Mario Party the Top 100: Minigame Island (Full Playthrough with Mario and Yoshi)

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today we played through mini game Island in Mario Party the top 100. this is a super fun story there are great minigames I love the ending and I really hope you enjoy this video minigame Island there are little paper cut out ball Bombs over there like in Paper Mario [Music] all right and in the bottom right over here we can see the map first head over to this fight wait do you only play One Mini game at a time all right here we go I love this video game this is such a fun mini game okay be the first to chop three logs okay let's go let's go let's go let's see how fast is our reaction let's see okay let's go all right next we are first wait is this one um is this one for Mario party right oh take cover okay Rosalina got hit poor Rosalita let's see let's see pay attention pay attention Okay gotta go fast nice nice first and three we're almost there let's go do we hit it or is it bomb let's go there we go let's go perfect game that's such a fun mini game I think that one's Mario Party 9 maybe Mario Party 10. All right we cleared it that is awesome now then let's see when you collect 100 coins you'll get a one oh so I guess every time that you lose a mini game you lose a life and it's like every mini game that you win you get you get a few coins like that or lots of any stars Okay so we've got three mini Stars so far wait does this save after everything bro go let's go okay let's count let's go one two three four oh wait wait wait wait wait wait oh it's funny they could actually kind of count like that one of the four five six seven eight nine ten twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixty Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty one hundred twenty two one two oh no one six like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen forty fifty sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one I think they're 21. let's see oh now there's 20 I think okay one two three four five oh man it's kind of hard one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve Thirty forty fifteen sixty Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty well there might be twenty one now you know what I'll go one Higher I'll go one Higher I shouldn't have but let's see if that's the right number I don't know if I shouldn't have gone up by one let's see let's see what is it gonna be what is it gonna be oh I shouldn't have gone up by one I should have kept it at 20. okay but we still do win ah man I got it right the first time that's so sad all right we want that very nice do we get mini stars for that well I guess we get three mini sharks oh so if you come in first you get three mini Stars okay I wonder what the mini stars are for I guess we'll see oh and let's see [Music] 39 okay all right what a great hit okay and that's actually a bit more delayed than I thought it'd be okay be Precision I've never seen this one before I've actually never seen this one before okay so let's see you gotta do a b and uh d-pad right let's see okay let's go two one let's go okay oh man that's kind of tricky oh boy the buttons are changing now the buttons are changing and there we go not bad not bad 8.60 seconds kind of fast yeah I don't know if that's super fast but hey not bad almost half the time of Rosalina well actually not almost half if she had like 16 then half of that would have been eight all right that's great that we want that one okay ten more coins this is going great though okay and right now we are facing off against normal CPUs but I think as you go to the next World then you face more difficult CPUs oh Monty's Revenge [Music] let's go let's go I remember this one from Mario Party Superstars I don't know where it originates from but let's see no no no he got me I don't know if they have different AI from Mario Party Superstars let's see let's see let's see let's see no I didn't need to pop back up at the same start stop following me bro no camping no camping time over here who's coming to me who's coming to me who's coming to me who's coming to me no one's coming to me what's going on it's like they don't know that I'm up here what's going on I think I broke the Monty moles none of them were coming to me what did I do that's so weird all right Monty's Revenge cleared very nice how's that how many stars are we going to have now we're up to 70 coins get another three stars I wonder what these stars are 4K we're down we're up to 12 Stars Leaf leap this one is incredibly difficult on harder difficulties I remember this one from Mario Party Superstars I think it originated in one of the GameCube Mario Party Superstars well let's see I wonder if it's the same as in Mario Party Superstars where you can't have the same Leaf more than three times in a row uh oh I wanted to go that way actually one two one one two oh no no no no no no no no I fell what you can have this same leaves more than three times in a row in this game oh no that changes things because in Mario Party Superstars you can't have a leaf on the same side more than three times in a row so if you have the same leak three times in a row then you know that you can swap to the opposite side after that so that's what I did and then I ended up falling down because in this game it doesn't follow the same rules it's different but oh they both got 69 yards nice that's so funny that they got the same number and we got 102 yards leaf leaf clear let's go okay so this is still world one there are a few worlds you can see over here on the bottom right there's the map I'm bringing up the map over here so you guys can see it and yeah I'm really curious to see what this oh oh ah just 10 that's so sad so sad it's still pretty good we almost got another one Mecca Marathon oh man you guys could let me know in a comment how many of these mini games do you uh you recognize Casey you want to match A and B together let's go one let's go I think this one was in Mario Party 2. I'm pretty sure this one was in Mario Party 2. I don't remember if it was also in Mario party but well actually I haven't played Mario Party one so I wouldn't know but yeah this is in Mario Party 2 it's also been Mario Party Superstars let's see how our matching is here oh the record's only 10 yeah this is my first time playing this well first I'm playing it on this game so we're probably going to be breaking a lot of records for most mini games we're probably going to be breaking the records if we play pretty well okay 35.85 not bad not bad oh both Waluigi and Rosalina got 13.5 all right mega marathon clear this is so nice I'm so worried about the upcoming worlds though wow look at that Bullet Bill going back and forth that's so cool on I guess that Goomba wants an amiibo too bad I don't have amiibo up to 18 stars Goomba bowling I have never seen this one before but it looks so cool okay I'm against Peach Warrior and Rosalina all right oh man oh man aim your throw to knock out lots of goombas okay how do you play a is throw shell okay deciding order Warriors first let's go wait oh this is from Mario Party 9 apparently okay let's see let's see let's see oh and you can choose to make it bounce like that oh Wario isn't getting a lot he got very few actually I wonder oh do you want it to bounce back and forth a lot do you want it to go straight what's the best strategy let's see getting a few oh man that was a lot more than Wario for sure yeah nine six nine so far nice okay my turn let's go wait can I move back and forth okay I've just got a few seconds to set up let's go like this now come on come on no no I think Rosalina beat me no I got only eight so Rosalina beat me down I wanted to just go to straight line that's so sad and Peach how do you do this Peach also beat me or no oh my goodness peach got so many peach got ten Peach one oh my goodness I'm in third what happens if you're in third do you lose a life do you get only one star oh it says clear I guess as long as you're not in last place you're clear I got ten coins and you get one star for being third I guess if you're in last place you lose a life I wonder what makes you lose a life okay speeding bullets I haven't seen this one either oh this is looking cool is this a race is this a race okay the description is Dodge the obstacles in a race for the goal wait tilt the system left and right to steer sir all right this one is a bit intense it's very very sensitive movement over here these turns are quite terrifying okay okay but we're doing all right we're doing all right oh don't want to hit those walls okay you lose your speed like crazy when you go into those walls it looks like let's see get that one nice I don't want to look at how the others are doing I'm so scared to look at how the others are doing okay well we're actually okay we were doing great up until now oh no well I'm actually almost at the end I'm almost at the end I hope these guys don't catch up we're on a plane move run a plan to move let me get that boost oh no I didn't get the best brother blind blue I'm so close to the end I can do it I can do it yeah we got it that was so tough but we did but we did get it look how happy Mario is there that we made it oh my goodness that is such a tough one wow we won by almost eight seconds not bad that was a tough one I'm glad that we got first though ten coins oh and what we get some more coins on this one I think that's what these spaces are for right we're getting close we almost made it over to that pipe over there oh Donkey Kong is here Vine country what could this be hard uh oh uh oh so I guess is Donkey Kong like a boss or something okay so you mash a to climb and you go left and right to dodge [Music] let's go let's go let's go let's go what do we have to dodge oh there's one whoop there's one whoa I accidentally went into it okay okay we're good oh that one oh we've won where is DK even where's DK DK I didn't even see you you got hit a bit and then you were gone DK what happened looks like we've wined that one pretty clearly and we are now making it to the pipe over here very excited to be making it to the pipe over here yes one thing one thing that you guys oh world one dash one clear very nice one Mario thousand put here keep going obviously we're gonna keep going one thing that wow you're not done yet who am I understand anyway shall we keep going one thing that you guys might have noticed about the Escape oh my goodness and there's a chain chomp coming up is that