rail go boost me let's go going nice and fast okay let's get a bit to the side over here okay nice boost that a red ring back there hey what's an enemy doing here there'll be no enemies here no enemies at all okay bring me up it's a little slow to get up like that I think okay let's go pop these balloons I can see a bit of Sonic Colors actually okay let's go here go left okay go this way okay I think there was a red ring there okay come on up here I think we're making good time let's go and go to the side go to the side go to the side okay good and we're probably gonna finish with a good time I think as long as things don't go horribly bad come on now come on now and that should be the and no bro come on oh my goodness that is so incredibly set no that's even worse oh my goodness I can't believe it one is there something spiky there that I'm running into what's going on oh there are spikes right there that I keep running into that's why I'm like what in the world is going on I keep thinking that we have to walk up to that wall and then jump but oh and there are spikes right there don't die okay just get the red one okay there we go at least we got that okay and there we go there's the end of the level that was that was such a silly mistake oh and you want sub 55 seconds for rank s that's actually difficult Yeah we actually probably wouldn't have gotten that this time okay so now let's try and get the red rings then let's be on the lookout for where the red rings might be okay so we need red ring number two and three those are the two that we need Okay so let's see anything up here maybe okay there's something right there which one is that let's see which one that is oh go back go back Sonic we need that one no don't boost sweet board I wanted to go back here let's see where is it stop it stop sending me there I don't want to go there I'm not an email do not send me there okay that was number two okay now we just need number three you know what maybe it's up here so let's come on up let's go across like this and where in the world the number three maybe it's actually back here so hold on I actually want to come down here first okay there's a guy just standing there but it doesn't look like there's anything here okay so we'll continue loosenia please uh friends I'll just defeat you all and I guess we have to go across like this for this area now then it's probably gonna be on one of these right let's see is this the one okay that's the one okay nice so now we have all of the red star Rings which is perfect now we just have to finish the level safely okay and let's just go wait did that checkpoint count okay good it seems like you don't have to actually walk through it you just have to go past it like that okay okay and yeah we already have that one okay so now all we have to do is finish off this level and wait is this the ending over here yeah this is the ending because I kept running into the spikes over there and you also want to go over here go like that and there we are okay we have 118 rings so I wonder if we get another key for that also okay you know what you know what I gotta do just because this one I keep not being able to get this one like no matter what I try I try the Rings I try the other stuff for some reason I'm just well it not for some reason for the reason is that I'm too slow I'm just not able to get the S rank time for this one I'm not sure what you have to do because I feel like I'm doing stuff pretty well like it's even really difficult to get under one minute like it's super super difficult to get to under one minute but you have to get under 55 seconds but let me try going into the settings and changing the difficulty and let's see if they change things let's see if now we can oh oh nice now we can go up to the one up there yeah we have been to that one before so we know where that is oh there's a cutscene now oh another customer oh my goodness I want constant updates wait is that person working for Dr Eggman oh it looks like we're looking for a way to get me out of here I am evaluating all safe options this person really on eggman's team thank you doctor oh interesting okay so we want to go get that Chaos Emerald but first let's change the difficulty and let's see if there's a different time now is it still sub 55 even if it's sub one minute that would still be tough but let's see if things change now like that seems like it's a pretty good start the only thing that slows us down a bit is that thing over there the thing that boosts you a bit like that oh boy and we missed that one okay so we're off to a bad start so far actually really so Sonic like Sonic come on you gotta go fast you know that's what you always say gotta go fast right are we going faster no what are we doing up here this one let's go up here let's go here then we want to go across these I wonder if there's a faster way to do that okay but now we're here so that's fine you can get like this boost fun just keep using up that boost we gotta go faster bro wait I wonder if you can hold forward while you're on that to go even faster hey but this