I got sent a broken copy of Mario Odyssey

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I think so so uh for anyone that doesn't know what this is I guess I'll do a quick explanation good idea uh this is a Super Mario Odyssey randomizer all of the loading zones are random so if we go into a loading zone it's going to bring us into a completely random place but in addition to that the moons are random so if you pick up a moon in a kingdom it can be from any Kingdom in the game and uh we're just gonna race to beat the game the way to beat the game is get enough moons from every Kingdom that you would normally get and then you can take the Odyssey all the way to the end of the game to beat Moon Kingdom um but the randomizer doesn't technically start until sand because you need to power up the Odyssey to actually make it work I've got a timer going if you're ready to start as well you want to count us down sure thing all right three two one go let's go okay I'm excited yeah and yeah we are both using the same seat everything should be completely identical for the both of us yeah so everything is random but we're having the same randomization five seconds ahead at the moment and that lead will only grow where are you I'm fighting the damn brood I'm on the second part of it now oh my God I haven't even started yet let's go boys this is the most important part too like yeah the most important part is is just the any percent bit if if you win this race then I'll uh then I'll I'll tweet at you that I'm better at you 100 and that's the only thing that matters okay okay what do you want if I win or I mean if you win you you slash on mod oh no all right sounds good I ate like 15 seconds ahead of you oh no yeah I'm already about to be in the sand I'm gonna be in snow Kingdom soon well that's a good point there's a there's a decent chance of that foreign Kingdom what is he doing just in case and now yeah now the insanity begins exactly because we're just gonna go into a piping sand Kingdom and it's gonna bring me to huh the ruined remix [Laughter] I'm in the room it's really helpful yeah so so nice uh never mind I'm in Dark Side okay uh yep he's back he's back in sand Kingdom I'm in Dark Side step your game up good point I do need I have some catching up to do all right boys we got this we do have a completely different strategy than what man's doing but I think it works footy Kingdom go inside not yet we got four more moons I want to get all right I'm just now about to go through my first loading zone oh I see what you're doing you ended up uh getting just a bunch of moons insane yeah right I'm just getting like all of them I didn't get all of them but almost all of them and I'm I'm getting pretty lucky I mean we have the same seed but I've basically only gotten useful moons I've already got five sinking or six sand kingdomens five Santa Kings I only have four right now oh what the hell what is this where did you I spotted a floating door in luncheon Kingdom okay so I soft locked why is our moon pipe here in sand they're always loaded oh wait I'm in snow Kingdom now I don't think they're two-way certain ones aren't two ways yet just because they're really difficult oh okay we're crushing it guys we are crushing it already what do we get oh Dark Side there's so many that are useless I believe it's like dark side Moon cap ruined is pretty much useless unless you can get somehow get three ruined moons before even fighting the boss Seaside okay we'll go through a loading zone now into chevaria just kidding we're going into what the f uck what the hell we're going into nightstand or back to sand baby there were a couple I forgot so I might as well get those now that is a beautiful moon at night sand Kingdom Punk uh-oh that didn't make it how did he does work what what what I just um I went through a loading zone that took me to night sand yeah and then I died in night sand after getting some moons and instead of putting me at like the last checkpoint I got it instead took me to the Odyssey and gave me like the cut scene of nightstand after you beat Harriet yeah I took my hand off the controller to mute oh wait what a mess if you lose because of this it will not be that close I'm I heavily doubt it will be that gross where are their moons oh this is like painting mushroom what the [ __ ] dude why would I want this what uh I'm so confused oh I'm in Koopa free running that's why what might have to reload yeah I'm just loading save right now what that's crazy yo no I don't have any coins God damn it ah let me out let me out I don't want it I don't want it [Laughter] I'm in a shop Loop what I went into a door and it put me in the Metro Kingdom shop and then I left and it's putting me in the sand Kingdom shop and the other door in the shop is putting me into darker side I guess you gotta be darker side then um you know I could just load save I guess [Laughter] you're getting thrown around I am this is ridiculous big pogs we just ended up in like the best possible Kingdom for this snow Kingdom nice Lost Kingdom nice man just found the same loading zone I hear you're in Metro Kingdom yes sir oh I was thinking about going into the yellow side of the shot yeah I heard it's really good in there yeah I'm gonna try it I figured it would be fancy apparently we were both sitting on the bench friend's moon at the same time oh how cute we matched yep how can we tell who's winning you kind of