Custom Power-ups in Bowser's Fury!! *All Bowser Jr Power-ups!!*

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today we played bowser's fury and we got all custom power-ups for bowser jr in a new adventure over here so we're going to start off by going up here because normally when you start the game you want to go over there you want to go up this ship but this is a new custom adventure so we are going somewhere else we have a slightly freaky jump right over here and we're safe okay now let's just get up here and when we're up this high look at that we want to jump over there okay so let's just make this jump over here please make it yeah we made it okay very nice okay now let's just hit this block and the first power up that we have is the coin block so as we move around like this we get a bunch of coins over here and it should run out soon how many coins are we going to get we're getting so many coins from this all right so let's just jump over to here we can ground pound through here and then get to this block and if we hit this block that gives us the propeller box power up so we can fly back up the cloud has respond here and we just want to bounce along here hello these guys moving back and forth over there i'll just bounce off of you guys so we get another propeller boost like this look at this we've got a bunch of spinies over here so let's just take off our propeller box by getting hit by them now over here looks like there are some nice fire flowers for us we can see that the color of bowser jr shell changed a bit for the fire flower power up and you can also shoot out fireballs so he can start to take out some of these spineys over here let's just defeat these and that one and after all the spineys are defeated look what happens this block over here was removed and now we have access to this clear pipe here so let's just get into this clear pipe here there we are into the clear pipe we go and look at this we actually go under the goop because the clear pipe goes under the goop a little bit like that then we come on out and launch me over there please bowser jr is now launched over here and here's our next power-up to get it is the super bell power up and there are some super bills oh boy that we can get over here okay we got damaged by that guy we could swipe at this guy like this and you can break through these blocks over here and we get to this secret area with a few super bells like this okay so let's come back up here let's climb on up so now that we are cat bowser jr we can do some climbing like this and let's see i just want to get to the top there we go we're at the top over here this is very nice oh there's some scary cats over here very very scary cats oh no okay let's see let's see let's see let's jump away from over here okay and just get up here up here let's see how to get to the top and there we go okay we made it to the top that's kind of scary now we gotta make it to the top again let's go and oh boy we made it to the top and there we are we made it up to this pipe over here so let's go down this pipe we did some good climbing in the cat bowser jr section and that brings us to over here we've got a block here just with a coin over here and there are some booze over here and if there's one thing that booze don't like it is light so we will shine the light on them and they will be defeated and once they're defeated that makes these all over here up here so now we can just run across like this very nicely and we are also a still cat bowser jr so we can still do some climbing and stuff and let's just get rid of that power up okay here we are and look at this we got some of these guys floating over here so how about you eat my balls and we threw a ball at him like that and the ball falls into the goop and then it responds oh no i knocked it away let's grab another one and get ready eat my balls and let's just go like this another one defeated now just the yellow one what a great hit bowser jr has great aim can he get that coin though let's see and we even got the coin okay and if we look this way you can see that there's a goomba on a block looking at us but what happens if we get the boomerang power up we become shadow mario just like from super mario sunshine this is fantastic and look at what we throw oh hold on not the baseball look at that we actually throw bowser jr's little stick like that in super mario sunshine so let's go like this bam goodbye goomba that's all destroyed this block is gone and now we can head across this way okay so these blurkers you can actually uh throw your boomerang through them and damage them a bit like this but then they come back after a moment but if we grab this right here we can hold this and our piranha plant will actually start to uh eat all these blurbers over here which is very good for us please eat them all what a good piranha plant we have here and we've also got a very very large sleeping goomba stack over here there are very very many sleeping goombas over here the sleeping goombas go up very high so what we are going to do of course is we're going to walk over here and we are going to have our piranha plant eat all these goombas and now the koopas they start to come awake now you can see that these goombas are awake now and they start to take a few steps towards us but before they could actually make any distance towards us you can see that the piranha plant is actually eating all them and it's so funny how it's like the goomba gets brought towards you and then it shrinks down as you're eating all these goombas like this piranha plant is going to be really happy about all the goombas that it is eating here and that's quite the big goomba okay and there we go finally the goomba stack is finished the piranha plant will also eat other piranha plants but it can't eat big piranha plants like that's what we could do whoa whoa it even destroyed my piranha plant okay what we can do is we can throw a boomerang at this guy that's a nice way to defeat him there's a warp box there but first let's go over here and let's take out this goomba here let's actually take some damage just to become regular bowser jr again and this goomba gives us a goomba mask we are now bowser jr walking around in a goomba mask here should the goombas even regularly want to attack bowser jr i thought they should be on the same team okay so let's go into this warp box that brings us to here and there are a few big goombas over here but we have the goomba mask on so we're like hey hey i'm just one of you no need to worry about me and you can see that they don't start chasing after me when we get close them even though bowser jr might be very that they're falling into the holes they're falling into the holes okay but that's okay we made it past those guys now we can just go into this warp box here and that teleports us right over here we're kind of close kind of close to that bowser over there