it's very interesting to record on a double screened game like this here we are in world too feel that sea breeze on your face well if that is going to be a question wait there's a basketball hoop coming up I wonder if we're gonna have a basketball mini game soon ah just five I wanted to jump up when it was five so that it would be like NightLight fight this is another one that we have from Mario Party Superstars it seems like Mario Party Superstars is kind of similar to Mario Party the top 100. okay and the instructions are Let The Chain jump get as close as you can before you turn around all right let's see how close will we let it get how close will we let it get oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man you don't you want to like it as close as possible but not too close that it hits you I'm going now I'm scared okay yeah we got it okay because it looked like it was about to do a big jump towards us so maybe I stopped a bit early I wanted to play safe and it paid off because we did win this one very nice and we are in first so we get some more mini Stars I wonder what these oh maybe these mini stars are for unlocking mini games the three throw instead of free throw it's free throw ah all right Daisy Rosalina and Warrior let's go this is so cool this is so cool okay and you guys can see here that the top or bottom baskets are one point and the middle baskets are worth two points so we really want to aim at the middle baskets if we can okay so there's us all right oh oh wait if there's one inside already does that mean that you can't go for it all right listen no I missed again I missed again oh no this is not good okay gotta get some points here whoa whoa they switched around they're going the opposite way now yeah one okay let's see come on come on give me some points give me some points let's go yeah two let's go I thought that we get another two wait nine let's go nine three two and four we win this one that's such a cool mini game oh my goodness we win that one what a nice video game oh man okay 55 points there we got three Mini starts for vegan first very nice hotel Goomba I haven't seen this one before oh Mario's going to a hotel with some Goombas here okay so you move let's go and B is to push Goombas oh move the Goombas to reach the exit that's the goal all right let's see if we can push around these Goombas okay push the Goomba push the Goomba wait is that it oh there are multiple floors this is amazing wait can you only push each Goomba once is that the way that it works this is like those uh puzzles in Pokemon where you have to use strength to move the boulders this is so darn cool okay okay this one's a little complicated let's see go like that then we'll probably stop that one wait wait can we just go can we push it more than once because if nothing why can't we just go like that yeah okay that's easier than I thought it would be okay and while Luigi's close behind okay I thought that maybe you could only push a Goomba once or something but it looks like you could push the Goombas as many times as you want that is such a cool mini game I wonder what Mario Party game that one is from because that one is so cool all right let's head on over Mario speedwagons I haven't seen this one either it looks like a racing video game okay okay okay we are all in some fast looking race cars right now three two I'm not sure if I understand this but let's see okay so let's see so what when it just gets up to there you want to hit r is that the whole point wait can we move I don't know if we can okay we're in first we're in first oh my goodness we beat Daisy by point one second that was close Okay so on that one you don't steer I guess it's just how quickly can you switch gears and you want to have the highest speed possible at the start without having your speed too high all right oh Bowser what is Bowser doing here I felt that maybe he'd be done yeah took you long enough what is Bowser going to do ready to get stomped at a mini game no I'm ready to beat you let's go Bowser dizzy rotisserie oh and I'm up against hard CPUs now uh oh let's see he's spinning around okay so I think it's just our controls are randomized let's see let's see let's go let's go let's go let's go oh no your controls just constantly change every few seconds but there we go we made it we are first all right that's wait that's the whole mini game right okay that's all for us beat those hard CPUs no problem Luigi's next and Rosalita Wario's in last Wario number four instead of Wario number one it's Wario number four finish Bowser's so sad that we all Escape so sad such a sad Bowser said Bowser sad times for Bowser so sad but happy time for Mario because he gets 10 coins let's go three stars for us very nice you call this fun yeah you haven't seen the last to me or New York's time I'll play for keeps okay Bowser I'm ready to continue there's oh there's a shy guy in a barrel in the background here and now it's time to play shy guy says this is a classic one I don't know if this one has been around since Mario Party one oh yeah I guess it shows right here this one's been around since um since the original Mario Party I'm all right let's see how good our reaction time is let's see hey let's go whoa those CPUs sure move quickly and we're getting might try to trick us there we go okay how are the CPUs so fast okay still all right what's next come on Shy Guy ah foreign okay we're all good okay Wario that's not the right flag oh surprised that while Luigi wasn't too slow last time on goodbye Waluigi going away right after Wario Mario's hit first shy guy says clear we are me oh wait do I get to choose if I want to go up or down now I wonder if I get to choose game 95 coins we almost got another life soon oh should we go up or down oh I guess we went up peer pressure that's such a funny pun okay how does this one work okay joystick to move a is real in the pool feeling the fishing pole that looks like it has a cheap Jeep how do you know which one has a cheap cheap all right deciding the order I'm first I don't even get to see how the other CPUs do wait what do I base it off of oh it's like which one is being pulled on hard this one this one has the cheap Jeep tell me it has okay we got one is that good is it like who has the biggest cheap cheaper how does it work is it whoever doesn't get a cheap cheap is eliminated how does it work I don't know how it works see Daisy's turn she picks that one wait what is that is it like someone's trying to get a giant cheap Jeep or what I don't know what's happening okay Warrior picks that one oh he got an urchin uh oh how are you supposed to know what one to pull I'm going for this oh I wanted to go for bottom right actually please okay good cheap cheap okay okay okay okay uh who's next who's next let's see what do you got Peach urchin Pete's got an urchin okay Daisy it's down to the two of us wait it didn't look like there's anything there that one wasn't moving how did you get a cheap Jeep oh no oh no I don't know if this one's luck based okay this one's pulling hard I'm gonna go for this one all right look how peach is treading water in the background yes yes yes yes oh it all comes down to this Daisy do you get a cheap cheaper in urchin let's see let's see she got a chief team does that mean she wins because there's only one left so I have to get this one is it gonna be a cheap G burn urgent do I lose because I'm assuming yeah it's like the last one I'm guessing the last one has to have an urchin oh that's so sad so sad Daisy witch we came in second though peer pressure clear again we came in second so we got two mini stars for that which is still all right at least we're not losing live bombs away yes okay this one is from back in the original Mario Party well that's what this game says I played it in Mario Party 2 bro I'm like okay am I gonna fall off before the level even starts man these Graphics are so cool it reminds me so much of a Super Mario 64 DS actually I'd love to play Super Mario 64 DS sometime again I played it as a kid but I haven't played it in a while let's see let's see let's see let's see uh where's that one hey we're doing it right at dodging them but if one of these balls gets us then we're just out let's see is everyone surviving it looks like everyone wins does everyone win are we all in first bombs away clear clear bonus I love that little ice cube thing in the background I want to play a mini game with that okay nice so this does count as us being in first even though we all tied in first the great deflate instead of the Great Escape and they're making some progress here wait oh rival team okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does this mean Yoshi's on my team because I haven't seen Yoshi yet and I did pick Yoshi let's take a look at this all right it is Yoshi and I let's go Yoshi let's ground pound these let's go we are ground pounding pretty quickly I think we are winning this one there's a mini game and Mario party too that's kind of similar to this I don't know what Mario Party game this one comes from I didn't see but there we go the great deflate clear I wonder if you come in fourth in a mini game if you lose alive I'm guess a life I'm guessing you do oh I could choose to keep going in a circle or I can go across let's go across this way wait there's a bridge oh the bridge just comes down okay wait World 2-1 clear already yeah hey you did it now we can pass let's keep going wow you're not done yet that's the spirit right this way Let's cross the drawbridge is the world 2-2 now or world three Paths of pharaoh so this one we have seen this one in Mario Party super search where does it come from though I don't know where this one comes from okay but let's be careful to not follow up I have played this one in Mario Party Superstars before whoa gotta be careful here God oh no we fell okay but they're falling Daisy didn't fall yet though I think okay there's Daisy I didn't see Daisy falling but I heard her fall okay let's be careful here man this is like more difficult than the Mario Party Superstars version I swear these paths are more narrow I swear they made the paths wider in Mario Party Superstars oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man okay I have to stop for a second because I was scared and is this it there we go there you go we made it to the end with quite a bit of time left too let's see how the others do Daisy is getting close she's in this long section over here yeah I'm surprised that there's such a long