can't but it's me Saiyan Kingdom I'm trying to think what moons are left might just dip Moon Kingdom what a waste of my time isn't the bird gonna be here what state am I in right now oh what there's a moon rock all right so this is post game [Music] uh [Music] uh Moon Kingdom again Moon Kingdom what the hell oh POG that's actually awesome two free moons very quick ones just a hot tip that I discovered from last time all right try to get 10 Lost Kingdom moons before you bring the Odyssey to Las Vegas yeah I heard about that one okay because it's very difficult to do anything if you don't do it first all right we got this boys we're back in sand this is our best best place there's still a few loading zones we can use here I'd say probably like three or four more but first we'll try this out oh man please tell me I'm on the right instance is this Koopa free running is this Koopa free running no no tell me how I ended up in Koopa free running Mushroom Kingdom again a star from Bowser's Kingdom I'm sorry something is fishy about this another how many Bowsers Kingdom boots can I get oh my God this is insane let's see let's see am I about to finish sand do we need any moons we have enough let's go did uh I think I might have hit one of those three minute loads oh no did you just restart your game or did you wait uh I just waited and it loaded eventually all right all right sounds good and I finished sand came got all the moons nice I have about 20 moons and Bowsers so that's pretty cool I just they won't stop giving me Bowser Kingdom boots uh I I guess I I just have to leave what a waste of my time yo what the hell happened stop it it's a big one thank God yo we're in Bowsers how many moons do we have oh my God why do I have 11 I don't need 11 Bowser's Kingdom moons dude whatever Bowser seems good this is post game Bowsers this could actually be good there's a lot of moons here but yeah the shards aren't there because I've done this but I can do this right this isn't gonna break my game if it does it does it's whatever sand Kingdom let's go five more I think and I think we need five more sand pog oh yeah we're at 11. have you ever played Super Mario Odyssey it's a really fun game me no I'm not really into Mario [Music] oh my gosh I already went into this one though what other zones are there even this Kingdom blows fine I'll buy a moon I was gonna buy a costume but I don't have it unlocked because I haven't left sand yet thanks Evan [Music] Lost Kingdom nice trying to find our way back to San uh trying to get enough moons to leave sand and then to leave Lake and then to leave wooded [Music] there's another one for saying I think that's two more we need or one more yo what a kingdom is probably the best Kingdom like you never there's literally almost no loading zones you have to go through sand we got enough all right let's finish up here and then we can wait how do we even get back to sand oh I'm in sand okay let's get these moons and then reload save let's go [Music] Metro nice we got one or two more moons and then we'll go we're leaving Sand let's freaking go let's go let's go finally here we go off the rails raise ourselves all right I'm finally leaving Sand took you long enough I'm in the middle of the festival about to soft flop nice yup it's okay I'm Gonna Leave sand and immediately have enough for like it really close I think oh my god I think I'm close I've been looking for wooded Kingdom ones I'm almost done but still lots of moves yeah I think I think I've got like 11 in Woody how many do we have here you only need three more what's it forwards it for lake or wooded Laker wooded Laker wooded luncheon okay we've gotten a lot of lunch in but we need 18 for luncheon so I think it's fine don't worry move your fat ass what that's awesome dude I definitely still need those he got stuck in the shop Lube what is this Moon color dope wooded Kingdom let's go snow Kingdom okay cool uh we can go over here Moon Kingdom awesome I you know we love getting Moon Kingdom moons those are super [ __ ] useful bro come on give me a moon I can actually use Bowser's all right we we do still wait no we don't need those I forgot I have 11 Bowser Kingdom moves this game ah that was scary anyways oh sand Kingdom awesome dude love that so happy about the same Kingdom I think I just got to go into a loading zone I don't know what the [ __ ] to do okay Cascade Kingdom doesn't help too much we're gonna go through a new loading zone that we haven't been in yet though uh we haven't been in the loading zone for you so far it scared me uh yeah I think I finished wooded as well but I'm just getting some extra moons before I move on okay okay yeah yeah I think I'm about done with wooded but I'm one moon away from finishing Lake okay so I think we're kind of done in luncheon let's just finding loading zone oh you know what this is pretty dang good five moons like Kingdom let's go oh my gosh still in for sub hour POG let's go yep definitely sub hour We're definitely on the way there okay wow what the hell what the hell I don't have a choice what the [ __ ] I'm back at Cooper free running oh my God why do I have 15 moons here this is ridiculous we only need one more for wooded and we're done with like and we can move on to loss but we don't have enough for lost yeah I love that shirt yo we're in chevaria wait this is so good because these aren't loading zones right this is really good this is like 12 moons I