looks good go over that bro bro go through that okay good job good job yeah we're already at 50 plus seconds over here I don't know if we can even get [Music] sub one minute here go [Music] come on no no no no no no no yeah that was bad hey but what time do you need 4S rank now or no matter what the difficulty is you still need 55 seconds for S rank how in the world do you get sub 55 seconds here oh man I'm gonna have to come back here sometime because that looks really difficult okay I was barely able to get under a minute and we need sub 55 seconds so I'm gonna have to come back here sometime maybe if we need more keys wow actual moving platforms that's interesting okay and another heart that's lovely okay let's unlock some more of the map with this one oh wait or did something actually appear oh wait do we have to make it over to that in time maybe wait a minute I could have sworn that we've done this one before okay maybe this is just something similar okay let's just run to there that's actually pretty far away wait unless oh it's just right over here okay I thought it was farther okay that should be fine though there we go we made it oh that just makes some more rails up here okay and we get one of these blue things well more of the map is the case when more of the map appears for you like that now just give me that and we have to go find where that uh that white Chaos Emerald is it was somewhere up high oh like this good oh oh we have to attack that whoa hold on hold on I just saw something there yes give me this see the heart what are you probably have to break you right and break it hey we broke okay a bunch of experience okay nice and wait nice and we collected one of those little guys perfect and this brings us like we're on a roller coaster it's pretty cool wait is this showing us where we have to go yeah it's up there okay that's where it is that's where it is that is where it is that we have to go place that we must go is over there but wait oh I love these right here give me something good okay nice heart I like those hearts they're called like Amy memories or something I think okay but you we can destroy you wait are you gonna explode and chase us now you're gonna chase us now you want to explode huh that's fine no one can explode us we will be safe they'll never catch us even if we run in a circle like this what do you have for me nothing up there is where we want to go right yeah 500 something away so let's make our way there I guess we are still not ready for this part it's so weird how the whole time we're still on this island it's like it's a pretty long game so far and we've only been on one Island so far so that's uh kind of surprising actually oh well one of these things Oh Oh I thought that we'd have to harm it or something whoa whoa whoa actually I want to go back uh you know let's go over here then boost me up here come here okay let's jump across and oh oh goodbye okay sure let's just make our way over here wait wait is this a treasure no this isn't a treasure that's just something that we've already completed right yeah okay this one we have completed fight way squid we're finally face to face with the squid you finally want to battle me bro you wanna battle me bro I'll battle you where are you come down here come down here and I'll Attack you I'll Attack you bro actually uh maybe I shouldn't fight you maybe I should run away wait what if the way that you fight it is you have to get onto its tail thing over there and you go up to its space what if that's the way that you have to battle it I have to go up like this face it come here come here you coward that's right run you coward I'm not afraid of you you're afraid of me oh nice another one of these and we can go like that break that okay good wait what's in here something to do here what do we have to do here oh wait no it's not just break this that wouldn't be it okay no it can't be that so what do we have to do here you have to break this thing get around it Sonic come on Sonic okay we got a heart so I guess that's something but what do we have to do here oh oh it's probably this pile of leaves here oh that's probably not it is it wait let's go like this oh oh and then you step on it okay there we go now that's activate oh and that's where we just were a moment ago and I think that thing boosts our strength if I remember correctly I wonder if that what's that little thing on the map is that one of the elders or is that the the little thing that was jumping there I don't know if that's one of the elders or the squid it kind of looks like one of the elders if you want to get up there how in the world do we make it up there again oh I guess we have to go over here first go like this guys that want to fight here huh I'll take you guys out sure these little enemies they're easy to take out and sometimes you get something nice like a heart like that from them now we should be able to just make it here right don't fall don't fall bro be careful I don't know if there were pink hearts down there but that's okay now where we want to go is get boosted up here perfect