Bowser Party is INTENSE!! (Mario Party 10 First Time Playing)

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today we play bowser party for the first time ever in mario party 10 this is so much more intense than i ever thought that it would be let's cheer on our team of mario luigi yoshi and wario vs bowser and i hope you enjoy this video oh my goodness look at this this reminds me of that level from super mario sunshine mushroom park welcome to bowser party here bowser will chase d mario around the board bowser wins if he knocks everyone out he mario wins if anyone gets the superstar oh we've got a bunch of hearts okay we got six hearts what is this zelda is this the legend of zelda we've got a bunch of hearts okay let's all pop onto this street oh my goodness it is bowser look at him everyone's so scared wario looks terrified go mario first things first save my friend and the fortress you can increase your hearts alright well i guess we'll head over to the fortress there where the womp is okay normal dice block i guess that's our only option wait spaces from bowser zero okay let's get a big roll and we get three all right okay hey special dice block wait what does this mean oh do we get to go again what is this what is this one two three block okay so i guess that makes you roll one two or three i think our regular block is better okay it looks like yo she's also going to roll yoshi please get a big number because we want to get away from bowser yoshi rolls a four okay i don't know why we are all in this train i guess it's like we're all working together okay go luigi what are you gonna do luigi would you use the normal dice block rolls a two it looks like right okay yeah it's the number on the top that counts all right now wario oh and we get another special dice block let's see which one will it be it's a blue one here wait a minute one two three slow dice block all right does wario also roll okay and wario also it looks like all of us roll before bowser rolls oh oh if we land on that one hold on what does he get okay just a one i think if we land on that other one then it pushes us back because it looks like that's uh looks like it's an arrow with a minus number it's like two or three spots ahead of us right now four five six dice block that sounds great okay space is from bowser ten what is bowser all please don't get a ten imagine if he gets a ten it just gets us out right away whoa what does he do oh he rolls a few dice two two two and five eleven wait he catches us what does that mean do we lose what happens do we just lose though oh bowser battle okay okay bowser's hammer slammer all right let's see what are we supposed to do here how do we play this okay okay i understand how this works okay this is actually so cool the way that this works oh my goodness look at this guys okay so here are all of us and bowser wants to smack us with a hammer over here so we have to tilt the wiimote back and forth to not get slammed by the hammer don't hit me bro don't hit me bro don't hit me bro okay we've got our hearts oh oh and i think if we run out of these hearts that's how we lose like i think if we take damage here then uh oh man oh man oh man i think if we take damage here then we still have the same damage in the overworld no no no run guys okay good i didn't get hit at all wario got hit twice everyone got hit except for me oh man okay okay everyone loses some hearts over there except for me which is good well i don't know if it's good that my teammates lose hearts so i think we're meant to work together angry dad is mad he catches you now he can steal hearts in a super scary minigame okay let's go martin now which dice normal dice block one two three one two three slow or four five six bro let's use the four five six let's get away from him let's roll a nice big number kf4 that's not huge where does that take us lucky oh okay okay okay so what do we get on the lucky spot oh did i choose which block to hit which one would you hit let me know in a comment let's hit the center one we get nothing we got nothing ah the other ones had so many hearts oh my goodness that's so sad oh that's so sad that would have been so good okay yoshi what are you gonna roll two okay the block is all two so we get a two no matter what special dice block what kind of special dice do we get okay so it looks like if you land on a blue tile you get a special dice block okay and we got another slow dice block i don't think this slow dice blocks would be very useful when you're trying to get away from bowser maybe it'd be useful if you want to roll a small number to roll on some kind of specific spot okay what is luigi wrote luigi rolls a three so let's see where does that bring us okay we passed by that which is nice go there go there go there yeah lucky okay maybe we can get some more hearts i don't know if all the hearts go to luigi or if the hearts are shared among everybody whoa eight hearts oh my goodness oh so we all get two okay okay so the hearts are shared among all of us that's very nice luigi picked literally the best one possible okay wario you go ahead and roll hopefully bowser doesn't catch up to us this turn here three nice we got some pretty big rolls this turn we're 12 away from bowser but bowser rolls i think four dice which is pretty cheap okay one two three slow and bowser's angry so we don't want bowser to catch up to us go bowser all right what is bowser roll let's see what numbers does he get those are huge numbers there's yeah he's catching us 14. we were 12 away but he got 14. look at bowser go he's gonna be catching us oh man what mini game will we have now i guess it's going to be another bowser mini game right bowser battle bowser sinister sloths this sounds like a luck based mini game all right oh my goodness it's like the bowser express it's like from super mario 3d world that's so cool okay but i think what we are supposed to do whoops i i just pressed hey can we jump we can't jump we can only run okay why is everyone grouping together oh man