section like this I don't know if there's some luck to this minigame because I don't know like if you take one path versus another if it might be longer or shorter that's apparel is now clear very nice for us three Mini starts for that we're getting a lot of mini Stars too now then up or down we went up you know let's go up every time I was gonna say let's go down this time oh Storm Chasers so this is from one of the Nintendo 64 Mario parties it's not from Mario party 2. I don't remember it from there but it is also in Mario Party Superstar so what we want to do collect as much water as we can from these clouds I love how the cloud oh I was about to say I love how the cloud isn't running around like crazy then it just flew away suddenly just flies away like that suddenly you know what it's like it moves around a lot it moves around just a bit and it goes very fast and goes somewhere very quickly hopefully you don't lose water from running into the Monty moles okay I think I did okay over here let's see let's see let's see come here come here come here give me that water give me that water I think we might win there's a chance that we win ah we beat Daisy let's go one two three four top left top right bottom left bottom right very nice Storm Chasers is clear let's look at that map over there oh we're in a world 2-2 not world three okay that makes sense so we want to make it over to that pipe over there Pokemon okay I know how to play this in case this is from Mario Party 7. tell spin Mario Party Superstars what we want to do is smash the a button let's go three let's go two yeah that's more than enough 6.20 wow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn't realize that those guys were so close behind oh my goodness and they are off apart from each other by .03 seconds and it makes sense that it's .03 seconds because it's probably like 30 frames per second oh and even in the background you can see it's like there's a little Pokey Pummel machine right there that's such a cool detail okay desert Dash wait a minute is this just like dungeon Dash is this one just like dungeon Dash let's take a look at this okay let's go left right left right left right left right they're actually going very fast let me under it let me under let me enter let me under it how are they going faster now how are they going faster now how are they going faster no no you guys are not winning I refuse to let you guys win there we go that was close it's like we were ahead of them up until the swamp and then when the swamp came down when it came up they got ahead of us but then we were able to win that one very nice Mario and Yoshi Ultimate Team a nice win so that earns us another three mini Stars we're up to 64 mini stars like Super Mario 64. let's head on to this bridge here comes here another battle jump comma man let's go facing up against hard DK here okay there'll be there are barrels coming down oh this is from Mario Party 7 I guess Dodge the barrels and reach the goal before the Donkey Kong monkey okay and are we also moving or okay okay we are also moving it doesn't move by itself because the way that the game was described it made it sound like you move automatically okay let's go oh no that Barrel hit me okay it's nice that when you get hit by a barrel you're Invincible for a moment okay let me through oh that's the goal wait that was so weird what was happening to DK there that looked so strange but wait this one very nice and hold on since we reached this pipe does that mean that we beat world two now let's see if that's what that means oh we got four stars oh we have 68 if only we had one more then we would have 69 Stars world 2-2 clear beautiful I don't want to quit I obviously want to keep going wow why are you so surprised one huh fair enough lead the way let's get going all right here is our next World world three world three does indeed look big over here look at this map it's like there are two main areas over here I wonder how this is going to work okay so we landed on the spot here oh we got to do this again nice 30. okay good good I don't know risk going for 50 because it's not 50 every time sometimes it's like it goes from 30 to 5. Dart attack let's take a look we're playing against Daisy Wario and Peach okay okay okay what are we gonna do oh do we take turns throwing darts all right I'm ready I'm ready this reminds me so much of that one mini game from Paper Mario origami King okay just the 20. ah zero yes 50. let's see uh just a 10. I missed the 50. okay we've just got 80. that wasn't great but let's see how the others do let's see Daisy gets 20. Ole Miss is the 50. another 20. this is the 50. and this is everything okay so just 40 for Daisy how about Wario can you beat 80 let's see Mario Getz zero zero ten zero and ten Warriors just has 20. that's so sad he can't get much worse than that you get 10 or zero okay Peach you're up 30 strong start 20 strong start 30. she's tied with me one Dart left thank goodness she missed oh my goodness we both have 80. I like how the scores are 20 40 80 and 80. oh man okay so that's clear so we're tied in first so I think that means that we do get three mini Stars I think we get all three right yes we do now we have a choice for what way to go let's go straight to the right book squirm this is another one that I remember from Mario Party Superstars but I haven't seen in the original GameCube one because I haven't played any of the GameCube Mario parties start so let's go we know how this works wait where's the cutout part oh it's actually kind of hard to tell what part is cut out oh they're almost all cut out actually hey that one's cut out let's see where you guys going okay some are squished okay there's a spot here where are you where are you going whoop okay I'm going down here all right you can be there that's fine let's see what's cut out this one is let's see okay uh I'm going here Circle next why don't you just stand in your own Circle Wario or go here I've got to go up here to the Moon uh here ah goodbye where are you all right 10 pages and you know what it's pretty cool how the background is similar to Mario Party Superstars Mosh Pit I can't believe it we are seeing so many mini games that we have seen in Mario Party Superstars I wonder how much overlap there is between this game and Mario Party superstars because there are a few mini games that I've seen in this game that I haven't seen before oh give me that mushroom let's go let's go let's squish him Luigi and Daisy gotta switch you guys there's Daisy Luigi uh it's down to the two brothers oh man got it on the first try now let's just get him where are you going bro where are you going bro got him let's go all right that was a nice fast win I'm super happy with how that went that was fantastic so we get three for that and I wonder what part of the map we're going to next are we gonna come out of a certain pipe if we go oh Bowser Bowser what are you doing here Bowser oh I told you I'd be back you only hoped I was kidding no I knew that you'd be here and like Heather's also a picture of Bowser's face in the background have you got the guts to play this minigame with me maybe let's see facelift and I'm playing against hard CPUs okay let's go okay let's go let's go let's go let's drag our Bowser's face like that okay so we want the chin to come out a bit like that is the nose oh the nose is a bit down into the left like that now how about this eyebrow this eyebrows off to the side like that quite a bit this eyebrow is up high kind of like that now how's this this should be a bit more like that yeah because those are kind of close together I think I'm pretty happy with that I don't know the hard CPUs look like they're doing well too maybe my mouth isn't open big enough let's see how did we do we tied with Wario 72 look how close that is that must have been one of the closest games of this that has ever been played 70 71 72 and 72 that's so close but we get three mini stars because we did come in first oh you won no who's calling the shots around here all right all right let's go into the pipe bye fine enjoy the way you squeaked out it'll be the last time all right let's go into this pipe Work World 3-1 clear oh wait wait because we're probably going over to like 3-2 next oh and I just realized on the bottom corner here you can see that it looks like there are four worlds that right now we're on world three sure you make it but of course you pull up through now we are going to of course keep going are you going to be surprised again of course Tony's surprised again it's like what you're continuing again all right here's world four I don't think we'll begin through this door how will we get through the door I have got to make 100 mystery pipes in Super Mario 3D world I've done 100 mystery Doors 100 mystery buttons mystery War boxes 100 mystery pipes I was actually going to make that a few months ago and I started working on it but I never ended up finishing it I hope I can finish that soon I'd love to make that video dirty nice okay we've got all these lives but I don't think it's too important all right so which way shall we go let's go up and let's make it over to that pipe up there catch you letter another one another one from Mario Party Superstars and it's funny this looks so similar to Mario Party Superstars but you can see that some of the graphics are pretty different okay let's pick up things like wait a minute why are the CVS just standing wait how are they so good at delivering these letters so weird that the CPUs they just stand there for a moment okay give me that give me that let take my letter good move let me get a letter wait I wonder if they're gonna be love love letters in this one too yes no no I want the Love Letter yes because those are my three points come here yes he took my letter okay this reminds me of that one part in Harry Potter oh I almost started running to Peach by accident instead of the shy guy but I accidentally went to the Shy Guy and gave him a letter so I'm actually very lucky that I made that mistake hey let's look at the map yeah so we just want to make it up to that green pipe up there but yeah as I was saying it reminds you that one part of the Harry Potter movie where he's like give me that letter boy oh oh I can go to the different ones and I can see what mini games there are okay let's do this one then because I've never seen this one before manic malice oh I guess this is a two-player Mini-Game how does this work what are we going to be hammering what is