and now we know how to make it up here because now we've got better controls well now we're better at controlling because now we know like what buttons to press to do certain things we know that if you want to go left and right between those cable things like that you could actually just tap left let's go like this oh oh you can fall all the way up okay so let's be careful when we go like this okay let's do some crawling now because we don't want to fall all the way off I'm so tempted to just run to this side okay but let's go like that now okay there we go there you go yeah that's like one of the scariest sections go here go like this run up bro run up bro why can you not run up bro come on come on bro come on Sonic my bro why are you not what are you doing bro okay well we're up now that's what matters okay now we're up Let's see we have made it to here and we just have to make it up to the top okay now this section now that we know that you could just tap left and right it becomes much easier there we are and what now okay grab that spin up oh oh oh we have to grab that okay let's go let's go let's go I'm ready wait is this just gonna repeat the same Loop now oh no it brought us somewhere else okay that's fine oh oh and this is gonna we have to jump up to those let's just be careful now I am a little scared because we are pretty high over here but there we go finally we made it and we have enough keys wait aren't these the lights that YouTubers use these look like they're kind of like oh I broke it I'm so sorry other YouTubers I am so sorry now oh boy your lighting is gonna be so bad how in the world do I have so many skill points okay let's see what we want stomp attack wait I thought we already have a stomp attack maybe that just makes your stomp Attack stronger or you get wild Rush a high speed zigzagging attack that one sounds cooler let's do this one oh oh I guess you have to go close and go like that wait I I have no idea if I'm doing the attack or not how does this work oh oh I just accidentally did it I don't know how I did it but I just accidentally did it yeah I have no idea what the controls are for this oh okay I found a high dude okay so it's like you hold the button then you press the other one wait no I don't know how to do it I'm trying to do one button and then why or both buttons and then I or press one and then why okay so if you tap the button and then you tap y I see okay so if it's like if you tap L or R and then you mash y then it works this one sounds kind of cool homing shot launch a volley of energy Spears at the energy but that needs 30 points so we might get that one next okay so finally we can now access this Crystal over here oh wait now Crystal what is it called Chaos Emerald that's what it's called okay oh unlocked with eight Vault keys wait I thought we had like 20 volt keys or something now I'm surprised that we have to use so few Keys a very nice music that's playing too get the Chaos Emerald yes that's what we are doing right now up there on the top right it says get the Chaos Emerald there another cutscene though oh back to over here with Dr Eggman under my control but I can still only command a few of the Ancients relics at a time commendable what about finding me a way out of this digital Dimension I have Run 1 700 050 simulations there is no scenario to safely remove you from cyberspace keep looking make it your number one priority but keeping you safe oh that's so wholesome wait so I wonder what's going on with them okay wait where's Amy now oh oh I guess Amy's that way right yeah we could see that she's uh 200-ish away wait is she just at the bottom of this do we just drop down to her go there go and don't fall oh boy that was scary okay wait but Amy's here yes we have enough that's so nice it's so nice when you have enough of the thing to continue the game that's the best because sometimes it's like you just have to keep going and exploring and making sure that you have enough hearts and enough Keys okay so what's this okay this person's bouncing around are they gonna say something them rolling around they're having a blast ing their own [Music] Tails taking detours the whole way wait I saw the squid going over us are we gonna have to battle the squid you would leave behind someone in need no but I'm also worried about you you can't help anyone if you're stuck in limbo yeah that's true they both have a good point all right [Music] so we can [Music] sound cell enough wait talk to Amy but we just talked to Amy you have to talk to her again where is she now oh now she's across that way wait but I think I saw let's get that heart there first very nice and you know what why not defeat this guy over here why not ah that didn't work Odo oh no okay let's go like bro don't be a little punk okay guess what we're gonna do I'm gonna get you like this and we're gonna go like this go spray them all come on come on now go there we go okay you're defeated okay I'm like come on come on come on I'm like holding my breath for that attack wait is this a fishing spot right here what is this number of casts I