can get clean how are you so beautiful you know just a lot of hard work [Music] oh okay Moon Kingdom awesome we love that wait do we get a Woodman oh we have enough for wooded big pogs big pogs waiting on lost now kind of yeah free free oh wait I'm stuck here now all right then let's go to Cloud I mean Cooper free running all right won't go into Cloud take you directly to Lost yeah but there's I believe two loading zones there are three loading zones in there that I can use to leave and now we can finally know how many moons we haven't lost yo we're finishing Lake two hours in let's go yeah getting back to Lost will be tough I just have no clue how many moons I have The Odyssey is in the Odyssey here yeah but if I leave and go to Lost then the Odyssey breaks and I can't really it'll be really hard to get to lost if I wait to get all my moons and then go to Lost it's probably better all right let's just do it whatever we just gotta memorize the loading zones so like if one of these lost loading zones leads to like lake or something you know and we're good yo we got one Moon let's go off to a good start hey uh I was told to tell you this but I just finished cloud you finished you have all the lost kingdom moons no but I have a plan you have okay I mean if yeah okay sure yeah I have a plan don't worry about it Cloud also has a lot of like just real quick moons we can get uh while we're here oh my God how many lunch are there I think I'm done on lunching already oh my Lord this [ __ ] blows there aren't very many Lost Kingdom boots to collect more than in a lot of other kingdoms but they're all wooded and luncheon what the hell he has to actually big big that is big okay [Music] how many lunch and Kingdom moons can we get dude oh I'm Gonna Give You friendly advice though because I just got three Lost Kingdom moons in Lost in loss yep yo three is that enough to leave oh I shouldn't have told you that and the luncheon moons I'm at five now not six whatever I'm about to be at six after this one how is it possible all right let's see where this goes we gotta remember this you guys gotta keep this in your minds mushroom are there things here no one's dancing real life Mushroom Kingdom let's go it it's real we can get moons I didn't see what that last moon was I'm not paying attention but this one's luncheon so that's cool oh my gosh oh okay the door was closed uh this is wrong but okay we're in Festival Metro no no [Music] no you've got to be kidding me one of these has got to be active I'm in Festival hell I can't get out God damn I just got the weirdest soft luck I got into the festival in Metro Kingdom but I was in Metro Kingdom the music was playing there's no loading zones oh yeah it's a little confusing it was my retinas I'm trying oh we're done with Metro you're right so once we finish loss we're done with Metro too this can be so frustrating all right we got one pipe left and then we're please please please please please please be something good [ __ ] Seaside oh my God I have 20. wait why do I do that seaside's good actually there's a lot of moons we can get first off we can just go here like volleyball 100 huh that's definitely one that I was thinking oh did I get a lost Moon I didn't even I wasn't paying attention POG me dude let's go I'm uh I really just need I believe three more lost moons two more Rune moons and that's the whole thing dang okay I already have all my ruined I literally just need a few lost yeah I have 22 Seaside moons I can't believe you only need like eight Moons for this Kingdom and I have 22. so ridiculous brutal oh that was Lost Kingdom and I think we're still in Lost Kingdom if we reload three more three more oh I'm sorry what was that not good enough for you was that not good enough for you I didn't even see what the first one was I'm guessing it was nothing good it's an interesting pipe okay we got a lost Moon let's go okay okay please tell me it's saved and got lost me is he done with lost did you get all the Lost veins yep oh so I lost no I got a single lost Moon and then my game crashed right after so I don't even know if it picked it up how many do you need I have no idea all right now we wait we got the three minute load which isn't always three minutes but that's just its name all right where does this take us okay Mushroom Kingdom this looks like a good Mushroom Kingdom though there were some moons I missed here and wait we have a loading zone that can take us to lost here we just need three lost moons but that's good to know because there are a lot of ways to get to Metro so if we ever get to sand if we ever get to sand that's our key to get to Lost Kingdom we just had to get to sand and sand is really easy to get to you're gonna hit 877 moons before getting the Lost moons probably Taxi what what does the taxi do oh I uh uh oh I just hit the the fet the bad Festival that you got oh yeah the soft lock Festival oh no the uh soft lock okay so I did soft Vlog I just went oh I just went back into the sub area and all the exits are gone they just disappeared the pipes the pipes are missing all right yeah we we know what we're doing though we're gonna get the musicians and then we can go into the sewer loading zone this is rough dude this is rough this is getting real hard all three of these next musicians are gonna be lost [Music] what is this I just had my first crash I'm so proud of you how does it feel uh it doesn't feel good no it