this wait is this a mashing mini game Mass a hit the switch do we just want to match the a button is that it let's see oh oh it's like your master button and when you mash it uh starts to go towards the other team yeah so as we Mash more oh it's the number oh they got 68 that's funny and we squish them with the hammer flattened Louisiana Princess Peach Fly Away Shell Shocked I absolutely love this one while I'm playing against all the princesses I don't know if Rosalina is also a princess let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go got one hit on her whoever that is I'm guessing that one's Peach okay let's see can I go over here wait wait okay that's how you look okay okay who's over here who's coming here he's coming here he's coming here get away got him okay just one left oh who is it it's Daisy wait okay yeah you can do that one I'm like how do we do it okay now how do we get her get her come here no oh man she almost got me what am I gonna do what am I gonna do I've gotta go like this yeah there we go okay you gotta sneak in another hit oh no come here where are you going where are you going bam there we go perfect win I don't think we got hit that's fantastic I love that mini game so much all right Shell Shocked clear up I've never seen this one also what could this be okay we are up against Luigi and warriors that means that I'm with Yoshi okay what is this okay there's some wait do we have to memorize order of the food or what remember where each dish is and get the orders ready all right let's go let's see okay a burger fries soup ice cream burger Pogo okay burger fries soup ice cream something Pogo burger fries burger fries soup ice cream oh okay okay so Yoshi got both of them before I could get okay let's pay attention burger fries oh wait Pogo ice cream burger fries Pogo ice cream burger fries okay Pogo ice cream burger fries let's eat Pogo ice cream no Yoshi this one's it okay there we go there we go okay that time I got them I got them very nice okay what's next what's next okay ice cream burger fries Pogo ice cream burger fries Pogo ice cream burger fries Pogo and let's see ice cream burger fries oh man Yoshi got that because I didn't know where the drink was but Yoshi got it all right what a great team we have amazing teamwork here who win how many stars do we have we are up to 92 Stars very nice reversible I love this one this is one of my favorite ones from Mario Party Superstars I don't know where it originated I didn't see but let's see here we go let's play [Music] let's go let's go let's just keep sending these back where are they going going up there then there then there oh press the wrong one go like this oh no press the red button [Music] let's go here then here sending these back and we won ten nothing we have zero hits on our side what a great win all right very nice another three stars 95 stars are almost at 100. speed hockey oh my oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay we are up against a normal and a hard CPU okay Yoshi's at the front I'm in the back I'm the goalie or the keeper as it's called oh wait but in hockey I don't think they call it keeper I think Keeper's only in soccer or football as they call it in some parts of the world oh no I am a poor keeper I'm a poor keeper let the shell ride into the net okay oh oh man yes nice one one it's first of three wins but you gotta be careful yes one more and we win let's go let's go just keep it away from here keep it away from here Yoshi don't even let it in yes you don't let it pass you oh my goodness what a great win fantastic okay now just going into this fight bring us to the final world that is the question see okay we got some more stars are we at 100 yet 98 so close what happens if we go up to 100K let's oh wait is there gonna be a boss fight it's Peach is it really Peach looks like fish is here to challenge you why would she do that it's a mini game tool okay we have to win if we want to advance Karine and Koopas I've never seen this one before get the Koopa shells in the hole and you tilt the system okay start all right okay there's one two uh almost almost one getting it I hope they can't pop out on C3 four there we go oh oh it's not just first to one it's uh who gets three points okay let's go like this there we go just one more to go one more to go let's get these in nice and just one more and we win there we go let's go let's go we are one board ahead of peach with that very nice now do we get stars for that too I think we also get Stars here right so we're gonna go over 100 that's four stars can we get oh blockstar unlocked for 100 mini games they are Peach is so sad so sad World 3-2 clear do we go to world four now let's see are we going to World 4K let's keep going toad is still surprised that we're not giving up yet wait why are we back at world what what is happening what kind of plot twist is this what an oh oh we're at the top part of the hill on world one that makes it wait a minute is that because we took the wrong pipe on world three I wonder if this is luck based or if this happens every time I wonder if the top pipe always brings you back to world one or if this is luck base or if you always have to go back and then make it back to world three and then take the next pipe alright let's see where we are going to go oh one of these said okay let's see let's go let's go ah just five that's so sad I actually tried to get 30 there it's Fear Factor I've never seen this wait is this meant to be a put on Fear Factor I think this one wait a minute there are womps up there okay okay okay roll the ball to the goal okay let's go let's go Yoshi let's go let's go let's go bring it up this way come on Yoshi come on Yoshi come on come on come on come on come on come on okay now let's go this way let's go let's go let's go let's go and push it up push it up they're so close behind wait how are we gonna get around these guys [Music] how are we gonna get around them let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh Monty Ball's also Odo wait wait wait wait do we have to go over the bridge okay well we are going under here let's see let's see oh come on come on come on yes that's the Finish yes oh my goodness oh new record nice yeah I I it was uh kind of surprised you always saw a new record but it's like yeah that's probably gonna happen in most mini games this is such a cool idea for a game the way that it's like each panel in Mario Party is like a different world except instead of it being like a different world or a different level it's just a mini game diffuse or lose I haven't seen this one before either okay there's a bomb that's exploding and what do you have to step them out or something oh you jump and ground pound okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go okay we put those up now what do we win oh oh and then they set them up again okay okay so this is what we have to do okay okay oh no no no don't go together don't go together okay I'm sorry Yoshi I didn't mean to flatten you hey nice yeah shoot you flutting B now I flattened you now okay good good good good good okay get that one Yoshi get that one get that one I'll get these there we go oh I didn't get that one whoops now you still got that one quickly this is such a cool mini game oh my goodness this is intense oh they're close to the end they're close to the end we have a shot getting close it's getting close don't squish your mouth yeah we survived let's go that is so much fun this might be one of my favorite Mario Party mini games ever that is such a cool idea Looney Lumberjacks this is another one that I absolutely love I had this one in Mario Party 2. I don't know if it's also in the original Mario Party and I think he wants to do the full cuts to go as fast as possible let's go let's go let's go we're almost done we're almost done I think we win this one yeah there you go this is a mini game that I would have loved to see in Mario Party Superstars such a cool idea where it's like you alternate between a and b and you want to go at the same time as your partner let's take a look at the map how's the map okay we're making our way through this world and we're up to one one one 111 mini Stars let's get some coins 50. oh my goodness if it didn't go up to 50 I would have gotten just five okay and we get a plus one nice so up to ten lives we haven't lost any oh man title toss okay this is one that's also in Mario Party Superstars let's take a look at it oh I it's just me versus the others okay and I want to make some waves I'm ready to make some waves let's see hopefully we can uh get these people out let's see let's see nice I don't know if they have a slight invincibility oh nice okay yeah I don't know if they have slight invincibility after they get hit with the wave like they do in Mario Party Superstars but we were able to get them out either way so that's good all right how far along are we on the map okay just a few more just a few more almost done wait wait I don't know what comes after this oh I didn't see what mini game it was I pressed A2 quickly oh oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go and wait do I have speed boosts I do okay okay let's go let's go let's go let's go guys you're done you're done I'm making it there there we go that's such a nice fast one I like that one a lot that's really fun okay what is this one this one looks special oh piranha Pursuit this is a fun one this is another one in Mario Party Superstars okay okay okay oh wait wait wait wait I should look at the instructions for this game all right let's go so we want to match B yeah and we press a to jump how is it so close how is it so close oh my goodness let's see let's see the music kind of reminds me of Donkey Kong a little bit okay now it's kind of far away whoa they're getting close they're getting close they're getting close [Music] let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go anything coming up oh nice Vine whoop oh no the rock slowed me down the rock slowed me down get over that I didn't see anything coming up anything coming up yeah anything coming up anything to jump over it oh divide divide divided oh man that was so incredibly close right there at the end I was so sure that they would get me oh man I'm so grateful that we made it past that now what is there going to be uh a boss fight or something here DK or maybe Bowser again let's see what's going to be here oh it's just one of these spots okay ten nice nice now we're going to a red spot here then there are two honeycomb