guess this is a fishing spot hold on first let's collect these guys that are around here kind of like how it changes from daytime to night time reminds me of Pokemon Legends RCS a lot but let's do this let's try fishing okay and what does it start just like a normal level I'm guessing it starts just like a normal level yeah it looks like just a normal level oh who are you hey Sonic you come here to fish too how did we get here big what are you doing here how did you get here what even is here yeah it's like we're in a dream or something I don't know I was looking for fishing spots and wound up here like we're in a dream so now I'm fishing of course you are would you like to try I'll let you borrow a rod I heard this one joke about how you know that a game is good when it has a fishing minigame yeah I guess it wouldn't hurt to de-tense for a second do you know how to fish the lighting on some parts of the lake looks incredibly weird look at that it's like it's flickering hey you've got a butt why are there like random squares lighting up I'll leave it to you pull it up can you see the red ripples when the white Ripple overlaps with the red one Lift Your Rod up quickly visit motion controls oh oh you have to press a okay okay oh Sonic has that light up here over there you hooked up my deca oh and we got one token for that thanks a fishing token awesome you've caught it already nice catch Sonic I'll trade you a token for any fish you catch if you get plenty of tokens I'll trade them for some of the treasures I found just tell me what you want who's tell me what you want why is that voice so familiar he really likes those purple coins if you bring me one I'll let you borrow my rod again oh is that what we use the purple coins for get treasure tokens from Big by catching fish once Sonic has accumulated a good amount of tokens head to trade tokens to trade them for items that will Aid in his Adventure a gold card is an item that can be exchanged while one of the items on the list and carefully about which item will be the most useful would you like to try I'll let you borrow a rod let's go fishing because I think this is the only thing that we use the purple rods for right let's come over here go the lighting here is so weird actually sometimes like sometimes it looks fine sometimes it looks so weird okay let's see fun wait where's the red uh okay there we go I'm like wait is the red going to be appearing or no whoa that's a big fish I didn't think it would be that big six tokens very nice okay let's catch some more the way that these squares light up is so strange it's so weird I'm guessing it's not like that on uh desktop I'm guessing it's only like that on the uh Nintendo switch version oh a treasure chest let's open it up and oh cool we got a gold card nice I wonder how many of those uh things you have to use for a gold card I wonder how many fish tokens you have to trade to get one gold card let's see yeah some of these fish are easier to catch than others oh nice a car looks golden okay three tokens for that nice yeah that one worth six was a really big one I wonder if you could just keep catching fish here uh or ever like I wonder if there's a limit on this let's get that okay oh a dart frog a poison dart frog and only one token for that okay be careful with it if it's poison yeah I wonder if there's a set amount of fish to catch or if the fish will keep respawning let's see I wonder if we could also go to the other sides oh no I missed no no I want that one back oh no I was so nervous come back to me my shiny fish is the one there we go we get to get the shiny fish now or maybe it's another shiny fish whoa some kind of scroll Elder Coco's scroll eight tokens wait do I also get to keep the scroll or no roles can be obtained while fishing these Scrolls unlock fast travel to the Elder Coco and hermit Coco but only for the island where they are obtained from oh that's pretty useful okay but the way that those squares light up on the water is so weird I actually can't believe that there's something like this in this game like you'd expect something like that to be on emulator but not on actual console okay that's probably just one token a goldfish right yeah just one token for the Goldfish and hold on we've got 18 purple coins do you use up one purple coin for each fish or is it each attempt or each time that you go fishing I'm not sure how it works okay that one tried to run away a bit maybe it'll be a big fish let's see nope not a big fish that's probably worth just one token right flying fish yeah just one token okay and we're down to 17 purple coins so it looks like either every fish or every attempt is one purple coin [Music] purple coins in the game or if you keep getting them oh but if you do this I could probably keep getting the hook to tadpole that's probably also worth only one yeah we got some lucky stuff early on but now it just seems like it's a lot of small stuff over here what if we go for something like this one of the bigger ones off to the side I wonder if we could also go fishing at a different part of this like if we