doesn't one of them a lost Moon um yes it was yeah I know isn't that annoying yeah also we got a long load again oh no we didn't oh my God do you think I'll soft lock if I grab the darker side moons it's probably gonna soft lock right let's see what they're for [Music] Mushroom Kingdom yeah this is definitely a soft lock he's gonna go yeah yeah and then oh is it just [Music] is this real what what well I guess we're invisible for the rest of this I don't remember where Chevy brings us but let's go we're just like we're zooming we're just trying to find a new place wow this seemed like it was gonna go by so fast but I think the last two hours have literally just been searching for this three moons yo let's go wait Toad's here let's go a moon please please please [Music] another luncheon we can change oh sweet Lord oh my God I could see I can see yes [Music] yeah saying the extra moons are just excess that I'm grabbing to see if they're a lost Moon basically wait what painting leads to Lake if Metro leads to wooded what I thought you had to be in the capture ah it's useless oh moon rock wait this could actually be huge all right we just cannot leave Bowser's Kingdom at all sand Kingdom this is fine we got this Lost Kingdom Lost Kingdom oh come on let's go holy [ __ ] that's the first Lost Kingdom moon in four hours ah let's go oh my gosh I just found a lost kingdom Moon oh my God the first one in four hours I know freaking nowhere dude I had to get it I had to get lucky and get a moon rock so you have to like just randomly get a a post piece instance we got this boys we got this we just cannot go through any freaking loads I think I'm all out of moons honestly yeah let's just move on what a chain and a half yeah it's just been sub areas which I honestly kind of love it's all new sub areas which is the best thing because that just raises the odds of getting the Lost Springs or just getting moons when it teleports me in the middle of a kingdom I'm not gonna get many moons this is not even post piece oh waste what a freaking waste I'm so lost it's been five hours it's been almost five and a half hours since I got the Lost I'm gonna freaking lose my mind um there really aren't many more moons in this Kingdom which is a little scary but there is a we got one we got one let's go did you just get a lossman I uh I may have I may have found one I would ask I don't know if you want to tell me I'm just curious if it's one that I got I don't maybe I I just get another one what the hell I don't know what the hell is this you lost oh now I'm hearing that's a lie where is he guys where is he I'm gonna lose it cat Moon Rock oh gosh you don't know how to even activate that huh no I don't know how you did that let's go do you need two more um I need two more as well I think I need three more okay cool how the [ __ ] do we get the cap I cannot remember or I need to get the lost to fix the Odyssey come on oh yeah this does lead to cab this leads to the frog room how did I forget that this is moon rock what are the moons what the [ __ ] are the moons I never got this one for one thing but that's not really moon rock [Music] what you got another one no I'm at nine I'm in nine out of ten is that the one he got is that the one he got that wasn't the one he got where is it bro where is it there aren't any other moons on Top Hat Tower are there oh wait what I'm so dumb how did I forget this Moon oh my gosh I was thinking of a different mood [Music] all right we gotta get the loss now we gotta get the lost now all right and that's 10. 10 what 10 loss King domains what how did you get so many so fast uh the two uh I I don't know I got the ones that you got in cap I didn't apparently chat said I missed one in cap no no you didn't they're lying uh they're you um isn't it weird how close this is eight hours in yup it just started getting close yeah I just need to get to lost that's it I need to remember how to get to lost and then I can restore the Odyssey and then I'm good to go bad instance now how do I even leave am I soft locked it's topper here that's illegal guess he wasn't there we're so close we're so close come on I think I'm soft locked like hard trying to think of any way these are five hours old these are five hours old I saved over my closest one fine so um funny story yeah my most recent save is five hours old oh my God I I had to do that earlier on too I lost most of my cat moons too so I need to get back to cap with the moon rock and I got through there in Metro but how do I get to Metro Cascade all right we know what we're doing we know what we're doing we know what we're doing we're going to Cascade we already got the painting chest I didn't get this Moon yet we got one let's go okay we're gone uh how do we get how do we get gone um finally how many lost moons oh no you were God oh my God I'm so pissed oh baby I'm like two minutes away from getting mine we can warp to the Odyssey we can go from The Odyssey to each kingdom and then we can leave I think we have enough ruin I'm not exactly sure though let's hope it lets me leave lost if it doesn't CJ wins we'll see okay so we should be able to dump these in the Odyssey and it will let me leave I think yes the Odyssey is powered up and now we can leave let's go he's a Bowser with the moon rock I don't know oh I am just leaving lost so you're just getting back to loss now uh I am leaving Metro I guess oh okay I'm on my way to Lost look you