havoc honeycomb Havoc is such a fun one okay it's kind of self-explanatory it's you want to avoid the Honeycombs of course let's see how many are there one two three four five six seven eight so you know what I'm gonna get a two wait wait that means that they're six if everyone gets two I'm out I need at least one person to get a one okay you got a two what are you gonna do you also gotta too well Luis you don't get it too man come on bro come on bro thank you bro thank you bro okay I gotta make sure that I get a one there we go okay we got a one nice now Rosalina's out sorry to do this to you Rosalina okay how many are there let's see one two three four five six seven eight so they're now seven right one two three four five six seven okay let's roll it two okay the timing in this is actually a bit different so I want to be very careful to not accidentally roll the wrong number you know let's see what is there okay now then I can get a two or a one who do I want to get out you know what what Luigi helped me earlier wait how many fruits are there one two three four five six seven eight ah man I wish I had time to check okay peach ones too now how many are one two three four five six seven eight oh that means that he can win wait wait wait wait if I have set wait one two three four five six seven okay so we want them to have six so we need a one there we go there we go now he can win now he can win oh man I'm so lucky that Waluigi played that badly okay and we want them to have three so let's go with a two over here I was scared that I accidentally got a one now no matter what he gets okay he gets a one now I just gotta be very careful to get a two okay thank goodness thank goodness we got a two oh my goodness I was worried that I bite accidentally hit it too early because the timing on this one is slightly different than in Mario Party Superstars and in Mario Party 2. so I have to make sure that I actually get the number that I do want to get ah but that worked out so nicely look at that got 10 more coins we've got a lot of lives so it's okay we can still lose a bunch it'll still be okay we're up to 123 mini Stars trapeze artist this is another one that's also in Mario Party Superstars all right let's do some trapezers this one looks so similar to in Mario Party Superstars all right let's see if we can get some luck lots of goombas I'm dropping it already I dropped it already I had to drop it already there's so many I was hoping that maybe the gold one would come by but I just saw there were a lot of goombas there it looked like a good opportunity Rosalina looks like she has a lot I don't know if she'll beat me Luigi's got a gold one how many do I have what she's got a gold one in there she might win oh man I beat her by one oh man that was a close one that was a close one I was almost holding my breath there but that turned out okay all right so that brings us up to 126 the final step wait it's Daisy looks like Daisy's here to challenge us I can't do the toad voice because my throat is gonna completely wear out it's a mini game Bill you'll have to win if you want to advance man I uh I'm surprised that all this time doing the toad voice has never bothered my throat until now I love this one I love this one hopefully the timing is very similar as in Mario Party superstars yeah let's go let's go let's go okay here we are there we go let's jump to there jump to there jump to there and make that one oh man barely made that one and let's keep going oh okay oh no this one though let's go nice oh man and I thought I would miss I did like perfect there I don't know if I could have done that any faster oh my goodness that timing was Unreal oh and that gets us up to 100 coins so that means that we get another life now hooray and we get four stars for that that's very nice that brings our star total up to what 130. let's see what these stars are for I'm guessing it's for unlocking mini games wait what is happening now oh is this the door that was over here oh I probably have to take the top pipe and the bottom pipe and then that door unlocks over there yeah yeah toe says the same thing he thinks the door will open if we switch on yeah they're like okay that makes sense okay let's keep going of course foreign okay and we want to go down to that pipe over there okay let's go let's go let's go bounce and shrouds this is a fun one this is one from uh well it's not from but it's in Mario Party Superstars also this is one okay I'm actually not that great at I I usually need luck if I want to win this one oh we can sound pretty high there come on let's see let's see we're all just grouped together in the center here let's just stay away let's just stay away from there oh that was an amazing comeback we did great there I was scared that I would get knocked off that I'm just I'm just like I want to get away from the edge I don't want to be pushed off and then this ended up happening we did it we did it very very nice okay let's go down at the chomp wash how cool does this one look how cool does this look oh my goodness what are we doing with these chain chubs let's read the instructions wipe the paint off oh oh and he used the stylus okay okay I'm ready let's go let's go let's go how do we do it oh oh you just go back and forth like that okay give me the next part okay there we go there we go I want to wipe that out okay pretty good come on give me the next one let's go give me the next one come on turn around turn around turn around I'm ready to watch the jump instead of a car wash we have a Chomp wash I like how the chain jumps are also so obedient too okay there we go first place very nice wait they're going surprisingly slow it was very close oh my goodness second and third they're like milliseconds apart from each other at the chump wash clear very nice okay let's go down or to the right next let's go straight down and let's see where that'll bring us let's see what mini game we'll have if we go straight down balloon Busters this is another one that I haven't seen before let's see how this one works right 136 mini Stars so far okay pump air into the balloon without poppy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are those points for wait what's going on why are we all taking turns BS passed oh wait does that just let me uh skip by until it's I I don't I don't know what's happening you I don't want to put a lot I'm so scared that it's gonna pop is it like however many times you blow into it that's oh oh I wonder if after it pops the next balloon comes out after that this balloon looks ready to burst [Music] Daisy you are crazy everyone's covering their heads now ah there you go goodbye Rosalia okay okay okay I understand how it works now okay this makes sense to me okay oh and let's do this okay let's see let's see where he is pumping this up okay there's still a while so you can blow up to five times it looks like you know what should I do one more I'll do one more no no no no I shouldn't have done one more oh man oh man that was so sad such as such a sad decision over there I was gonna win Daisy or Warrior let's see it looks almost ready to pop what if people just keep passing what happens if people just keep saying I pass I pass oh goodbye Wario Daisy wins this one we are in third I don't think we lose a life but I think we only get one mini star I think that's the way it works yeah just one mini star we're up to 137. wait did it say squared away yes yes yes oh oh and there's actually a different icon for this okay don't get crushed gotta be careful to not get crushed here we are you can move so fast as you follow me here follow me here where you guys going oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no where you guys going okay I'm going up here I'm going up here I'm scared I'm scared don't Corner me guys don't Corner me guys okay 10 seconds to go can they get me in these 10 seconds nah they're going way up there guys what are you doing way up there I'm down here you guys can't get me down here there's no way you could get me down here I'll go back to where I started oh how lovely is that squared away clear let's see that brings us up to how many 140 mini Stars okay let's go down is there another battle here Wario I wonder if you battle everyone except for your teammate okay button Mashers what so what do we just have to mash oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do you have to match the button that it tells you start okay this one looks crazy okay so let's match this a button now L is also here so now we also want to match l okay now why okay so we're mashing all these now now there's also r that's a lot of buttons to mask and X I got it okay oh my goodness I was using like my pinky and my index finger on one hand and then three fingers on the other hand that's so many buttons to bash that's actually such a cool duel though I like that duel a lot World 3-3 clear okay now is this gonna bring me back to one of the previous worlds I'm guessing it is let's see let's see because right now we're in world three let's see where this brings us to okay we are brought back to the top part of world two yes this is the island at the top part that we saw earlier that we didn't go to oh coins okay we got just five coins from that one blame it on the crane all right let's go let's go let's go let's see who can we get can we get anyone oh oh oh oh let's go let's go let's go can we grab someone no we both of them right there that's so that's so sad okay so when you hold the a button crane hand goes back and forth and we got Luigi there you go there's Luigi we got one goodbye Luigi who's next who's next ah too early way too early way too early [Music] no and let's see we gotta we gotta time this because this moves back and forth and when you let go it drops down like no no no that's not Peach let's go like this and yeah there's Rosalina okay one more to go oh we need is pizza we have a conveyor belt moves over Luigi moves over and then there's room for Rosalina okay last one last one last one please please get bleached ah so close so close so close I don't think we can get her in time now let's see no Mario isn't gonna be able to get Peach she's running back finish no that's so sad Peach played that so well too bad wait do we have to play again oh we lose one life oh so we finally find out what happens if you lose a mini game gold this is a fun one well I guess I'm the goalie is this one from Mario Party 9 or 10 I know it's in Superstars start let's see let's see where you guys going