could go fishing by the side oh it's shiny so we got it okay I think I'm getting better at fishing oh and it's another chest oh it is a gold card lovely yeah that lighting is just so weird though I actually can't believe that like sometimes if you play games on emulator sometimes the lighting isn't too good on an emulator and you'll see weird graphical glitches like that but it's so weird to actually see that in the game oh a crayfish I thought it was a lobster for a second I guess it's a crayfish Ah that's only one token poor crayfish hey let's catch one more fish final fish now final fish let's go okay and okay is it gonna be a big one or no let's see whoa whoa whoa a chopper it looks like it's like get a few more we'll get just a few more because we do have all these uh we do have all these purple coins but maybe you want to save some of the purple coins and use them for other islands that like you could fast travel there a black bass that's where three hey let's catch another fish over here What's it gonna be come on here fishy fishy fishy okay that one seemed really easy because it went slow whoa not a ring wait does that count as just one ring oh three tokens nice okay yeah I was wondering I'm like wait does that mean that we just have one ring added to our ring count that would actually be like the worst prize ever because rings are so easy to get they actually got something nice okay and that was another easy one whoa uh manta ray a red stingray oh wait yeah not a mandarin a stingray sticks tokens that's a nicer word Okay so we've got 41 already oh so he's all soiled out of portal gear and Chaos Emerald Vault keys but there is some other stuff that we could buy oh you can get 20 lost Cocos you can get blue seed of Defense red seed of power oh you could buy Amy's memory tokens that might be useful you know let's get out of here for now I'm happy with how that went that was a nice fishing spot over there oh and now we can fast travel to the Elder I wonder if you could always do it or if you could only use it once while fishing Sonic may come across Scrolls Elder Coco and hermit Coco each have their own Scrolls and using these Scrolls will unlock the Fast Travel option to their respective Coco I'm guessing you could use it an infinite amount of times and okay wait but yeah what's her name is nearby Amy's nearby we have to get to Amy over there okay Amy's not super far so let's go to Amy I kind of wanted to get up there but they're like oh it didn't work okay so that's fine we can just keep going then okay let's get she is very nice oh don't run back to the guy that wants to explode wait is he stuck back there look at that look at this AI that AI is so horrible that it gets stuck like that I should have gone for the stingray guy over there let's go through all these break those shiny so I'm a little suspicious of this I don't think anything will come of this wait oh oh the way that the camera zoomed in on me was really weird I'm like wait did I just trigger a cutscene of some sort but so like that get all those let's keep going oh some of these little guys okay but these guys we can just take them out in a single hit like this whoa hey hey hey hey defeat them okay good they all defeated okay nice we got one of those defense orbs and the Amy that we want to go to is just right over here talk to Amy we have enough Hearts tell me we have enough Hearts please tell me we have enough hearts yes we have enough Hearts okay that's amazing hey let's give her some more hearts is an interesting way that they made this game it's like you have to give Amy these Hearts to progress in the game and you get the Hearts by basically exploring the world so you can't really rush through unless you find a spot with a lot of hearts hey where are we going now kind of cool how Amy's digital like this for the whole game so far what's that that's appearing up there oh whoa like we're both real all of a sudden what's happening are we both in some weird world what's going on is this like a memory or something it's a weird color oh wait that kind of looks like the little Stone friend what's going on maybe this is like a memory that we're viewing this is probably some kind of memory oh and the person they want to find their long lost love [Music] I'm guessing Lauren on the left is the boy and the one on the right is the girl because it looks like more masculine and more feminine oh now they're gonna hug Ah that's so nice you're gonna be a big explosion though the dangerous for us too or is it just a memory for us and we're safe yeah it looks like we're back to normal is Amy still digitized gonna happen Amy's still all digital like oh I'm not real anymore I'm not a real girl like Pinocchio wait are they together now I wonder if now they're gonna shoot out that beam of light because now their uh Mission has been completed they were reunited right before the end oh that's so sad they're together now you take a minute I'm gonna keep moving wait but it says talk to Amy again do we have to give her more things wait what's going on what's going on oh oh it's because I