too why is it so close this is so dumb yeah we're eight eight and a half hours in down to the minute it's weird that it just skips night Metro yeah it does what you're you're already you're in Metro now what you're like a kingdom behind me I don't know how you found it so fast that was never there for me I could never find that wait what I got the snow Kingdom and the odyssey's not here what I came here legit where is it that means you must have done something in Seaside because it thinks you went to Seaside first so the auto shoot should be in Seaside if yeah if you get to Seaside The Odyssey should be in Seaside guys how do I get to see sign yeah I lost it my game is broken I think it literally won't let me start the game wait really it won't let me load into my save oh no mine just crashed too then that's weird this is brutal I'm so scuffed heck I need to load a different Bowser scenario because the current Bowser scenario that I'm in doesn't have the Odyssey oh so we're just gonna crash every time I try to go to it so I can't I can't I can't I can't go which the moment it loads it we have to go back to the save before we upgraded the Odyssey I think I need to go to cap get the moon rock Moon then I can go back through back to Metro wait ah why'd I do that wait I have all of them okay we can go to metro metro should be in day Metro because it thinks we're in some state where we've already beaten the thing we've been lost you're leaving lost yes so am I yeah I know but I need to get into a different state first no no yeah what a lucky mistake I accidentally went to [ __ ] lost and it worked he might have still have a scuffed snow or Seaside or something but all we need to do is take that taxi we take this taxi um then we go right back through then we just need to leave it's freaking out let's go please be a king that I can leave from directly uh yeah this will work this will work head off to another kingdom set sail good um this isn't really this is way closer than it should have been we're eight and a half hours in honestly I don't think we have time to save I don't think we have time to save he might have them all if if we don't if it doesn't work then he just wins I'm not saving we don't need to save what the I think I need a different snow thing how do I get to snow Kingdom how do I get to day snow I've done it so many times his snow was still broken yes it's he's in the wrong snow scenario all right I'm gonna go that way but I'm gonna go that way because there's a pipe that should lead to day snow as well yeah I definitely am not winning this what happened why uh because my snow was still broken so I oh you had to change this no no scenario and I and I think I still have to uh you know do the ruin fight or something all right well I'm on my way to luncheon I'm so close I fixed my snow and my Bowsers at the same time mine might still crash it might not be a good scenario we'll see let's go oh it loaded it loaded this time it's got the frick out of here dude well congratulations you're gonna have to mess up I might fail XD skip or something I don't know yeah but I'm at least like a minute and a half behind if I have my ruins I got so screwed with my game totally breaking twice and I had to go to a backwards safe yeah that's rough dude we're doing it we're doing it dude okay turns out I had enough ruin moons he did have enough I almost bonked we're fine though we're good he's leaving Bowsers oh my God this is close it's gonna suck because I'm gonna be like in the middle of escape and he's gonna be like and time let's go baby we're finishing this thing oh all right he's probably not gonna slip up he's got a lot of experience with the game I am dumb don't die dude all right here we go I can't do XD skip I accidentally shot a fireball I couldn't do XD skip I needed to die you failed XD it's not a throw I I did it by accident what happened over there I'm like 30 seconds behind now I messed up XD and had to die so I could do it oh boy where are you I just captured Bowser ah how far ahead of me are you I am in the X that's the 2D section okay I'm like 30 seconds behind then ah I'm Felix D again I'll do XD too just deflect eggs dude I'm in the final room oh my God I got XD first try not second try that's important come on I keep missing the fillers come on keep missing keep missing no keep missing I'm not going to you can only throw so much it's true I'm hitting the cube up I think I got it yeah you did eight hours 38 minutes and 50 seconds I was close dude you should not have been this cold God should not have been that close at all you had what 50 how many 50 seconds yeah I got 39 12. you were two seconds behind me it was that close God damn it oh come on if I didn't save I safety saved like three times all right well it was a pleasure modding for you well thank you for the great CJ yeah thank you as well all right talk to you later bye bye oh we almost had it boys we almost had them this was a really good stream this was the the most fun I've had playing Odyssey in Forever join the Discord sub to the YouTube really good stuff on both of them have a good freaky night peace what a mess if you lose because of this it will not be that close I'm I heavily doubt it will be that gross
Channel: cjya
Views: 1,753,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HSDbhI24qHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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