uh two goals I mean that's not good okay three goals on me so far up let's see let's see where you guys shooting are you guys shooting oh no [Music] okay that's a few blocks there's another one there's another one there's another one okay whoa Mario Super goalie let's go okay okay that's crossbar not worried about that one oh no what do I jump I was full ah yes still had uh room for two more if they got three more they would have won Cake Factory okay let's go let's go let's go I love this one in Mario Party 2 okay I'm making strawberries wait do you hold it oh you have to you have to double press okay because in some games I think you just have to hold it and then you let go but over here you have to press a another time too let go of the strawberry or the cake there we go I missed one my first one that I missed that's so sad second one that I missed okay I thought I'd miss another one okay there we go oh man because I don't know like what the delay is but between like when you turn around after putting down an ingredient and when you can pick up the nest one but that's pretty good ten to six and I made like two or three mistakes there also very nice how many stars does that bring us to [Music] that brings us to 150 Stars okay now let's get some coins here ten that's okay that's okay we've still got so many lives track and yield I love how colorful this one is okay what is this all right and it looks like we have to jump over those that's probably the point of the mini game right let's see yeah so you just move and jump let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh oh and you wanna not be too close oh man oh man oh man oh man some of them Electrify you this is terrifying Oh Oh I thought that was a money back but that's just Daisy on this side kind of surprised that Wario survived for this long there we go okay because it looked like Wario is going to get out early on but he actually made it this far very nice another one complete games we're coming in first we get three stars strawberry short fuse kind of like strawberry shortcake but short fuse what's this one remember the monkey with the cake start okay let's see let's see let's see so oh oh they probably all move around and we have to keep track of what one's okay we keep track of one or two keeping track of that one no one's on the top left right now top middle [Music] okay I want this one oh oh oh everyone takes turn Speak oh Peach has a bomb case she's out does that mean I'm next I know this one for sure has a cake there we go I get a cake right and that cake it looks like the cake from Paper Mario I wonder if that's a reference to that hey Luigi what do you choose a bob sad for Luigi what about Daisy now then I wonder if Daisy guesses it right if the monkeys will move around again or do we have to guess again I don't know I don't know I don't know if this is just a pure guest now I have no idea I'll guess this one I don't know okay nice nice hey let's see let's see things are you gonna get a cake or a bomb a cake oh my goodness I don't know how many cakes there are I have to choose one let's do let's do this one oh my goodness what look okay now then Daisy kaker bomb Oh only bombs left now okay okay okay so round two it looks like this is getting intense why is that monkey jumping on the scale all right let's see let's see how many do I want to keep an eye on all right let's focus I lost track of one of them I can only follow one of them now okay the one that is very top right has cake for sure what do you get cake okay I know the very top right has cake but other than that I don't know I was trying to keep track of a second one but then there's a card of monkeys that ran by and I wasn't able to keep my eyes on him I hope Daisy gets a bomb right now oh man yeah because now I'm just guessing I have no idea what one it could be let's guess this one okay we are getting so lucky it is kind of funny Daisy will you please get a bomb thank you thank you I don't know if I deserve that win but we got the win oh man oh and there's only one more cake after that so I probably wouldn't have got it because I was just guessing that's actually some crazy luck that I was able to survive that long while keeping track of only one monkey with a cake oh no what is this another battle Oh no just this okay nice 30. okay you got 11 lives Pogo go go this is another one in Mario Party Superstars all right here we are Pogo Coco let's see if we can get these guys to fall through the holes it's kind of hard when you're playing as the person in the center I find it easier to be on the team of three okay there oh that's two of them gone already now let's see can I get Waluigi here let's see oh come on yeah there we go okay wow that was easier than I thought it would be I thought that would be very difficult to actually okay next three mini stars for that so up to 159 and we're almost there wait Hide and Go Boom what in the world is this okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay this looks crazy guess which candidates have Rivals hidden inside oh my goodness and you press those buttons to select okay let's see where are you guys going oh and I guess I can tell these guys like which torch to go to let's see oh man oh man now we can't see you know what hey hey choose if you use the light ah let's light a let's see anyone there what are you kidding me are you kidding me did all three of them go into that one guys do I have a sixth sense when playing this game I think I activated my psychic powers because I have been way too lucky with these guesses guys I think I activated my sixth sense tug of war oh man I think this one was in the original Mario party I think I heard people saying that it's also in Mario Party Superstars go okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's pull them off let's rotate quickly and there we go nice and easy win kind of easy to rotate that quickly you know who would be very good at that minigame Super Mario 64 speedrunners because they can rotate the joystick very quickly at Bowser there are some people like Kano oh my goodness the way that he rotates the joystick is unbelievable oh and he's well Luigi wait a minute it looks like this shy guy with a flag minigame in the background there okay so Luigi's here to challenge us let's face him wait what is this what is this yes press the button the shy guy shows all right and what are the options gonna be let's see wait it's blank [Music] oh I guess that means don't shoot I'm like what's going on wait don't shoot okay X bam we gotta wait does that mean we win okay that was a pretty fast reaction I think at first when I saw the blank sign of like what is going on why is there no button and now that shy guy in the background makes sense I love that this stuff in the background is a hint about what kind of mini games they're going to be playing but can we make it into the pipe can we wait I thought we were gonna be heading to the next World now oh okay yeah there now this Gate's probably opening right yes we did it now we can go through the door very nice World 2-3 clear kind of cool how you don't complete the world's 100 in order it's like first you do one two three then you go back to one then you go back to three oh and can we just go through now anyway there's probably another duel here right 169 stars like wait a minute ah I tip my hat to you but neither of us wants to see that what a funny line yeah none of us want to see toad take his hat off we don't know what's underneath there is it even a hat what is it I'm really curious to see what kind of duel we're gonna have against toad let's see slot car derby oh man I hope that the controls are more like Superstars than in the original in the original the controls are so hard but in slot car derby it's super super easy okay let's go three two one let's go let's go let's go let's go man we are going fast okay let go a bit man once you let go you lose your speed quite quickly so this is kind of similar to the original Oh I completely stopped oh no okay we're still ahead still ahead I love that the camera follows you one thing that happens in Superstars oh and I'm almost lapping someone here one thing that happens in Superstars is sometimes if you go too fast then the camera doesn't follow you wait am I done I won okay nice nice very nice new record wait it would look so happy that we won I thought he wanted to duel us I wonder if toad is a playable character okay World 3-4 clear yeah I'm very curious to see what is in the next world so is this the final world now let's see let's take a look and let's see the map also in the bottom right oh there's quite a bit going on here World 4 is an island in the sky let's see oh yeah nice we get to hit one of these ah just fine that's so sad foreign bumper bubbles I've heard of bumper balloons I've heard of bumper balls and bumper balloon cars but not bumper bubbles okay what do we have to make our way up is that the point oh oh you probably don't want to get pumped by those okay Wario went right into it wait oh we want to collect these balloons I see I see the objective isn't just float it's you want to collect these balloons right here I like how I have the most balloons even though I'm just like standing here off to the side let's go here no no you lose all of your balloons if you get popped that's so sad look at how many Rosalina has I gotta get Rosalina popped let's go pop Frozen pop pop Bruce Lee yeah give me those balloons oh no I pumped myself oh no oh no it's gonna be very intense Wario it's collected a bunch oh my goodness okay but then he got popped let me get all these all these here how many do we have oh my goodness Rosalina's in first look at all those volusia's this is such a cool idea for a mini game okay we get another life because we passed 100 coins and being in second we only get two stars that's okay we're at 175. triple jump okay so with this one I actually have to do a practice round to figure out how it works okay let's see if I match slowly is that enough let's see whoa whoa if you keep mashing it's like it lifts you up higher and you even float even more yeah at first I thought that you had to alternate between mashing A and B but it's like you mesh a for your first Jump Then B for your second jump and then a again for your third jump let's see if oh wait but doesn't Peach have the floating ability in Super Mario 3D World so why doesn't she just Float by wow what oh my goodness I actually thought she would just Float by us okay how's Luigi gonna do