reached the max number of rings I'm surprised that I can't break these actually very surprised okay let's go to Amy do we have enough I mean do we have enough for you where are you we still have enough how many of these Hearts do we have that's actually wild that we still have enough hearts for Amy over here can't believe that we have so many hearts okay now we're going to this flower field place over here what's gonna happen here just Amy sitting in the field over here oh she can't even pick the flowers and play with them are those pumpies they kind of look like poppies yeah because she's still thinking about the cocoa [Applause] music's very nice and more what else are you thinking about Amy I'm not sure what happened but I know what I saw a love that transcended time I believe in that power when this is over I want to share that love with the world even though it may take us far apart that sounds you know wholesome [Music] look at that oh boy the graphics I know you're so strange sometimes I want to hear all about it when you come back I wonder if this will end up looking better on uh other consoles oh these are starting to break now can we finally access this now what are we gonna do what's up Amy look uh wasn't this region locked off before I think you can interact with it now why is locked off I think you can rotate some of them oh one of these puzzles I remember there's like the other puzzle locks and show me the weight of that Titan shot all right what's the right way to do this there's a pattern on the ground among the many tombstones there are black tombstones that can be turned earn these tombstones and point them in the right direction the pattern on the ground may give a hint okay wait so which ones can we turn it's one of the ones that we can turn oh nice nice nice okay so let's see hey let's go like this hey well that looks fine so far wait oh oh and I don't actually have to walk up to them I could just go to the one that I want this is quite wild wait do we just go like [Music] yes or do we want to go like that okay that's a mirror okay they're all getting connected now hold on hold on hold on hold on can we which ones can we move let's have a look at this I think we can move these four right okay let's try moving this one then and wait where does that one lead I think it's like ah okay now do we want to move wait wait I want to go to that other one one and this one oh but if you move that one it also moves the other one ah this is a little weird well let's try that yeah let's try bringing each one to a line and then moving this one no no I don't want to move this one here I don't want to do that what I want to do is this because I'm guessing the hint that they're giving is they say like make the light Move Along on those dirt trails I'm guessing that's what we have to do or wait or do we need all of the light to point at this Center thing maybe we need all the lights to all point at this enter thing over wait no this one I don't think it can reach oh unless it goes like that okay maybe we need all the lights to all point at that Center thing I think that's actually what we have to do okay so let's just move around these lights yeah like that's two pointing at it I guess you probably need all four though let's see that goes around like that and what if we make it keep going like that okay and then that seems like we have two of the four in place what if we keep going like this that light just ends up coming back to us though so we probably don't need to do that actually this is so weird because like if you move this one then you adjust all three of them actually well if you move this one if you move the left one then you adjust the top three if you move the top one then you move the top one and the bottom one okay we can almost get there okay what if we do that okay that looks good if we do that and if you move the right one then you move the right and the top one oh boy this is so confusing actually oh boy there's so much to do it's so hard to get all the lights all lined up okay I've got three of them lined up but wait wait wait we gotta go like this somehow we gotta get that wait wait will this work hold on no oh it's so close it's so close oh man this is wild wait or do we need this one pointing up here oh oh oh or do you need the light to go through all of them maybe I don't even know what we have to do hold on what if we go like this bring this one down there okay I guess that's complete okay I didn't think that that's what we had to do okay you have to line them up like that apparently that's trickier than I thought it would be what's gonna happen with this one this looks like it's something on a PlayStation 3. yeah look at that water that water does not look very impressive graphically I'm actually kind of surprised maybe it looks better on other consoles this is on Nintendo switch right now what's that that's coming out over there [Music] is it what's going on Amy tell me about what's going on big Showdown Attack on Titan your short match if I can't find the last Chaos Emerald though you searched everywhere I