let's just lose the goomba mask first because even if you have the goomba mask the skate goombas still do chase after you okay so we've got a few options over here we can go into this shell and we can pop into the shell like this and destroy some of those guys like that or we can throw this shell and then that shell will go around and defeat them oh i kicked away the golden shell and it was destroyed okay and now we can just get right into one of these skates over here and now we can move around what a nice way to move around on this skate over here okay and so it might be kind of surprising that you can actually move around on this goop while you are on this skate i thought that that was a pretty cool fun fact and also if you go between fury bowser's legs like this even when he's not active you do get a super bell power up and there we are that's where the super bell is okay so that's great yeah there's just a lot of really interesting things in this game that you might have not expected okay so here's bowser's ship over here a little scary over here let's just make our way back here we've got some nice ice blocks here let's just come up like this and here we are look at this look at this we've got some very big gloombas on this island over here and this level might look familiar to some of you because this is actually based on the title screen from super mario 3d world except well normally fury bowser isn't there there isn't a thunderstorm going on in the background like this with lots of ink spikes over here as well and we're also normally not moving around inside a skate over here while we are bowser jr okay but here we go where we want to go we want to climb up here and we can see that up there is a p switch so let's just jump to that very good we made it jump all right we landed on the p-switch and you might have heard that that made this pipe right here spawn so let's go down this pipe and that brings us right over here we've got some bullet bills that are coming by like this being launched at each other and we've also got a question mark block in here we have the next power up though the tanuki leaf power-up that transforms bowser jr into this bowser jr over here in his clown car and we've got some really cool attacks and cool abilities while we are kanuki leaf bowser jr let's just spin around and make our way to over here great place to be okay let's fly over to here and we've got some bullies over here so we can just attack with our paintbrush like this we've got a very nice attack over there oh they almost pushed us back actually and you might be surprised to see that the bullies they don't die when they fall into the ink like that normally in other levels you might be used to uh these guys like suddenly boiling when they fall into love okay so we're gonna come up here onto this bowser train over here got a fire bro right over here so let's attack him goodbye mr fire bro we can come over here and look at this look at this it looks like there's a nice power up that we want right here okay let's actually take a hit of damage because this power-up i'm not sure if this power-up shows up properly when you have another power-up active so let's try this and there we are okay there we go now it works okay so if you have another power-up active for some reason you can't grab this one also okay but now we can destroy these blocks over here and go into the warp box and that's warp bugs brings us to over here and it's really laggy and you guys will see in just a moment just why it is so laggy over here okay so we just got a double cherry so that did clone our bowser juniors over here we've got a spike throwing spike bars at us but you're about to find out why everything is so laggy over here okay so first of all let's just go on like this and we've got to step on these p switches together it's a good thing that we've got a clone okay and things look fine now okay so let's just drop down here together of both of our bowser juniors here let's just jump over here we get the green star and we come up to here and look at that up high if we go a little bit higher there's a p switch there well let's do this let's come down through here that bounces us up even higher when we step on the p switch now all of a sudden this path over here opens up and there are some blocks over here so let's just roll into these blocks right here there's a mushroom there we need the mushroom we need the mushroom okay we are giant now let's go oh i knocked that other bowser jr back okay let's get going over here look at us go it's like we're flying across the goop over here okay and our giant bowser jr is running through the goop over here he is unstoppable collecting the coin rings he's about to go into that warp box there and there we are and that brings us all the way up here we hit the block that makes the lucky cat bell appear for us and there are so many goombas down there there are a very wild amount of goombas down there that is partially why the game is so laggy here so let's use this power up we become the golden mario statue we get lots of coins as we come down and we are now in statue mode so whatever touches us now is now getting destroyed but that isn't enough we need more than that let's come over here let's get this star power up we get the star power up we are now invincible bowser jr as we are making our way through here destroying all these guys over here getting all kinds of power up spawning from all the coins that we are getting we are just running through all these goobers over here while we are invincible come here you little goombas and then we also hit this block and we become giant bowser junior giant invincible bowser jr we are combining power-ups here and we are stomping through these goombas like they are absolutely nothing so many goombas are being destroyed here trees are being destroyed just everything is being destroyed by bowser jr over here and we can also get some bowser jr clones to help out here with finishing off these goombas i really recommend you watch my video where we see which enemies giant mario can defeat in this game thank you so much for watching if you have an absolutely incredible day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 535,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario custom power-ups, super mario custom power-ups, custom power-ups, mario, super mario, super mario 3d world, bowser's fury, bowser jr, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, zxmany, mario challenge, funny mario, mario 3d world, zxmany mario, zxmany super mario, mario mod, mario goombas, mario custom goombas, super mario custom goombas, mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, zxmany mario odyssey, zxmany custom mario, best mario, mario custom paintings, mario animation
Id: zimpilSlpok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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