Luigi's known for his high jumps oh that's a pretty low first jump low second jump his third jump was the most impressive well he just barely beat Princess Peach there took Mario a second to uh to it took Marty a second to start celebrating there next mini game Chip Shot challenge I remember the first time I ever played this in Mario Party Superstars I got a hole in one so he wants to turn order Peach is first okay so we are second go ahead Princess Peach [Music] let's see and I wonder if it's similar yeah and you can see in like the last second or two before they shoot you could see that where they are aiming and how hard they are shooting it disappears that's something that someone pointed out in a comment to me hold on hold on hold on how hard do I want to go I don't know how hard we want to go let's try that let's see oh oh closer than Peach but the others might still beat me yeah someone point out in a comment that you can see where the CPUs are aiming and how hard but a second before they shoot it disappears so how's that 3.22 yards pretty far hopefully Wario is also bad at golf let's see oh Max no but then he changes it let's see what if he gets a hole in one that looks good ah that is good though not as good okay he's in third Peach did the best so it's good that we beat peach peach did the best other than us okay there's a card moving back and forth I wonder if now we're going to have that uh what is it called hand car Havoc I think that's what the mini game is called Dinger Derby I didn't expect to have this one right now okay here's another one from Mario Party superstars okay how good is our timing oh man oh man no okay okay nope okay nice nope too slow nice oh that was way too fast bro nice nice I want to look over at the scores of the others oh my goodness Luigi had nine when I had eight Luigi's tied with me I shouldn't look at their scores I should just focus on the balls The Baseballs that is oh no nice oh no oh wait how is who are you doing so poorly oh well Luigi's tied with me oh he was nice no nice we win we win we win we win we win I missed almost half of them but we won wait we're there 30 at the beginning or 20. I think it starts with 30 right is this hand car Havoc now I'm expecting that's what this is going to be okay yes okay this is going to be great go time three two hopefully we don't fall off okay so we want to match a and tail to left and right whoa when you tilt you tilt hard bro want to be careful enough fell off whoa whoa whoa whoa I was scared that we would fall off okay let's tilt okay okay okay okay okay okay Tails live hard life hard life hard left careful not to fall man we are going fast oh we're pretty far ahead of them whoop killed hard left and there we go finish 29.03 very nice they were closer behind than I thought they would be [Applause] [Music] cool it plays when you win that minigame that's so good [Music] again how many starters are we at we haven't checked in a while 187. wait a minute what is this okay let's see 30 nice and what is this pushy Penguins yes this is a super fun one gotta love this one I've been pretty good at this one in Mario Party Superstars so I'm hoping that we can do okay you don't want to get pushed into the sea let's see gotta be careful wait is the ground a bit slippery here it seems like the ground is a bit slippery let me out look bro no way I'm out first no way no way this is one of the easiest mini games in Mario Party Superstars and somehow I got unlucky and I got trapped behind the penguins that early on oh my goodness I actually can't believe that I've got to play this mini game some more in this game okay but we do continue right hey okay you do continue later skater this one is tough okay let's go let's go let's go you hold the a button it's not mash the a button whenever I'm playing with other people I sometimes as a joke say oh you mashed the a button that's how you play wait this feels pretty different from Mario Party Superstars oh I guess it's because the camera is following me not the others oh look we're laughing while Luigi already yeah we left Waluigi already I wonder if we'll be oh no he doesn't want to be left though okay lapping Wario how about Daisy how fast is Daisy where's Daisy at oh we finished already [Music] okay so we finished but we didn't lap Daisy the controls feel a bit different in this compared to Superstars for this mini game snow world oh my goodness another one from Mario Party Superstars man I I am kind of surprised at how much overlap there is between these two games Okay so we're up first let's go yay [Music] I messed up at the beginning there I messed up really badly got stuck for a bit hopefully we can okay Daisy's going super slow okay 15 30. we got more than double Daisy how's Luigi can he spin fast Luigi's known for his big jumps okay 27.90 we still beat him hopefully Wario isn't the best of them let's see oh Mario looks slow wait will we even break a thousand he doesn't even break a thousand oh man okay so it looks like Luigi was the best out of them Luigi was a very hard CPU there I think very nice 10 points for that and three more stars we're gonna be at 200 soon okay ice rink rents another one that we have also seen in Mario Party Superstars let's avoid these spine knees very very intense oh my goodness look how Luigi jumped over that one oh oh I thought two people got out but it was just Rosalina where's the next spiny gonna go over there okay squish the Luigi oh and they are both out exciting times over here look at that snowman in the background how it is rocking back and forth okay and how many stars are we at we are getting closer and closer to 200. okay what's the next mini game snowball stomach another one that we have also seen in Mario Party Superstars okay wait is it I think it's Mass B to make this snowball and then a to push it I think that's the way it works yeah that looks like it's right okay okay okay okay let's go for Luigi I don't want Luigi to win by doing nothing even though he is doing something who's next Peach goodbye Peach hey Rosalina Rosaline I'm getting you I'm sorry gotta do this to you Rosalina sorry to do this to you sorry to do this to you but I can't let you go Rosalina I can't let you out of here Rosalina can't let you out alive Rosalina it's gonna take you out like this Rosalina almost there let's go let's go so close no you can't escape I'm sorry but you can't escape here I'm sorry you can try oh oh I actually did hope she'd make it over the edge there it looked like she was gonna come back snowball stomach clear very nice what is the next level and how close are we to the end well 199 Stars okay we're getting close to the end I wonder if there's a boss fight next oh and this one wait oh oh that's me I'm like is that a shy guy trying to catch them let's try and pop these guys and oh no one [Music] let's see where you guys going oh man they're being sneaky they're being sneaky they're being sneaky but ah just want you to survived okay okay let's get Warrior then bro where are you going where are you going bro huh not trying to run for me trying to run free you might actually be able to survive and he survives they win bro bro no no he swerved around me I couldn't get him that's so sad I had a few chances there if I played better I could have gotten him so sad what now Bowser why am I not since I'll give you that but you'll need more than guts to win this minigame what will we need cage in cooking all right let's see this mini game okay we are all in cages here okay press the right buttons fast okay so it's gonna be like a b x y and so on r l x r oh no that's why okay I made it out just before Waluigi I think wait Daisy didn't make it out does that mean Bowser gets empty oh he burns her but she's still in the cage that's so sad so sad for Daisy so sad all right and we win that right let's see Let's see we are first right yes very nice we have now passed 200 Stars [Applause] yes that was luck not scale I guess maybe there was a bit of luck I'm through holding back he'll see I guess there was a bit of luck man this art cell slightly reminds me of Paper Mario okay so let's see where's the next area that we're going to this top part up here okay lots of lots of special minigames looks like there's badminton up there what I could have sworn that was 30. that looked like it was 30 oh beach volleyball oh my goodness time all right let's go I'm ready let's go oh I don't want to go too far let's go and how hard are these guys gonna be let's see oh you know that you know what I think in speed runs of this game they probably just lose here on purpose because then you could just get through the game more quickly [Music] oh I was scared that Yoshi wouldn't be able to return okay where's it going where's it going let's go Yoshi oh man oh man they're returning it oh man what a save and let's go like that I wanted to jump let's go Yoshi with the spike they're returning it Yoshi why didn't you go there Yoshi let's see let's see let's see intense magic over here oh man set me up Yoshi let's go okay they're returning it go Yoshi there you go Yoshi oh how did Rosalina get that how does she reach there you can't return that there you go 2-1 I think it's first with seven wins I couldn't get that I thought that I would [Music] that's like right on the edge I don't know if I should have gone for that oh Yoshi man right in the corner it's so good when they could just snipe it right in the corner like that where you guys going now uh weak shot here he is he let me set you up yes four two let's go how are we doing oh how did I get that ah I wanted to jump up and I couldn't yeah here we go set me up bro let's go no she can get that definitely yeah [Music] let's go like this over there how does she get that is Rosalina Magic there you're not getting that one no way no way I just keep putting it outside of Rosalina's reach but she's somehow always able to reach it yeah set me up bro over there yeah is this match point there you go Match Point okay let's see you just need one more to win let's go Yoshi go ahead they're returning that now then it's up to me now that corner let's go no one could get to that we win good job Yoshi okay Beach volleybally clear I wonder if this is gonna be the badminton one that's like in Mario Party 9 that is coming up next oh are you talking I'm kind of surprised okay and we're against Peach and Daisy this one's also in Mario Party Superstars okay let's go oh you must say here ah come on shoot no no no no no no no no okay let's go like this