could I'm out of ideas [Music] maybe I'll find it along the way maybe we get it for beating the boss wait is this really the final chaos yeah there's only one Chaos Emerald left in this world wait why do we have so many keys though still have 21 Keys that's unbelievable okay so I guess we have to head up there to face the boss then how are we gonna get up the waterfall what of you Falls and Mystic ruins uh okay I'm like Sonic what's going on what's going on okay wait can we go behind the waterfall or what's going on let's see oh oh nice boost me up here bring me up wait now what over here okay and what do we just jump up there okay let's jump up and bring me up bring me up okay let's go almost at the top and this is it I'm ready to battle you I'm ready to battle the Titan to get Sonic coming down over here got some heroic music wait but we didn't even win the boss fight yet the bus fight didn't even start where's the boss [Music] look at that grass on the left over there the way that it's flickering it looks like we're playing on an emulator sometimes that's so weird how the graphics are like that I'm actually so surprised that it's like that it's Sonic's running along okay pretty cool cutsy note besides that flickering glass glass grass that we saw earlier there's the Titan back on tight it's the Colossal Titan I'm ready to battle you bro wow that's a lot of sets of teeth but his teeth are very flat so maybe it's a vegetable eater maybe he eats brass he doesn't actually eat Sonic Sonic cannot match giganto's power yet reach giganto's head to transform into supersonic okay so let's see how is this boss fight going to go we want to make it to his head oh oh and I like how there's a Target over there telling us that we have to get to his head how in the world are we gonna make it up to his head though what are we gonna do it's kind of scary he's a big fella over here don't step on me if I make some circles around you like this you can circle around your foot like that hey hey stop moving your feet okay gotta gotta slow down a little bit over here okay where are you gonna step over here let's see I'm assuming that he's gonna step somewhere over here let's make a big circle around him man how could I close up this circle oh boy we're so fast wait are we supposed to climb up his leg or are we supposed to make a circle around it how in the world are we going to defeat this guy he's so big over here I'm guessing that we have to run circles around his legs but he just keeps moving it's so hard to get him what if I just stand down here oh come on get him get him get him get him get him get him I almost clogs dead [Music] there come on oh I guess that doesn't hurt him okay so we probably have to do something else to damage him do we have to climb up his leg or something whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what in the world are we doing hey how am I supposed to keep going up hold on okay so I know that we can go like this and we could get boosted up like that we can make it to his hand over here then how do we keep climbing oh boy oh boy we're actually climbing up this is so weird this is so weird climb up him climb up in such weird camera angles no no no no keep climbing Sonic go go go go go no no you gotta get up there so like you gotta go you gotta go Sonic gotta go fast gotta go fast Come on talk let's go fast go through those that'll boost you up and oh my goodness we made it to his head wait now what now what do we do hey hey you can't just take my rings like that hey stop this I'm gonna die where in the world is his head oh his head's over there oh Oh I thought that that might have been his head but these are just things that just damage you like that there we go he made it to his head you gotta go up to this now can we transform oh there's a Chaos Emerald on his head is this what's powering him okay for some reason I thought we'd have to make circles around his legs but oh now we have all the chaos everyone so now we are super Sonic what's gonna go on in this battle [Music] [Applause] supersonic doesn't take damage but Rings will be lost as the battle goes on because of the time limit the key to the battle is to efficiently deal heavy damage using Sonic's knowledge and techniques to feed the enemy but wait um okay so we don't take damage so let's go let's go let's go let's go let's just attack him attack him from everywhere let's go let's move around to here go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get some combos on him get some combos on him oh boy just keep doing attacks 36 40 combo 50 combo keep it like oh no he pushed me away yeah we gotta come back we gotta come back cause we're gonna use up our rigs come here all right I'm gonna attack you over here get a bunch of shots on you over here look at that healing some damage don't move did I dodge it no I got hit I got hit uh oh oh running out of rings over here stop kidding me like that bro can I dodge him okay nice Dodge bro that's not close enough hey come on come on come on come on come on go go go go go go go I think this one yeah that one team Center