oh man oh man oh oh you look at the okay they're aiming for mario i avoid it oh i somehow didn't get hit wario took a bullet for me literally oh oh oh that would take me yoshi took a bullet for me everyone's just taking bullets for me oh that one's gonna aim at me that was going to a baby oh no both hit me i thought that maybe we'd have a bit of invulnerability after getting hit but no we don't okay i'm down to six hearts yoshi and luigi are down to four can we survive there's bowser slash hey we lose some hearts over here this is getting very intense go mario all right normal dice block or one two three slow dice plug let's roll normally give me a six please please give me a six no not a two i wanted a six back news it's like i didn't do anything at all that's so sad wait no we land back at bowser now it's another bowser mini game already that's so sad oh man bowser's clawful climb this reminds me of one of the final levels in super mario 3d world oh wait how do we play this i didn't read how to play this uh oh i don't know how to play what are we doing how do we oh my goodness look at us crawling up there like little ants we are like little ants here okay how do we play what do we do do we mash a button or something wait what are we whoa how do i move how do i move i'm dead i'm dead we're all dead bowser won what happens now we lost all everyone is out what happens now bowser wins congratulations to bowser wow good job bowser all right let's use i guess normal dice block is our only option so let's roll right over here and we get a two okay that brings us to here wait just nothing happens we don't get coins or anything that's so sad okay yoshi go ahead and roll give us a big number a five that's a nice big number oh man good job yoshi all right who's next luigi would you give us a big number i guess we want to stay away from bowser we probably don't want bowser to catch us let's see a four that is a nice big number from luigi oh my goodness and special dice block spot okay what kind of special dice block do we get we get one two three slow dice block okay so if you don't want to go very far you can use that i guess hey wario your turn okay roll a big number roll a big number don't get a one don't get a one don't don't don't don't okay a three okay oh i guess like the number changes really slowly so you could specifically roll basically whatever number you want i think that's the way that it works okay now hit a block wario an empty block that's so sad we got nothing we could have gotten four or eight hearts okay so we all start off with 6k bowser's turn okay bowser rolls several dice it looks like oh my goodness his number is humongous 19. is there can you ever get higher than bowser because he rolls four big dice all right bowser caught us what is going to happen bowser's bad breath okay so it looks like in this what you want to do is avoid bowser's fire and this kind of reminds me of luigi's mansion over here actually okay let's see can we avoid that oh where's he blowing fire going over there oh oh no i was gonna say you want to stay back so that you have more time to react but man that fire comes out quickly it's just like once he blows fire he's blowing once he blows he blows okay let's see they only lost one heart i only lost one that's not bad wario lost too luigi lost one heart yoshi didn't get hit at all great job yoshi congratulations to yoshi okay so we lost a few hearts this is okay all right bowser's angry go mario okay let's just roll because all we can do is just roll we get big number three not bad not bad no i'm back to spaces oh that's so sad okay now let's see who's gonna roll next don't also roll a two yoshi rolls something other than a two don't roll a two don't roll a two no we keep getting pushed back this is so sad how are we gonna get away from bowser if we keep getting pushed back hey luigi don't roll a two i swear if you also roll a two don't roll the two roll a four give us a four a five even better okay okay let's take a five then now what way do we go uh no i don't know if we want to go up that way because if we roll the one we get push back two again okay but we do get a special dice block which might be nice one two three dice block if there's ever a case where you want to roll one two or three we could use that all right wario roll a huge number please wario give us like a ten i don't think we oh it's six oh my goodness i think six might be the highest that we can actually roll and let's see where does that bring us oh defeat womp is this a boss over here how do we defeat him oh my goodness he roll the six does that take him out then do we defeat the womp oh my goodness i think that is actually incredible luck i can't believe it and there we rescued the toad sorry mario but your princess is in another castle have some horse has a reward thanks for saving me wow so we all get plus three hearts for that that's amazing i guess this is the toad to save that toad was telling us about keep it for that superstar at the goal all right that is some nice luck that's some very very nice luck oh my goodness i can't believe we made it past the wab that quickly what is bowser all we're 12 away he rolls yeah he rolls more than enough to catch up to us 17. okay come on bowser come get us come on just bounce on over just a few spots away he's definitely reaching us and can bowser go through here yeah bowser can also bounce along oh my goodness he just broke the bridge he broke the archway above the bridge everyone's so scared wario looks this skit the most scared bowser's roulette rage this actually looks so cool okay so you want to run to the segments without the bowser marks but i'm not sure uh when it when it comes oh oh that's how it works okay i'm ready i'm ready let's go round one where do we go can we move okay now we can move okay we don't want to go there oh hold on oh it's spinning it's spinning it's spinning where is it going to spin to where's it going to spin to where's it gonna spin to where is it gonna stop where's it