and shoot no no no no don't want to shoot at hurt let's see let's see the arena looks bigger doesn't it bro stay back how do you tackle pass to me nice try bro yes go again go again no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness our first Breakaway she scores [Music] Daisy what are you doing spinning around come on come on [Music] okay give it here Yoshi the donut up there uh oh no one wants to puff let's see Peach is just uh trying to run out the clock over here meanwhile I score let's go what happens if it's a tie okay let's see just a few seconds left [Music] finish finish what happens sudden death or what oh clear wait does this count as a win for us that's so weird let's see what happens oh cool we get three stars the game counts it as if it's a win even though it's a tie badminton bash wait and this is two player oh it's just it's just uh one versus one it looked like it was two player in the little preview that it gave okay let's go oh yeah I recently played this in Mario Party 10 and this was super fun whoa it seems like it's faster in this version of the game I don't know if the score goes up to 21 you know if it goes up to 21 that's very long I might even just let him beat me if it goes up to 21 let's see so if I just do this well Luigi is having way too much fun with this just flings it over to me I just stand here and he feels like he's actually accomplishing something oh it only goes to seven you know what let me come back then uh never mind because that's out when he wins because I think in the Mario Party 10 version of this I think it goes up to 21 points okay so we lose the life that's fine we still have 10 lives you know another Bowser boss Bowser's laughing bro you're a very long way from the goal and you're never gonna get I think we're actually pretty close to the goal okay Bowser's most vicious mini game yet Bowser's big blast oh my goodness I think we all know how this mini game works the way that this yeah hit a switch that won't explode and it's pure luck that's the way that this works okay so Mario got lucky didn't get out in the first round and the music that plays here is so great Rosalina picks the yellow one okay they both survive am I out in the first round or what let's see I'm gonna go for green let's see yeah we're out in the first round amazing absolutely amazing goodbye Mario case we're in fourth Daisy go ahead Daisy picks green she's also out okay it's down to the last two now [Music] so area has a one in three chance of getting out with this selection let's see is he lucky or no wow wow three people got out well one person got out after another three in a row once people started I think so I don't think there is anyone after me that survived Daisy went right after me and got out right yeah so we lose the life there so good thing that we had a few extra lives actually wait we have to win we have to win to get by we have to win to get by are you serious bro are you serious oh no hey it's a 50 50 chance of me getting out right now let's go for green [Music] yeah buddy hey Rosalina one in three chance of getting out just get out please thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] all right Bowser finally we'll let us buy over here [Music] yes you did it again can't a despot catch a break still got one trick up my sleeve see you at the goal Mario yeah we will see you at the Gold World 4-2 clear we're gonna keep going of course oh whoa hold on how close are we near how close are we to the goal it looks like this is the final area 4-3 and there aren't very many mini mini games here okay let's see bumper balls I love bumper balls I can't believe we have to wait this long into the game before we had bumper balls time start yeah let's go whoa whoa um the physics are completely different from both Mario Party Superstars and the original uh Mario well Mario Party 2 where I played I don't know if this is in Mario Party one but I'm actually so surprised at how different that is okay let's go what color do we go to that one like a new ground pound in this you can okay so this is similar to mushroom mix-up except there's lava below us [Music] can we push them up Ah that's so sad squish Luigi yeah goodbye Luigi I squished him blue I wanted him to uh bounce off of me and miss let's see squish him now and do I win yeah I win I win I win I didn't make it all to the green but I squished him so he was flat so I knew that he would hit the lava first if I jumped that worked great that was a 500 IQ play right there magma Mayhem I recently played this I don't remember if it was I can't remember if it was Mario Party 10 or Mario Party 9 but I fooled the Yoshi very badly in this one guys let's have a truce let's have a truce hi tricked you Yoshi I am so evil so close no uh I wanted to go hunting for him but he ended up getting me that's so sad okay so he came in second here Wario one heat stroke I'm not familiar with this one let's see how do we play I like how this is looking we've got a hammer in balloons swing Hammer fake swing oh man [Music] let's go wait let me move oh I hate I see how you play okay but I knocked him out all at once that's pretty great [Music] okay goodbye everybody and fantastically and those are like hard and very hard CPUs also good good you made it be disappointed if I didn't get to crush you personally Here Comes Bowser this last mini game is winner take all and I'm gonna win let's see the final battle let's see rival player Bowser we're facing off against Bowser very scary times here very intense moment here oh and Bowser Jr's there too okay how's this minigame gonna work what are we gonna do okay move jump jump in the air ground pound okay what do we want to go over there jump from platform to platform to chase Bowser Jr okay let's see what is there a time limit or something cool I'm jumping over this whoa it's moving this way I thought I was moving the opposite way let me go like this let me go over here oh no oh no no I got one hit I got one hit wait is the lava Rising okay we made it past the first area how many areas like this will there be are we still like no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's this a ball bum Grand pound the towels to solve the puzzle oh that's so cool okay like this and this one and this one lasts don't get me don't get me yeah we solved the puzzle very nice all right so you have the puzzle and leaf a lot but in Lethal lava lightning Super Mario 64. hey scary times let's see what do we have to chase Bowser what did it say to do [Music] oh that was super easy oh bigger puzzle to solve now let's see if we can solve this one okay I'm ready I'm ready let's go like this and like this then like this oh my goodness a fire boomerang now like this oh oh it hit me once okay one more and this is it right yeah there we go and now we're going to the left it's like we're going on all the faces of a cube wait this looks like the final stage is this the final phase of the fight ground pound three switches to defeat Bowser so it's not throwing him at bombs it's just ground pounding on three switches all right how difficult can this be famous last words one switch whoa fire Boomerang where are you going fire Boomerang two and there's three oh oh I need him to be inside the triangles that they okay okay I see let's get him like this whoa he charged me oh no no no no no no no no he'll push me into the lava bro come over here bro oh man now come over here bro come over here bro walk over here into the lines you go yeah we got him all right let's see this is actually kind of hard let's see where is he going where is he going where is he going where is he going right there is perfect stay right there yeah bro there we go okay he's down to two health let's go like whoop like this would be nice don't get close to me bro and this one will be good now just come over here bro oh he's inside already yeah one more hit to go this is actually a really really cool boss fight I like how this is done a lot okay and now then will this be it will this be it I'll stand right here bro let's go there we go we got him we got him [Music] final battle clear oh you get Plus in what so we got an extra life doesn't matter now that we're done we are done right this is the end how many screens do we have or how many stars do we have 223. ah we'll say this for you you kept it interesting yeah come back sometime for a rematch I'll be ready for you then all right that was so cool that was a very satisfying boss original congratulations I'm not gonna play anytime man my throat is so sore I feel like I got punched in the throat oh my goodness I'm going to have to do a short video tomorrow probably but this is a super fun game I can't believe I haven't played this before yes I just recently set up my 3DS to be able to record from it and yeah I can show you guys what that looks like it's like you have this app that well you need a home brood you either need a home brewed Nintendo 3DS with custom firmware on it and then you can stream directly to your PC wirelessly but the quality of that isn't good at all or you can get a Nintendo 3DS with a capture card built into it but Nintendo doesn't officially sell those you have to buy it from somebody that like solders the chip and like makes the chip and puts it inside the 3DS and you don't see a lot of people doing that nowadays because it's like it's a much older console and I actually saw a few people selling like 3DS's with capture cards on eBay but they're going for like well over a thousand or two thousand dollars it's like so much more expensive than just the 3DS itself I see a 3DS going for like two to three hundred dollars and the 3DS with the capture card is going for like five six seven times as much it's crazy how expensive they are yeah luckily I was able to just set up a 3DS and just stream it wirelessly to my PC that's very nice I really appreciate you watching this far into the video and I'd love if you could let me know in a comment how long it took you to finish this video whether you watched it all in a single day or watched it over a few days you could let me know if you'd like so thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 490,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, peach, yoshi, vs luigi, vs peach, vs yoshi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, bowser
Id: L0sOQx5MA_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 56sec (5996 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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