go Dodge wherever he is no he's still got hit oh no oh no I wonder what will happen if we waste all of our Rings or if we use up all our rings I should say hey where are you bro where can I even attack you am I damaging you okay yeah you're losing HP this is such a weird camera angle where can I get wait will he not notice us here I don't think he's gonna notice this game this is the most cheap and broken way to damage him I was just off there to this side attack you and he's not fighting back oh and we have spiky spikies coming out Mario there's a spiky spiky here why is Luigi saying that oh lasers great as if this boss fight wasn't hard enough already but I did find a kind of cheap way of hoping to go it's just like stay off to the side a bit over here whoa bro come on come on bro come on bro like half defeated already what are we gonna do whoa look out I'm a fire in malays or oh my goodness he's actually doing that oh Mass line that's why okay fun fun fill it up fill it up there we go Oh I thought I was hoping that we'd be able to uh send that back at him there I'm gonna attack you right in the teeth bro right in the teeth bro look out look out for the lasers too oh wait but the lasers they don't hurt me right are you doing your laser attack again bro oh you actually have to mess super hard oh my goodness come on wow that was actually so much harder than the last one I actually have to do some hard double thumb mashing there am I hurting him okay I'm hurting him from here look out stop getting hit stop getting hit oh we actually have a crazy amount of uh Rings though he's still got 200 Rings that's quite a few okay I think we have a chance at beating him then oh I can press L and R to dodge wait let go of me hey hey let go of me okay fine I'll do this then okay you're not eating me today in fact not tomorrow not yesterday either there we go let's use this attack nice and Powerful over here almost defeated is he gonna just stop now look out look out I'm dodging I'm dodging I can dodge you okay I guess I can't Dodge you wait where am I oh boy I'm in here okay double thumb Mash okay easy Mash over there one of the earlier matches with super hard okay we should be finishing him off very soon I think he's almost defeated keep doing that is he defeated now is he defeated are you defeated bro let's go and are you defeated finally wait does Super Sonic have red eyes I think he has red eyes oh my goodness he just went through him like that it's like a Dragon Ball Z or sorry I think that was the original Dragon Ball actually there's something like that looks like he is uh defeated now yeah he just explodes so I could have the Chaos Emerald do I have all the chaos emeralds on this island now who is that the first seal is broken by next full race on the San Scott Island oh right you said Titans earlier plural oh yeah that's right we're playing Attack on Titan I forgot about that oh it's Amy wait she's still not back to normal wait oh I thought this wasn't over until I pop all the big Bots sorry Amy sorry I'm feeling more like my old self it's working keep going and don't keep me waiting I'll be back before you can do a fortune card reading see ya that's something Amy be known for doing that fortune card readings conquered Chronos Island okay oh 65 complete that's so cool that it shows you how far you are through each island so I guess there are five main islands maybe there's also gonna be a secret sixth Island there are games that do that very often where you think you're getting to the last World and then they're like oh there's one more Secret World okay put on here goes supersonic this is a super cool looking wait are the lasers gonna hit me watch out Sonic there are lasers wait are you gonna crash now crash landing oh now we're just regular Sonic we're not super sonic anymore [Music] okay this is looking super cool this might look even better than the previous Island that we were on wait do I get to keep all my Chaos Emeralds wait Ah that's cool I didn't want this to be easy anyway that's so funny wow so I guess now we have to collect all the chaos emeralds and this oh and our map is just completely blank because we haven't done anything here yet wow okay so Island number two the desert I really recommend you watch my video where we play video Mario and Rabbids game Sparks of Hope thank you so much for watching this video I hope you all have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 596,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic frontiers, sonic switch, new sonic game, sonic 2022, sonic game 2022, sonic frontiers gameplay, sonic bosses, sonic animations, sonic, super mario, mario sonic, sonic's fury, mario all bosses, sonic all bosses, mario vs sonic, sonic vs bowser, sonic vs mario, mario animations, full game, bowser's fury full game, sonic mario, full movie, bowser's fury all cat shines, mario full movie, zxmany, zxmany sonic
Id: eSvJ2Fatueg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 22sec (8602 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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