gonna stop that is the question oh we are safe thank goodness okay awesome it looks like you could actually get hit by two okay that's nice that nobody took damage we don't want anybody to get out we've all got to work together okay now how is it okay oh man oh man oh man oh man now there are three that we have to wait you know let's all stay pretty yes okay i was gonna say oh no poor yoshi oh man yoshi got hit hard i didn't know that those bombs do three hearts of damage that's a lot okay so let's see how do we want to stay split up let's see got to be careful here gotta be careful here whoop okay oh poor wario mario got hit by three okay but i didn't get hit by any and luigi didn't get hit by any our team is still looking in pretty good shape over here this is all right they lost three there that's fine though that's fine though this isn't horrible this could be much worse okay go mario all right we can use normal dice blocker one two three dice block you know i kind of want one two three dice ball because if we could roll a two that gives us plus three and that would be all right can we roll a two please please ah man the one type that i don't want the biggest possible number we get it okay let's see and we get one two three slow dice block okay so if there's ever a case where we need to basically decide if we want one two or three then that'll help okay what's yoshi gonna do here normal dice roll gets a nice big number i hope at four okay we're doing pretty good here being pretty good here staying a bit away from now stop pushing us back okay that's all right we still got two more rolls we're five away from bowser not a lot it's probably reaching us again four would be nice because then we'd get to get more hearts one okay as long as wario doesn't also roll a one that's okay wario don't roll the one don't get us pushed back come on mario roll or five five also wouldn't be great please okay wait oh he chose to get a three k why does he want a three where does that bring us two three nice oh plus two hearts okay so plus two hearts to everyone nice plus two hearts to everyone okay all right so bowser is very likely going to reach us there's almost no chance that he rolls nine or less because from what i've seen bowser always rolls some big numbers let's see what does he get yeah he gets 13. that's big enough to catch up to us i like how he kind of like destroys everything on his path to us okay bowser mini game let's see which one will it be bowser's fire bar fury all right this is going to be a very intense minigame we are going to have to avoid the fire bars of bowser they're going to be fire bars coming along like this it's kind of in a way like hot rope jump but it's also kind of crazy okay let's see this would be really cool i think you might be able to play as bowser oh no oh no i think you might be able to play as bowser and tilt the gamepad to move around these fire bars how you want man everyone's getting pretty beat up except for me i haven't gotten hit once yet oh man i almost got hit right after saying that wario's almost out this is very very very very very very scary because if anyone on our team gets out then that means that they won't be able to roll anymore i'm pretty sure so we won't be able to move as far every turn okay what do we want to do all we can do is normal dice roll so let's see what we roll please not a two please not a two please not a two five okay a nice big number that's great all right let's start moving oh wait oh oh maybe there's a chance that we get some hearts ah that's so sad we don't get any hearts would have been nice to get some more hearts because wario's in a dangerous position right now home stretch is this a checkpoint it's like a checkpoint just a little further just a little farther to the goal everyone good luck out there is this like the halfway mark we're getting kind of close to the star dad mario and others are approaching the goal i'll help you out here no no no i don't want to do no big bad bowser mode what does this mean this sounds scary what happens bowser's furious dad if you catch up with them now you can choose a good minigame make it a hard one oh no i'm scared special dice blog and that is is that a four five six block oh my goodness and we're five away from bowser which is very nice and i'm only the first person that rolled so if we get some big numbers that'd be great let's see what do you get what do you get a three okay where does that take us yoshi where are you bringing us plus two hearts very nice very nice wario gets some more hearts luigi's at 10 hearts now yoshi's at eight i'm at twelve that's amazing we might be able to survive this one okay go ahead luigi luigi's using the four five six block and that gives us a four okay still a pretty big number now we're gonna be 12 away lucky okay okay what do we get here we might get nothing though or we might get a bunch of hearts we get nothing of course of course we get nothing rainbow bowser's very angry okay go wario get out some huge number humongous give us a humongous number a two wait wait does that bring us to one of those bowser spaces what is this what happens bowser jr do we have a bowser jr minigame now back no not back five spaces everyone's hearts reduced by half is evil back five spaces no no we got so far too we were 14 away now we're pushed back to all the way here that's so sad okay bowser he's definitely rolling a nine at least let's see yeah yeah he's got it 11. he actually almost didn't if we didn't get pushed back five spaces he wouldn't have reached us this turn that's so sad oh man this game requires so much luck hey what is bowser going to choose bowser's bogus bingo i like the alliteration wait once you select a bingo card the rest is up to luck okay so it looks like we have some kind of luck based mini game against bowser over here let's see what it's gonna be okay what are we doing here what we have to pick one uh you know i'm gonna pick this one oh wait no no no that one has three koopas oh no oh no round one don't roll a koopa please don't roll a koopa please don't roll a koopa don't roll a koopa bro not a koopa not a coupon no you got a bingo wait how many hearts do we lose for that hopefully not a lot oh round two okay maybe based on the number of bingos that he gets that determines how many hearts we lose let's see koopa again okay double kuba yeah sure that's fine just keep rolling koopas bowser's so upset all right let's see round three there are five rounds roll another koopa i am begging you i would love b-rolls one more koopa come on ah that's not a cooper that's too bad okay ba-bomb this is fine this is fine whoa whoa uh wario is almost completely out let's see i wonder if you only lose hearts when your card is completely used up let's see booze is anyone completely out yet okay everyone has bingos on them but no one has been completely eliminated yet if he gets a goomba then yoshi and wario both have their board fully filled up i wonder if you only lose hearts if your entire board is used up let's see see bob i think everyone's safe then everyone's pretty safe here do we lose any hearts or no or did we just really luck out there wait what happens shoot some fireballs oh okay okay so it's based on the number of uh it's based on the number of bingos on the number of lines that bowser has that's how much damage you take at the end of the five rounds [Music] all right wario's hearts and yoshi's hearts are both getting really low but we're so close all right go mario let's roll don't roll a five don't roll a five just don't roll a five okay one that's not great but at least it's not a five hey don't roll a four don't roll the floor yoshi don't roll a four don't roll a four don't roll a four five okay that's great we made it past the bowser junior spot that's great i'm so happy that we make it past there okay and we got a special dice block so that's quite nice and we get a four five six block hopefully someone uses that so we could get far away from bowser let's see luigi's turn what are you gonna do luigi where do we wanna oh there are so many bowser junior spots there it's unbelievable a five where does that take us one two three four bowser don't send us back five don't send us back five also don't take away half of our hearts man all of the all these are so bad let's see bowser dice plus one would be not bad okay okay sure because bowser is going to catch up to us anyway so i don't even care that bowser's dice block is plus one we can never get far enough away from him anyways oh wait what dice plus one wait does he roll one higher or does he get an extra dice to roll on how does that work okay don't be one or two five wait does that mean we win is this the end here get the superstar oh my goodness is this actually the end i'm not giving up the superstar that easily hiding the star wait try to guess who has a superstar who has i don't know it could be anyone who do you choose it could be anyone who is us which one of these are such this guy's like oh it's not to me don't pick me hey hey guys i don't get this superstar what what what do you mean superstar i don't know anything about a superstar bowser jr you're the one that has it let's see does he have it please have it please no that's so sad okay oh that guy had it okay now what happens [Music] no no no they bring us back all the way here no this is so unbelievable okay and bowser's basically reaching us every turn no matter what wait those were such small numbers he just barely reached us even with all those dice okay but bowser does reach us yoshi and wario are almost defeated so this is getting terrifying all right come on guys come on guys let's go bowser's sinister slots okay so we've got bowser on the train here just like in bowser express from super mario 3d world which is really cool but what we want to do is avoid these we've got to avoid these this is quite scary oh wario is out goodbye wario i'm so sorry wario thank you for taking my bullets wario oh you actually can't afford wait but yoshi's out now now it's down to the two of us [Music] let's go i couldn't avoid that k luigi is just you and i now luigi my brother it's up to you and i to avoid the bullet oh man i avoided both of those that's pretty good okay time is up man now it's just two of us i've got eight luigi's got seven [Applause] [Music] okay goodbye yoshi and wario yoshi and you are out this is absolutely horrifying this game is getting unbelievably intense okay let's roll if we get a honestly anything except for four or five or six is bad let's see five okay okay okay okay let's see let's see now then are these two going to hide the superstar it's a 50 50 chance i guess okay hiding the star i'll never guess who has the superstar now then is it going to be the guy on the right again or is it going to be the other guy this is so sneaky oh man would you choose the guy who had it last time or would you choose the other person this is such a tough choice you know what i'm going to i'm going to go with the same guy please please tell me he has it again please please please don't switch please have to start please i'm begging you please yes i'm so glad i picked the same one oh my goodness ah what a relief oh my goodness bowser could have gotten us out next turn we reached the goal does that mean we won did we beat bowser oh all of a sudden uh wario and yoshi are back congratulations that was incredibly tough that was very very very tough this game is so much harder than i thought it would be it's so easy to get out here bowser's so upset he's stomping the floor here that was so much more difficult than i thought it would be thank you so much for watching you might enjoy some of my other videos have an amazing day and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,993,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, vs luigi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, bowser, spongebob, mr krabs
Id: 6wDfsBDQ8Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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